C0CRXNRD ; WV/SMH - CCR/CCD PROJECT: Routine to Read RxNorm files;11/15/08 ;;1.2;CCD/CCR GENERATION UTILITIES;;Oct 30, 2012;Build 50 ; Copyright Sam Habiel 2008. ; ; This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as ; published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the ; License, or (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU Affero General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License ; along with this program. If not, see . ; W "No entry from top" Q IMPORT(PATH) ; Main entry point I PATH="" QUIT D READSRC(PATH),READCON(PATH),READNDC(PATH) QUIT ; DELFILED(FN) ; Delete file data; PEP procedure; only for RxNorm files ; FN is Filenumber passed by Value QUIT:$E(FN,1,3)'=176 ; Quit if not RxNorm files D CLEAN^DILF ; Clean FM variables N ROOT S ROOT=$$ROOT^DILFD(FN,"",1) ; global root N ZERO S ZERO=@ROOT@(0) ; Save zero node S $P(ZERO,U,3,9999)="" ; Remove entry # and last edited K @ROOT ; Kill the file -- so sad! S @ROOT@(0)=ZERO ; It riseth again! QUIT GETLINES(PATH,FILENAME) ; Get number of lines in a file D OPEN^%ZISH("FILE",PATH,FILENAME,"R") U IO N I F I=1:1 R LINE:0 Q:$$STATUS^%ZISH D CLOSE^%ZISH("FILE") Q I-1 READCON(PATH,INCRES) ; Open and read concepts file: RXNCONSO.RRF; EP ; PATH ByVal, path of RxNorm files ; INCRES ByVal, include restricted sources. 1 for yes, 0 for no I PATH="" QUIT S INCRES=+$G(INCRES) ; if not passed, becomes zero. N FILENAME S FILENAME="RXNCONSO.RRF" D DELFILED(176.001) ; delete data N LINES S LINES=$$GETLINES(PATH,FILENAME) D OPEN^%ZISH("FILE",PATH,FILENAME,"R") IF POP D EN^DDIOL("Error reading file..., Please check...") G EX N C0CCOUNT F C0CCOUNT=1:1 D Q:$$STATUS^%ZISH . U IO . N LINE R LINE:0 . IF $$STATUS^%ZISH QUIT . I '(C0CCOUNT#1000) U $P W C0CCOUNT," of ",LINES," read ",! U IO ; update every 1000 . N RXCUI,RXAUI,SAB,TTY,CODE,STR ; Fileman fields numbers below . S RXCUI=$P(LINE,"|",1) ; .01 . S RXAUI=$P(LINE,"|",8) ; 1 . S SAB=$P(LINE,"|",12) ; 2 . ; If the source is a restricted source, decide what to do based on what's asked. . N SRCIEN S SRCIEN=$$FIND1^DIC(176.003,"","QX",SAB,"B") ; SrcIEN in RXNORM SOURCES file . N RESTRIC S RESTRIC=$$GET1^DIQ(176.003,SRCIEN,14,"I") ; 14 is restriction field; values 0-4 . ; If RESTRIC is zero, then it's unrestricted. Everything else is restricted. . ; If user didn't ask to include restricted sources, and the source is restricted, then quit . I 'INCRES,RESTRIC QUIT . S TTY=$P(LINE,"|",13) ; 3 . S CODE=$P(LINE,"|",14) ; 4 . S STR=$P(LINE,"|",15) ; 5 . ; Remove embedded "^" . S STR=$TR(STR,"^") . ; Convert STR into an array of 80 characters on each line . N STRLINE S STRLINE=$L(STR)\80+1 . ; In each line, chop 80 characters off, reset STR to be the rest . N J F J=1:1:STRLINE S STR(J)=$E(STR,1,80) S STR=$E(STR,81,$L(STR)) . ; Now, construct the FDA array . N RXNFDA . S RXNFDA(176.001,"+1,",.01)=RXCUI . S RXNFDA(176.001,"+1,",1)=RXAUI . S RXNFDA(176.001,"+1,",2)=SAB . S RXNFDA(176.001,"+1,",3)=TTY . S RXNFDA(176.001,"+1,",4)=CODE . N RXNIEN S RXNIEN(1)=C0CCOUNT . D UPDATE^DIE("","RXNFDA","RXNIEN") . I $D(^TMP("DIERR",$J)) D EN^DDIOL("ERROR") G EX . ; Now, file WP field STR . D WP^DIE(176.001,C0CCOUNT_",",5,,$NA(STR)) EX D CLOSE^%ZISH("FILE") QUIT READNDC(PATH) ; Open and read NDC/RxNorm/VANDF relationship file: RXNSAT.RRF I PATH="" QUIT N FILENAME S FILENAME="RXNSAT.RRF" D DELFILED(176.002) ; delete data N LINES S LINES=$$GETLINES(PATH,FILENAME) D OPEN^%ZISH("FILE",PATH,FILENAME,"R") IF POP W "Error reading file..., Please check...",! G EX2 F C0CCOUNT=1:1 Q:$$STATUS^%ZISH D . U IO . N LINE R LINE:0 . IF $$STATUS^%ZISH QUIT . I '(C0CCOUNT#1000) U $P W C0CCOUNT," of ",LINES," read ",! U IO ; update every 1000 . IF LINE'["NDC|RXNORM" QUIT . ; Otherwise, we are good to go . N RXCUI,NDC ; Fileman fields below . S RXCUI=$P(LINE,"|",1) ; .01 . S NDC=$P(LINE,"|",11) ; 2 . ; Using classic call to update. . N DIC,X,DA,DR . K DO . S DIC="^C0CRXN(176.002,",DIC(0)="F",X=RXCUI,DIC("DR")="2////"_NDC . D FILE^DICN . I Y<1 U $P W !,"THERE IS TROUBLE IN RIVER CITY",! G EX2 EX2 D CLOSE^%ZISH("FILE") QUIT READSRC(PATH) ; Open the read RxNorm Sources file: RXNSAB.RRF I PATH="" QUIT N FILENAME S FILENAME="RXNSAB.RRF" D DELFILED(176.003) ; delete data D OPEN^%ZISH("FILE",PATH,FILENAME,"R") IF POP W "Error reading file..., Please check...",! G EX3 F I=1:1 Q:$$STATUS^%ZISH D . U IO . N LINE R LINE:0 . IF $$STATUS^%ZISH QUIT . U $P W I,! U IO ; Write I to the screen, then go back to reading the file . N VCUI,RCUI,VSAB,RSAB,SON,SF,SVER,SRL,SCIT ; Fileman fields numbers below . S VCUI=$P(LINE,"|",1) ; .01 . S RCUI=$P(LINE,"|",2) ; 2 . S VSAB=$P(LINE,"|",3) ; 3 . S RSAB=$P(LINE,"|",4) ; 4 . S SON=$P(LINE,"|",5) ; 5 . S SF=$P(LINE,"|",6) ; 6 . S SVER=$P(LINE,"|",7) ; 7 . S SRL=$P(LINE,"|",14) ; 14 . S SCIT=$P(LINE,"|",25) ; 25 . ; Remove embedded "^" . S SCIT=$TR(SCIT,"^") . ; Convert SCIT into an array of 80 characters on each line . ; In each line, chop 80 characters off, reset SCIT to be the rest . N SCITLINE S SCITLINE=$L(SCIT)\80+1 . F J=1:1:SCITLINE S SCIT(J)=$E(SCIT,1,80) S SCIT=$E(SCIT,81,$L(SCIT)) . ; Now, construct the FDA array . N RXNFDA . S RXNFDA(176.003,"+"_I_",",.01)=VCUI . S RXNFDA(176.003,"+"_I_",",2)=RCUI . S RXNFDA(176.003,"+"_I_",",3)=VSAB . S RXNFDA(176.003,"+"_I_",",4)=RSAB . S RXNFDA(176.003,"+"_I_",",5)=SON . S RXNFDA(176.003,"+"_I_",",6)=SF . S RXNFDA(176.003,"+"_I_",",7)=SVER . S RXNFDA(176.003,"+"_I_",",14)=SRL . D UPDATE^DIE("","RXNFDA") . I $D(^TMP("DIERR",$J)) U $P W "ERR" G EX . ; Now, file WP field SCIT . D WP^DIE(176.003,I_",",25,,$NA(SCIT)) EX3 D CLOSE^%ZISH("FILE") Q