VEPERI1 ;DAOU/WCJ - Incoming HL7 messages ;2-MAY-2005 ;;1.0;VOEB;;Jun 12, 2005 ;;;VISTA OFFICE/EHR; ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ;**Program Description** ; This program parses each incoming HL7 messageS. Q ; ; Put the HL7 record into an array that is easier to work with ; (Something similar to table) ; ; This got a little bit tricky since some segments repeat and ; segment within those segments repeat. Some arbitrary limits ; were imposed to be able to handle this. ; 1) A segment may only repeat 9 times. (no more than 9 IN1's) ; 2) Only 4 repeating segments may be within each other. ; IN1 could repeat 9 times. Within IN1, IN3 can repeat 9 times. ; Another segment could repeat within the IN3, and another within ; that one, but that's it. ; PARSE(HL7IN,HLP,HLF,DEL,FE,MSGEVNT,HLMTIEN) ; N I,SEG,DATA,ELEMENT,SETID,SEQ,SI,EVENT,TMP,J,K,LEVEL,TMP,BIT,OLDSETID ; S EVENT=$$FIND1^DIC(19904.15,,,MSGEVNT) I EVENT="" S FE=$$FATALERR^VEPERI6(1,"HL7","UNSUPPORTED EVENT IN FILE 19905.15",HLMTIEN) S FE=0,SETID="" ; F I=1:1 Q:'$D(HL7IN(I)) D Q:FE . S DATA="",SEQ=0 . F J=0:1 Q:'$D(HL7IN(I,J)) D Q:FE .. S DATA=DATA_HL7IN(I,J) .. Q:DATA="" .. ; check if it's a segment on the first level. .. ; this means it is not within a repeating segment .. I 'J D ... S SEG=$P(DATA,DEL(1)) ... I $$FIND1^DIC(19904.151,",1,","C","SEG") S SETID="" .. F K=1:1:$L(DATA,DEL(1)) D Q:FE ... ; ... ; look at the first sequence in a segment, see if it is a repeating segement ... ; by looking for SET ID in the table ... I 'J,'SEQ D Q:FE .... Q:$P($G(HLF("TBL",SEG,SEQ+1,0)),U,2)'["SET ID" .... S SI=$P(DATA,DEL(1),K+1) .... I SI>9 S FE=$$FATALERR^VEPERI6(1,"DATA",SEG_" "_SEQ_" "_SETID_" "_" TOO MANY SETID'S - LIMIT 9",HLMTIEN,.HLP) Q .... S TMP=SEG .... F BIT=3:-1:0 S TMP=$P(HLF("TBL",TMP),U,4) Q:TMP="" .... I TMP'="" S FE=$$FATALERR^VEPERI6(1,"DATA",SEG_" "_SEQ_" "_SETID_" "_" TOO MANY REPEATING SEGMENTS - LIMIT 4",HLMTIEN,.HLP) Q .... I BIT=3 S SETID=0 .... S TMP=SI_"E"_BIT .... I BIT=$G(LEVEL) S SETID=OLDSETID .... S OLDSETID=SETID,LEVEL=BIT .... S SETID=SETID+TMP ... I K=$L(DATA,DEL(1)),$D(HL7IN(I,J+1)) Q ... S ELEMENT=$P(DATA,DEL(1),K) ... I ELEMENT]"" D .... S ELEMENT=$$UP^VEPERIU(ELEMENT) .... S HLP(SEG,$S(SETID]"":SETID,1:1000),SEQ)=ELEMENT ... S SEQ=SEQ+1 .. S DATA=$P(DATA,DEL(1),K) Q ; ; This runs through all the data sent it. ; It will further parse fields within segments (such as address) ; It also does execute code for mapping validation. ; It runs though the input transform to make sure the values ; are valid. Sometimes, it is set to skip the input trans if ; doing so would cause an error. ; VALIDATE(HLP,HLF,FE,DEL,HLMTIEN) ; N SEG,SEQ,SETID,REQ,PM,X,OK,PMEXE,XSTR,FILE,FIELD,DATAELEM,INTRANS N DIQUIET,PTR,FIELDS,SKIPTRAN,TMP,BIT,SI ; S DIQUIET=1 S FE=0 ; ; Start looping through the table and parsed data. ; It actually loops through the table, but frequently checks ; on the parsed data. It needs to use the table because some ; required data may be missing. ; S SEG="" F S SEG=$O(HLF("TBL",SEG)) Q:SEG=""!FE D . ; . ; Make sure all required segments are there . I +$P(HLF("TBL",SEG),U,3),'$D(HLP(SEG)) D Q ; required segment not present .. S FE=$$FATALERR^VEPERI6(1,"HL7",SEG_" REQUIRED SEGMENT MISSING",HLMTIEN,.HLP) . ; . Q:'$D(HLP(SEG)) ; If no data in this segment, no need to validate . ; . S SEQ="" F S SEQ=$O(HLF("TBL",SEG,SEQ)) Q:SEQ=""!(FE) D .. ; .. S REQ=$P(HLF("TBL",SEG,SEQ,0),U,5) ; required .. S PM=$P(HLF("TBL",SEG,SEQ,0),U,6) ; pattern matching .. S XSTR=$G(HLF("TBL",SEG,SEQ,1)) ; execute string .. ; .. S SETID=0 F S SETID=$O(HLP(SEG,SETID)) Q:SETID=""!(FE) D ... S (DATAELEM,X)=$G(HLP(SEG,SETID,SEQ)) ... ; ... ; This next section was added to handle the Next of Kin data ... ; NK1 and NK2 are seperate fields in Vista, not mulitply occurring ones. ... ; SET ID 1 needs to get stored in one place ... ; SET ID 2 gets stored in another ... ; If a segment is repeating and is being stored in a muliply occuring field, ... ; SET ID will be 1. This is because the data is sored in the same field in Vista ... ; just another occurance of the multiple. ... ; ... S (FILE,FIELD,FIELDS)="" ... I $O(HLF("TBL",SEG,SEQ,"SETID",0)) D Q:FE .... ; .... ; Only SET ID 1 defined for this one. .... I '$O(HLF("TBL",SEG,SEQ,"SETID",1)) D Q ..... S FILE=$O(HLF("TBL",SEG,SEQ,"SETID",1,"")) ..... S FIELDS=$O(HLF("TBL",SEG,SEQ,"SETID",1,FILE,"")) .... ; .... ; Need to figure out which SET ID we are talking about. .... ; SET ID is currently a four digist number of potential SET ID's .... ; SET ID 2300 could be the 3rd IN3 withine the 2nd IN1. So, set ID is either .... ; 2 or 3. .... S TMP=SEG .... F BIT=1:1:4 S TMP=$P(HLF("TBL",TMP),U,4) Q:TMP="" .... S SI=$E(SETID,BIT) .... ; .... ; Get the file and fields for that SET ID .... I $D(HLF("TBL",SEG,SEQ,"SETID",SI)) D Q ..... S FILE=$O(HLF("TBL",SEG,SEQ,"SETID",SI,"")) ..... S FIELDS=$O(HLF("TBL",SEG,SEQ,"SETID",SI,FILE,"")) .... ; .... ; More than one SET ID defined in table yet not this one. Time to bug out. .... S FE=$$FATALERR^VEPERI6(1,"DATA OR TABLE",SEG_" "_SEQ_" "_SETID,HLMTIEN,.HLP) ... ; ... ; This is supposedly a required field ... I REQ D Q:FE .... I $G(HLP(SEG,SETID,SEQ))="" S FE=$$FATALERR^VEPERI6(1,"DATA",SEG_" "_SEQ_" "_SETID_" MISSING",HLMTIEN,.HLP) Q ... ; ... ; Not much to do with this field past this point if it ain't there ... Q:X="" ... ; ... ; Pattern Match the field ... I PM]"" D Q:FE .... S OK=0 .... S PMEXE="I "_PM_" S OK=1" .... X PMEXE .... I 'OK S FE=$$FATALERR^VEPERI6(1,"DATA",SEG_" "_SEQ_" "_X_" "_PMEXE,HLMTIEN,.HLP) Q ... ; ... ; This is an execute string. Mostly used for data mapping. ... ; If X is different going out than coming in, store it. ... I XSTR]"" D Q:FE .... S OK=0 .... X XSTR .... I 'OK S FE=$$FATALERR^VEPERI6(1,"DATA",SEG_" "_SEQ_" "_X_" "_XSTR,HLMTIEN,.HLP) Q .... I X'=DATAELEM S HLP(SEG,SETID,SEQ,0)=X,DATAELEM=X ... ; ... ; If there is no place to store the data, no need to continue ... I FILE=""!(FIELDS="") Q ... ; ... ; This next section loops through FIELDS since mutiple Vista Fields can go into ... ; one HL7 field. Address is an an example. This only works if the fields are in ... ; the same file. ... N FLDLOOP ... F FLDLOOP=1:1:$L(FIELDS,",") D Q:FE .... S FIELD=$P(FIELDS,",",FLDLOOP) .... N X .... S X=$P(DATAELEM,DEL(2),FLDLOOP) .... S INTRANS="",SKIPTRAN=$P($G(HLF("MAP",FILE,FIELD)),U,4) .... ; .... ; Need to skip the input trans on some fields becasue they cause errors. Some .... ; input trans expect certain variables to be there or are dependent on other .... ; fields. AT this time, we can only use the stand alone checks here. .... I 'SKIPTRAN S INTRANS=$$GET1^DID(FILE,FIELD,,"INPUT TRANSFORM") .... ; .... ; If there is data and an input transform then let's do it. .... I X]"",INTRANS]"" D Q:FE ..... X INTRANS ..... I '$D(X) D Q ; if X is not defined, input transform killed it ...... S FE=$$FATALERR^VEPERI6(1,"DATA",SEG_" "_SEQ_" "_DATAELEM_" "_INTRANS,HLMTIEN,.HLP) .... ; .... ; If X made it this far, we ought to save it .... I X]"" S HLF("DATA",FILE,FIELD,SETID)=X .... ; .... ; It this field is a pointer to another field, we need to see if LAYGO is allowed .... ; or if the data is in the pointed to file. .... I $P(HLF("MAP",FILE,FIELD),U,5) D ..... Q:'$P(HLF("MAP",FILE,FIELD),U,6) ; if laygo is allowed, do not check ..... S PTR=$P(HLF("MAP",FILE,FIELD),U,5) ..... K RESULTS ..... D FIND^DIC(PTR,,"@;.01","MO",X,,,,,"RESULTS") ..... I '+RESULTS("DILIST",0) S FE=$$FATALERR^VEPERI6(1,"DATA",SEG_" "_SEQ_" "_SETID_" "_X_" PTR NO MATCHES",HLMTIEN,.HLP) Q ..... I +RESULTS("DILIST",0)>1 S FE=$$FATALERR^VEPERI6(1,"DATA",SEG_" "_SEQ_" "_SETID_" "_X_" PTR TO MANY MATCHES",HLMTIEN,.HLP) Q ..... S HLF("DATA",FILE,FIELD,SETID)=RESULTS("DILIST","ID",1,.01) Q