CCRDPTT; Unit Tester... ; Get the functions in the routine using Rick's routine ; STATS(0)="CCRDPT^3080626.190908^396^14094^6414499860" ; STATS(1,0)="CCRDPT ;CCRCCD/SMH - Routines to Extract Patient Data for CCDCCR; 6/15/08" ; STATS(2,0)=" ;;0.1;CCRCCD;;Jun 15, 2008;" ; STATS(84,0)="INIT(DFN) ; Copy DFN global to a local variable; PUBLIC" ; STATS(93,0)="DESTROY ; Kill local variable; PUBLIC" ; STATS(99,0)="FAMILY() ; Family Name; PUBLIC; Extrinsic" ; STATS(105,0)="GIVEN() ; Given Name; PUBLIC; Extrinsic" ; STATS(111,0)="MIDDLE() ; Middle Name; PUBLIC; Extrinsic " ; etc. ; Load Routine Entry points; We get a sweeeeeet array N OUT D ANALYZE^ARJTXRD("CCRDPT",.OUT) ; Analyze a routine in the directory ZWR OUT(,0) N X,Y ; Select Patient S DIC=2,DIC(0)="AEMQ" D ^DIC W "You have selected patient "_Y,!! D INIT^CCRDPT($P(Y,"^")) ZWR PT N I S I=160 F S I=$O(OUT(I)) Q:I="" D . W "OUT("_I_",0)"_" is "_$P(OUT(I,0)," ")_" " . W "valued at " . W @("$$"_$P(OUT(I,0),"()")_"^"_"CCRDPT"_"()") . W ! Q