1 | ZVEMSF2 ;DJB,VSHL**DIC [8/3/97 1:29pm]
2 | ;;12;VPE;;COPYRIGHT David Bolduc @1993
3 | ;
4 | DIC ;;;
5 | ;;; D I C Look-up/Add New Entries
6 | ;;;
7 | ;;; 1. ENTRY POINT: ^DIC
8 | ;;;
10 | ;;; DIC.....File number or global root ("^GLOBAL(" or "^GLOBAL(X,Y,").
11 | ;;; DIC(0)....A Ask entry
12 | ;;; C Cross reference suppression is turned off
13 | ;;; E Echo back information
14 | ;;; F Forget look-up value
15 | ;;; I Ignore special look-up program
16 | ;;; L LAYGO allowed
17 | ;;; M Multiple-index look-up allowed
18 | ;;; N Internal Number look-up allowed
19 | ;;; O Only find one entry if it matches exactly
20 | ;;; Q Question erroneous input
21 | ;;; S Suppress display of .01
22 | ;;; X EXact match required
23 | ;;; Z Zero node returned in Y(0) and external form in Y(0,0)
24 | ;;; X........If DIC(0) doesn't contain A, set X=Value you want to look up.
25 | ;;; DIC("A")...Prompt.
26 | ;;; DIC("B")...Default answer.
27 | ;;; DIC("S")...Screen. When screen is executed Y=Internal number, and naked.
28 | ;;; indicator is at zero node.
29 | ;;; DIC("W")...Command string executed when DIC displays each of the entries
30 | ;;; that match user's input. Y and naked ref is same as DIC("S").
31 | ;;; Overrides identifiers. DIC("W")="" will suppress identifiers.
32 | ;;; DIC("DR")..Fields that will be asked if LAYGO and you add new entry.
33 | ;;; DIC("P")...Needed to successfully add FIRST subentry to a multiple field.
34 | ;;; Set it to 2nd piece of zero node of multiple field's
35 | ;;; definition in ^DD. Ex: S DIC("P")=$P(^DD(2,9,0),"^",2)
36 | ;;; DTIME......Number of seconds for time-out.
37 | ;;; DLAYGO.....If set equal to file number, user may add a new entry.
38 | ;;; DINUM......Identifies subscript at which data is to be stored.
39 | ;;;
41 | ;;; Y........Y=-1 Look-up unsuccessful.
42 | ;;; Y=N^S N is the internal number, S is the .01 field.
43 | ;;; Y=N^S^1 1 indicates entry has just been added.
44 | ;;; Y(0).....Set to zero node if DIC(0) contains Z.
45 | ;;; Y(0,0)...External form of .01 field if DIC(0) contains Z.
46 | ;;; X........If DIC(0) contains A, X will store users look-up value.
47 | ;;; DTOUT....Time-out occurred.
48 | ;;; DUOUT....User entered "^".
49 | ;;;
50 | ;;; Sample code where file ^DIZ(16 has multiple field 9 at node 4.
51 | ;;; S DIC="^DIZ(16,",DIC(0)="QEAL" D ^DIC ;Get entry
52 | ;;; S DA(1)=+Y,DIC=DIC_DA(1)_",4," ;Root of subfile
53 | ;;; S DIC(0)="QEAL",DIC("P")=$P(^DD(16,9,0),"^",2)
54 | ;;; D ^DIC ;Get subentry
55 | ;;; S DIE=DIC KILL DIC S DA=+Y,DR="1;2" D ^DIE ;Edit multiples directly
56 | ;;;
57 | ;;; 1. ENTRY POINT: IX^DIC
58 | ;;;
60 | ;;; DIC......Global root
61 | ;;; DIC(0)...Same as ^DIC
62 | ;;; D........The cross reference in which to start looking. If DIC(0) contains
63 | ;;; M, then DIC will continue with further cross references. If it
64 | ;;; does not, then the look-up is only on the single cross reference.
65 | ;;; X........If DIC(0) does not contain an A, then X must equal look-up value.
66 | ;;;
68 | ;;; Y........Y=-1 Look-up unsuccessful.
69 | ;;; Y=N^S N is the internal number, S is the .01 field.
70 | ;;; Y=N^S^1 1 indicates entry has just been added.
71 | ;;; Y(0).....Set to zero node if DIC(0) contains Z.
72 | ;;; Y(0,0)...External form of .01 field if DIC(0) contains Z.
73 | ;;; X........If DIC(0) contains A, X will store users look-up value.
74 | ;;; DTOUT....Time-out occurred.
75 | ;;; DUOUT....User entered "^".
76 | ;;;
77 | ;;; 1. ENTRY POINT: MIX^DIC1
78 | ;;;
80 | ;;; Same as IX^DIC except variable D can contain a list of xrefs
81 | ;;; separated by up-arrow. If DIC(0) does not contain M, only the
82 | ;;; first xref in D will be used for the look-up.
83 | ;;;
85 | ;;; Same as IX^DIC.
86 | ;;;***