package gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.connectmgr.uddi; import java.util.Timer; import; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * This class is used to start a timer which when it wakes up will read the UDDI * data from the UDDI server, updte the uddiConnectionInfo.xml file with that data, * and then tell the ConnectionManager to refresh the UDDI cache with it. * * @author Les Westberg */ public class UDDITimer extends Thread { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(UDDITimer.class); private static UDDITimer m_oTheOneAndOnlyTimer = null; private static boolean m_bRunnable = false; private static final String GATEWAY_PROPERTY_FILE = "gateway"; private static final String UDDI_REFRESH_DURATION_PROPERTY = "UDDIRefreshDuration"; private static final int UDDI_REFRESH_DURATION_DEFAULT = 1800; //(30 minutes) // private Timer m_oTimer = new Timer(true); // Timer thread - set up as a daemon. private int m_iDurationSeconds = UDDI_REFRESH_DURATION_DEFAULT; /** * Default constructor */ private UDDITimer() { } /** * This method is used to crete an instance of the UDDITimer. There should only be exactly * one instance of this running at any time. If it exists, it simply returns the one that * exists. If it does not exist, then it will create it, start the timer, and return a handle to * it. * * @throws UDDIAccessorException */ public static void startTimer() throws UDDIAccessorException { m_bRunnable = true; if (m_oTheOneAndOnlyTimer == null) { m_oTheOneAndOnlyTimer = new UDDITimer(); try { m_oTheOneAndOnlyTimer.initialize(); m_oTheOneAndOnlyTimer.setDaemon(true); m_oTheOneAndOnlyTimer.start(); } catch (Exception e) { m_oTheOneAndOnlyTimer = null; String sErrorMessage = "Failed to start the UDDI Update Manager timer. Error: " + e.getMessage(); log.error(sErrorMessage, e); throw new UDDIAccessorException(sErrorMessage, e); }"UDDIUpdateManager timer has just been started now."); } } public static void stopTimer() { m_bRunnable = false; } /** * This method starts up the timer. */ private void initialize() throws UDDIAccessorException { try { String sDuration = PropertyAccessor.getProperty(GATEWAY_PROPERTY_FILE, UDDI_REFRESH_DURATION_PROPERTY); if ((sDuration != null) && (sDuration.length() > 0)) { m_iDurationSeconds = Integer.parseInt(sDuration); } } catch (Exception e) { String sErrorMessage = "Failed to read and parse " + UDDI_REFRESH_DURATION_PROPERTY + " from " + GATEWAY_PROPERTY_FILE + ".properties file - using default " + "" + "value of " + UDDI_REFRESH_DURATION_DEFAULT + " seconds. Error: " + e.getMessage(); log.warn(sErrorMessage, e); } // UDDITimerTask oUDDITimerTask = new UDDITimerTask(); // m_oTimer.schedule(oUDDITimerTask, 0, iDurationSeconds*1000); } @Override public void run() { while (m_bRunnable) { UDDITimerTask oUDDITimerTask = new UDDITimerTask();; try { log.debug("Before reading properties wait status...."); Thread.sleep(m_iDurationSeconds * 1000); log.debug("Now read properties...."); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { log.error("Failed to sleep.", ex); } } } /** * Main method used to test this class. This one really should not be run under unit * test scenarios because it requires access to the UDDI server. * * @param args */ public static void main (String[] args) { System.out.println("Starting test."); log.debug("Log: Starting test."); try { UDDITimer.startTimer(); Thread.sleep(70000); // 1 minutes 10 seconds } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("An unexpected exception occurred: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } System.out.println("End of test."); } }