source: WorldVistAEHR/trunk/r/VA_FILEMAN-ARJT-DI-DD-DM-DT-%DT-%RCR/DIR2.m@ 975

Last change on this file since 975 was 613, checked in by George Lilly, 15 years ago

initial load of WorldVistAEHR

File size: 4.0 KB
2 ;;22.0;VA FileMan;**30**;Mar 30, 1999
3 ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
4 ; Check that the inputs to the reader are there and setup variables
5 K Y,% S U="^"
6 S %T=$E(DIR(0)),%A=$P(DIR(0),U),%B=$P(DIR(0),U,2),%N=%A'["V"
7 K:$D(DIR("A"))=10 DIR("A") K:$D(DIR("?"))=10 DIR("?")
8 S %W0=$S($D(DIR("?")):DIR("?"),%T'?.AN:"",'$P($T(@(%T_1)),";",5):"",1:$$EZBLD^DIALOG($P($T(@(%T_1)),";",5)))
9 S %A0=$$EZBLD^DIALOG(8041)
10 I %A?.NP1",".ANP S %B1=$P(%A,","),%B2=+$P(%A,",",2) G:'$D(^DD(%B1,%B2,0)) EO S %B3=^(0),%B=$P(%B3,U,2) G:%B EO D:'$D(DIR("B")) DA^DIRQ:$D(DA)#2 S:'$D(DIR("A")) %P=$P(%B3,U)_": " S:$P(%B3,U,2)'["R" %A=%A_"O" S %T=1 G NN
12 S %B1=$P(%B,":"),%B2=$P(%B,":",2),%B3=$P(%B,":",3)
13 S:'$L(%B2) %B2=$S(%T="D":9991231,%T="F":245,1:999999999999)
14 I %T="F",%B2>245 S %B2=245
15 I %T="Y" S %B=$$EZBLD^DIALOG(7003)
16 I %T="D" S %DT=$P(%B3,"A")_$P(%B3,"A",2)
17 I %T="D",'$D(DIR("?")) S %W0=%W0_$S(%B3["R":$$EZBLD^DIALOG(8043),%B3["T":$$EZBLD^DIALOG(8044),1:"")
18 I %T="D" S %D1=%B1,%D2=%B2 I %B["NOW"!(%B["DT") D NOW^%DTC K %I,%H S DT=X S:%B1["NOW" %B1=% S:%B1["DT" %B1=X S:%B2["NOW" %B2=% S:%B2["DT" %B2=X K %
19 I %T="P" S %B1=$S('%B1:U_%B1,'$D(^DIC(+%B1,0,"GL")):U,1:^("GL")) G EO:%B1=U,EO:'$D(@(%B1_"0)")) I '$D(DIR("A")) S %P=$$EZBLD^DIALOG(8042,$O(^DD(+$P(^(0),U,2),0,"NM",0))) Q
20NN D:%T="S" S0:%A'["A" Q:$D(%P)
21 S %P="" I %A["A" S:$D(DIR("A")) %P=DIR("A") Q
22 I '$D(DIR("A")) S %P=$$EZBLD^DIALOG($P($T(@%T),";",4)) I %T="D" S %P=%P_$S(%B3["R":$$EZBLD^DIALOG(8043),%B3["T":$$EZBLD^DIALOG(8044),1:"")
23 S:$D(DIR("A")) %P=$S(%T="Y":DIR("A")_"? ",%T="S":$$EZBLD^DIALOG(8045,DIR("A")),1:DIR("A")_": ") I "LND"'[%T Q
24 I $L(%B1) S %P=%P_" ("_$S(%T="D":+$E(%B1,4,5)_"/"_+$E(%B1,6,7)_"/"_(1700+$E(%B1,1,3))_" - "_+$E(%B2,4,5)_"/"_+$E(%B2,6,7)_"/"_(1700+$E(%B2,1,3)),1:%B1_"-"_%B2)_")"
25 S %P=%P_$S("?: "[$E(%P,$L(%P)):"",1:":")_" "
26 Q
27S0 S %P=$S($D(DIR("A")):DIR("A")_": ",%A["B":$$EZBLD^DIALOG(8046),1:$$EZBLD^DIALOG($P($T(@%T),";",4)))
28 Q:%A'["B" S %P=%P_" ("
29 I %B'[":",$O(DIR("C",""))]"" S %I="" F S %I=$O(DIR("C",%I)) Q:%I="" D
30 . N Y S Y=$P(DIR("C",%I),":") Q:Y=""
31 . I $D(DIR("S"))#2 X DIR("S") E Q
32 . S %P=%P_Y_"/"
33 E F %I=1:1 Q:$P(%B,";",%I,999)="" D
34 . N Y S Y=$P($P(%B,";",%I),":") Q:Y=""
35 . I $D(DIR("S"))#2 X DIR("S") E Q
36 . S %P=%P_Y_"/"
37 S %P=$E(%P,1,$L(%P)-(%P?.E1"/"))_"): "
38 Q
39EO S %T="",Y=-1 Q
40 ;
41RW ; Replace...With...
42 N %,L S DG=Y S:$D(DTIME)[0 DTIME=999
44 G B:X="",Q:X?1."^",Q:$E(X)=U&($D(DIRWP)[0)&(Y'[X),Q:X?."?",Q:X="@",E2:X="END"!(X="end")
45 I Y[X S D=X,L=$L(X) D H S:'%&'$D(DTOUT) Y=$P(Y,D,1)_X_$P(Y,D,2,999) G A
46 S D=$P(X,"...",1),DH=$F(Y,D) I DH S X=$P(X,"...",2,99),X=$S(X="":$L(Y)+1,1:$F(Y,X,DH)) I X S DH=DH-$L(D)-1,D=X,L=D-DH-1 D H S:'%&'$D(DTOUT) Y=$E(Y,1,DH)_X_$E(Y,D,999) G A
47 W $C(7)," ??" G A
48H W $$EZBLD^DIALOG(8048) R X:DTIME E S DTOUT=1,X="",%=0 W $C(7)," ??" Q
49 S %=$L(Y)-L+$L(X)>245 I % W $C(7),$S($L(Y)-L'>245:$$EZBLD^DIALOG(349,($L(Y)-L+$L(X)-245)),X'=U:$$EZBLD^DIALOG(350),1:" ??") Q:$L(Y)-L>245&(X=U) G H
50 Q:X?.ANP W $C(7)," ??" G H
51E2 S L=0 D H S:'%&'$D(DTOUT) Y=Y_X G A
52B W:$D(DTOUT) $C(7) I DG'=Y S X=Y W !?3 W X I X="" S X="@"
53Q Q
54 ;
55F ;;Enter response: ;8051
56S ;;Enter response: ;8051
57Y ;;Enter Yes or No: ;8052
58E ;;Press RETURN to continue or '^' to exit: ;8053
59N ;;Enter a number;8054
60D ;;Enter a date;8055
61L ;;Enter a list or range of numbers;8056
62P ;;Select: ;8057
63F1 ;;;This response can be free text;9031
64S1 ;;;Enter a code from the list.;9032
65Y1 ;;;Enter either 'Y' or 'N'.;9040
66E1 ;;;Enter either RETURN or '^';9033
67N1 ;;;This response must be a number;9034
68D1 ;;;This response must be a date;9035
69L1 ;;;This response must be a list or range, e.g., 1,3,5 or 2-4,8;9036
70 ;
71 ;#349 String too long by |nuber| character(s)!
72 ;#350 String too long! '^' to quit.
73 ;#8041 This is a required response...
74 ;#8042 Select |1|
75 ;#8043 and time
76 ;#8044 and optional time
77 ;#8045 Enter |1|
78 ;#8046 Select one of the following
79 ;#8047 Replace
80 ;#8048 With
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