C0CRXNAD ; VEN/SMH - Add a drug to VISTA from RxNorm;2013-04-19 5:39 PM ;;2.5;RXNORM FOR VISTA;;Apr 27, 2016;Build 17 ; (C) 2016 Sam Habiel ; N X R "Enter GCNSEQNO (with leading zeros): ",X:DTIME,! E QUIT I X="" QUIT I X="^" QUIT N URL S URL="https://rxnav.nlm.nih.gov/REST/rxcui.json?idtype=GCN_SEQNO&id="_X K ^TMP("C0CJSON",$J),^TMP("C0CARR1",$J) N STATUS S STATUS=$$GETURL^XTHC10(URL,1,$NA(^TMP("C0CJSON",$J))) I +STATUS'=200 W "ERROR",! QUIT D DECODE^VPRJSON($NA(^TMP("C0CJSON",$J)),$NA(^TMP("C0CARR1",$J))) N I F I=0:0 S I=$O(^TMP("C0CARR1",$J,"idGroup","rxnormId",I)) Q:'I D . N RXN S RXN=^TMP("C0CARR1",$J,"idGroup","rxnormId",I) . S URL="https://rxnav.nlm.nih.gov/REST/rxcui/{RXN}/property.json?propName=VUID" . N % S %("{RXN}")=RXN . S URL=$$REPLACE^XLFSTR(URL,.%) . K ^TMP("C0CJSON",$J),^TMP("C0CARR2",$J) . N STATUS S STATUS=$$GETURL^XTHC10(URL,1,$NA(^TMP("C0CJSON",$J))) . D DECODE^VPRJSON($NA(^TMP("C0CJSON",$J)),$NA(^TMP("C0CARR2",$J))) . N DONE S DONE=0 . N J F J=0:0 S J=$O(^TMP("C0CARR2",$J,"propConceptGroup","propConcept",J)) Q:'J D Q:DONE .. N VAPRDVUID S VAPRDVUID=^TMP("C0CARR2",$J,"propConceptGroup","propConcept",J,"propValue") .. S DONE=$$ADDDRUG2(RXN,VAPRDVUID) QUIT ; ADDDRUG(RXN,NDC,BARCODE) ; Public Proc; Add Drug to Drug File ; Input: RXN - RxNorm Semantic Clinical Drug CUI by Value. Required. ; Input: NDC - Drug NDC by Value. Optional. Pass in 11 digit format without dashes. ; Input: BARCODE - Wand Barcode. Optional. Pass exactly as wand reads minus control characters. ; Output: Internal Entry Number ; ; Prelim Checks I '$G(RXN) S $EC=",U1," ; Required I $L($G(NDC)),$L(NDC)'=11 S $EC=",U1," ; ; If RXN refers to a brand drug, get the generic instead. I $$ISBRAND^C0CRXNLK(RXN) S RXN=$$BR2GEN^C0CRXNLK(RXN) W !,"(debug) RxNorm is "_RXN,! ; ; Get first VUID for this RxNorm drug N VUID S VUID=+$$RXN2VUI^C0CRXNLK(RXN) Q:'VUID G NEXT ADDDRUG2(RXN,VUID) ; NEXT ; N PSSZ S PSSZ=1 ; Needed for the drug file to let me in! ; W "(debug) VUID for RxNorm CUI "_RXN_" is "_VUID,! ; ; IEN in 50.68 N C0XVUID ; For Searching Compound Index S C0XVUID(1)=VUID S C0XVUID(2)=1 N F5068IEN S F5068IEN=$$FIND1^DIC(50.68,"","XQ",.C0XVUID,"AMASTERVUID") Q:'F5068IEN W "F 50.68 IEN (debug): "_F5068IEN,! ; ; FDA Array N C0XFDA ; ; Name, shortened S C0XFDA(50,"+1,",.01)=$E($$GET1^DIQ(50.68,F5068IEN,.01),1,40) ; ; File BarCode as a Synonym for BCMA I $L($G(BARCODE)) D . S C0XFDA(50.1,"+2,+1,",.01)=BARCODE . S C0XFDA(50.1,"+2,+1,",1)="Q" ; ; Brand Names N BNS S BNS="" ; S BNS=$$RXN2BNS^C0CRXNLK(RXN) ; Brands I $L(BNS) N I F I=1:1:$L(BNS,U) D . N IENS S IENS=I+2 . S C0XFDA(50.1,"+"_IENS_",+1,",.01)=$$UP^XLFSTR($E($P(BNS,U,I),1,40)) . S C0XFDA(50.1,"+"_IENS_",+1,",1)="T" ; ; NDC (string) I $G(NDC) S C0XFDA(50,"+1,",31)=$E(NDC,1,5)_"-"_$E(NDC,6,9)_"-"_$E(NDC,10,11) ; ; Dispense Unit (string) S C0XFDA(50,"+1,",14.5)=$$GET1^DIQ(50.68,F5068IEN,"VA DISPENSE UNIT") ; ; National Drug File Entry (pointer to 50.6) S C0XFDA(50,"+1,",20)="`"_$$GET1^DIQ(50.68,F5068IEN,"VA GENERIC NAME","I") ; ; VA Product Name (string) S C0XFDA(50,"+1,",21)=$E($$GET1^DIQ(50.68,F5068IEN,.01),1,70) ; ; PSNDF VA PRODUCT NAME ENTRY (pointer to 50.68) S C0XFDA(50,"+1,",22)="`"_F5068IEN ; ; DEA, SPECIAL HDLG (string) D ; From ^PSNMRG . N CS S CS=$$GET1^DIQ(50.68,F5068IEN,"CS FEDERAL SCHEDULE","I") . S CS=$S(CS?1(1"2n",1"3n"):+CS_"C",+CS=2!(+CS=3)&(CS'["C"):+CS_"A",1:CS) . S C0XFDA(50,"+1,",3)=CS ; ; NATIONAL DRUG CLASS (pointer to 50.605) (triggers VA Classification field) S C0XFDA(50,"+1,",25)="`"_$$GET1^DIQ(50.68,F5068IEN,"PRIMARY VA DRUG CLASS","I") ; ; Right Now, I don't file the following which ^PSNMRG does (cuz I don't need them) ; - Package Size (derived from NDC/UPN file) ; - Package Type (ditto) ; - CMOP ID (from $$PROD2^PSNAPIS) ; - National Formulary Indicator (from 50.68) ; ; Next Step is to kill Old OI if Dosage Form doesn't match ; Won't do that here as it's assumed any drugs that's added is new. ; This happens at ^PSNPSS ; ; Now add drug to drug file, as we need the IEN for the dosages call. N C0XERR,C0XIEN D UPDATE^DIE("E","C0XFDA","C0XIEN","C0XERR") S:$D(C0XERR) $EC=",U1," ; ; Next Step: Kill off old doses and add new ones. D EN2^PSSUTIL(C0XIEN(1)) ; ; Mark uses for the Drug; use the undocumented Silent call in PSSGIU N PSIUDA,PSIUX ; Expected Input variables S PSIUDA=C0XIEN(1),PSIUX="O^Outpatient Pharmacy" D ENS^PSSGIU S PSIUDA=C0XIEN(1),PSIUX="U^Unit Dose" D ENS^PSSGIU S PSIUDA=C0XIEN(1),PSIUX="X^Non-VA Med" D ENS^PSSGIU ; ; Get VA Generic text and VA Product pointer for Orderable Item creation plus dosage form information N VAGENP S VAGENP=$P(^PSDRUG(C0XIEN(1),"ND"),U) ; VA Generic Pointer N VAGEN S VAGEN=$$VAGN^PSNAPIS(VAGENP) ; VA Generic Full name N VAPRODP S VAPRODP=$P(^PSDRUG(C0XIEN(1),"ND"),U,3) ; VA Product Pointer N DOSAGE S DOSAGE=$$PSJDF^PSNAPIS(0,VAPRODP) ; IEN of dose form in 50.606 ^ Text N DOSEPTR S DOSEPTR=$P(DOSAGE,U) ; ditto N DOSEFORM S DOSEFORM=$P(DOSAGE,U,2) ;ditto ; ; Get the (possibly new) Orderable Item Text N VAG40 S VAG40=$E(VAGEN,1,40) ; Max length of .01 field ; ; See if there is an existing orderable item already. If so, populate the Pharmacy Orderable item on drug file. N OI S OI=$O(^PS(50.7,"ADF",VAG40,DOSEPTR,"")) ; ; Otherwise, add a new one. (See MCHAN+12^PSSPOIMN) I 'OI D . N C0XFDA,C0XERR . S C0XFDA(50.7,"+1,",.01)=VAG40 . S C0XFDA(50.7,"+1,",.02)=DOSEPTR . D UPDATE^DIE("",$NA(C0XFDA),$NA(OI),$NA(C0XERR)) . I $D(C0XERR) S $EC=",U1," . S OI=OI(1) ; For ease of use... . ; Next two statements: See FIN^PSSPOIM1 and MF^PSSDEE. . D EN^PSSPOIDT(OI) ; Update Indexes; activations, etc. . D EN2^PSSHL1(OI,"MUP") ; Send HL7 message to CPRS ; ; Finally, add the orderable Item to the drug file. N C0XFDA,C0XERR S C0XFDA(50,C0XIEN(1)_",",2.1)=OI ; Orderable Item D FILE^DIE("",$NA(C0XFDA),$NA(C0XERR)) S:$D(C0XERR) $EC=",U1," ; EX QUIT C0XIEN(1)