CCRVA200 ;WV/CCDCCR/SMH - Routine to get Provider Data;07/13/2008 ;;0.1;CCDCCR;;JUL 13, 2007;Build 0 ; This routine uses Kernel APIs and Direct Global Access to get ; Proivder Data from File 200. ; The Global is VA(200,*) FAMILY(DUZ) ; Get Family Name; PUBLIC; EXTRINSIC ; INPUT: DUZ (i.e. File 200 IEN) ByVal ; OUTPUT: String N NAME S NAME=$P(^VA(200,DUZ,0),U) D NAMECOMP^XLFNAME(.NAME) Q NAME("FAMILY") ; GIVEN(DUZ) ; Get Given Name; PUBLIC; EXTRINSIC ; INPUT: DUZ ByVal ; OUTPUT: String N NAME S NAME=$P(^VA(200,DUZ,0),U) D NAMECOMP^XLFNAME(.NAME) Q NAME("GIVEN") ; MIDDLE(DUZ) ; Get Middle Name, PUBLIC; EXTRINSIC ; INPUT: DUZ ByVal ; OUTPUT: String N NAME S NAME=$P(^VA(200,DUZ,0),U) D NAMECOMP^XLFNAME(.NAME) Q NAME("MIDDLE") ; SUFFIX(DUZ) ; Get Suffix Name, PUBLIC; EXTRINSIC ; INPUT: DUZ ByVal ; OUTPUT: String N NAME S NAME=$P(^VA(200,DUZ,0),U) D NAMECOMP^XLFNAME(.NAME) Q NAME("SUFFIX") ; TITLE(DUZ) ; Get Title for Proivder, PUBLIC; EXTRINSIC ; INPUT: DUZ ByVal ; OUTPUT: String ; Gets External Value of Title field in New Person File. ; It's actually a pointer to file 3.1 ; 200=New Person File; 8 is Title Field Q $$GET1^DIQ(200,DUZ_",",8) ;