VEPERI4 ;DAOU/WCJ - Incoming HL7 messages ;2-MAY-2005 ;;1.0;VOEB;;Jun 12, 2005 ;;;VISTA OFFICE/EHR; ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified. ; ;**Program Description** ; Set up as INTERFACE,BILLING user. ; If there isn't one, add one first Q ; ; Sets up needed variables DUZ, DUZ(1), DUZ(2), DUZ("AG"), ... ; for user INTERFACE,BILLING. If the user is not on file, it will ; be added. ; ; Returns Fatal Error if BAD things happened ; GETUSER(DUZ,FE,HLMTIEN) ; S FE=0 D ADDUSR(.DUZ) ; I 'DUZ S FE=$$FATALERR^VEPERI6(1,"USER","CAN'T FIND/ADD INTERFACE,BILLING USER",HLMTIEN) Q ; D DUZ^XUP(DUZ) Q ; ; This will add a user INTERFACE,BILLING to file 200. ; DUZ which is passed in by reference will either be returned with ; the entry number to 200 or a 0 if something bad happened. ; ADDUSR(DUZ) ; N DR,DIC,DIE,D0,X,Y,DA N FDA,MSG,VER,ACC,MENU,IENS,IEN ; ; Check to see if User already exists S DUZ=0 S X="INTERFACE,BILLING" S Y=$$FIND1^DIC(200,"","B",X,"","") ; ; Found more than one. BAD I Y="" Q ; ; Found one. GOOD I Y>0 S DUZ=+Y Q ; ; Found none. Add New Person. OK S DIC="^VA(200,",DIC(0)="L" D FILE^DICN I Y<1 Q S (DUZ,IEN)=+Y ; S $P(^VA(200,IEN,0),U,4)="@" ; give them real access ; ; add some fields to 200 S ACC="49668467798373",VER="738379354950678466" S IENS=IEN_"," S FDA(200,IENS,200.05)=0 S FDA(200,IENS,200.04)=1 S FDA(200,IENS,1)="BCI" S FDA(200,IENS,2)=ACC S FDA(200,IENS,11)=VER S FDA(200,IENS,7.2)=1 S FDA(200,IENS,201)="Systems Manager Menu" K ^VA(200,"AOLD",ACC) ;Delete old Access code K ^VA(200,IEN,"VOLD") ;Kill off old verify codes for user D UPDATE^DIE("","FDA","IENS","MSG") ; ; add division to subfile K FDA,MSG,IENS S IENS="?2,"_IEN_"," S FDA(200.02,IENS,.01)="VISTA EHR" S FDA(200.02,IENS,1)="Y" D UPDATE^DIE("","FDA","IENS","MSG") Q