[613] | 1 | ZVEMSGU ;DJB,VSHL**VShell Global - System QWIKs cont.. ; 9/6/02 8:58am
| 2 | ;;12;VPE;;COPYRIGHT David Bolduc @1993
| 3 | ;
| 4 | SYSTEM ;Load the System QWIKs
| 6 | F I=1:1 S TXT=$T(QWIK+I) Q:$P(TXT,";",3)="***" S QWIK=$P(TXT,";",3),TYPE=$P(TXT,";",4) D
| 7 | . I TYPE="D" S ^%ZVEMS("QS",QWIK,"DSC")=$P(TXT,";",5,999)
| 8 | . I TYPE="C" S ^%ZVEMS("QS",QWIK)=$P(TXT,";",5,999) ;Code
| 9 | . I TYPE?1.N S ^%ZVEMS("QS",QWIK,TYPE)=$P(TXT,";",5,999) ;Vendor specific code
| 10 | Q
| 11 | QWIK ;System QWIK Commands
| 12 | ;;LOCKTAB;D;Lock Table^^5
| 13 | ;;LOCKTAB;C;W $C(7),!?2,"Not available for this M Vendor.",!
| 16 | ;;LOCKTAB;9;d ^%lockexam
| 17 | ;;LOCKTAB;16;D ^LOCKTAB
| 18 | ;;RCHANGE;D;Routine Change^^5
| 19 | ;;RCHANGE;C;W $C(7),!?2,"Not available for this M Vendor.",!
| 20 | ;;RCHANGE;2;D ^%RCE
| 21 | ;;RCHANGE;8;D ^%RCHANGE
| 22 | ;;RCHANGE;9;d ^%rchange
| 23 | ;;RCHANGE;16;D ^%RCE
| 24 | ;;RCHANGE;17;D ^%RCE
| 25 | ;;RCHANGE;18;D ^%RCHANGE
| 26 | ;;RCHANGE;19;D ^%RCE
| 27 | ;;RCMP;D;Routine Compare^^5
| 28 | ;;RCMP;C;W $C(7),!?2,"Not available for this M Vendor.",!
| 29 | ;;RCMP;2;D ^%RCMP
| 30 | ;;RCMP;8;D ^%RCMP
| 31 | ;;RCMP;9;d ^%rcompare
| 32 | ;;RCMP;16;D ^%RCMP
| 33 | ;;RCMP;18;D ^%RCMP
| 34 | ;;RCOPY;D;Routine Copy to Another UCI^^5
| 35 | ;;RCOPY;C;W $C(7),!?2,"Not available for this M Vendor.",!
| 36 | ;;RCOPY;8;D ^%RCOPY
| 37 | ;;RCOPY;9;D ^%rcopy
| 38 | ;;RCOPY;16;D ^%RCOPY
| 39 | ;;RCOPY;18;D ^%RCOPY
| 40 | ;;RD;D;Routine Directory^^5
| 41 | ;;RD;C;W $C(7),!?2,"Not available for this M Vendor.",!
| 42 | ;;RD;2;D ^%RD
| 43 | ;;RD;8;D ^%RD
| 44 | ;;RD;9;d ^%rd
| 45 | ;;RD;16;D ^%RD
| 46 | ;;RD;17;D ^%RD
| 47 | ;;RD;18;D ^%RD
| 48 | ;;RD;19;D ^%RD
| 49 | ;;RDEL;D;Routine Delete^^5
| 50 | ;;RDEL;C;W $C(7),!?2,"Not available for this M Vendor.",!
| 51 | ;;RDEL;2;D ^%ZRDELET
| 52 | ;;RDEL;8;D ^%RDEL
| 53 | ;;RDEL;9;d ^%rdelete
| 54 | ;;RDEL;16;D ^%RPURGE
| 55 | ;;RDEL;17;D ^%ZTRDEL
| 56 | ;;RDEL;18;D ^%RDELETE
| 57 | ;;RDEL;19;D ^%ZTRDEL
| 58 | ;;RL;D;Routine Lister^^5
| 59 | ;;RL;C;D ^%ZVEMSRL
| 60 | ;;RR;D;Routine Restore^^5
| 61 | ;;RR;C;W $C(7),!?2,"Not available for this M Vendor.",!
| 62 | ;;RR;2;D ^%RR
| 63 | ;;RR;8;D ^%RR
| 64 | ;;RR;9;d ^%rload
| 65 | ;;RR;16;D ^%RR
| 66 | ;;RR;17;D ^%RI
| 67 | ;;RR;18;D ^%RI
| 68 | ;;RR;19;D ^%RI
| 69 | ;;RS;D;Routine Save^^5
| 70 | ;;RS;C;W $C(7),!?2,"Not available for this M Vendor.",!
| 71 | ;;RS;2;D ^%RS
| 72 | ;;RS;8;D ^%RS
| 73 | ;;RS;9;d ^%rsave
| 74 | ;;RS;16;D ^%RS
| 75 | ;;RS;17;D ^%RO
| 76 | ;;RS;18;D ^%RO
| 77 | ;;RS;19;D ^%RO
| 78 | ;;RSEARCH;D;Routine Search^^5
| 79 | ;;RSEARCH;C;W $C(7),!?2,"Not available for this M Vendor.",!
| 80 | ;;RSEARCH;8;D ^%RSE
| 81 | ;;RSEARCH;9;d ^%rsearch
| 82 | ;;RSEARCH;16;D ^%RSE
| 83 | ;;RSEARCH;17;D ^%RSE
| 84 | ;;RSEARCH;18;D ^%RFIND
| 85 | ;;RSEARCH;19;D ^%RSE
| 86 | ;;RSEL;D;Routine Select^^5
| 87 | ;;RSEL;C;W $C(7),!?2,"Not available for this M Vendor.",!
| 88 | ;;RSEL;2;D ^%RSEL
| 89 | ;;RSEL;8;D ^%RSEL
| 90 | ;;RSEL;9;w $$^%rselect," routines selected"
| 91 | ;;RSEL;16;D ^%RSEL
| 92 | ;;RSEL;17;D ^%RSEL
| 93 | ;;RSEL;18;D ^%RSET
| 94 | ;;RSEL;19;D ^%RSEL
| 95 | ;;RSIZE;D;Routine Size^^5
| 96 | ;;RSIZE;C;W $C(7),!?2,"Not available for this M Vendor.",!
| 97 | ;;RSIZE;2;D ^%RSIZE
| 98 | ;;RSIZE;8;D ^%RSIZE
| 99 | ;;RSIZE;16;D ^%RSIZE
| 100 | ;;RTN;D;Make NEW Routine^^5
| 101 | ;;RTN;C;D ^%ZVEMSNR
| 102 | ;;UCI;D;Switch UCI^^5
| 103 | ;;UCI;C;W $C(7),!?2,"Not available for this M Vendor.",!
| 104 | ;;UCI;2;D ^%ZUCI
| 105 | ;;UCI;8;D ^%LOGON
| 106 | ;;UCI;9;d ^%nspace
| 107 | ;;UCI;16;D ^%ZUCI
| 108 | ;;UTIL;D;Utilities Menu^^5
| 109 | ;;UTIL;C;W $C(7),!?2,"Not available for this M Vendor.",!
| 110 | ;;UTIL;2;D ^%LIB
| 111 | ;;UTIL;8;D ^%UTL
| 112 | ;;UTIL;9;ZZUTIL
| 113 | ;;UTIL;16;D ^%LIB
| 114 | ;;***