package gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.connectmgr; import; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Collection; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.util.StringUtil; import; import java.util.Date; /** * This class is used to manage the Connection Manager's cache. It handles * both internal connection settings and UDDI connection settings. If there is * a collision for a connection between the UDDI and the Internal settings, the * internal one will be used. * * @author Les Westberg */ public class ConnectionManagerCache { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ConnectionManagerCache.class); private static final String CRLF = System.getProperty("line.separator"); private static final String UDDI_XML_FILE_NAME = "uddiConnectionInfo.xml"; private static final String INTERNAL_XML_FILE_NAME = "internalConnectionInfo.xml"; private static final String NHINC_PROPERTIES_DIR = "NHINC_PROPERTIES_DIR"; // Hash maps for the UDDI connectin information. This hash map is keyed by home community ID. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private static HashMap m_hUDDIConnectInfo = new HashMap(); // Array of connection information private static boolean m_bUDDILoaded = false; // TRUE if the properties have been loaded private static long m_lUDDIFileLastModified = 0; // Hash maps for the Internal connection information. This hash map is keyed by home community ID. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- private static HashMap m_hInternalConnectInfo = new HashMap(); // Array of connection information private static boolean m_bInternalLoaded = false; // TRUE if the properties have been loaded private static long m_lInternalFileLastModified = 0; // Variables for managing the location of the XML files. //------------------------------------------------------- private static String m_sPropertyFileDir = ""; private static String m_sUDDIXMLfileDir = ""; private static String m_sInternalXMLFileDir = ""; private static String m_sFileSeparator = System.getProperty("file.separator"); private static final String m_sFailedEnvVarMessage = "Unable to access environment variable: NHINC_PROPERTIES_DIR."; private static boolean m_bFailedToLoadEnvVar = false; static { String sValue = System.getenv(NHINC_PROPERTIES_DIR); if ((sValue != null) && (sValue.length() > 0)) { // Set it up so that we always have a "/" at the end - in case //------------------------------------------------------------ if ((sValue.endsWith("/")) || (sValue.endsWith("\\"))) { m_sPropertyFileDir = sValue; } else { m_sPropertyFileDir = sValue + m_sFileSeparator; } m_sUDDIXMLfileDir = m_sPropertyFileDir + UDDI_XML_FILE_NAME; m_sInternalXMLFileDir = m_sPropertyFileDir + INTERNAL_XML_FILE_NAME; } else { log.error(m_sFailedEnvVarMessage); m_bFailedToLoadEnvVar = true; } } /** * This class is used for testing purposes so that the file locations can be overridden * to point to a controlled location available for unit tests. * * @param sUDDIFileName The path and file name for the UDDI XML file. * @param sInternalConnFileName The path and file name for the Internal Connectil File Name. */ public static void overrideFileLocations(String sUDDIFileName, String sInternalConnFileName) { m_sUDDIXMLfileDir = sUDDIFileName; m_sInternalXMLFileDir = sInternalConnFileName; } /** * This method is used to load the UDDI Connection Infomration form the * uddiConnectionInfo.xml file. */ private static void loadUDDIConnectionInfo() throws ConnectionManagerException { // We can only proceed if we know where the files are... //-------------------------------------------------------- if (m_bFailedToLoadEnvVar) { throw new ConnectionManagerException(m_sFailedEnvVarMessage); } String sUddiXml = ""; try { sUddiXml = StringUtil.readTextFile(m_sUDDIXMLfileDir); File fUDDIFile = new File(m_sUDDIXMLfileDir); if (fUDDIFile.exists()) { m_lUDDIFileLastModified = fUDDIFile.lastModified(); } else { m_lUDDIFileLastModified = 0; } } catch (Exception e) { String sErrorMessage = "Failed to read from file: '" + m_sUDDIXMLfileDir + "'. Error: " + e.getMessage(); log.error(sErrorMessage); throw new ConnectionManagerException(sErrorMessage, e); } log.debug("Setting UDDI cache to be: " + CRLF + sUddiXml); CMUDDIConnectionInfo oConnInfo = CMUDDIConnectionInfoXML.deserialize(sUddiXml); if (oConnInfo != null) { synchronized (m_hUDDIConnectInfo) { m_hUDDIConnectInfo.clear(); if ((oConnInfo.getBusinessEntities() != null) && (oConnInfo.getBusinessEntities().getBusinessEntity() != null) && (oConnInfo.getBusinessEntities().getBusinessEntity().size() > 0)) { for (CMBusinessEntity oEntity : oConnInfo.getBusinessEntities().getBusinessEntity()) { String sHomeCommunityId = oEntity.getHomeCommunityId(); if ((sHomeCommunityId != null) && (sHomeCommunityId.length() > 0)) { m_hUDDIConnectInfo.put(sHomeCommunityId, oEntity); } } // for (CMBusinessEntity oEntity : oConnInfo.getBusinessEntities().getBusinessEntity()) } // if ((oConnInfo.getBusinessEntities() != null) && ... m_bUDDILoaded = true; } // synchronized (m_ohUDDIConnectInfo) } // if (oConnInfo != null) else { log.warn("No UDDI information was found in: " + m_sUDDIXMLfileDir); } } /** * This returns true if the set of services contains a service for the given service name. * * @param oServices The set of services to search. * @param sUniformServiceName The name of the service to search for. * @return True if the service is found. */ private static boolean containsService(CMBusinessServices oServices, String sUniformServiceName) { boolean bFound = false; if ((oServices != null) && (oServices.getBusinessService() != null) && (oServices.getBusinessService().size() > 0) && (sUniformServiceName != null) && (sUniformServiceName.length() > 0)) { for (CMBusinessService oService : oServices.getBusinessService()) { if ((oService.getUniformServiceName() != null) && (oService.getUniformServiceName().equals(sUniformServiceName))) { bFound = true; } } // for (CMBusinessService oService : oServices.getBusinessService()) } return bFound; } /** * This method merges the information from the internal connection information as well * as the ones from the external conenctions. The internal information always * overrides the external. When it comes to services, it does not do a piece wise compare * of the services. If a service is defined internally, it will use the entire service. * * @param oInternalEntity The internal business entitie * @param oUDDIEntity The UDDI entity * @return The combined information to be sent out. * @throws gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.connectmgr.ConnectionManagerException */ private static CMBusinessEntity mergeBusinessEntityServices(CMBusinessEntity oInternalEntity, CMBusinessEntity oUDDIEntity) throws ConnectionManagerException { if ((oInternalEntity == null) && (oUDDIEntity != null)) { return oUDDIEntity; } else if ((oInternalEntity != null) && (oUDDIEntity == null)) { return oInternalEntity; } else if ((oInternalEntity == null) && (oUDDIEntity == null)) { return null; } // We are here so a merge needs to take place.... //------------------------------------------------ CMBusinessEntity oCombinedEntity = new CMBusinessEntity(); // Start with the non service information from the UDDI //------------------------------------------------------ oCombinedEntity.setBusinessKey(oUDDIEntity.getBusinessKey()); oCombinedEntity.setContacts(oUDDIEntity.getContacts()); oCombinedEntity.setDescriptions(oUDDIEntity.getDescriptions()); oCombinedEntity.setDiscoveryURLs(oUDDIEntity.getDiscoveryURLs()); oCombinedEntity.setFederalHIE(oUDDIEntity.isFederalHIE()); oCombinedEntity.setHomeCommunityId(oUDDIEntity.getHomeCommunityId()); oCombinedEntity.setNames(oUDDIEntity.getNames()); oCombinedEntity.setPublicKey(oUDDIEntity.getPublicKey()); oCombinedEntity.setPublicKeyURI(oUDDIEntity.getPublicKeyURI()); oCombinedEntity.setStates(oUDDIEntity.getStates()); // Put in all of the services from the InternalConnection one next - they are the king... //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oCombinedEntity.setBusinessServices(oInternalEntity.getBusinessServices()); if (oCombinedEntity.getBusinessServices() == null) { oCombinedEntity.setBusinessServices(new CMBusinessServices()); } // Now only add in the ones from the UDDI that we do not have //------------------------------------------------------------- if ((oUDDIEntity.getBusinessServices() != null) && (oUDDIEntity.getBusinessServices().getBusinessService() != null) && (oUDDIEntity.getBusinessServices().getBusinessService().size() > 0)) { for (CMBusinessService oService : oUDDIEntity.getBusinessServices().getBusinessService()) { if (!containsService(oCombinedEntity.getBusinessServices(), oService.getUniformServiceName())) { oCombinedEntity.getBusinessServices().getBusinessService().add(oService); } } // for (CMBusinessService oService : oUDDIEntity.getBusinessServices().getBusinessService()) } // if ((oUDDIEntity.getBusinessServices() != null) && ... return oCombinedEntity; } /** * This method simply checks to see if the cache is loaded. If it is not, then * it is loaded as a byproduct of calling this method. * * @throws gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.connectmgr.ConnectionManagerException */ private static void checkLoaded() throws ConnectionManagerException { if (!m_bInternalLoaded) { forceRefreshInternalConnectCache(); } if (!m_bUDDILoaded) { forceRefreshUDDICache(); } // One last check for refreshing... //--------------------------------- refreshIfExpired(); } /** * This method is used to load the UDDI Connection Infomration form the * uddiConnectionInfo.xml file. */ private static void loadInternalConnectionInfo() throws ConnectionManagerException { // We can only proceed if we know where the files are... //-------------------------------------------------------- if (m_bFailedToLoadEnvVar) { throw new ConnectionManagerException(m_sFailedEnvVarMessage); } String sInternalConnXml = ""; try { sInternalConnXml = StringUtil.readTextFile(m_sInternalXMLFileDir); File fInternalFile = new File(m_sInternalXMLFileDir); if (fInternalFile.exists()) { m_lInternalFileLastModified = fInternalFile.lastModified(); } else { m_lInternalFileLastModified = 0; } } catch (Exception e) { String sErrorMessage = "Failed to read from file: '" + m_sInternalXMLFileDir + "'. Error: " + e.getMessage(); log.error(sErrorMessage); throw new ConnectionManagerException(sErrorMessage, e); } log.debug("Setting internal connection cache to be: " + CRLF + sInternalConnXml); CMInternalConnectionInfos oConnInfos = CMInternalConnectionInfosXML.deserialize(sInternalConnXml); if (oConnInfos != null) { synchronized (m_hInternalConnectInfo) { m_hInternalConnectInfo.clear(); if ((oConnInfos.getInternalConnectionInfo() != null) && (oConnInfos.getInternalConnectionInfo().size() > 0)) { for (CMInternalConnectionInfo oConnInfo : oConnInfos.getInternalConnectionInfo()) { String sHomeCommunityId = oConnInfo.getHomeCommunityId(); if ((sHomeCommunityId != null) && (sHomeCommunityId.length() > 0)) { m_hInternalConnectInfo.put(sHomeCommunityId, oConnInfo); } } // for (CMInternalConnectionInfo oConnInfo : oConnInfos.getInternalConnectionInfo()) } // if ((oConnInfos.getInternalConnectionInfo() != null) &&... m_bInternalLoaded = true; } // synchronized (m_hInternalConnectInfo) } // if (oConnInfos != null) else { log.warn("No UDDI information was found in: " + m_sUDDIXMLfileDir); } } /** * This method will cause the ConnectionManagerCache to refresh the UDDI connection data * by replacing the cached UDDI information with the information in the uddiConnectionInfo.xml file. * @throws ConnectionManagerException */ public static void forceRefreshUDDICache() throws ConnectionManagerException { loadUDDIConnectionInfo(); } /** * This method will cause the ConnectionManagerCache to refresh the internal connection data * by replacing the cached internal connection information with the information in * the internalConnectionInfo.xml file. * @throws ConnectionManagerException */ public static void forceRefreshInternalConnectCache() throws ConnectionManagerException { loadInternalConnectionInfo(); } /** * This method checks to see if either cache has expired and forces a refresh if it has. * */ private static void refreshIfExpired() throws ConnectionManagerException { long lUDDILastModified = 0; long lInternalLastModified = 0; // Find out our refrhes timing from the properties file. //------------------------------------------------------- try { File fUDDIFile = new File(m_sUDDIXMLfileDir); if (fUDDIFile.exists()) { lUDDILastModified = fUDDIFile.lastModified(); } File fInternalFile = new File (m_sInternalXMLFileDir); if (fInternalFile.exists()) { lInternalLastModified = fInternalFile.lastModified(); } } catch (Exception e) { // Assume a refresh is required... But log a message. //---------------------------------------------------- String sErrorMessage = "Failed to retrieve last modified dates on the connection manager XML files." + "Error: " + e.getMessage(); log.warn(sErrorMessage, e); } // If we need to refresh the UDDI cache information. //-------------------------------------------------- if (lUDDILastModified != m_lUDDIFileLastModified) { forceRefreshUDDICache();"UDDI cache was refreshed based on last modified time stamp change."); } if (lInternalLastModified != m_lInternalFileLastModified) { forceRefreshInternalConnectCache();"Internal connection cache was refreshed based on last modified time stamp change."); } } /** * This method extracts the home community information from the CMInternalConnectionInfo object * and places it into a new CMHomeCommunity object and returns it. * * @param oConnInfo The connection information to be transformed. * @return The HomeCommunity information. */ private static CMHomeCommunity homeCommunityFromInternalConnectionInfo(CMInternalConnectionInfo oConnInfo) { CMHomeCommunity oComm = new CMHomeCommunity(); if (oConnInfo != null) { if (oConnInfo.getHomeCommunityId() != null) { oComm.setHomeCommunityId(oConnInfo.getHomeCommunityId()); } if (oConnInfo.getName() != null) { oComm.setName(oConnInfo.getName()); } if (oConnInfo.getDescription() != null) { oComm.setDescription(oConnInfo.getDescription()); } } return oComm; } /** * This method extracts the fields from the CMInternalConnectionInfo object and creats a * CMBusinessEntity object with the data. * * @param oConnInfo The connection information to be transformed. * @return The CMBusinessEntity object from the information. */ private static CMBusinessEntity businessEntityFromInternalConnectionInfo(CMInternalConnectionInfo oConnInfo) { CMBusinessEntity oEntity = new CMBusinessEntity(); if (oConnInfo != null) { // Home Community ID if (oConnInfo.getHomeCommunityId() != null) { oEntity.setHomeCommunityId(oConnInfo.getHomeCommunityId()); } // Name //------ if (oConnInfo.getName() != null) { CMBusinessNames oNames = new CMBusinessNames(); oEntity.setNames(oNames); oNames.getBusinessName().add(oConnInfo.getName()); } // Description //------------- if (oConnInfo.getDescription() != null) { CMBusinessDescriptions oDescriptions = new CMBusinessDescriptions(); oEntity.setDescriptions(oDescriptions); oDescriptions.getBusinessDescription().add(oConnInfo.getDescription()); } // Services //---------- if ((oConnInfo.getServices() != null) && (oConnInfo.getServices().getService() != null) && (oConnInfo.getServices().getService().size() > 0)) { CMBusinessServices oBusinessServices = new CMBusinessServices(); oEntity.setBusinessServices(oBusinessServices); for (CMInternalConnInfoService oService : oConnInfo.getServices().getService()) { CMBusinessService oBusinessService = new CMBusinessService(); oBusinessServices.getBusinessService().add(oBusinessService); // Service Name //------------- if (oService.getName() != null) { oBusinessService.setUniformServiceName(oService.getName()); } // Description //------------- if (oService.getDescription() != null) { CMBindingDescriptions oBindingDescriptions = new CMBindingDescriptions(); oBusinessService.setDescriptions(oBindingDescriptions); oBindingDescriptions.getDescription().add(oService.getDescription()); } // Is this External or internal? //------------------------------- if (oService.isExternalService()) { oBusinessService.setInternalWebService(false); } else { oBusinessService.setInternalWebService(true); } // Endpoint URL //-------------- if (oService.getEndpointURL() != null) { CMBindingTemplates oTemplates = new CMBindingTemplates(); oBusinessService.setBindingTemplates(oTemplates); CMBindingTemplate oTemplate = new CMBindingTemplate(); oTemplates.getBindingTemplate().add(oTemplate); oTemplate.setEndpointURL(oService.getEndpointURL()); } // if (oService.getEndpointURL() != null) } // for (CMInternalConnInfoService oService : oConnInfo.getServices().getService()) } // if ((oConnInfo.getServices() != null) && } // if (oConnInfo != null) return oEntity; } /** * This method extracts the home community information from the CMBusinessEntity object * and places it into a new CMHomeCommunity object and returns it. * * @param oConnInfo The connection information to be transformed. * @return The HomeCommunity information. */ private static CMHomeCommunity homeCommunityFromBusinessEntity(CMBusinessEntity oEntity) { CMHomeCommunity oComm = new CMHomeCommunity(); if (oEntity != null) { if (oEntity.getHomeCommunityId() != null) { oComm.setHomeCommunityId(oEntity.getHomeCommunityId()); } // Since the UDDI can contain multiple names, we will only return the first one. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if ((oEntity.getNames() != null) && (oEntity.getNames().getBusinessName() != null) && (oEntity.getNames().getBusinessName().size() > 0)) { oComm.setName(oEntity.getNames().getBusinessName().get(0)); } // Since the UDDI can contain multiple descriptions, we will only return the first one. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ((oEntity.getDescriptions() != null) && (oEntity.getDescriptions().getBusinessDescription() != null) && (oEntity.getDescriptions().getBusinessDescription().size() > 0)) { oComm.setDescription(oEntity.getDescriptions().getBusinessDescription().get(0)); } } return oComm; } /** * This method will return a list of all home commuinities that are known by the * connection manager. * * @return The list of all home communities known by the connection manager. * @throws ConnectionManagerException */ public static List getAllCommunities() throws ConnectionManagerException { HashSet hHomeCommunities = new HashSet(); ArrayList oaHomeCommunities = new ArrayList(); checkLoaded(); // First get the infomration from the internal connections. //--------------------------------------------------------- Collection colInternConn = m_hInternalConnectInfo.values(); for (CMInternalConnectionInfo oConnInfo : colInternConn) { CMHomeCommunity oComm = homeCommunityFromInternalConnectionInfo(oConnInfo); if ((oComm.getHomeCommunityId() != null) && (oComm.getHomeCommunityId().length() > 0)) { hHomeCommunities.add(oComm.getHomeCommunityId()); oaHomeCommunities.add(oComm); } } // Next get the information from the UDDI connections - Only add them if we have not // already gotten them from the internal settings. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Collection colEntity = m_hUDDIConnectInfo.values(); for (CMBusinessEntity oEntity : colEntity) { CMHomeCommunity oComm = homeCommunityFromBusinessEntity(oEntity); if ((oComm.getHomeCommunityId() != null) && (oComm.getHomeCommunityId().length() > 0) && (!hHomeCommunities.contains(oComm.getHomeCommunityId()))) // make sure it is not alrady in the list { hHomeCommunities.add(oComm.getHomeCommunityId()); oaHomeCommunities.add(oComm); } } return oaHomeCommunities; } /** * This method looks for the entity with the given home community ID and returns it. * * @param oEntities The entities to be searched. * @param sHomeCommunityId The home community ID to search for. * @return The business entity for that home community. */ private static CMBusinessEntity extractBusinessEntity(CMBusinessEntities oEntities, String sHomeCommunityId) { if ((oEntities == null) || (oEntities.getBusinessEntity() == null) || (oEntities.getBusinessEntity().size() <= 0) || (sHomeCommunityId == null) || (sHomeCommunityId.length() <= 0)) { return null; } for (CMBusinessEntity oEntity : oEntities.getBusinessEntity()) { if ((oEntity.getHomeCommunityId() != null) && (oEntity.getHomeCommunityId().equals(sHomeCommunityId))) { return oEntity; } } return null; // If we got here - we never found it. } /** * This method searches for the business entity in the list that has the same * home community Id. If it finds it, it replaces it with this one. If it * does not find it, then it adds this one to the list. * * @param oEntities The entities to search. * @param oEntity The entity to replace... */ private static void replaceBusinessEntity(CMBusinessEntities oEntities, CMBusinessEntity oEntity) { if ((oEntities == null) || (oEntity == null)) { return; // there is nothing to do... } int iCnt = oEntities.getBusinessEntity().size(); if (iCnt == 0) { oEntities.getBusinessEntity().add(oEntity); return; } boolean bReplaced = false; for (int i = 0; i < iCnt; i++) { CMBusinessEntity oLocalEntity = oEntities.getBusinessEntity().get(i); if ((oLocalEntity.getHomeCommunityId() != null) && (oEntity.getHomeCommunityId() != null) && (oLocalEntity.getHomeCommunityId().equals(oEntity.getHomeCommunityId()))) { oEntities.getBusinessEntity().set(i, oEntity); bReplaced = true; break; // We are done - get out of here. } } // for (int i = 0; i < iCnt; i++) if (!bReplaced) { oEntities.getBusinessEntity().add(oEntity); } } /** * This method will return a list of all business entities that are known by the * connection manager. * * @return The list of all business entities known by the connection manager. * @throws ConnectionManagerException */ public static CMBusinessEntities getAllBusinessEntities() throws ConnectionManagerException { HashSet hEntities = new HashSet(); CMBusinessEntities oEntities = new CMBusinessEntities(); checkLoaded(); // First get the infomration from the internal connections. //--------------------------------------------------------- Collection colInternConn = m_hInternalConnectInfo.values(); for (CMInternalConnectionInfo oConnInfo : colInternConn) { CMBusinessEntity oEntity = businessEntityFromInternalConnectionInfo(oConnInfo); if ((oEntity.getHomeCommunityId() != null) && (oEntity.getHomeCommunityId().length() > 0)) { hEntities.add(oEntity.getHomeCommunityId()); oEntities.getBusinessEntity().add(oEntity); } } // Next get the information from the UDDI connections - // If it is in the list, then merge the services. If not, then // add it as is. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Collection colEntity = m_hUDDIConnectInfo.values(); for (CMBusinessEntity oEntity : colEntity) { if ((oEntity.getHomeCommunityId() != null) && (oEntity.getHomeCommunityId().length() > 0)) { if (hEntities.contains(oEntity.getHomeCommunityId())) { CMBusinessEntity oExistingEntity = extractBusinessEntity(oEntities, oEntity.getHomeCommunityId()); if (oExistingEntity != null) { oExistingEntity = mergeBusinessEntityServices(oExistingEntity, oEntity); replaceBusinessEntity(oEntities, oExistingEntity); } else { // We should never get here - but just in case... oEntities.getBusinessEntity().add(oEntity); } } else { hEntities.add(oEntity.getHomeCommunityId()); oEntities.getBusinessEntity().add(oEntity); } } } return oEntities; } /** * This class returns the business entity information associated with * the specified home community ID. * * @param sHomeCommunityId The home commuinity ID that is being searched for. * @return the business entity information for the specified home community. * @throws gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.connectmgr.ConnectionManagerException */ public static CMBusinessEntity getBusinessEntity(String sHomeCommunityId) throws ConnectionManagerException { CMBusinessEntity oReturnEntity = null; checkLoaded(); CMBusinessEntity oInternalEntity = null; CMBusinessEntity oUDDIEntity = null; // First look in Internal connections... //-------------------------------------- if (m_hInternalConnectInfo.containsKey(sHomeCommunityId)) { CMInternalConnectionInfo oConnInfo = m_hInternalConnectInfo.get(sHomeCommunityId); oInternalEntity = businessEntityFromInternalConnectionInfo(oConnInfo); } // Look for a UDDI one //-------------------- if (m_hUDDIConnectInfo.containsKey(sHomeCommunityId)) { oUDDIEntity = m_hUDDIConnectInfo.get(sHomeCommunityId); } if ((oInternalEntity != null) && (oUDDIEntity != null)) { oReturnEntity = mergeBusinessEntityServices(oInternalEntity, oUDDIEntity); } else if (oInternalEntity != null) { oReturnEntity = oInternalEntity; } else if (oUDDIEntity != null) { oReturnEntity = oUDDIEntity; } return oReturnEntity; } /** * This method returns the business entity information for the set of home * communities. * * @param saHomeCommunityId The set of home communities to be retrieved. * @return The business entities found. * @throws gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.connectmgr.ConnectionManagerException */ public static CMBusinessEntities getBusinessEntitySet(List saHomeCommunityId) throws ConnectionManagerException { CMBusinessEntities oEntities = new CMBusinessEntities(); checkLoaded(); if ((saHomeCommunityId == null) || (saHomeCommunityId.size() <= 0)) { return null; } // We always first look in our internal list - then in the UDDI one... //--------------------------------------------------------------------- for (String sHomeCommunityId : saHomeCommunityId) { CMBusinessEntity oEntity = getBusinessEntity(sHomeCommunityId); if (oEntity != null) { oEntities.getBusinessEntity().add(oEntity); } } if (oEntities.getBusinessEntity().size() > 0) { return oEntities; } else { return null; } } /** * This method retrieves the business entity information and service information * for the specific home community and service name. Note: This will only return * the information for the specified service. It will not return all services. * Also note: This currently does not deal with version. If there are multiple * versions of the same serviec, this will return the first one it sees in the list * of services. As always, it will always first look in the InternalConnectionInfo * cache for the business entity. If it finds the business entity there, it will not * look in the UDDI cache. (This means that if the internal cache contains the * given business entity, but it does not contain the requested service, it will * behave as if the service does not exist - regardless of whether it is in the * UDDI cache or not. * * @param sHomeCommunityId The home community ID of the gateway that is being looked up. * @param sUniformServiceName The name of the service to locate. * @return The Business Entity information along with only the requested service. if the * service is not found, then null is returned. * @throws ConnectionManagerException */ public static CMBusinessEntity getBusinessEntityByServiceName(String sHomeCommunityId, String sUniformServiceName) throws ConnectionManagerException { CMBusinessEntity oEntity = null; checkLoaded(); if ((sHomeCommunityId == null) || (sHomeCommunityId.length() <= 0) || (sUniformServiceName == null) || (sUniformServiceName.length() <= 0)) { return null; } CMBusinessEntity oInternalEntity = null; CMBusinessEntity oUDDIEntity = null; if (m_hInternalConnectInfo.containsKey(sHomeCommunityId)) { CMInternalConnectionInfo oConnInfo = m_hInternalConnectInfo.get(sHomeCommunityId); oInternalEntity = businessEntityFromInternalConnectionInfo(oConnInfo); } if (m_hUDDIConnectInfo.containsKey(sHomeCommunityId)) { oUDDIEntity = m_hUDDIConnectInfo.get(sHomeCommunityId); } CMBusinessEntity oCombinedEntity = null; if ((oInternalEntity != null) && (oUDDIEntity != null)) { oCombinedEntity = mergeBusinessEntityServices(oInternalEntity, oUDDIEntity); } else if (oInternalEntity != null) { oCombinedEntity = oInternalEntity; } else if (oUDDIEntity != null) { oCombinedEntity = oUDDIEntity; } else { return null; // We found nothing... } // Now lets see if it has the service we are looking for. //-------------------------------------------------------- CMBusinessService oTempService = null; if ((oCombinedEntity != null) && (oCombinedEntity.getBusinessServices() != null) && (oCombinedEntity.getBusinessServices().getBusinessService() != null) && (oCombinedEntity.getBusinessServices().getBusinessService().size() > 0)) { for (CMBusinessService oService : oCombinedEntity.getBusinessServices().getBusinessService()) { if (oService.getUniformServiceName().equals(sUniformServiceName)) { oTempService = oService; break; // We found it - get out of here... } } // Did we find the service we were looking for? //---------------------------------------------- if (oTempService != null) { // Let's make a copy of the information - because we only want to return the // one service. //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- oEntity = new CMBusinessEntity(); oEntity.setBusinessKey(oCombinedEntity.getBusinessKey()); oEntity.setDiscoveryURLs(oCombinedEntity.getDiscoveryURLs()); oEntity.setNames(oCombinedEntity.getNames()); oEntity.setDescriptions(oCombinedEntity.getDescriptions()); oEntity.setContacts(oCombinedEntity.getContacts()); oEntity.setHomeCommunityId(oCombinedEntity.getHomeCommunityId()); oEntity.setStates(oCombinedEntity.getStates()); oEntity.setFederalHIE(oCombinedEntity.isFederalHIE()); oEntity.setPublicKeyURI(oCombinedEntity.getPublicKeyURI()); oEntity.setPublicKey(oCombinedEntity.getPublicKey()); oEntity.setBusinessServices(new CMBusinessServices()); oEntity.getBusinessServices().getBusinessService().add(oTempService); } } return oEntity; } /** * This method retrieves the business entity information and service information * for the specific home community and service name. Note: This will only return * the information for the specified service. It will not return all services. * Also note: This currently does not deal with version. If there are multiple * versions of the same serviec, this will return the first one it sees in the list * of services. As always, it will always first look in the InternalConnectionInfo * cache for the business entity. If it finds the business entity there, it will not * look in the UDDI cache. (This means that if the internal cache contains the * given business entity, but it does not contain the requested service, it will * behave as if the service does not exist - regardless of whether it is in the * UDDI cache or not. * * @param sHomeCommunityId The home community ID of the gateway that is being looked up. * @param sUniformServiceName The name of the service to locate. * @return The Business Entity information along with only the requested service. if the * service is not found, then null is returned. * @throws ConnectionManagerException */ public static String getEndpointURLByServiceName(String sHomeCommunityId, String sUniformServiceName) throws ConnectionManagerException { String sEndpointURL = ""; CMBusinessEntity oEntity = getBusinessEntityByServiceName(sHomeCommunityId, sUniformServiceName); if ((oEntity != null) && (oEntity.getBusinessServices() != null) && (oEntity.getBusinessServices().getBusinessService() != null) && (oEntity.getBusinessServices().getBusinessService().size() > 0) && (oEntity.getBusinessServices().getBusinessService().get(0) != null) && (oEntity.getBusinessServices().getBusinessService().get(0).getBindingTemplates() != null) && (oEntity.getBusinessServices().getBusinessService().get(0).getBindingTemplates().getBindingTemplate() != null) && (oEntity.getBusinessServices().getBusinessService().get(0).getBindingTemplates().getBindingTemplate().size() > 0) && (oEntity.getBusinessServices().getBusinessService().get(0).getBindingTemplates().getBindingTemplate().get(0) != null) && (oEntity.getBusinessServices().getBusinessService().get(0).getBindingTemplates().getBindingTemplate().get(0).getEndpointURL() != null) && (oEntity.getBusinessServices().getBusinessService().get(0).getBindingTemplates().getBindingTemplate().get(0).getEndpointURL().trim().length() > 0)) { sEndpointURL = oEntity.getBusinessServices().getBusinessService().get(0).getBindingTemplates().getBindingTemplate().get(0).getEndpointURL().trim(); } return sEndpointURL; } /** * This method retrieves the business entity information and service information * for the set of home communities and service name. Note: This will only return * the information for the specified service. It will not return all services. * Also note: This currently does not deal with version. If there are multiple * versions of the same service, this will return the first one it sees in the list * of services. As always, it will always first look in the InternalConnectionInfo * cache for the business entity. If it finds the business entity there, it will not * look in the UDDI cache. (This means that if the internal cache contains the * given business entity, but it does not contain the requested service, it will * behave as if the service does not exist - regardless of whether it is in the * UDDI cache or not. * * @param saHomeCommunityId The home community IDs of the gateways that is being looked up. * @param sUniformServiceName The name of the service to locate. * @return The Business Entity information along with only the requested service. If the * service is not found, it will not be returned even if the business entity * information exists. * @throws ConnectionManagerException */ public static CMBusinessEntities getBusinessEntitySetByServiceName(List saHomeCommunityId, String sUniformServiceName) throws ConnectionManagerException { CMBusinessEntities oEntities = new CMBusinessEntities(); checkLoaded(); if ((saHomeCommunityId == null) || (saHomeCommunityId.size() <= 0) || (sUniformServiceName == null) || (sUniformServiceName.length() <= 0)) { return null; } for (String sHomeCommunityId : saHomeCommunityId) { CMBusinessEntity oEntity = getBusinessEntityByServiceName(sHomeCommunityId, sUniformServiceName); if (oEntity != null) { oEntities.getBusinessEntity().add(oEntity); } } if (oEntities.getBusinessEntity().size() > 0) { return oEntities; } else { return null; } } /** * This method retrieves the business entity information and service information * for the set of home communities that contains a service by that service name. * Note: This will only return the information for the specified service. It will * not return all services. Also note: This currently does not deal with version. If * there are multiple versions of the same service, this will return the first one it sees in the list * of services. As always, it will always first look in the InternalConnectionInfo * cache for the business entity. If it finds the business entity there, it will not * look in the UDDI cache. (This means that if the internal cache contains the * given business entity, but it does not contain the requested service, it will * behave as if the service does not exist - regardless of whether it is in the * UDDI cache or not. * * @param sUniformServiceName The name of the service being searched for. * @return The business entities that have this service defined. * @throws gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.connectmgr.ConnectionManagerException */ public static CMBusinessEntities getAllBusinessEntitySetByServiceName(String sUniformServiceName) throws ConnectionManagerException { CMBusinessEntities oEntities = new CMBusinessEntities(); checkLoaded(); HashSet hKeys = new HashSet(); // This is a slick way to add them all and remove any duplicates... //------------------------------------------------------------------ hKeys.addAll(m_hInternalConnectInfo.keySet()); hKeys.addAll(m_hUDDIConnectInfo.keySet()); ArrayList saHomeCommunityIds = new ArrayList(hKeys); oEntities = getBusinessEntitySetByServiceName(saHomeCommunityIds, sUniformServiceName); if ((oEntities != null) && (oEntities.getBusinessEntity().size() > 0)) { return oEntities; } else { return null; } } }