CCRUTIL ;CCRCCD/SMH - Various Utilites for generating the CCR/CCD;06/15/08 ;;0.1;CCRCCD;;Jun 15, 2008; ;Copyright 2008 WorldVistA. Licensed under the terms of the GNU ;General Public License See attached copy of the License. ; ;This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ;(at your option) any later version. ; ;This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;GNU General Public License for more details. ; ;You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along ;with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., ;51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. ; W "No Entry at Top!" Q ; FMDTOUTC(DATE,FORMAT) ; Convert Fileman Date to UTC Date Format; PUBLIC; Extrinsic ; FORMAT is Format of Date. Can be either D (Day) or DT (Date and Time) ; If not passed, or passed incorrectly, it's assumed that it is D. ; FM Date format is "YYYMMDD.HHMMSS" HHMMSS may not be supplied. ; UTC date is formatted as follows: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss_offsetfromUTC ; UTC, Year, Month, Day, Hours, Minutes, Seconds, Time offset (obtained from Mailman Site Parameters) N UTC,Y,M,D,H,MM,S,OFF S Y=1700+$E(DATE,1,3) S M=$E(DATE,4,5) S D=$E(DATE,6,7) S H=$E(DATE,9,10) I $L(H)=1 S H="0"_H S MM=$E(DATE,11,12) I $L(MM)=1 S MM="0"_MM S S=$E(DATE,13,14) I $L(S)=1 S S="0"_S S OFF=$$TZ^XLFDT ; See Kernel Manual for documentation. ; If H, MM and S are empty, it means that the FM date didn't supply the time. ; In this case, set H, MM and S to "00" ; S:('$L(H)&'$L(MM)&'$L(S)) (H,MM,S)="00" ; IF ONLY SOME ARE MISSING? S:'$L(H) H="00" S:'$L(MM) MM="00" S:'$L(S) S="00" S UTC=Y_"-"_M_"-"_D_"T"_H_":"_MM_$S(S="":":00",1:":"_S)_OFF ; Skip's code to fix hanging colon if no seconds I $L($G(FORMAT)),FORMAT="DT" Q UTC ; Date with time. E Q $P(UTC,"T") ; SORTDT(V1,V2,ORDR) ; DATE SORT ARRAY AND RETURN INDEX IN V1 AND COUNT ; AS EXTRINSIC ORDR IS 1 OR -1 FOR FORWARD OR REVERSE ; DATE AND TIME ORDER. DEFAULT IS FORWARD ; V2 IS AN ARRAY OF DATES IN FILEMAN FORMAT ; V1 IS RETURNS INDIRECT INDEXES OF V2 IN REVERSE DATE ORDER ; SO V2(V1(X)) WILL RETURN THE DATES IN DATE/TIME ORDER ; THE COUNT OF THE DATES IS RETURNED AS AN EXTRINSIC ; BOTH V1 AND V2 ARE PASSED BY REFERENCE N VSRT ; TEMP FOR HASHING DATES N ZI,ZJ,ZTMP,ZCNT,ZP1,ZP2 S ZCNT=0 ; COUNTING NUMBER OF DATES S ZTMP="" ; F ZI=0:0 D Q:$O(V2(ZTMP))="" ; FOR EACH DATE IN THE ARRAY . S ZCNT=ZCNT+1 ; INCREMENT THE COUNT . S ZTMP=$O(V2(ZTMP)) ; NEXT DATE . I $D(V2(ZTMP)) D ; IF THE DATE EXISTS . . S ZP1=$P(V2(ZTMP),".",1) ; THE DATE PIECE . . S ZP2=$P(V2(ZTMP),".",2) ; THE TIME PIECE . . S VSRT(ZP1,ZP2_"00000"_ZCNT)=ZCNT ; HASH ON DATE AND TIME . . ; S VSRT($P(V2(ZTMP),U,4)_"000000"_ZCNT)=ZCNT ; PULL DATE . I DEBUG W "ZTMP=",ZTMP," " S V1(0)=ZCNT ; ARRAYS ARE THE SAME SIZE ; I DEBUG ZWR V2 ; I DEBUG ZWR VSRT N ZD,ZT ; DATA AND TIME ITERATORS N ZDONE ; DONE FLAG S (ZD,ZT)="" S ZDONE=0 N UORDR ; ORDER TO USE 1=FORWARD -1=REVERSE S UORDR=ORDR ; DIRECTION TO SORT I ORDR="" S UORDR=1 N ZZCNT S ZZCNT=0 ; ANOTHER COUNTER F ZI=0:0 D Q:ZDONE ; VISIT THE ARRAY IN DATE ORDER . S ZD=$O(VSRT(ZD),UORDR) ; NEXT DATE . I ZD="" S ZDONE=1 . I 'ZDONE D ; MORE DATES . . S ZT="" ; WANT FIRST TIME FOR THIS DATE . . F ZJ=0:0 D Q:$O(VSRT(ZD,ZT),UORDR)="" ; LOOP THROUGH ALL TIMES . . . S ZT=$O(VSRT(ZD,ZT),UORDR) ; NEXT TIME . . . S ZZCNT=ZZCNT+1 ; INCREMENT COUNTER . . . S V1(ZZCNT)=VSRT(ZD,ZT) ; PULL OUT THE INDEX Q ZCNT ;