ZVEMSH4 ;DJB,VSHL**SYSTEM QWIKS [9/8/97 8:24pm] ;;12;VPE;;COPYRIGHT David Bolduc @1993 ; SYSTEM ;;; ;;; S Y S T E M Q W I K S ;;; ;;; System QWIKs come with the VShell. To invoke a System QWIK, type two dots ;;; followed by the name. For example, to run VGL you would type ..VGL. ;;; The following is a list of the available System QWIKs, grouped by category: ;;; ;;; 1.) QWIK RELATED ;;; ;;; QB Assign User QWIKs to a Box. See BOXES help text. ;;; QC Copy a QWIK. ;;; QD Delete a QWIK. ;;; QE Add/Edit a QWIK. Same as . ;;; QL1 List User QWIKs/Description - Same as 1. ;;; QL2 List User QWIKs/Code - Same as 2. ;;; QL3 List System QWIKs/Description - Same as 3. ;;; QL4 List System QWIKs/Code - Same as 4. ;;; QSAVE Saves your User QWIKs to a routine. Use for back-up or to send your ;;; QWIKs to another programmer. This option also restores previously ;;; saved QWIKs. ;;; QV Create QWIKs that will run on different vendors' Mumps systems. See ;;; VENDOR SPECIFIC CONFIGURATIONS help text. ;;; QVL List Vendor Specific Code for QWIKs set up with QV. ;;; ;;; 2.) SHELL RELATED ;;; ;;; CLH Resequences your Command Line History. The VShell saves your last 20 ;;; commands. As new commands are added and old commands dropped, the ;;; sequence number of each entry can get large. You may type ..CLH ;;; at anytime, to resequence the numbers back to 1-20. ;;; DTMVT For DataTree users. If you Control C out of some DataTree utilities, ;;; VT100 terminal emulation is no longer in effect and you will see ;;; junk on the screen. Use this QWIK to reset your terminal to VT100. ;;; PARAM Enter System Parameters. See MISCELLANEOUS help text. ;;; PUR The VShell has it's own scratch area: ^%ZVEMS("%"). PUR will purge ;;; older nodes left behind by a previous session. ;;; PURVGL Purge VGL's Command Line History. ;;; PURVRR Purge VRR's Command Line History. ;;; PURVEDD Purge VEDD's Command Line History. ;;; PURVSHL Purge Command Line History for the VShell. ;;; UL List VShell Users, including DUZ and ID numbers. ;;; VER Displays VShell version number. ;;; ;;; 3.) PROGRAMMER TOOLS ;;; ;;; ASCII ASCII table display. ;;; CAL 6 month calendar display. ;;; E VRoutine Editor. ;;; KEY Display escape sequence for any key pressed. ;;; LBRY Routine Library. Used with ..E to help prevent routines from being ;;; accidentily overwritten when there are multiple programmers working ;;; on the same routines. ;;; NOTES VPE programmer notes. ;;; RL Routine Lister ;;; RTN Start a new M routine. You may enter your lines of ;;; code and it will prompt you for a routine name and save it to disk. ;;; VEDD VElectronic Data Dictionary. ;;; VGL VGlobal Lister. ;;; VRR VRoutine Reader. ;;; ZD Kill all local variables that start with %1(parameter). ;;; ZP Use to ZPRINT a routine. ;;; ZR Use to ZREMOVE from 1 to 9 routines. ;;; ZW ZWRITE the symbol table. Writes the variables one page at a time. ;;; ;;; 4.) FILEMAN/VA KERNEL RELATED ;;; ;;; FMC Fileman programmer calls. ;;; FMTI Fileman Input Template display. ;;; FMTP Fileman Print Template display. ;;; FMTS Fileman Sort Template display. ;;; LF VA KERNEL Libray Functions. ;;; XQRT Help text for VA Kernel menu options. ;;; ;;; 5.) VENDOR GENERIC QWIKS ;;; ;;; See VENDOR SPECIFIC CONFIGURATIONS help text. ;;;***