package xwss.saml; import com.sun.xml.wss.XWSSecurityException; import com.sun.xml.wss.saml.Assertion; import com.sun.xml.wss.saml.SAMLAssertionFactory; import com.sun.xml.wss.saml.SAMLException; import com.sun.xml.wss.saml.internal.saml11.jaxb10.AttributeValue; import com.sun.xml.wss.saml.internal.saml20.jaxb20.ActionType; import com.sun.xml.wss.saml.internal.saml20.jaxb20.AssertionType; import com.sun.xml.wss.saml.internal.saml20.jaxb20.AttributeStatementType; import com.sun.xml.wss.saml.internal.saml20.jaxb20.AttributeType; import com.sun.xml.wss.saml.internal.saml20.jaxb20.AuthnStatementType; import com.sun.xml.wss.saml.internal.saml20.jaxb20.AuthzDecisionStatementType; import com.sun.xml.wss.saml.internal.saml20.jaxb20.ConditionsType; import com.sun.xml.wss.saml.internal.saml20.jaxb20.EvidenceType; import com.sun.xml.wss.saml.internal.saml20.jaxb20.NameIDType; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.token.InternalTokenMgr; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.NoSuchElementException; import; import org.w3c.dom.*; import java.util.PropertyResourceBundle; import java.util.TreeSet; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import javax.xml.datatype.XMLGregorianCalendar; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import; import; /** * This class implements the Callback SAMLAssertionValidator which is invoked * upon receiving an incoming message. It extracts the Assertion element and * drills down into each sub-element extracting the information needed to * reconstruct the Assertion object which is needed to pass along information to * the Agencies or other services. The information obtained is written out to a * configured file store for later retrieval. */ public class SAMLValidator implements com.sun.xml.wss.impl.callback.SAMLAssertionValidator { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(SAMLValidator.class); private static final String USER_ROLE_ID = "UserRole"; private static final String PURPOSE_ROLE_ID = "PurposeForUse"; //private static final String EMAIL_FORMAT = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress"; private static final String X509_FORMAT = "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:X509SubjectName"; /** * This method is required by the SAMLAssertionValidator, but is not invoked. * @param arg0 The Assertion element * @throws com.sun.xml.wss.impl.callback.SAMLAssertionValidator.SAMLValidationException */ public void validate(Element arg0) throws SAMLValidationException {" Entry to the validate Element block");" Element: " + arg0); } /** * This is the invoked implementation of the validation upon receipt of an * incoming message needing SAML verification. It creates / opens the * storage file and manages invocation of methods to extract and write out * the needed information from the various sub-elements. * @param reader Reader containing the SAML Assertion elements * @throws com.sun.xml.wss.impl.callback.SAMLAssertionValidator.SAMLValidationException */ public void validate(XMLStreamReader reader) throws SAMLValidationException { log.debug(" **************************** Entering SAML ValidatorCallback ***********************"); PropertyResourceBundle prop = (PropertyResourceBundle) PropertyResourceBundle.getBundle(InternalTokenMgr.propFileName); String fileName = prop.getString(InternalTokenMgr.dumpFileName); RandomAccessFile raFile = null; PrintWriter writeOut = null; try { SAMLAssertionFactory factory = SAMLAssertionFactory.newInstance(SAMLAssertionFactory.SAML2_0); Assertion assertIn = factory.createAssertion(reader); raFile = new RandomAccessFile(fileName, "rw"); raFile.setLength(0); log.debug("Create: " + fileName); writeOut = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(fileName)); writeSubject(writeOut, assertIn); List statements = assertIn.getStatements(); if (statements != null && !statements.isEmpty()) { for (int idx = 0; idx < statements.size(); idx++) { if (statements.get(idx) instanceof AttributeStatementType) { AttributeStatementType statement = (AttributeStatementType) statements.get(idx); writeAttributeInfo(writeOut, statement); } else if (statements.get(idx) instanceof AuthzDecisionStatementType) { AuthzDecisionStatementType statement = (AuthzDecisionStatementType) statements.get(idx); writeDecisionInfo(writeOut, statement); } else if (statements.get(idx) instanceof AuthnStatementType) { // Currently nothing done for AuthnStatement } else { log.warn("Unknown statement type: " + statements.get(idx)); } } } else { log.warn("Expected Attribute Statements are missing."); } log.debug(fileName + " write is complete"); } catch (SAMLException ex) { log.error("SAMLException in validation: " + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (XWSSecurityException ex) { log.error("XWSSecurityException in validation: " + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException ex) { log.error("IOException in validation: " + ex.getMessage()); ex.printStackTrace(); } finally { // Close the file if (writeOut != null) { writeOut.close(); } if (raFile != null) { try { raFile.close(); } catch (IOException ex) { } } } log.debug("**************************** End SAML ValidatorCallback **************************"); } /** * The Subject element contains the user identification information. It is * expected to follow an X509 format, but in the case that this is not * proven out it will save the entire contents as being the userid. * @param writeOut The writer for the storage file * @param assertIn The Assertion element */ private void writeSubject(PrintWriter writeOut, Assertion assertIn) { log.debug("SAMLValidator.writeSubject() -- Begin"); if (assertIn instanceof AssertionType) { AssertionType assertType = (AssertionType) assertIn; if (assertType.getSubject() != null) { List> contents = assertType.getSubject().getContent(); if (contents != null && !contents.isEmpty()) { for (JAXBElement jaxElem : contents) { if (jaxElem.getValue() instanceof NameIDType) { NameIDType nameId = (NameIDType) jaxElem.getValue(); String format = nameId.getFormat(); String nameVal = nameId.getValue(); // For X509 format the user identifier is extracted, for others content is taken as is String userIdentifier = nameVal; if (format != null && nameVal != null) { if (format.trim().equals(X509_FORMAT)) { String extractedUID = extract509(nameVal); if (extractedUID != null) { userIdentifier = extractedUID; } else { log.warn("X509 Formatted user identifier can not be extracted"); } } } else { log.warn("Subject's NameId has an invalid format"); } + "=" + userIdentifier); writeOut.println(InternalTokenMgr.userNameAttrName + "=" + userIdentifier); } } } else { log.warn("Expected Subject information is missing."); } } else { log.warn("Subject element is missing."); } } log.debug("SAMLValidator.writeSubject() -- End"); } /** * Extracts the value of the UID object identifier of the X509 formatted * content. This method uses Sun proprietary classes to determine if the * X509 is properly formed and to extract the value of the UID. The current * specification for the string representation of a distinguished name is * defined in RFC 2253. * @param in509 The X509 formatted string * @return The extracted userid value, null if not defined. */ private String extract509(String in509) { log.debug("SAMLValidator.extract509() " + in509 + " -- Begin"); String userVal = null; if (in509 != null) { try { X500Principal prin = new X500Principal(in509); X500Name name500 = X500Name.asX500Name(prin); for (AVA ava : name500.allAvas()) { if (X500Name.userid_oid == ava.getObjectIdentifier()) { userVal = ava.getValueString(); } else { log.warn("Construction of user identifier does not use: " + ava.toString()); } } } catch (IllegalArgumentException iae) { log.warn("X509 NameId is improperly formed: " + iae.getMessage()); } } log.debug("SAMLValidator.extract509() " + userVal + " -- End"); return userVal; } /** * This method is responsible to extract the information from both the * AttributeStatements as found in the main Assertion element as well as the * AttributeStatements found in the Evidence element. The permitted names * of the Attributes in the Assertion element are: UserRole, PurposeForUse, * UserName, UserOrganization. The permitted names of the Attributes in the * Evidence element are: ContentReference, ContentType, and Content. * @param writeOut The writer for the storage file * @param statement The attribute statement to be extracted */ private void writeAttributeInfo(PrintWriter writeOut, AttributeStatementType statement) { log.debug("SAMLValidator.writeAttributeInfo() -- Begin"); List attribs = statement.getAttributeOrEncryptedAttribute(); if (attribs != null && !attribs.isEmpty()) { for (int idx = 0; idx < attribs.size(); idx++) { if (attribs.get(idx) instanceof AttributeType) { StringBuffer strBuf = new StringBuffer(); AttributeType attrib = (AttributeType) attribs.get(idx); String nameAttr = attrib.getName(); if (nameAttr != null) { if ("UserRole".equals(nameAttr)) { parseRole(attrib, strBuf, USER_ROLE_ID); } else if ("PurposeForUse".equals(nameAttr)) { parseRole(attrib, strBuf, PURPOSE_ROLE_ID); } else if (InternalTokenMgr.userNameAttrName.equals(nameAttr)) { extractNameParts(attrib, strBuf); } else if (InternalTokenMgr.userOrgAttrName.equals(nameAttr) || InternalTokenMgr.claimRefAttrName.equals(nameAttr) || InternalTokenMgr.claimFormAttrName.equals(nameAttr)) { List attrVals = attrib.getAttributeValue(); if (attrVals != null && !attrVals.isEmpty()) { strBuf.append(attrib.getName() + "="); if (InternalTokenMgr.claimFormAttrName.equals(nameAttr)) { for (int idxVal = 0; idxVal < attrVals.size(); idxVal++) { Object formVal = attrVals.get(idxVal); if (formVal instanceof byte[]) { byte[] rawForm = (byte[]) attrVals.get(idxVal); String strForm = new String(rawForm); strBuf.append(strForm + " "); } else { strBuf.append(" "); log.warn(nameAttr + " Attribute is not recognized as base64 binary"); } } } else { for (int idxVal = 0; idxVal < attrVals.size(); idxVal++) { strBuf.append(attrVals.get(idxVal) + " "); } } } else { log.warn("No values are provided for Attribute " + nameAttr); } } else if (InternalTokenMgr.claimFormTypeAttrName.equals(nameAttr)) { + " is set to default 'application\\pdf'."); } else { log.warn("Unrecognized Name Attribute: " + nameAttr); } } else { log.warn("Improperly formed Name Attribute: " + nameAttr); } if (strBuf != null && strBuf.length() > 0) { writeOut.println(strBuf.toString());; } } } } else { log.warn("Expected Attributes are missing."); } log.debug("SAMLValidator.writeAttributeInfo() -- End"); } /** * The value of the UserName attribute is assumed to be a user's name in * plain text. The name parts are extracted in this method as the first * word constitutes the first name, the last word constitutes the last name * and all other text in between these words constitute the middle name. * @param attrib The Attribute that has the user name as its value * @param strBuf The name parts are appended to this string buffer for later * output to the storage file */ private void extractNameParts(AttributeType attrib, StringBuffer strBuf) { log.debug("SAMLValidator.extractNameParts() -- Begin"); // Assumption is that before the 1st space reflects the first name, // after the last space is the last name, anything between is the middle name List attrVals = attrib.getAttributeValue(); if (attrVals != null && !attrVals.isEmpty()) { for (int idxVal = 0; idxVal < attrVals.size(); idxVal++) { if (attrVals.get(idxVal) != null) { String completeName = attrVals.get(idxVal).toString(); String[] nameTokens = completeName.split("\\s"); ArrayList nameParts = new ArrayList(); //remove blank tokens for (String tok : nameTokens) { if (tok.trim() != null && tok.trim().length() > 0) { nameParts.add(tok); } } if (nameParts.size() > 0) { strBuf.append(InternalTokenMgr.userFirstNameAttrName + "=" + nameParts.get(0) + "\n"); nameParts.remove(0); } if (nameParts.size() > 0) { strBuf.append(InternalTokenMgr.userLastNameAttrName + "=" + nameParts.get(nameParts.size() - 1) + "\n"); nameParts.remove(nameParts.size() - 1); } if (nameParts.size() > 0) { strBuf.append(InternalTokenMgr.userMiddleNameAttrName + "="); for (String name : nameParts) { strBuf.append(name + " "); } // take off last blank character strBuf.setLength(strBuf.length() - 1); } // take off last return char. if (strBuf.toString().endsWith("\n")) { int truncIdx = strBuf.lastIndexOf("\n"); strBuf.setLength(truncIdx); } // Once found break out of the loop break; } } } else { log.warn("Expected User Name attribute is empty: " + attrVals); } log.debug("SAMLValidator.extractNameParts() -- End"); } /** * The value of the UserRole and PurposeForUse attributes are formatted * according to the specifications of an nhin:CodedElement. This method * parses that expected structure to obtain the code, codeSystem, * codeSystemName, and the displayName attributes of that element. * @param attrib The Attribute that has the UserRole or PurposeForUse as its * value * @param strBuf The coded element's attribute parts are appended to this * string buffer for later output to the storage file * @param id Identifies which coded element this is parsing */ private void parseRole(AttributeType attrib, StringBuffer strBuf, String id) { log.debug("SAMLValidator.parseRole() for " + id + " -- Begin"); List attrVals = attrib.getAttributeValue(); if (attrVals != null && !attrVals.isEmpty()) { for (int idxVal = 0; idxVal < attrVals.size(); idxVal++) { // With our current version of Metro the get(idxVal) gives us a null // It was supposedly fixed by 9/30/08. if (attrVals.get(idxVal) instanceof AttributeValue) { AttributeValue attrVal = (AttributeValue) attrVals.get(idxVal); String roleVal = attrVal.toString();"Role value: " + roleVal); TreeSet patStartRef = new TreeSet(); Map patStartEndXRef = new HashMap(); Map patStartNameXRef = new HashMap(); Pattern codePat = Pattern.compile("[cC][oO][dD][eE]\\s*?="); Matcher codeMatch = codePat.matcher(roleVal); while (codeMatch.find()) { patStartRef.add(codeMatch.start()); patStartEndXRef.put(codeMatch.start(), codeMatch.end()); if (USER_ROLE_ID.equals(id)) { patStartNameXRef.put(codeMatch.start(), InternalTokenMgr.userRoleCodeAttrName + "="); } else if (PURPOSE_ROLE_ID.equals(id)) { patStartNameXRef.put(codeMatch.start(), InternalTokenMgr.purposeCodeAttrName + "="); } else { log.warn("Unrecognized item: " + id + " Can not parse 'code'."); } } Pattern codeSysPat = Pattern.compile("[cC][oO][dD][eE][sS][yY][sS][tT][eE][mM]\\s*?="); Matcher codeSysMatch = codeSysPat.matcher(roleVal); while (codeSysMatch.find()) { patStartRef.add(codeSysMatch.start()); patStartEndXRef.put(codeSysMatch.start(), codeSysMatch.end()); if (USER_ROLE_ID.equals(id)) { patStartNameXRef.put(codeSysMatch.start(), InternalTokenMgr.userRoleCodeSystemAttrName + "="); } else if (PURPOSE_ROLE_ID.equals(id)) { patStartNameXRef.put(codeSysMatch.start(), InternalTokenMgr.purposeCodeSystemAttrName + "="); } else { log.warn("Unrecognized item: " + id + " Can not parse 'codeSystem'."); } } Pattern codeSysNamePat = Pattern.compile("[cC][oO][dD][eE][sS][yY][sS][tT][eE][mM][nN][aA][mM][eE]\\s*?="); Matcher codeSysNameMatch = codeSysNamePat.matcher(roleVal); while (codeSysNameMatch.find()) { patStartRef.add(codeSysNameMatch.start()); patStartEndXRef.put(codeSysNameMatch.start(), codeSysNameMatch.end()); if (USER_ROLE_ID.equals(id)) { patStartNameXRef.put(codeSysNameMatch.start(), InternalTokenMgr.userRoleCodeSystemNameAttrName + "="); } else if (PURPOSE_ROLE_ID.equals(id)) { patStartNameXRef.put(codeSysNameMatch.start(), InternalTokenMgr.purposeCodeSystemNameAttrName + "="); } else { log.warn("Unrecognized item: " + id + " Can not parse 'codeSystemName'."); } } Pattern dispNamePat = Pattern.compile("[dD][iI][sS][pP][lL][aA][yY][nN][aA][mM][eE]\\s*?="); Matcher dispNameMatch = dispNamePat.matcher(roleVal); while (dispNameMatch.find()) { patStartRef.add(dispNameMatch.start()); patStartEndXRef.put(dispNameMatch.start(), dispNameMatch.end()); if (USER_ROLE_ID.equals(id)) { patStartNameXRef.put(dispNameMatch.start(), InternalTokenMgr.userRoleDisplayAttrName + "="); } else if (PURPOSE_ROLE_ID.equals(id)) { patStartNameXRef.put(dispNameMatch.start(), InternalTokenMgr.purposeDisplayAttrName + "="); } else { log.warn("Unrecognized item: " + id + " Can not parse 'displayName'."); } } while (!patStartRef.isEmpty()) { // get substring from the end of this to the beginning of the next int keyIdx = patStartRef.pollFirst(); int begSubIdx = patStartEndXRef.get(keyIdx); int endSubIdx = roleVal.length(); try { endSubIdx = patStartRef.first(); } catch (NoSuchElementException ne) { } String valSubstr = roleVal.substring(begSubIdx, endSubIdx).trim(); // value lies between the quotes String extractedVal = valSubstr; int valBeg = valSubstr.indexOf("\""); int valEnd = valSubstr.lastIndexOf("\""); if (valBeg != -1 && valEnd != -1 && valBeg <= valEnd) { extractedVal = valSubstr.substring(valBeg + 1, valEnd).trim(); } else { log.warn("Extracted Value is in an unrecognized form: " + valSubstr); }"Parsed Value " + patStartNameXRef.get(keyIdx) + ": " + extractedVal); strBuf.append(patStartNameXRef.get(keyIdx) + extractedVal + "\n"); } // take off last return char. if (strBuf.toString().endsWith("\n")) { int truncIdx = strBuf.lastIndexOf("\n"); strBuf.setLength(truncIdx); } } else { log.warn("Value for " + id + " attribute is not a proper AttributeValue."); } // Once found break out of the loop break; } } else { log.warn("Attributes for " + id + " are invalid: " + attrVals); } log.debug("SAMLValidator.parseRole() -- End"); } /** * The Authorization Decision Statement is used to convey a form authorizing * access to medical records. It may embed the binary content of the * authorization form as well describing the conditions of its validity. * This method saves off all values associated with this Evidence. * @param writeOut The writer for the storage file * @param authzState The authorization decision element */ private void writeDecisionInfo(PrintWriter writeOut, AuthzDecisionStatementType authzState) { log.debug("SAMLValidator.writeDecisionInfo() -- Begin"); writeOut.println(InternalTokenMgr.resourceAttrName + "=" + authzState.getResource()); + "=" + authzState.getResource()); List actions = authzState.getAction(); StringBuffer actSb = new StringBuffer(); for (ActionType act : actions) { actSb.append(act.getValue() + " "); } writeOut.println(InternalTokenMgr.actionAttrName + "=" + actSb.toString()); + "=" + actSb.toString()); EvidenceType evid = authzState.getEvidence(); List asserts = evid.getAssertionIDRefOrAssertionURIRefOrAssertion(); if (asserts != null && !asserts.isEmpty()) { for (int idx = 0; idx < asserts.size(); idx++) { if (asserts.get(idx) instanceof JAXBElement) { JAXBElement evElem = (JAXBElement) asserts.get(idx); if (evElem.getValue() instanceof AssertionType) { AssertionType evAss = (AssertionType) evElem.getValue(); writeConditionsInfo(writeOut, evAss.getConditions()); List statements = evAss.getStatementOrAuthnStatementOrAuthzDecisionStatement(); if (statements != null && !statements.isEmpty()) { for (int idxState = 0; idxState < statements.size(); idxState++) { if (statements.get(idxState) instanceof AttributeStatementType) { AttributeStatementType statement = (AttributeStatementType) statements.get(idxState); writeAttributeInfo(writeOut, statement); } } } else { log.warn("Evidence Statements are missing."); } } else { log.warn("Non-Assertion type element: " + evElem.getValue() + " is not processed"); } } else { log.warn("Evidence assertion is not recognized as a JAXB element"); } } } else { log.warn("Evidence assertion is empty: " + asserts); } log.debug("SAMLValidator.writeDecisionInfo() -- End"); } /** * This method extracts the dates of validity for the Evidence's * authorization form. These dates are contained in the Conditions element * and are written out to the storage file by this method. * @param writeOut The writer for the storage file * @param conditions The Evidence's Conditions element */ private void writeConditionsInfo(PrintWriter writeOut, ConditionsType conditions) { log.debug("SAMLValidator.writeConditionsInfo() -- Begin"); if (conditions != null) { SimpleDateFormat dateForm = new SimpleDateFormat("MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss"); XMLGregorianCalendar beginTime = conditions.getNotBefore(); if (beginTime != null && beginTime.toGregorianCalendar() != null && beginTime.toGregorianCalendar().getTime() != null) { String formBegin = dateForm.format(beginTime.toGregorianCalendar().getTime()); writeOut.println(InternalTokenMgr.signDateAttrName + "=" + formBegin); + "=" + formBegin); } XMLGregorianCalendar endTime = conditions.getNotOnOrAfter(); if (endTime != null && endTime.toGregorianCalendar() != null && endTime.toGregorianCalendar().getTime() != null) { String formEnd = dateForm.format(endTime.toGregorianCalendar().getTime()); writeOut.println(InternalTokenMgr.expireDateAttrName + "=" + formEnd); + "=" + formEnd); } } log.debug("SAMLValidator.writeConditionsInfo() -- End"); } }