ZVEMBLDA ;DJB,VSHL**VPE Setup - Pages 1-3 [2/18/96 8:48am] ;;10;VPE;COPYRIGHT David Bolduc @1993 ; PAGE1 ; W @FF S START=10,END=START+4 F I=START:1:END W !?I,"\" W:I=(END-2) "____" W:I=(END-1) "db" W ?(END*2+1-I),"/" W:I=(END-1) " I C T O R Y S O F T W A R E" W !!!?19,"** VICTORY PROGRAMMER ENVIROMENT **" W !!!?2,"WELCOME to the Victory Programmer Environment. VPE consists of a number" W !!?2,"of integrated programmer utilities that will increase your productivity" W !!?2,"and dramatically decrease the number of key strokes required to complete" W !!?2,"your normal tasks." W !!!! D ASK^ZVEMBLD Q PAGE2 ; W @FF,!!?2,"V I C T O R Y P R O G R A M M E R E N V I R O N M E N T" W !!!?2,"GLOBAL LISTER/EDITOR" W !?2,"Use to view your globals. Has extensive support for VA FILEMAN files." W !!?2,"ROUTINE READER/EDITOR" W !?2,"Use to read and edit routines. Allows branching to other routines to" W !?2,"follow the flow of the code or capture code for importing into the" W !?2,"current routine." W !!?2,"ELECTRONIC DATA DICTIONARY" W !?2,"Easy to use utility for viewing the data dictionaries of VA FILEMAN files." W !!?2,"PROGRAMMER VSHELL" W !?2,"A replacement for conventional 'Programmer's Mode'. Provides a safe," W !?2,"productive environment for M programmers. You will wonder how you ever" W !?2,"got along without it." W !! D ASK^ZVEMBLD Q PAGE3 ; W @FF,!!?2,"G L O B A L P R O T E C T I O N" W !!!?2,"If you receive 'Protection Errors' when you first start the VSHELL," W !?2,"check that the following globals are set correctly:" W !!?5,"^%ZOSF System-RWD World-R Group-R User-RWD" W !!?5,"^%ZVEMS System-RWD World-RWD Group-RWD User-RWD" W !!!?2,"If you have the VA KERNEL software on your system, you should confirm" W !?2,"that node ^%ZOSF(""OS"") is set correctly. The 2nd piece of this node" W !?2,"should be the number of your Mumps system. See node ^DD(""OS"")." W !?5,"DSM=2 MSM=8 DTM=9 VAXDSM=16" W !!!!! D ASK^ZVEMBLD Q