C0CLA7Q ;WV/JMC - CCD/CCR Lab HL7 Query Utility ;Apr 13, 2009 ;;n.n;;****; ; ; Q ; ; LAB(C0CPTID,C0CSDT,C0CEDT,C0CSC,C0CSPEC,C0CERR,C0CDEST,C0CHL7) ; Entry point for Lab Result Query ; ; K ^TMP("C0C-VLAB",$J) ; ; Check and retrieve lab results from LAB DATA file (#63) D GCPR^LA7QRY($G(C0CPTID),$G(C0CSDT),$G(C0CEDT),.C0CSC,.C0CSPEC,.C0CERR,$G(C0CDEST),$G(C0CHL7)) ; ; If V LAB file present then check for lab results that are only in this file ; If results found in V Lab file then build results and add to above results. I $D(^AUPNVLAB) D . D VCHECK . I $D(^TMP("C0C-VLAB",$J,3)) D VBUILD ; ;K ^TMP("C0C-VLAB",$J) ; Q C0CDEST ; ; VCHECK ; If V LAB file present then check for lab results that are only in this file. ; N C0CDA,C0CEND,C0CROOT,C0CVLAB,LA7PTID,LA7SCRC,LA7SPEC,TMP ; S LA7PTID=C0CPTID D PATID^LA7QRY2 I $D(LA7ERR) Q ; ; Resolve search codes to lab datanames S LA7SCSRC=$G(C0CSC) S TMP=$$SCLIST^LA7QRY2(LA7SCSRC) Q:$D(LA7ERR) "" S LA7SC=TMP D:LA7SC'="*" CHKSC^LA7QRY1 ; ; Convert specimen codes to file #61 Topography entries S LA7SPEC=$G(C0CSPEC) I LA7SPEC'="*" D SPEC^LA7QRY1 ; S C0CROOT="^AUPNVLAB(""ALR4"",DFN,COCSDT)",C0CEND=0 ; F S C0CROOT=$Q(@C0CROOT) Q:C0CROOT="" D Q:C0CEND . I $QS(C0CROOT,1)'="ALR4"!($QS(C0CROOT,2)'=DFN) S C0CEND=1 Q ; Left x-ref or patient . I $QS(C0CROOT,3)>C0CEDT S C0CEND=1 Q ; Exceeded end date/time . S C0CDA=$QS(C0CROOT,6) . I $D(^TMP("C0C-VLAB",$J,1,C0CDA)) Q ; Already checked during scan of file #63 . D VCHK1 ; ; Q ; ; VBUILD ; Build results found only in V LAB file into HL7 structure. ; ; Q ; ; LNCHK ; Check for corresponding entry in V LAB file and related LOINC code for a result in file #63. ; Call from LA7QRY2 ; N DFN,C0C60,C0C63,C0CACC,C0CDA,C0CDT,C0CLN,X ; S DFN=$P(^LR(LRDFN,0),"^",3) S C0C63(0)=^LR(LRDFN,LRSS,LRIDT,0) S C0CDT=$P(C0C63(0),"^"),C0CACC=$P(C0C63(0),"^",6) ; ; ^AUPNVLAB("ALR1",5380,3080307.211055,"EKT 0307 48",188,5427202)="" ; S C0C60=0,C0CLN="" F S C0C60=$O(^LAB(60,"C",LRSS_";"_LRSB_";1",C0C60)) Q:'C0C60 D Q:C0CLN'="" . S C0CDA=$O(^AUPNVLAB("ALR1",DFN,C0CDT,C0CACC,C0C60,0)) . I C0CDA<1 Q . S C0CLN=$P($G(^AUPNVLAB(C0CDA,11)),"^",13) . S ^TMP("C0C-VLAB",$J,1,C0CDA)="" . S ^TMP("C0C-VLAB",$J,2,LRDFN,LRSS,LRIDT,LRSB)=C0CLN_"^"_C0CDA ; ; If LOINC found then update variable with LN code I C0CLN'="" D . S X=$P(LA7X,"^",3) . I $P(X,"!",3)="" S $P(X,"!",3)=C0CLN . S $P(LA7X,"^",3)=X ; Q ; ; VCHK1 ; Check the entry in V Lab to determine if it meets criteria ; N C0CVLAB,I ; F I=0,12 S C0CVLAB(I)=^AUPNVLAB(C0CDA,I) ; ; JMC 04/13/09 - Store anything for now that meets date criteria. D VSTORE ; Q ; ; VSTORE ; Store entry for building in HL7 message when parent is from V LAB file. ; N PARENT ; ; Determine parent test to use for OBR segment S PARENT=$P(C0CVLAB(12),"^",8) I PARENT="" S PARENT=$P(C0CVLAB(0),"^") ; ; patient ien ; | collection date/time ; | | parent test (ordered test) ; | | | ien of entry in V LAB file ; | | | | S ^TMP("C0C-VLAB",$J,3,$P(C0CVLAB(0),"^",2),$P(C0CVLAB(12),"^"),PARENT,C0CDA)="" ; Q