[58] | 1 | CCRVA200 ;WV/CCDCCR/SMH - Routine to get Provider Data;07/13/2008
[69] | 2 | ;;0.1;CCDCCR;;JUL 13, 2007;Build 0
| 3 | ;Copyright 2008 WorldVistA. Licensed under the terms of the GNU
| 4 | ;General Public License See attached copy of the License.
| 5 | ;
| 6 | ;This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
| 7 | ;it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
| 8 | ;the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
| 9 | ;(at your option) any later version.
| 10 | ;
| 11 | ;This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
| 12 | ;but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
| 14 | ;GNU General Public License for more details.
| 15 | ;
| 16 | ;You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
| 17 | ;with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
| 18 | ;51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA.
| 19 | Q
| 20 | ; This routine uses Kernel APIs and Direct Global Access to get
| 21 | ; Proivder Data from File 200.
[122] | 22 | ;
[69] | 23 | ; The Global is VA(200,*)
[122] | 24 | ;
[58] | 25 | FAMILY(DUZ) ; Get Family Name; PUBLIC; EXTRINSIC
[69] | 26 | ; INPUT: DUZ (i.e. File 200 IEN) ByVal
| 27 | ; OUTPUT: String
| 28 | N NAME S NAME=$P(^VA(200,DUZ,0),U)
| 30 | Q NAME("FAMILY")
| 31 | ;
[58] | 32 | GIVEN(DUZ) ; Get Given Name; PUBLIC; EXTRINSIC
[69] | 33 | ; INPUT: DUZ ByVal
| 34 | ; OUTPUT: String
| 35 | N NAME S NAME=$P(^VA(200,DUZ,0),U)
| 37 | Q NAME("GIVEN")
| 38 | ;
[58] | 39 | MIDDLE(DUZ) ; Get Middle Name, PUBLIC; EXTRINSIC
[69] | 40 | ; INPUT: DUZ ByVal
| 41 | ; OUTPUT: String
| 42 | N NAME S NAME=$P(^VA(200,DUZ,0),U)
| 44 | Q NAME("MIDDLE")
| 45 | ;
[58] | 46 | SUFFIX(DUZ) ; Get Suffix Name, PUBLIC; EXTRINSIC
[69] | 47 | ; INPUT: DUZ ByVal
| 48 | ; OUTPUT: String
| 49 | N NAME S NAME=$P(^VA(200,DUZ,0),U)
| 51 | Q NAME("SUFFIX")
| 52 | ;
[58] | 53 | TITLE(DUZ) ; Get Title for Proivder, PUBLIC; EXTRINSIC
[69] | 54 | ; INPUT: DUZ ByVal
| 55 | ; OUTPUT: String
| 56 | ; Gets External Value of Title field in New Person File.
| 57 | ; It's actually a pointer to file 3.1
| 58 | ; 200=New Person File; 8 is Title Field
| 59 | Q $$GET1^DIQ(200,DUZ_",",8)
| 60 | ;
[62] | 61 | NPI(DUZ) ; Get NPI Number, PUBLIC; EXTRINSIC
[69] | 62 | ; INPUT: DUZ ByVal
| 63 | ; OUTPUT: Delimited String in format:
| 64 | ; IDType^ID^IDDescription
| 65 | ; If the NPI doesn't exist, "" is returned.
| 66 | ; This routine uses a call documented in the Kernel dev guide
| 67 | ; This call returns as "NPI^TimeEntered^ActiveInactive"
| 68 | ; It returns -1 for NPI if NPI doesn't exist.
| 69 | N NPI S NPI=$P($$NPI^XUSNPI("Individual_ID",DUZ),U)
| 70 | Q:NPI=-1 ""
| 71 | Q "NPI^"_NPI_"^HHS"
| 72 | ;
[62] | 73 | SPEC(DUZ) ; Get Provider Specialty, PUBLIC; EXTRINSIC
[69] | 74 | ; INPUT: DUZ ByVal
| 75 | ; OUTPUT: String: ProviderType/Specialty/Subspecialty OR ""
| 76 | ; Uses a Kernel API. Returns -1 if a specialty is not specified
| 77 | ; in file 200.
[122] | 78 | ; Otherwise, returns IEN^Profession^Specialty^Subspecialty^Effect date^Expired date^VA code
[69] | 79 | N STR S STR=$$GET^XUA4A72(DUZ)
| 80 | Q:+STR<0 ""
| 81 | ; Sometimes we have 3 pieces, or 2. Deal with that.
| 82 | Q:$L($P(STR,U,4)) $P(STR,U,2)_"-"_$P(STR,U,3)_"-"_$P(STR,U,4)
| 83 | Q $P(STR,U,2)_"-"_$P(STR,U,3)
| 84 | ;
[62] | 85 | ADDTYPE(DUZ) ; Get Address Type, PUBLIC; EXTRINSIC
[69] | 86 | ; INPUT: DUZ, but not needed really... here for future expansion
| 87 | ; OUTPUT: At this point "Work"
| 88 | Q "Work"
| 89 | ;
[66] | 90 | ADDLINE1(DUZ) ; Get Address associated with this instituation; PUBLIC; EXTRINSIC
[69] | 91 | ; INPUT: DUZ ByVal
| 92 | ; Output: String.
[122] | 93 | ;
[69] | 94 | ; First, get site number from the institution file.
| 95 | ; 1st piece returned by $$SITE^VASITE, which gets the system institution
[122] | 97 | ;
[69] | 98 | ; Second, get mailing address
| 99 | ; There are two APIs to get the address, one for physical and one for
| 100 | ; mailing. We will check if mailing exists first, since that's the
| 101 | ; one we want to use; then check for physical. If neither exists,
| 102 | ; then we return nothing. We check for the existence of an address
| 103 | ; by the length of the returned string.
| 104 | ; NOTE: API doesn't support Address 2, so I won't even include it
| 105 | ; in the template.
| 106 | N ADD
| 107 | S ADD=$$MADD^XUAF4(INST) ; mailing address
| 108 | Q:$L(ADD) $P(ADD,U)
| 109 | S ADD=$$PADD^XUAF4(INST) ; physical address
| 110 | Q:$L(ADD) $P(ADD,U)
| 111 | Q ""
| 112 | ;
[66] | 113 | CITY(DUZ) ; Get City for Institution. PUBLIC; EXTRINSIC
[69] | 114 | ; INPUT: DUZ ByVal
| 115 | ; Output: String.
| 116 | ; See ADD1 for comments
| 118 | N ADD
| 119 | S ADD=$$MADD^XUAF4(INST) ; mailing address
| 120 | Q:$L(ADD) $P(ADD,U,2)
| 121 | S ADD=$$PADD^XUAF4(INST) ; physical address
| 122 | Q:$L(ADD) $P(ADD,U,2)
| 123 | Q ""
| 124 | ;
[66] | 125 | STATE(DUZ) ; Get State for Institution. PUBLIC; EXTRINSIC
[69] | 126 | ; INPUT: DUZ ByVal
| 127 | ; Output: String.
| 128 | ; See ADD1 for comments
| 130 | N ADD
| 131 | S ADD=$$MADD^XUAF4(INST) ; mailing address
| 132 | Q:$L(ADD) $P(ADD,U,3)
| 133 | S ADD=$$PADD^XUAF4(INST) ; physical address
| 134 | Q:$L(ADD) $P(ADD,U,3)
| 135 | Q ""
| 136 | ;
[66] | 137 | POSTCODE(DUZ) ; Get Postal Code for Institution. PUBLIC; EXTRINSIC
[69] | 138 | ; INPUT: DUZ ByVal
| 139 | ; OUTPUT: String.
| 140 | ; See ADD1 for comments
| 142 | N ADD
| 143 | S ADD=$$MADD^XUAF4(INST) ; mailing address
| 144 | Q:$L(ADD) $P(ADD,U,4)
| 145 | S ADD=$$PADD^XUAF4(INST) ; physical address
| 146 | Q:$L(ADD) $P(ADD,U,4)
| 147 | Q ""
| 148 | ;
[66] | 149 | TEL(DUZ) ; Get Office Phone number. PUBLIC; EXTRINSIC
[69] | 150 | ; INPUT: DUZ ByVal
| 151 | ; OUTPUT: String.
| 152 | ; Direct global access
| 153 | N TEL S TEL=$G(^VA(200,DUZ,.13))
| 154 | Q $P(TEL,U,2)
| 155 | ;
[66] | 156 | TELTYPE(DUZ) ; Get Telephone Type. PUBLIC; EXTRINSIC
[69] | 157 | ; INPUT: DUZ ByVal
| 158 | ; OUTPUT: String.
| 159 | Q "Office"
| 160 | ;
[66] | 161 | EMAIL(DUZ) ; Get Provider's Email. PUBLIC; EXTRINSIC
[69] | 162 | ; INPUT: DUZ ByVal
| 163 | ; OUTPUT: String
| 164 | ; Direct global access
| 165 | N EMAIL S EMAIL=$G(^VA(200,DUZ,.15))
| 166 | Q $P(EMAIL,U)
| 167 | ;