| 1 | LA7QRY2 ;DALOI/JMC - Lab HL7 Query Utility ; 04/13/09
| 2 | ;;5.2;AUTOMATED LAB INSTRUMENTS;**46**;Sep 27, 1994
| 3 | ; JMC - mods to check for IHS V LAB file
| 4 | ;
| 5 | Q
| 6 | ;
| 7 | PATID ; Resolve patient id and establish patient environment
| 8 | ;
| 9 | N LA7X
| 10 | ;
| 11 | S (DFN,LRDFN)="",LA7PTYP=0
| 12 | ;
| 13 | ; SSN passed as patient identifier
| 14 | I LA7PTID?9N.1A D
| 15 | . S LA7PTYP=1
| 16 | . S LA7X=$O(^DPT("SSN",LA7PTID,0))
| 17 | . I LA7X>0 D SETDFN(LA7X)
| 18 | ;
| 19 | ; MPI/ICN (integration control number) passed as patient identifier
| 20 | I LA7PTID?10N1"V"6N D
| 21 | . S LA7PTYP=2
| 22 | . S LA7X=$$GETDFN^MPIF001($P(LA7PTID,"V"))
| 23 | . I LA7X>0 D SETDFN(LA7X)
| 24 | ;
| 25 | ; If no patient identified/no laboratory record - return exception message
| 26 | I 'LA7PTYP S LA7ERR(1)="Invalid patient identifier passed"
| 27 | I 'DFN S LA7ERR(2)="No patient found with requested identifier"
| 28 | I DFN,'LRDFN S LA7ERR(3)="No laboratory record for requested patient"
| 29 | I LRDFN,'$D(^LR(LRDFN)) S LA7ERR(4)="Database error - missing laboratory record for requested patient"
| 30 | Q
| 31 | ;
| 32 | ;
| 33 | BCD ; Search by specimen collection date.
| 34 | ;
| 35 | N LA763,LA7QUIT
| 36 | ;
| 37 | S (LA7SDT(0),LA7EDT(0))=0
| 38 | I LA7SDT S LA7SDT(0)=9999999-LA7SDT
| 39 | I LA7EDT S LA7EDT(0)=9999999-LA7EDT
| 40 | ;
| 41 | F LRSS="CH","MI","SP" D
| 42 | . S (LA7QUIT,LRIDT)=0
| 43 | . I LA7EDT(0) S LRIDT=$O(^LR(LRDFN,LRSS,LA7EDT(0)),-1)
| 45 | . . ; Quit if reached end of data or outside date criteria
| 46 | . . I 'LRIDT!(LRIDT>LA7SDT(0)) S LA7QUIT=1 Q
| 47 | . . D SEARCH
| 48 | ;
| 49 | Q
| 50 | ;
| 51 | ;
| 52 | BRAD ; Search by results available date (completion date).
| 53 | ; Assumes cross-references still exist for dates in LRO(69) global.
| 54 | ; Collects specimen date/time values for a given LRDFN and completion date.
| 55 | ; Cross-reference is by date only, time stripped from start date.
| 56 | ; Uses cross-reference ^LRO(69,DT,1,"AN",'LOCATION',LRDFN,LRIDT)=""
| 57 | ;
| 59 | ;
| 60 | ; Check if orders still exist Iin file #69 for search range
| 61 | S LA7SDT(1)=(LA7SDT\1)-.0000000001,LA7EDT(1)=(LA7EDT\1)+.24,LA7SRC=0
| 62 | S X=$O(^LRO(69,LA7SDT(1)))
| 63 | I X,X<LA7EDT(1) S LA7SRC=1
| 64 | ;
| 65 | ; Search "AN" cross-reference in file #69.
| 66 | I LA7SRC D
| 67 | . S LA7DT=LA7SDT(1)
| 68 | . F S LA7DT=$O(^LRO(69,LA7DT)) Q:'LA7DT!(LA7DT>LA7EDT(1)) D
| 69 | . . S LA7ROOT="^LRO(69,LA7DT,1,""AN"")"
| 70 | . . F S LA7ROOT=$Q(@LA7ROOT) Q:LA7ROOT=""!($QS(LA7ROOT,2)'=LA7DT)!($QS(LA7ROOT,4)'="AN") D
| 71 | . . . I $QS(LA7ROOT,6)'=LRDFN Q
| 72 | . . . S LRIDT=$QS(LA7ROOT,7)
| 73 | . . . F LRSS="CH","MI","SP" D SEARCH
| 74 | ;
| 75 | ; If no orders in #69 then do long search through file #63.
| 76 | I 'LA7SRC D
| 77 | . F LRSS="CH","MI","SP" D
| 78 | . . S LRIDT=0
| 80 | . . . S LA763(0)=$G(^LR(LRDFN,LRSS,LRIDT,0))
| 81 | . . . I $P(LA763(0),"^",3)>LA7SDT(1),$P(LA763(0),"^",3)<LA7EDT(1) D SEARCH
| 82 | ;
| 83 | Q
| 84 | ;
| 85 | ;
| 86 | SEARCH ; Search subscript for a specific collection date/time
| 87 | ;
| 88 | K LA763
| 89 | S LA763(0)=$G(^LR(LRDFN,LRSS,LRIDT,0))
| 90 | ;
| 91 | ; Only CH, MI, and BB subscripts store pointer to file #61 in 5th piece of zeroth node.
| 92 | ; Quit if specific specimen codes and they do not match
| 93 | I "CHMIBB"[LRSS S LA761=+$P(LA763(0),"^",5)
| 94 | E S LA761=0
| 95 | I LA761,$D(^TMP("LA7-61",$J)),'$D(^TMP("LA7-61",$J,LA761)) Q
| 96 | ;
| 97 | ; --- Chemistry
| 98 | I LRSS="CH" D CHSS Q
| 99 | ; --- Microbiology
| 100 | I LRSS="MI" D MISS Q
| 101 | ; --- Surgical pathology
| 102 | I LRSS="SP" D APSS Q
| 103 | ; --- Cytology
| 104 | I LRSS="CY" D APSS Q
| 105 | ; --- Electron Micrscopsy
| 106 | I LRSS="EM" D APSS Q
| 107 | ; --- Autopsy
| 108 | I LRSS="AU" D APSS Q
| 109 | ; --- Blood Bank
| 110 | I LRSS="BB" D BBSS Q
| 111 | Q
| 112 | ;
| 113 | ;
| 114 | CHSS ; Search "CH" datanames for matching codes
| 115 | ;
| 116 | N LA7X,LRSB
| 117 | ;
| 118 | S LRSB=1
| 121 | . I $D(^AUPNVLAB) D LNCHK^C0CLA7Q ; WV check for IHS.
| 122 | . S LA7CODE=$$DEFCODE^LA7VHLU5(LRSS,LRSB,$P(LA7X,"^",3),LA761)
| 123 | . D CHECK
| 124 | ;
| 125 | Q
| 126 | ;
| 127 | ;
| 128 | MISS ; Search "MI" subscripts for matching codes
| 129 | ;
| 130 | N LA7ND,LRSB
| 131 | ;
| 132 | S LA7ND=0
| 133 | F LA7ND=1,5,8,11,16 I $D(^LR(LRDFN,LRSS,LRIDT,LA7ND)) D
| 134 | . S LRSB=$S(LA7ND=1:11,LA7ND=5:14,LA7ND=8:18,LA7ND=11:22,LA7ND=16:33,1:11)
| 136 | . D CHECK
| 137 | Q
| 138 | ;
| 139 | ;
| 140 | APSS ; Search AP subscripts for matching codes
| 141 | ; AP results are currently not coded - use defaults
| 142 | ;
| 143 | N LA7CODE,LRSB
| 144 | ;
| 145 | S LRSB=.012
| 147 | D CHECK
| 148 | ;
| 149 | Q
| 150 | ;
| 151 | ;
| 152 | BBSS ; Search BB subscript for matching codes
| 153 | ; *** This subscript currently not supported ***
| 154 | Q
| 155 | ;
| 156 | ;
| 157 | CHECK ; Check NLT order/result and LOINC codes.
| 158 | ;
| 159 | N LA7QUIT
| 160 | ;
| 161 | ; If wildcard then store
| 162 | ; Otherwise check for specific NLT order/result and LOINC codes
| 163 | I LA7SC="*" D STORE Q
| 164 | S LA7QUIT=0
| 165 | F I=1:1:3 D Q:LA7QUIT
| 166 | . ; If no test code then skip
| 167 | . I '$L($P(LA7CODE,"!",I)) Q
| 168 | . ; If test code does not match a search code then quit
| 169 | . I '$D(^TMP($S(I=3:"LA7-LN",1:"LA7-NLT"),$J,$P(LA7CODE,"!",I))) Q
| 170 | . D STORE S LA7QUIT=1
| 171 | ;
| 172 | Q
| 173 | ;
| 174 | ;
| 175 | STORE ; Store entry for building in HL7 message
| 176 | ;
| 178 | Q
| 179 | ;
| 180 | ;
| 181 | SETDFN(LA7X) ; Setup DFN and other lab variables.
| 182 | ;
| 183 | S DFN=LA7X,LRDFN=$P($G(^DPT(DFN,"LR")),"^")
| 184 | Q