| 1 | VEPERI7 ;DAOU/WCJ - Incoming HL7 messages ;2-MAY-2005
| 2 | ;;1.0;VOEB;;Jun 12, 2005
| 4 | ;;Per VHA Directive 10-93-142, this routine should not be modified.
| 5 | ;
| 6 | ;**Program Description**
| 7 | ; Process patients from the pending file
| 8 | ; New patients were put in a holding file until the user acts on them.
| 9 | ; This is where the user acts on them.
| 10 | Q
| 11 | ;
| 12 | EN ;
| 13 | ;
| 16 | ;
| 17 | ; Look up record in holding file
| 18 | ;
| 19 | S DIC=19904.21,DIC(0)="AEQMZ"
| 20 | S DIC("S")="I $P(^(0),U,10)="""",$P(^(0),U,11)="""""
| 21 | S DIC("A")="Enter Patient Name (LAST,FIRST) or Billing System ID: "
| 22 | D ^DIC
| 23 | Q:Y<0
| 24 | S IEN=+Y,NAME=$P(Y(0),U,2),DOB=$P(Y(0),U,3),SEX=$P(Y(0),U,4),FID=$P(Y(0),U,6)
| 25 | ;
| 26 | ; Ask what do do
| 27 | ;
| 29 | S DIR("A")="PATIENT TYPE "
| 30 | S DIR("B")="N"
| 31 | D ^DIR
| 32 | Q:X=""
| 33 | ;
| 34 | ; Get more info is needed for the various actions
| 35 | ;
| 36 | S TAG=$S(X="N":"NEW",X="E":"EXIST",X="R":"REJECT",1:"")
| 37 | Q:TAG=""
| 38 | D @TAG
| 39 | I '$G(ADD),$G(DFN)<0 Q
| 40 | ;
| 41 | ; See if there are any others like this one
| 42 | ;
| 43 | S IENS=$$OTHERS()
| 44 | Q:'IENS
| 45 | ;
| 46 | ; At this point, I have all the IEN's for this patient, the DFN
| 47 | ; if it's an existing patient, or a flag saying it is new.
| 48 | ;
| 50 | ;
| 51 | ; If no DFN, then this was the first occurance of a new patient and there was
| 52 | ; an error. It is no longer a pending add so reject it.
| 53 | ;
| 54 | I '$G(DFN) S IEN=$P(IENS,",") D REJECT Q
| 55 | ;
| 56 | F I=1:1 S IEN=$P(IENS,",") Q:IEN="" D STAMPDFN
| 57 | Q
| 58 | ;
| 59 | ; New Patient, make sure
| 60 | ;
| 61 | NEW S ADD=0
| 62 | S DIR(0)="S^Y:YES;N:NO"
| 63 | S DIR("A")="OK TO ADD "
| 64 | S DIR("B")="Y"
| 65 | D ^DIR
| 66 | I X="Y" S ADD=1
| 67 | Q
| 68 | ;
| 69 | ; This patient was picked as an existing patient
| 70 | ; since the lookup rotuine couldn't figure it out, the user needs to link them.
| 71 | ;
| 72 | EXIST ;
| 74 | S DFN=0
| 75 | S DIC=2
| 76 | S DIC(0)="AEQMVZ"
| 77 | S DIC("A")="Which existing patient ? "
| 78 | D ^DIC
| 79 | I Y<0 Q
| 80 | S PATIENT=+Y
| 81 | S ENAME=$P(Y(0),U,1)
| 82 | S ESEX=$P(Y(0),U,2)
| 83 | S EDOB=$P(Y(0),U,3)
| 84 | S EFID=$$GET1^DIQ(9000001,+Y_",",19907)
| 85 | W !!,"INTERFACE",?20,"VOE SYSTEM"
| 86 | W !,NAME,?20,ENAME
| 87 | W !,SEX,?20,ESEX
| 88 | W !,DOB,?20,EDOB
| 89 | W !,FID,?20,EFID,!!
| 90 | S DIR(0)="S^Y:YES;N:NO"
| 91 | S DIR("A")="OK TO FILE "
| 92 | D ^DIR
| 93 | I X="Y" S DFN=PATIENT
| 94 | Q
| 95 | ;
| 96 | ; Either a user rejected this or it errored upon processing
| 97 | REJECT ;
| 98 | S DIE=19904.21,DR=".1///NOW",DA=IEN
| 99 | D ^DIE
| 100 | Q
| 101 | ;
| 102 | ; Stamp the record with the patient that is was matched with
| 103 | STAMPDFN ;
| 104 | S DIE=19904.21,DR=".11///^S X=DFN",DA=IEN
| 105 | D ^DIE
| 106 | Q
| 107 | ;
| 108 | ; Look for mulitple occurrances of this patientfor them all to be processed
| 109 | ; return a string of IENS from file 772 (the pointed to file)
| 110 | OTHERS() ;
| 112 | S SCREEN="I $P(^(0),U,10)="""",$P(^(0),U,11)="""",$P(^(0),U,3)=DOB,$P(^(0),U,4)=SEX,$P(^(0),U,6)=FID"
| 113 | D FIND^DIC(19904.21,,,"CMO",NAME,"CD",,SCREEN,,"RESULT","ERR")
| 114 | I '+$G(RESULT("DILIST",0)) Q 0
| 115 | S IENS=""
| 116 | F I=1:1 Q:'$D(RESULT("DILIST",1,I)) S IENS=IENS_RESULT("DILIST",1,I)_$S($D(RESULT("DILIST",2,I+1)):",",1:"")
| 117 | Q IENS
| 118 | ;
| 119 | ; simple report of patients awaiting action
| 120 | REPORT ;
| 121 | N DIC,FLDS,BY,L
| 122 | S DIC=19904.21,FLDS="[NEW PATIENTS]",BY="[NEW PATIENTS]",L=0
| 123 | D EN1^DIP
| 124 | Q