1 | ARJTDIM2 ;SFISC/XAK,GFT,TOAD-FileMan: M Syntax Checker, Exprs ;5/27/2004 00:19
2 | ;;3.0T1;OPENVISTA;;Jun 20, 2004
3 | ;
4 | ; Change History:
5 | ; 2004 05 27 WV/TOAD: commented up GLO and added check for extended
6 | ; global ref. Fixed comment at end of ADD.
7 | ;
8 | SUB ; "(": open paren situations (GG^ARJTDIM1)
9 | F %J=%I-1:-1 S %C1=$E(%,%J) I %C1'?1UN,%C1'="%" Q
10 | S %C1=$E(%,%J+1,%I-1)
11 | I %C1]"",%C1'?1U.UN,%C1'?1"%".UN G ERR
12 | I %C1]"",%[("."_%C1) G ERR
13 | S %(%N,0)=$S(%C1]""!($E(%,%J)="^"):"V^",$E(%,%J)="@":"@^",1:"0^")
14 | S %(%N,1)=0,%(%N,2)=0,%(%N,3)=0,%N=%N+1 G 1
15 | ;
16 | UP ; ")": close paren situations (GG^ARJTDIM1)
17 | I %N=0 G ERR
18 | I "(,"[$E(%,%I-1),$P($G(%(%N-1,0)),"^")'["P" G ERR
19 | I $E(%,%I+1)]"","<>_[]:/\?'+-=!&#*),"""'[$E(%,%I+1) G ERR
20 | S %N=%N-1,%(%N,1)=%(%N,1)+1,%F=$P(%(%N,0),"^") I %F D G ERR:%ERR
21 | . S %F=$P(%(%N,0),"^",2),%F1=%(%N,1)
22 | . I %F1<+%F S %ERR=1 Q ; not enough commas for this function
23 | . I %F1>$P(%F,";",2) S %ERR=1 Q ; too many commas for this function
24 | . I %(%N,2),'%(%N,3) S %ERR=1 ; we're in $S and haven't yet hit a :
25 | K %(%N+1)
26 | I '%F,%F'["V",%F'["@",%F'["P",%(%N,1)>1 G ERR
27 | G 1
28 | ;
29 | AR ; ",": comma situations -- "P" below means "parameters" (GG^ARJTDIM1)
30 | I %N<1 G ERR
31 | I "(,"[$E(%,%I-1),$P($G(%(%N-1,0)),"^")'["P" G ERR
32 | I '%(%N-1,3),%(%N-1,2) G ERR
33 | I "@("[$E(%,1,2) G ERR
34 | S %(%N-1,1)=%(%N-1,1)+1,%(%N-1,3)=0 G 1
35 | ;
36 | SEL ; ":": $SELECT delimiter (GG^ARJTDIM1)
37 | S %(%N-1,3)=%(%N-1,3)+1 G ERR:'%(%N-1,2)!(%(%N-1,3)>1),1
38 | ;
39 | ;
40 | GLO ; "^": global reference (GG^ARJTDIM1)
41 | ;
42 | ; This does not deeply evaluate gvns. It just screens some bad
43 | ; syntax then passes them back to GG without the leading ^ for
44 | ; eval as either a local or a subscript/argument list (if the
45 | ; gvn was a naked).
46 | ;
47 | ; Inputs:
48 | ; %: expr or argument to eval
49 | ; %I: character position (#) of ^ in %
50 | ; %C: ^
51 | ;
52 | D %INC ; advance %I & %C to character after ^
53 | I $E(%,%I,999)?1"["1.E1"]"1.E D ADD("^[]",.FOUND) ; log ext gvn
54 | I $E(%,%I,999)'?1U.UN.P.E,"%("'[%C G ERR ; ensure that what follows
55 | ; starts with an upper, a %, or a (, and no ctrl chars after an upper
56 | ; this could probably use some tightening up at some point
57 | I "=+-\/<>(,#!&*':@[]_"'[$E(%,%I-2) G ERR ; only one of the listed
58 | ; characters may precede a global ref; anythign else is an error
59 | S %I=%I-1 ; back up in prep for returning to GG
60 | G 1 ; evaluate rest of global name like a lvn or paren list
61 | ;
62 | ;
63 | PAT ; "?": pattern match (GG^ARJTDIM1)
64 | G ERR:%I=1
65 | I $E(%,%I+1)="@" S FOUND("?@")="",FOUND=FIND="?@"!FOUND G 1
66 | S FOUND("?")=""
67 | D %INC,PATTERN G ERR:%ERR S %I=%I-1 G 1
68 | ;
69 | PATTERN F D PATATOM Q:%C'?1N&(%C'=".")!%ERR
70 | Q
72 | I %C="""" D STRLIT,%INC:'%ERR Q
73 | I %C="(" D ALTRN8 Q
75 | Q
77 | I %C'?1N,%C'="." S %ERR=1 Q
78 | N FROM S FROM=+$E(%,%I,999) I %C?1N D INTLIT Q:%ERR
79 | I %C="." D %INC
80 | Q:%C'?1N I +$E(%,%I,999)<FROM S %ERR=1 Q
82 | INTLIT I %C'?1N S %ERR=1 Q
83 | F D %INC Q:%C'?1N
84 | Q
85 | STRLIT F D %INC Q:%C="" I %C="""" Q:$E(%,%I+1)'="""" S %I=%I+1
86 | I %C="" S %ERR=1
87 | Q
88 | PATCODE I "ACELNPU"'[%C!(%C="") S %ERR=1 Q
89 | F D %INC Q:%C="" Q:"ACELNPU"'[%C
90 | Q
91 | ALTRN8 I %C'="(" S %ERR=1 Q
92 | I FIND="?(" D ADD("?(",.FOUND) S FOUND=1
94 | F Q:","'[%C D %INC,PATATOM Q:%ERR
95 | I %C'=")" S %ERR=1 Q
96 | D %INC
97 | Q
98 | ;
99 | BINOP ; binary operator (GG^ARJTDIM1)
100 | S %Z1=""")%'",%Z2="""($+-^%@'." G OPCHK
101 | ;
102 | MTHOP ; math or relational operator (GG^ARJTDIM1)
103 | S %Z1=""")%",%Z2="""($+-^%@'." G OPCHK
104 | ;
105 | UNOP ; unary operator (GG^ARJTDIM1)
106 | S %Z1=""":<>+-'\/()%@#&!*=_][,"
107 | S %Z2="""($+-=&!^%.@'" I %C="'" S %Z2=%Z2_"<>?[]"
108 | G OPCHK
109 | ;
110 | IND ; "@": indirection (GG^ARJTDIM1)
111 | D ADD("@",.FOUND)
112 | I $E(%COM)="F" G ERR
113 | S %Z1="^?@(%+-=\/#*!&'_<>[]:,.",%Z2="""(+^-'$@%" G OPCHK
114 | ;
115 | OPCHK ; ensure that the characters before and after the operator are OK
116 | S %L1=$E(%,%I-1),%L2=$E(%,%I+1) I %L1="'","[]&!<>="[%C S %L1=$E(%,%I-2)
117 | I %L1="","+-'@"'[%C G ERR ; binary: require before
118 | I %L1'?1UN,%Z1'[%L1 G ERR ; all: screen before
119 | F %F="*","]" I %C=%F,%L2=%F S %I=%I+1,%L2=$E(%,%I+1) Q
120 | I %L2="" G ERR ; all: require after
121 | I %L2'?1UN,%Z2'[%L2 G ERR ; all: screen after
122 | I %C="'","!&[]?=<>"'[%L2,%L1?1UN G ERR ; unary ': not binary
123 | G 1
124 | ;
125 | 1 ; common exit point for all of ^ARJTDIM2
127 | ;
128 | DATA ; glvn arguments of $D,$G,$NA,$O, & $Q functions (FUNC^ARJTDIM1)
129 | D %INC G ERR:%C="",ERR:%C=")",DATA:"^@"[%C D VAR
130 | G ERR:"@(,)"'[%C!%ERR,GG1^ARJTDIM1
131 | ;
132 | VAR ; variables encountered while parsing exprs (DATA, GG^ARJTDIM1)
133 | N %START S %START=%I-1 I $E(%,%START)="^" S %START=%START-1
134 | I %C="%" D %INC
135 | N OUT S OUT=0 F %J=%I:1 S %C=$E(%,%J) D Q:OUT
136 | . I ",<>?/\[]+-=_()*&#!':"[%C S OUT=1 Q
137 | . I %C="@",$E(%,%J+1)="(",$E(%,%START)="@" S OUT=1 Q
138 | . I %C'?1UN S %ERR=1
139 | . I %C="^",$D(%(%N-1,"F")),%(%N-1,"F")["TEXT" S %ERR=0,OUT=1
140 | Q:%ERR
141 | I %C="@" S %I=%J Q
142 | S %F=$E(%,%I,%J-1)
143 | I %F="^",$E(%,%J)'="(" S %ERR=1
144 | I %F]"",%F'?1U.UN,$E(%,%I-1,%J-1)'?1"%".UN S %ERR=1
145 | S %I=%J Q
146 | ;
147 | %INC S %I=%I+1,%C=$E(%,%I)
148 | Q
149 | ;
150 | ADD(ELEMENT,FOUND) ; record element found
151 | ; Input: ELEMENT = code for element found, e.g., "F".
152 | ; Output: .FOUND(ELEMENT) = increment # times found
153 | S FOUND=1
155 | Q ; end of ADD
156 | ;
157 | ERR S %ERR=1,%N=0
158 | FINISH G ERR:%N'=0 K %C,%,%F,%F1,%I,%J,%L1,%L2,%N,%T,%Z1,%Z2,%FN,%FZ
159 | Q Q