[613] | 1 | DINIT290 ;SFISC/MKO-FORM AND BLOCK FILES ;10:49 AM 30 Mar 1999
| 2 | ;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999
| 3 | ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
| 4 | F I=1:2 S X=$T(Q+I) Q:X="" S Y=$E($T(Q+I+1),4,999),X=$E(X,4,999) S:$A(Y)=126 I=I+1,Y=$E(Y,2,999)_$E($T(Q+I+1),5,99) S:$A(Y)=61 Y=$E(Y,2,999) S @X=Y
| 5 | G ^DINIT291
| 6 | Q Q
| 7 | ;;^DIC(.403,0,"GL")
| 8 | ;;=^DIST(.403,
| 9 | ;;^DIC("B","FORM",.403)
| 10 | ;;=
| 11 | ;;^DIC(.403,"%D",0)
| 12 | ;;=^^3^3^2940914^
| 13 | ;;^DIC(.403,"%D",1,0)
| 14 | ;;=This file stores ScreenMan forms, which are composed of blocks. The
| 15 | ;;^DIC(.403,"%D",2,0)
| 16 | ;;=form's attributes that describe how information is presented on the screen
| 17 | ;;^DIC(.403,"%D",3,0)
| 18 | ;;=are contained in this file.
| 19 | ;;^DD(.403,0)
| 20 | ;;=FIELD^^40^18
| 21 | ;;^DD(.403,0,"DT")
| 22 | ;;=2941018
| 23 | ;;^DD(.403,0,"ID","WRITE")
| 24 | ;;=N D,D1,D2 S D2=^(0) S:$X>30 D1(1,"F")="!" S D=$P(D2,U,5) S:D D1(2)="("_$$FMTE^DILIBF(D)_")",D1(2,"F")="?30" S D=$P(D2,U,4) S:D D1(3)="User #"_D,D1(3,"F")="?50" S D=$P(D2,U,8) S:D D1(4)=" File #"_D,D1(4,"F")="?59" D EN^DDIOL(.D1)
| 25 | ;;^DD(.403,0,"ID","WRITED")
| 26 | ;;=I $G(DZ)?1"???".E N D S D=0 F S D=$O(^DIST(.403,Y,15,D)) Q:D'>0 I $D(^(D,0))#2 D EN^DDIOL(^(0),"","!?5")
| 27 | ;;^DD(.403,0,"IX","AB",.4032,.01)
| 28 | ;;=
| 29 | ;;^DD(.403,0,"IX","AC",.4031,1)
| 30 | ;;=
| 31 | ;;^DD(.403,0,"IX","AY",.403,.01)
| 32 | ;;=
| 33 | ;;^DD(.403,0,"IX","B",.403,.01)
| 34 | ;;=
| 35 | ;;^DD(.403,0,"IX","C",.403,6)
| 36 | ;;=
| 37 | ;;^DD(.403,0,"IX","F",.403,7)
| 38 | ;;=
| 39 | ;;^DD(.403,0,"IX","F1",.403,.01)
| 40 | ;;=
| 41 | ;;^DD(.403,0,"NM","FORM")
| 42 | ;;=
| 43 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,0)
| 44 | ;;=NAME^RFX^^0;1^K:X[""""!($A(X)=45) X I $D(X) K:$L(X)>30!($L(X)<3)!'(X'?1P.E)!(X=+$P(X,"E")) X
| 45 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,1,0)
| 46 | ;;=^.1
| 47 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,1,1,0)
| 48 | ;;=.403^B
| 49 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,1,1,1)
| 50 | ;;=S ^DIST(.403,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
| 51 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,1,1,2)
| 52 | ;;=K ^DIST(.403,"B",$E(X,1,30),DA)
| 53 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,1,2,0)
| 54 | ;;=.403^F1^MUMPS
| 55 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,1,2,1)
| 56 | ;;=X "S %=$P("_DIC_"DA,0),U,8) S:$L(%) "_DIC_"""F""_%,X,DA)=1"
| 57 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,1,2,2)
| 58 | ;;=X "S %=$P("_DIC_"DA,0),U,8) K:$L(%) "_DIC_"""F""_%,X,DA)"
| 59 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,1,2,3)
| 60 | ;;=Programmer only
| 61 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,1,2,"%D",0)
| 62 | ;;=^^6^6^2910812^
| 63 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,1,2,"%D",1,0)
| 64 | ;;=This cross-reference is used to quickly find all ScreenMan templates
| 65 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,1,2,"%D",2,0)
| 66 | ;;=associated with a file. It has the form:
| 67 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,1,2,"%D",3,0)
| 68 | ;;=
| 69 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,1,2,"%D",4,0)
| 70 | ;;= ^DIST(.403,"F"_file#,"formname",DA)=1
| 71 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,1,2,"%D",5,0)
| 72 | ;;=
| 73 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,1,2,"%D",6,0)
| 74 | ;;=A comparable cross-reference also exists on the PRIMARY FILE field.
| 75 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,1,2,"DT")
| 76 | ;;=2910812
| 77 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,1,3,0)
| 78 | ;;=.403^AY^MUMPS
| 79 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,1,3,1)
| 80 | ;;=Q
| 81 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,1,3,2)
| 82 | ;;=Q
| 83 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,1,3,3)
| 84 | ;;=Programmer only
| 85 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,1,3,"%D",0)
| 86 | ;;=^^7^7^2980924^
| 87 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,1,3,"%D",1,0)
| 88 | ;;=This is a no-op cross reference defined merely to document the data stored
| 89 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,1,3,"%D",2,0)
| 90 | ;;=under ^DIST(.403,form IEN,"AY").
| 91 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,1,3,"%D",3,0)
| 92 | ;;=
| 93 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,1,3,"%D",4,0)
| 94 | ;;=This global stores the compiled data for a Form. Form compilation occurs
| 95 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,1,3,"%D",5,0)
| 96 | ;;=automatically whenever a Form is edited through the FileMan supplied
| 97 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,1,3,"%D",6,0)
| 98 | ;;=options. The compiled data stored in this global is static information
| 99 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,1,3,"%D",7,0)
| 100 | ;;=that is used whenever a Form is run.
| 101 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,1,3,"DT")
| 102 | ;;=2980904
| 103 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,3)
| 104 | ;;=Answer must be 3-30 characters in length.
| 105 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,21,0)
| 106 | ;;=^^3^3^2940906^
| 107 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,21,1,0)
| 108 | ;;=Enter the name of the form, 3-30 characters in length. The form name
| 109 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,21,2,0)
| 110 | ;;=must be unique and cannot be numeric or start with a punctuation
| 111 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,21,3,0)
| 112 | ;;=character. It should also be namespaced.
| 113 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,"DEL",1,0)
| 114 | ;;=D EN^DDIOL($C(7)_"You must use the FileMan option to delete forms.") I 1
| 115 | ;;^DD(.403,.01,"DT")
| 116 | ;;=2980904
| 117 | ;;^DD(.403,1,0)
| 118 | ;;=READ ACCESS^FX^^0;2^I DUZ(0)'="@" N DDZ F DDZ=1:1:$L(X) K:DUZ(0)'[$E(X,DDZ) X
| 119 | ;;^DD(.403,1,3)
| 120 | ;;=Enter VA FileMan access code(s) which control access to the form.
| 121 | ;;^DD(.403,1,21,0)
| 122 | ;;=^^1^1^2931020^^
| 123 | ;;^DD(.403,1,21,1,0)
| 124 | ;;=Non-programmers can enter only their own VA FileMan access code(s).
| 125 | ;;^DD(.403,1,"DT")
| 126 | ;;=2931020
| 127 | ;;^DD(.403,2,0)
| 128 | ;;=WRITE ACCESS^FX^^0;3^I DUZ(0)'="@" N DDZ F DDZ=1:1:$L(X) K:DUZ(0)'[$E(X,DDZ) X
| 129 | ;;^DD(.403,2,3)
| 130 | ;;=Enter VA FileMan access code(s) which control access to the form.
| 131 | ;;^DD(.403,2,21,0)
| 132 | ;;=^^1^1^2931020^
| 133 | ;;^DD(.403,2,21,1,0)
| 134 | ;;=Non-programmers can enter only their own VA FileMan access code(s).
| 135 | ;;^DD(.403,2,"DT")
| 136 | ;;=2931020
| 137 | ;;^DD(.403,3,0)
| 138 | ;;=CREATOR^NJ3,0X^^0;4^K:X'?.N X
| 139 | ;;^DD(.403,3,3)
| 140 | ;;=Enter the VA FileMan User Number of the form creator.
| 141 | ;;^DD(.403,3,21,0)
| 142 | ;;=^^2^2^2931020^^
| 143 | ;;^DD(.403,3,21,1,0)
| 144 | ;;=This is the DUZ of the person who created the form. The ScreenMan
| 145 | ;;^DD(.403,3,21,2,0)
| 146 | ;;=options to create the form automatically put a value into this field.
| 147 | ;;^DD(.403,4,0)
| 148 | ;;=DATE CREATED^D^^0;5^S %DT="ETX" D ^%DT S X=Y K:Y<1 X
| 149 | ;;^DD(.403,4,3)
| 150 | ;;=Enter the date the form was created.
| 151 | ;;^DD(.403,4,21,0)
| 152 | ;;=^^2^2^2941018^^
| 153 | ;;^DD(.403,4,21,1,0)
| 154 | ;;=This is the date the form was created. The ScreenMan options to create
| 155 | ;;^DD(.403,4,21,2,0)
| 156 | ;;=the form automatically put a value into this field.
| 157 | ;;^DD(.403,4,"DT")
| 158 | ;;=2941018
| 159 | ;;^DD(.403,5,0)
| 160 | ;;=DATE LAST USED^D^^0;6^S %DT="ETX" D ^%DT S X=Y K:Y<1 X
| 161 | ;;^DD(.403,5,3)
| 162 | ;;=Enter the date and time the form was last used.
| 163 | ;;^DD(.403,5,21,0)
| 164 | ;;=^^2^2^2941018^^
| 165 | ;;^DD(.403,5,21,1,0)
| 166 | ;;=This is the date the form was last used. ScreenMan automatically
| 167 | ;;^DD(.403,5,21,2,0)
| 168 | ;;=puts a value into this field when the form is invoked.
| 169 | ;;^DD(.403,5,"DT")
| 170 | ;;=2941018
| 171 | ;;^DD(.403,6,0)
| 172 | ;;=TITLE^F^^0;7^K:$L(X)>50!($L(X)<1) X
| 173 | ;;^DD(.403,6,1,0)
| 174 | ;;=^.1
| 175 | ;;^DD(.403,6,1,1,0)
| 176 | ;;=.403^C
| 177 | ;;^DD(.403,6,1,1,1)
| 178 | ;;=S ^DIST(.403,"C",$E(X,1,30),DA)=""
| 179 | ;;^DD(.403,6,1,1,2)
| 180 | ;;=K ^DIST(.403,"C",$E(X,1,30),DA)
| 181 | ;;^DD(.403,6,1,1,"DT")
| 182 | ;;=2940908
| 183 | ;;^DD(.403,6,3)
| 184 | ;;=Answer must be 1-50 characters in length.
| 185 | ;;^DD(.403,6,21,0)
| 186 | ;;=^^4^4^2940908^
| 187 | ;;^DD(.403,6,21,1,0)
| 188 | ;;=The TITLE property can be used by the form designer to help identify a
| 189 | ;;^DD(.403,6,21,2,0)
| 190 | ;;=form. It is cross referenced and need not be unique. ScreenMan does not
| 191 | ;;^DD(.403,6,21,3,0)
| 192 | ;;=automatically display the TITLE to the user, but the form designer can
| 193 | ;;^DD(.403,6,21,4,0)
| 194 | ;;=choose to define a caption-only field that displays the title to the user.
| 195 | ;;^DD(.403,6,22)
| 196 | ;;=
| 197 | ;;^DD(.403,6,"DT")
| 198 | ;;=2940908
| 199 | ;;^DD(.403,7,0)
| 200 | ;;=PRIMARY FILE^RFX^^0;8^K:X'=+$P(X,"E")!(X<2)!($L(X)>16)!'$D(^DIC(X)) X
| 201 | ;;^DD(.403,7,1,0)
| 202 | ;;=^.1
| 203 | ;;^DD(.403,7,1,1,0)
| 204 | ;;=.403^F^MUMPS
| 205 | ;;^DD(.403,7,1,1,1)
| 206 | ;;=X "S %=$P("_DIC_"DA,0),U) S "_DIC_"""F""_X,%,DA)=1"
| 207 | ;;^DD(.403,7,1,1,2)
| 208 | ;;=X "S %=$P("_DIC_"DA,0),U) K "_DIC_"""F""_X,%,DA)"