VEPEPROM ;DAOU/DLF Prompts for where to print/send EHR prescriptions ; 4/12/05 11:42am ;;7.0;OUTPATIENT PHARMACY;**10,22,32,40,120,208**;DEC 1997;Build 1 VERS ; ;Reference to ^PS(59.7 supported by DBIA 694 ;Reference to ^PSX(550 supported by DBIA 2230 ;Reference to ^%ZIS supported by DBIA 3435 ; Q GETRX ;Daou/DLF;Get the prescription number (manual) 4/22/2005 I '$D(PSOPAR) D ^PSOLSET R "Enter the prescription number: ",PSOERX:DTIME G LBL RX(PSORX) ;Called entry point from Complete orders from OERR (PSONEW) LBL ;Daou/MRM ;Define device PSOPRDEV and prompt for Where to Fax/Send; 4/2/2005 S DIR("A")="Enter type of output device",DIR("A",1)="",DIR("A",2)="" S DIR("A",3)=" 1 Label - for immediate dispensing" S DIR("A",4)=" 2 Printer - print prescription" S DIR("A",5)=" 3 Fax - fax prescription to pharmacy" S DIR("A",6)="" S DIR(0)="N",DIR("?")="Enter 1,2, or 3" D ^DIR I "123"'[Y W !,"Invalid response, please enter 1, 2, or 3" G LBL S PSOPRDEV=$S(Y=1:"L",Y=2:"P",Y=3:"F",1:"L") Q VERIFY(VEPETST) ; ;Verify that the Fax directory exists ; S FIL=$$GET1^DIQ(59,"1,",92001.3) S FIL=FIL_"\TEST.DAT" S %ZIS="",%ZIS("HFSNAME")=FIL,%ZIS("HFSMODE")="W",IOP="HFS",(XPDSIZ,XPDSIZA)=0,XPDSEQ=1 D ^%ZIS I POP=1 W !!,"Fax directory does not exist - please define it or correct it before faxing" H 3 Q 1 Q 0