RGHLLOG ;CAIRO/DKM-LOG MESSAGE PROCESSING INFO ;09/04/98 ;;1.0;CLINICAL INFO RESOURCE NETWORK;**1,3,11,13,18,19,25,45,52**;30 Apr 99;Build 2 ; ;Reference to ^HLMA("C" supported by IA #3244 ;================================================================= ; Log information about message processing and exceptions ; in CIRN HL7 Exception Log file. ;================================================================= ; Start time for run log START(RGMSG,RGDC,RGPARAM) ; ;This entry point starts the log process in the CIRN HL7 EXCEPTION LOG ;file (#991.1), if the (#6) MINIMAL EXCEPTION LOGGING? field in ;File #990.8 is set to 0. ; Input: Required ; RGMSG - IEN of message entry in File #773, usually HLMTIEN ; Optional ; RGDC - Event Class, associated with an entry in File # ; RGPARAM - reprocessing routine S U="^" K RGLOG S RGLOG(3)=$G(RGMSG),RGLOG(5)=$G(RGDC),RGLOG(4)=$G(RGPARAM),RGLOG(1)=$$NOW^XLFDT I '$P(^RGSITE("COR",1,0),U,8) S RGLOG=$$CREATE Q ; Create a log entry CREATE() Q:$G(RGLOG) RGLOG L +^RGHL7(991.1,0):10 S RGLOG=$O(^RGHL7(991.1,$C(32)),-1)+1 S:$G(RGLOG(1))="" RGLOG(1)=$$NOW^XLFDT S RGLOG(3)=$S($G(RGLOG(3))=0:0,$G(HL("MID"))="":"",1:$$IEN773($G(HL("MID")))) S (DA,X)=RGLOG,DIC="^RGHL7(991.1,",DIC(0)="L",DLAYGO=991.1,DIC("DR")="1///"_$G(RGLOG(1))_";3////"_$G(RGLOG(3))_";5///"_$G(RGLOG(5))_";4////"_$G(RGLOG(4)) K DD,DO D FILE^DICN K DIC,DA,X,DLAYGO L -^RGHL7(991.1,0) Q RGLOG ; Log time run completed STOP(RGQUIT) ; ;This entry point completes the logging process ; Input: required ; RGQUIT - 0 for success and 1 for failure ; Q:'$G(RGLOG) L +^RGHL7(991.1,RGLOG):10 S DIE="^RGHL7(991.1,",DR="1.5///NOW;1.6///^S X=$G(RGQUIT)",DA=RGLOG D ^DIE K DIE,DA,DR L -^RGHL7(991.1,RGLOG) K RGLOG,RGQUIT,X,Y,DIC,DIE Q ; Log unclassified exception (old entry point) ERR(RGERR,RGSEV) ; D EXC(18,RGERR) S RGQUIT=$G(RGQUIT)!$G(RGSEV) Q ; Log an exception EXC(RGEXC,RGERR,RGDFN,MSGID,STATNUM) ; ;This entry point logs exceptions in the CIRN HL7 EXCEPTION LOG ;file (#991.1) ; Input: Required ; RGEXC - Exception type in File #991.11 ; RGERR - Supplemental text ; Optional ; RGDFN - IEN in the PATIENT file (#2) ; MSGID - message id of the HL7 message where the exception was encountered (optional) ; STATNUM - station # of site that encountered the error (optional) - if not defined then the local site is assumed, using $$SITE^VASITE ; I (RGEXC=215)!(RGEXC=216)!(RGEXC=217) Q ;**52 until MPIFBT3 call eliminates these exception types I $L($G(HL("MID"))) Q:$$INVEXC(HL("MID")) ; is the exception valid? N RGI,RGZ S U="^" S:RGEXC[U RGERR=$P(RGEXC,U,2,999),RGEXC=+RGEXC S:RGEXC'=+RGEXC RGERR=RGEXC,RGEXC=18 S:'$D(^RGHL7(991.11,RGEXC)) RGEXC=18 L +^RGHL7(991.11,RGEXC):10 S RGZ=$G(^RGHL7(991.11,RGEXC,0)) S:$L(RGZ) $P(^RGHL7(991.11,RGEXC,0),U,5)=$P(RGZ,U,5)+1 S:$P(RGZ,U,2)>1 RGQUIT=1 L -^RGHL7(991.11,RGEXC) S RGLOG=$$CREATE L +^RGHL7(991.1,RGLOG):10 S RGI=$O(^RGHL7(991.1,RGLOG,1,$C(32)),-1)+1 S RGERR=$E($G(RGERR),1,250) S DIC="^RGHL7(991.1,"_RGLOG_",1," S X=RGI,DA(1)=RGLOG,DIC(0)="FL",DLAYGO=991.12,DIC("P")=$P(^DD(991.1,2,0),"^",2) D ^DIC S DIE=DIC K DIC,DA,DR,DLAYGO S STAT=0 S DIC="3.8",DIC(0)="Z",X="MPIF EXCEPTIONS" D ^DIC K DIC S RGMG=$P($G(Y),"^",1) I $P(^RGHL7(991.11,RGEXC,0),U,4)=RGMG S STAT=1 S DA(1)=RGLOG,DA=RGI,DR="2///"_$G(RGEXC)_";3///"_$S($G(RGDFN):"`"_RGDFN,1:"")_";6///"_$G(STAT)_";10///"_$G(RGERR) D ^DIE K DIE,DA,DR L -^RGHL7(991.1,RGLOG) S RGI=$P(RGZ,U,3),RGZ=$P(RGZ,U,4) ; ;If the action type is for the MPI Exception Handler, send exception to the handler and quit I (RGI=3) D SENDMPI^RGHLLOG1($G(RGEXC),$G(RGERR),$G(RGDFN),$G(MSGID),$G(STATNUM)) Q ; Q:'RGI!'RGZ ;quit and don't send messages for exception types that are now being ;handled through the MPI/PD Exception Handling option. Q:RGEXC=234!(RGEXC=218) ;MPIC_772; **52 remove 215, 216, and 217 S DIC="^XMB(3.8,",DIC(0)="NZ",X="`"_RGZ D ^DIC K DIC Q:+Y<1 S RGZ=$P(Y,U,2) K Y Q:RGZ=""!$P($G(^RGSITE("COR",1,0)),U,7) S RGERR=$$SHORT(RGEXC,RGERR),RGZ="G."_RGZ I RGI=2 D ALERT^RGRSUTL2(RGERR,RGZ) Q D MAIL^RGRSUTL2(RGERR,RGZ,"MPI/PD Exception: "_$$SHORT(RGEXC),"MPI/PD exception notification") Q ; INVEXC(RGMID) ; determine if this exception needs to be sent to MPI/PD ; personnel via FORUM. Return 1 to avoid messaging to FORUM, else 0. ; IA#:3244 is applied in this functionality N RGFLG,RGIEN S RGFLG=1 S RGIEN=$$IEN773(RGMID) Q:'RGIEN RGFLG S RGIEN("SND")=$$GET1^DIQ(773,RGIEN_",",13) S RGIEN("REC")=$$GET1^DIQ(773,RGIEN_",",14) ; check the sending application (fld:13, 0;11) & the receiving ; application (fld:14, 0;12) to see if they are related to the MPI/PD ; project. I RGIEN("SND")]""!(RGIEN("REC")]"") D Q RGFLG .S RGFLG=$$APP(RGIEN("SND")) Q:'RGFLG .S RGFLG=$$APP(RGIEN("REC")) .Q ; Only if the sending/receiving applications cannot be determined from ; the data in their respective fields, do I check the MSH multiple for ; the MSH segment. I identify the sending/receiving application from ; this segment. E D .N RG,RG1,RGMSH,RGFS .D GETS^DIQ(773,RGIEN_",",200,,"RGMSH") ;check MSH mult for snd/rec app .Q:'($D(RGMSH)\10) ; no data in "MSH" multiple for file 773 .S RGIEN=RGIEN_",",RG="RGMSH(773,"""_RGIEN_""","_200_")" .S RG1=0 F S RG1=$O(@RG@(RG1)) Q:RG1'>0 D Q:$E($G(@RG@(RG1)),1,3)="MSH" ..I $E($G(@RG@(RG1)),1,3)="MSH" D ...S RG(0)=$G(@RG@(RG1)),RGFS=$E(RG(0),4) ...S:$P(RG(0),RGFS,3)]"" RGFLG=$$APP($P(RG(0),RGFS,3)) Q:'RGFLG ...S:$P(RG(0),RGFS,5)]"" RGFLG=$$APP($P(RG(0),RGFS,5)) ...Q ..Q .Q Q RGFLG APP(X) ; check if the sending/receiving application is relevant to the ; MPI/PD team. Returns 1 if a non-relevant namespace, else 0 I $E(X,1,2)="RG"!($E(X,1,2)="VA")!($E(X,1,3)="MPI") Q 0 Q 1 ; IEN773(RGMID) ; find the ien of the record in the HL7 MESSAGE ADMINISTRATION ; (#773) file based on the Message ID. Input: Message ID ; Output: null, no record in 773, else 773 record ien. IA#: 3244 Q:$G(RGMID)="" "" Q $O(^HLMA("C",RGMID,0)) ; SHORT(RGEXC,RGTXT) ; ; Retrieve short text description of exception Q $G(^RGHL7(991.11,+RGEXC,10))_$S($G(RGTXT)="":"",1:": "_RGTXT) ;