source: cprs/branches/GUI-config/BDK32/SharedBrokerDebugger/fSharedBrokerDebugger.dfm@ 1761

Last change on this file since 1761 was 476, checked in by Kevin Toppenberg, 16 years ago

New WorldVistA Config Utility

File size: 4.0 KB
[476]1object frmSharedBrokerDebugger: TfrmSharedBrokerDebugger
2 Left = 146
3 Top = 0
4 Width = 639
5 Height = 571
6 Caption = 'SharedRPCBroker Debugger'
7 Color = clBtnFace
8 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
9 Font.Color = clWindowText
10 Font.Height = -11
11 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
12 Font.Style = []
13 Menu = MainMenu1
14 OldCreateOrder = False
15 OnCreate = FormCreate
16 OnDestroy = FormDestroy
17 PixelsPerInch = 96
18 TextHeight = 13
19 object Label1: TLabel
20 Left = 16
21 Top = 16
22 Width = 139
23 Height = 13
24 Caption = 'Current Shared Broker Clients'
25 end
26 object Label2: TLabel
27 Left = 16
28 Top = 200
29 Width = 126
30 Height = 13
31 Caption = 'Actual Broker Connections'
32 end
33 object Label3: TLabel
34 Left = 16
35 Top = 328
36 Width = 109
37 Height = 13
38 Caption = 'Client Connections Log'
39 end
40 object lblMaxRPCEntries: TLabel
41 Left = 328
42 Top = 16
43 Width = 80
44 Height = 13
45 Caption = '&Max RPC Entries'
46 end
47 object Label4: TLabel
48 Left = 160
49 Top = 16
50 Width = 152
51 Height = 13
52 Caption = 'Check a box to view RPCs'
53 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
54 Font.Color = clWindowText
55 Font.Height = -11
56 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
57 Font.Style = [fsBold]
58 ParentFont = False
59 end
60 object Label5: TLabel
61 Left = 176
62 Top = 200
63 Width = 235
64 Height = 13
65 Caption = 'Check a box to view RPCs and their data'
66 Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
67 Font.Color = clWindowText
68 Font.Height = -11
69 Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
70 Font.Style = [fsBold]
71 ParentFont = False
72 end
73 object btnExit: TButton
74 Left = 278
75 Top = 492
76 Width = 75
77 Height = 25
78 Caption = 'E&xit'
79 TabOrder = 6
80 OnClick = btnExitClick
81 end
82 object EnableRpcCallLogForAllClientsCheckBox: TCheckBox
83 Left = 480
84 Top = 16
85 Width = 129
86 Height = 17
87 Alignment = taLeftJustify
88 Caption = '&Enable RPC Call Log'
89 Checked = True
90 State = cbChecked
91 TabOrder = 2
92 end
93 object CurrentClientsCheckedListBox: TCheckListBox
94 Left = 16
95 Top = 32
96 Width = 593
97 Height = 161
98 OnClickCheck = CurrentClientsCheckedListBoxClickCheck
99 ItemHeight = 13
100 TabOrder = 3
101 end
102 object actualBrokerConnectionsCheckedListBox: TCheckListBox
103 Left = 16
104 Top = 216
105 Width = 593
106 Height = 105
107 OnClickCheck = actualBrokerConnectionsCheckedListBoxClickCheck
108 ItemHeight = 13
109 TabOrder = 4
110 end
111 object RpcCallLogListBox: TListBox
112 Left = 520
113 Top = 456
114 Width = 65
115 Height = 57
116 TabStop = False
117 ItemHeight = 13
118 TabOrder = 0
119 Visible = False
120 end
121 object maxAllClientRpcLogEntriesNumericUpDown: TEdit
122 Left = 416
123 Top = 8
124 Width = 41
125 Height = 21
126 TabOrder = 1
127 Text = '100'
128 end
129 object UpDown1: TUpDown
130 Left = 457
131 Top = 8
132 Width = 15
133 Height = 21
134 Associate = maxAllClientRpcLogEntriesNumericUpDown
135 Min = 0
136 Position = 100
137 TabOrder = 7
138 Wrap = False
139 end
140 object clientConnectionsLogRichTextBox: TRichEdit
141 Left = 16
142 Top = 344
143 Width = 593
144 Height = 137
145 Lines.Strings = (
146 '')
147 TabOrder = 5
148 end
149 object mVistaSession: TSharedBroker
150 AutoConnect = False
151 ConnectKind = ckRunningOrNew
152 Left = 56
153 Top = 488
154 end
155 object MainMenu1: TMainMenu
156 Left = 120
157 Top = 496
158 object File1: TMenuItem
159 Caption = '&File'
160 object Exit1: TMenuItem
161 Caption = 'E&xit'
162 OnClick = Exit1Click
163 end
164 end
165 object Edit1: TMenuItem
166 Caption = '&Edit'
167 object CopyConnectionsLogToClipboard1: TMenuItem
168 Caption = '&Copy Connections Log To Clipboard'
169 OnClick = CopyConnectionsLogToClipboard1Click
170 end
171 end
172 object Help1: TMenuItem
173 Caption = '&Help'
174 object About1: TMenuItem
175 Caption = '&About'
176 OnClick = About1Click
177 end
178 end
179 end
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