source: ccr/trunk/nhin-vista/projects/NHINC/Current/Product/Production/Gateway/AuditRepositoryEJB/src/conf/wsdl/schemas/ebRS/rim.xsd@ 507

Last change on this file since 507 was 507, checked in by George Lilly, 15 years ago

NHIN gateway and adaptor for use on linux with VistA EHR and RPMS

File size: 25.0 KB
[507]1<?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "UTF-8"?>
2<!-- $Header: /cvsroot/ebxmlrr/ebxmlrr-spec/misc/3.0/schema/rim.xsd,v 1.20 2005/02/03 19:28:15 farrukh_najmi Exp $ -->
4 targetNamespace="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:rim:3.0"
5 xmlns=""
6 xmlns:tns="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:rim:3.0"
7 xmlns:xml=""
8 elementFormDefault="qualified"
9 attributeFormDefault="unqualified"
10 >
12 <annotation>
13 <documentation xml:lang="en">The schema for OASIS ebXML Registry Information Model</documentation>
14 </annotation>
15 <import namespace="" schemaLocation="../"/>
16 <!-- Begin information model mapping from ebRIM. -->
17 <!-- Define Data Types -->
18 <simpleType name="referenceURI">
19 <annotation>
20 <documentation xml:lang="en">
21 referenceURI is used by reference attributes within RIM.
22 Each attribute of type referenceURI references a RegistryObject with
23 specified URI as id.
24 </documentation>
25 </annotation>
26 <restriction base="anyURI" />
27 </simpleType>
28 <simpleType name="String4">
29 <restriction base="string">
30 <maxLength value="4"/>
31 </restriction>
32 </simpleType>
33 <simpleType name="String8">
34 <restriction base="string">
35 <maxLength value="8"/>
36 </restriction>
37 </simpleType>
38 <simpleType name="String16">
39 <restriction base="string">
40 <maxLength value="16"/>
41 </restriction>
42 </simpleType>
43 <simpleType name="String32">
44 <restriction base="string">
45 <maxLength value="32"/>
46 </restriction>
47 </simpleType>
48 <simpleType name="ShortName">
49 <restriction base="string">
50 <maxLength value="64"/>
51 </restriction>
52 </simpleType>
53 <simpleType name="LongName">
54 <restriction base="string">
55 <maxLength value="256"/>
56 </restriction>
57 </simpleType>
58 <simpleType name="FreeFormText">
59 <restriction base="string">
60 <maxLength value="1024"/>
61 </restriction>
62 </simpleType>
64 <complexType name="InternationalStringType">
65 <sequence maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
66 <element ref="tns:LocalizedString"/>
67 </sequence>
68 </complexType>
69 <element name="InternationalString" type="tns:InternationalStringType"/>
70 <element name="Name" type="tns:InternationalStringType"/>
71 <element name="Description" type="tns:InternationalStringType"/>
73 <complexType name="LocalizedStringType">
74 <attribute ref="xml:lang" default="en-US"/>
75 <attribute default="UTF-8" name="charset"/>
76 <attribute name="value" type="tns:FreeFormText" use="required"/>
77 </complexType>
78 <element name="LocalizedString" type="tns:LocalizedStringType"/>
80 <complexType name="SlotType1">
81 <sequence>
82 <element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" ref="tns:ValueList"/>
83 </sequence>
84 <attribute name="name" type="tns:LongName" use="required"/>
85 <!--slotType value MUST reference a ClassificationNode in the canonical DataType scheme-->
86 <attribute name="slotType" type="tns:referenceURI" use="optional"/>
87 </complexType>
88 <element name="Slot" type="tns:SlotType1"/>
89 <complexType name="ValueListType">
90 <sequence maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
91 <element ref="tns:Value"/>
92 </sequence>
93 </complexType>
94 <element name="ValueList" type="tns:ValueListType"/>
95 <element name="Value" type="tns:LongName"/>
96 <complexType name="SlotListType">
97 <sequence>
98 <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="tns:Slot"/>
99 </sequence>
100 </complexType>
101 <element name="SlotList" type="tns:SlotListType"/>
103 <complexType name="IdentifiableType">
104 <annotation>
105 <documentation xml:lang="en">
106 Common base type for all types that have unique identity.
107 If id is provided and is not in proper URN syntax then it is used for
108 linkage within document and is ignored by the registry. In this case the
109 registry generates a UUID URN for id attribute.
110 id must not be null when object is retrieved from the registry.
111 </documentation>
112 </annotation>
113 <sequence>
114 <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="tns:Slot"/>
115 </sequence>
116 <attribute name="id" type="anyURI" use="required"/>
117 <!-- home attribute is required only for remote ObjectRef -->
118 <attribute name="home" type="anyURI" use="optional"/>
119 </complexType>
120 <element name="Identifiable" type="tns:IdentifiableType"/>
122 <complexType name="ObjectRefType">
123 <annotation>
124 <documentation xml:lang="en">
125 Use to reference an Object by its id.
126 Specifies the id attribute of the object as its id attribute.
127 id attribute in ObjectAttributes is exactly the same syntax and semantics as
128 id attribute in RegistryObject.
129 </documentation>
130 </annotation>
131 <complexContent>
132 <extension base="tns:IdentifiableType">
133 <!-- When true and is a remote ObjectRef then the registry must create a replica for this ObjectRef -->
134 <attribute default="false" name="createReplica" type="boolean"/>
135 </extension>
136 </complexContent>
137 </complexType>
138 <complexType name="ObjectRefListType">
139 <sequence maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0">
140 <element ref="tns:ObjectRef"/>
141 </sequence>
142 </complexType>
143 <element name="ObjectRefList" type="tns:ObjectRefListType"/>
144 <element name="ObjectRef" type="tns:ObjectRefType" substitutionGroup="tns:Identifiable"/>
146 <complexType name="RegistryObjectType">
147 <complexContent>
148 <extension base="tns:IdentifiableType">
149 <sequence maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0">
150 <element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" ref="tns:Name"/>
151 <element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" ref="tns:Description"/>
152 <element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="VersionInfo" type="tns:VersionInfoType"/>
153 <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="tns:Classification"/>
154 <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="tns:ExternalIdentifier"/>
155 </sequence>
156 <attribute name="lid" type="anyURI" use="optional"/>
157 <attribute name="objectType" type="tns:referenceURI" use="optional"/>
158 <attribute name="status" type="tns:referenceURI" use="optional"/>
159 </extension>
160 </complexContent>
161 </complexType>
162 <element name="RegistryObject" type="tns:RegistryObjectType" substitutionGroup="tns:Identifiable" />
164 <complexType name="RegistryObjectListType">
165 <sequence>
166 <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="tns:Identifiable"/>
167 </sequence>
168 </complexType>
169 <element name="RegistryObjectList" type="tns:RegistryObjectListType"/>
171 <complexType name="AssociationType1">
172 <annotation>
173 <documentation xml:lang="en">
174 Association is the mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
175 It extends RegistryObject.
176 An Association specifies references to two previously submitted
177 registry entrys.
178 The sourceObject is id of the sourceObject in association
179 The targetObject is id of the targetObject in association
180 </documentation>
181 </annotation>
182 <complexContent>
183 <extension base="tns:RegistryObjectType">
184 <attribute name="associationType" type="tns:referenceURI" use="required"/>
185 <attribute name="sourceObject" type="tns:referenceURI" use="required"/>
186 <attribute name="targetObject" type="tns:referenceURI" use="required"/>
187 </extension>
188 </complexContent>
189 </complexType>
190 <element name="Association" type="tns:AssociationType1" substitutionGroup="tns:Identifiable"/>
191 <complexType name="AuditableEventType">
192 <annotation>
193 <documentation xml:lang="en">An Event that forms an audit trail in ebXML Registry.</documentation>
194 </annotation>
195 <complexContent>
196 <extension base="tns:RegistryObjectType">
197 <sequence>
198 <!-- List of all objects that have been effected by this event -->
199 <element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" name="affectedObjects" type="tns:ObjectRefListType"/>
200 </sequence>
201 <attribute name="eventType" type="tns:referenceURI" use="required"/>
202 <attribute name="timestamp" type="dateTime" use="required"/>
203 <attribute name="user" type="tns:referenceURI" use="required"/>
204 <attribute name="requestId" type="tns:referenceURI" use="required"/>
205 </extension>
206 </complexContent>
207 </complexType>
208 <element name="AuditableEvent" type="tns:AuditableEventType" substitutionGroup="tns:Identifiable"/>
209 <complexType name="ClassificationType">
210 <annotation>
211 <documentation xml:lang="en">
212 Classification is the mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
213 It extends RegistryObject.
214 A Classification specifies references to two registry entrys.
215 The classifiedObject is id of the Object being classified.
216 The classificationNode is id of the ClassificationNode classying the object
217 </documentation>
218 </annotation>
219 <complexContent>
220 <extension base="tns:RegistryObjectType">
221 <attribute name="classificationScheme" type="tns:referenceURI" use="optional"/>
222 <attribute name="classifiedObject" type="tns:referenceURI" use="required"/>
223 <attribute name="classificationNode" type="tns:referenceURI" use="optional"/>
224 <attribute name="nodeRepresentation" type="tns:LongName" use="optional"/>
225 </extension>
226 </complexContent>
227 </complexType>
228 <element name="Classification" type="tns:ClassificationType" substitutionGroup="tns:Identifiable"/>
229 <complexType name="ClassificationNodeType">
230 <annotation>
231 <documentation xml:lang="en">
232 ClassificationNode is the mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
233 It extends RegistryObject.
234 ClassificationNode is used to submit a Classification tree to the Registry.
235 The parent attribute is the id to the parent node. code is an optional code value for a ClassificationNode
236 often defined by an external taxonomy (e.g. NAICS)
237 </documentation>
238 </annotation>
239 <complexContent>
240 <extension base="tns:RegistryObjectType">
241 <sequence>
242 <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="tns:ClassificationNode"/>
243 </sequence>
244 <attribute name="parent" type="tns:referenceURI" use="optional"/>
245 <attribute name="code" type="tns:LongName" use="optional"/>
246 <attribute name="path" type="string" use="optional"/>
247 </extension>
248 </complexContent>
249 </complexType>
250 <element name="ClassificationNode" type="tns:ClassificationNodeType" substitutionGroup="tns:Identifiable"/>
251 <complexType name="ClassificationSchemeType">
252 <annotation>
253 <documentation xml:lang="en">
254 ClassificationScheme is the mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
255 It extends RegistryObject.
256 </documentation>
257 </annotation>
258 <complexContent>
259 <extension base="tns:RegistryObjectType">
260 <sequence>
261 <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="tns:ClassificationNode"/>
262 </sequence>
263 <attribute name="isInternal" type="boolean" use="required"/>
264 <attribute name="nodeType" type="tns:referenceURI" use="required"/>
265 </extension>
266 </complexContent>
267 </complexType>
268 <element name="ClassificationScheme" type="tns:ClassificationSchemeType" substitutionGroup="tns:Identifiable"/>
269 <complexType name="ExternalIdentifierType">
270 <annotation>
271 <documentation xml:lang="en">
272 ExternalIdentifier is the mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
273 It extends RegistryObject.
274 </documentation>
275 </annotation>
276 <complexContent>
277 <extension base="tns:RegistryObjectType">
278 <attribute name="registryObject" type="tns:referenceURI" use="required"/>
279 <attribute name="identificationScheme" type="tns:referenceURI" use="required"/>
280 <attribute name="value" type="tns:LongName" use="required"/>
281 </extension>
282 </complexContent>
283 </complexType>
284 <element name="ExternalIdentifier" type="tns:ExternalIdentifierType" substitutionGroup="tns:Identifiable"/>
285 <complexType name="ExternalLinkType">
286 <annotation>
287 <documentation xml:lang="en">
288 ExternalLink is the mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
289 It extends RegistryObject.
290 </documentation>
291 </annotation>
292 <complexContent>
293 <extension base="tns:RegistryObjectType">
294 <attribute name="externalURI" type="anyURI" use="required"/>
295 </extension>
296 </complexContent>
297 </complexType>
298 <element name="ExternalLink" type="tns:ExternalLinkType" substitutionGroup="tns:Identifiable"/>
299 <complexType name="ExtrinsicObjectType">
300 <annotation>
301 <documentation xml:lang="en">
302 ExtrinsicObject is the mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
303 It extends RegistryObject.
304 </documentation>
305 </annotation>
306 <complexContent>
307 <extension base="tns:RegistryObjectType">
308 <sequence>
309 <element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" name="ContentVersionInfo" type="tns:VersionInfoType"/>
310 </sequence>
311 <attribute default="application/octet-stream" name="mimeType" type="tns:LongName"/>
312 <attribute default="false" name="isOpaque" type="boolean"/>
313 </extension>
314 </complexContent>
315 </complexType>
316 <!-- Following element decl nneds to be lower case but using upper camel case for backward compatibility -->
317 <element name="ExtrinsicObject" type="tns:ExtrinsicObjectType" substitutionGroup="tns:Identifiable"/>
318 <element name="Address" type="tns:PostalAddressType"/>
319 <complexType name="OrganizationType">
320 <annotation>
321 <documentation xml:lang="en">Mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.</documentation>
322 </annotation>
323 <complexContent>
324 <extension base="tns:RegistryObjectType">
325 <sequence>
326 <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="tns:Address"/>
327 <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="tns:TelephoneNumber"/>
328 <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="tns:EmailAddress"/>
329 </sequence>
330 <attribute name="parent" type="tns:referenceURI"/>
331 <attribute name="primaryContact" type="tns:referenceURI" use="optional"/>
332 </extension>
333 </complexContent>
334 </complexType>
335 <element name="Organization" type="tns:OrganizationType" substitutionGroup="tns:Identifiable"/>
336 <complexType name="PersonNameType">
337 <annotation>
338 <documentation xml:lang="en">Mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.</documentation>
339 </annotation>
340 <attribute name="firstName" type="tns:ShortName" use="optional"/>
341 <attribute name="middleName" type="tns:ShortName" use="optional"/>
342 <attribute name="lastName" type="tns:ShortName" use="optional"/>
343 </complexType>
344 <element name="PersonName" type="tns:PersonNameType"/>
345 <complexType name="EmailAddressType">
346 <annotation>
347 <documentation xml:lang="en">Mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.</documentation>
348 </annotation>
349 <attribute name="address" type="tns:ShortName" use="required"/>
350 <attribute name="type" type="tns:String32" use="optional"/>
351 </complexType>
352 <element name="EmailAddress" type="tns:EmailAddressType"/>
353 <complexType name="PostalAddressType">
354 <annotation>
355 <documentation xml:lang="en">Mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.</documentation>
356 </annotation>
357 <attribute name="city" type="tns:ShortName" use="optional"/>
358 <attribute name="country" type="tns:ShortName" use="optional"/>
359 <attribute name="postalCode" type="tns:ShortName" use="optional"/>
360 <attribute name="stateOrProvince" type="tns:ShortName" use="optional"/>
361 <attribute name="street" type="tns:ShortName" use="optional"/>
362 <attribute name="streetNumber" type="tns:String32" use="optional"/>
363 </complexType>
364 <element name="PostalAddress" type="tns:PostalAddressType"/>
366 <complexType name="VersionInfoType">
367 <attribute name="versionName" type="tns:String16" use="optional" default="1.1" />
368 <attribute name="comment" type="string" use="optional"/>
369 </complexType>
371 <complexType name="RegistryPackageType">
372 <annotation>
373 <documentation xml:lang="en">
374 RegistryPackage is the mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.
375 It extends RegistryObject.
376 A RegistryPackage is a named collection of objects.
377 </documentation>
378 </annotation>
379 <complexContent>
380 <extension base="tns:RegistryObjectType">
381 <sequence>
382 <element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" ref="tns:RegistryObjectList"/>
383 </sequence>
384 </extension>
385 </complexContent>
386 </complexType>
387 <element name="RegistryPackage" type="tns:RegistryPackageType" substitutionGroup="tns:Identifiable"/>
388 <complexType name="ServiceType">
389 <complexContent>
390 <extension base="tns:RegistryObjectType">
391 <sequence>
392 <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="tns:ServiceBinding"/>
393 </sequence>
394 </extension>
395 </complexContent>
396 </complexType>
397 <element name="Service" type="tns:ServiceType" substitutionGroup="tns:Identifiable"/>
398 <complexType name="ServiceBindingType">
399 <complexContent>
400 <extension base="tns:RegistryObjectType">
401 <sequence>
402 <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="tns:SpecificationLink"/>
403 </sequence>
404 <attribute name="service" type="tns:referenceURI" use="required"/>
405 <attribute name="accessURI" type="anyURI" use="optional"/>
406 <attribute name="targetBinding" type="tns:referenceURI" use="optional"/>
407 </extension>
408 </complexContent>
409 </complexType>
410 <element name="ServiceBinding" type="tns:ServiceBindingType" substitutionGroup="tns:Identifiable"/>
411 <complexType name="SpecificationLinkType">
412 <complexContent>
413 <extension base="tns:RegistryObjectType">
414 <sequence>
415 <element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" ref="tns:UsageDescription"/>
416 <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="tns:UsageParameter"/>
417 </sequence>
418 <attribute name="serviceBinding" type="tns:referenceURI" use="required"/>
419 <attribute name="specificationObject" type="tns:referenceURI" use="required"/>
420 </extension>
421 </complexContent>
422 </complexType>
423 <element name="SpecificationLink" type="tns:SpecificationLinkType" substitutionGroup="tns:Identifiable"/>
424 <element name="UsageDescription" type="tns:InternationalStringType"/>
425 <element name="UsageParameter" type="tns:FreeFormText"/>
426 <complexType name="TelephoneNumberType">
427 <annotation>
428 <documentation xml:lang="en">TelephoneNumber is the mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.</documentation>
429 </annotation>
430 <attribute name="areaCode" type="tns:String8" use="optional"/>
431 <attribute name="countryCode" type="tns:String8" use="optional"/>
432 <attribute name="extension" type="tns:String8" use="optional"/>
433 <attribute name="number" type="tns:String16" use="optional"/>
434 <attribute name="phoneType" type="tns:String32" use="optional"/>
435 </complexType>
436 <element name="TelephoneNumber" type="tns:TelephoneNumberType"/>
437 <complexType name="TelephoneNumberListType">
438 <sequence>
439 <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="tns:TelephoneNumber"/>
440 </sequence>
441 </complexType>
442 <complexType name="PersonType">
443 <annotation>
444 <documentation xml:lang="en">Mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.</documentation>
445 </annotation>
446 <complexContent>
447 <extension base="tns:RegistryObjectType">
448 <sequence maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1">
449 <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="tns:Address"/>
450 <!--
451 PersonName is optional because it is not needed in SAML Profile
452 when an external IdentityProvider is used.
453 -->
454 <element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="0" ref="tns:PersonName"/>
455 <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="tns:TelephoneNumber"/>
456 <element maxOccurs="unbounded" minOccurs="0" ref="tns:EmailAddress"/>
457 </sequence>
458 </extension>
459 </complexContent>
460 </complexType>
461 <element name="Person" type="tns:PersonType" substitutionGroup="tns:Identifiable"/>
462 <complexType name="UserType">
463 <annotation>
464 <documentation xml:lang="en">Mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.</documentation>
465 </annotation>
466 <complexContent>
467 <extension base="tns:PersonType">
468 </extension>
469 </complexContent>
470 </complexType>
471 <element name="User" type="tns:UserType" substitutionGroup="tns:Identifiable"/>
472 <complexType name="RegistryType">
473 <annotation>
474 <documentation xml:lang="en">Mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.</documentation>
475 </annotation>
476 <complexContent>
477 <extension base="tns:RegistryObjectType">
478 <attribute name="operator" type="tns:referenceURI" use="required"/>
479 <attribute name="specificationVersion" type="string" use="required"/>
480 <attribute default="P1D" name="replicationSyncLatency" type="duration" use="optional" />
481 <attribute default="P1D" name="catalogingLatency" type="duration" use="optional" />
482 <attribute name="conformanceProfile" use="optional" default="registryLite">
483 <simpleType>
484 <restriction base="NCName">
485 <enumeration value="registryFull"/>
486 <enumeration value="registryLite"/>
487 </restriction>
488 </simpleType>
489 </attribute>
490 </extension>
491 </complexContent>
492 </complexType>
493 <element name="Registry" type="tns:RegistryType" substitutionGroup="tns:Identifiable"/>
494 <complexType name="FederationType">
495 <annotation>
496 <documentation xml:lang="en">Mapping of the same named interface in ebRIM.</documentation>
497 </annotation>
498 <complexContent>
499 <extension base="tns:RegistryObjectType">
500 <attribute default="P1D" name="replicationSyncLatency" type="duration" use="optional" />
501 </extension>
502 </complexContent>
503 </complexType>
504 <element name="Federation" type="tns:FederationType" substitutionGroup="tns:Identifiable"/>
506 <complexType name="AdhocQueryType">
507 <annotation>
508 <documentation xml:lang="en">
509 A registry query.
510 A QueryExpression child element is not required when invoking a stored query.
511 </documentation>
512 </annotation>
513 <complexContent>
514 <extension base="tns:RegistryObjectType">
515 <sequence>
516 <element ref="tns:QueryExpression" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
517 </sequence>
518 </extension>
519 </complexContent>
520 </complexType>
521 <element name="AdhocQuery" type="tns:AdhocQueryType" substitutionGroup="tns:RegistryObject" />
523 <complexType name="QueryExpressionType" mixed="true">
524 <sequence>
525 <!--
526 MAY be any query language syntax supported.
527 MUST support FilterQuery. SHOULD support SQLQuery
528 -->
529 <any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" />
530 </sequence>
531 <attribute name="queryLanguage" type="tns:referenceURI" use="required"/>
532 </complexType>
533 <element name="QueryExpression" type="tns:QueryExpressionType"/>
535 <complexType name="NotificationType">
536 <annotation>
537 <documentation>Notification of registry events.</documentation>
538 </annotation>
539 <complexContent>
540 <extension base="tns:RegistryObjectType">
541 <sequence>
542 <!--May contain ObjectRefs and RegistryObjects -->
543 <element maxOccurs="1" minOccurs="1" ref="tns:RegistryObjectList"/>
544 </sequence>
545 <attribute name="subscription" type="tns:referenceURI" use="required"/>
546 </extension>
547 </complexContent>
548 </complexType>
549 <element name="Notification" type="tns:NotificationType"/>
551 <element name="Action" type="tns:ActionType"/>
552 <complexType name="SubscriptionType">
553 <annotation>
554 <documentation xml:lang="en">A Subscription for specified Events in an ebXML V3+ registry.</documentation>
555 </annotation>
556 <complexContent>
557 <extension base="tns:RegistryObjectType">
558 <sequence>
559 <element ref="tns:Action" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>
560 </sequence>
561 <!-- Ref to a AdhocQueryType instance -->
562 <attribute name="selector" type="tns:referenceURI" use="required"/>
563 <attribute name="startTime" type="dateTime" use="optional"/>
564 <attribute name="endTime" type="dateTime" use="optional"/>
565 <attribute name="notificationInterval" type="duration" use="optional" default="P1D"/>
566 </extension>
567 </complexContent>
568 </complexType>
569 <element name="Subscription" type="tns:SubscriptionType" substitutionGroup="tns:Identifiable"/>
570 <complexType abstract="true" name="ActionType">
571 <annotation>
572 <documentation>Abstract Base type for all types of Actions.</documentation>
573 </annotation>
574 </complexType>
575 <complexType name="NotifyActionType">
576 <annotation>
577 <documentation xml:lang="en">Abstract Base type for all types of Notify Actions</documentation>
578 </annotation>
579 <complexContent>
580 <extension base="tns:ActionType">
581 <attribute default="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:NotificationOptionType:ObjectRefs" type="tns:referenceURI" name="notificationOption"/>
582 <attribute name="endPoint" type="anyURI" use="required"/>
583 </extension>
584 </complexContent>
585 </complexType>
586 <element name="NotifyAction" type="tns:NotifyActionType" substitutionGroup="tns:Action"/>
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.