VEPERMM ;DAOU/KFK; HL7 ERROR REPORT MAIL MESSAGE GENERATION; ; 6/3/05 4:16pm ;;1.0;;;;Build 1 ; This routine will determine if there is a mailgroup that is to ; receive the HL7 Error Report for Patient Lookup. ; ; Need to enter routine at a TAG. Q ; MMEN ; Tag to be called by TaskMan to generate report with default values ; and send as MailMan message ; ; Initialize variables N BDT,EDT,HL7ERTN,HL7ESPC,TM ; ; Default report parameters ; Start Date/Time - End Date/Time range ; Determine start time based on site parameter ; S TM=$$GET1^DIQ(350.9,"1,",51.03,"E") I TM=""!(TM=0) S TM="2400" S EDT=$$DT^XLFDT S BDT=$$FMADD^XLFDT(EDT,-1) S HL7ESPC("BEGDTM")=+(BDT_"."_TM) S HL7ESPC("ENDDTM")=+(EDT_"."_TM) ; Sort by Patient S HL7ESPC("SORT")=2 ; Set MailMan flag to site parameter email address S HL7ESPC("MM")=$$MGRP^IBCNEUT5 ; If there is no email address to send message - do not continue I HL7ESPC("MM")="" Q ; If the send email message parameter is turned off, stop the process I '$P($G(^IBE(350.9,1,51)),U,2) Q ; ; Set routine parameter S HL7ERTN="VEPERIER" ; ; Initialize scratch global K ^TMP($J,HL7ERTN) ; ; Compile the report data I '$G(ZSTOP) D EN^VEPERIER(HL7ERTN,HL7ESPC) ; ; Kill scratch global K ^TMP($J,HL7ERTN) ; ; Purge the task record I $D(ZTQUEUED) S ZTREQ="@" ; ; MAILMSG exit Q