package gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.gateway.aggregator.document; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.gateway.aggregator.AggregatorException; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.gateway.aggregator.GetAggResultsDocRetrieveRequestType; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.gateway.aggregator.GetAggResultsDocRetrieveResponseType; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.gateway.aggregator.SetResponseMsgDocRetrieveRequestType; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.gateway.aggregator.StartTransactionDocRetrieveRequestType; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.gateway.aggregator.dao.AggMessageResultDao; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.gateway.aggregator.dao.AggTransactionDao; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.gateway.aggregator.model.AggMessageResult; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.gateway.aggregator.model.AggTransaction; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.gateway.aggregator.model.DocRetrieveMessageKey; import gov.hhs.fha.nhinc.gateway.aggregator.persistence.GarbageCollectorMgr; import ihe.iti.xds_b._2007.RetrieveDocumentSetRequestType.DocumentRequest; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import ihe.iti.xds_b._2007.RetrieveDocumentSetResponseType; import ihe.iti.xds_b._2007.RetrieveDocumentSetResponseType.DocumentResponse; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import javax.xml.bind.Marshaller; import javax.xml.bind.Unmarshaller; import; import; import; /** * This class is used to handle the tasks surrounding aggregating * responses to document retrieve messages. * * @author Les Westberg */ public class DocRetrieveAggregator { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(DocRetrieveAggregator.class); private static String DOC_RETRIEVE_NAME = "documentretrieve"; private static String DOC_RETRIEVE_RESPONSE = "RetrieveDocumentSetResponse"; /** * Default constructor */ public DocRetrieveAggregator() { } /** * This method marshalls the RetrieveDocumentSetResponse into an XML string. * * @param oRetrieveDocumentSetResponse The object to be marshalled. * @return The XML representation of the object. */ public String marshalRetrieveDocumentSetResponse(RetrieveDocumentSetResponseType oRetrieveDocumentSetResponse) { String sXML = ""; if (oRetrieveDocumentSetResponse != null) { try { JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance("ihe.iti.xds_b._2007"); Marshaller marshaller = jc.createMarshaller(); StringWriter swXML = new StringWriter(); ihe.iti.xds_b._2007.ObjectFactory ObjectFactory = new ihe.iti.xds_b._2007.ObjectFactory(); JAXBElement oElement = ObjectFactory.createRetrieveDocumentSetResponse(oRetrieveDocumentSetResponse); marshaller.marshal(oElement, swXML); sXML = swXML.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to marshall RetrieveDocumentSetResponse to XML: " + e.getMessage()); } } return sXML; } /** * This method unmarshalls the XML into an RetrieveDocumentSetResponse object. * * @param sAdhocQueryResponseXML The XML of the AdhocQueryResponse object to be unmarshalled. * @return The AdhocQueryResponse object. */ public RetrieveDocumentSetResponseType unmarshalAdhocQueryResponse(String sRetrieveDocumentSetResponseXML) { RetrieveDocumentSetResponseType oRetrieveDocumentSetResponse = null; if (sRetrieveDocumentSetResponseXML != null) { try { JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance("ihe.iti.xds_b._2007"); Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jc.createUnmarshaller(); StringReader srRetrieveDocumentSetResponseXML = new StringReader(sRetrieveDocumentSetResponseXML); JAXBElement oElement = (JAXBElement) unmarshaller.unmarshal(srRetrieveDocumentSetResponseXML); if ((oElement != null) && (oElement.getName() != null) && (oElement.getName().getLocalPart() != null) && (oElement.getName().getLocalPart().equals(DOC_RETRIEVE_RESPONSE)) && (oElement.getValue() != null)) { oRetrieveDocumentSetResponse = (RetrieveDocumentSetResponseType) oElement.getValue(); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Failed to marshall RetrieveDocumentSetResponse to XML: " + e.getMessage()); } } return oRetrieveDocumentSetResponse; } /** * This method is called from the web service to start a transaction. it * prepares the set of DocRetrieveMessageKey(s) and then calls the * other startTransaction to do the work. * * @param oRequest The message that was sent to the web service. * @return The transaction Id. */ public String startTransaction (StartTransactionDocRetrieveRequestType oRequest) { String sTransactionId = ""; // Based on property settings, spin off the garbage collector thread //------------------------------------------------------------------- GarbageCollectorMgr.runGarbageCollection(); if ((oRequest != null) && (oRequest.getRetrieveDocumentSetRequest() != null) && (oRequest.getRetrieveDocumentSetRequest().getDocumentRequest() != null) && (oRequest.getRetrieveDocumentSetRequest().getDocumentRequest().size() > 0)) { ArrayList olKey = new ArrayList(); List olDocRequest = oRequest.getRetrieveDocumentSetRequest().getDocumentRequest(); for (DocumentRequest oDocRequest : olDocRequest) { boolean baFound[] = {false, false, false}; DocRetrieveMessageKey oKey = new DocRetrieveMessageKey(); if (oDocRequest.getHomeCommunityId() != null) { oKey.setHomeCommunityId(oDocRequest.getHomeCommunityId()); baFound[0] = true; } else { oKey.setHomeCommunityId(""); } if (oDocRequest.getRepositoryUniqueId() != null) { oKey.setRepositoryId(oDocRequest.getRepositoryUniqueId()); baFound[1] = true; } else { oKey.setRepositoryId(""); } if (oDocRequest.getDocumentUniqueId() != null) { oKey.setDocumentId(oDocRequest.getDocumentUniqueId()); baFound[2] = true; } else { oKey.setDocumentId(""); } // We can only build keys when we have all the appropriate identifiers //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if (baFound[0] && baFound[1] && baFound[2]) { olKey.add(oKey); } } // for (QualifiedSubjectIdentifierType oId : olIds) if (olKey.size() > 0) { DocRetrieveMessageKey oaKey[] = olKey.toArray(new DocRetrieveMessageKey[0]); sTransactionId = startTransaction(oaKey); } } // if ((oRequest != null) && ... return sTransactionId; } /** * This method sets the response message for the specified message key. * * @param oRequest The message key and the response message. * @return The status of the request, either "SUCCESS" or "FAIL". */ public String setResponseMsg(SetResponseMsgDocRetrieveRequestType oRequest) { String sStatus = ""; String sTransactionId = ""; DocRetrieveMessageKey oKey = new DocRetrieveMessageKey(); String sRetrieveDocumentSetResponseXML = ""; if (oRequest != null) { // Transaction Id //---------------- if ((oRequest.getTransactionId() != null) && (oRequest.getTransactionId().length() > 0)) { sTransactionId = oRequest.getTransactionId(); } else { String sErrorMessage = "DocRetrieve Aggregator - setResponseMsg called with no Transaction Id - this is a required data element."; log.error(sErrorMessage); sStatus = DocumentConstants.FAIL_TEXT; } // HomeCommunityId //----------------- if ((oRequest.getHomeCommunityId() != null) && (oRequest.getHomeCommunityId().length() > 0)) { oKey.setHomeCommunityId(oRequest.getHomeCommunityId()); } else { String sErrorMessage = "DocQuery Aggregator - setResponseMsg called with no home community ID - this is a required data element."; log.error(sErrorMessage); sStatus = DocumentConstants.FAIL_TEXT; } // Repository ID //-------------- if ((oRequest.getRepositoryUniqueId() != null) && (oRequest.getRepositoryUniqueId().length() > 0)) { oKey.setRepositoryId(oRequest.getRepositoryUniqueId()); } else { String sErrorMessage = "DocQuery Aggregator - setResponseMsg called with no repository ID - this is a required data element."; log.error(sErrorMessage); sStatus = DocumentConstants.FAIL_TEXT; } // Document ID //----------- if ((oRequest.getDocumentUniqueId() != null) && (oRequest.getDocumentUniqueId().length() > 0)) { oKey.setDocumentId(oRequest.getDocumentUniqueId()); } else { String sErrorMessage = "DocQuery Aggregator - setResponseMsg called with no subject identifier - this is a required data element."; log.error(sErrorMessage); sStatus = DocumentConstants.FAIL_TEXT; } // Marshall the RetrieveDocumentSetResponse //------------------------------------------ if (oRequest.getRetrieveDocumentSetResponse() != null) { sRetrieveDocumentSetResponseXML = marshalRetrieveDocumentSetResponse(oRequest.getRetrieveDocumentSetResponse()); } if (!sStatus.equals(DocumentConstants.FAIL_TEXT)) { sStatus = setResponseMsg(sTransactionId, oKey, sRetrieveDocumentSetResponseXML); } } else { sStatus = DocumentConstants.FAIL_TEXT; } return sStatus; } /** * This method returns either a status if it is still waiting for results * to come in, or the set of aggregated results. If the caller passes in * false for the "timed out" parameter, it will only return the results * when all of the expected responses have been recieved. If they have not * all been received, then it will return a status of "Pending" with no * reesults. When all are received, it will send a status of "Complete" * along with the aggregated results. If timedOut is set to true, then * it will pass back the set of aggregated results that was received and * it will place error information in the aggregated results for the ones * that it did not receive. It will also send back a status of "Incomplete" * with the results. If timedOut is set to true, but everything had been * received, then it will send back a status of "Complete" with the * aggregated results. * * @param oRequest Tells whether we are in a timed out * state or not. * @return Returns results if all responses have been received or if * timedOut is set to true. Returns status only if we are not * timedOut and if not all expected results have been received. */ public GetAggResultsDocRetrieveResponseType getAggResults(GetAggResultsDocRetrieveRequestType oRequest) { GetAggResultsDocRetrieveResponseType oResponse = new GetAggResultsDocRetrieveResponseType(); String sTransactionId = ""; boolean bTimedOut = false; if ((oRequest != null) && (oRequest.getTransactionId() != null) && (oRequest.getTransactionId().trim().length() > 0)) { sTransactionId = oRequest.getTransactionId(); } else { String sErrorMessage = ""; log.error(sErrorMessage); oResponse.setStatus(DocumentConstants.FAIL_TEXT); return oResponse; } bTimedOut = oRequest.isTimedOut(); RetrieveDocumentSetResponseType oRetrieveDocumentSetResponse = null; try { oRetrieveDocumentSetResponse = getAggResults(sTransactionId, bTimedOut); if (oRetrieveDocumentSetResponse == null) { oResponse.setStatus(DocumentConstants.PENDING_TEXT); oResponse.setRetrieveDocumentSetResponse(null); } else { oResponse.setStatus(DocumentConstants.COMPLETE_TEXT); oResponse.setRetrieveDocumentSetResponse(oRetrieveDocumentSetResponse); } } catch (Exception e) { String sErrorMessage = "Failed to retrieve transaction. Message: " + e.getMessage(); log.error(sErrorMessage, e); oResponse.setStatus(DocumentConstants.FAIL_TEXT); oResponse.setRetrieveDocumentSetResponse(null); } return oResponse; } /** * This method starts a transaction using the set of message keys passed in. * It will create a transaction, with one message for each message key. The * entries will be written to the AGGREGATOR.AGG_TRANSACTION and * AGGREGATOR.AGG_MESSAGE_RESULTS tables. * * @param oaMessageKey The set of message keys. There will be one row * written to the AGG_MESSAGE_RESULTS table for each * array item. * @return The transaction Id that was assigned when this transaction was * started. */ public String startTransaction (DocRetrieveMessageKey[] oaMessageKey) { String sTransactionId = ""; if ((oaMessageKey == null) || (oaMessageKey.length <= 0)) { return sTransactionId; // Nothing in the record to start // a transaction for. } Date dtNow = new Date(); AggTransaction oTrans = new AggTransaction(); oTrans.setServiceType(DOC_RETRIEVE_NAME); oTrans.setTransactionStartTime(dtNow); HashSet hMsgResult = new HashSet(); for (DocRetrieveMessageKey oMessageKey : oaMessageKey) { AggMessageResult oMsgResult = new AggMessageResult(); oMsgResult.setAggTransaction(oTrans); oMsgResult.setMessageKey(oMessageKey.createXMLMessageKey()); oMsgResult.setMessageOutTime(dtNow); oMsgResult.setResponseMessageType(DOC_RETRIEVE_RESPONSE); oMsgResult.setResponseMessage(""); oMsgResult.setResponseReceivedTime(null); hMsgResult.add(oMsgResult); } oTrans.setAggMessageResults(hMsgResult); AggTransactionDao oTransDao = new AggTransactionDao();; if ((oTrans != null) && (oTrans.getTransactionId() != null) && (oTrans.getTransactionId().length() > 0)) { sTransactionId = oTrans.getTransactionId(); } return sTransactionId; } /** * This method retrieves the message result entry in the database and fills in the * response information for that message. It locates the entry based on the * message key and transaction Id based on the information that was passed in. * * @param sTransactionId The transaction Id associated with the message. * @param oKey The information that is used for the message key. * @param sRetrieveDocumentSetResponseXML The RetrieveDocumentSetResponse in XML form. * @return The status. "SUCCESS" or "FAIL". */ public String setResponseMsg(String sTransactionId, DocRetrieveMessageKey oKey, String sRetrieveDocumentSetResponseXML) { String sStatus = DocumentConstants.SUCCESS_TEXT; String sMessageKey = oKey.createXMLMessageKey(); AggMessageResultDao oAggMessageResultDao = new AggMessageResultDao(); AggMessageResult oMsgResult = null; try { oMsgResult = oAggMessageResultDao.findByMessageKey(sTransactionId, sMessageKey); } catch (Exception e) { String sErrorMessage = "Failed to retrieve AggMessageResult for: TransactionId: " + sTransactionId + ", MessageKey: " + oKey.createXMLMessageKey() + ". Message: " + e.getMessage(); log.error(sErrorMessage, e); sStatus = DocumentConstants.FAIL_TEXT; return sStatus; // No reason to proceed.... } if (oMsgResult == null) { String sErrorMessage = "Failed to find existing AggMessageResult for: TransactionId: " + sTransactionId + ", MessageKey: " + oKey.createXMLMessageKey() + ". Message response not recorded."; log.error(sErrorMessage); sStatus = DocumentConstants.FAIL_TEXT; return sStatus; // No reason to proceed.... } // if we got here - we have the message and we need to fill in the response information... //---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oMsgResult.setResponseReceivedTime(new Date()); oMsgResult.setResponseMessage(sRetrieveDocumentSetResponseXML);; return DocumentConstants.SUCCESS_TEXT; } /** * This method looks through the results to see if all responses have been * received. If they have, then it returns true. Otherwise it returns * false. * * @param oTrans The Transaction with all of the message results. * @return TRUE if all responses have been received, FALSE if not. */ private boolean areResultsReady(AggTransaction oTrans) { if (oTrans == null) { return false; } for (AggMessageResult oMsgResult : oTrans.getAggMessageResults()) { // If we fall through - we are still waiting for results. //------------------------------------------------------- if ((oMsgResult != null) && (oMsgResult.getResponseReceivedTime() == null)) { return false; } } return true; } /** * This method will create an empty DocumentSetResponseType. One that would * be returned if there were no results. * * @return An AdhocQueryResponse that represents an empty result set. */ private RetrieveDocumentSetResponseType createEmptyResult() { RetrieveDocumentSetResponseType oRetrieveDocumentSetResponse = new RetrieveDocumentSetResponseType(); oRetrieveDocumentSetResponse.setRegistryResponse(new RegistryResponseType()); oRetrieveDocumentSetResponse.getRegistryResponse().setStatus(DocumentConstants.XDS_RETRIEVE_RESPONSE_STATUS_SUCCESS); return oRetrieveDocumentSetResponse; } /** * This method is used to combine the results together into a single * RetrieveDocumentSetResponse. It will extract the items in the DocumentResponse * from the various systems and place them into the new response. It also extracts * any errors in RegistryErrorList and puts them in the correct location. * * @param olMsgResult List of messages to be combined * @return The combined RetrieveDocumentSetResponse object. */ private RetrieveDocumentSetResponseType combineResults(Set olMsgResult) { RetrieveDocumentSetResponseType oRetrieveDocumentSetResponse = createEmptyResult(); List olDocResponse = oRetrieveDocumentSetResponse.getDocumentResponse(); for (AggMessageResult oMsgResult : olMsgResult) { // If the message contains a response received time, then it means that we // received the response from the remote system. We need to aggregate the // results. //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (oMsgResult.getResponseReceivedTime() != null) { // The response may have been empty - if so - there is nothing to aggregate from here. //------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if ((oMsgResult.getResponseMessage() != null) && (oMsgResult.getResponseMessage().trim().length() > 0)) { RetrieveDocumentSetResponseType oTempResponse = unmarshalAdhocQueryResponse(oMsgResult.getResponseMessage()); if ((oTempResponse != null) && (oTempResponse.getDocumentResponse() != null) && (oTempResponse.getDocumentResponse().size() > 0)) { List olNewDocResponse = oTempResponse.getDocumentResponse(); for (DocumentResponse oNewDocResponse : olNewDocResponse) { olDocResponse.add(oNewDocResponse); } // for (DocumentResponse oNewDocResponse : olNewDocResponse) } // if ((oTempResponse != null) && // It is possible that there may be error information in this message // that we need to pull out too... //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if ((oTempResponse != null) && (oTempResponse.getRegistryResponse() != null) && (oTempResponse.getRegistryResponse().getRegistryErrorList() != null) && (oTempResponse.getRegistryResponse().getRegistryErrorList().getRegistryError().size() > 0)) { RegistryErrorList oRegErrors = null; if (oRetrieveDocumentSetResponse.getRegistryResponse().getRegistryErrorList() == null) { oRegErrors = new RegistryErrorList(); oRetrieveDocumentSetResponse.getRegistryResponse().setRegistryErrorList(oRegErrors); } else { oRegErrors = oRetrieveDocumentSetResponse.getRegistryResponse().getRegistryErrorList(); } List olRegError = oRegErrors.getRegistryError(); for (RegistryError oRegError : oTempResponse.getRegistryResponse().getRegistryErrorList().getRegistryError()) { olRegError.add(oRegError); } } // if ((oTempResponse != null) && } // if ((oMsgResult.getResponseMessage() != null) && ... } // if (oMsgResult.getResponseReceivedTime() != null) else // This means that this result never received a response - log an error that this one timed out. { RegistryErrorList oRegErrors = null; if (oRetrieveDocumentSetResponse.getRegistryResponse().getRegistryErrorList() == null) { oRegErrors = new RegistryErrorList(); oRetrieveDocumentSetResponse.getRegistryResponse().setRegistryErrorList(oRegErrors); } else { oRegErrors = oRetrieveDocumentSetResponse.getRegistryResponse().getRegistryErrorList(); } List olRegError = oRegErrors.getRegistryError(); RegistryError oRegError = new RegistryError(); olRegError.add(oRegError); oRegError.setErrorCode(DocumentConstants.XDS_RETRIEVE_ERRORCODE_REPOSITORY_ERROR); oRegError.setCodeContext(DocumentConstants.XDS_RETRIEVE_CODECONTEXT_TIMEDOUT_MSG); if ((oMsgResult.getMessageKey() != null) && (oMsgResult.getMessageKey().length() > 0)) { try { DocRetrieveMessageKey oMessageKey = new DocRetrieveMessageKey(oMsgResult.getMessageKey()); oRegError.setLocation(oMessageKey.getHomeCommunityId()); } catch (Exception e) { String sErrorMessage = "Failed to parse message key. Message = " + e.getMessage(); log.error(sErrorMessage, e); // do not throw an error - we will log it and move on... } } // if ((oMsgResult.getMessageKey() != null) && } // else ... } // for (AggMessageResult oMsgResult : olMsgResult) return oRetrieveDocumentSetResponse; } /** * This method returns either an aggregated RetrieveDocumentSetResponse if all results * have been retrieved, or if the timed out flag has been passed, or it will * return null if the results are not ready and the timedout flag has not * been set. * * @param sTransactionId The transaction ID of the transaction to be aggregated. * @param bTimedOut TRUE if we should stop waiting for results and compile what * is available. FALSE if we should only return them * if all expected results have been received. * @return The aggregated results. */ public RetrieveDocumentSetResponseType getAggResults(String sTransactionId, boolean bTimedOut) throws AggregatorException { RetrieveDocumentSetResponseType oResponse = null; // Retrieve the records and see if everything is ready... //-------------------------------------------------------- AggTransactionDao oAggTransactionDao = new AggTransactionDao(); AggTransaction oTrans = oAggTransactionDao.findById(sTransactionId); if (oTrans == null) { String sErrorMessage = "Failed to find an aggregator transaction for TransactionId: " + sTransactionId; log.error(sErrorMessage); throw new AggregatorException(sErrorMessage); } // Make sure this transaction ID is for the right type of transaction. //-------------------------------------------------------------------- if ((oTrans.getServiceType() == null) || ((oTrans.getServiceType() != null) && (!oTrans.getServiceType().equals(DOC_RETRIEVE_NAME)))) { String sErrorMessage = "The specified TransactionId: " + sTransactionId + " is not associated with " + " Document Retrieve messages. It is for: " + oTrans.getServiceType() + "."; log.error(sErrorMessage); throw new AggregatorException(sErrorMessage); } // If we have timed out, or if the results are ready then aggregate them // and return them. //---------------------------------------------------------------------- if ((bTimedOut) || (areResultsReady(oTrans))) { if ((oTrans.getAggMessageResults() != null) && (oTrans.getAggMessageResults().size() > 0)) { oResponse = combineResults(oTrans.getAggMessageResults()); } else { // If we got here - it was a transaction with no expected results // create an empty result set and return it. //--------------------------------------------------------------- oResponse = createEmptyResult(); } // Delete the entries out of the database... //-------------------------------------------- oAggTransactionDao.delete(oTrans); oTrans = null; } return oResponse; } }