ZVEMSH9 ;DJB,VSHL**VA KERNEL [04/17/94] ;;12;VPE;;COPYRIGHT David Bolduc @1993 ; KERN ;;; ;;; V A K E R N E L ;;; ;;; The following information applies to those users who wish to run the VSHELL ;;; as a VA KERNEL menu option. ;;; ;;; You create the VSHELL option as an Action type: X ^%ZVEMS. The name of the ;;; option MUST include the word 'VSHELL'. This is important. If the name doesn't ;;; include 'VSHELL' it will not run. The purpose for this naming convention is ;;; to enable the VSHELL to know when it's being called as a VA KERNEL menu ;;; option. ;;; ;;; The VSHELL sets a flag when it starts running. This flag prevents you from ;;; starting a 2nd VSHELL. If you try to run the VSHELL menu option and get a ;;; message saying "The VSHELL is already running", and you are not running ;;; the VSHELL already, it's because this flag has not been cleared. You can ;;; clear the flag 2 ways. ;;; 1. Log off the system and log back on with a new $J. ;;; 2. Enter Programmer Mode, kill XQY0, start the VSHELL and then HALT. ;;; This will delete the VSHELL's scratch global, clearing the flag. You ;;; can now DO ^ZU to reenter the VA KERNEL menu system and run the VSHELL ;;; option. ;;; ;;; If you enter the VSHELL from a VA KERNEL menu option, switch UCIs, and then ;;; try to HALT, you will receive a message telling you to move back to the UCI ;;; you first came in from, and then you can HALT. ;;; ;;; NOTE: If you run a VA KERNEL menu option using ^XUP while in the VSHELL, you ;;; may be halted from the system upon return. This is NOT caused by the VSHELL, ;;; but is a factor of the VA KERNEL software. ;;;***