| 2 | ;;22.0;VA FileMan;;Mar 30, 1999
| 3 | ;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
| 4 | S DWOU="EFT"
| 5 | 1 R !,"UTILITY Option: ",X:DTIME S:'$T DTOUT=1 G QQ:U[X!(X=".")
| 6 | LC I X?1L S X=$C($A(X)-32)
| 7 | S J="^DOPT(""DIWE11""," I X?1U S I=$F(DWOU,X)-1 I I>0 S ^DISV(DUZ,J)=I S I=I*2-1 G OPT
| 8 | I X=" ",$D(^DISV(DUZ,J)) S I=^(J),X=$E(DWOU,I) I X]"" W X S I=I*2-1 G OPT
| 9 | W !?5,"Choose, by first letter, a Utility Command"
| 10 | I X?2"?".E W " from the following:" F I=1:2 S Y=$T(OPT+I),J=$E(Y,1) Q:J=" " I DWOU[J W !?10,$P(Y,";",4)
| 11 | G 1
| 12 | ;
| 13 | OPT Q:$D(DTOUT) S X1=$T(OPT+I),X=$P(X1,";",3) W $E(X,'$X)_$E(X,2,99) G @$E(X1,1)
| 14 | E ;;Editor;Editor Change
| 15 | G ^DIWE12
| 16 | F ;;File transfer;File Transfer from Foreign CPU
| 17 | G NA:'$D(^%ZOSF("EON"))!'$D(^("EOFF")) D X^DIWE5 G QQ
| 18 | T ;;Text-Terminator;Text-Terminator-String Change
| 19 | D TT G QQ
| 20 | ;;
| 21 | TT ;
| 22 | W !,"Text-Terminator: ",$S(DIWPT="":"<NULL-STRING>",1:DIWPT),"//"
| 23 | R X:DTIME S:'$T DTOUT=1 Q:U[X
| 24 | K:$L(X)>5!(X'?.ANP)!(X["?")!(X["^") X
| 25 | I '$D(X) W !?5,"Answer must be 1 to 5 Characters, no question marks or up-arrows,",!?5,"to go back to the Null-String just type ""@"" !",$C(7) G TT
| 26 | I X="@" W !?5,"Text-Terminator is now Null-String !" S X=""
| 27 | S DIWPT=X Q
| 28 | QQ K DWOU Q
| 29 | ASK W ! S DIR("A")="MAXIMUM string length? "
| 30 | S DIR("B")=75,DIR(0)="N^3:245:0" D ^DIR K DIR I $D(DIRUT) S X="" G XQ1
| 31 | W !!,"You have 30 seconds to start sending text."
| 32 | W !,"An End Of File is assumed on 30 second time-out."
| 33 | W !!,"TABs are converted to 1 thru 9 spaces to start the next character"
| 34 | W !,"at a column evenly divisable by 9 plus 1. (10,19,28,37...)"
| 35 | W !!,"End of Line = Carriage Return/$C(13) or Escape/$C(27)."
| 36 | W !,"All other control characters will be stripped.",!!
| 37 | Q
| 38 | XQ X ^%ZOSF("EON") W !!,"File Transfer Complete",$C(7),!
| 40 | Q
| 41 | NA W !!,"This option is not available without the rest of the KERNEL"
| 42 | G QQ