1 | #!/bin/bash
2 |
3 | #there are many reads and comments in this document for debugging
4 | #This scipt requires a provider organization file for each provider to be in the directory, and AllM1EncounterCodes.txt,
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 | #cat PAT_100146_QRDA_V1_0_0.xml|grep SSN
9 | #Find out which files to edit and assign them to the variable "MyFile". As you can see, here I loop through particular files in the same directory with this script
10 |
11 | for MyFile in $(ls /home/nancy/CCR-Template/M1-*0.xml)
12 | do
13 |
14 | #cp $MyFile $MyFile"BU"
15 | #Replace where is just says SSN for the patient with the SSN ID HL7 number
16 | #since this is a medicare patient, no privacy violation as that will also appear in the Payer's section
17 |
18 | echo "xml files are in the directory"
19 | read
20 |
21 | #replace the @@@UUID-DOC@@@,@@@UUID-SET@@@ and @@@UUID-PAYER@@@ with UUIDs
22 | #should probably do that in the problem section as well with WV HL7 ID as root and UUID as an extension for now
23 |
24 | VerNum=$(grep versionNumber "$MyFile"|awk -F\" '{print $2}')
25 | echo "$VerNum"
26 |
27 | if [ "1" = "$VerNum" ]
28 | then
29 | #uuid is a Linux command that generates a new uuid
30 | u=$(uuid)
31 | sed -i s/'@@@UUID-DOC@@@'/$u/ $MyFile
32 |
33 | sed -i s/'@@@UUID-SET@@@'/$u/ $MyFile
34 | sed -i s/'@@@UUID-PAYER@@@'/$u/ $MyFile
35 |
36 | else
37 | echo "UUIDs should remain unchanged because this is not the first version of this document"
38 |
39 | fi
40 | echo "replace UUID site markers"
41 | u=""
42 | VerNum=""
43 | read
44 |
45 |
46 | #make sure <state></state> is no longer than two
47 |
48 | echo "Fix the state line length"
49 |
50 | sed -i 's/Alabama/AL/gI' $MyFile
51 | sed -i 's/Alaska/AK/gI' $MyFile
52 | sed -i 's/Arizona/AZ/gI' $MyFile
53 | sed -i 's/Arkansas/AR/gI' $MyFile
54 | sed -i 's/California/CA/gI' $MyFile
55 | sed -i 's/Colorado/CO/gI' $MyFile
56 | sed -i 's/Connecticut/CT/gI' $MyFile
57 | sed -i 's/Delaware/DE/gI' $MyFile
58 | sed -i 's/District of Columbia/DC/gI' $MyFile
59 | sed -i 's/Florida/FL/gI' $MyFile
60 | sed -i 's/Georgia/GA/gI' $MyFile
61 | sed -i 's/Hawaii/HI/gI' $MyFile
62 | sed -i 's/Idaho/ID/gI' $MyFile
63 | sed -i 's/Illinois/IL/gI' $MyFile
64 | sed -i 's/Indiana/IN/gI' $MyFile
65 | sed -i 's/Iowa/IA/gI' $MyFile
66 | sed -i 's/Kansas/KS/gI' $MyFile
67 | sed -i 's/Kentucky/KY/gI' $MyFile
68 | sed -i 's/Louisiana/LA/gI' $MyFile
69 | sed -i 's/Maine/ME/gI' $MyFile
70 | sed -i 's/Maryland/MD/gI' $MyFile
71 | sed -i 's/Massachusetts/MA/gI' $MyFile
72 | sed -i 's/Michigan/MI/gI' $MyFile
73 | sed -i 's/Minnesota/MN/gI' $MyFile
74 | sed -i 's/Mississippi/MS/gI' $MyFile
75 | sed -i 's/Missouri/MO/gI' $MyFile
76 | sed -i 's/Montana/MT/gI' $MyFile
77 | sed -i 's/Nebraska/NE/gI' $MyFile
78 | sed -i 's/Nevada/NV/gI' $MyFile
79 | sed -i 's/New Hampshire/NH/gI' $MyFile
80 | sed -i 's/New Jersey/NJ/gI' $MyFile
81 | sed -i 's/New Mexico/NM/gI' $MyFile
82 | sed -i 's/New York/NY/gI' $MyFile
83 | sed -i 's/North Carolina/NC/gI' $MyFile
84 | sed -i 's/North Dakota/ND/gI' $MyFile
85 | sed -i 's/Ohio/OH/gI' $MyFile
86 | sed -i 's/Oklahoma/OK/gI' $MyFile
87 | sed -i 's/Oregon/OR/gI' $MyFile
88 | sed -i 's/Pennsylvania/PA/gI' $MyFile
89 | sed -i 's/Rhode Island/RI/gI' $MyFile
90 | sed -i 's/South Carolina/SC/gI' $MyFile
91 | sed -i 's/South Dakota/SD/gI' $MyFile
92 | sed -i 's/Tennessee/TN/gI' $MyFile
93 | sed -i 's/Texas/TX/gI' $MyFile
94 | sed -i 's/Utah/UT/gI' $MyFile
95 | sed -i 's/Vermont/VT/gI' $MyFile
96 | sed -i 's/Virginia/VA/gI' $MyFile
97 | sed -i 's/Washington/WA/gI' $MyFile
98 | sed -i 's/West Virginia/WV/'gI $MyFile
99 | sed -i 's/Wisconsin/WI/gI' $MyFile
100 | sed -i 's/Wyoming/WY/gI' $MyFile
101 | sed -i 's/American Samoa/AS/gI' $MyFile
102 | sed -i 's/Guam/GU/gI' $MyFile
103 | sed -i 's/Northern Mariana Islands/MP/gI' $MyFile
104 | sed -i 's/Puerto Rico/PR/gI' $MyFile
105 | sed -i 's/Virgin Islands/VI/gI' $MyFile
106 | sed -i 's/West VA/WV/gI' $MyFile
107 | sed -i 's/N Carolina/NC/gI' $MyFile
108 | sed -i 's/N Dakota/ND/gI' $MyFile
109 | sed -i 's/S Carolina/SC/gI' $MyFile
110 | sed -i 's/S Dakota/SD/gI' $MyFile
111 | sed -i 's/Puerto Rico/PR/gI' $MyFile
112 | sed -i 's/Virgin Islands/VI/gI' $MyFile
113 | sed -i 's/"W. VA"/WV/gI' $MyFile
114 | sed -i 's/"N. Carolina"/NC/gI' $MyFile
115 | sed -i 's/"N. Dakota"/ND/gI' $MyFile
116 | sed -i 's/"S. Carolina"/SC/gI' $MyFile
117 | sed -i 's/"S. Dakota"/SD/gI' $MyFile
118 | sed -i 's/"R.I."/RI/gI' $MyFile
119 |
120 |
121 | #Fix the state entries
122 |
123 | (grep -n '<state>' $MyFile |awk -F\: '{print $1}') >> statetags.txt
124 |
125 | for i in $(cat statetags.txt);
126 | do
127 | StateLineLength=$(sed -n "$i"p "$MyFile" | sed 's/^[ \t]*//' |awk '{print length}')
128 |
129 | echo "StateLineLength is $StateLineLength"
130 | if [ ! "17" = "$StateLineLength" ]
131 | then
132 |
133 | cat -n $MyFile | grep '<state>';echo "$MyFile"
134 | echo "Urgent there is a problem with the <state> tag in $MyFile"
135 | read
136 |
137 | fi
138 | done
139 |
140 | StateLineLength=""
141 | rm -rf statetags.txt #UNCOMMENT THIS!!!
142 |
143 | echo "$MyFile"
144 | a1=$(grep -n \"SSN\" $MyFile | awk -F\" '{print $2}'); echo "$a1"
145 | echo "$a1 is the line with SSN on it"
146 | sed -i s/@@SSN@@/"$a1"/ $MyFile
147 | sed -i 's/SSN/2.16.840.1.113883.4.1/' $MyFile
148 | a1=""
149 |
150 |
151 | echo "SSN code added"
152 | echo "About to start fixing the problem section"
153 | read
154 |
155 |
156 |
157 |
158 |
160 | #Add the added template line after 2.16.840.1.113883.
161 | sed -in /"2.16.840.1.113883."/s/$/"\\n<templateId root=\"2.16.840.1.113883.\"\\/>"/ "$MyFile"
162 | cat -n "$MyFile" | grep ""
163 |
164 | read
166 | #Remove the table in the beginning of the section
167 | ProblemSectionKey=$(grep -n "11450-4" "$MyFile" | awk -F: '{print $1}')
168 | grep -n "2.16.840.1.113883." "$MyFile" | awk -F: '{print $1}' >> Problem27TemplateLines.txt
169 | read
170 | startline="$ProblemSectionKey"
171 | endline="$(head -1 Problem27TemplateLines.txt)"
172 | echo "$startline is startline"
173 | echo "$endline is endline"
174 | cat -n "$MyFile" | grep '<table>'
175 | #Remove the table at the beginning of the problem section but leaves <text/>
176 | sed -in "$startline,$endline{ s/<text>/<text\/>\n<text>/ }" "$MyFile"
177 | sed -in "$startline,$endline{ /<text>/,/<\/text>/d }" "$MyFile"
178 |
179 | # this in an example of one that works
180 | #sed -in "$startline,$endline{ /<table>/,/<\/table>/d }" M1-PAT_100839_QRDA_V1_0_0.xml
181 | cat -n "$MyFile" | grep '<table>'
182 | echo "Done removing the table"
183 | startline=""
184 | endline=""
185 | rm -rf Problem27TemplateLines.txt
186 | rm -rf MyValueLinesInProblems.txt
188 | #Remove <text> </text> section near effectiveTime
189 | read
190 |
191 | index="0"
192 | grep -n "2.16.840.1.113883." $MyFile | awk -F: '{print $1}' >> MyTextLinesKeysProblems.txt
193 | for i in $(cat MyTextLinesKeysProblems.txt);
194 | do
195 | startline="$(($i+$index))"
196 | endline="$(($i+$index+10))"
197 | sed -in "$startline,$endline{ /<text>/,/<\/text>/d }" "$MyFile"
198 | index="$((index-3))"
199 | done
200 | index=""
201 | starline=""
202 | endline=""
203 | rm -rf MyTextLinesKeysProblems.txt
204 | echo "done removing <text>"
205 | read
206 |
208 | #remove the value tags after the 2.16.840.1.113883. enty
209 | index="0"
210 | echo "value Lines in Problems about to be written to screen and then the file"
211 | #grep -n "2.16.840.1.113883." $MyFile | awk -F: '{print $1}'
212 | grep -n "2.16.840.1.113883." $MyFile | awk -F: '{print $1}' >> MyValueLinesInProblems.txt
213 | for i in $(cat MyValueLinesInProblems.txt);
214 | do
215 | startline="$((i+index))"
216 | endline="$(($i+index+8))"
217 | #sed -in "$startline,$endline{ /<value>/,/<\/value>/d }" "$MyFile"
218 | sed -in "$startline,$endline{ /<value>/,/<\/value>/d }" "$MyFile"
219 | echo "a value line was deleted from the $startline area"
220 | index="$((index-3))"
221 | done
222 | index=""
223 | starline=""
224 | endline=""
225 | cat MyValueLinesInProblems.txt
226 | rm -rf MyValueLinesInProblems.txt
227 | echo "done removing bad value lines"
228 | read
229 |
231 |
232 | #Put in a good value line if there are bad ones
233 |
234 | cat -n "$MyFile" | grep "55561003"; echo "greped 55561003"
235 | cat -n "$MyFile" | grep "2.16.840.1.113883.";echo "grepped 2.16.840.1.113883."
236 | cat -n "$MyFile" | grep "2.16.840.1.113883."; echo "grepped 2.16.840.1.113883."
237 | echo " about to add xsi value lines with sed"
238 | read
239 |
240 | #sed -in '/"2.16.840.1.113883."/{n;n;n;s/$/\n<value xsi:type="CE" code="55561003" codeSystem="2.16.840.1. 113883.6.96" displayName="Active" codeSystemName="SNM" \/>/}' "$MyFile"
241 | sed -in '/"2.16.840.1.113883."/{N;N;N;s/$/\n<value xsi:type="CE" code="55561003" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.96" displayName="Active" codeSystemName="SNM" \/>/}' "$MyFile"
242 | #echo "value Lines in Problems about to be written to screen and then the file"
243 | #grep -n "2.16.840.1.113883." $MyFile | awk -F: '{print $1}'
244 | #grep -n "2.16.840.1.113883." $MyFile | awk -F: '{print $1}' >> MyValueLinesInProblems.txt
245 | #for i in $(cat MyValueLinesInProblems.txt)
246 | #do
247 | # sed -in "$i","$((i+6))"p "$MyFile"
248 | #done
249 | #rm -rf MyValueLinesInProblems.txt
250 | echo "done adding good value line"
251 | read
252 |
254 | #Fix the missing xsi:code value lines
255 | #Fix any wrong value elements in the problem section
256 | #I don't think there are any
257 |
258 | #cat MyStatusTemplates.txt
259 | #echo "above checking the MyStatusTemplates.txt file content"
260 | read
261 |
262 | echo "issuing the sed command to delete the buffer"
263 |
264 | sed -e 'd' /home/nancy/CCR-Template/MyFile.txt
265 | read
266 | Startline="$(cat "$MyFile" | grep -n "11450-4" | awk -F: '{print $1}')"
267 | grep -n "2.16.840.1.113883." "$MyFile" | awk -F: '{print $1}' >> MyStatusTemplates.txt
268 | Endline="$(tail -1 MyStatusTemplates.txt)"
269 | cat -n "$MyFile" | grep '<value code'
270 | echo "Endline is $Endline"
271 | echo "startline is $Startline"
272 |
273 | #echo 'about to run the sed -fix the xsi code"
274 | #sed -in "158,401{ s/<value code/<value xsi:type=\"CD\" code/ }" "$MyFile"
275 | sed -in "$Startline,$Endline{ s/<value code/<value xsi:type=\"CD\" code/ }" "$MyFile"
276 | sed -in "$Startline,$Endline{ s/<value displayName/<value xsi:type=\"CD\" displayName/ }" "$MyFile"
277 |
278 | StartLine=""
279 | Endline=""
280 | rm -rf MyStatusTemplates.txt
281 | echo "done checking for bad value lines"
282 | read
283 |
284 |
285 | #Done fixing Problem Section**********
286 |
287 | #Fix that dummy number they gave us with the right entry for Matt or Nancy
288 | echo "if grep -q Nancy $MyFile then"
289 | if grep -q Nancy $MyFile then
290 | then
291 | sed -i 's/6558574524/1558574525/' $MyFile
292 | else
293 | sed -i 's/6558574524/1124022827/' $MyFile
294 | fi
295 |
296 | echo "read change NPIs for Matt and Nancy"
297 | read
298 | #Line adminstrative gender code is on
299 | a=$(grep -n birthTime $MyFile|awk -F: '{print $1}')
300 |
301 | sed -i 's/AdministrativeGender\"\ codeSystem=\"\"/AdministrativeGender\"\ codeSystem=\"2.16.840.1.113883.5.1\"/' $MyFile
302 | #sed -i 's/AdministrativeGender\"\ codeSystem=\"\"/codeSystem=\"2.16.840.1.113883.5.1\"/' $MyFile
303 | #sed -i 's/administrativeGenderCode displayName=\"FEMALE\"/administrativeGenderCode/' $MyFile
304 | #sed -i 's/administrativeGenderCode displayName=\"MALE\"/administrativeGenderCode/' $MyFile
305 |
306 | #now that the adminstrativeGenderCode is fixed, save it in a variable
307 | agc=$(grep AdminstrativeGender $MyFile)
308 |
309 | echo "Moving header including up to birthTime into MyNewFile.xml"
310 | #Send the part of the file up to and including administrativeGenderCode and birthTime to MyNewFile
311 | head -"$a" $MyFile >> MyNewFile.xml
312 |
313 | a=""
314 | agc=""
315 | read
316 | #the race and ethnicity will eventually come from the CCR Social History
317 | #orde needs to be adminGender, birthTIme, race, ethnicity
318 | #Now add the administrative gender
319 |
320 |
321 | #now add the race code line to my new file
322 | #right now everybody is native Hawaiian until we get this fixed!
323 | #Plan to use only the existing VistA codes which match meaningful use
324 | echo '<raceCode code="2076-8" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.104"/>' >> MyNewFile.xml
325 | echo '<ethnicGroupCode code="2186-5" codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.5.50"/>' >> MyNewFile.xml
326 | echo '</patient>' >> MyNewFile.xml
327 |
328 | tail -6 MyNewFile.xml
329 |
330 | #the race and ethnicity that will eventually come from the CCR Social History
331 | echo "fix administrativeGender, birthTime, raceCode and ethnicGroup"
332 | read
333 | #copy the lines with the birthTime and <patient> and into the file in tieir proper place
334 | #by pulling their locatin from the original file relative to the administrativeGenderCode line
335 |
336 |
337 | #The providerOrganization sectiono is missing entrirely so put it in from these hard coded files for Matt and Nancy
338 | #in their proper place right after the </patient tag
339 |
340 | if grep -q Nancy $MyFile
341 | then
342 | cat NancysProviderOranization.txt >> MyNewFile.xml
343 | else
344 | cat MatthewsProviderOranization.txt >> MyNewFile.xml
345 | fi
346 | #this just adds a line feed to MyNewFile.xml
347 | echo >> MyNewFile.xml
348 |
349 | echo "read Provider organizaton added"
350 | read
351 | #put the document beginning with /patientRole until the </participant> tag that is 2 lines after the only incidence of </associated person just before the <documentationOf> into MyNewFile.xml
352 | d=$(grep -n "/patientRole" $MyFile|awk -F: '{print $1}');echo $d
353 | e=$(($d+1));echo $e
354 | f=$(grep -n "/associatedPerson" $MyFile|awk -F: '{print $1}');echo $f
355 | g=$(($f+2));echo $g
356 | cat $MyFile | sed -n $d,$g"p" >> MyNewFile.xml
357 | #now add in the </patient role and </recordTarget>
358 | echo "read /patientRole to /participant Person added"
359 | read
360 | #now add the documentation of pulling the data from the encounter procedures later in the document. Searches for Encounters that are
361 | #appropriate for the measure which will be in Encounter.txt
362 |
363 | #!!!!ADD MATT HERE
364 | for i in $(cat AllM1EncounterCodes.txt);
365 | do
366 | echo $i
367 | if grep -q $i $MyFile
368 | then
369 | echo $(grep -n $i $MyFile | awk -F: '{print $1}') >> Encounters.txt
370 | fi
371 | done
372 | cat Encounters.txt
373 | for i in $(cat Encounters.txt);
374 | do
375 | echo
376 | echo "<documentationOf>" >> MyNewFile.xml
377 | echo "<serviceEvent>" >> MyNewFile.xml
378 | cat $MyFile | sed -n $i"p" >> MyNewFile.xml
379 | x=$(($i+5)); echo $x
380 | y=$(($i+8)); echo $y
381 | echo "sed -n "$x","$y"p >> MyNewFile.xml"
382 | cat "$MyFile" | sed -n "$x","$y"p >> MyNewFile.xml
383 | cat EndDocumentationOfSectionNancy.txt >> MyNewFile.xml
384 | #added a line feed
385 | echo >> MyNewFile.xml
386 | #for testing
387 | tail MyNewFile.xml
388 |
389 | done
390 | rm -rf Encounters.txt
391 | y=""
392 | x=""
393 |
394 | echo "read documentationOf added and each section of that tailed -10"
395 | read
396 | #takes the low value date and puts it in the high value if the the is a nullFlavor there and it also corrects the dates by adding a 0
397 | #in the 5th digit position if the date is 7 long instead of 8 and a zero in the 5th and next to the last position if the date is 6 long (ie,too short in either the low or high value) The latter is fixed now so it can be trimmed out - soon All dates and times are 8 or more
398 | echo "<component>" >> MyNewFile.xml
399 | p=$(grep -n '<structuredBody>' $MyFile | awk -F: '{print $1}')
400 | q=$(grep -n '</ClinicalDocument>' $MyFile | awk -F: '{print $1}')
401 | cat "$MyFile" | sed -n "$p","$q"p >> MyNewFile.xml
402 | # take out <high nullFlavor="UNK"/> and replace it with the same value that is in low value everywhere it appears
403 |
404 | grep -n '<high nullFlavor="UNK"/>' MyNewFile.xml | awk -F: '{print $1}' >> NullFlavorTimes.txt
405 | #NullFlavorTimes.txt has the line numbers
406 | for i in $(cat NullFlavorTimes.txt);
407 | do
408 | #low value is one line above the high value with the nullFlavor, so get the date as it is
409 | l=$(($i-1));echo $l
410 | m=$(sed -n "$l"p MyNewFile.xml)
411 | n=$(echo "$m" | awk -F\" '{print $2}')
412 | u=$(echo "${#n}")
413 | #fixes the date in low value if it is 7 long
414 | if [ $u = 7 ]
415 | then
416 | v=$(echo $n |cut -c1-4)
417 | w=$(echo $n |cut -c5-7)
418 | j=$(echo $v"0"$w);echo $n
419 | sed -i "$l"s/"$n"/"$j"/ MyNewFile.xml
420 | n="$j"
421 | #fixes the date if it is 6 long
422 | elif [ $u = 6 ]
423 | then
424 | v=$(echo $n |cut -c1-4)
425 | w=$(echo $n |cut -c5)
426 | x=$(echo $n |cut -c6)
427 | j=$(echo $v"0"$w"0"$x);echo $n
428 | sed -i "$l"s/"$n"/"$j"/ MyNewFile.xml
429 | n="$j"
430 | fi
431 | #now puts the low value corrected date in the high value
432 | o="value="\""$n"\"""
433 | echo $o
434 | echo $i
435 | #echo "sed -i "$i"s/nullFlavor=\"UNK\"/$o/ MyNewFile.xml"
436 | sed -i "$i"s/'nullFlavor=\"UNK\"'/"$o"/ MyNewFile.xml
437 | done
438 | rm -rf NullFlavorTimes.txt
439 |
440 | l=""
441 | m=""
442 | n=""
443 | u=""
444 | v=""
445 | w=""
446 | j=""
447 | o=""
448 | i=""
449 | echo "read NullFlavorTimes Fixed"
450 | #
451 | read
452 |
453 |
454 | #Remove all of the sections that are not for M1 which begin 2 lines before the PQRI-2 entry and end 2 lines before the reporting parameters code entry 55187.9 This section to be developed
455 |
456 |
457 |
458 | #Now remove the Procedures section from the M1 report as the procedures are not in the downloadable resource table. Need to find the code 47519-4 and delete the whole component that begins with <component> and and goes to the </component> immediately after the code line.47519-4 is the code for the procedures section
459 | if grep -q "47519-4" MyNewFile.xml
460 | then
461 | #Sets a to the line number with the code in it
462 | LineNum="$(grep -n "47519-4" MyNewFile.xml|awk -F: '{print $1}')"
463 | echo "$LineNum"
464 |
465 |
466 | #about two lines above line with 47519-4 in it is a line that is just <component>. Go backward one line at a time and find the line number of that line which is set to a1
467 | #GrepForComponentLineNumber returns $? with 0 is true and 1 is false
468 | #work backwards from LineNum to find the line with <component> in it
469 |
470 | Result="$(sed -n "$LineNum"p MyNewFile.xml | grep -n "<component>";echo $?)"
471 | echo "$Result"
472 | echo "$LineNum"
473 | echo "$(($LineNum-1))"
474 | while [ "1" = "$Result" ];
475 | do
476 | LineNum="$(($LineNum-1))"
477 | echo "$LineNum"
478 | Result="$(sed -n "$LineNum"p MyNewFile.xml | grep -n "<component>";echo $?)"
479 | done
480 |
481 | BeginLineNum="$LineNum"; echo "BeginLineNum is $BeginLineNum"
482 |
483 | #initialize EndLineNum which will ultimately be the line with the ending component tag, </component>
484 | EndLineNum="$(($LineNum+1))"; echo "EndLineNum is $EndLineNum"
485 |
486 | #This is to check the line and if it does not contain </component>, add 1 to EndLineNum and go to the next line and check that one
487 |
488 | Result2="$(sed -n "$EndLineNum"p MyNewFile.xml | grep -n '</component>';echo "$?")"
489 | echo "Result2 is $Result2"
490 | while [ "$Result2" = "1" ];
491 | do
492 | EndLineNum="$(($EndLineNum+1))"
493 | echo "EndLineNum is $EndLineNum"
494 | Result2="$(sed -n "$EndLineNum"p MyNewFile.xml | grep -n '</component>';echo "$?")"
495 | done
496 | echo "Beginning line Number of the Procedure Section is $BeginLineNum"
497 | echo "Ending Line Number of the Procedure Section is $EndLineNum"
498 | #Now delete the procedure section
499 |
500 | sed -in "$BeginLineNum","$EndLineNum"d MyNewFile.xml
501 | fi
502 |
503 | echo "read deleted the procedures section"
504 | read
505 |
506 |
507 | #Replace anything with SNOMED or SNOMED-CT with SNM and replace anything with ICD9CM with I9 and and replace where it says codeSystem="" in the problem list with codeSysetm="2.16.840.1.113883.6.103"
508 | #in lines that contain ICD9CM, replace codeSystem="" with codeSystem="2.16.840.1.113883.6.103"
509 | sed -i '/ICD9CM/s/codeSystem=\"\"/codeSystem=\"2.16.840.1.113883.6.103\"/' MyNewFile.xml
510 | sed -i 's/SNOMED-CT/SNM/' MyNewFile.xml
511 | sed -i 's/ICD9CM/I9/' MyNewFile.xml
512 | sed -i 's/ICD9/I9/' MyNewFile.xml
513 | sed -i 's/SNOMED/SNM/' MyNewFile.xml
514 |
515 |
516 | #Now put out a new file that has the same name as the original with Ver2 at the end which will contain the corrected header
517 | echo "replace the codes with their proper names"
518 | #read
519 |
520 |
521 | cp MyNewFile.xml $(echo $MyFile | echo $(awk -F. '{print $1}')"Ver2.xml")
522 | #mv MyNewFile.xml $(echo $MyFile | echo $(awk -F. '{print $1}')"Ver2.xml")
523 | if grep -q 30954-2 MyNewFile.xml
524 | then
525 | echo "$MyFile contains results" >> FilesWithResults.txt
526 | echo "$MyFile contains results"
527 | fi
528 | rm -rf MyNewFile.xml
529 | rm -rf MyNewFile.xmln
530 | echo "this is the end"
531 | #read
532 | echo "end $MyFile"
533 | done
534 |
535 | echo "read FilesWithResults.txt has the names of files for running the results script"
536 | read
537 | exit