package gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.connectmgr.uddi; import; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import; import org.uddi.api_v3.BusinessList; import org.uddi.api_v3.BusinessInfos; import org.uddi.api_v3.BusinessInfo; import org.uddi.api_v3.BusinessService; import org.uddi.api_v3.ServiceInfo; import org.uddi.api_v3.FindBusiness; import org.uddi.api_v3.Name; import org.uddi.api_v3.GetBusinessDetail; import org.uddi.api_v3.BusinessDetail; import org.uddi.api_v3.GetServiceDetail; import org.uddi.api_v3.ServiceDetail; import org.uddi.api_v3.Description; import org.uddi.api_v3.BusinessEntity; import org.uddi.api_v3.KeyedReference; import org.uddi.api_v3.BindingTemplate; import org.uddi.v3_service.UDDIService; import org.uddi.v3_service.UDDIInquiryPortType; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * This class is used to retrieve the connection information from the UDDI server. * * @author Les Westberg */ public class UDDIAccessor { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(UDDIAccessor.class); private static String GATEWAY_PROPFILE_NAME = "gateway"; private static String UDDI_INQUIRY_ENDPOINT_URL = "UDDIInquiryEndpointURL"; private static String UDDI_BUSINESSES_TO_IGNORE = "UDDIBusinessesToIgnore"; private static String HOME_COMMUNITY_ID_KEY = "uddi:nhin:nhie:homecommunityid"; private static String UNIFORM_SERVICE_NAME_KEY = "uddi:nhin:service:uniformservicename"; private static String SERVICE_VERSION_KEY = "uddi:nhin:service:versionofservice"; // URL for the UDDI Server. private String m_sUDDIInquiryEndpointURL = ""; // These are business entities that the UDDI will send us that we should ignore. // These are configured in the file and will be used to eliminate // some of the entries we get back from the UDDI server. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ private HashSet m_hBusinessToIgnore = new HashSet(); private boolean m_bPropsLoaded = false; // True if the props have been loaded. /** * This method loads information from the file that are * pertinent to this class. */ private void loadProperties() throws UDDIAccessorException { if (!m_bPropsLoaded) { try { String sValue = PropertyAccessor.getProperty(GATEWAY_PROPFILE_NAME, UDDI_INQUIRY_ENDPOINT_URL); if ((sValue != null) && (sValue.length() > 0)) { m_sUDDIInquiryEndpointURL = sValue; } sValue = PropertyAccessor.getProperty(GATEWAY_PROPFILE_NAME, UDDI_BUSINESSES_TO_IGNORE); if ((sValue != null) && (sValue.length() > 0)) { String saBusiness[] = sValue.split(";"); if ((saBusiness != null) && (saBusiness.length > 0)) { for (int i = 0; i < saBusiness.length; i++) { m_hBusinessToIgnore.add(saBusiness[i]); } } } m_bPropsLoaded = true; } catch (Exception e) { String sErrorMessage = "Failed to retrieve properties from " + GATEWAY_PROPFILE_NAME + ".properties file. Error: " + e.getMessage(); log.error(sErrorMessage, e); throw new UDDIAccessorException(sErrorMessage, e); } // If we do not have the endpoint URL, then we have a problem. //------------------------------------------------------------- if ((m_sUDDIInquiryEndpointURL == null) || (m_sUDDIInquiryEndpointURL.length() <= 0)) { log.error("Failed to retrieve property: '" + UDDI_INQUIRY_ENDPOINT_URL + "' from " + GATEWAY_PROPFILE_NAME + ".properties file. UDDI server cannot be accessed."); } } } /** * This method retrieves the port for the UDDI server with the correct endpoint. * * @return */ private UDDIInquiryPortType getUDDIInquiryWebService() throws UDDIAccessorException { UDDIInquiryPortType oPort = null; try { UDDIService oService = new UDDIService(); oPort = oService.getUDDIInquiryPort(); // Need to load in the correct UDDI endpoint URL address. //-------------------------------------------------------- ((BindingProvider)oPort).getRequestContext().put(BindingProvider.ENDPOINT_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, m_sUDDIInquiryEndpointURL); } catch (Exception e) { String sErrorMessage = "Failed to retrieve the UDDI Inquiry Web Service port. Error: " + e.getMessage(); log.error(sErrorMessage, e); throw new UDDIAccessorException(sErrorMessage, e); } return oPort; } /** * This method craetes a business entity by extracting the information from * a business info object. * * @param oBusInfo The business information that contains the information. * @return The translated information. */ private CMBusinessEntity businessEntityFromBusinesInfo(BusinessInfo oBusInfo) { CMBusinessEntity oEntity = new CMBusinessEntity(); boolean bHaveData = false; if (oBusInfo != null) { // Business Key //------------- if ((oBusInfo.getBusinessKey() != null) && (oBusInfo.getBusinessKey().length() > 0)) { oEntity.setBusinessKey(oBusInfo.getBusinessKey()); bHaveData = true; } // Names //------ if ((oBusInfo.getName() != null) && (oBusInfo.getName().size() > 0)) { CMBusinessNames oNames = new CMBusinessNames(); oEntity.setNames(oNames); for (Name oUDDIName : oBusInfo.getName()) { if ((oUDDIName.getValue() != null) && (oUDDIName.getValue().length() > 0)) { oNames.getBusinessName().add(oUDDIName.getValue()); } } bHaveData = true; } // if ((oBusInfo.getName() != null) && ... // Description //------------ if ((oBusInfo.getDescription() != null) && (oBusInfo.getDescription().size() > 0)) { CMBusinessDescriptions oDescripts = new CMBusinessDescriptions(); oEntity.setDescriptions(oDescripts); for (Description oUDDIDescript : oBusInfo.getDescription()) { if ((oUDDIDescript.getValue() != null) && (oUDDIDescript.getValue().length() > 0)) { oDescripts.getBusinessDescription().add(oUDDIDescript.getValue()); } } bHaveData = true; } // Set up for the services. - This pass will only put in the service key. // We will have to do another retrieval to get the rest of the service information. //------------------------------------------------------------------------ if ((oBusInfo.getServiceInfos() != null) && (oBusInfo.getServiceInfos().getServiceInfo() != null) && (oBusInfo.getServiceInfos().getServiceInfo().size() > 0)) { CMBusinessServices oServices = new CMBusinessServices(); for (ServiceInfo oUDDIService : oBusInfo.getServiceInfos().getServiceInfo()) { boolean bHaveServiceData = false; CMBusinessService oService = new CMBusinessService(); // Service Key //------------ if ((oUDDIService.getServiceKey() != null) && (oUDDIService.getServiceKey().length() > 0)) { oService.setServiceKey(oUDDIService.getServiceKey()); bHaveServiceData = true; } oService.setInternalWebService(false); // If it is in UDDI - it is not internal // Service Name - We will pick this up on the detail. //--------------------------------------------------- if (bHaveServiceData) { oServices.getBusinessService().add(oService); bHaveData = true; } } // for (ServiceInfo oUDDIService : oBusInfo.getServiceInfos().getServiceInfo()) if (oServices.getBusinessService().size() > 0) { oEntity.setBusinessServices(oServices); } } } if (bHaveData) { return oEntity; } else { return null; } } /** * This method extracts the business key from the business info object. * * @param oBusInfo The business information object containing the data. * @return The key that was extracted. */ private String extractBusinessKey(BusinessInfo oBusInfo) { String sKey = ""; if ((oBusInfo != null) && (oBusInfo.getBusinessKey() != null) && (oBusInfo.getBusinessKey().length() > 0)) { sKey = oBusInfo.getBusinessKey(); } return sKey; } /** * This method retrieves the business entities from the UDDI server. * It does not retrieve the services or bindings. They are retrieved * on other calls. This only retrieves the business information. * * @return the BusinessEntities retrieved from the UDDI server. * @throws UDDIAccessorException */ private CMBusinessEntities retrieveBusinessesInfoFromUDDI() throws UDDIAccessorException { CMBusinessEntities oEntities = new CMBusinessEntities(); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Retrieving business entities from UDDI using find_business web service call."); } BusinessList oBusinessList = null; try { UDDIInquiryPortType oPort = getUDDIInquiryWebService(); // Make the call... //----------------- FindBusiness oSearchParams = new FindBusiness(); oSearchParams.setMaxRows(100); oBusinessList = oPort.findBusiness(oSearchParams); } catch (Exception e) { String sErrorMessage = "Failed to call 'find_business' web service on the NHIN UDDI server. Errro: " + e.getMessage(); log.error(sErrorMessage, e); throw new UDDIAccessorException(sErrorMessage, e); } // Now lets go through what we have... //------------------------------------ if ((oBusinessList != null) && (oBusinessList.getBusinessInfos() != null) && (oBusinessList.getBusinessInfos().getBusinessInfo() != null) && (oBusinessList.getBusinessInfos().getBusinessInfo().size() > 0)) { for (BusinessInfo oBusInfo : oBusinessList.getBusinessInfos().getBusinessInfo()) { String sKey = extractBusinessKey(oBusInfo); if (!m_hBusinessToIgnore.contains(sKey)) { // Make sure this is not one of the ones we need to filter out... //---------------------------------------------------------------- CMBusinessEntity oEntity = null; oEntity = businessEntityFromBusinesInfo(oBusInfo); if (oEntity != null) { oEntities.getBusinessEntity().add(oEntity); } } } } return oEntities; } /** * This method returns the business with the specified * business key. If it does not exist in the list, then null is returned. * * @param oEntities The list of businesses to search. * @param sBusinessKey The business key to look for. * @return The item from the list that matches the business key. */ private CMBusinessEntity findSpecificBusiness(List oaEntities, String sBusinessKey) { CMBusinessEntity oEntity = null; if ((oaEntities != null) && (oaEntities.size() > 0)) { for (CMBusinessEntity oTempEntity : oaEntities) { if ((oTempEntity.getBusinessKey() != null) && (oTempEntity.getBusinessKey().equals(sBusinessKey))) { oEntity = oTempEntity; break; // We found it - get out of the loop... } } } return oEntity; } /** * This method returns the service with the specified business key and service key. * If it does not exist in the list, then null is returned. * * @param oEntities The list of businesses to search. * @param sBusinessKey The business key for the business entity. * @param sServiceKey The service key to look for. * @return The item from the list that matches the business key. */ private CMBusinessService findSpecificService(List oaEntities, String sBusinessKey, String sServiceKey) { CMBusinessService oService = null; CMBusinessEntity oEntity = findSpecificBusiness(oaEntities, sBusinessKey); if ((oEntity != null) && (oEntity.getBusinessServices() != null) && (oEntity.getBusinessServices().getBusinessService() != null) && (oEntity.getBusinessServices().getBusinessService().size() > 0)) { for (CMBusinessService oTempService : oEntity.getBusinessServices().getBusinessService()) { if ((oTempService.getServiceKey() != null) && (oTempService.getServiceKey().equals(sServiceKey))) { oService = oTempService; break; // We found it - get out of the loop... } } } return oService; } /** * This method looks through the set of keyed reference objects for the one that is specified. * Once it finds it, it extracts the keyValue and returns it. * * @param oaKeys The keys to be searched. * @param sDesiredKey The key to look for. * @return The value assocaited with that key. */ private String findAndGetValueFromKeyedReference(List oaKeys, String sDesiredKey) { String sValue = ""; if ((oaKeys == null) || (oaKeys.size() <= 0)) { return ""; } for (KeyedReference oKey : oaKeys) { if ((oKey.getTModelKey() != null) && (oKey.getTModelKey().equals(sDesiredKey)) && (oKey.getKeyValue() != null)) { sValue = oKey.getKeyValue(); break; // We found what we wanted - get out of the loop } } return sValue; } /** * This method takes in a list of JAXBElements and searches for a KeyedReference where * the key is the one specified. If one is found, it will return the value for it. * * @param oaElement The list of JAXB elements. * @param sKey The key to search for. * @return The value associated with that key. */ private String findAndGetValueFromJAXBElementKeyedReference (List> oaElement, String sKey) { String sValue = ""; if ((oaElement == null) || (oaElement.size() <= 0)) { return ""; } for (JAXBElement oElement : oaElement) { if ((oElement.getDeclaredType() != null) && (oElement.getDeclaredType().getCanonicalName() != null) && (oElement.getDeclaredType().getCanonicalName().equals("org.uddi.api_v3.KeyedReference"))) { KeyedReference oKeyRef = (KeyedReference) oElement.getValue(); if ((oKeyRef != null) && (oKeyRef.getTModelKey() != null) && (oKeyRef.getTModelKey().equals(sKey)) && (oKeyRef.getKeyValue() != null)) { sValue = oKeyRef.getKeyValue(); } } } return sValue; } /** * This method loops through the business entities and fills in any pertinent * detailed information by calling the UDDI server get_businessDetail function. Note * that this information was not available in the find_business. In order to get it * we have to do separate call. * * @param oEntities The businesses to retrieve the detail and the object where the * details will be placed. */ private void retrieveDetailedBusinessInfoFromUDDI(CMBusinessEntities oEntities) throws UDDIAccessorException { if ((oEntities == null) || (oEntities.getBusinessEntity() == null) || (oEntities.getBusinessEntity().size() <= 0)) { return; // we are done there is nothing to retrieve. } BusinessDetail oResult = null; try { GetBusinessDetail oSearchParams = new GetBusinessDetail(); // Load up the list of keys to retrieve the details of... //-------------------------------------------------------- for (CMBusinessEntity oEntity : oEntities.getBusinessEntity()) { if ((oEntity.getBusinessKey() != null) && (oEntity.getBusinessKey().length() > 0)) { oSearchParams.getBusinessKey().add(oEntity.getBusinessKey()); } } // for (CMBusinessEntity oEntity : oEntities.getBusinessEntity()) UDDIInquiryPortType oPort = getUDDIInquiryWebService(); oResult = oPort.getBusinessDetail(oSearchParams); } catch (Exception e) { String sErrorMessage = "Failed to call UDDI web service get_businessDetail method. Error: " + e.getMessage(); log.error(sErrorMessage, e); throw new UDDIAccessorException(sErrorMessage, e); } // Now let's process the results... //--------------------------------- if ((oResult != null) && (oResult.getBusinessEntity() != null) && (oResult.getBusinessEntity().size() > 0)) { // Now put the returned information back into our structure. //----------------------------------------------------------- for (BusinessEntity oUDDIEntity : oResult.getBusinessEntity()) { if ((oUDDIEntity.getBusinessKey() != null) && (oUDDIEntity.getBusinessKey().length() > 0)) { CMBusinessEntity oEntity = findSpecificBusiness(oEntities.getBusinessEntity(), oUDDIEntity.getBusinessKey()); if (oEntity != null) { // Home community ID //------------------ if ((oUDDIEntity.getIdentifierBag() != null) && (oUDDIEntity.getIdentifierBag().getKeyedReference() != null) && (oUDDIEntity.getIdentifierBag().getKeyedReference().size() > 0)) { String sValue = findAndGetValueFromKeyedReference(oUDDIEntity.getIdentifierBag().getKeyedReference(), HOME_COMMUNITY_ID_KEY); if ((sValue != null) && (sValue.length() > 0)) { if (sValue.startsWith("urn:oid:")) { sValue = sValue.substring("urn:oid:".length()); } oEntity.setHomeCommunityId(sValue); } } // if ((oUDDIEntity.getIdentifierBag() != null) && ... } // if (oEntity != nulll) } // if ((oUDDIEntity.getBusinessKey() != null) && (oUDDIEntity.getBusinessKey().length() > 0)) } // for (BusinessEntity oUDDIEntity : oResult.getBusinessEntity()) } // if ((oResult != null) && } /** * This method retrieves the service information from the UDDI server for * each of the business entities. * * @param oEntities The business entities for which services should be retrieved. The * information is placed in the appropriate location in this object. * @throws UDDIAccessorException */ private void retrieveDetailedServiceInfoFromUDDI(CMBusinessEntities oEntities) throws UDDIAccessorException { if ((oEntities == null) || (oEntities.getBusinessEntity() == null) || (oEntities.getBusinessEntity().size() <= 0)) { return; // we are done there is nothing to retrieve. } ServiceDetail oResult = null; try { GetServiceDetail oSearchParams = new GetServiceDetail(); // Load up the list of service keys to retrieve the details of... //-------------------------------------------------------- for (CMBusinessEntity oEntity : oEntities.getBusinessEntity()) { if ((oEntity.getBusinessServices() != null) && (oEntity.getBusinessServices().getBusinessService() != null) && (oEntity.getBusinessServices().getBusinessService().size() > 0)) { for (CMBusinessService oService : oEntity.getBusinessServices().getBusinessService()) { if ((oService.getServiceKey() != null) && (oService.getServiceKey().length() > 0)) { oSearchParams.getServiceKey().add(oService.getServiceKey()); } } // for (CMBusinessService oService : oEntity.getBusinessServices().getBusinessService()) } // if ((oEntity.getBusinessServices() != null) && ... } // for (CMBusinessEntity oEntity : oEntities.getBusinessEntity()) UDDIInquiryPortType oPort = getUDDIInquiryWebService(); oResult = oPort.getServiceDetail(oSearchParams); } catch (Exception e) { String sErrorMessage = "Failed to call UDDI web service get_serviceDetail method. Error: " + e.getMessage(); log.error(sErrorMessage, e); throw new UDDIAccessorException(sErrorMessage, e); } // Now let's process the results... //--------------------------------- if ((oResult != null) && (oResult.getBusinessService() != null) && (oResult.getBusinessService().size() > 0)) { // Now put the returned information back into our structure. //----------------------------------------------------------- for (BusinessService oUDDIService : oResult.getBusinessService()) { if ((oUDDIService.getServiceKey() != null) && (oUDDIService.getServiceKey().length() > 0) && (oUDDIService.getBusinessKey() != null) && (oUDDIService.getBusinessKey().length() > 0)) { CMBusinessService oService = findSpecificService(oEntities.getBusinessEntity(), oUDDIService.getBusinessKey(), oUDDIService.getServiceKey()); if (oService != null) { // Binding Service Name //---------------------- if ((oUDDIService.getName() != null) && (oUDDIService.getName().size() > 0)) { CMBindingNames oNames = new CMBindingNames(); oService.setNames(oNames); for (Name oUDDIName : oUDDIService.getName()) { if ((oUDDIName.getValue() != null) && (oUDDIName.getValue().length() > 0)) { oService.getNames().getName().add(oUDDIName.getValue()); } } } // if ((oUDDIService.getName() != null) && // Binding Descriptions //--------------------- if ((oUDDIService.getDescription() != null) && (oUDDIService.getDescription().size() > 0)) { CMBindingDescriptions oDescripts = new CMBindingDescriptions(); oService.setDescriptions(oDescripts); for (Description oUDDIDescript : oUDDIService.getDescription()) { if ((oUDDIDescript.getValue() != null) && (oUDDIDescript.getValue().length() > 0)) { oService.getDescriptions().getDescription().add(oUDDIDescript.getValue()); } } } // if ((oUDDIService.getDescription() != null) && ... // Uniform Service Name & Service Version //---------------------------------------- if ((oUDDIService.getCategoryBag() != null) && (oUDDIService.getCategoryBag().getContent() != null) && (oUDDIService.getCategoryBag().getContent().size() > 0)) { // Uniform Service Name //--------------------- String sValue = findAndGetValueFromJAXBElementKeyedReference(oUDDIService.getCategoryBag().getContent(), UNIFORM_SERVICE_NAME_KEY); if (sValue != null) { oService.setUniformServiceName(sValue); } // Service Version //---------------- sValue = findAndGetValueFromJAXBElementKeyedReference(oUDDIService.getCategoryBag().getContent(), SERVICE_VERSION_KEY); if (sValue != null) { oService.setServiceVersion(sValue); } } // if ((oUDDIService.getCategoryBag() != null) && ... // Binding Template Information //----------------------------- if ((oUDDIService.getBindingTemplates() != null) && (oUDDIService.getBindingTemplates().getBindingTemplate() != null) && (oUDDIService.getBindingTemplates().getBindingTemplate().size() > 0)) { CMBindingTemplates oTemplates = new CMBindingTemplates(); for (BindingTemplate oUDDITemplate : oUDDIService.getBindingTemplates().getBindingTemplate()) { CMBindingTemplate oTemplate = new CMBindingTemplate(); boolean bHaveData = false; // Endpoint URL //-------------- if ((oUDDITemplate.getAccessPoint() != null) && (oUDDITemplate.getAccessPoint().getValue() != null) && (oUDDITemplate.getAccessPoint().getValue().length() > 0)) { oTemplate.setEndpointURL(oUDDITemplate.getAccessPoint().getValue()); bHaveData = true; } if (bHaveData) { oTemplates.getBindingTemplate().add(oTemplate); } } if ((oTemplates.getBindingTemplate() != null) && (oTemplates.getBindingTemplate().size() > 0)) { oService.setBindingTemplates(oTemplates); } } } // if (oService != null) } // if ((oUDDIService.getServiceKey() != null) && ... } // for (BusinessService oUDDIService : oResult.getBusinessService()) } // if ((oResult != null) && } /** * This method is used to retrieve the data from the UDDI server. The * data is returned in the form of CMBusinessEntities. * * @return The Business Entities that were retrieved from the UDDI server. * */ public CMBusinessEntities retrieveFromUDDIServer() throws UDDIAccessorException { CMBusinessEntities oEntities = new CMBusinessEntities(); loadProperties(); // If we are failing to load the properties or if we do not // have the endpoint URL - there is nothing to do... //----------------------------------------------------------- if ((!m_bPropsLoaded) || (m_sUDDIInquiryEndpointURL == null) || (m_sUDDIInquiryEndpointURL.length() <= 0)) { return null; } // First step is to retrieve the high level business information... //------------------------------------------------------------------ oEntities = retrieveBusinessesInfoFromUDDI(); // Now lets retrieve the detailed business & service information for // these businesses. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (oEntities != null) { retrieveDetailedBusinessInfoFromUDDI(oEntities); retrieveDetailedServiceInfoFromUDDI(oEntities); } return oEntities; } /** * Main method. * * @param args */ public static void main (String args[]) { UDDIAccessor oAccessor = new UDDIAccessor(); CMBusinessEntities oEntities = null; try { oEntities = oAccessor.retrieveFromUDDIServer(); if (oEntities != null) { CMUDDIConnectionInfo oUDDIConnectionInfo = new CMUDDIConnectionInfo(); oUDDIConnectionInfo.setBusinessEntities(oEntities); String sXML = CMUDDIConnectionInfoXML.serialize(oUDDIConnectionInfo); System.out.println(sXML); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("An unexpected exception occurred: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); } System.out.println(""); System.out.println("We are done."); } }