[613] | 1 | ZVEMSF1 ;DJB,VSHL**DDS,DIAC,DIB,DIM,DIO2 [04/17/94]
| 2 | ;;12;VPE;;COPYRIGHT David Bolduc @1993
| 3 | ;
| 4 | DDS ;;;
| 5 | ;;; D D S ScreenMan
| 6 | ;;;
| 7 | ;;; 1. ENTRY POINT: ^DDS
| 8 | ;;;
| 9 | ;;; 2. INPUT VARIABLES
| 10 | ;;; DDSFILE.....File number or global root.
| 11 | ;;; DA..........Internal entry number.
| 12 | ;;; DR..........Name of form enclosed in brackets (FORM file).
| 13 | ;;;
| 14 | ;;; Editing a subfile directly. Kill DDSFILE(1) when complete.
| 15 | ;;; DDSFILE(1).....Subfile number or global root.
| 16 | ;;; DA(1)...DA(n)..The DA array. DA is subrecord number and DA(n) is record
| 17 | ;;; number at top level.
| 18 | ;;;
| 19 | ;;; 3. OUTPUT VARIABLES
| 20 | ;;; DTOUT..........User timed out.
| 21 | ;;;
| 22 | ;;; 4. EXAMPLE
| 23 | ;;; S DDSFILE=16500,DA=15,DR="[EE FORM1]" D ^DDS
| 24 | ;;;***
| 25 | DIAC ;;;
| 26 | ;;; D I A C File Access Determination
| 27 | ;;;
| 28 | ;;; 1. ENTRY POINT: ^DIAC
| 29 | ;;;
| 30 | ;;; 2. INPUT VARIABLES
| 31 | ;;; DIFILE.....File number.
| 32 | ;;; DIAC......."RD" Verify Read access
| 33 | ;;; "WR" Verify Write access
| 34 | ;;; "AUDIT" Verify Audit access
| 35 | ;;; "DD" Verify Data Dictionary access
| 36 | ;;; "DEL" Verify Delete access
| 37 | ;;; "LAYGO" Verify LAYGO access
| 38 | ;;;
| 39 | ;;; 3. OUTPUT VARIABLES
| 40 | ;;; DIAC.....Either 1 (has access) or 0 (doesn't have access).
| 41 | ;;; %........Same as DIAC.
| 42 | ;;;***
| 43 | DIB ;;;
| 44 | ;;; D I B User Controlled Editing
| 45 | ;;;
| 46 | ;;; 1. ENTRY POINT: EN^DIB
| 47 | ;;;
| 48 | ;;; 2. INPUT VARIABLES
| 49 | ;;; DIE..........File number or global root.
| 50 | ;;; DIE("NO^")..."OUTOK" Prevents jumping. Allows exiting.
| 51 | ;;; "BACK" Allows jumping back. No exiting.
| 52 | ;;; "BACKOUTOK" Allows jumping back. Allows exiting.
| 53 | ;;; "Other value" Prevents all jumping. No exiting.
| 54 | ;;; DIDEL........Override Delete Access (Set DIDEL=File number).
| 55 | ;;;***
| 56 | DIM ;;;
| 57 | ;;; D I M M Code Validation.
| 58 | ;;;
| 59 | ;;; 1. ENTRY POINT: ^DIM
| 60 | ;;;
| 61 | ;;; 2. INPUT VARIABLES
| 62 | ;;; X......Code to be evaluated.
| 63 | ;;;
| 64 | ;;; 3. OUTPUT VARIABLES
| 65 | ;;; X......If $D(X) is zero the line of code was invalid.
| 66 | ;;;***
| 67 | DIO2 ;;;
| 68 | ;;; D I O 2 Internal to External Date
| 69 | ;;;
| 70 | ;;; 1. ENTRY POINT: DT^DIO2
| 71 | ;;; Takes an internal date and writes out its external form.
| 72 | ;;;
| 73 | ;;; 2. INPUT VARIABLES
| 74 | ;;; Y......Internal date.
| 75 | ;;;***