[613] | 1 | RGP52PST ;BIR/PTD-POST-INIT TO RETIRE EXCEPTIONS #215, 216, and 217 ;05/20/08
| 2 | ;;1.0;CLINICAL INFO RESOURCE NETWORK;**52**;30 Apr 99;Build 2
| 3 | ;
| 4 | ;Loop through the CIRN HL7 EXCEPTION LOG (#991.1) file.
| 5 | ;Find exceptions with EXCEPTION STATUS of NOT PROCESSED ("0").
| 6 | ;Get the TYPE which is a pointer to the CIRN HL7 EXCEPTION
| 7 | ;TYPE (#991.11) file. If the TYPE is 215, 216, or 217,
| 8 | ;mark the EXCEPTION STATUS to PROCESSED ("1"). These exception
| 9 | ;types will not be generated in the future.
| 10 | ;
| 11 | EXLOG ;
| 12 | ;If patch RG*1.0*52 has previously been installed, quit post-init.
| 13 | I $$PATCH^XPDUTL("RG*1.0*52") D BMES^XPDUTL(" Post-install previously ran; no need to reprocess file 991.1.") Q
| 14 | ;Else continue with post-init.
| 15 | ;
| 16 | D BMES^XPDUTL(" The post-init routine will retire selected exceptions in")
| 17 | D MES^XPDUTL(" the CIRN HL7 EXCEPTION LOG (#991.1) file.")
| 18 | ;
| 20 | S (LOGIEN,COUNT)=0
| 21 | F S LOGIEN=$O(^RGHL7(991.1,LOGIEN)) Q:'LOGIEN D
| 22 | .S EXNUM=0
| 23 | .F S EXNUM=$O(^RGHL7(991.1,LOGIEN,1,EXNUM)) Q:'EXNUM S ZNODE=$G(^(EXNUM,0)) I $P(ZNODE,"^",5)'=1 D ;Quit if EXCEPTION STATUS (#6) equals 1 for PROCESSED
| 24 | ..S EXCTYP=$P(ZNODE,"^",3) ;Quit if TYPE is NOT one of these 3:
| 25 | ..;215 - Death Entry on MPI not VISTA
| 26 | ..;216 - Death Entry on Vista not MPI
| 27 | ..;217 - Death Entries on MPI and Vista DON'T MATCH
| 28 | ..I $S(EXCTYP=215:0,EXCTYP=216:0,EXCTYP=217:0,1:1) Q ;TYPE is one of the three we want to mark as PROCESSED
| 29 | ..;
| 30 | DIE ..;Update the EXCEPTION STATUS (#6) field to '1'.
| 31 | ..S DA(1)=LOGIEN,DA=EXNUM,DR="6///"_1
| 32 | ..S DIE="^RGHL7(991.1,"_DA(1)_",1,"
| 33 | ..L +^RGHL7(991.1,LOGIEN):10
| 34 | ..D ^DIE K DA,DIE,DR
| 35 | ..L -^RGHL7(991.1,LOGIEN)
| 36 | ..S COUNT=COUNT+1
| 37 | ;
| 38 | D BMES^XPDUTL(" A total of "_COUNT_" exceptions were retired.")
| 39 | D MES^XPDUTL(" Post-install routine for RG*1*52 completed successfully.")
| 40 | Q