ZVEMSF7 ;DJB,VSHL**DIP,DIPT [07/16/94] ;;12;VPE;;COPYRIGHT David Bolduc @1993 ; DIP ;;; ;;; D I P Print Data ;;; ;;; 1. ENTRY POINT: EN1^DIP ;;; Kills all input variables before it quits. ;;; ;;; 2. INPUT VARIABLES ;;; L........Set to zero or a string whose numeric evaluation is zero. ;;; DIC......The global root or file number. ;;; FLDS.....Fields to be printed, separated by commas. ;;; FLDS=".01,.03,1;C20" ;;; FLDS="[DEMO]" ;;; FLDS(1)..If there are more fields than can fit in string FLDS. ;;; BY.......Sort fields separated by commas. If BY is undefined, user is ;;; prompted for sort conditions. ;;; BY=".01;C1,.02" ;;; BY="DIAGNOSIS,@" @ will ask user for that SORT BY response. ;;; BY="[DEMOSORT]" ;;; If BY includes more than one field, the same comma-piece ;;; will identify the field in the FR and TO variables. ;;; FR.......The START WITH: values of the SORT BY fields. If FR is ;;; undefined, user will be asked START WITH: questions. ;;; Each comma-piece can be: ;;; The START WITH value. ;;; Null. Sort will start from beginning of file. ;;; ?. Causes START WITH: prompt. ;;; @. Sort will begin with null values (entries that have no data). ;;; TO.......The GO TO: values. Its characteristics are same as FR. ;;; DHD......The header desired for the output. Can be: ;;; @ if no header is desired. ;;; @@ if no header and no formfeed is desired. ;;; A literal. ;;; A line of M code which must begin with a write statement. ;;; Ex. DHD="W ?0 D ^ZZHDR" ;;; A print template enclosed in brackets. ;;; Two print templates separated by a minus sign. The first will ;;; be the header and the second the trailer. ("[DEMO]-[DEMO1]") ;;; DIASKHD...If set to null user will be prompted to enter a header. ;;; PG........Starting page number. ;;; DHIT......M code which will be executed for every entry after all the ;;; fields specified in FLDS have been printed. ;;; DIOEND....M code executed after printout has finished. ;;; DIOBEG....M code executed before printout starts. ;;; DCOPIES...If %ZIS chooses an SDP. Gives multiple copies. ;;; IOP.......Set equal to a device name to preanswer the DEVICE prompt. ;;; Set IOP="Q;MY PRINTER" to establish queueing. ;;; DQTIME....If output is queued, this contains time to print (T@1500). ;;; DIS(0)....Screen out certain entries. Contains an IF statement. If TRUE ;;; the entry will print. D0 will equal internal entry number. ;;; DIS(n)....You can set other elements of the DIS array. If many elements, ;;; DIS(0) must be true and any one of the other elements must be ;;; true for the entry to print. ;;;*** DIPT ;;; ;;; D I P T Print and Sort Template Display ;;; ;;; 1. ENTRY POINT: ^DIPT ;;; ;;; 2. INPUT VARIABLES ;;; D0.....Internal number of PRINT TEMPLATE file. ;;; ;;; 1. ENTRY POINT: DIBT^DIPT ;;; ;;; 2. INPUT VARIABLES ;;; D0.....Internal number of SORT TEMPLATE file. ;;;***