ZZRESJOB ;(KSO,PK) Kill a job by VMS PID ; DKA187 08/30/93 ; Compiled 04/22/97 06:19PM for M/WNT ; +--------------------------------------------------------+ ; | Copyright 1986-1997 by InterSystems Corporation, | ; | Cambridge, Massachusetts, U.S.A. | ; | All rights reserved. | ; | | ; | Confidential, unpublished property of InterSystems. | ; | | ; | This media contains an authorized copy or copies | ; | of material copyrighted by InterSystems and is the | ; | confidential, unpublished property of InterSystems. | ; | This copyright notice and any other copyright notices | ; | included in machine readable copies must be reproduced | ; | on all authorized copies. | ; +--------------------------------------------------------+ BEGIN ; N %D,%X,JOB,KJ,PROC W !,"Force a process to quit Open M" ASK R !!,"Process ID (? for status report): ",JOB:DTIME I JOB="" W ! Q ; **MODIFICATION: ^%SS replaced with ^AAQSS... I JOB="?" W ! D ^AAQSS G ASK ; ************** S:0 JOB=JOB D FIND I 'KJ W $C(7)," [no such Open M process]" G ASK I JOB=$J W $C(7),!,"This is your current process, not proceeding with kill." G ASK S PROC="",$ZT="ASK1",PROC=$P($V(-1,JOB),"^",10) ASK1 S $ZT="" I PROC?2U1N S PROC="" ;network daemons can be killed I PROC]"",PROC'="JOBSRV" D G ASK . W $C(7),!,"Can NOT kill the "_PROC_" process. " S ZZ=$ZU(4,KJ) I ZZ=-1 W !,"Process not responding" G ASK I ZZ=-2 W !,"Process died, not responding" G ASK I ZZ=-3 W !,"Process already died" G ASK I PROC="JOBSRV" G ASK F I=1:1:5 H 1 D FIND G ASK:'KJ W !,"Process failed to quit" G ASK FIND S %D=JOB F KJ=0:0 S KJ=+$ZJ(KJ) Q:'KJ!(KJ=%D) Q INT(JOB) ;EXTRINSIC FUNCTION. GIVEN JOB=PROCESS ID#. QUITS 1 IF TERMINATES, ELSE QUITS 0. (LIBERMAN) APR87 S:0 JOB=JOB N %D,%X,I,KJ D FIND I 'KJ Q 0 ;QUIT 0 IF CANNOT FIND THAT PROCESS I $ZU(4,KJ)=1 F I=1:1:5 H 1 D FIND G Q1:'KJ Q 0 ;PROCESS DEAD OR NOT RESPONDING Q1 Q 1