C0CRXNLK ; VEN/SMH - RxNorm Lookup Utilities ;2013-04-08 5:00 PM ;;1.0;RX NORM;;Apr 25, 2012;Build 99 ;(c) Sam Habiel 2013 ; See accompanying license. Don't use otherwise. ; S IO=$P N DIQUIET S DIQUIET=1 D DT^DICRW D EN^XTMUNIT($T(+0),1) QUIT ; GCN2RXN(GCN) ; $$ Public - Get RxNorm CUI using GCN ; Input: GCN by Value ; Output: Extrinsic S GCN=$$RJ^XLFSTR(GCN,6,0) ; pad to six digits by zeros (123 becomes 000123) N IEN S IEN=$O(^C0CRXN(176.001,"STC","NDDF","CDC",GCN,"")) ; Get Entry Q ^(IEN) ; GCN2RXNT ; @TEST - Test Get RxNorm CUI using GCN N L F L=1:1 N LN S LN=$T(GCN2RXND+L) Q:LN["<>" Q:LN="" D . N GCN S GCN=$P(LN,";",3) . N RXN S RXN=$P(LN,";",4) . D CHKEQ^XTMUNIT($$GCN2RXN(GCN),RXN,"Translation from GCN to RXCUI failed") QUIT ; GCN2RXND ; @DATA - Data for Tests ;;GCN;EXPECTED RXNCUI ;;16033;991632 ;;8208;310429 ;;1275;628953 ;;18;197604 ;;346;884173 ;;<> ; ; ; RXN2VUI(RXNCUI) ; $$ Public - Get VUID(s) for given RXNCUI for Clinical Drug ; Input: RXNCUI by Value ; Output: Caret delimited extrinsic. Should not be more than 2 entries. N C0PVUID S C0PVUID="" N I S I="" F S I=$O(^C0CRXN(176.001,"STX","VANDF","CD",RXNCUI,I)) Q:I="" S C0PVUID=C0PVUID_^(I)_U S C0PVUID=$E(C0PVUID,1,$L(C0PVUID)-1) ; remove trailing ^ ; TODO: Return only the quantified form using: ; I $O(^C0CRXN(176.005,"RXCUIREL",RXN,"has_quantified_form","")) N QF S QF=$O(^("")) Q $O(^C0CRXN(176.001,"RXN2VUID",QF,"")) Q C0PVUID ; RXN2VUIT ; @TEST - Get VUIDs given RxNorm values N L F L=1:1 N LN S LN=$T(RXN2VUID+L) Q:LN["<>" Q:LN="" D . N RXN S RXN=$P(LN,";",3) . N VUIDS S VUIDS=$P(LN,";",4) . D CHKEQ^XTMUNIT($$RXN2VUI(RXN),VUIDS,"Translation from RXNCUI to VUID failed") QUIT ; RXN2VUID ; @DATA - Data items for previous test ;;991632;4006455 ;;310429;4002369^4013941 ;;628953;4000874^4000856^4013966^4015798^4015799 ;;197604;4003335^4015937 ;;884173;4002469^4013919 ;;<> ; ; ; VUI2VAP(VUID) ; $$ Public - Get VA Product IEN from VUID ; Input VUID by Value ; Output: Extrinsic Q $$FIND1^DIC(50.68,"","QX",VUID,"AVUID") ; VUI2VAPT ; @TEST - Get VA Product IEN from VUID N L F L=1:1 N LN S LN=$T(VUI2VAPD+L) Q:LN["<>" Q:LN="" D . N VUID S VUID=$P(LN,";",3) . N VAP S VAP=$P(LN,";",4) . D CHKEQ^XTMUNIT($$VUI2VAP(VUID),VAP,"Translation from VUID to VA PRODUCT failed") QUIT ; VUI2VAPD ; @DATA - Data for above test ;;4006455;5932 ;;4002369;1784 ;;4000874;252 ;;4003335;2756 ;;4002469;1884 ;;<> ; ; ; VAP2MED(VAPROD) ; $$ Public - Get Drug(s) using VA Product IEN ; Un-Unit-testable: Drug files differ between sites. ; Input: VA Product IEN By Value ; OUtput: Caret delimited extrinsic ; This code inspired from PSNAPIs ; WHY THE HELL WOULD I USE A TEXT INDEX? ; It's my only option. Creating new xrefs on the drug file doesn't help ; as they are not filled out when adding a drug (IX[ALL]^DIK isn't called). N MEDS S MEDS="" ; result N PN,PN1 ; Product Name, abbreviated product name. S PN=$P(^PSNDF(50.68,VAPROD,0),"^"),PN1=$E(PN,1,30) N P50 S P50=0 ; looper through VAPN index which is DRUG file entry F S P50=$O(^PSDRUG("VAPN",PN1,P50)) Q:'P50 D ; for each text match . I $P(^PSDRUG(P50,"ND"),"^",3)=VAPROD S MEDS=$G(MEDS)_P50_U ; check that the VA PRODUCT pointer is the same as ours. S:MEDS MEDS=$E(MEDS,1,$L(MEDS)-1) ; remove trailing ^ Q MEDS ; ; RXN2MEDS(RXNCUI) ; $$ Public - Convert RxNorm value to currently existing drugs in File 50. ; Input: SCD RXNCUI ; Output; Caret delimited extrinsic ; Un-unit testable N VUIDS S VUIDS=$$RXN2VUI(RXNCUI) ; Get VUID from RXNCUI ; TODO: Decide which VUID to use! N VAPROD S VAPROD=$$VUI2VAP(VUIDS) ; Get VA Product from VUID N MEDS S MEDS=$$VAP2MED(VAPROD) ; Get Meds from VA Product QUIT MEDS ; FDI2RXN(BASE) ; $$ Public - Get RxNorm CUI for FDB Ingredient/Base ; ^C0CRXN(176.001,"STC","NDDF","IN","014739",1000870)=1362160 ; Input: BASE By Value ; Output: RxNorm CUI S BASE=$$RJ^XLFSTR(BASE,6,0) ; pad to six digits by zeros (123 becomes 000123) N IEN S IEN=$O(^C0CRXN(176.001,"STC","NDDF","IN",BASE,"")) Q ^(IEN) ; FDI2RXNT ; @TEST - Test Get RxNorm CUI for FDB Ingredient/Base D CHKEQ^XTMUNIT($$FDI2RXN(14739),1362160,"$$FDI2RXN failed") QUIT ; ; ; RXN2VIN(RXNCUI) ; $$ Public - Get VUID Ingredient for RxNorm CUI ; ^C0CRXN(176.001,"STX","VANDF","IN",1366467,1008555)=4031768 ; Input: RXNCUI By Value ; Output: VUID N IEN S IEN=$O(^C0CRXN(176.001,"STX","VANDF","IN",RXNCUI,"")) Q ^(IEN) ; RXN2VINT ; @TEST - Test Get VUID Ingredient for RxNorm CUI D CHKEQ^XTMUNIT($$RXN2VIN(1366467),4031768,"$$RXN2VIN failed") QUIT ; ; ; VIN2VAG(VUID) ; $$ Public - Get VA Generic for VUID Ingredient ; Input: VUID By Value ; Output: IEN^VA Generic Name (i.e. .01 field value) N C0PIEN S C0PIEN=$$FIND1^DIC(50.6,"","QX",VUID,"AVUID") N C0P01 S C0P01=$$GET1^DIQ(50.6,C0PIEN,.01) Q C0PIEN_"^"_C0P01 ; VIN2VAGT ; @TEST - Test Get VA Generic for VUID Ingredient D CHKEQ^XTMUNIT(+$$VIN2VAG(4023636),2832,"$$VIN2VAG failed") QUIT ; ; ; FDI2VAG(BASE) ; $$ Public - Get VA Generic for FDB Ingredient/Base ; TODO:Not tested... ; Input: BASE By Value ; Output: IEN^VA Generic Name (i.e. .01 field value) Q $$VIN2VAG($$RXN2VIN($$FDI2RXN(BASE))) ; VIN2DIN(VUID) ; $$ Public - Get Drug Ingredient for VUID Ingredient ; TODO:Not tested... ; Input: VUID By Value ; Output: IEN^Drug Ingredient Name (i.e. .01 field value) N C0PIEN S C0PIEN=$$FIND1^DIC(50.416,"","QX",VUID,"AVUID") N C0P01 S C0P01=$$GET1^DIQ(50.416,C0PIEN,.01) Q C0PIEN_"^"_C0P01 ; FDI2DIN(BASE) ; $$ Public - Get Drug Ingredient for FDB Ingredient/Base ; TODO:Not tested... ; Input: BASE By Value ; Output: IEN^Drug Ingredient Name (i.e. .01 field value) Q $$VIN2DIN($$RXN2VIN($$FDI2RXN(BASE))) ; VUI2RXN(VUID) ; $$ Public - Get RXNCUI for VUID (any VUID type) ; Input: VUID By Value ; Output: RXNCUIs delimited by ^ ; Get all entries whose code is the VUID and are in the VA NDF which are clinical drugs D FIND^DIC(176.001,,"@;.01","PQX",VUID,,"CODE","I $P(^(0),U,12,13)=""VANDF^CD""") ; Deserialise it into a single string ; ^TMP("DILIST",4844,0)="1^*^0^" ; ^TMP("DILIST",4844,0,"MAP")="IEN^.01" ; ^TMP("DILIST",4844,1,0)="1006351^1364462" N RXNS S RXNS="" N I F I=0:0 S I=$O(^TMP("DILIST",$J,I)) Q:'I S RXNS=RXNS_$P(^(I,0),U,2)_U S RXNS=$E(RXNS,1,$L(RXNS)-1) QUIT RXNS ; MED2RXN(DA) ; $$ Public - Get RxNorm CUI for Drug ; Input: DA - Medication IEN ; Output: RXNCUIs delimited by ^ N ND S ND=$G(^PSDRUG(DA,"ND")) ; ND Node N VAP S VAP=$P(ND,U,3) ; VA Product Pointer Q:'VAP "" ; quit if empty N VUID S VUID=+^PSNDF(50.68,VAP,"VUID") ; Get VUID I 'VUID S $EC=",U1," ; Must exist Q $$VUI2RXN(VUID) ; MED2SCDN(DA) ; $$ Public - Medication to Semantic Clinical Drug Name ; Input: DA - Medication IEN ; Output: The Canonical Semantic Clinical Drug name N RXNCUI S RXNCUI=$$MED2RXN(DA) Q:'RXNCUI "" N IEN S IEN=$O(^C0CRXN(176.001,"STC","RXNORM","SCD",RXNCUI,"")) ; Let's try generic drug I 'IEN S IEN=$O(^C0CRXN(176.001,"STC","RXNORM","SBD",RXNCUI,"")) ; Let's try non-bioequivalent Brands then I 'IEN S IEN=$O(^C0CRXN(176.001,"STC","RXNORM","GPCK",RXNCUI,"")) ; Let's try a Generic combination package I 'IEN S IEN=$O(^C0CRXN(176.001,"STC","RXNORM","SCDF",RXNCUI,"")) ; Let's try a Clinical Drug and Form (Like Metamucil) Q:'IEN "" ; Apparently not every VUID has a corresponding RXNCUI SCD. Q $P(^C0CRXN(176.001,IEN,0),U,15) ; RXN2NDI(RXNCUI) ; $$ Public - Get NDDF Ingredient for RXNCUI ; Input: RXNCUI By Value ; Output: NDDF Base code ; TODO:Not tested... N IEN S IEN=$O(^C0CRXN(176.001,"STX","NDDF","IN",RXNCUI,"")) Q ^(IEN) ; VIN2NDI(VUID) ; $$ Public - Get NDDF Ingredient for VUID ; NB: WILL ONLY WORK IF VUID IS AN INGREDIENT VUID, NOT A CLINICAL DRUG ; Input: VUID By Value ; Output: NDDF Base code ; TODO:Not tested... Q $$RXN2NDI($$VUI2RXN(VUID)) ; ; --- ; NDC2RXN(NDC) ; $$ Public - Get RxCUI given the NDC ; NB: Will only work if passed NDC is in 5-4-2 format. ; Input: NDC By Value in 5-4-2 Format ; Output: RxNorm Code. S NDC=$TR(NDC,"-") N IEN S IEN=$O(^C0CRXN(176.002,"ASAA","RXNORM","NDC",NDC,"")) Q ^(IEN) ; NDC2RXNT ; @TEST - Test Get RxCUI given the NDC D CHKEQ^XTMUNIT($$NDC2RXN("30142-0917-71"),198439,"$$NDC2RXN failed") QUIT ; ; --- ; ISBRAND(RXN) ; $$ Public - Is this RxCUI for a brand drug? ; Input: RxCUI ; Output: 0 or 1 Q ''$D(^C0CRXN(176.001,"STC","RXNORM","SBD",RXN)) ISBRANDT ; @TEST - Test Is this RxCUI for a brand drug? D CHKEQ^XTMUNIT($$ISBRAND(205535),1,"$$ISBRAND failed") ; Brand Prozac D CHKEQ^XTMUNIT($$ISBRAND(310384),0,"$$ISBRAND failed") ; Generic Fluoxetine QUIT ; ; --- ; BR2GEN(RXN) ; $$ Public - Convert Brand RxCUI to Generic RxCUI (many to 1) ; Input: RxCUI of Brand ; Output: RxCUI of Generic Q $O(^C0CRXN(176.005,"B",RXN,"has_tradename","")) BR2GENT ; @TEST - Test Convert Brand RxCUI to Generic RxCUI (many to 1) D CHKEQ^XTMUNIT($$BR2GEN(205535),310384,"$$BR2GEN failed") QUIT ; ; --- ; GEN2BR(RXN) ; $$ Public - Convert Generic RxCUI to Brand RxCUIs (1 to many). N RTN S RTN="" ; Return N I S I="" F S I=$O(^C0CRXN(176.005,"B",RXN,"tradename_of",I)) Q:'I S RTN=RTN_I_U S RTN=$E(RTN,1,$L(RTN)-1) Q RTN ; GEN2BRT ; @TEST - Test Convert Generic RxCUI to Brand RxCUIs (1 to many). D CHKTF^XTMUNIT($$GEN2BR(310384)[205535,"$$GEN2BR failed") QUIT ; ; --- ; RXN2BNS(RXN) ; $$ Public - Get all Brand Names associated with an RXN N BNS S BNS="" I $$ISBRAND(RXN) S RXN=$$BR2GEN(RXN) N ALLBN S ALLBN=$$GEN2BR(RXN) N BNNO F BNNO=1:1:$L(ALLBN,U) D . N EACHBN S EACHBN=$P(ALLBN,U,BNNO) . N BNRXCUI S BNRXCUI=$O(^C0CRXN(176.005,"B",EACHBN,"ingredient_of","")) . Q:BNRXCUI="" . N BNIEN S BNIEN=$O(^C0CRXN(176.001,"B",BNRXCUI,"")) . S BNS=BNS_$P(^C0CRXN(176.001,BNIEN,0),U,15)_U QUIT $E(BNS,1,$L(BNS)-1) RXN2BNST ; @TEST - Test Get all Brand Names associated with an RXN D CHKTF^XTMUNIT($$RXN2BNS(205535)["Prozac","$$RXN2BNS failed") QUIT