| 2 | ;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999
| 3 | ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
| 4 | INTRO ;Print introductory text
| 5 | W !!!,"HELLO!"
| 6 | W !!,"I exist to assist you in correctly initializing the manager account",!,"or to update the current account."
| 7 | W !!,"I'm going to do the following:"
| 8 | W !!?3,"1. File the routines DIDT, DIDTC, and DIRCR as %DT, %DTC, and",!?7,"%RCR, respectively."
| 9 | W !!?3,"2. File the routines DIIS and DIISS as %ZIS and %ZISS, respectively."
| 10 | W !!?3,"3. Set nodes in the %ZOSF global. This global contains"
| 11 | W !?7,"MUMPS operating system-specific code required by FileMan's"
| 12 | W !?7,"screen-oriented utilities."
| 13 | W !!,?3,"4. Save a %ZOSV routine (and possibly a %ZOSV1 routine) specific",!?7,"to your MUMPS operating system."
| 14 | W !!,"Note that on some MUMPS systems, executing some of the ^%ZOSF nodes"
| 15 | W !,"causes ^XUTL global nodes to be set in the production account."
| 16 | Q
| 17 | ;
| 18 | OS ;Prompt for operating system
| 19 | N I,J
| 20 | S Y=0
| 21 | I $D(^%ZOSF("OS"))#2 D
| 22 | . S X1=$P(^%ZOSF("OS"),U),Y=$P(^("OS"),U,2)
| 23 | . ;S:Y=7 X1="M\SQL",Y=18
| 24 | . I X1=""!'Y S (X1,Y)="" Q
| 25 | . W !!,"I think you are using "_X1
| 26 | . S Y=$S(Y=1:1,Y=13:2,Y=18:3,Y=2:4,Y=16:5,Y=8:6,Y=9:7,Y=17:8,1:0)
| 27 | ;
| 28 | OS1 W !!,"Which MUMPS system are you using?",!
| 29 | F I=1:1 S J=$P($T(@I),";;",2,999) Q:J="" D
| 30 | . W !
| 31 | . W:$P(J,";",2)]"" ?3,$P(J,";",2)
| 32 | . W ?5,I_" = "_$P(J,";")
| 33 | W !!?9,"* No longer supported."
| 34 | W !!,"MUMPS System: " W:Y Y,"// " R X:300 S:X="" X=Y
| 35 | I X[U!'$T S DIQUIT=1 Q
| 36 | ;
| 37 | I X?1."?" D G OS1
| 38 | . W !!?5,"If the MUMPS system you are using is not listed, you cannot use"
| 39 | . W !?5,"this utility. You must manually file DIDT, DIDTC, and DIRCR as"
| 40 | . W !?5,"%DT, %DTC, and %RCR, respectively."
| 41 | . W !!?5,"In addition, if you wish to use FileMan's screen-oriented utilities,"
| 42 | . W !?5,"you must file %ZIS and %ZISS routines (you can use DIIS and DIISS"
| 43 | . W !?5,"as starting points), and you must set the %ZOSF nodes manually."
| 44 | . W !?5,"Please refer the VA FileMan Programmer Manual for more information."
| 45 | ;
| 46 | S J=$P($T(@X),";;",2,999)
| 47 | I $T(@X)="" D G OS1
| 48 | . W !!?5,$C(7)_"Invalid response. Enter a number between 1 and 9."
| 49 | I $P(J,";",2)="*" D G OS1
| 50 | . W !!?5,$C(7)_$P(J,";")_" is no longer supported."
| 51 | ;
| 52 | S DIOS=+X
| 53 | Q
| 54 | ;
| 55 | 1 ;;M/11;*
| 56 | 2 ;;M/SQL-PDP;*
| 57 | 3 ;;CACHE/OpenM
| 58 | 4 ;;DSM-4;*
| 59 | 5 ;;DSM for OpenVMS
| 60 | 6 ;;MSM
| 61 | 7 ;;DTM-PC
| 62 | 8 ;;GT.M(VAX);*