package gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.common.propaccessor; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Properties; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.common.propertyaccess.GetPropertyResponseType; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.common.propertyaccess.GetPropertyRequestType; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.common.propertyaccess.GetPropertyBooleanResponseType; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.common.propertyaccess.GetPropertyBooleanRequestType; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.common.propertyaccess.GetPropertyNamesResponseType; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.common.propertyaccess.GetPropertyNamesRequestType; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.common.propertyaccess.GetPropertiesResponseType; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.common.propertyaccess.GetPropertiesRequestType; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.common.propertyaccess.GetRefreshDurationResponseType; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.common.propertyaccess.GetRefreshDurationRequestType; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.common.propertyaccess.GetDurationBeforeNextRefreshResponseType; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.common.propertyaccess.GetDurationBeforeNextRefreshRequestType; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.common.propertyaccess.ForceRefreshResponseType; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.common.propertyaccess.ForceRefreshRequestType; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.common.propertyaccess.GetPropertyFileLocationResponseType; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.common.propertyaccess.GetPropertyFileLocationRequestType; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.common.propertyaccess.DumpPropsToLogResponseType; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.common.propertyaccess.DumpPropsToLogRequestType; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.common.propertyaccess.PropertiesType; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.common.propertyaccess.PropertyType; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.common.propertyaccess.DeletePropertyFileRequestType; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.common.propertyaccess.DeletePropertyFileResponseType; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.common.propertyaccess.WritePropertyFileRequestType; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.common.propertyaccess.WritePropertyFileResponseType; import; import; import; /** * This class is used by the PropertyAccessService to do the actual work * of this web service. It keeps the web service class as a simple wrapper. * * @author Les Westberg */ public class PropertyAccessHelper { /** * This method returns the value of the given property that is located within the * given property file. If the properties have been cached and the cache is * still fresh, then it will return the value from the cache. If the properties * are cached, but the cache is not fresh, then the cache will be updated with the * current values in the properties file and then the property will be returned. * If the properties for that file are not cached at all, the property will be * retrieved from the properties file and returned. * * @param input The input parameters - Property File and Property Name. * @return The value for the property. */ public static GetPropertyResponseType getProperty(GetPropertyRequestType input) throws PropertyAccessException { GetPropertyResponseType oOutput = new GetPropertyResponseType(); if ((input != null) && (input.getPropertyFile() != null) && (input.getPropertyFile().length() > 0) && (input.getPropertyName() != null) && (input.getPropertyName().length() > 0)) { String sPropertyFile = input.getPropertyFile(); String sPropertyName = input.getPropertyName(); String sValue = PropertyAccessor.getProperty(sPropertyFile, sPropertyName); if (sValue != null) { oOutput.setPropertyValue(sValue); } } return oOutput; } /** * This will return true if the property value is: T, t, or any case combination * of "TRUE" and it will return false for all other values. * * @param input The property file and property name. * @return TRUE if the property is true and false if it is not. */ public static GetPropertyBooleanResponseType getPropertyBoolean(GetPropertyBooleanRequestType input) throws PropertyAccessException { GetPropertyBooleanResponseType oOutput = new GetPropertyBooleanResponseType(); if ((input != null) && (input.getPropertyFile() != null) && (input.getPropertyFile().length() > 0) && (input.getPropertyName() != null) && (input.getPropertyName().length() > 0)) { String sPropertyFile = input.getPropertyFile(); String sPropertyName = input.getPropertyName(); boolean bValue = PropertyAccessor.getPropertyBoolean(sPropertyFile, sPropertyName); oOutput.setPropertyValue(bValue); } return oOutput; } /** * This method returns the set of keys in a property file. * * @param input The name of the property file. * @return The list of property names in the property file. */ public static GetPropertyNamesResponseType getPropertyNames(GetPropertyNamesRequestType input) throws PropertyAccessException { GetPropertyNamesResponseType oOutput = new GetPropertyNamesResponseType(); if ((input != null) && (input.getPropertyFile() != null) && (input.getPropertyFile().length() > 0)) { String sPropertyFile = input.getPropertyFile(); Set setKeys = PropertyAccessor.getPropertyNames(sPropertyFile); if (setKeys != null) { Iterator iterKeys = setKeys.iterator(); while (iterKeys.hasNext()) { String sKey =; oOutput.getPropertyName().add(sKey); } } } return oOutput; } /** * This method returns the properties that are located within the given property * file. If the properties have been cached and the cache is still fresh, then * it will return the values from the cache. If the properties are cached, but * the cache is not fresh, then the cache will be updated with the current values * in the properties file and then the property values will be returned. If the * properties for that file are not cached at all, the property will be retrieved * from the properties file and returned. * * NOTE: THIS IS AN EXPENSIVE OPERATION. IT WILL CREATE A DEEP COPY OF THE * PROPERTIES AND RETURN IT. THAT MEANS IT WILL CREATE AN EXACT REPLICA * WITH ALL DATA. THIS IS A PROTECTION TO MAKE SURE THAT A PROPERTY * IS NOT INADVERTANTLY CHANGED OUTSIDE OF THIS CLASS. * * @param input Name of the property file. * @return Returns all of the properties and values in the property file. */ public static GetPropertiesResponseType getProperties(GetPropertiesRequestType input) throws PropertyAccessException { GetPropertiesResponseType oOutput = new GetPropertiesResponseType(); PropertiesType oProperties = new PropertiesType(); boolean bHasProps = false; if ((input != null) && (input.getPropertyFile() != null) && (input.getPropertyFile().length() > 0)) { String sPropertyFile = input.getPropertyFile(); Properties oProps = PropertyAccessor.getProperties(sPropertyFile); if (oProps != null) { Set setKeys = oProps.stringPropertyNames(); if (setKeys != null) { Iterator iterKeys = setKeys.iterator(); while (iterKeys.hasNext()) { String sKey =; String sValue = oProps.getProperty(sKey); PropertyType oProperty = new PropertyType(); oProperty.setPropertyName(sKey); oProperty.setPropertyValue(sValue); oProperties.getProperty().add(oProperty); bHasProps = true; } } } } if (bHasProps) { oOutput.setProperties(oProperties); } return oOutput; } /** * This will return the in milliseconds the refresh duration on the property file. * A setting of -1 means it never refreshes. * * @param input The name of the property file. * @return the refresh duration for the property file. */ public static GetRefreshDurationResponseType getRefreshDuration(GetRefreshDurationRequestType input) throws PropertyAccessException { GetRefreshDurationResponseType oOutput = new GetRefreshDurationResponseType(); if ((input != null) && (input.getPropertyFile() != null) && (input.getPropertyFile().length() > 0)) { String sPropertyFile = input.getPropertyFile(); int iValue = PropertyAccessor.getRefreshDuration(sPropertyFile); oOutput.setDurationMillis(iValue); } return oOutput; } /** * This will return the duration in milliseconds before the next refresh of the * properties file. A value of -1 indicates that no refresh will occur. * * @param input The name of the property file. * @return The number of milliseconds before the next refresh will occur. */ public static GetDurationBeforeNextRefreshResponseType getDurationBeforeNextRefresh(GetDurationBeforeNextRefreshRequestType input) throws PropertyAccessException { GetDurationBeforeNextRefreshResponseType oOutput = new GetDurationBeforeNextRefreshResponseType(); if ((input != null) && (input.getPropertyFile() != null) && (input.getPropertyFile().length() > 0)) { String sPropertyFile = input.getPropertyFile(); int iValue = PropertyAccessor.getDurationBeforeNextRefresh(sPropertyFile); oOutput.setDurationMillis(iValue); } return oOutput; } /** * If a property file has been cached, this will force a refresh of the property * file. If a property file is not cached, then this operation will do nothing. * * @param input The name of the property file. * @return true if the property file was refreshed. */ public static ForceRefreshResponseType forceRefresh(ForceRefreshRequestType input) throws PropertyAccessException { ForceRefreshResponseType oOutput = new ForceRefreshResponseType(); if ((input != null) && (input.getPropertyFile() != null) && (input.getPropertyFile().length() > 0)) { String sPropertyFile = input.getPropertyFile(); PropertyAccessor.forceRefresh(sPropertyFile); // If we got here without an exception, then we refreshed. //---------------------------------------------------------- oOutput.setRefreshed(true); } return oOutput; } /** * This method will return the location of the property files. Essentially it * will return the value in the NHINC_PROPERTIES_DIR environment variable. * * @param input Nothing important - just need this unique for document literal binding. * @return The path and location of the property files. */ public static GetPropertyFileLocationResponseType getPropertyFileLocation(GetPropertyFileLocationRequestType input) throws PropertyAccessException { GetPropertyFileLocationResponseType oOutput = new GetPropertyFileLocationResponseType(); String sLocation = PropertyAccessor.getPropertyFileLocation(); oOutput.setLocation(sLocation); return oOutput; } /** * This method dumps the properties and associated values for a properties file to * the log file. * * @param input the name of the property file. * @return Nothing - it simply always returns true. * @throws PropertyAccessException */ public static DumpPropsToLogResponseType dumpPropsToLog(DumpPropsToLogRequestType input) throws PropertyAccessException { DumpPropsToLogResponseType oOutput = new DumpPropsToLogResponseType(); if ((input != null) && (input.getPropertyFile() != null) && (input.getPropertyFile().length() > 0)) { String sPropertyFile = input.getPropertyFile(); PropertyAccessor.dumpPropsToLog(sPropertyFile); // If we got here without an exception, then we refreshed. //---------------------------------------------------------- oOutput.setCompleted(true); } return oOutput; } /** * This method writes out the given properties as the specified properties file. * Note: It does not merge information. It will completely overwrite the current * file with the new properties information. If the file does not exist, it will * create it. This writes the property file to the NHINC properties directory. * * WARNING: If a property file is currently cached in memory - the file will not be * re-read until the next time the cache refreshes its property from the file based on * the criteria that was put in place when the properties were last loaded from file. * This is based on setting of the "CacheRefreshDuration" property in the property file. * * NOTE THAT THERE MUST BE AT LEAST ONE PROPERTY TO WRITE. * * @param part1 The name of the property file and the properties to write. * @return True if this succeeds. * @throws PropertyAccessException */ public static WritePropertyFileResponseType writePropertyFile(WritePropertyFileRequestType part1) throws PropertyAccessException { WritePropertyFileResponseType oOutput = new WritePropertyFileResponseType(); if ((part1 != null) && (part1.getPropertyFile() != null) && (part1.getPropertyFile().length() > 0) && (part1.getProperties() != null) && (part1.getProperties().getProperty() != null) && (part1.getProperties().getProperty().size() > 0)) { String sPropertyFile = part1.getPropertyFile(); java.util.Properties oPropsToStore = new java.util.Properties(); for (PropertyType oInputProp : part1.getProperties().getProperty()) { if ((oInputProp.getPropertyName() == null) || (oInputProp.getPropertyName().length() <= 0)) { throw new PropertyAccessException("Found a property without a name. All properties must have a name."); } if (oInputProp.getPropertyValue() == null) { throw new PropertyAccessException("The property value cannot be null. Property: " + oInputProp.getPropertyName()); } String sPropName = oInputProp.getPropertyName(); String sPropValue = oInputProp.getPropertyValue(); oPropsToStore.setProperty(sPropName, sPropValue); } PropertyFileManager.writePropertyFile(sPropertyFile, oPropsToStore); } else { int iCount = 0; if ((part1 != null) && (part1.getProperties() != null) && (part1.getProperties().getProperty() != null)) { iCount = part1.getProperties().getProperty().size(); } String sErrorMessage = "Failed to write property file. There must be both a valid " + "file name without the '.properties' extension and at least " + "one property to write. PropertyFile:" + part1.getPropertyFile() + ", PropertiesCount = " + iCount; throw new PropertyAccessException(sErrorMessage); } oOutput.setSuccess(true); // If we got here we were successful return oOutput; } /** * This method deletes the specified properties file. * Note: It will completely delete the file from the NHINC properties directory. * * WARNING: If a property file is currently cached in memory - the file will not be * removed from memory until the next time the cache refreshes its property from the file based on * the criteria that was put in place when the properties were last loaded from file. * This is based on setting of the "CacheRefreshDuration" property in the property file. * * @param part1 The name of the property file to be deleted without the ".properties" extension. * @return True if this succeeds. * @throws PropertyAccessException */ public static DeletePropertyFileResponseType deletePropertyFile(DeletePropertyFileRequestType part1) throws PropertyAccessException { DeletePropertyFileResponseType oOutput = new DeletePropertyFileResponseType(); if ((part1 != null) && (part1.getPropertyFile() != null) && (part1.getPropertyFile().length() > 0)) { String sPropertyFile = part1.getPropertyFile(); PropertyFileManager.deletePropertyFile(sPropertyFile); } oOutput.setSuccess(true); // If we got here we were successful return oOutput; } }