package gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.connectmgr.uddi; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.common.connectionmanagerinfo.SuccessOrFailType; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.common.connectionmanagerinfo.UDDIUpdateManagerForceRefreshRequestType; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.common.connectionmanagerinfo.UDDIUpdateManagerForceRefreshResponseType; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.Calendar; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; /** * Helper class for the web service. * * @author Les Westberg */ public class UDDIUpdateManagerHelper { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(UDDIUpdateManagerHelper.class); private static final String GATEWAY_PROPERTY_FILE = "gateway"; private static final String UDDI_REFRESH_KEEP_BACKUPS_PROPERTY = "UDDIRefreshKeepBackups"; private static final String UDDI_CONNECTION_INFO_FILENAME = "uddiConnectionInfo.xml"; /** * This method retrieves the data from the UDDI server and transforms it into * and XML string and returns it. * * @return The XML representation of the data retrieved from UDDI. */ private static String retrieveDataFromUDDI() throws UDDIAccessorException { String sXML = ""; UDDIAccessor oUDDIAccessor = new UDDIAccessor(); CMBusinessEntities oEntities = oUDDIAccessor.retrieveFromUDDIServer(); if ((oEntities != null) && (oEntities.getBusinessEntity() != null) && (oEntities.getBusinessEntity().size() > 0)) { CMUDDIConnectionInfo oUDDIConnectionInfo = new CMUDDIConnectionInfo(); oUDDIConnectionInfo.setBusinessEntities(oEntities); try { sXML = CMUDDIConnectionInfoXML.serialize(oUDDIConnectionInfo); } catch (Exception e) { String sErrorMessage = "Failed to serialize information from UDDI into valid XML message. Error: " + e.getMessage(); log.error(sErrorMessage, e); throw new UDDIAccessorException(sErrorMessage, e); } } return sXML; } /** * This method is called to force a refresh of the uddiConnectionInfo.xml file. * It will retrieve the data from the UDDI server and update the local XML file. * * @throws UDDIAccessorException */ public static void forceRefreshUDDIFile() throws UDDIAccessorException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Start: UDDIUpdateManagerHelper.forceRefreshUDDIFile method - loading from UDDI server."); } String sXML = ""; Boolean bCreateBackups = true; String sXMLFileLocation = ""; try { sXML = retrieveDataFromUDDI(); } catch (Exception e) { String sErrorMessage = "Failed to retrieve data from UDDI. Error: " + e.getMessage(); log.error(sErrorMessage, e); throw new UDDIAccessorException(sErrorMessage, e); } if ((sXML != null) && (sXML.length() > 0)) { try { bCreateBackups = PropertyAccessor.getPropertyBoolean(GATEWAY_PROPERTY_FILE, UDDI_REFRESH_KEEP_BACKUPS_PROPERTY); } catch (Exception e) { bCreateBackups = true; String sErrorMessage = "Failed to retrieve property: " + UDDI_REFRESH_KEEP_BACKUPS_PROPERTY + " from " + GATEWAY_PROPERTY_FILE + ".properties. Defaulting to creating backups. " + "Error: " + e.getMessage(); log.warn(sErrorMessage, e); } sXMLFileLocation = PropertyAccessor.getPropertyFileLocation() + UDDI_CONNECTION_INFO_FILENAME; File fCurrentFile = new File(sXMLFileLocation); Calendar oNow = Calendar.getInstance(); SimpleDateFormat oFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MM-dd-yyyy_HH-mm-ss"); String sXMLFileLocationNewName = sXMLFileLocation + "." + oFormat.format(oNow.getTime()); File fNewFileName = new File(sXMLFileLocationNewName); if (fCurrentFile.exists()) { try { fCurrentFile.renameTo(fNewFileName); } catch (Exception e) { String sErrorMessage = "Failed to rename the current file: " + sXMLFileLocation + " to: " + sXMLFileLocationNewName + ". Aborting changes to " + "uddi connection information. Error: " + e.getMessage(); log.error(sErrorMessage, e); throw new UDDIAccessorException(sErrorMessage, e); } } // if (fCurrentFile.exists()) // Create the file with the new information. //------------------------------------------- FileWriter fwCurrentFile = null; try { fwCurrentFile = new FileWriter(fCurrentFile); fwCurrentFile.write(sXML); } catch (Exception e) { String sErrorMessage = "Failed to write file: " + sXMLFileLocation + ". Error: " + e.getMessage(); log.error(sErrorMessage, e); throw new UDDIAccessorException(sErrorMessage, e); } finally { if (fwCurrentFile != null) { try { fwCurrentFile.close(); } catch (Exception e) { String sErrorMessage = "Failed to close file: " + sXMLFileLocation + ". Error: " + e.getMessage(); log.error(sErrorMessage, e); throw new UDDIAccessorException(sErrorMessage, e); } } } // if we are not creating backups... Then we need to delete our temproary one. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ if (!bCreateBackups) { try { fNewFileName.delete(); } catch (Exception e) { String sErrorMessage = "Failed to delete the temporary backup file: " + sXMLFileLocationNewName + "Error: " + e.getMessage(); log.error(sErrorMessage, e); throw new UDDIAccessorException(sErrorMessage, e); } } } // if ((sXML != null) && (sXML.length() > 0)) if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Done: UDDIUpdateManagerHelper.forceRefreshUDDIFile method - loading from UDDI server."); } } /** * This method forces a refresh of the uddiConnectionInfo.xml file by retrieving the * information from the UDDI NHIN server. * * @param part1 No real data - just a way to keep the document unique. * @return True if the file was loaded false if it was not. */ public static UDDIUpdateManagerForceRefreshResponseType forceRefreshFileFromUDDIServer(UDDIUpdateManagerForceRefreshRequestType part1) { UDDIUpdateManagerForceRefreshResponseType oResponse = new UDDIUpdateManagerForceRefreshResponseType(); oResponse.setSuccessOrFail(new SuccessOrFailType()); oResponse.getSuccessOrFail().setSuccess(false); try { forceRefreshUDDIFile(); oResponse.getSuccessOrFail().setSuccess(true); // If we got here - we succeeded. } catch (Exception e) { String sErrorMessage = "Failed to refresh the file from the UDDI server. Error: " + e.getMessage(); log.error(sErrorMessage, e); } return oResponse; } /** * Main method to test this class. Since this is relys on an external UDDI server, * we do not want it part of our unit tests to stop the build if the server is * down or not accessible. This is a main method used for debugging.... * @param args */ public static void main (String args[]) { System.out.println("Starting test."); try { UDDIUpdateManagerForceRefreshRequestType part1 = new UDDIUpdateManagerForceRefreshRequestType(); UDDIUpdateManagerForceRefreshResponseType oResponse = forceRefreshFileFromUDDIServer(part1); System.out.println("Response = " + oResponse.getSuccessOrFail().isSuccess()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("An unexpected error occurred: " + e.getMessage()); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(-1); } System.out.println("Ending test."); } }