Rev | Line | |
[613] | 1 | WVENV ;HCIOFO/FT-Environment Check ;9/24/98 09:07
| 2 | ;;1.0;WOMEN'S HEALTH;;Sep 30, 1998
| 3 | ;;
| 4 | EN ; check if Rad/nm patch is installed.
| 5 | I '$$PATCH^XPDUTL("RA*5.0*2") D
| 6 | .S WVTEXT(1)="NOTE: The Radiology/Nuclear Medicine v5.0 package has an event"
| 7 | .S WVTEXT(2)=" point (included with RA*5.0*2) which will notify the Women's"
| 8 | .S WVTEXT(3)=" Health package whenever a radiology report is verified"
| 9 | .S WVTEXT(4)=" for a mammogram. This event point allows mammograms"
| 10 | .S WVTEXT(5)=" to be automatically entered into the Women's Health"
| 11 | .S WVTEXT(6)=" Procedure file (#790.1)."
| 12 | .S WVTEXT(7)=" "
| 13 | .S WVTEXT(8)=" To use this functionality install RA*5.0*2."
| 14 | .S WVTEXT(9)=" Please continue with this package installation."
| 16 | .Q
| 17 | K WVTEXT
| 18 | Q
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