CCRMEDS2 ; WV/CCDCCR/SMH - CCR/CCD Meds - Pending for Vista ;;0.1;CCDCCR;;JUL 16,2008; ;;Last Modified Sat Jan 10 21:41:14 PST 2009 ; Copyright 2008 WorldVistA. Licensed under the terms of the GNU ; General Public License See attached copy of the License. ; ; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ; (at your option) any later version. ; ; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ; GNU General Public License for more details. ; ; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along ; with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ; 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. ; W "NO ENTRY FROM TOP",! Q ; EXTRACT(MINXML,DFN,OUTXML) ; EXTRACT MEDICATIONS INTO PROVIDED XML TEMPLATE ; ; MINXML is the Input XML Template, passed by name ; DFN is Patient IEN ; OUTXML is the resultant XML. ; ; MEDS is return array from RPC. ; MAP is a mapping variable map (store result) for each med ; MED is holds each array element from MEDS, one medicine ; ; PEN^PSO5241 is a Pharmacy Re-Enginnering (PRE) API to get Pending ; meds data available. ; ; Output of API is ^TMP($J,"SUBSCRIPT",DFN,RXIENS). ; File for pending meds is 52.41 ; Unfortuantely, API does not supply us with any useful info beyond ; the IEN in 52.41, and the Med Name, and route. ; So, most of the info is going to get pulled from 52.41. N MEDS,MAP K ^TMP($J,"CCDCCR") ; PLEASE DON'T KILL ALL OF ^TMP($J) HERE!!!! D PEN^PSO5241(DFN,"CCDCCR") M MEDS=^TMP($J,"CCDCCR",DFN) ; @(0) contains the number of meds or -1^NO DATA FOUND ; If it is -1, we quit. I $P(MEDS(0),U)=-1 S @OUTXML@(0)=0 QUIT I DEBUG ZWR MEDS N RXIEN S RXIEN=0 N MEDCOUNT S MEDCOUNT=0 N MEDFIRST S MEDFIRST=1 ; FLAG FOR FIRST MED IN THIS SECTION FOR MERGING S MEDMAP=$NA(^TMP("GPLCCR",$J,"MEDMAP")) ; THIS IS THE VARIABLE MAP S MEDCOUNT=@MEDMAP@(0) ; ACCOUNT FOR MEDS ALREADY IN ARRAY F S RXIEN=$O(MEDS(RXIEN)) Q:RXIEN="B" D ; FOR EACH MEDICATION IN THE LIST . I $$GET1^DIQ(52.41,RXIEN,2,"I")="RF" QUIT ; Dont' want refill request as a "pending" order . S MEDCOUNT=MEDCOUNT+1 . I DEBUG W "RXIEN IS ",RXIEN,! . S MAP=$NA(^TMP("GPLCCR",$J,"MEDMAP",MEDCOUNT)) . ; K @MAP DON'T KILL MAP HERE, IT IS DONE IN CCRMEDS . S @MEDMAP@(0)=@MEDMAP@(0)+1 ; INCREMENT TOTAL MEDS IN VAR ARRAY . I DEBUG W "MAP= ",MAP,! . N MED M MED=MEDS(RXIEN) ; PULL OUT MEDICATION FROM . S @MAP@("MEDOBJECTID")="MED_PENDING"_MEDCOUNT ; MEDCOUNT FOR ID . ; S @MAP@("MEDOBJECTID")="MED_PENDING"_MED(.01) ;Pending IEN . S @MAP@("MEDISSUEDATETXT")="Issue Date" . ; Field 6 is "Effective date", and we pull it in timson format w/ I . S @MAP@("MEDISSUEDATE")=$$FMDTOUTC^C0CUTIL($$GET1^DIQ(52.41,RXIEN,6,"I"),"DT") . ; Med never filled; next 4 fields are not applicable. . S @MAP@("MEDLASTFILLDATETXT")="" . S @MAP@("MEDLASTFILLDATE")="" . S @MAP@("MEDRXNOTXT")="" . S @MAP@("MEDRXNO")="" . S @MAP@("MEDTYPETEXT")="Medication" . S @MAP@("MEDDETAILUNADORNED")="" ; Leave blank, field has its uses . S @MAP@("MEDSTATUSTEXT")="On Hold" ; nearest status for pending meds . S @MAP@("MEDSOURCEACTORID")="ACTORPROVIDER_"_$$GET1^DIQ(52.41,RXIEN,5,"I") . S @MAP@("MEDPRODUCTNAMETEXT")=$P(MED(11),U,2) . ; NDC not supplied in API, but is rather trivial to obtain . ; MED(11) piece 1 has the IEN of the drug (file 50) . ; IEN is field 31 in the drug file. . ; . ; MEDIEN (node 11 in the returned output) might not necessarily be defined . ; It is not defined when a dose in not chosen in CPRS. There is a long . ; series of fields that depend on it. We will use If and Else to deal . ; with that . N MEDIEN S MEDIEN=$P(MED(11),U) . I +MEDIEN>0 D ; start of if/else block . . ; 12/30/08: I will be using RxNorm for coding... . . ; 176.001 is the file for Concepts; 176.003 is the file for . . ; sources (i.e. for RxNorm Version) . . ; . . ; We need the VUID first for the National Drug File entry first . . ; We get the VUID of the drug, by looking up the VA Product entry . . ; (file 50.68) using the call NDF^PSS50, returned in node 22. . . ; Field 99.99 is the VUID. . . ; . . ; We use the VUID to look up the RxNorm in file 176.001; same idea. . . ; Get IEN first using $$FIND1^DIC, then get the RxNorm number by . . ; $$GET1^DIQ. . . ; . . ; I get the RxNorm name and version from the RxNorm Sources (file . . ; 176.003), by searching for "RXNORM", then get the data. . . D NDF^PSS50(MEDIEN,,,,,"NDF") . . N NDFDATA M NDFDATA=^TMP($J,"NDF",MEDIEN) . . N NDFIEN S NDFIEN=$P(NDFDATA(20),U) . . N VAPROD S VAPROD=$P(NDFDATA(22),U) . . ; . . ; NDFIEN is not necessarily defined; it won't be if the drug . . ; is not matched to the national drug file (e.g. if the drug is . . ; new on the market, compounded, or is a fake drug [blue pill]. . . ; To protect against failure, I will put an if/else block . . N VUID,RXNIEN,RXNORM,SRCIEN,RXNNAME,RXNVER . . I NDFIEN,$D(^C0CRXN) D ; $Data is for Systems that don't have our RxNorm file yet. . . . S VUID=$$GET1^DIQ(50.68,VAPROD,99.99) . . . S RXNIEN=$$FIND1^DIC(176.001,,,VUID,"VUID") . . . S RXNORM=$$GET1^DIQ(176.001,RXNIEN,.01) . . . S SRCIEN=$$FIND1^DIC(176.003,,"B","RXNORM") . . . S RXNNAME=$$GET1^DIQ(176.003,SRCIEN,6) . . . S RXNVER=$$GET1^DIQ(176.003,SRCIEN,7) . . ; . . E S (RXNORM,RXNNAME,RXNVER)="" . . ; End if/else block . . S @MAP@("MEDPRODUCTNAMECODEVALUE")=RXNORM . . S @MAP@("MEDPRODUCTNAMECODINGINGSYSTEM")=RXNNAME . . S @MAP@("MEDPRODUCTNAMECODEVERSION")=RXNVER . . ; . . S @MAP@("MEDBRANDNAMETEXT")="" . . D DOSE^PSS50(MEDIEN,,,,,"DOSE") . . N DOSEDATA M DOSEDATA=^TMP($J,"DOSE",MEDIEN) . . S @MAP@("MEDSTRENGTHVALUE")=DOSEDATA(901) . . S @MAP@("MEDSTRENGTHUNIT")=$P(DOSEDATA(902),U,2) . . ; Units, concentration, etc, come from another call . . ; $$CPRS^PSNAPIS which returns dosage-form^va class^strengh^unit . . ; This call takes nodes 1 and 3 of ^PSDRUG(D0,"ND") as parameters . . ; NDF Entry IEN, and VA Product Name . . ; These can be obtained using NDF^PSS50 (IEN,,,,,"SUBSCRIPT") . . ; Documented in the same manual; executed above. . . N CONCDATA . . ; If a drug was not matched to NDF, then the NDFIEN is gonna be "" . . ; and this will crash the call. So... . . I NDFIEN="" S CONCDATA="" . . E S CONCDATA=$$CPRS^PSNAPIS(NDFIEN,VAPROD) . . S @MAP@("MEDFORMTEXT")=$P(CONCDATA,U,1) . . S @MAP@("MEDCONCVALUE")=$P(CONCDATA,U,3) . . S @MAP@("MEDCONCUNIT")=$P(CONCDATA,U,4) . . S @MAP@("MEDQUANTITYVALUE")=$$GET1^DIQ(52.41,RXIEN,12) . . ; Oddly, there is no easy place to find the dispense unit. . . ; It's not included in the original call, so we have to go to the drug file. . . ; That would be DATA^PSS50(IEN,,,,,"SUBSCRIPT") . . ; Node 14.5 is the Dispense Unit . . D DATA^PSS50(MEDIEN,,,,,"QTY") . . N QTYDATA M QTYDATA=^TMP($J,"QTY",MEDIEN) . . S @MAP@("MEDQUANTITYUNIT")=QTYDATA(14.5) . E D . . S @MAP@("MEDPRODUCTNAMECODEVALUE")="" . . S @MAP@("MEDPRODUCTNAMECODINGINGSYSTEM")="" . . S @MAP@("MEDPRODUCTNAMECODEVERSION")="" . . S @MAP@("MEDBRANDNAMETEXT")="" . . S @MAP@("MEDSTRENGTHVALUE")="" . . S @MAP@("MEDSTRENGTHUNIT")="" . . S @MAP@("MEDFORMTEXT")="" . . S @MAP@("MEDCONCVALUE")="" . . S @MAP@("MEDCONCUNIT")="" . . S @MAP@("MEDSIZETEXT")="" . . S @MAP@("MEDQUANTITYVALUE")="" . . S @MAP@("MEDQUANTITYUNIT")="" . ; end of if/else block . ; . ; --- START OF DIRECTIONS --- . ; Sig data is not in any API. We obtain it using the IEN from . ; the PEN API to file 52.41. It's in field 3, which is a multiple. . ; I will be using FM call GETS^DIQ(FILE,IENS,FIELD,FLAGS,TARGET_ROOT) . K FMSIG ; it's passed via the symbol table, so remove any leftovers from last call . D GETS^DIQ(52.41,RXIEN,"3*",,"FMSIG") . N FMSIGNUM S FMSIGNUM=0 ; Sigline number in fileman. . ; FMSIGNUM gets outputted as "IEN,RXIEN,". . ; DIRNUM will be first piece for IEN. . ; DIRNUM is the proper Sigline numer. . ; SIGDATA is the simplfied array. Subscripts are really field numbers . ; in subfile 52.413. . N DIRCNT S DIRCNT=0 ; COUNT OF DIRECTIONS . F S FMSIGNUM=$O(FMSIG(52.413,FMSIGNUM)) Q:FMSIGNUM="" D . . N DIRNUM S DIRNUM=$P(FMSIGNUM,",") . . S DIRCNT=DIRCNT+1 ; INCREMENT DIRECTIONS COUNT . . N SIGDATA M SIGDATA=FMSIG(52.413,FMSIGNUM) . . ; If this is an order for a refill; it's not really a new order; move on to next . . S @MAP@("M","DIRECTIONS",DIRCNT,"MEDDIRECTIONDESCRIPTIONTEXT")="" ; This is reserved for systems not able to generate the sig in components. . . S @MAP@("M","DIRECTIONS",DIRCNT,"MEDDOSEINDICATOR")="1" ; means that we are specifying it. See E2369-05. . . S @MAP@("M","DIRECTIONS",DIRCNT,"MEDDELIVERYMETHOD")=SIGDATA(13) . . S @MAP@("M","DIRECTIONS",DIRCNT,"MEDDOSEVALUE")=SIGDATA(8) . . S @MAP@("M","DIRECTIONS",DIRCNT,"MEDDOSEUNIT")=@MAP@("MEDCONCUNIT") . . S @MAP@("M","DIRECTIONS",DIRCNT,"MEDRATEVALUE")="" ; For inpatient . . S @MAP@("M","DIRECTIONS",DIRCNT,"MEDRATEUNIT")="" ; For inpatient . . S @MAP@("M","DIRECTIONS",DIRCNT,"MEDVEHICLETEXT")="" ; For inpatient . . S @MAP@("M","DIRECTIONS",DIRCNT,"MEDDIRECTIONROUTETEXT")=SIGDATA(10) . . S @MAP@("M","DIRECTIONS",DIRCNT,"MEDFREQUENCYVALUE")=SIGDATA(1) . . ; Invervals... again another call. . . ; The schedule is a free text field . . ; However, it gets translated by a call to the administration . . ; schedule file to see if that schedule exists. . . ; That's the same thing I am going to do. . . ; The call is AP^PSS51P1(PSSPP,PSSFT,PSSWDIEN,PSSSTPY,LIST,PSSFREQ). . . ; PSSPP is "PSJ" (for some reason, schedules are stored as PSJ, not PSO-- . . ; I looked), PSSFT is the name, . . ; and list is the ^TMP name to store the data in. . . ; Also, freqency may have "PRN" in it, so strip that out . . N FREQ S FREQ=SIGDATA(1) . . I FREQ["PRN" S FREQ=$E(FREQ,1,$F(FREQ,"PRN")-5) ; 5 for $L("PRN") + 1 + sp . . D AP^PSS51P1("PSJ",FREQ,,,"SCHEDULE") . . N SCHEDATA M SCHEDATA=^TMP($J,"SCHEDULE") . . N INTERVAL . . I $P(SCHEDATA(0),U)=-1 S INTERVAL="" . . E D . . . N SUB S SUB=$O(SCHEDATA(0)) . . . S INTERVAL=SCHEDATA(SUB,2) . . S @MAP@("M","DIRECTIONS",DIRCNT,"MEDINTERVALVALUE")=INTERVAL . . S @MAP@("M","DIRECTIONS",DIRCNT,"MEDINTERVALUNIT")="Minute" . . ; Duration comes as M2,H2,D2,W2,L2 for 2 minutes,hours,days,weeks,months . . N DUR S DUR=SIGDATA(2) . . S @MAP@("M","DIRECTIONS",DIRCNT,"MEDDURATIONVALUE")=$E(DUR,2,$L(DUR)) . . N DURUNIT S DURUNIT=$E(DUR) . . S @MAP@("M","DIRECTIONS",DIRCNT,"MEDDURATIONUNIT")=$S(DURUNIT="M":"Minutes",DURUNIT="H":"Hours",DURUNIT="D":"Days",DURUNIT="W":"Weeks",DURUNIT="L":"Months",1:"") . . S @MAP@("M","DIRECTIONS",DIRCNT,"MEDPRNFLAG")=SIGDATA(1)["PRN" . . S @MAP@("M","DIRECTIONS",DIRCNT,"MEDPROBLEMOBJECTID")="" . . S @MAP@("M","DIRECTIONS",DIRCNT,"MEDPROBLEMTYPETXT")="" . . S @MAP@("M","DIRECTIONS",DIRCNT,"MEDPROBLEMDESCRIPTION")="" . . S @MAP@("M","DIRECTIONS",DIRCNT,"MEDPROBLEMCODEVALUE")="" . . S @MAP@("M","DIRECTIONS",DIRCNT,"MEDPROBLEMCODINGSYSTEM")="" . . S @MAP@("M","DIRECTIONS",DIRCNT,"MEDPROBLEMCODINGVERSION")="" . . S @MAP@("M","DIRECTIONS",DIRCNT,"MEDPROBLEMSOURCEACTORID")="" . . S @MAP@("M","DIRECTIONS",DIRCNT,"MEDSTOPINDICATOR")="" ; Vista doesn't have that field . . S @MAP@("M","DIRECTIONS",DIRCNT,"MEDDIRSEQ")=DIRNUM . . S @MAP@("M","DIRECTIONS",DIRCNT,"MEDMULDIRMOD")=SIGDATA(6) . ; . ; --- END OF DIRECTIONS --- . ; . ; S @MAP@("MEDPTINSTRUCTIONS","F")="52.41^105" . S @MAP@("MEDPTINSTRUCTIONS")=$G(^PSRX(RXIEN,"PI",1,0)) ;GPL . ; W @MAP@("MEDPTINSTRUCTIONS"),! . ; S @MAP@("MEDFULLFILLMENTINSTRUCTIONS","F")="52.41^9" . S @MAP@("MEDFULLFILLMENTINSTRUCTIONS")=$G(^PSRX(RXIEN,"SIG1",1,0)) ;GPL . ; W @MAP@("MEDFULLFILLMENTINSTRUCTIONS"),! . S @MAP@("MEDRFNO")=$$GET1^DIQ(52.41,RXIEN,13) . N RESULT S RESULT=$NA(^TMP("GPLCCR",$J,"MAPPED")) . K @RESULT . D MAP^GPLXPATH(MINXML,MAP,RESULT) . ; D PARY^GPLXPATH(RESULT) . ; MAPPING DIRECTIONS . N MEDDIR1,DIRXML1 S DIRXML1="MEDDIR1" ; VARIABLE AND NAME VARIABLE TEMPLATE . N MEDDIR2,DIRXML2 S DIRXML2="MEDDIR2" ; VARIABLE AND NAME VARIABLE RESULT . D QUERY^GPLXPATH(MINXML,"//Medications/Medication/Directions",DIRXML1) . D REPLACE^GPLXPATH(RESULT,"","//Medications/Medication/Directions") . ; N MDZ1,MDZNA . I DIRCNT>0 D ; IF THERE ARE DIRCTIONS . . F MDZ1=1:1:DIRCNT D ; FOR EACH DIRECTION . . . S MDZNA=$NA(@MAP@("M","DIRECTIONS",MDZ1)) . . . D MAP^GPLXPATH(DIRXML1,MDZNA,DIRXML2) . . . D INSERT^GPLXPATH(RESULT,DIRXML2,"//Medications/Medication") . I MEDFIRST D ; . . S MEDFIRST=0 ; RESET FIRST FLAG . . D CP^GPLXPATH(RESULT,OUTXML) ; First one is a copy . D:'MEDFIRST INSINNER^GPLXPATH(OUTXML,RESULT) ; AFTER FIRST, INSERT INNER XML N MEDTMP,MEDI D MISSING^GPLXPATH(OUTXML,"MEDTMP") ; SEARCH XML FOR MISSING VARS I MEDTMP(0)>0 D ; IF THERE ARE MISSING VARS - MARKED AS @@X@@ . W "MEDICATION MISSING ",! . F MEDI=1:1:MEDTMP(0) W MEDTMP(MEDI),! Q ;