1 | #!/bin/bash
2 | #Takes the $1 argument of the beginning line number, and the
3 | # $2 argument of the element you are looking for
4 | # $3 is the name of the file
5 | LineNumberDownFunction ()
6 | {
7 | echo "arguments are $1 $2 and $3"
8 |
9 | local BeginLineNumber
10 | #BeginLineNumber=""
11 | BeginLineNumber="$1"
12 |
13 | local EndSectionElement
14 | #EndSectionElement=""
15 | EndSectionElement="$2"
16 |
17 | local File
18 | #File=""
19 | File="$3"
20 |
21 | local FoundEndSectionElement
22 | FoundEndSectionElement=""
23 |
24 | local EndLineNum
25 | #EndLineNum=""
26 | local LineNum
27 |
28 | local EndSectionLineNumber
29 | #TestSectionInformation=""
30 | echo "file is $File"
31 | LineNum="$BeginLineNumber"; echo "BeginLineNumber is $BeginLineNumber"
32 | #read
33 | #initialize EndLineNum which will ultimately be the line with the ending component tag, "$EndSectionElement"
34 | EndLineNum="$(($LineNum+1))"; echo "EndLineNum is $EndLineNum"
35 | #This is to check the line and if it does not contain $EndSectionElement, add 1 to EndLineNum and go to the next line and check that one
36 | head -"$EndLineNum" "$File" | tail -1| grep -q "$EndSectionElement" > /dev/null
37 | FoundEndSectionElement="$?"
38 | #FoundEndSectionElement="$(head -"$EndLineNum" "$File" | tail -1| grep -q "$EndSectionElement";echo "$?")"
39 | #FoundEndSectionElement="$(sed -n "$EndLineNum"p "$File" | grep -q "$EndSectionElement";echo "$?")"
40 | echo "FoundEndSectionElement is $FoundEndSectionElement"
41 | #read
42 | while [ "$FoundEndSectionElement" = "1" ];
43 | do
44 | EndLineNum="$(($EndLineNum+1))"
45 | echo "EndLineNum is $EndLineNum"
46 | # echo "$(head -"$EndLineNum" "$File" | tail -1)"
47 | head -"$EndLineNum" "$File" | tail -1 | grep -q "$EndSectionElement"
48 | FoundEndSectionElement="$?"
49 | #FoundEndSectionElement="$(head -"$EndLineNum" "$File" | tail -1 | grep -q "$EndSectionElement";echo "$?")"
50 | echo "FoundEndSectionElement is $FoundEndSectionElement and the EndSectionElement is $EndSectionElement and current line being tested is $EndLineNum"
51 | done
52 | echo "Beginning line Number of the Section is $BeginLineNumber"
53 | EndSectionLineNumber="$EndLineNum"
54 | echo "Ending Line Number of the Section is $EndSectionLineNumber"
55 |
56 | TestSectionInformation=$(echo "$BeginLineNumber:$EndSectionLineNumber:$EndSectionElement:$File")
57 | echo "end LineNumberDownFunction"
58 |
59 | }