[613] | 1 | ZVEMSF8 ;DJB,VSHL**DIQ,DIQ1 [04/17/94]
| 2 | ;;12;VPE;;COPYRIGHT David Bolduc @1993
| 3 | ;
| 4 | DIQ ;;;
| 5 | ;;; D I Q Data Display, Date Conversion
| 6 | ;;;
| 7 | ;;; 1. ENTRY POINT: EN^DIQ
| 8 | ;;;
| 9 | ;;; 2. INPUT VARIABLES
| 10 | ;;; DIC......The global root or file number.
| 11 | ;;; DA.......Internal entry number of file entry to be printed.
| 12 | ;;; DR.......Literal name of subscript or subscripts to be displayed.
| 13 | ;;; Use ":" for a range. All data fields within and decendent
| 14 | ;;; from the subscript(s) will be displayed. If DR is not defined,
| 15 | ;;; all fields are displayed.
| 16 | ;;; DIQ(0)..C=display computed flds, A=display audit records
| 17 | ;;;
| 18 | ;;; 1. ENTRY POINT: Y^DIQ
| 19 | ;;; Converts a data element from its internal form to its external form.
| 20 | ;;; When call is made, naked reference must be at ^DD(File#,Fld#,0).
| 21 | ;;;
| 22 | ;;; 2. INPUT VARIABLES
| 23 | ;;; Y.......Internal form of value being converted.
| 24 | ;;; C........2nd Piece of ^DD zero node. Following sets C and naked ref:
| 25 | ;;; S C=$P(^DD(file#,fld#,0),U,2) D Y^DIQ
| 26 | ;;;
| 27 | ;;; 3. OUTPUT VARIABLES
| 28 | ;;; Y........External form of value.
| 29 | ;;;
| 30 | ;;; 1. ENTRY POINT: D^DIQ
| 31 | ;;; Converts internal date to external form. Same as DD^%DT.
| 32 | ;;;
| 33 | ;;; 2. INPUT VARIABLES
| 34 | ;;; Y.......Internal date.
| 35 | ;;;
| 36 | ;;; 3. OUTPUT VARIABLES
| 37 | ;;; Y.......External form of date/time.
| 38 | ;;;
| 39 | ;;; 1. ENTRY POINT: DT^DIQ
| 40 | ;;; Converts date in Y exactly like D^DIQ. It also writes the date after
| 41 | ;;; it's been converted. Input and output variables same as D^DIQ.
| 42 | ;;;***
| 43 | DIQ1 ;;;
| 44 | ;;; D I Q 1 Data Retrieval
| 45 | ;;;
| 46 | ;;; 1. ENTRY POINT: EN^DIQ1
| 47 | ;;; KILL ^UTILITY("DIQ1",$J) before and after this call.
| 48 | ;;;
| 49 | ;;; 2. INPUT VARIABLES
| 50 | ;;; DIC.....Global root or file number.
| 51 | ;;; DR......Field numbers separated by semicolons. Use ":" for range.
| 52 | ;;; S DR=".01;1;10-15"
| 53 | ;;; DA......Internal number of entry.
| 54 | ;;; DIQ.....Local array name where field values will be placed. If undefined
| 55 | ;;; values will be put in ^UTILITY("DIQ1",$J,. Array name should
| 56 | ;;; not begin with DI.
| 57 | ;;; DIQ(0)..Optional. I=Internal value,E=External value,N=Don't return null.
| 58 | ;;;
| 60 | ;;; DR(Subfile number) = List of fields in subfile.
| 61 | ;;; DA(Subfile number) = Entry in subfile.
| 62 | ;;; S DIC=16000,DR=".01;2",DA=77,DR(16000.02)=".01;1",DA(16000.02)=1 D EN^DIQ1
| 63 | ;;;
| 64 | ;;; 3. OUTPUT VARIABLES
| 66 | ;;; ^UTILITY("DIQ1",$J,file#,DA,fld#)=external value
| 68 | ;;; ^UTILITY("DIQ1",$J,file#,DA,fld#,"E")=external value
| 69 | ;;; ^UTILITY("DIQ1",$J,file#,DA,fld#,"I")=internal value
| 70 | ;;; DIQ DEFINED
| 71 | ;;; Output is similar but stored in specified local array.
| 73 | ;;; DIQ not defined - ^UTILITY("DIQ1",$J,file#,DA,fld#,1)
| 74 | ;;; ^UTILITY("DIQ1",$J,file#,DA,fld#,2)
| 75 | ;;; DIQ defined - Similar but stored in local array.
| 76 | ;;;***