| 2 | ;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999
| 3 | ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
| 4 | F I=1:2 S X=$T(ENTRY+I) G:X="" ^DINIT27D S Y=$E($T(ENTRY+I+1),5,999),X=$E(X,4,999),@X=Y
| 5 | Q
| 6 | ENTRY ;
| 7 | ;;^DIST(.44,.003,0)
| 8 | ;;=EXCEL (COMMA)^,^^^^^^1000^1^1^1^1
| 9 | ;;^DIST(.44,.003,3,0)
| 10 | ;;=^^6^6^2921120^
| 11 | ;;^DIST(.44,.003,3,1,0)
| 12 | ;;=Use this format to export data to the EXCEL spreadsheet running
| 13 | ;;^DIST(.44,.003,3,2,0)
| 14 | ;;=on the Macintosh or under Windows. The exported data will have a comma
| 15 | ;;^DIST(.44,.003,3,3,0)
| 16 | ;;=between each field's value. The user will be asked to specify the data
| 17 | ;;^DIST(.44,.003,3,4,0)
| 18 | ;;=type of each exported field. Those fields that are not numeric will be
| 19 | ;;^DIST(.44,.003,3,5,0)
| 20 | ;;=surrounded by quotes ("). Commas are allowed in the non-numeric data, but
| 21 | ;;^DIST(.44,.003,3,6,0)
| 22 | ;;=quotes (") are not.
| 23 | ;;^DIST(.44,.003,4,0)
| 24 | ;;=^^3^3^2921120^^^^
| 25 | ;;^DIST(.44,.003,4,1,0)
| 26 | ;;=Select the Open command on Excel's File menu. Press the TEXT button and
| 27 | ;;^DIST(.44,.003,4,2,0)
| 28 | ;;=make sure that the Column Delimiter is set to "comma." Select the file.
| 29 | ;;^DIST(.44,.003,4,3,0)
| 30 | ;;=Each field's values will be imported into columns.
| 31 | ;;^DIST(.44,.003,5,0)
| 32 | ;;=^.441^2^2
| 33 | ;;^DIST(.44,.003,5,1,0)
| 35 | ;;^DIST(.44,.003,5,1,1,0)
| 36 | ;;=^^2^2^2921015^
| 37 | ;;^DIST(.44,.003,5,1,1,1,0)
| 38 | ;;=Exported data is delimited by commas. Non-numeric data is surrounded by
| 39 | ;;^DIST(.44,.003,5,1,1,2,0)
| 40 | ;;=quotes.
| 41 | ;;^DIST(.44,.003,5,2,0)
| 42 | ;;=CSV
| 43 | ;;^DIST(.44,.003,5,2,1,0)
| 44 | ;;=^^1^1^2921120^^
| 45 | ;;^DIST(.44,.003,5,2,1,1,0)
| 46 | ;;=Comma Separated Values.
| 47 | ;;^DIST(.44,.003,5,"B","COMMA DELIMITED",1)
| 48 | ;;=
| 49 | ;;^DIST(.44,.003,5,"B","CSV",2)
| 50 | ;;=