[1337] | 1 | C0CMAIL ; Communications for MIME Documents and MultiMIME ; 3110420 ; rcr/rcr
[1342] | 2 | V ;;0.1;C0C;nopatch;noreleasedate;Build 2
[1337] | 3 | ;Copyright 2011 Chris Richardson, Richardson Computer Research
| 4 | ; Modified 3110516@1818
| 5 | ; rcr@rcresearch.us
| 6 | ; Licensed under the terms of the GNU
| 7 | ;General Public License See attached copy of the License.
| 8 | ;
| 9 | ;This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
| 10 | ;it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
| 11 | ;the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
| 12 | ;(at your option) any later version.
| 13 | ;
| 14 | ;This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
| 15 | ;but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
| 17 | ;GNU General Public License for more details.
| 18 | ;
| 19 | ;You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
| 20 | ;with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
| 21 | ;51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
| 22 | ;
| 23 | ; ------------------
| 24 | ;Entry Points
| 26 | ; Input:
| 27 | ; C0CINPUT = "DUZ;MAILBOX_Name[or IEN for box (comma Separated);MALL
| 28 | ; or "*" for all boxes, default is "IN" if missing]"
| 29 | ; $P(C0CINPUT,";",3)=MALL, default=NUL means "New only",
| 30 | ; "*" for All or 9,999 maximum
| 31 | ; MALL?1.n = that number of the n most recent
| 32 | ; Internally:
| 33 | ; BNAM = Box Name
| 34 | ; Output:
| 35 | ; C0CDATA
| 36 | ; = (BNAM,"NUMBER") = Number of NEW Emails in Basket
| 37 | ; (BNAM,"MSG",C0CIEN,"FROM")=Name
| 38 | ; (BNAM,"MSG",C0CIEN,"TO",n)=DUZ, or EMAIL Address
| 39 | ; (BNAM,"MSG",C0CIEN,"TO NAME",n)=Names or EMAIL Address
| 40 | ; (BNAM,"MSG",C0CIEN,"TITLE")=EMAIL Title
| 41 | ; (BNAM,"MSG",C0CIEN[for File 3.9])=Number of Attachments
| 42 | ; (BNAM,"MSG",C0CIEN,num,"CONT") = Free Text
| 43 | ; (BNAM,"MSG",C0CIEN,num,"LINES") = Number of Lines of Text
| 44 | ; (BNAM,"MSG",C0CIEN,num,"SIZE") = Size of the Message in Bytes
| 45 | ; (BNAM,"MSG",C0CIEN,num,"TXT",LINE#) = Message Data (No Attachment)
| 46 | ; (BNAM,"MSG",C0CIEN,"SEG",NUM) = First Line^Last Line
| 47 | ; (BNAM,"MSG",C0CIEN,"SEG",NUM,"CONT",type) = Message Details
| 48 | ; (BNAM,"MSG",C0CIEN,"SEG",NUM,LINE#) = Message Data
| 49 | ;
| 50 | ; DO DETAIL^C0CMAIL(.OUTBF,D0) ; For each Email Message and Attachments
| 51 | ; Input;
| 52 | ; D0 - The IEN for the message in file 3.9, MESSAGE global
| 53 | ; Output
| 54 | ; OUTBF - The array of your choice to save the expanded and decoded message.
| 55 | ;
| 56 | GETMSG(C0CDATA,C0CINPUT) ; Common Entry Point for Mailbox Data
| 57 | K:'$G(C0CDATA("KEEP")) C0CDATA
| 58 | N U
| 59 | S U="^"
| 60 | D:$G(C0CINPUT)
| 63 | . S DUZ=+INPUT
| 64 | . D:$D(^XMB(3.7,DUZ,0))#2
| 65 | . . S MBLST=$P(INPUT,";",2)
| 66 | . . S MALL=$P(INPUT,";",3) ; New or All Mail Flag
| 67 | . . S:MALL["*" MALL=99999
| 68 | . . ; Only one of these can be correct
| 69 | . . D
| 70 | . . . ; If nul, make it "IN" only
| 71 | . . . I MBLST="" D QUIT
| 72 | . . . . S MBLST("IN")=0,I=0
| 73 | . . . . D GATHER(DUZ,"IN",.LST)
| 74 | . . . .QUIT
| 75 | . . . ;
| 76 | . . . ; If "*", Get all Mailboxes and look for New Messages
| 77 | . . . I MBLST["*" D QUIT
| 78 | . . . . N NAM,NUM
| 79 | . . . . S NUM=0
| 80 | . . . . F S NUM=$O(^XMB(3.7,DUZ,2,NUM)) Q:'NUM D
| 81 | . . . . . S NAM=$P(^XMB(3.7,DUZ,2,NUM,0),U)
| 82 | . . . . . D GATHER(DUZ,NAM,.LST)
| 83 | . . . . .QUIT
| 84 | . . . .QUIT
| 85 | . . . ;
| 86 | . . . ; If comma separated, look for mailboxes with new messages
| 87 | . . . I $L(MBLST,",")>1 D QUIT
| 88 | . . . . S NAM=""
| 89 | . . . . N T,V
| 90 | . . . . F T=1:1:$L(MBLST,",") S V=$P(MBLST,",",T) I $L(V) D
| 91 | . . . . . I V S NAM=$P($G(^XMB(3.7,DUZ,2,V,0)),U)
| 92 | . . . . . S:NAM="" NAM=V
| 93 | . . . . . D GATHER(DUZ,NAM,.LST)
| 94 | . . . . .QUIT
| 95 | . . . .QUIT
| 96 | . . . ;
| 97 | . . . ; If only 1 mailbox named, go get it
| 99 | . . .QUIT
| 100 | . . MERGE C0CDATA=LST
| 101 | . .QUIT
| 102 | .QUIT
| 103 | QUIT
| 104 | ; ===================
| 105 | GATHER(DUZ,NAM,LST) ; Gather Data about the Baskets and their mail
| 106 | N I,J,K,L
| 107 | S (I,K)=0
| 108 | S J=$O(^XMB(3.7,DUZ,2,"B",NAM,""))
| 109 | F S I=$O(^XMB(3.7,DUZ,2,J,1,I)) Q:'I D
| 110 | . S L=$P(^XMB(3.7,DUZ,2,J,1,I,0),U,3)
| 111 | . D ; :L
| 112 | . . S:L K=K+1,LST(NAM,"MSG",I,"NEW")="" ; Flag NEW emails
| 113 | . . S LST(NAM,"MSG",I)=L
| 114 | . . D GETTYP(I)
| 115 | . .QUIT
| 116 | .QUIT
| 117 | S LST(NAM,"NUMBER")=K
| 118 | QUIT
| 119 | ; ===================
| 120 | ; D0 is the IEN into the Message Global ^XMB(3.9,D0)
| 121 | ; The products of these emails are scanned to identify
| 122 | ; the number of documents stored in the MIME package.
| 123 | ; The protocol runs like this;
| 124 | ; Line 1 is the --separator
| 125 | ; Line 2 thru n >Look for Content-[detail type:]Description ; Next CMD
| 126 | ; Line n+2 thru t-1 where t does NOT have "Content-"
| 127 | ; Line t is Next Section Terminator, or Message Terminator, --separator
| 128 | ; Line t+1 should not exist in the data set if Message Terminator
| 129 | ; CON = "Content-"
| 130 | ; FLG = "--"
| 131 | ; SEP = FLG+7 or more characters ; Separator
| 132 | ; END = SEP+FLG
| 133 | ; SGC = Segment Count
| 134 | ; Note: separator is a string of specific characters of
| 135 | ; indeterminate length
| 136 | ; LST() the transfer array
| 137 | ; LST(NAM,"MSG",C0CIEN,"SEG",SGN)=Starting Line^Ending Line
| 138 | ; LST(NAM,"MSG",C0CIEN,"SEG",SGN,1:n)=Decoded Message Data
| 139 | ;
| 140 | GETTYP(D0) ; Look for the goodies in the Mail
| 142 | S CON="Content-"
| 143 | S FLG="--"
| 144 | S SEP="" ; Start SEP as null, so we can use this to help identify the type
| 145 | S (BCN,CNT,D1,END,SGC)=0
| 146 | S XX=$G(^XMB(3.9,D0,0))
| 147 | S LST(NAM,"MSG",D0,"TITLE")=$P($G(^XMB(3.9,D0,0)),U,1)
| 148 | S LST(NAM,"MSG",D0,"CREATED")=$G(^XMB(3.9,D0,.6))
| 149 | F I=4,2 S XXNM=$P(XX,U,I) Q:$L(XXNM)
| 150 | S LST(NAM,"MSG",D0,"FROM")=$$NAME(XXNM)
| 151 | S LST(NAM,"MSG",D0,"SENT")=$$TIME($P(XX,U,3))
| 152 | ; Get the folks the email is sent to.
| 153 | S D1=0
| 154 | F S D1=$O(^XMB(3.9,D0,1,D1)) Q:'D1 D
| 155 | . N T
| 156 | . S T=+$G(^XMB(3.9,D0,1,D1,0))
| 157 | . S:T T=$P($G(^VA(200,+T,0)),"^")
| 158 | . S LST("TO",D1)=T
| 159 | . S T=$G(^XMB(3.9,D0,6,D1,0))
| 160 | . S:T T=$P($G(^VA(200,+T,0)),"^")
| 161 | . S:T="" T="<Unknown>"
| 162 | . S LST("TO NAME",D1)=T
| 163 | .QUIT
| 164 | ; Preload first Segment (0) with beginning on Line 1
| 165 | ; if not a 64bit
| 166 | S LST(NAM,"MSG",D0,"SEG",0)=1
| 167 | S D1=.9999,SEP="--"
| 168 | F S D1=$O(^XMB(3.9,D0,2,D1)) Q:'D1 D
| 169 | . ; Clear any control characters (cr/lf/ff) off
| 170 | . S X=$TR($G(^XMB(3.9,D0,2,D1,0)),$C(10,12,13))
| 171 | . ; Enter once to set the SEP to capture the separator
| 172 | . I SEP=FLG&($E(X,1,2)=FLG)&($L(X,FLG)=2)&($L($P(X,FLG,2)>5)) D Q
| 173 | . . S SEP=X,END=X_FLG
| 174 | . . S (CNT,SGC)=1,BCN=0
| 175 | . . S LST(NAM,"MSG",D0,"SEG",SGC)=D1
| 176 | . .QUIT
| 177 | . ;
| 178 | . ; A new separator is set, process original
| 179 | . I X=SEP D QUIT
| 180 | . . S LST(NAM,"MSG",D0,SGC,"SIZE")=BCN
| 181 | . . S LST(NAM,"MSG",D0,"SEG",SGC)=$G(LST(NAM,"MSG",D0,"SEG",SGC))_"^"_(D1-1)
| 182 | . . S SGC=SGC+1,BCN=0
| 183 | . . S LST(NAM,"MSG",D0,"SEG",SGC)=D1
| 184 | . .QUIT
| 185 | . ;
| 186 | . S BCN=BCN+$L(X)
| 187 | . I X[CON D Q
| 188 | . . S J=$P($P(X,";"),CON,2)
| 189 | . . S LST(NAM,"MSG",D0,"SEG",SGC,"CONT",CNT,$P(J,":"))=$P(J,":",2)
| 190 | . .QUIT
| 191 | . ;
| 192 | . ; S LST(NAM,"MSG",D0,"SEG",D1)=X
| 193 | .QUIT
| 194 | QUIT
| 195 | ; ===================
| 196 | NAME(NM) ; Return the name of the Sender
| 197 | N NAME
| 198 | S NAME="<Unknown Sender>"
| 199 | D
| 200 | . ; Look first for a value to use with the NEW PERSON file
| 201 | . ;
| 202 | . I NM=+NM S NAME=$P(^VA(200,NM,0),U,1) Q
| 203 | . ;
| 204 | . I $L(NM) S NAME=NM Q
| 205 | . ;
| 206 | . ; Else, pull the data from the message and display the foreign source
| 207 | . ; of the message.
| 208 | . N T
| 209 | . S VAL=$G(^XMB(3.9,D0,.7))
| 210 | . S:VAL T=$P(^VA(200,VAL,0),U)
| 211 | . I $L($G(T)) S NAME=T Q
| 212 | . ;
| 213 | .QUIT
| 214 | QUIT NAME
| 215 | ; ===================
| 216 | TIME(Y) ; The time and date of the sending
| 217 | X ^DD("DD")
| 218 | QUIT Y
| 219 | ; ===================
| 220 | ; Segments in Message need to be identified and decoded properly
| 221 | ; D DETAIL^C0CMAIL(.ARRAY,D0) ; Call One for each message
| 222 | ; ARRAY will have the details of this one call
| 223 | ;
| 224 | ; Inputs;
| 225 | ; C0CINPUT - The IEN of the message to expand
| 226 | ; Outputs;
| 227 | ; C0CDATA - Carrier for the returned structure of the Message
| 228 | ; C0CDATA(D0,"SEG")=number of SEGMENTS
| 229 | ; C0CDATA(D0,"SEG",0:n)=SEGMENT n details
| 230 | ; C0CDATA(D0,"SEG",0:n,"CONTENT",type)=Content details
| 231 | ; C0CDATA(D0,"SEG",0:n,"MSG",D3)=Content details
| 232 | ; C0CDATA(D0,"SEG",0:n,"HTML",D3)=Content details
| 233 | ;
| 234 | DETAIL(C0CDATA,C0CINPUT) ; Message Detail Delivery
| 235 | N LST,D0,D1,U
| 236 | S U="^"
| 237 | S D0=+$G(C0CINPUT)
| 238 | I D0 D QUIT
| 239 | . D GETTYP2(D0)
| 240 | . I $D(LST) M C0CDATA(D0)=LST
| 241 | .QUIT
| 242 | QUIT
| 243 | ; ===================
| 244 | ; End note if needed
| 245 | ; MSK - Set of characters that do not exist in 64 bit encoding
| 246 | GETTYP2(D0) ; Try to get the types and MSK for the
| 248 | S CON="Content-",U="^"
| 249 | S FLG="--"
| 250 | S MSK=" !""#$%&'()*,-.:;<>?@[\]^_`{|}~"
| 251 | S (BF,SEP)="" ; Start SEP as null, so we can use this to help identify the type
| 252 | S (BCN,CNT,D1,END,SGC)=0
| 253 | S XX=$G(^XMB(3.9,D0,0))
| 254 | ; S K=$P(^XMB(3.9,D0,2,0),U,3)
| 255 | S LST("TITLE")=$P($G(^XMB(3.9,D0,0)),U,1)
| 256 | S LST("CREATED")=$$TIME($P(XX,U,3))
| 257 | F I=4,2 S XXNM=$P(XX,U,I) Q:$L(XXNM)
| 258 | S LST("FROM")=$$NAME(XXNM)
| 259 | ; Get the folks the email is sent to.
| 260 | S D1=0
| 261 | F S D1=$O(^XMB(3.9,D0,1,D1)) Q:'D1 D Q:D1=""
| 262 | . N I,T
| 263 | . S T=$P($G(^XMB(3.9,D0,1,D1,0)),U)
| 264 | . S:T T=$P($G(^VA(200,T,0)),"^")
| 265 | . S LST("TO",+D1)=T
| 266 | . S T=$G(^XMB(3.9,D0,6,+D1,0))
| 267 | . S:T="" T=$P($G(^VA(200,+T,0)),"^")
| 268 | . S:T="" T="<Unknown>"
| 269 | . S LST("TO NAME",D1)=T
| 270 | .QUIT
| 271 | ; Get the Header for the message
| 272 | S D1=0
| 273 | F I=1:1 S D1=$O(^XMB(3.9,D0,2,D1)) Q:D1="" Q:(D1>.99999) D
| 274 | . S LST("HDR",I)=$G(^XMB(3.9,D0,2,D1,0))
| 275 | .QUIT
| 276 | ; Start walking the different sections
| 277 | S D1=.99999,SEP="--"
| 278 | F S D1=$O(^XMB(3.9,D0,2,D1)) Q:'D1 D
| 279 | . ; Clear any control characters (cr/lf/ff) off
| 280 | . S X=$TR($G(^XMB(3.9,D0,2,D1,0)),$C(10,12,13))
| 281 | . ; Enter once to set the SEP to capture the separator
| 282 | . I (SEP="--")&($E(X,1,2)=FLG)&($L(X,FLG)=2) D Q
| 283 | . . S SEP=X,END=X_FLG
| 284 | . . S (CNT,SGC)=1,BCN=0
| 285 | . . S LST("SEG",SGC)=D1
| 286 | . .QUIT
| 287 | . ;
| 288 | . ; A new SEGMENT separator is set, process original
| 289 | . I X=SEP D QUIT
| 290 | . . ; Save Current Values
| 291 | . . S LST("SEG",SGC,"SIZE")=BCN
| 292 | . . ; Close this Segment and prepare to start a New Segment
| 293 | . . S LST("SEG",SGC)=$G(LST("SEG",SGC))_"^"_(D1-1)
| 294 | . . ; Put the result in LST("SEG",SGC,"XML")
| 295 | . . I $L(BF) D
| 296 | . . . S ZN=1
| 297 | . . . N I,T,TBF
| 298 | . . . S TBF=BF
| 299 | . . . F I=1:1:($L(TBF,"=")) D
| 300 | . . . . S BF=$P(TBF,"=",I)_"="
| 301 | . . . . I BF'="=" D DECODER
| 302 | . . . .QUIT
| 303 | . . . S BF=""
| 304 | . . .QUIT
| 305 | . . S SGC=SGC+1,BCN=0
| 306 | . . ; Incriment SGC to start a new Segment
| 307 | . . S LST("SEG",SGC)=D1
| 308 | . .QUIT
| 309 | . ;
| 310 | . ; Accumulate the 64 bit encoding
| 311 | . I X=$TR(X,MSK)&$L(X) D Q
| 312 | . . S BF=BF_X
| 313 | . . S BCN=BCN+$L(X)
| 314 | . .QUIT
| 315 | . ;
| 316 | . ; Ending Condition, close out the Segment
| 317 | . I X=END D QUIT
| 318 | . . S LST("SEG",SGC)=$G(LST("SEG",SGC))_"^"_(D1-1)
| 319 | . . I $L(BF) S ZN=1 D DECODER S BF="" Q
| 320 | . .QUIT
| 321 | . ;
| 322 | . S BCN=BCN+$L(X)
| 323 | . ; Split out the Content Info
| 324 | . I X[CON D Q
| 325 | . . S J=$P(X,CON,2)
| 326 | . . S LST("SEG",SGC,"CONTENT",$P(J,":"))=$P(J,":",2,9)
| 327 | . .QUIT
| 328 | . ;
| 329 | . ; Everything else is Text
| 330 | . S LST("SEG",SGC,"TXT",D1)=X
| 331 | .QUIT
| 332 | QUIT
| 333 | ; ===================
| 334 | ; Break down the Buffer Array so it can be saved.
| 335 | ; BF is passed in.
| 336 | DECODER ;
| 338 | S ZBF=BF
| 339 | ; Full Buffer, BF, now check for Encryption and Unpack
| 340 | F RCNT=1:1:$L(ZBF,"=") D
| 341 | . N BF
| 342 | . S BF=$P(ZBF,"=",RCNT)
| 343 | . ; Unpacking the 64 bit encoding
| 344 | . S TBF=$TR($$DECODE^RGUTUU(BF),$C(10,12,13))
| 345 | . D:$L(TBF)
| 346 | . . N XBF
| 347 | . . S BF=BF_"="
| 348 | . . D NORMAL(.XBF,.TBF)
| 349 | . . M LST("SEG",SGC,"XML",RCNT)=XBF
| 350 | . .QUIT
| 351 | .QUIT
| 352 | QUIT
| 353 | ; ===================
| 356 | ; >D NORMAL^C0CMAIL(.OUT,BF)
| 359 | ;
| 360 | N ZN,OUTBF
| 361 | S ZN=1
| 362 | S OUTBF(ZN)=$P(INXML,"><",ZN)_">"
| 363 | F ZN=ZN+1:1 S OUTBF(ZN)="<"_$P(INXML,"><",ZN) Q:$P(INXML,"><",ZN+1)="" D ;
| 364 | . S OUTBF(ZN)=OUTBF(ZN)_">"
| 365 | .QUIT
| 367 | QUIT
| 368 | ; ===================
| 369 | ; vvvvvvvvvvvvvvv Not Needed vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv
| 370 | ; End note if needed
| 371 | QUIT
[1338] | 372 | ; ===================