ZJOB1 ;ISF/RWF - GT.M Job Exam ;06/08/2004 17:15 ;;8.0;KERNEL;**275**;Jul 10, 1995;Build 2 Q ; ============= ; Reserved Symbols, Current Symbol Table Cleared and Replaced with Target Symbols ; zz1z - Index ; zz2z - Variable set syntax ; zz3z - Target Job ID LOAD ; Load variables from target process into current partition N zz1z,zz2z,zz3z,zz4z s zz3z=PID K (zz1z,zz2z,zz3z) F zz1z=1:1 S zz2z=$G(^XUTL("XUSYS",zz3z,"JE","V",zz1z)) Q:zz2z="" D . ; Overly Long Strings may not be complete... . ; Better to throw away some data than to crash . ; But save if you can . I zz2z'["=" Q:$G(zz4z)="" S zz2z=zz4z_"="""_@zz4z_zz2z . ; . I zz2z["="""&($E(zz2z,$L(zz2z))'="""") S zz2z=zz2z_"""" . S @zz2z . S zz4z=$P(zz2z,"=") .Q Q ; ============= ;^XUTL("XUSYS",538971386,"JE","V",42)="ZTSK=0" UNIX ; gtmsendint shell script should be save in $gtm_dist ; INSTALL Note: ; When loading this into the $gtm_dist location, remember to ; chmod 555 $gtm_dist/gtmsendint ; so that the privs will be available for all. ; Everything between the lines goes into gtmsendint ; VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV ; ------------------------------------------------------- ;#!/bin/tcsh -f ; ## Swith the CASE construct on the number of arguments, 0, 1, or more... ; switch ($#) ; ## Case of NO Arguments, Interrupt everyone who runs mumps. ; case 0: ; foreach proc (`ps --no-headers -o pid= -C mumps`) ; $gtm_dist/mupip intrpt $proc >>&/tmp/gtmsendint.$$.log ; end ; breaksw ; ## One Argument Form to exclude the first argument (current Job $J) ; ## and process everyone else and then do the current $J to signal ; ## this completion of the task. ; case 1: ; foreach proc (`ps --no-headers -o pid= -C mumps`) ; if ($proc != $1) $gtm_dist/mupip intrpt $proc >>&/tmp/gtmsendint.$$.log ; end ; $gtm_dist/mupip intrpt $1 >>&/tmp/gtmsendint.$$.log ; breaksw ; ## Else Clause ; ## This list of arguments (greater than 1) is the target(s) followed by the ; ## current $J of this process to signal completion of the process ; default: ; foreach proc ($*) ; $gtm_dist/mupip intrpt $proc >>&/tmp/gtmsendint.$$.log ; end ; breaksw ; endsw ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ VMS ; GTMSENDINT.COM DCL code should be saved in GTM$DIST ;$! This is the file to process requests MUPIP INTRPT ;$! Hides the MUPIP output ;$ if p1 .eqs. "" then $exit ;$ define sys$output NL: ;$ mupip INTRPT /ID='p1' ;$ if p2 .eqs. "" then goto end ;$ mupip INTRPT /ID='p2' ;$end: ;$ deassign sys$output ;$exit