[476] | 1 | unit ORCtrls; // Oct 26, 1997 @ 10:00am
| 2 |
| 3 | // To Do: eliminate topindex itemtip on mousedown (seen when choosing clinic pts)
| 4 |
| 5 | interface // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 6 |
| 7 | uses Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, StdCtrls, Forms,
| 8 | ComCtrls, Commctrl, Buttons, ExtCtrls, Grids, ImgList, Menus, CheckLst,
| 9 | Accessibility_TLB, Variants;
| 10 |
| 11 | const
| 12 | UM_SHOWTIP = (WM_USER + 9436); // message id to display item tip **was 300
| 13 | UM_GOTFOCUS = (WM_USER + 9437); // message to post when combo gets focus **was 301
| 14 | MAX_TABS = 40; // maximum number of tab stops or pieces
| 15 | LL_REVERSE = -1; // long list scrolling in reverse direction
| 16 | LL_POSITION = 0; // long list thumb moved
| 17 | LL_FORWARD = 1; // long list scrolling in forward direction
| 18 | LLS_LINE = '^____________________________________________________________________________';
| 19 | LLS_DASH = '^----------------------------------------------------------------------------';
| 20 | LLS_SPACE = '^ ';
| 21 |
| 22 | type
| 23 | TORComboBox = class; // forward declaration for FParentCombo
| 24 |
| 25 | TTranslator = function (MString: string): string of object;
| 26 |
| 27 | TORStrings = class(TStrings)
| 28 | private
| 29 | MList: TStringList;
| 30 | FPlainText: TStrings;
| 31 | FTranslator: TTranslator;
| 32 | FVerification: boolean;
| 33 | procedure Verify;
| 34 | protected
| 35 | function Get( index:integer): string; override;
| 36 | function GetCount: integer; override;
| 37 | function GetObject(index:integer): TObject; override;
| 38 | procedure Put(Index: Integer; const S: string); override;
| 39 | procedure PutObject(index:integer; Value: TObject); override;
| 40 | procedure SetUpdateState( Value: boolean); override;
| 41 | public
| 42 | function Add(const S: string): integer; override;
| 43 | constructor Create(PlainText: TStrings; Translator: TTranslator);
| 44 | destructor Destroy; override;
| 45 | procedure Clear; override;
| 46 | procedure Delete( index: integer); override;
| 47 | procedure Insert(Index: Integer; const S: string); override;
| 48 | function IndexOf(const S: string): Integer; override;
| 49 | property PlainText: TStrings read FPlainText;
| 50 | property Translator: TTranslator read FTranslator;
| 51 | property Verification: boolean read FVerification write FVerification;
| 52 | end;
| 53 |
| 54 | TORDirection = -1..1; // for compatibility, type is now integer
| 55 | TORNeedDataEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: string;
| 56 | Direction, InsertAt: Integer) of object;
| 57 | TORBeforeDrawEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Index: Integer; Rect: TRect;
| 58 | State: TOwnerDrawState) of object;
| 59 | TORItemNotifyEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Index: integer) of object;
| 60 | TORCheckComboTextEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; NumChecked: integer; var Text: string) of object;
| 61 | TORSynonymCheckEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const Text: string;
| 62 | var IsSynonym: boolean) of object;
| 63 |
| 64 | PItemRec = ^TItemRec;
| 65 | TItemRec = record
| 66 | Reference: Variant; // variant value associated with item
| 67 | UserObject: TObject; // Objects[n] property of listbox item
| 68 | CheckedState: TCheckBoxState; // Used to indicate check box values
| 69 | end;
| 70 |
| 71 | TORListBox = class(TListBox)
| 72 | private
| 73 | FFocusIndex: Integer; // item with focus when using navigation keys
| 74 | FLargeChange: Integer; // visible items less one
| 75 | FTipItem: Integer; // item currently displaying ItemTip
| 76 | FItemTipActive: Boolean; // used to delay appearance of the ItemTip
| 77 | FItemTipColor: TColor; // background color for ItemTip window
| 78 | FItemTipEnable: Boolean; // allows display of ItemTips over items
| 79 | FLastMouseX: Integer; // mouse X position on last MouseMove event
| 80 | FLastMouseY: Integer; // mouse Y position on last MouseMove event
| 81 | FLastItemIndex: Integer; // used for the OnChange event
| 82 | FFromSelf: Boolean; // true if listbox message sent from this unit
| 83 | FDelimiter: Char; // delimiter used by Pieces property
| 84 | FWhiteSpace: Char; // may be space or tab (between pieces)
| 85 | FTabPosInPixels: boolean; // determines if TabPosition is Pixels or Chars
| 86 | FTabPos: array[0..MAX_TABS] of Integer; // character based positions of tab stops
| 87 | FTabPix: array[0..MAX_TABS] of Integer; // pixel positions of tab stops
| 88 | FPieces: array[0..MAX_TABS] of Integer; // pieces that should be displayed for item
| 89 | FLongList: Boolean; // if true, enables special LongList properties
| 90 | FScrollBar: TScrollBar; // scrollbar used when in LongList mode
| 91 | FFirstLoad: Boolean; // true if NeedData has never been called
| 92 | FFromNeedData: Boolean; // true means items added to LongList part
| 93 | FDataAdded: Boolean; // true if items added during NeedData call
| 94 | FCurrentTop: Integer; // TopIndex, changes when inserting to LongList
| 95 | FWaterMark: Integer; // first LongList item after the short list
| 96 | FDirection: Integer; // direction of the current NeedData call
| 97 | FInsertAt: Integer; // insert point for the current NeedData call
| 98 | FParentCombo: TORComboBox; // used when listbox is part of dropdown combo
| 99 | FOnChange: TNotifyEvent; // event called when ItemIndex changes
| 100 | FOnNeedData: TORNeedDataEvent; // event called when LongList needs more items
| 101 | FHideSynonyms: boolean; // Hides Synonyms from the list
| 102 | FSynonymChars: string; // Chars a string must contain to be considered a synonym
| 103 | FOnSynonymCheck: TORSynonymCheckEvent; // Event that allows for custom synonym checking
| 104 | FCreatingItem: boolean; // Used by Synonyms to prevent errors when adding new items
| 105 | FCreatingText: string; // Used by Synonyms to prevent errors when adding new items
| 106 | FOnBeforeDraw: TORBeforeDrawEvent; // event called prior to drawing an item
| 107 | FRightClickSelect: boolean; // When true, a right click selects teh item
| 108 | FCheckBoxes: boolean; // When true, list box contains check boxes
| 109 | FFlatCheckBoxes: boolean; // When true, list box check boxes are flat
| 110 | FCheckEntireLine: boolean; // When checked, clicking anywhere on the line checks the checkbox
| 111 | FOnClickCheck: TORItemNotifyEvent; // Event notifying of checkbox change
| 112 | FDontClose: boolean; // Used to keep drop down open when checkboxes
| 113 | FItemsDestroyed: boolean; // Used to make sure items are not destroyed multiple times
| 114 | FAllowGrayed: boolean;
| 115 | FMItems: TORStrings; // Used to save corresponding M strings ("the pieces")
| 116 | FCaption: TStaticText; // Used to supply a title to IAccessible interface
| 117 | FAccessible: IAccessible;
| 118 | FCaseChanged: boolean; // If true, the names are stored in the database as all caps, but loaded and displayed in mixed-case
| 119 | FLookupPiece: integer; // If zero, list look-up comes from display string; if non-zero, indicates which piece of the item needs to be used for list lookup
| 120 | procedure WMGetObject(var Message: TMessage); message WM_GETOBJECT;
| 121 | procedure AdjustScrollBar;
| 122 | procedure CreateScrollBar;
| 123 | procedure FreeScrollBar;
| 124 | function GetDisplayText(Index: Integer): string;
| 125 | function GetItemID: Variant;
| 126 | function GetItemIEN: Int64;
| 127 | function GetPieces: string;
| 128 | function GetReference(Index: Integer): Variant;
| 129 | function GetTabPositions: string;
| 130 | function GetStyle: TListBoxStyle;
| 131 | procedure NeedData(Direction: Integer; StartFrom: string);
| 132 | function PositionThumb: Integer;
| 133 | procedure ResetItems;
| 134 | procedure ScrollTo(Sender: TObject; ScrollCode: TScrollCode; var ScrollPos: Integer);
| 135 | function GetStringIndex(const AString: string): Integer;
| 136 | function SelectString(const AString: string): Integer;
| 137 | procedure SetCheckBoxes(const Value: boolean);
| 138 | procedure SetDelimiter(Value: Char);
| 139 | procedure SetFlatCheckBoxes(const Value: boolean);
| 140 | procedure SetFocusIndex(Value: Integer);
| 141 | procedure SetLongList(Value: Boolean);
| 142 | procedure SetPieces(const Value: string);
| 143 | procedure SetReference(Index: Integer; AReference: Variant);
| 144 | procedure SetTabPositions(const Value: string);
| 145 | procedure SetTabPosInPixels(const Value: boolean);
| 146 | procedure SetTabStops;
| 147 | procedure SetHideSynonyms(Value: boolean);
| 148 | procedure SetSynonymChars(Value: string);
| 149 | procedure SetStyle(Value: TListBoxStyle);
| 150 | function IsSynonym(const TestStr: string): boolean;
| 151 | function TextToShow(S: string): string;
| 152 | procedure LBGetText (var Message: TMessage); message LB_GETTEXT;
| 153 | procedure LBGetTextLen (var Message: TMessage); message LB_GETTEXTLEN;
| 154 | procedure LBGetItemData (var Message: TMessage); message LB_GETITEMDATA;
| 155 | procedure LBSetItemData (var Message: TMessage); message LB_SETITEMDATA;
| 156 | procedure LBAddString (var Message: TMessage); message LB_ADDSTRING;
| 157 | procedure LBInsertString (var Message: TMessage); message LB_INSERTSTRING;
| 158 | procedure LBDeleteString (var Message: TMessage); message LB_DELETESTRING;
| 159 | procedure LBResetContent (var Message: TMessage); message LB_RESETCONTENT;
| 160 | procedure LBSetCurSel (var Message: TMessage); message LB_SETCURSEL;
| 161 | procedure CMFontChanged (var Message: TMessage); message CM_FONTCHANGED;
| 162 | procedure CNDrawItem (var Message: TWMDrawItem); message CN_DRAWITEM;
| 163 | procedure WMDestroy (var Message: TWMDestroy); message WM_DESTROY;
| 164 | procedure WMKeyDown (var Message: TWMKeyDown); message WM_KEYDOWN;
| 165 | procedure WMLButtonDown (var Message: TWMLButtonDown); message WM_LBUTTONDOWN;
| 166 | procedure WMLButtonUp (var Message: TWMLButtonUp); message WM_LBUTTONUP;
| 167 | procedure WMRButtonUp (var Message: TWMRButtonUp); message WM_RBUTTONUP;
| 168 | procedure WMLButtonDblClk(var Message: TWMLButtonDblClk); message WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK;
| 169 | procedure WMCancelMode (var Message: TMessage); message WM_CANCELMODE;
| 170 | procedure WMMove (var Message: TWMMove); message WM_MOVE;
| 171 | procedure WMSize (var Message: TWMSize); message WM_SIZE;
| 172 | procedure WMVScroll (var Message: TWMVScroll); message WM_VSCROLL;
| 173 | procedure CMHintShow (var Message: TMessage); message CM_HINTSHOW;
| 174 | procedure UMShowTip (var Message: TMessage); message UM_SHOWTIP;
| 175 | function GetChecked(Index: Integer): Boolean;
| 176 | procedure SetChecked(Index: Integer; const Value: Boolean);
| 177 | function GetMultiSelect: boolean;
| 178 | function GetCheckedString: string;
| 179 | procedure SetCheckedString(const Value: string);
| 180 | function GetCheckedState(Index: Integer): TCheckBoxState;
| 181 | procedure SetCheckedState(Index: Integer; const Value: TCheckBoxState);
| 182 | function GetMItems: TStrings;
| 183 | procedure SetMItems( Value: TStrings);
| 184 | procedure SetCaption(const Value: string);
| 185 | function GetCaption: string;
| 186 | protected
| 187 | procedure SetMultiSelect(Value: boolean); override;
| 188 | procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
| 189 | procedure CreateWnd; override;
| 190 | procedure DestroyWnd; override;
| 191 | procedure Click; override;
| 192 | procedure DoChange; virtual;
| 193 | procedure DoEnter; override;
| 194 | procedure DoExit; override;
| 195 | procedure DestroyItems;
| 196 | procedure Loaded; override;
| 197 | procedure ToggleCheckBox(idx: integer);
| 198 | procedure KeyPress(var Key: Char); override;
| 199 | procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override;
| 200 | procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override;
| 201 | procedure MeasureItem(Index: Integer; var Height: Integer); override;
| 202 | procedure DrawItem(Index: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); override;
| 203 | function GetIndexFromY(YPos :integer) :integer;
| 204 | property HideSynonyms: boolean read FHideSynonyms write SetHideSynonyms default FALSE;
| 205 | property SynonymChars: string read FSynonymChars write SetSynonymChars;
| 206 | public
| 207 | constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
| 208 | destructor Destroy; override;
| 209 | procedure ClearTop;
| 210 | function AddReference(const S: string; AReference: Variant): Integer;
| 211 | procedure InsertReference(Index: Integer; const S: string; AReference: Variant);
| 212 | function IndexOfReference(AReference: Variant): Integer;
| 213 | procedure InsertSeparator;
| 214 | procedure ForDataUse(Strings: TStrings);
| 215 | procedure InitLongList(S: string);
| 216 | function GetIEN(AnIndex: Integer): Int64;
| 217 | function SelectByIEN(AnIEN: Int64): Integer;
| 218 | function SelectByID(const AnID: string): Integer;
| 219 | function SetExactByIEN(AnIEN: Int64; const AnItem: string): Integer;
| 220 | procedure Clear; override;
| 221 | property ItemID: Variant read GetItemID;
| 222 | property ItemIEN: Int64 read GetItemIEN;
| 223 | property FocusIndex: Integer read FFocusIndex write SetFocusIndex;
| 224 | property DisplayText[Index: Integer]: string read GetDisplayText;
| 225 | property References[Index: Integer]: Variant read GetReference write SetReference;
| 226 | property ShortCount: Integer read FWaterMark;
| 227 | property Checked[Index: Integer]: Boolean read GetChecked write SetChecked;
| 228 | property CheckedString: string read GetCheckedString write SetCheckedString;
| 229 | property CheckedState[Index: Integer]: TCheckBoxState read GetCheckedState write SetCheckedState;
| 230 | property MItems: TStrings read GetMItems write SetMItems;
| 231 | procedure MakeAccessible(Accessible: IAccessible);
| 232 | published
| 233 | property AllowGrayed: boolean read FAllowGrayed write FAllowGrayed default FALSE;
| 234 | property Caption: string read GetCaption write SetCaption;
| 235 | property CaseChanged: boolean read FCaseChanged write FCaseChanged default TRUE;
| 236 | property Delimiter: Char read FDelimiter write SetDelimiter default '^';
| 237 | property ItemTipColor: TColor read FItemTipColor write FItemTipColor;
| 238 | property ItemTipEnable: Boolean read FItemTipEnable write FItemTipEnable default True;
| 239 | property LongList: Boolean read FLongList write SetLongList;
| 240 | property LookupPiece: integer read FLookupPiece write FLookupPiece default 0;
| 241 | property Pieces: string read GetPieces write SetPieces;
| 242 | property TabPosInPixels: boolean read FTabPosInPixels write SetTabPosInPixels default False; // MUST be before TabPositions!
| 243 | property TabPositions: string read GetTabPositions write SetTabPositions;
| 244 | property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
| 245 | property OnNeedData: TORNeedDataEvent read FOnNeedData write FOnNeedData;
| 246 | property OnBeforeDraw: TORBeforeDrawEvent read FOnBeforeDraw write FOnBeforeDraw;
| 247 | property RightClickSelect: boolean read FRightClickSelect write FRightClickSelect default FALSE;
| 248 | property CheckBoxes: boolean read FCheckBoxes write SetCheckBoxes default FALSE;
| 249 | property Style: TListBoxStyle read GetStyle write SetStyle default lbStandard;
| 250 | property FlatCheckBoxes: boolean read FFlatCheckBoxes write SetFlatCheckBoxes default TRUE;
| 251 | property CheckEntireLine: boolean read FCheckEntireLine write FCheckEntireLine default FALSE;
| 252 | property OnClickCheck: TORItemNotifyEvent read FOnClickCheck write FOnClickCheck;
| 253 | property MultiSelect: boolean read GetMultiSelect write SetMultiSelect default FALSE;
| 254 | property Items: TStrings read GetMItems write SetMItems;
| 255 | end;
| 256 |
| 257 | TORDropPanel = class(TPanel)
| 258 | private
| 259 | FButtons: boolean;
| 260 | procedure WMActivateApp(var Message: TMessage); message WM_ACTIVATEAPP;
| 261 | protected
| 262 | procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
| 263 | procedure Resize; override;
| 264 | procedure UpdateButtons;
| 265 | function GetButton(OKBtn: boolean): TSpeedButton;
| 266 | procedure ResetButtons;
| 267 | procedure BtnClicked(Sender: TObject);
| 268 | public
| 269 | constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
| 270 | end;
| 271 |
| 272 | TORComboStyle = (orcsDropDown, orcsSimple);
| 273 |
| 274 | TORComboPanelEdit = class(TPanel)
| 275 | private
| 276 | FFocused: boolean;
| 277 | FCanvas: TControlCanvas;
| 278 | protected
| 279 | procedure Paint; override;
| 280 | public
| 281 | destructor Destroy; override;
| 282 | end;
| 283 |
| 284 | TORComboEdit = class(TEdit)
| 285 | private
| 286 | procedure WMSetFocus(var Message: TWMSetFocus); message WM_SETFOCUS;
| 287 | procedure WMKillFocus(var Message: TWMKillFocus); message WM_KILLFOCUS;
| 288 | protected
| 289 | procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
| 290 | end;
| 291 |
| 292 | TORComboBox = class(TWinControl)
| 293 | private
| 294 | FItems: TStrings; // points to Items in FListBox
| 295 | FMItems: TStrings; // points to MItems in FListBox
| 296 | FListBox: TORListBox; // listbox control for the combobox
| 297 | FEditBox: TORComboEdit; // edit control for the combobox
| 298 | FEditPanel: TORComboPanelEdit; // Used to enable Multi-Select Combo Boxes
| 299 | FDropBtn: TBitBtn; // drop down button for dropdown combo
| 300 | FDropPanel: TORDropPanel; // panel for dropdown combo (parent=desktop)
| 301 | FDroppedDown: Boolean; // true if the list part is dropped down
| 302 | FStyle: TORComboStyle; // style is simple or dropdown for combo
| 303 | FDropDownCount: Integer; // number of items to display when list appears
| 304 | FFromSelf: Boolean; // prevents recursive calls to change event
| 305 | FFromDropBtn: Boolean; // determines when to capture mouse on drop
| 306 | FKeyTimerActive: Boolean; // true when timer running for OnKeyPause
| 307 | FKeyIsDown: Boolean; // true between KeyDown & KeyUp events
| 308 | FChangePending: Boolean;
| 309 | FListItemsOnly: Boolean;
| 310 | FLastFound: string;
| 311 | FLastInput: string; // last thing the user typed into the edit box
| 312 | FOnChange: TNotifyEvent; // maps to editbox change event
| 313 | FOnClick: TNotifyEvent; // maps to listbox click event
| 314 | FOnDblClick: TNotifyEvent; // maps to listbox double click event
| 315 | FOnDropDown: TNotifyEvent; // event called when listbox appears
| 316 | FOnDropDownClose: TNotifyEvent; // event called when listbox disappears
| 317 | FOnKeyDown: TKeyEvent; // maps to editbox keydown event
| 318 | FOnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent; // maps to editbox keypress event
| 319 | FOnKeyUp: TKeyEvent; // maps to editbox keyup event
| 320 | FOnKeyPause: TNotifyEvent; // delayed change event when using keyboard
| 321 | FOnMouseClick: TNotifyEvent; // called when click event triggered by mouse
| 322 | FOnNeedData: TORNeedDataEvent; // called for longlist when more items needed
| 323 | FCheckedState: string; // Used to refresh checkboxes when combo box cancel is pressed
| 324 | FOnCheckedText: TORCheckComboTextEvent; // Used to modify the edit box display text when using checkboxes
| 325 | FCheckBoxEditColor: TColor; // Edit Box color for Check Box Combo List, when not in Focus
| 326 | FTemplateField: boolean;
| 327 | function EditControl: TWinControl;
| 328 | procedure AdjustSizeOfSelf;
| 329 | procedure DropButtonDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
| 330 | X, Y: Integer);
| 331 | procedure DropButtonUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
| 332 | X, Y: Integer);
| 333 | procedure FwdChange(Sender: TObject);
| 334 | procedure FwdChangeDelayed;
| 335 | procedure FwdClick(Sender: TObject);
| 336 | procedure FwdDblClick(Sender: TObject);
| 337 | procedure FwdKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
| 338 | procedure FwdKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
| 339 | procedure FwdKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
| 340 | procedure FwdMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
| 341 | X, Y: Integer);
| 342 | procedure FwdNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: string;
| 343 | Direction, InsertAt: Integer);
| 344 | function GetAutoSelect: Boolean;
| 345 | function GetColor: TColor;
| 346 | function GetDelimiter: Char;
| 347 | function GetDisplayText(Index: Integer): string;
| 348 | function GetItemHeight: Integer;
| 349 | function GetItemID: Variant;
| 350 | function GetItemIEN: Int64;
| 351 | function GetItemIndex: Integer;
| 352 | function GetItemTipEnable: Boolean;
| 353 | function GetItemTipColor: TColor;
| 354 | function GetLongList: Boolean;
| 355 | function GetMaxLength: Integer;
| 356 | function GetPieces: string;
| 357 | function GetReference(Index: Integer): Variant;
| 358 | function GetSelLength: Integer;
| 359 | function GetSelStart: Integer;
| 360 | function GetSelText: string;
| 361 | function GetShortCount: Integer;
| 362 | function GetSorted: Boolean;
| 363 | function GetHideSynonyms: boolean;
| 364 | function GetSynonymChars: string;
| 365 | function GetTabPositions: string;
| 366 | function GetTabPosInPixels: boolean;
| 367 | function GetText: string;
| 368 | procedure SetAutoSelect(Value: Boolean);
| 369 | procedure SetColor(Value: TColor);
| 370 | procedure SetDelimiter(Value: Char);
| 371 | procedure SetDropDownCount(Value: Integer);
| 372 | procedure SetDroppedDown(Value: Boolean);
| 373 | procedure SetEditRect;
| 374 | procedure SetEditText(const Value: string);
| 375 | procedure SetItemIndex(Value: Integer);
| 376 | procedure SetItemHeight(Value: Integer);
| 377 | procedure SetItemTipEnable(Value: Boolean);
| 378 | procedure SetItemTipColor(Value: TColor);
| 379 | procedure SetLongList(Value: Boolean);
| 380 | procedure SetMaxLength(Value: Integer);
| 381 | procedure SetPieces(const Value: string);
| 382 | procedure SetReference(Index: Integer; AReference: Variant);
| 383 | procedure SetSelLength(Value: Integer);
| 384 | procedure SetSelStart(Value: Integer);
| 385 | procedure SetSelText(const Value: string);
| 386 | procedure SetSorted(Value: Boolean);
| 387 | procedure SetHideSynonyms(Value: boolean);
| 388 | procedure SetSynonymChars(Value: string);
| 389 | procedure SetStyle(Value: TORComboStyle);
| 390 | procedure SetTabPositions(const Value: string);
| 391 | procedure SetTabPosInPixels(const Value: boolean);
| 392 | procedure SetText(const Value: string);
| 393 | procedure SetItems(const Value: TStrings);
| 394 | procedure StartKeyTimer;
| 395 | procedure StopKeyTimer;
| 396 | procedure WMDestroy (var Message: TWMDestroy); message WM_DESTROY;
| 397 | procedure CMFontChanged (var Message: TMessage); message CM_FONTCHANGED;
| 398 | procedure WMMove (var Message: TWMMove); message WM_MOVE;
| 399 | procedure WMSize (var Message: TWMSize); message WM_SIZE;
| 400 | procedure WMTimer (var Message: TWMTimer); message WM_TIMER;
| 401 | procedure UMGotFocus (var Message: TMessage); message UM_GOTFOCUS;
| 402 | function GetCheckBoxes: boolean;
| 403 | function GetChecked(Index: Integer): Boolean;
| 404 | function GetCheckEntireLine: boolean;
| 405 | function GetFlatCheckBoxes: boolean;
| 406 | procedure SetCheckBoxes(const Value: boolean);
| 407 | procedure SetChecked(Index: Integer; const Value: Boolean);
| 408 | procedure SetCheckEntireLine(const Value: boolean);
| 409 | procedure SetFlatCheckBoxes(const Value: boolean);
| 410 | function GetCheckedString: string;
| 411 | procedure SetCheckedString(const Value: string);
| 412 | procedure SetCheckBoxEditColor(const Value: TColor);
| 413 | procedure SetListItemsOnly(const Value: Boolean);
| 414 | procedure SetOnCheckedText(const Value: TORCheckComboTextEvent);
| 415 | procedure SetTemplateField(const Value: boolean);
| 416 | function GetOnSynonymCheck: TORSynonymCheckEvent;
| 417 | procedure SetOnSynonymCheck(const Value: TORSynonymCheckEvent);
| 418 | function GetMItems: TStrings;
| 419 | procedure SetCaption(const Value: string);
| 420 | function GetCaption: string;
| 421 | function GetCaseChanged: boolean;
| 422 | procedure SetCaseChanged(const Value: boolean);
| 423 | function GetLookupPiece: integer;
| 424 | procedure SetLookupPiece(const Value: integer);
| 425 | protected
| 426 | procedure DropPanelBtnPressed(OKBtn, AutoClose: boolean);
| 427 | function GetEditBoxText(Index: Integer): string;
| 428 | procedure CheckBoxSelected(Sender: TObject; Index: integer);
| 429 | procedure UpdateCheckEditBoxText;
| 430 | procedure DoEnter; override;
| 431 | procedure DoExit; override;
| 432 | procedure Loaded; override;
| 433 | function GetEnabled: boolean; override;
| 434 | procedure SetEnabled(Value: boolean); override;
| 435 | public
| 436 | constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
| 437 | function AddReference(const S: string; AReference: Variant): Integer;
| 438 | procedure Clear;
| 439 | procedure ClearTop;
| 440 | procedure ForDataUse(Strings: TStrings);
| 441 | procedure InitLongList(S: string);
| 442 | procedure InsertSeparator;
| 443 | function GetIEN(AnIndex: Integer): Int64;
| 444 | function SelectByIEN(AnIEN: Int64): Integer;
| 445 | function SelectByID(const AnID: string): Integer;
| 446 | function SetExactByIEN(AnIEN: Int64; const AnItem: string): Integer;
| 447 | function IndexOfReference(AReference: Variant): Integer;
| 448 | procedure InsertReference(Index: Integer; const S: string; AReference: Variant);
| 449 | procedure SelectAll;
| 450 | function MakeAccessible( Accessible: IAccessible): TORListBox;
| 451 | property DisplayText[Index: Integer]: string read GetDisplayText;
| 452 | property DroppedDown: Boolean read FDroppedDown write SetDroppedDown;
| 453 | property ItemID: Variant read GetItemID;
| 454 | property ItemIEN: Int64 read GetItemIEN;
| 455 | property ItemIndex: Integer read GetItemIndex write SetItemIndex;
| 456 | property References[Index: Integer]: Variant read GetReference write SetReference;
| 457 | property SelLength: Integer read GetSelLength write SetSelLength;
| 458 | property SelStart: Integer read GetSelStart write SetSelStart;
| 459 | property SelText: string read GetSelText write SetSelText;
| 460 | property ShortCount: Integer read GetShortCount;
| 461 | property Checked[Index: Integer]: Boolean read GetChecked write SetChecked;
| 462 | property CheckedString: string read GetCheckedString write SetCheckedString;
| 463 | property TemplateField: boolean read FTemplateField write SetTemplateField;
| 464 | property MItems: TStrings read GetMItems;
| 465 | published
| 466 | property Anchors;
| 467 | property CaseChanged: boolean read GetCaseChanged write SetCaseChanged default TRUE;
| 468 | property CheckBoxes: boolean read GetCheckBoxes write SetCheckBoxes default FALSE;
| 469 | property Style: TORComboStyle read FStyle write SetStyle;
| 470 | property Align;
| 471 | property AutoSelect: Boolean read GetAutoSelect write SetAutoSelect;
| 472 | property Caption: string read GetCaption write SetCaption;
| 473 | property Color: TColor read GetColor write SetColor;
| 474 | property Ctl3D;
| 475 | property Delimiter: Char read GetDelimiter write SetDelimiter default '^';
| 476 | property DropDownCount: Integer read FDropDownCount write SetDropDownCount;
| 477 | property Enabled;
| 478 | property Font;
| 479 | property Items: TStrings read FItems write SetItems;
| 480 | property ItemHeight: Integer read GetItemHeight write SetItemHeight;
| 481 | property ItemTipColor: TColor read GetItemTipColor write SetItemTipColor;
| 482 | property ItemTipEnable: Boolean read GetItemTipEnable write SetItemTipEnable;
| 483 | property ListItemsOnly: Boolean read FListItemsOnly write SetListItemsOnly;
| 484 | property LongList: Boolean read GetLongList write SetLongList;
| 485 | property LookupPiece: Integer read GetLookupPiece write SetLookupPiece;
| 486 | property MaxLength: Integer read GetMaxLength write SetMaxLength;
| 487 | property ParentColor;
| 488 | property ParentCtl3D;
| 489 | property ParentFont;
| 490 | property ParentShowHint;
| 491 | property Pieces: string read GetPieces write SetPieces;
| 492 | property PopupMenu;
| 493 | property ShowHint;
| 494 | property HideSynonyms: boolean read GetHideSynonyms write SetHideSynonyms default FALSE;
| 495 | property Sorted: Boolean read GetSorted write SetSorted;
| 496 | property SynonymChars: string read GetSynonymChars write SetSynonymChars;
| 497 | property TabPosInPixels: boolean read GetTabPosInPixels write SetTabPosInPixels default False; // MUST be before TabPositions!
| 498 | property TabPositions: string read GetTabPositions write SetTabPositions;
| 499 | property TabOrder;
| 500 | property TabStop;
| 501 | property Text: string read GetText write SetText;
| 502 | property Visible;
| 503 | property FlatCheckBoxes: boolean read GetFlatCheckBoxes write SetFlatCheckBoxes default TRUE;
| 504 | property CheckEntireLine: boolean read GetCheckEntireLine write SetCheckEntireLine default FALSE;
| 505 | property CheckBoxEditColor: TColor read FCheckBoxEditColor write SetCheckBoxEditColor default clBtnFace;
| 506 | property OnCheckedText: TORCheckComboTextEvent read FOnCheckedText write SetOnCheckedText;
| 507 | property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange;
| 508 | property OnClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnClick write FOnClick;
| 509 | property OnDblClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnDblClick write FOnDblClick;
| 510 | property OnDragDrop;
| 511 | property OnDragOver;
| 512 | property OnDropDown: TNotifyEvent read FOnDropDown write FOnDropDown;
| 513 | property OnDropDownClose: TNotifyEvent read FOnDropDownClose write FOnDropDownClose;
| 514 | property OnEnter;
| 515 | property OnExit;
| 516 | property OnKeyDown: TKeyEvent read FOnKeyDown write FOnKeyDown;
| 517 | property OnKeyPress: TKeyPressEvent read FOnKeyPress write FOnKeyPress;
| 518 | property OnKeyUp: TKeyEvent read FOnKeyUp write FOnKeyUp;
| 519 | property OnKeyPause: TNotifyEvent read FOnKeyPause write FOnKeyPause;
| 520 | property OnMouseClick: TNotifyEvent read FOnMouseClick write FOnMouseClick;
| 521 | property OnNeedData: TORNeedDataEvent read FOnNeedData write FOnNeedData;
| 522 | property OnResize;
| 523 | property OnSynonymCheck: TORSynonymCheckEvent read GetOnSynonymCheck write SetOnSynonymCheck;
| 524 | end;
| 525 |
| 526 | TORAutoPanel = class(TPanel)
| 527 | private
| 528 | FSizes: TList;
| 529 | procedure BuildSizes( Control: TWinControl);
| 530 | procedure DoResize( Control: TWinControl; var CurrentIndex: Integer);
| 531 | protected
| 532 | procedure Loaded; override;
| 533 | procedure Resize; override;
| 534 | public
| 535 | destructor Destroy; override;
| 536 | end;
| 537 |
| 538 | TOROffsetLabel = class(TGraphicControl) // see TCustomLabel in the VCL
| 539 | private
| 540 | FHorzOffset: Integer; // offset from left of label in pixels
| 541 | FVertOffset: Integer; // offset from top of label in pixels
| 542 | FWordWrap: Boolean; // true if word wrap should occur
| 543 | function GetTransparent: Boolean;
| 544 | procedure AdjustSizeOfSelf;
| 545 | procedure DoDrawText(var Rect: TRect; Flags: Word);
| 546 | procedure SetHorzOffset(Value: Integer);
| 547 | procedure SetVertOffset(Value: Integer);
| 548 | procedure SetTransparent(Value: Boolean);
| 549 | procedure SetWordWrap(Value: Boolean);
| 550 | procedure CMTextChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_TEXTCHANGED;
| 551 | procedure CMFontChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_FONTCHANGED;
| 552 | protected
| 553 | procedure Paint; override;
| 554 | public
| 555 | constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
| 556 | published
| 557 | property Align;
| 558 | property Caption;
| 559 | property Color;
| 560 | property Enabled;
| 561 | property Font;
| 562 | property HorzOffset: Integer read FHorzOffset write SetHorzOffset;
| 563 | property ParentColor;
| 564 | property ParentFont;
| 565 | property ParentShowHint;
| 566 | property PopupMenu;
| 567 | property ShowHint;
| 568 | property Transparent: Boolean read GetTransparent write SetTransparent;
| 569 | property VertOffset: Integer read FVertOffset write SetVertOffset;
| 570 | property Visible;
| 571 | property WordWrap: Boolean read FWordWrap write SetWordWrap;
| 572 | property OnClick;
| 573 | property OnDblClick;
| 574 | property OnDragDrop;
| 575 | property OnDragOver;
| 576 | property OnEndDrag;
| 577 | property OnMouseDown;
| 578 | property OnMouseMove;
| 579 | property OnMouseUp;
| 580 | property OnStartDrag;
| 581 | end;
| 582 |
| 583 | TORAlignButton = class(TButton)
| 584 | private
| 585 | FAlignment: TAlignment;
| 586 | FWordWrap: boolean;
| 587 | FLayout: TTextLayout;
| 588 | protected
| 589 | procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
| 590 | procedure SetAlignment(const Value: TAlignment);
| 591 | procedure SetLayout(const Value: TTextLayout);
| 592 | procedure SetWordWrap(const Value: boolean);
| 593 | public
| 594 | constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
| 595 | published
| 596 | property Align;
| 597 | property Alignment: TAlignment read FAlignment write SetAlignment default taCenter;
| 598 | property Layout: TTextLayout read FLayout write SetLayout default tlCenter;
| 599 | property WordWrap: boolean read FWordWrap write SetWordWrap default FALSE;
| 600 | end;
| 601 |
| 602 | { TORAlignBitBtn = class(TBitBtn)
| 603 | published
| 604 | property Align;
| 605 | end;}
| 606 |
| 607 | TORAlignSpeedButton = class(TSpeedButton)
| 608 | protected
| 609 | procedure Paint; override;
| 610 | public
| 611 | property Canvas;
| 612 | published
| 613 | property Align;
| 614 | property OnResize;
| 615 | end;
| 616 |
| 617 | TORAlignEdit = class(TEdit) //Depricated -- Use TCaptionEdit instead
| 618 | published
| 619 | property Align;
| 620 | end;
| 621 |
| 622 | TORDraggingEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode; var CanDrag: boolean) of object;
| 623 |
| 624 |
| 625 | TCaptionTreeView = class(TTreeView)
| 626 | private
| 627 | procedure SetCaption(const Value: string);
| 628 | function GetCaption: string;
| 629 | protected
| 630 | FCaptionComponent: TStaticText;
| 631 | published
| 632 | property Align;
| 633 | property Caption: string read GetCaption write SetCaption;
| 634 | end;
| 635 |
| 636 | TORTreeView = class;
| 637 |
| 638 | TORTreeNode = class(TTreeNode)
| 639 | private
| 640 | FTag: integer;
| 641 | FStringData: string;
| 642 | FAccessible: IAccessible;
| 643 | FCaption: string;
| 644 | procedure WMGetObject(var Message: TMessage); message WM_GETOBJECT;
| 645 | function GetParent: TORTreeNode;
| 646 | procedure SetCaption(const Value: string);
| 647 | protected
| 648 | function GetText: string;
| 649 | procedure SetText(const Value: string);
| 650 | procedure UpdateText(const Value: string; UpdateData: boolean = TRUE);
| 651 | function GetBold: boolean;
| 652 | procedure SetBold(const Value: boolean);
| 653 | procedure SetStringData(const Value: string);
| 654 | function GetORTreeView: TORTreeView;
| 655 | public
| 656 | procedure MakeAccessible(Accessible: IAccessible);
| 657 | procedure SetPiece(PieceNum: Integer; const NewPiece: string);
| 658 | procedure EnsureVisible;
| 659 | property Accessible: IAccessible read FAccessible write MakeAccessible;
| 660 | property Bold: boolean read GetBold write SetBold;
| 661 | property Tag: integer read FTag write FTag;
| 662 | property StringData: string read FStringData write SetStringData;
| 663 | property TreeView: TORTreeView read GetORTreeView;
| 664 | property Text: string read GetText write SetText;
| 665 | property Parent: TORTreeNode read GetParent;
| 666 | property Caption: string read FCaption write SetCaption;
| 667 | end;
| 668 |
| 669 | TNodeCaptioningEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var Caption: string) of object;
| 670 |
| 671 | TORTreeView = class(TCaptionTreeView)
| 672 | private
| 673 | FOnDragging: TORDraggingEvent;
| 674 | FDelim: Char;
| 675 | FPiece: integer;
| 676 | FOnAddition: TTVExpandedEvent;
| 677 | FAccessible: IAccessible;
| 678 | FShortNodeCaptions: boolean;
| 679 | FOnNodeCaptioning: TNodeCaptioningEvent;
| 680 | procedure WMGetObject(var Message: TMessage); message WM_GETOBJECT;
| 681 | procedure SetShortNodeCaptions(const Value: boolean);
| 682 | protected
| 683 | procedure CNNotify(var Message: TWMNotify); message CN_NOTIFY;
| 684 | function CreateNode: TTreeNode; override;
| 685 | function GetHorzScrollPos: integer;
| 686 | procedure SetHorzScrollPos(Value: integer);
| 687 | function GetVertScrollPos: integer;
| 688 | procedure SetVertScrollPos(Value: integer);
| 689 | procedure SetNodeDelim(const Value: Char);
| 690 | procedure SetNodePiece(const Value: integer);
| 691 | public
| 692 | constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
| 693 | procedure MakeAccessible(Accessible: IAccessible);
| 694 | function FindPieceNode(Value: string;
| 695 | ParentDelim: Char = #0; StartNode: TTreeNode = nil): TORTreeNode; overload;
| 696 | function FindPieceNode(Value: string; APiece: integer;
| 697 | ParentDelim: Char = #0; StartNode: TTreeNode = nil): TORTreeNode; overload;
| 698 | procedure RenameNodes;
| 699 | function GetExpandedIDStr(APiece: integer; ParentDelim: char = #0): string;
| 700 | procedure SetExpandedIDStr(APiece: integer; const Value: string); overload;
| 701 | procedure SetExpandedIDStr(APiece: integer; ParentDelim: char;
| 702 | const Value: string); overload;
| 703 | function GetNodeID(Node: TORTreeNode; ParentDelim: Char = #0): string; overload;
| 704 | function GetNodeID(Node: TORTreeNode; APiece: integer; ParentDelim: Char = #0): string; overload;
| 705 | published
| 706 | property Caption;
| 707 | property NodeDelim: Char read FDelim write SetNodeDelim default '^';
| 708 | property NodePiece: integer read FPiece write SetNodePiece;
| 709 | property OnAddition: TTVExpandedEvent read FOnAddition write FOnAddition;
| 710 | property OnDragging: TORDraggingEvent read FOnDragging write FOnDragging;
| 711 | property HorzScrollPos: integer read GetHorzScrollPos write SetHorzScrollPos default 0;
| 712 | property VertScrollPos: integer read GetVertScrollPos write SetVertScrollPos default 0;
| 713 | property ShortNodeCaptions: boolean read FShortNodeCaptions write SetShortNodeCaptions default False;
| 714 | property OnNodeCaptioning: TNodeCaptioningEvent read FOnNodeCaptioning write FOnNodeCaptioning;
| 715 | end;
| 716 |
| 717 | TORCBImageIndexes = class(TComponent)
| 718 | private
| 719 | FImages: TCustomImageList;
| 720 | FImageChangeLink: TChangeLink;
| 721 | FCheckedEnabledIndex: integer;
| 722 | FGrayedEnabledIndex: integer;
| 723 | FUncheckedEnabledIndex: integer;
| 724 | FCheckedDisabledIndex: integer;
| 725 | FGrayedDisabledIndex: integer;
| 726 | FUncheckedDisabledIndex: integer;
| 727 | protected
| 728 | procedure SetCheckedDisabledIndex(const Value: integer);
| 729 | procedure SetCheckedEnabledIndex(const Value: integer);
| 730 | procedure SetGrayedDisabledIndex(const Value: integer);
| 731 | procedure SetGrayedEnabledIndex(const Value: integer);
| 732 | procedure SetUncheckedDisabledIndex(const Value: integer);
| 733 | procedure SetUncheckedEnabledIndex(const Value: integer);
| 734 | procedure ImageListChanged(Sender: TObject);
| 735 | procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override;
| 736 | function IdxString: string;
| 737 | procedure SetIdxString(Value: string);
| 738 | procedure SetImages(const Value: TCustomImageList);
| 739 | public
| 740 | constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
| 741 | destructor Destroy; override;
| 742 | published
| 743 | property CheckedEnabledIndex: integer read FCheckedEnabledIndex write SetCheckedEnabledIndex;
| 744 | property CheckedDisabledIndex: integer read FCheckedDisabledIndex write SetCheckedDisabledIndex;
| 745 | property GrayedEnabledIndex: integer read FGrayedEnabledIndex write SetGrayedEnabledIndex;
| 746 | property GrayedDisabledIndex: integer read FGrayedDisabledIndex write SetGrayedDisabledIndex;
| 747 | property UncheckedEnabledIndex: integer read FUncheckedEnabledIndex write SetUncheckedEnabledIndex;
| 748 | property UncheckedDisabledIndex: integer read FUncheckedDisabledIndex write SetUncheckedDisabledIndex;
| 749 | end;
| 750 |
| 751 | TGrayedStyle = (gsNormal, gsQuestionMark, gsBlueQuestionMark);
| 752 |
| 753 | TORCheckBox = class(TCheckBox)
| 754 | private
| 755 | FStringData: string;
| 756 | FCanvas: TCanvas;
| 757 | FGrayedToChecked: boolean;
| 758 | FCustomImagesOwned: boolean;
| 759 | FCustomImages: TORCBImageIndexes;
| 760 | FGrayedStyle: TGrayedStyle;
| 761 | FWordWrap: boolean;
| 762 | FAutoSize: boolean;
| 763 | FSingleLine: boolean;
| 764 | FSizable: boolean;
| 765 | FGroupIndex: integer;
| 766 | FAllowAllUnchecked: boolean;
| 767 | FRadioStyle: boolean;
| 768 | FAssociate: TControl;
| 769 | FFocusOnBox: boolean;
| 770 | procedure SetFocusOnBox(value: boolean);
| 771 | procedure CNMeasureItem (var Message: TWMMeasureItem); message CN_MEASUREITEM;
| 772 | procedure CNDrawItem (var Message: TWMDrawItem); message CN_DRAWITEM;
| 773 | procedure CMFontChanged (var Message: TMessage); message CM_FONTCHANGED;
| 774 | procedure CMEnabledChanged (var Message: TMessage); message CM_ENABLEDCHANGED;
| 775 | procedure WMLButtonDblClk (var Message: TWMLButtonDblClk); message WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK;
| 776 | procedure WMSize (var Message: TWMSize); message WM_SIZE;
| 777 | procedure BMSetCheck (var Message: TMessage); message BM_SETCHECK;
| 778 | function GetImageList: TCustomImageList;
| 779 | function GetImageIndexes: string;
| 780 | procedure SetImageIndexes(const Value: string);
| 781 | procedure SetImageList(const Value: TCustomImageList);
| 782 | procedure SetWordWrap(const Value: boolean);
| 783 | function GetCaption: TCaption;
| 784 | procedure SetCaption(const Value: TCaption);
| 785 | procedure SyncAllowAllUnchecked;
| 786 | procedure SetAllowAllUnchecked(const Value: boolean);
| 787 | procedure SetGroupIndex(const Value: integer);
| 788 | procedure SetRadioStyle(const Value: boolean);
| 789 | procedure SetAssociate(const Value: TControl);
| 790 | protected
| 791 | procedure SetAutoSize(Value: boolean); override;
| 792 | procedure GetDrawData(CanvasHandle: HDC; var Bitmap: TBitmap;
| 793 | var FocRect, Rect: TRect;
| 794 | var DrawOptions: UINT;
| 795 | var TempBitMap: boolean);
| 796 | procedure DrawItem(const DrawItemStruct: TDrawItemStruct); dynamic;
| 797 | procedure Toggle; override;
| 798 | procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
| 799 | procedure SetGrayedStyle(Value: TGrayedStyle);
| 800 | constructor ListViewCreate(AOwner: TComponent; ACustomImages: TORCBImageIndexes);
| 801 | procedure CreateCommon(AOwner: TComponent);
| 802 | property CustomImages: TORCBImageIndexes read FCustomImages;
| 803 | procedure SetParent(AParent: TWinControl); override;
| 804 | procedure UpdateAssociate;
| 805 | procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override;
| 806 | public
| 807 | constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
| 808 | destructor Destroy; override;
| 809 | procedure AutoAdjustSize;
| 810 | property SingleLine: boolean read FSingleLine;
| 811 | property StringData: string read FStringData write FStringData;
| 812 | published
| 813 | property FocusOnBox: boolean read FFocusOnBox write SetFocusOnBox default false;
| 814 | property GrayedStyle: TGrayedStyle read FGrayedStyle write SetGrayedStyle default gsNormal;
| 815 | property GrayedToChecked: boolean read FGrayedToChecked write FGrayedToChecked default TRUE;
| 816 | property ImageIndexes: string read GetImageIndexes write SetImageIndexes;
| 817 | property ImageList: TCustomImageList read GetImageList write SetImageList;
| 818 | property WordWrap: boolean read FWordWrap write SetWordWrap default FALSE;
| 819 | property AutoSize: boolean read FAutoSize write SetAutoSize default FALSE;
| 820 | property Caption: TCaption read GetCaption write SetCaption;
| 821 | property AllowAllUnchecked: boolean read FAllowAllUnchecked write SetAllowAllUnchecked default TRUE;
| 822 | property GroupIndex: integer read FGroupIndex write SetGroupIndex default 0;
| 823 | property RadioStyle: boolean read FRadioStyle write SetRadioStyle default FALSE;
| 824 | property Associate: TControl read FAssociate write SetAssociate;
| 825 | property OnEnter;
| 826 | property OnExit;
| 827 | end;
| 828 |
| 829 | TORListView = class(TListView)
| 830 | private
| 831 | protected
| 832 | procedure WMNotify(var Message: TWMNotify); message WM_NOTIFY;
| 833 | procedure LVMSetColumn(var Message: TMessage); message LVM_SETCOLUMN;
| 834 | procedure LVMSetColumnWidth(var Message: TMessage); message LVM_SETCOLUMNWIDTH;
| 835 | end;
| 836 |
| 837 | { TORPopupMenu and TORMenuItem are not available at design time, since they
| 838 | would offer little value there. They are currently used for dynamic menu
| 839 | creation }
| 840 | TORPopupMenu = class(TPopupMenu)
| 841 | private
| 842 | FData: string;
| 843 | public
| 844 | property Data: string read FData write FData;
| 845 | end;
| 846 |
| 847 | TORMenuItem = class(TMenuItem)
| 848 | private
| 849 | FData: string;
| 850 | public
| 851 | property Data: string read FData write FData;
| 852 | end;
| 853 |
| 854 | (*
| 855 | TORCalendar = class(TCalendar)
| 856 | protected
| 857 | procedure DrawCell(ACol, ARow: Longint; ARect: TRect; AState: TGridDrawState); override;
| 858 | end;
| 859 | *)
| 860 |
| 861 | TKeyClickPanel = class(TPanel)
| 862 | protected
| 863 | procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;
| 864 | end;
| 865 |
| 866 | TKeyClickRadioGroup = class(TRadioGroup)
| 867 | protected
| 868 | procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;
| 869 | procedure Click; override;
| 870 | public
| 871 | constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
| 872 | end;
| 873 |
| 874 | TCaptionListBox = class(TListBox)
| 875 | private
| 876 | FAccessible: IAccessible;
| 877 | FRightClickSelect: boolean; // When true, a right click selects teh item
| 878 | procedure SetCaption(const Value: string);
| 879 | function GetCaption: string;
| 880 | procedure WMGetObject(var Message: TMessage); message WM_GETOBJECT;
| 881 | procedure WMRButtonUp(var Message: TWMRButtonUp); message WM_RBUTTONUP;
| 882 | protected
| 883 | FCaptionComponent: TStaticText;
| 884 | public
| 885 | procedure MakeAccessible( Accessible: IAccessible);
| 886 | published
| 887 | property RightClickSelect: boolean read FRightClickSelect write FRightClickSelect default FALSE;
| 888 | property Caption: string read GetCaption write SetCaption;
| 889 | end;
| 890 |
| 891 | TCaptionCheckListBox = class(TCheckListBox)
| 892 | private
| 893 | procedure SetCaption(const Value: string);
| 894 | function GetCaption: string;
| 895 | protected
| 896 | FCaptionComponent: TStaticText;
| 897 | published
| 898 | property Caption: string read GetCaption write SetCaption;
| 899 | end;
| 900 |
| 901 | TCaptionMemo = class(TMemo)
| 902 | private
| 903 | procedure SetCaption(const Value: string);
| 904 | function GetCaption: string;
| 905 | protected
| 906 | FCaptionComponent: TStaticText;
| 907 | published
| 908 | property Caption: string read GetCaption write SetCaption;
| 909 | end;
| 910 |
| 911 | TCaptionEdit = class(TEdit)
| 912 | private
| 913 | procedure SetCaption(const Value: string);
| 914 | function GetCaption: string;
| 915 | protected
| 916 | FCaptionComponent: TStaticText;
| 917 | published
| 918 | property Align;
| 919 | property Caption: string read GetCaption write SetCaption;
| 920 | end;
| 921 |
| 922 | TCaptionComboBox = class(TComboBox)
| 923 | private
| 924 | procedure SetCaption(const Value: string);
| 925 | function GetCaption: string;
| 926 | protected
| 927 | FCaptionComponent: TStaticText;
| 928 | published
| 929 | property Caption: string read GetCaption write SetCaption;
| 930 | end;
| 931 |
| 932 | TCaptionListView = class(TListView)
| 933 | published
| 934 | property Caption;
| 935 | end;
| 936 |
| 937 | TCaptionStringGrid = class(TStringGrid)
| 938 | private
| 939 | FJustToTab: boolean;
| 940 | FCaption: string;
| 941 | FAccessible: IAccessible;
| 942 | procedure WMGetObject(var Message: TMessage); message WM_GETOBJECT;
| 943 | protected
| 944 | procedure KeyUp(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override;
| 945 | public
| 946 | procedure MakeAccessible( Accessible: IAccessible);
| 947 | procedure IndexToColRow( index: integer; var Col: integer; var Row: integer);
| 948 | function ColRowToIndex( Col: integer; Row: Integer): integer;
| 949 | published
| 950 | property Caption: string read FCaption write FCaption;
| 951 | property JustToTab: boolean read FJustToTab write FJustToTab default FALSE;
| 952 | end;
| 953 |
| 954 | function FontWidthPixel(FontHandle: THandle): Integer;
| 955 | function FontHeightPixel(FontHandle: THandle): Integer;
| 956 | function ItemTipKeyHook(Code: Integer; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): LRESULT; StdCall;
| 957 |
| 958 | {I may have messed up my Windows.pas file, but mine defines NotifyWinEvent without a stdcall.}
| 959 | procedure GoodNotifyWinEvent(event: DWORD; hwnd: HWND; idObject, idChild: Longint); stdcall;
| 960 |
| 961 | function CalcShortName( LongName: string; PrevLongName: string): string;
| 962 |
| 963 | implementation // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
| 964 |
| 965 | {$R ORCTRLS}
| 966 |
| 967 | uses
| 968 | uAccessAPI;
| 969 |
| 970 | const
| 971 | ALPHA_DISTRIBUTION: array[0..100] of string[3] = ('',' ','ACE','ADG','ALA','AMI','ANA','ANT',
| 972 | 'ARE','ASU','AZO','BCP','BIC','BOO','BST','CAF','CAR','CD6','CHE','CHO','CMC','CON','CPD',
| 973 | 'CVI','DAA','DEF','DEP','DIA','DIH','DIP','DP ','EAR','EM ','EPI','ETH','F2G','FIB','FML',
| 974 | 'FUM','GEL','GLU','GPQ','HAL','HEM','HIS','HUN','HYL','IDS','IND','INT','ISO','KEX','LAN',
| 975 | 'LEV','LOY','MAG','MAX','MER','MET','MIC','MON','MUD','NAI','NEU','NIT','NUC','OMP','OTH',
| 976 | 'P42','PAR','PEN','PHA','PHO','PLA','POL','PRA','PRO','PSE','PYR','RAN','REP','RIB','SAA',
| 977 | 'SCL','SFL','SMO','SPO','STR','SUL','TAG','TET','THI','TOL','TRI','TRY','UNC','VAR','VIT',
| 978 | 'WRO','ZYM',#127#127#127);
| 979 |
| 980 | CBO_CYMARGIN = 8; // vertical whitespace in the edit portion of combobox
| 981 | CBO_CXBTN = 13; // width of drop down button in combobox
| 982 | CBO_CXFRAME = 5; // offset to account for frame around the edit part of combobox
| 983 |
| 984 | NOREDRAW = 0; // suspend screen updates
| 985 | DOREDRAW = 1; // allow screen updates
| 986 |
| 987 | KEY_TIMER_DELAY = 500; // 500 ms delay after key up before OnKeyPause called
| 988 | KEY_TIMER_ID = 5800; // arbitrary, use high number in case TListBox uses timers
| 989 |
| 990 | { use high word to pass positioning flags since listbox is limited to 32767 items }
| 991 | //SFI_TOP = $80000000; // top of listbox (decimal value: -2147483648)
| 992 | //SFI_END = $90000000; // end of listbox (decimal value: -1879048192)
| 993 | SFI_TOP = -2147483646; // top of listbox (hex value: $80000001)
| 994 | SFI_END = -1879048192; // end of listbox (hex value: $90000000)
| 995 |
| 996 | CheckWidth = 15; // CheckBox Width space to reserve for TORListBox
| 997 | CheckComboBtnHeight = 21;
| 998 | MaxNeedDataLen = 64;
| 999 |
| 1000 | type
| 1001 | TItemTip = class(TCustomControl)
| 1002 | private
| 1003 | FShowing: Boolean; // true when itemtip is visible
| 1004 | FListBox: TORListBox; // current listbox displaying itemtips
| 1005 | FListItem: integer;
| 1006 | FPoint: TPoint;
| 1007 | FSelected: boolean;
| 1008 | protected
| 1009 | constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
| 1010 | destructor Destroy; override;
| 1011 | procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override;
| 1012 | procedure Paint; override;
| 1013 | procedure Hide;
| 1014 | procedure UpdateText(CatchMouse: Boolean);
| 1015 | procedure Show(AListBox: TORListBox; AnItem: Integer; APoint: TPoint; CatchMouse: Boolean);
| 1016 | end;
| 1017 |
| 1018 | TSizeRatio = class // relative sizes and positions for resizing
| 1019 | CLeft: Extended;
| 1020 | CTop: Extended;
| 1021 | CWidth: Extended;
| 1022 | CHeight: Extended;
| 1023 | constructor Create(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Extended);
| 1024 | end;
| 1025 |
| 1026 | var
| 1027 | uKeyHookHandle: HHOOK; // handle to capture key events & hide ItemTip window
| 1028 | uItemTip: TItemTip; // ItemTip window
| 1029 | uItemTipCount: Integer; // number of ItemTip clients
| 1030 | uNewStyle: Boolean; // True if using Windows 95 interface
| 1031 |
| 1032 | { General functions and procedures --------------------------------------------------------- }
| 1033 |
| 1034 | function ClientWidthOfList(AListBox: TORListBox): Integer;
| 1035 | begin
| 1036 | with AListBox do
| 1037 | begin
| 1038 | Result := Width;
| 1039 | if BorderStyle = bsSingle then
| 1040 | begin
| 1041 | Dec(Result, 1);
| 1042 | if Ctl3D then Dec(Result, 1);
| 1043 | end;
| 1044 | end;
| 1045 | Dec(Result, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL));
| 1046 | end;
| 1047 |
| 1048 | function FontWidthPixel(FontHandle: THandle): Integer;
| 1049 | { return in pixels the average character width of the font passed in FontHandle }
| 1050 | var
| 1051 | DC: HDC;
| 1052 | SaveFont: HFont;
| 1053 | Extent: TSize;
| 1054 | begin
| 1055 | DC := GetDC(0);
| 1056 | SaveFont := SelectObject(DC, FontHandle);
| 1057 | GetTextExtentPoint32(DC, 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz', 52, Extent);
| 1058 | Result := Trunc((Extent.cx / 26 + 1) / 2); // Round() doesn't line up with dialog units
| 1059 | SelectObject(DC, SaveFont);
| 1060 | ReleaseDC(0, DC);
| 1061 | end;
| 1062 |
| 1063 | function FontHeightPixel(FontHandle: THandle): Integer;
| 1064 | { return in pixels the height of the font passed in FontHandle }
| 1065 | var
| 1066 | DC: HDC;
| 1067 | SaveFont: HFont;
| 1068 | FontMetrics: TTextMetric;
| 1069 | begin
| 1070 | DC := GetDC(0);
| 1071 | SaveFont := SelectObject(DC, FontHandle);
| 1072 | GetTextMetrics(DC, FontMetrics);
| 1073 | Result := FontMetrics.tmHeight;
| 1074 | SelectObject(DC, SaveFont);
| 1075 | ReleaseDC(0, DC);
| 1076 | end;
| 1077 |
| 1078 | function HigherOf(i, j: Integer): Integer;
| 1079 | { returns the greater of two integers }
| 1080 | begin
| 1081 | Result := i;
| 1082 | if j > i then Result := j;
| 1083 | end;
| 1084 |
| 1085 | function LowerOf(i, j: Integer): Integer;
| 1086 | { returns the lesser of two integers }
| 1087 | begin
| 1088 | Result := i;
| 1089 | if j < i then Result := j;
| 1090 | end;
| 1091 |
| 1092 | function Piece(const S: string; Delim: char; PieceNum: Integer): string;
| 1093 | { returns the Nth piece (PieceNum) of a string delimited by Delim }
| 1094 | var
| 1095 | i: Integer;
| 1096 | Strt, Next: PChar;
| 1097 | begin
| 1098 | i := 1;
| 1099 | Strt := PChar(S);
| 1100 | Next := StrScan(Strt, Delim);
| 1101 | while (i < PieceNum) and (Next <> nil) do
| 1102 | begin
| 1103 | Inc(i);
| 1104 | Strt := Next + 1;
| 1105 | Next := StrScan(Strt, Delim);
| 1106 | end;
| 1107 | if Next = nil then Next := StrEnd(Strt);
| 1108 | if i < PieceNum then Result := '' else SetString(Result, Strt, Next - Strt);
| 1109 | end;
| 1110 |
| 1111 | procedure SetPiece(var x: string; Delim: Char; PieceNum: Integer; const NewPiece: string);
| 1112 | { sets the Nth piece (PieceNum) of a string to NewPiece, adding delimiters as necessary }
| 1113 | var
| 1114 | i: Integer;
| 1115 | Strt, Next: PChar;
| 1116 | begin
| 1117 | i := 1;
| 1118 | Strt := PChar(x);
| 1119 | Next := StrScan(Strt, Delim);
| 1120 | while (i < PieceNum) and (Next <> nil) do
| 1121 | begin
| 1122 | Inc(i);
| 1123 | Strt := Next + 1;
| 1124 | Next := StrScan(Strt, Delim);
| 1125 | end;
| 1126 | if Next = nil then Next := StrEnd(Strt);
| 1127 | if i < PieceNum
| 1128 | then x := x + StringOfChar(Delim, PieceNum - i) + NewPiece
| 1129 | else x := Copy(x, 1, Strt - PChar(x)) + NewPiece + StrPas(Next);
| 1130 | end;
| 1131 |
| 1132 | function IntArrayToString(const IntArray: array of Integer): string;
| 1133 | { converts an array of integers to a comma delimited string, 0 element assumed to be count }
| 1134 | var
| 1135 | i: Integer;
| 1136 | begin
| 1137 | Result := '';
| 1138 | for i := 1 to IntArray[0] do Result := Result + IntToStr(IntArray[i]) + ',';
| 1139 | if Length(Result) > 0 then Delete(Result, Length(Result), 1);
| 1140 | end;
| 1141 |
| 1142 | procedure StringToIntArray(AString: string; var IntArray: array of Integer; AllowNeg: boolean = FALSE);
| 1143 | { converts a string to an array of positive integers, count is kept in 0 element }
| 1144 | var
| 1145 | ANum: Integer;
| 1146 | APiece: string;
| 1147 | begin
| 1148 | FillChar(IntArray, SizeOf(IntArray), 0);
| 1149 | repeat
| 1150 | if Pos(',', AString) > 0 then
| 1151 | begin
| 1152 | APiece := Copy(AString, 1, Pos(',', AString) - 1);
| 1153 | Delete(AString, 1, Pos(',', AString));
| 1154 | end else
| 1155 | begin
| 1156 | APiece := AString;
| 1157 | AString := EmptyStr;
| 1158 | end;
| 1159 | ANum := StrToIntDef(Trim(APiece), 0);
| 1160 | if(ANum > 0) or (AllowNeg and (ANum < 0)) then
| 1161 | begin
| 1162 | Inc(IntArray[0]);
| 1163 | IntArray[IntArray[0]] := ANum;
| 1164 | end;
| 1165 | until (Length(AString) = 0) or (IntArray[0] = High(IntArray));
| 1166 | end;
| 1167 |
| 1168 | function StringBetween(const x, First, Last: string): Boolean;
| 1169 | { returns true if x collates between the strings First and Last, not case sensitive }
| 1170 | begin
| 1171 | Result := True;
| 1172 | if (CompareText(x, First) < 0) or (CompareText(x, Last) > 0) then Result := False;
| 1173 | end;
| 1174 |
| 1175 | { ItemTip callback ------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
| 1176 |
| 1177 | function ItemTipKeyHook(Code: Integer; wParam: WPARAM; lParam: LPARAM): LRESULT;
| 1178 | { callback used to hide the item tip window whenever a key is pressed }
| 1179 | begin
| 1180 | if lParam shr 31 = 0 then uItemTip.Hide; // hide only on key down
| 1181 | Result := CallNextHookEx(uKeyHookHandle, Code, wParam, lParam);
| 1182 | end;
| 1183 |
| 1184 | { TItemTip --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
| 1185 |
| 1186 | procedure AddItemTipRef; // kcm
| 1187 | begin
| 1188 | if uItemTipCount = 0 then uItemTip := TItemTip.Create(Application); // all listboxes share a single ItemTip window
| 1189 | Inc(uItemTipCount);
| 1190 | end;
| 1191 |
| 1192 | procedure RemoveItemTipRef; // kcm
| 1193 | begin
| 1194 | Dec(uItemTipCount);
| 1195 | if (uItemTipCount = 0) and (uItemTip <> nil) then uItemTip.Free;
| 1196 | end;
| 1197 |
| 1198 | constructor TItemTip.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
| 1199 | { the windows hook allows the item tip window to be hidden whenever a key is pressed }
| 1200 | begin
| 1201 | inherited Create(AOwner);
| 1202 | uKeyHookHandle := SetWindowsHookEx(WH_KEYBOARD, ItemTipKeyHook, 0, GetCurrentThreadID);
| 1203 | end;
| 1204 |
| 1205 | destructor TItemTip.Destroy;
| 1206 | { disconnects the windows hook (callback) for keyboard events }
| 1207 | begin
| 1208 | UnhookWindowsHookEx(uKeyHookHandle);
| 1209 | inherited Destroy;
| 1210 | uItemTip := nil;
| 1211 | end;
| 1212 |
| 1213 | procedure TItemTip.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
| 1214 | { makes the window so that is can be viewed but not activated (can't get events) }
| 1215 | begin
| 1216 | inherited CreateParams(Params);
| 1217 | Params.Style := WS_POPUP or WS_DISABLED or WS_BORDER;
| 1218 | if uNewStyle then Params.ExStyle := WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW;
| 1219 | Params.ExStyle := Params.ExStyle or WS_EX_TOPMOST; // - test this!!
| 1220 | end;
| 1221 |
| 1222 | procedure TItemTip.Paint;
| 1223 | { displays the caption property for the window within the window }
| 1224 | var
| 1225 | AString: string;
| 1226 | y: integer;
| 1227 |
| 1228 | begin
| 1229 | AString := Caption;
| 1230 | with Canvas do
| 1231 | begin
| 1232 | SetBkMode(Handle, TRANSPARENT);
| 1233 | FillRect(ClientRect);
| 1234 | y := ((ClientRect.Bottom - ClientRect.Top) - FontHeightPixel(Canvas.Font.Handle)) div 2;
| 1235 | //TextOut(ClientRect.Left + 1, ClientRect.Top - 1, AString);
| 1236 | TabbedTextOut(Handle, 1, y, PChar(AString), Length(AString), FListBox.FTabPix[0],
| 1237 | FListBox.FTabPix[1], -1);
| 1238 | end;
| 1239 | end;
| 1240 |
| 1241 | procedure TItemTip.Hide;
| 1242 | { hides the tip window and makes sure the listbox isn't still capturing the mouse }
| 1243 | begin
| 1244 | if FShowing then
| 1245 | begin
| 1246 | { The listbox should retain mousecapture if the left mouse button is still down or it
| 1247 | is the dropdown list for a combobox. Otherwise, click events don't get triggered. }
| 1248 | with FListBox do if not (csLButtonDown in ControlState) and (FParentCombo = nil)
| 1249 | then MouseCapture := False;
| 1250 | ShowWindow(Handle, SW_HIDE);
| 1251 | FShowing := False;
| 1252 | end;
| 1253 | end;
| 1254 |
| 1255 | procedure TItemTip.UpdateText(CatchMouse: Boolean);
| 1256 | var
| 1257 | AWidth, ListClientWidth, X: Integer;
| 1258 | sr: TRect;
| 1259 |
| 1260 | begin
| 1261 | Cursor := FListBox.Cursor;
| 1262 | Canvas.Font := FListBox.Font;
| 1263 | if FSelected then
| 1264 | begin
| 1265 | Canvas.Brush.Color := clHighlight;
| 1266 | Canvas.Font.Color := clHighlightText;
| 1267 | end else // the item is not selected
| 1268 | begin
| 1269 | Canvas.Brush.Color := FListBox.ItemTipColor;
| 1270 | Canvas.Font.Color := clWindowText;
| 1271 | end;
| 1272 | Caption := FListBox.DisplayText[FListItem];
| 1273 | if Copy(Caption, 1, 2) = '__' then Caption := ' '; // so separators don't extend past window
| 1274 | AWidth := LOWORD(GetTabbedTextExtent(Canvas.Handle, PChar(Caption), Length(Caption),
| 1275 | FListBox.FTabPix[0], FListBox.FTabPix[1]));
| 1276 | // inherent scrollbar may not always be visible in a long list
| 1277 | if FListBox.LongList
| 1278 | then ListClientWidth := ClientWidthOfList(FListBox)
| 1279 | else ListClientWidth := FListBox.ClientWidth;
| 1280 | X := FPoint.X;
| 1281 | if(FListBox.FCheckBoxes) then
| 1282 | begin
| 1283 | dec(ListClientWidth, CheckWidth);
| 1284 | inc(X, CheckWidth);
| 1285 | end;
| 1286 | if AWidth > ListClientWidth then
| 1287 | Inc(AWidth, 4)
| 1288 | else
| 1289 | AWidth := ListClientWidth;
| 1290 | if SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETWORKAREA, 0, @sr, 0) then
| 1291 | begin
| 1292 | if AWidth < (sr.Right - sr.Left) then
| 1293 | begin
| 1294 | if (X + AWidth) > sr.Right then
| 1295 | X := sr.Right - AWidth;
| 1296 | end
| 1297 | else
| 1298 | X := sr.Left;
| 1299 | end;
| 1300 | FShowing := True;
| 1301 | if (GetCaptureControl = nil) and CatchMouse then FListBox.MouseCapture := True;
| 1302 | SetWindowPos(Handle, HWND_TOP, X, FPoint.Y, AWidth, FListBox.ItemHeight,
| 1304 | Invalidate;
| 1305 | end;
| 1306 |
| 1307 | procedure TItemTip.Show(AListBox: TORListBox; AnItem: Integer; APoint: TPoint;
| 1308 | CatchMouse: Boolean);
| 1309 | { sets the canvas properties and window size and text depending on the item in the listbox }
| 1310 | begin
| 1311 | if not AListBox.Visible then Exit; // added to support DropDown lists
| 1312 | FListBox := AListBox;
| 1313 | FListItem := AnItem;
| 1314 | FPoint := APoint;
| 1315 | FSelected := (FListBox.Perform(LB_GETSEL, FListItem, 0) > 0);
| 1316 | UpdateText(CatchMouse);
| 1317 | end;
| 1318 |
| 1319 | type
| 1320 | TORCBImgIdx = (iiUnchecked, iiChecked, iiGrayed, iiQMark, iiBlueQMark,
| 1321 | iiDisUnchecked, iiDisChecked, iiDisGrayed, iiDisQMark,
| 1322 | iiFlatUnChecked, iiFlatChecked, iiFlatGrayed,
| 1323 | iiRadioUnchecked, iiRadioChecked, iiRadioDisUnchecked, iiRadioDisChecked);
| 1324 |
| 1325 | const
| 1326 | CheckBoxImageResNames: array[TORCBImgIdx] of PChar = (
| 1333 |
| 1334 | var
| 1335 | ORCBImages: array[TORCBImgIdx] of TBitMap;
| 1336 |
| 1337 | function GetORCBBitmap(Idx: TORCBImgIdx): TBitmap;
| 1338 | begin
| 1339 | if(not assigned(ORCBImages[Idx])) then
| 1340 | begin
| 1341 | ORCBImages[Idx] := TBitMap.Create;
| 1342 | ORCBImages[Idx].LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, CheckBoxImageResNames[Idx]);
| 1343 | end;
| 1344 | Result := ORCBImages[Idx];
| 1345 | end;
| 1346 |
| 1347 | procedure DestroyORCBBitmaps; far;
| 1348 | var
| 1349 | i: TORCBImgIdx;
| 1350 |
| 1351 | begin
| 1352 | for i := low(TORCBImgIdx) to high(TORCBImgIdx) do
| 1353 | begin
| 1354 | if(assigned(ORCBImages[i])) then
| 1355 | ORCBImages[i].Free;
| 1356 | end;
| 1357 | end;
| 1358 |
| 1359 | { TORStrings }
| 1360 |
| 1361 | function TORStrings.Add(const S: string): integer;
| 1362 | var
| 1363 | RealVerification: Boolean;
| 1364 | begin
| 1365 | RealVerification := Verification;
| 1366 | Verification := False; //Disable verification while lists are not matched
| 1367 | result := FPlainText.Add(Translator(S));
| 1368 | Verification := RealVerification;
| 1369 | MList.Insert(result, S); //Don't need to here because MList never gets custom handlers
| 1370 | end;
| 1371 |
| 1372 | procedure TORStrings.Clear;
| 1373 | var
| 1374 | RealVerification: Boolean;
| 1375 | begin
| 1376 | Verify;
| 1377 | MList.Clear;
| 1378 | RealVerification := Verification;
| 1379 | Verification := False;
| 1380 | FPlainText.Clear;
| 1381 | Verification := RealVerification;
| 1382 | end;
| 1383 |
| 1384 | constructor TORStrings.Create(PlainText: TStrings; Translator: TTranslator);
| 1385 | begin
| 1386 | MList := TStringList.Create;
| 1387 | FPlainText := PlainText;
| 1388 | FTranslator := Translator;
| 1389 | FVerification := False;
| 1390 | end;
| 1391 |
| 1392 | procedure TORStrings.Delete(index: integer);
| 1393 | var
| 1394 | RealVerification: Boolean;
| 1395 | begin
| 1396 | Verify;
| 1397 | MList.Delete(index);
| 1398 | RealVerification := Verification;
| 1399 | Verification := False;
| 1400 | FPlainText.Delete(index);
| 1401 | Verification := RealVerification;
| 1402 | end;
| 1403 |
| 1404 | destructor TORStrings.Destroy;
| 1405 | begin
| 1406 | MList.Free;
| 1407 | inherited;
| 1408 | end;
| 1409 |
| 1410 | function TORStrings.Get(index: integer): string;
| 1411 | begin
| 1412 | Verify;
| 1413 | result := MList[index];
| 1414 | end;
| 1415 |
| 1416 | function TORStrings.GetCount: integer;
| 1417 | begin
| 1418 | Verify;
| 1419 | result := MList.Count;
| 1420 | end;
| 1421 |
| 1422 | function TORStrings.GetObject(index: integer): TObject;
| 1423 | begin
| 1424 | Verify;
| 1425 | result := FPlainText.Objects[index];
| 1426 | end;
| 1427 |
| 1428 | function TORStrings.IndexOf(const S: string): Integer;
| 1429 | begin
| 1430 | Verify;
| 1431 | Result := FPlainText.IndexOf(S);
| 1432 | end;
| 1433 |
| 1434 | procedure TORStrings.Insert(Index: Integer; const S: string);
| 1435 | var
| 1436 | RealVerification: Boolean;
| 1437 | begin
| 1438 | Verify;
| 1439 | MList.Insert(index, S);
| 1440 | RealVerification := Verification;
| 1441 | Verification := False;
| 1442 | FPlainText.Insert(index, Translator(S));
| 1443 | Verification := RealVerification;
| 1444 | end;
| 1445 |
| 1446 |
| 1447 | procedure TORStrings.Put(Index: Integer; const S: string);
| 1448 | var
| 1449 | RealVerification: Boolean;
| 1450 | begin //If this method weren't overridden, the listbox would forget which item was selected.
| 1451 | MList[Index] := S;
| 1452 | RealVerification := Verification;
| 1453 | Verification := False; //Disable verification while lists are not matched
| 1454 | FPlainText[Index] := Translator(S);
| 1455 | Verification := RealVerification;
| 1456 | end;
| 1457 |
| 1458 | procedure TORStrings.PutObject(index: integer; Value: TObject);
| 1459 | begin
| 1460 | FPlainText.Objects[index] := Value;
| 1461 | end;
| 1462 |
| 1463 | procedure TORStrings.SetUpdateState(Value: boolean);
| 1464 | begin
| 1465 | if Value then
| 1466 | FPlainText.BeginUpdate
| 1467 | else
| 1468 | FPlainText.EndUpdate;
| 1469 | end;
| 1470 |
| 1471 | procedure TORStrings.Verify;
| 1472 | var
| 1473 | Errors: TStringList;
| 1474 | i: integer;
| 1475 | M: string;
| 1476 | Plain: string;
| 1477 | TotalCount: integer;
| 1478 | begin
| 1479 | if Verification then begin
| 1480 | if not Assigned(FPlainText) then
| 1481 | raise Exception.Create( 'ORStrings is missing PlainText property.');
| 1482 | if not Assigned(FTranslator) then
| 1483 | raise Exception.Create( 'ORStrings is missing Translator property.');
| 1484 | Errors := TStringList.Create;
| 1485 | try
| 1486 | TotalCount := MList.Count;
| 1487 | if MList.Count <> PlainText.Count then begin
| 1488 | Errors.Add('M string count:'+IntToStr(MList.Count));
| 1489 | Errors.Add('Plain string count:'+IntToStr(PlainText.Count));
| 1490 | if PlainText.Count > TotalCount then
| 1491 | TotalCount := PlainText.Count;
| 1492 | end;
| 1493 | for i := 0 to TotalCount - 1 do begin
| 1494 | if i >= MList.Count then
| 1495 | Errors.Add('PlainText['+IntToStr(i)+']: '+PlainText[i])
| 1496 | else if i >= PlainText.Count then
| 1497 | Errors.Add('ORStrings['+IntToStr(i)+']: '+Translator(MList[i]))
| 1498 | else begin
| 1499 | M := Translator(MList[i]);
| 1500 | Plain := PlainText[i];
| 1501 | if M <> Plain then begin
| 1502 | if UpperCase(M) = UpperCase(Plain) then //Listboxes don't always sort cases right, so we give them a little help here.
| 1503 | begin
| 1504 | PlainText[i] := M;
| 1505 | end
| 1506 | else
| 1507 | begin
| 1508 | Errors.Add('PlainText['+IntToStr(i)+']: '+Plain);
| 1509 | Errors.Add('ORStrings['+IntToStr(i)+']: '+M);
| 1510 | end;
| 1511 | end;
| 1512 | end;
| 1513 | end;
| 1514 | if Errors.Count > 0 then begin
| 1515 | Errors.Insert( 0, 'OR strings are out of sync with plain text strings :');
| 1516 | raise Exception.Create( Errors.Text);
| 1517 | end;
| 1518 | finally
| 1519 | Errors.Free;
| 1520 | end;
| 1521 | end;
| 1522 | end;
| 1523 |
| 1524 | { TORListBox ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
| 1525 |
| 1526 | constructor TORListBox.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
| 1527 | { sets initial values for fields used by added properties (ItemTip, Reference, Tab, LongList) }
| 1528 | begin
| 1529 | inherited Create(AOwner);
| 1530 | AddItemTipRef; // kcm
| 1531 | FTipItem := -1;
| 1532 | FItemTipColor := clWindow;
| 1533 | FItemTipEnable := True;
| 1534 | FLastItemIndex := -1;
| 1535 | FFromSelf := False;
| 1536 | FDelimiter := '^';
| 1537 | FWhiteSpace := ' ';
| 1538 | FLongList := False;
| 1539 | FFromNeedData := False;
| 1540 | FFirstLoad := True;
| 1541 | FCurrentTop := -1;
| 1542 | FFocusIndex := -1;
| 1543 | ShowHint := True;
| 1544 | FHideSynonyms := FALSE;
| 1545 | FSynonymChars := '<>';
| 1546 | FTabPosInPixels := False;
| 1547 | FRightClickSelect := FALSE;
| 1548 | FCheckBoxes := FALSE;
| 1549 | FFlatCheckBoxes := TRUE;
| 1550 | FCaseChanged := TRUE;
| 1551 | FLookupPiece := 0;
| 1552 | end;
| 1553 |
| 1554 | destructor TORListBox.Destroy;
| 1555 | { ensures that the special records associated with each listbox item are disposed }
| 1556 | begin
| 1557 | FMItems.Free;
| 1558 | if uItemTip <> nil then uItemTip.Hide;
| 1559 | DestroyItems;
| 1560 | RemoveItemTipRef; //kcm
| 1561 | inherited Destroy;
| 1562 | end;
| 1563 |
| 1564 | procedure TORListBox.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
| 1565 | { ensures that the listbox can support tab stops }
| 1566 | begin
| 1567 | inherited CreateParams(Params);
| 1568 | with Params do Style := Style or LBS_USETABSTOPS;
| 1569 | end;
| 1570 |
| 1571 | procedure TORListBox.CreateWnd;
| 1572 | { makes sure that actual (rather than 'intercepted') values are restored from FSaveItems
| 1573 | (FSaveItems is part of TCustomListBox), necessary if window is recreated by property change
| 1574 | also gets the first bolus of data in the case of a LongList }
| 1575 | var
| 1576 | RealVerification: Boolean;
| 1577 | begin
| 1578 | FFromSelf := True;
| 1579 | RealVerification := True;
| 1580 | if Assigned( FMItems ) then
| 1581 | begin
| 1582 | RealVerification := FMItems.Verification;
| 1583 | FMItems.Verification := False;
| 1584 | end;
| 1585 | inherited CreateWnd;
| 1586 | if Assigned( FMItems ) then
| 1587 | begin
| 1588 | FMItems.Verification := RealVerification;
| 1589 | FMItems.Verify;
| 1590 | end;
| 1591 | FFromSelf := False;
| 1592 | if FTabPos[0] > 0 then SetTabStops;
| 1593 | end;
| 1594 |
| 1595 | procedure TORListBox.Loaded;
| 1596 | { after the properties are loaded, get the first data bolus for a LongList }
| 1597 | begin
| 1598 | inherited;
| 1599 | if FLongList then FWaterMark := Items.Count;
| 1600 | SetTabStops;
| 1601 | end;
| 1602 |
| 1603 | procedure TORListBox.DestroyWnd;
| 1604 | { makes sure that actual (rather than 'intercepted') values are saved to FSaveItems
| 1605 | (FSaveItems is part of TCustomListBox), necessary if window is recreated by property change }
| 1606 | begin
| 1607 | FFromSelf := True;
| 1608 | inherited DestroyWnd;
| 1609 | FFromSelf := False;
| 1610 | end;
| 1611 |
| 1612 | function TORListBox.TextToShow(S: string): string;
| 1613 | { returns the text that will be displayed based on the Pieces and TabPosition properties }
| 1614 | var
| 1615 | i: Integer;
| 1616 | begin
| 1617 | if FPieces[0] > 0 then
| 1618 | begin
| 1619 | Result := '';
| 1620 | for i := 1 to FPieces[0] do
| 1621 | Result := Result + Piece(S, FDelimiter, FPieces[i]) + FWhiteSpace;
| 1622 | Result := TrimRight(Result);
| 1623 | end
| 1624 | else
| 1625 | begin
| 1626 | SetString(Result, PChar(S), Length(S));
| 1627 | end;
| 1628 | end;
| 1629 |
| 1630 | function TORListBox.IsSynonym(const TestStr: string): boolean;
| 1631 | var
| 1632 | i,cnt,len :integer;
| 1633 |
| 1634 | begin
| 1635 | Result := FALSE;
| 1636 | if((FHideSynonyms) and (FSynonymChars <> '')) then
| 1637 | begin
| 1638 | len := length(FSynonymChars);
| 1639 | cnt := 0;
| 1640 | for i := 1 to len do
| 1641 | if(pos(FSynonymChars[i], TestStr)>0) then inc(cnt);
| 1642 | if(cnt = len) then Result := TRUE;
| 1643 | if assigned(FOnSynonymCheck) then
| 1644 | FOnSynonymCheck(Self, TestStr, Result);
| 1645 | end;
| 1646 | end;
| 1647 |
| 1648 | function TORListBox.GetDisplayText(Index: Integer): string;
| 1649 | { get the item string actually displayed by the listbox rather than what is in Items[n] }
| 1650 | var
| 1651 | Len: Integer;
| 1652 | Buf: array[0..4095] of Char;
| 1653 | begin
| 1654 | Result := '';
| 1655 | FFromSelf := True;
| 1656 | Len := SendMessage(Handle,LB_GETTEXT, Index, Integer(@Buf));
| 1657 | FFromSelf := False;
| 1658 | if Len > 0 then
| 1659 | begin
| 1660 | SetString(Result, Buf, Len);
| 1661 | end;
| 1662 | end;
| 1663 |
| 1664 | // The following 7 message handling procedures essentially reimplement the TListBoxStrings
| 1665 | // object found in StdCtrls. They do this by intercepting the messages sent by the
| 1666 | // TListBoxStrings object and modifying the contents of WParam, LParam, and Result.
| 1667 | // This allows TORListBox to use the ItemData pointer that is part of each listbox item
| 1668 | // to store its own information yet let the application still use the Objects property
| 1669 | // of standard Delphi listboxes. It also makes it possible to implement the Pieces and
| 1670 | // TabPosition properties without forcing the listbox to be owner drawn.
| 1671 |
| 1672 | procedure TORListBox.LBGetItemData(var Message: TMessage);
| 1673 | { intercept LB_GETITEMDATA and repoint to UserObject rather than internal value in ItemData }
| 1674 | var
| 1675 | ItemRec: PItemRec;
| 1676 | begin
| 1677 | inherited;
| 1678 | if not FFromSelf then with Message do
| 1679 | begin
| 1680 | ItemRec := PItemRec(Result);
| 1681 | if(assigned(ItemRec)) then
| 1682 | Result := Integer(ItemRec^.UserObject)
| 1683 | else
| 1684 | Result := 0;
| 1685 | end;
| 1686 | end;
| 1687 |
| 1688 | procedure TORListBox.LBSetItemData(var Message: TMessage);
| 1689 | { intercept LB_SETITEMDATA as save object in UserObject since ItemData is used interally }
| 1690 | var
| 1691 | ItemRec: PItemRec;
| 1692 | begin
| 1693 | if not FFromSelf then with Message do
| 1694 | begin
| 1695 | FFromSelf := True;
| 1696 | ItemRec := PItemRec(SendMessage(Handle,LB_GETITEMDATA, WParam, 0)); // WParam: list index
| 1697 | FFromSelf := False;
| 1698 | if(assigned(ItemRec)) then
| 1699 | ItemRec^.UserObject := TObject(LParam);
| 1700 | LParam := Integer(ItemRec);
| 1701 | if uItemTip.FShowing and (uItemTip.FListBox = Self) and (uItemTip.FListItem = WParam) then
| 1702 | uItemTip.UpdateText(FALSE);
| 1703 | end;
| 1704 | inherited;
| 1705 | end;
| 1706 |
| 1707 | procedure TORListBox.LBGetText(var Message: TMessage);
| 1708 | { intercept LB_GETTEXT and repoint to full item string rather than what's visible in listbox }
| 1709 | var
| 1710 | ItemRec: PItemRec;
| 1711 | Text: string;
| 1712 | begin
| 1713 | inherited;
| 1714 | if (not FFromSelf) and (Message.Result <> LB_ERR) then with Message do
| 1715 | begin
| 1716 | FFromSelf := True;
| 1717 | ItemRec := PItemRec(SendMessage(Handle,LB_GETITEMDATA, WParam, 0)); // WParam: list index
| 1718 | FFromSelf := False;
| 1719 | if(assigned(ItemRec)) then
| 1720 | begin
| 1721 | FFromSelf := True;
| 1722 | Text := TListBox(self).Items[WParam];
| 1723 | StrCopy(PChar(LParam), PChar(Text)); // LParam: points string buffer
| 1724 | Result := Length(Text); // Result: length of string
| 1725 | FFromSelf := False;
| 1726 | end
| 1727 | else
| 1728 | begin
| 1729 | StrPCopy(PChar(LParam),'');
| 1730 | Result := 0;
| 1731 | end;
| 1732 | end;
| 1733 | end;
| 1734 | procedure TORListBox.LBGetTextLen(var Message: TMessage);
| 1735 | { intercept LB_GETTEXTLEN and return true length of ItemRec^.FullText }
| 1736 | { -- in response to HOU-0299-70576, Thanks to Stephen Kirby for this fix! }
| 1737 | var
| 1738 | ItemRec: PItemRec;
| 1739 | begin
| 1740 | inherited;
| 1741 | if (not FFromSelf) and (Message.Result <> LB_ERR) then with Message do
| 1742 | begin
| 1743 | FFromSelf := True;
| 1744 | ItemRec := PItemRec(SendMessage(Handle, LB_GETITEMDATA, WParam, 0));
| 1745 | if(assigned(ItemRec)) then
| 1746 | Result := Length(TListBox(self).Items[WParam]) // Result:length of string
| 1747 | else
| 1748 | Result := 0;
| 1749 | FFromSelf := False;
| 1750 | end;
| 1751 | end;
| 1752 |
| 1753 | procedure TORListBox.LBAddString(var Message: TMessage);
| 1754 | { intercept LB_ADDSTRING and save full string in separate record. Then rebuild a string that
| 1755 | has what's visible (based on Pieces, TabPosition properties) and substitute that in LParam }
| 1756 | var
| 1757 | ItemRec: PItemRec;
| 1758 | begin
| 1759 | if not FFromSelf then
| 1760 | begin
| 1761 | if FLongList then // -- special long list processing - begin
| 1762 | begin
| 1763 | if FFromNeedData then FDataAdded := True else with Message do
| 1764 | begin
| 1765 | WParam := FWaterMark;
| 1766 | Result := Perform(LB_INSERTSTRING, WParam, LParam); // always insert into short list
| 1767 | Exit;
| 1768 | end;
| 1769 | end; // -- special long list processing - end
| 1770 | New(ItemRec);
| 1771 | with ItemRec^, Message do
| 1772 | begin
| 1773 | UserObject := nil;
| 1774 | CheckedState := cbUnchecked;
| 1775 | FCreatingText := PChar(LParam);
| 1776 | end;
| 1777 | FCreatingItem := TRUE;
| 1778 | inherited;
| 1779 | FCreatingItem := FALSE;
| 1780 | // insert into list AFTER calling inherited in case the listbox is sorted
| 1781 | DoChange;
| 1782 | with Message do if Result <> LB_ERR then
| 1783 | begin
| 1784 | FFromSelf := True;
| 1785 | SendMessage(Handle,LB_SETITEMDATA, Result, Integer(ItemRec)); // Result: new item index
| 1786 | FFromSelf := False;
| 1787 | end
| 1788 | else Dispose(ItemRec);
| 1789 | end
| 1790 | else inherited;
| 1791 | end;
| 1792 |
| 1793 | procedure TORListBox.LBInsertString(var Message: TMessage);
| 1794 | { intercepts LB_INSERTSTRING, similar to LBAddString except for special long list processing }
| 1795 | var
| 1796 | ItemRec: PItemRec;
| 1797 | begin
| 1798 | if not FFromSelf then
| 1799 | begin
| 1800 | if FLongList then // -- special long list processing - begin
| 1801 | begin
| 1802 | if FFromNeedData then
| 1803 | begin
| 1804 | FDataAdded := True;
| 1805 | Inc(FCurrentTop);
| 1806 | end
| 1807 | else with Message do
| 1808 | begin
| 1809 | if WParam > FWaterMark then
| 1810 | begin // make sure insert above watermark
| 1811 | FMItems.MList.Move(WParam,FWaterMark);
| 1812 | WParam := FWaterMark;
| 1813 | end;
| 1814 | Inc(FWaterMark);
| 1815 | end;
| 1816 | end; // -- special long list processing - end
| 1817 | New(ItemRec);
| 1818 | with ItemRec^, Message do
| 1819 | begin
| 1820 | UserObject := nil;
| 1821 | CheckedState := cbUnchecked;
| 1822 | FCreatingText := PChar(LParam);
| 1823 | end;
| 1824 | FCreatingItem := TRUE;
| 1825 | inherited;
| 1826 | FCreatingItem := FALSE;
| 1827 | DoChange;
| 1828 | with Message do if Result <> LB_ERR then
| 1829 | begin
| 1830 | FFromSelf := True;
| 1831 | SendMessage(Handle,LB_SETITEMDATA, Result, Integer(ItemRec)); // Result: new item index
| 1832 | FFromSelf := False;
| 1833 | end
| 1834 | else Dispose(ItemRec);
| 1835 | end
| 1836 | else inherited;
| 1837 | end;
| 1838 |
| 1839 | procedure TORListBox.LBDeleteString(var Message: TMessage);
| 1840 | { intercept LB_DELETESTRING and dispose the record associated with the item being deleted }
| 1841 | var
| 1842 | ItemRec: PItemRec;
| 1843 | begin
| 1844 | with Message do
| 1845 | begin
| 1846 | FFromSelf := True;
| 1847 | ItemRec := PItemRec(SendMessage(Handle,LB_GETITEMDATA, WParam, 0)); // WParam: list index
| 1848 | FFromSelf := False;
| 1849 | if(assigned(ItemRec)) then
| 1850 | begin
| 1851 | if FLongList and not FFromNeedData then
| 1852 | Dec(FWaterMark);
| 1853 | Dispose(ItemRec);
| 1854 | end;
| 1855 | end;
| 1856 | FFromSelf := True; // FFromSelf is set here because, under NT, LBResetContent is called
| 1857 | inherited; // when deleting the last string from the listbox. Since ItemRec is
| 1858 | FFromSelf := False; // already disposed, it shouldn't be disposed again.
| 1859 | DoChange;
| 1860 | end;
| 1861 |
| 1862 | procedure TORListBox.LBResetContent(var Message: TMessage);
| 1863 | { intercept LB_RESETCONTENT (list is being cleared) and dispose all records }
| 1864 | var
| 1865 | ItemCount, i: Integer;
| 1866 | ItemRec: PItemRec;
| 1867 | begin
| 1868 | if not FFromSelf then
| 1869 | begin
| 1870 | ItemCount := Perform(LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
| 1871 | for i := 0 to ItemCount - 1 do
| 1872 | begin
| 1873 | FFromSelf := True;
| 1874 | ItemRec := PItemRec(SendMessage(Handle,LB_GETITEMDATA, i, 0));
| 1875 | FFromSelf := False;
| 1876 | Dispose(ItemRec);
| 1877 | end;
| 1878 | Perform(LB_SETCOUNT, 0, 0);
| 1879 | end;
| 1880 | // This was casuing pain for ResetItems when FWaterMark was being cleared for short lists
| 1881 | if FLongList then
| 1882 | FWaterMark := 0;
| 1883 | inherited;
| 1884 | end;
| 1885 |
| 1886 | procedure TORListBox.LBSetCurSel(var Message: TMessage);
| 1887 | { call DoChange, which calls OnChange event whenever ItemIndex changes }
| 1888 | begin
| 1889 | inherited;
| 1890 | DoChange;
| 1891 | end;
| 1892 |
| 1893 | procedure TORListBox.CMFontChanged(var Message: TMessage);
| 1894 | { make sure itemtip and tabs respond to characteristics of the new font }
| 1895 | begin
| 1896 | inherited;
| 1897 | FLargeChange := (Height div ItemHeight) - 1;
| 1898 | SetTabStops;
| 1899 | end;
| 1900 |
| 1901 | procedure TORListBox.WMKeyDown(var Message: TWMKeyDown);
| 1902 | { intercept the keydown messages so that the listbox can be navigated by using the arrow
| 1903 | keys and shifting the focus rectangle rather than generating Click for each keypress }
| 1904 | var
| 1905 | IsSelected: LongBool;
| 1906 | begin
| 1907 | //if Message.CharCode in [VK_RETURN, VK_ESCAPE] then inherited; // ignore other keys
| 1908 | case Message.CharCode of
| 1910 | if FocusIndex > -1 then
| 1911 | begin
| 1912 | if MultiSelect then
| 1913 | begin
| 1914 | IsSelected := LongBool(Perform(LB_GETSEL, FocusIndex, 0));
| 1915 | Perform(LB_SETSEL, Longint(not IsSelected), FocusIndex);
| 1916 | end
| 1917 | else Perform(LB_SETCURSEL, FocusIndex, 0);
| 1918 | // Send WM_COMMAND here because LBN_SELCHANGE not triggered by LB_SETSEL
| 1919 | // and LBN_SELCHANGE is what eventually triggers the Click event.
| 1920 | // The LBN_SELCHANGE documentation implies we should send the control id, which is
| 1921 | // 32 bits long, in the high word of WPARAM (16 bits). Since that won't work - we'll
| 1922 | // try sending the item index instead.
| 1923 | SendMessage(Parent.Handle, WM_COMMAND, MAKELONG(FocusIndex, LBN_SELCHANGE), LPARAM(Handle));
| 1924 | end;
| 1925 | VK_PRIOR: SetFocusIndex(FocusIndex - FLargeChange);
| 1926 | VK_NEXT: SetFocusIndex(FocusIndex + FLargeChange);
| 1927 | VK_END: SetFocusIndex(SFI_END);
| 1928 | VK_HOME: SetFocusIndex(SFI_TOP);
| 1929 | VK_LEFT, VK_UP: SetFocusIndex(FocusIndex - 1);
| 1930 | VK_RIGHT, VK_DOWN: SetFocusIndex(FocusIndex + 1);
| 1931 | else inherited;
| 1932 | end;
| 1933 | Message.Result := 0;
| 1934 | end;
| 1935 |
| 1936 | procedure TORListBox.WMLButtonDown(var Message: TWMLButtonDown);
| 1937 | { work around for a very ugly problem when the listbox is used with a dropdown combobox
| 1938 | when the listbox is used this way (parent=desktop) the click events seem to be ignored }
| 1939 | var
| 1940 | AnItem: Integer;
| 1941 | ScrollRect, ListRect: TRect;
| 1942 | ScreenPoint: TSmallPoint;
| 1943 | TmpRect: TRect;
| 1944 | begin
| 1945 | if FParentCombo <> nil then with Message do
| 1946 | begin
| 1947 | FDontClose := FALSE;
| 1948 | ListRect := ClientRect; //+
| 1949 | if FLongList then ListRect.Right := ListRect.Left + ClientWidthOfList(Self); //+
| 1950 | // if the mouse was clicked in the client area set ItemIndex ourselves
| 1951 | if PtInRect(ListRect, Point(XPos, YPos)) then //~
| 1952 | begin
| 1953 | AnItem := GetIndexFromY(YPos);
| 1954 | if AnItem < Items.Count then ItemIndex := AnItem;
| 1955 | FParentCombo.FwdClick(FParentCombo);
| 1956 | FDontClose := TRUE;
| 1957 | end;
| 1958 | // if the mouse was clicked on the scrollbar, send a message to make the scrolling happen
| 1959 | // this is done with WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, which is ignored if mousecapture is on, so we have
| 1960 | // to turn mousecapture off, then back on since it's needed to hide the listbox
| 1961 | with ListRect do ScrollRect := Rect(Right + 1, Top, Self.Width - 2, Bottom); //~
| 1962 | if {(Items.Count > (FLargeChange + 1)) and} PtInRect(ScrollRect, Point(XPos, YPos)) then //~
| 1963 | begin
| 1964 | if FLongList then // for long lists
| 1965 | begin
| 1966 | ScreenPoint := PointToSmallPoint(FScrollBar.ScreenToClient(
| 1967 | Self.ClientToScreen(Point(XPos, YPos))));
| 1968 | MouseCapture := False;
| 1969 | SendMessage(FScrollBar.Handle, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, Message.Keys,
| 1970 | MakeLParam(ScreenPoint.X, ScreenPoint.Y));
| 1971 | MouseCapture := True;
| 1972 | end else // for normal lists
| 1973 | begin
| 1974 | ScreenPoint := PointToSmallPoint(Self.ClientToScreen(Point(XPos, YPos)));
| 1975 | MouseCapture := False;
| 1976 | SendMessage(Self.Handle, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTVSCROLL,
| 1977 | MakeLParam(ScreenPoint.X, ScreenPoint.Y));
| 1978 | MouseCapture := True;
| 1979 | end;
| 1980 | end
| 1981 | else
| 1982 | if(FCheckBoxes) then
| 1983 | begin
| 1984 | TmpRect := ListRect;
| 1985 | TmpRect.Top := TmpRect.Bottom;
| 1986 | TmpRect.Right := TmpRect.Left + Width;
| 1987 | inc(TmpRect.Bottom, CheckComboBtnHeight);
| 1988 | if PtInRect(TmpRect, Point(XPos, YPos)) then
| 1989 | begin
| 1990 | inc(TmpRect.Left, (TmpRect.right - TmpRect.Left) div 2);
| 1991 | FParentCombo.DropPanelBtnPressed(XPos <= TmpRect.Left, FALSE);
| 1992 | end;
| 1993 | end;
| 1994 | end;
| 1995 | inherited;
| 1996 | end;
| 1997 |
| 1998 | procedure TORListBox.WMLButtonUp(var Message: TWMLButtonUp);
| 1999 | { If the listbox is being used with a dropdown combo, hide the listbox whenever something is
| 2000 | clicked. The mouse is captured at this point - this isn't called if clicking scrollbar. }
| 2001 | begin
| 2002 | if (FParentCombo <> nil) and ((not FDontClose) or (not FCheckBoxes)) then FParentCombo.DroppedDown := False;
| 2003 | FDontClose := FALSE;
| 2004 | inherited;
| 2005 | end;
| 2006 |
| 2007 | procedure TORListBox.WMRButtonUp(var Message: TWMRButtonUp);
| 2008 | { When the RightClickSelect property is true, this routine is used to select an item }
| 2009 | var
| 2010 | AnItem: Integer;
| 2011 | ListRect: TRect;
| 2012 |
| 2013 | begin
| 2014 | if(FRightClickSelect and (FParentCombo = nil)) then with Message do // List Boxes only, not Combo Boxes
| 2015 | begin
| 2016 | ListRect := ClientRect; //+
| 2017 | if FLongList then ListRect.Right := ListRect.Left + ClientWidthOfList(Self); //+
| 2018 | // if the mouse was clicked in the client area set ItemIndex ourselves
| 2019 | if PtInRect(ListRect, Point(XPos, YPos)) then //~
| 2020 | begin
| 2021 | AnItem := GetIndexFromY(YPos);
| 2022 | if AnItem >= Items.Count then AnItem := -1;
| 2023 | end
| 2024 | else
| 2025 | AnItem := -1;
| 2026 | ItemIndex := AnItem;
| 2027 | end;
| 2028 | inherited;
| 2029 | end;
| 2030 |
| 2031 | procedure TORListBox.WMLButtonDblClk(var Message: TWMLButtonDblClk);
| 2032 | { treat a doubleclick in the scroll region as if it were a single click - see WMLButtonDown }
| 2033 | var
| 2034 | ScrollRect: TRect;
| 2035 | ScreenPoint: TSmallPoint;
| 2036 | begin
| 2037 | if FParentCombo <> nil then with Message do
| 2038 | begin
| 2039 | if(FCheckBoxes) then FDontClose := TRUE;
| 2040 | // if the mouse was clicked on the scrollbar, send a message to make the scrolling happen
| 2041 | // this is done with WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, which is ignored if mousecapture is on, so we have
| 2042 | // to turn mousecapture off, then back on since it's needed to hide the listbox
| 2043 | with ClientRect do ScrollRect := Rect(Right + 1, Top, Self.Width - 2, Bottom);
| 2044 | if (Items.Count > (FLargeChange + 1)) and PtInRect(ScrollRect, Point(XPos, YPos)) then
| 2045 | begin
| 2046 | if FLongList then // for long lists
| 2047 | begin
| 2048 | ScreenPoint := PointToSmallPoint(FScrollBar.ScreenToClient(
| 2049 | Self.ClientToScreen(Point(XPos, YPos))));
| 2050 | MouseCapture := False;
| 2051 | SendMessage(FScrollBar.Handle, WM_LBUTTONDOWN, Message.Keys,
| 2052 | MakeLParam(ScreenPoint.X, ScreenPoint.Y));
| 2053 | MouseCapture := True;
| 2054 | end else // for normal lists
| 2055 | begin
| 2056 | ScreenPoint := PointToSmallPoint(Self.ClientToScreen(Point(XPos, YPos)));
| 2057 | MouseCapture := False;
| 2058 | SendMessage(Self.Handle, WM_NCLBUTTONDOWN, HTVSCROLL,
| 2059 | MakeLParam(ScreenPoint.X, ScreenPoint.Y));
| 2060 | MouseCapture := True;
| 2061 | end; {if FLongList}
| 2062 | end; {if (Items.Count)}
| 2063 | end; {if FParentCombo}
| 2064 | inherited;
| 2065 | end;
| 2066 |
| 2067 | procedure TORListBox.WMCancelMode(var Message: TMessage);
| 2068 | { This message is sent when focus shifts to another window - need to hide the listbox at this
| 2069 | point if it is being used with a dropdown combobox. }
| 2070 | begin
| 2071 | uItemTip.Hide;
| 2072 | if FParentCombo <> nil then FParentCombo.DroppedDown := False;
| 2073 | inherited;
| 2074 | end;
| 2075 |
| 2076 | procedure TORListBox.WMMove(var Message: TWMMove);
| 2077 | { whenever in LongList mode we need to move the scrollbar along with the listbox }
| 2078 | begin
| 2079 | inherited;
| 2080 | if FScrollBar <> nil then AdjustScrollBar;
| 2081 | end;
| 2082 |
| 2083 | procedure TORListBox.WMSize(var Message: TWMSize);
| 2084 | { calculate the number of visible items in the listbox whenever it is resized
| 2085 | if in LongList mode, size the scrollbar to match the listbox }
| 2086 | begin
| 2087 | inherited;
| 2088 | FLargeChange := (Message.Height div ItemHeight) - 1;
| 2089 | if FScrollBar <> nil then AdjustScrollBar;
| 2090 | end;
| 2091 |
| 2092 | procedure TORListBox.WMVScroll(var Message: TWMVScroll);
| 2093 | { makes sure the itemtip is hidden whenever the listbox is scrolled }
| 2094 | // it would be better if this was done right away (before endscroll, but it seems to mess
| 2095 | // up mouse capture (SaveCaptureControl, HideItemTip, RestoreCaptureControl?)
| 2096 | begin
| 2097 | inherited;
| 2098 | if Message.ScrollCode = SB_ENDSCROLL then uItemTip.Hide;
| 2099 | end;
| 2100 |
| 2101 | procedure TORListBox.CMHintShow(var Message: TMessage);
| 2102 | { if ShowHint is used to delay showing tip, starts showing ItemTip when hint timer expires }
| 2103 | var
| 2104 | APoint: TPoint;
| 2105 | begin
| 2106 | inherited;
| 2107 | FItemTipActive := True;
| 2108 | GetCursorPos(APoint);
| 2109 | APoint := ScreenToClient(APoint);
| 2110 | MouseMove([], APoint.X, APoint.Y); // assume nothing in ShiftState for now
| 2111 | end;
| 2112 |
| 2113 | procedure TORListBox.Click;
| 2114 | begin
| 2115 | inherited Click;
| 2116 | DoChange;
| 2117 | end;
| 2118 |
| 2119 | procedure TORListBox.DoChange;
| 2120 | { call the OnChange Event if ItemIndex is changed }
| 2121 | begin
| 2122 | if ItemIndex <> FLastItemIndex then
| 2123 | begin
| 2124 | FLastItemIndex := ItemIndex;
| 2125 | if Assigned(FOnChange) then FOnChange(Self);
| 2126 | end;
| 2127 | end;
| 2128 |
| 2129 | procedure TORListBox.DoEnter;
| 2130 | { display the item tip window when the listbox gets keyboard focus - if itemtip enabled }
| 2131 | begin
| 2132 | //if Items.Count > 0 then SetFocusIndex(TopIndex); // this seems to cause problems
| 2133 | inherited DoEnter;
| 2134 | end;
| 2135 |
| 2136 | procedure TORListBox.DoExit;
| 2137 | { make sure item tip is hidden for this listbox when focus shifts to something else }
| 2138 | begin
| 2139 | uItemTip.Hide;
| 2140 | FItemTipActive := False;
| 2141 | inherited DoExit;
| 2142 | end;
| 2143 |
| 2144 | procedure TORListBox.DestroyItems;
| 2145 | var
| 2146 | ItemCount,i: Integer;
| 2147 | ItemRec: PItemRec;
| 2148 |
| 2149 | begin
| 2150 | if(not FItemsDestroyed) then
| 2151 | begin
| 2152 | ItemCount := Perform(LB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0);
| 2153 | for i := 0 to ItemCount - 1 do
| 2154 | begin
| 2155 | FFromSelf := True;
| 2156 | ItemRec := PItemRec(SendMessage(Handle,LB_GETITEMDATA, i, 0));
| 2157 | FFromSelf := False;
| 2158 | if Assigned(ItemRec) then
| 2159 | Dispose(ItemRec);
| 2160 | end;
| 2161 | FItemsDestroyed := TRUE;
| 2162 |
| 2163 | end;
| 2164 | end;
| 2165 |
| 2166 | procedure TORListBox.ToggleCheckBox(idx: integer);
| 2167 | var
| 2168 | ItemRec: PItemRec;
| 2169 | OldFromSelf: boolean;
| 2170 | Rect: TRect;
| 2171 |
| 2172 | begin
| 2173 | if(not FCheckBoxes) or (idx < 0) or (idx >= Items.Count) then exit;
| 2174 | OldFromSelf := FFromSelf;
| 2175 | FFromSelf := True;
| 2176 | ItemRec := PItemRec(SendMessage(Handle,LB_GETITEMDATA, idx, 0));
| 2177 | FFromSelf := OldFromSelf;
| 2178 | if(assigned(ItemRec)) then
| 2179 | begin
| 2180 | if(FAllowGrayed) then
| 2181 | begin
| 2182 | case ItemRec^.CheckedState of
| 2183 | cbUnchecked: ItemRec^.CheckedState := cbGrayed;
| 2184 | cbGrayed: ItemRec^.CheckedState := cbChecked;
| 2185 | cbChecked: ItemRec^.CheckedState := cbUnchecked;
| 2186 | end;
| 2187 | end
| 2188 | else
| 2189 | begin
| 2190 | if(ItemRec^.CheckedState = cbUnchecked) then
| 2191 | ItemRec^.CheckedState := cbChecked
| 2192 | else
| 2193 | ItemRec^.CheckedState := cbUnChecked;
| 2194 | end;
| 2195 | end;
| 2196 | Rect := ItemRect(Idx);
| 2197 | InvalidateRect(Handle, @Rect, FALSE);
| 2198 | if(assigned(FOnClickCheck)) then
| 2199 | FOnClickCheck(Self, idx);
| 2200 | if(assigned(FParentCombo)) then
| 2201 | FParentCombo.UpdateCheckEditBoxText;
| 2202 | end;
| 2203 |
| 2204 | procedure TORListBox.KeyPress(var Key: Char);
| 2205 | begin
| 2206 | inherited;
| 2207 | if (Key = ' ') then ToggleCheckBox(ItemIndex);
| 2208 | end;
| 2209 |
| 2210 | procedure TORListBox.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
| 2211 | { hide the item tip window whenever an item is clicked - ignored if itemtip not enabled}
| 2212 | var
| 2213 | idx: integer;
| 2214 |
| 2215 | begin
| 2216 | uItemTip.Hide;
| 2217 | inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y);
| 2218 | if(FCheckBoxes) and (X >= 0) and (X <= Width) and (Y >= 0) and (Y <= Height) then
| 2219 | begin
| 2220 | idx := GetIndexFromY(Y);
| 2221 | if(idx >= 0) then
| 2222 | begin
| 2223 | if(FCheckEntireLine) then
| 2224 | ToggleCheckBox(idx)
| 2225 | else
| 2226 | if(X < CheckWidth) then ToggleCheckBox(idx);
| 2227 | end;
| 2228 | end;
| 2229 | end;
| 2230 |
| 2231 | procedure TORListBox.MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
| 2232 | { hide and show the appropriate item tip window as the mouse moves through the listbox }
| 2233 | const
| 2234 | CATCH_MOUSE = True;
| 2235 | var
| 2236 | AnItem: Integer;
| 2237 | TrueOffset :integer;
| 2238 | TipPos: TPoint;
| 2239 | begin
| 2240 | inherited MouseMove(Shift, X, Y);
| 2241 | if (not FItemTipEnable) or (not Application.Active) then Exit;
| 2242 | { Make sure mouse really moved before continuing. For some reason, MouseMove gets called
| 2243 | every time a navigation key is pressed. If FItemTipActive is true, mouse is pausing
| 2244 | over the list.}
| 2245 | if (not FItemTipActive) and (X = FLastMouseX) and (Y = FLastMouseY) then Exit;
| 2246 | FLastMouseX := X;
| 2247 | FLastMouseY := Y;
| 2248 | // when captured mouse moving outside listbox
| 2249 | if not PtInRect(ClientRect, Point(X, Y)) then
| 2250 | begin
| 2251 | uItemTip.Hide;
| 2252 | FItemTipActive := False;
| 2253 | FTipItem := -1;
| 2254 | Exit;
| 2255 | end;
| 2256 | // borrow hint timer to delay first ItemTip
| 2257 | if ShowHint and not FItemTipActive then Exit;
| 2258 | // when mouse moving within listbox
| 2259 | AnItem := GetIndexFromY(Y);
| 2260 | TrueOffset := (Y div ItemHeight) + TopIndex;
| 2261 | if AnItem <> FTipItem then
| 2262 | begin
| 2263 | if (AnItem < Items.Count) and ((TrueOffset - TopIndex + 1) * ItemHeight < Height) then
| 2264 | begin
| 2265 | TipPos := ClientToScreen(Point(0, (TrueOffset - TopIndex) * ItemHeight));
| 2266 | uItemTip.Show(Self, AnItem, TipPos, CATCH_MOUSE);
| 2267 | FTipItem := AnItem;
| 2268 | end else
| 2269 | begin
| 2270 | uItemTip.Hide;
| 2271 | FTipItem := -1;
| 2272 | end;
| 2273 | end;
| 2274 | end;
| 2275 |
| 2276 | procedure TORListBox.MeasureItem(Index: Integer; var Height: Integer);
| 2277 | var
| 2278 | Txt:string;
| 2279 |
| 2280 | begin
| 2281 | if(FHideSynonyms) and (fSynonymChars <> '') then
| 2282 | begin
| 2283 | if(FCreatingItem) then
| 2284 | Txt := FCreatingText
| 2285 | else
| 2286 | Txt := Items[Index];
| 2287 | if(IsSynonym(Txt)) then Height := 0;
| 2288 | end;
| 2289 | inherited MeasureItem(Index, Height);
| 2290 | end;
| 2291 |
| 2292 | procedure TORListBox.WMDestroy(var Message: TWMDestroy);
| 2293 | begin
| 2294 | if(assigned(Owner)) and (csDestroying in Owner.ComponentState) then
| 2295 | DestroyItems;
| 2296 | inherited;
| 2297 | end;
| 2298 |
| 2299 | procedure TORListBox.CNDrawItem(var Message: TWMDrawItem);
| 2300 | begin
| 2301 | if(FCheckBoxes) then
| 2302 | with Message.DrawItemStruct^ do
| 2303 | inc(rcItem.Left, CheckWidth);
| 2304 | inherited;
| 2305 | end;
| 2306 |
| 2307 | procedure TORListBox.DrawItem(Index: Integer; Rect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState);
| 2308 | var
| 2309 | Flags: Longint;
| 2310 | ItemRec: PItemRec;
| 2311 | OldFromSelf :boolean;
| 2312 | BMap: TBitMap;
| 2313 | i, DY: integer;
| 2314 | TmpR: TRect;
| 2315 | Neg: boolean;
| 2316 | ShowText: string;
| 2317 | begin
| 2318 | if(assigned(FOnBeforeDraw)) then
| 2319 | FOnBeforeDraw(Self, Index, Rect, State);
| 2320 | if Assigned(OnDrawItem) then OnDrawItem(Self, Index, Rect, State)
| 2321 | else
| 2322 | begin
| 2323 | Canvas.FillRect(Rect);
| 2324 | if Index < Items.Count then
| 2325 | begin
| 2326 | Flags := DrawTextBiDiModeFlags(DT_SINGLELINE or DT_VCENTER);
| 2327 | if not UseRightToLeftAlignment then
| 2328 | Inc(Rect.Left, 2)
| 2329 | else
| 2330 | Dec(Rect.Right, 2);
| 2331 | OldFromSelf := FFromSelf;
| 2332 | FFromSelf := True;
| 2333 | ItemRec := PItemRec(SendMessage(Handle,LB_GETITEMDATA, Index, 0)); // WParam: list index
| 2334 | FFromSelf := OldFromSelf;
| 2335 |
| 2336 | if(FCheckBoxes) then
| 2337 | begin
| 2338 | if(assigned(ItemRec)) then
| 2339 | begin
| 2340 | case ItemRec^.CheckedState of
| 2341 | cbUnchecked:
| 2342 | begin
| 2343 | if(FFlatCheckBoxes) then
| 2344 | BMap := GetORCBBitmap(iiFlatUnChecked)
| 2345 | else
| 2346 | BMap := GetORCBBitmap(iiUnchecked);
| 2347 | end;
| 2348 | cbChecked:
| 2349 | begin
| 2350 | if(FFlatCheckBoxes) then
| 2351 | BMap := GetORCBBitmap(iiFlatChecked)
| 2352 | else
| 2353 | BMap := GetORCBBitmap(iiChecked);
| 2354 | end;
| 2355 | else // cbGrayed:
| 2356 | begin
| 2357 | if(FFlatCheckBoxes) then
| 2358 | BMap := GetORCBBitmap(iiFlatGrayed)
| 2359 | else
| 2360 | BMap := GetORCBBitmap(iiGrayed);
| 2361 | end;
| 2362 | end;
| 2363 | end
| 2364 | else
| 2365 | begin
| 2366 | if(FFlatCheckBoxes) then
| 2367 | BMap := GetORCBBitmap(iiFlatGrayed)
| 2368 | else
| 2369 | BMap := GetORCBBitmap(iiGrayed);
| 2370 | end;
| 2371 | TmpR := Rect;
| 2372 | TmpR.Right := TmpR.Left;
| 2373 | dec(TmpR.Left, CheckWidth+1);
| 2374 | DY := ((TmpR.Bottom - TmpR.Top) - BMap.Height) div 2;
| 2375 | Canvas.Draw(TmpR.Left, TmpR.Top + DY, BMap);
| 2376 | end;
| 2377 |
| 2378 | if(FTabPos[0] > 0) then
| 2379 | Flags := (FTabPos[1] * 256) or Flags or DT_TABSTOP or DT_EXPANDTABS;
| 2380 |
| 2381 | ShowText := GetDisplayText(Index);
| 2382 | if(Style <> lbStandard) and (FTabPos[0] > 0) then
| 2383 | begin
| 2384 | for i := 1 to FTabPix[0] do
| 2385 | begin
| 2386 | Neg := (FTabPix[i] < 0);
| 2387 | if Neg then FTabPix[i] := -FTabPix[i];
| 2388 | inc(FTabPix[i],Rect.Left-1);
| 2389 | if Neg then FTabPix[i] := -FTabPix[i];
| 2390 | end;
| 2391 | TabbedTextOut(Canvas.Handle, Rect.Left, Rect.Top+1, PChar(ShowText), Length(ShowText),
| 2392 | FTabPix[0], FTabPix[1], -1);
| 2393 | for i := 1 to FTabPix[0] do
| 2394 | begin
| 2395 | Neg := (FTabPix[i] < 0);
| 2396 | if Neg then FTabPix[i] := -FTabPix[i];
| 2397 | dec(FTabPix[i],Rect.Left-1);
| 2398 | if Neg then FTabPix[i] := -FTabPix[i];
| 2399 | end;
| 2400 | end
| 2401 | else
| 2402 | DrawText(Canvas.Handle, PChar(ShowText), Length(ShowText), Rect, Flags);
| 2403 | end;
| 2404 | end;
| 2405 | end;
| 2406 |
| 2407 | function TORListBox.GetIndexFromY(YPos :integer) :integer;
| 2408 | begin
| 2409 | if(FHideSynonyms) then
| 2410 | begin
| 2411 | Result := TopIndex-1;
| 2412 | repeat
| 2413 | inc(Result);
| 2414 | if(Perform(LB_GETITEMHEIGHT, Result, 0) > 0) then
| 2415 | dec(YPos,ItemHeight);
| 2416 | until((YPos < 0) or (Result >= Items.Count));
| 2417 | end
| 2418 | else
| 2419 | Result := (YPos div ItemHeight) + TopIndex;
| 2420 | end;
| 2421 |
| 2422 | procedure TORListBox.SetFocusIndex(Value: Integer);
| 2423 | { move the focus rectangle to an item and show the item tip window if enabled
| 2424 | in the case of a LongList, scroll the list so that new items are loaded appropriately }
| 2425 | const
| 2426 | CATCH_MOUSE = True;
| 2427 | NO_CATCH_MOUSE = False;
| 2428 | var
| 2429 | ScrollCount, ScrollPos, InitialTop, i: Integer;
| 2430 | begin
| 2431 | if FLongList then // -- special long list processing - begin
| 2432 | begin
| 2433 | if (Value = SFI_TOP) or (Value = SFI_END) then // scroll to top or bottom
| 2434 | begin
| 2435 | if Value = SFI_TOP then ScrollPos := 0 else ScrollPos := 100;
| 2436 | ScrollTo(Self, scPosition, ScrollPos); // ScrollTo is scrollbar event
| 2437 | FScrollBar.Position := ScrollPos;
| 2438 | if ScrollPos = 0 then Value := FFocusIndex else Value := FFocusIndex + FLargeChange;
| 2439 | end else
| 2440 | begin
| 2441 | InitialTop := TopIndex;
| 2442 | ScrollCount := Value - InitialTop;
| 2443 | ScrollPos := 50; // arbitrary, can be anything from 1-99
| 2444 | if ScrollCount < 0 then // scroll backwards
| 2445 | begin
| 2446 | if ScrollCount = -FLargeChange then ScrollTo(Self, scPageUp, ScrollPos) else
| 2447 | for i := 1 to Abs(ScrollCount) do ScrollTo(Self, scLineUp, ScrollPos);
| 2448 | FScrollBar.Position := ScrollPos;
| 2449 | Value := Value + (FCurrentTop - InitialTop);
| 2450 | end;
| 2451 | if ScrollCount > FLargeChange then // scroll forwards
| 2452 | begin
| 2453 | if ScrollCount = (FLargeChange * 2) then ScrollTo(Self, scPageDown, ScrollPos) else
| 2454 | for i := FLargeChange + 1 to ScrollCount do ScrollTo(Self, scLineDown, ScrollPos);
| 2455 | FScrollBar.Position := ScrollPos;
| 2456 | end;
| 2457 | if(FHideSynonyms) then
| 2458 | begin
| 2459 | while((Perform(LB_GETITEMHEIGHT, Value, 0) = 0) and (Value >= 0) and (value < Items.Count)) do
| 2460 | begin
| 2461 | if(Value < FFocusIndex) then
| 2462 | dec(Value)
| 2463 | else
| 2464 | inc(Value);
| 2465 | end;
| 2466 | end;
| 2467 | end;
| 2468 | end; // -- special long list processing - end
| 2469 | if (Value = SFI_TOP) or (Value < 0) then Value := 0;
| 2470 | if (Value = SFI_END) or (not (Value < Items.Count)) then Value := Items.Count - 1;
| 2471 | FFocusIndex := Value;
| 2472 | ItemIndex := Value;
| 2473 | if MultiSelect then Perform(LB_SETCARETINDEX, FFocusIndex, 0) // LPARAM=0, scrolls into view
| 2474 | else
| 2475 | begin
| 2476 | // LB_SETCARETINDEX doesn't scroll with single select so we have to do it ourselves
| 2477 | // ( a LongList should always come through here - it should never be MultiSelect )
| 2478 | if FocusIndex < TopIndex
| 2479 | then TopIndex := FocusIndex
| 2480 | else if FocusIndex > (TopIndex + FLargeChange)
| 2481 | then TopIndex := HigherOf(FocusIndex - FLargeChange, 0);
| 2482 | end;
| 2483 | // need to have a way to move the focus rectangle for single select listboxs w/o itemtips
| 2484 | // if FItemTipEnable or not MultiSelect then ... Show: if not ItemTipEnable then AWidth := 0?
| 2485 | //
| 2486 | // can't show the item tip from keyboard input for dropdown combo without causing problems
| 2487 | // with mouse capture, post the message to allow the selected attribute to be posted
| 2488 | if FItemTipEnable {and (FParentCombo = nil)}
| 2489 | then PostMessage(Self.Handle, UM_SHOWTIP, Value, 0);
| 2490 | end;
| 2491 |
| 2492 | procedure TORListBox.UMShowTip(var Message: TMessage);
| 2493 | { show item tip, Tip Position in parameters: wParam=X and lParam=Y }
| 2494 | const
| 2495 | NO_CATCH_MOUSE = False;
| 2496 | var
| 2497 | TipPos: TPoint;
| 2498 | TrueOffset :integer;
| 2499 | TmpIdx :integer;
| 2500 | begin
| 2501 | // if listbox is dropdown combo but control is not focused -
| 2502 | if (Parent is TORComboBox) and (FParentCombo <> nil) and (Screen.ActiveControl <> Parent)
| 2503 | then Exit;
| 2504 | // if listbox is dropdown combo and list is not dropped down -
| 2505 | if (FParentCombo <> nil) and (FParentCombo.DroppedDown = False) then Exit;
| 2506 | // if control is not focused -
| 2507 | if (Screen.ActiveControl <> Self) and (Screen.ActiveControl <> Parent) then Exit;
| 2508 | if(FHideSynonyms) then
| 2509 | begin
| 2510 | TrueOffset := TopIndex;
| 2511 | TmpIdx := TopIndex;
| 2512 | while((TmpIdx < Message.wParam) and (TmpIdx < Items.Count)) do
| 2513 | begin
| 2514 | if(Perform(LB_GETITEMHEIGHT, TmpIdx, 0) > 0) then
| 2515 | inc(TrueOffset);
| 2516 | inc(TmpIdx);
| 2517 | end;
| 2518 | end
| 2519 | else
| 2520 | TrueOffset := Message.wParam;
| 2521 | TipPos := ClientToScreen(Point(0, (TrueOffset - TopIndex) * ItemHeight));
| 2522 | //uItemTip.Show(Self, FFocusIndex, TipPos, NO_CATCH_MOUSE);
| 2523 | uItemTip.Show(Self, FFocusIndex, TipPos, FParentCombo = nil); // if DropDown, no mousecapture
| 2524 | end;
| 2525 |
| 2526 | function TORListBox.GetIEN(AnIndex: Integer): Int64;
| 2527 | { return as an integer the first piece of the Item identified by AnIndex }
| 2528 | begin
| 2529 | if (AnIndex < Items.Count) and (AnIndex > -1)
| 2530 | then Result := StrToInt64Def(Piece(Items[AnIndex], FDelimiter, 1), 0)
| 2531 | else Result := 0;
| 2532 | end;
| 2533 |
| 2534 | function TORListBox.GetItemIEN: Int64;
| 2535 | { return as an integer the first piece of the currently selected item }
| 2536 | begin
| 2537 | if ItemIndex > -1
| 2538 | then Result := StrToInt64Def(Piece(Items[ItemIndex], FDelimiter, 1), 0)
| 2539 | else Result := 0;
| 2540 | end;
| 2541 |
| 2542 | function TORListBox.SelectByIEN(AnIEN: Int64): Integer;
| 2543 | { cause the item where the first piece = AnIEN to be selected (sets ItemIndex) }
| 2544 | var
| 2545 | i: Integer;
| 2546 | begin
| 2547 | Result := -1;
| 2548 | for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do
| 2549 | if GetIEN(i) = AnIEN then
| 2550 | begin
| 2551 | ItemIndex := i;
| 2552 | Result := i;
| 2553 | break;
| 2554 | end;
| 2555 | end;
| 2556 |
| 2557 | function TORListBox.SetExactByIEN(AnIEN: Int64; const AnItem: string): Integer;
| 2558 | { finds an exact entry (matches IEN) in a list or a long list and returns ItemIndex }
| 2559 | var
| 2560 | ItemFound: Boolean;
| 2561 | i, ListEnd: Integer;
| 2562 | begin
| 2563 | ItemFound := False;
| 2564 | Result := -1;
| 2565 | if FLongList then ListEnd := FWaterMark - 1 else ListEnd := Items.Count - 1;
| 2566 | for i := 0 to ListEnd do if (GetIEN(i) = AnIEN) and (GetDisplayText(i) = AnItem) then
| 2567 | begin
| 2568 | ItemIndex := i;
| 2569 | Result := i;
| 2570 | ItemFound := True;
| 2571 | break;
| 2572 | end;
| 2573 | if FLongList and not ItemFound then
| 2574 | begin
| 2575 | InitLongList(AnItem);
| 2576 | Result := SelectByIEN(AnIEN);
| 2577 | end;
| 2578 | end;
| 2579 |
| 2580 | function TORListBox.GetItemID: Variant;
| 2581 | { return as a variant the first piece of the currently selected item }
| 2582 | begin
| 2583 | if ItemIndex > -1 then Result := Piece(Items[ItemIndex], FDelimiter, 1) else Result := '';
| 2584 | end;
| 2585 |
| 2586 | function TORListBox.SelectByID(const AnID: string): Integer;
| 2587 | { cause the item where the first piece = AnID to be selected (sets ItemIndex) }
| 2588 | var
| 2589 | i: Integer;
| 2590 | begin
| 2591 | Result := -1;
| 2592 | for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do
| 2593 | if Piece(Items[i], FDelimiter, 1) = AnID then
| 2594 | begin
| 2595 | ItemIndex := i;
| 2596 | Result := i;
| 2597 | break;
| 2598 | end;
| 2599 | end;
| 2600 |
| 2601 | function TORListBox.GetReference(Index: Integer): Variant;
| 2602 | { retrieves a variant value that is associated with an item in a listbox }
| 2603 | var
| 2604 | ItemRec: PItemRec;
| 2605 | begin
| 2606 | if (Index < 0) or (Index >= Items.Count) then
| 2607 | raise Exception.Create('List Index Out of Bounds');
| 2608 | FFromSelf := True;
| 2609 | ItemRec := PItemRec(SendMessage(Handle,LB_GETITEMDATA, Index, 0));
| 2610 | FFromSelf := False;
| 2611 | if(assigned(ItemRec)) then
| 2612 | Result := ItemRec^.Reference
| 2613 | else
| 2614 | Result := Null;
| 2615 | end;
| 2616 |
| 2617 | procedure TORListBox.SetReference(Index: Integer; AReference: Variant);
| 2618 | { stores a variant value that is associated with an item in a listbox }
| 2619 | var
| 2620 | ItemRec: PItemRec;
| 2621 | begin
| 2622 | if (Index < 0) or (Index >= Items.Count) then
| 2623 | raise Exception.Create('List Index Out of Bounds');
| 2624 | FFromSelf := True;
| 2625 | ItemRec := PItemRec(SendMessage(Handle,LB_GETITEMDATA, Index, 0));
| 2626 | FFromSelf := False;
| 2627 | if(assigned(ItemRec)) then
| 2628 | ItemRec^.Reference := AReference;
| 2629 | end;
| 2630 |
| 2631 | function TORListBox.AddReference(const S: string; AReference: Variant): Integer;
| 2632 | { adds a string to a listbox, along with a variant value to be associated with the string }
| 2633 | begin
| 2634 | Result := Items.Add(S);
| 2635 | SetReference(Result, AReference);
| 2636 | end;
| 2637 |
| 2638 | procedure TORListBox.InsertReference(Index: Integer; const S: string; AReference: Variant);
| 2639 | { inserts a string at a position into a listbox, along with its associated variant value }
| 2640 | begin
| 2641 | Items.Insert(Index, S);
| 2642 | SetReference(Index, AReference);
| 2643 | end;
| 2644 |
| 2645 | function TORListBox.IndexOfReference(AReference: Variant): Integer;
| 2646 | { looks through the list of References (variants) and returns the index of the first match }
| 2647 | var
| 2648 | i: Integer;
| 2649 | begin
| 2650 | Result := -1;
| 2651 | for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do
| 2652 | if GetReference(i) = AReference then
| 2653 | begin
| 2654 | Result := i;
| 2655 | Break;
| 2656 | end;
| 2657 | end;
| 2658 |
| 2659 | function TORListBox.GetTabPositions: string;
| 2660 | { returns the character based tab stops that are currently set, if any }
| 2661 | begin
| 2662 | if(FTabPosInPixels) then
| 2663 | Result := IntArrayToString(FTabPix)
| 2664 | else
| 2665 | Result := IntArrayToString(FTabPos);
| 2666 | end;
| 2667 |
| 2668 | procedure TORListBox.SetTabPositions(const Value: string);
| 2669 | { converts a string of character position tab stops to an array of integer & sets now tabs }
| 2670 | var
| 2671 | TabTmp: array[0..MAX_TABS] of Integer;
| 2672 | i: Integer;
| 2673 | begin
| 2674 | StringToIntArray(Value, TabTmp, TRUE);
| 2675 | for i := 2 to TabTmp[0] do
| 2676 | if (abs(TabTmp[i]) < abs(TabTmp[i - 1])) or
| 2677 | (TabTmp[i] = TabTmp[i - 1]) then
| 2678 | raise Exception.Create('Tab positions must be in ascending order');
| 2679 | if(FTabPosInPixels) then
| 2680 | begin
| 2681 | for i := 0 to TabTmp[0] do FTabPix[i] := TabTmp[i];
| 2682 | end
| 2683 | else
| 2684 | begin
| 2685 | for i := 0 to TabTmp[0] do FTabPos[i] := TabTmp[i];
| 2686 | end;
| 2687 | SetTabStops;
| 2688 | if FTabPos[0] > 0 then FWhiteSpace := #9 else FWhiteSpace := ' ';
| 2689 | ResetItems;
| 2690 | end;
| 2691 |
| 2692 | procedure TORListBox.SetTabPosInPixels(const Value: boolean);
| 2693 | begin
| 2694 | if(FTabPosInPixels <> Value) then
| 2695 | begin
| 2696 | FTabPosInPixels := Value;
| 2697 | SetTabStops;
| 2698 | end;
| 2699 | end;
| 2700 |
| 2701 | procedure TORListBox.SetTabStops;
| 2702 | { sets new tabs stops based on dialog units, FTabPix array also used by ItemTip }
| 2703 | var
| 2704 | TabDlg: array[0..MAX_TABS] of Integer;
| 2705 | i, AveWidth: Integer;
| 2706 | begin
| 2707 | FillChar(TabDlg, SizeOf(TabDlg), 0);
| 2708 | AveWidth := FontWidthPixel(Self.Font.Handle);
| 2709 | if(FTabPosInPixels) then
| 2710 | begin
| 2711 | FillChar(FTabPos, SizeOf(FTabPos), 0);
| 2712 | FTabPos[0] := FTabPix[0];
| 2713 | for i := 1 to FTabPix[0] do
| 2714 | begin
| 2715 | FTabPos[i] := FTabPix[i] div AveWidth;
| 2716 | TabDlg[i] := (FTabPix[i] * 4) div AveWidth;
| 2717 | end;
| 2718 | end
| 2719 | else
| 2720 | begin
| 2721 | FillChar(FTabPix, SizeOf(FTabPix), 0);
| 2722 | FTabPix[0] := FTabPos[0];
| 2723 | for i := 1 to FTabPos[0] do
| 2724 | begin
| 2725 | // do dialog units first so that pixels gets the same rounding error
| 2726 | TabDlg[i] := FTabPos[i] * 4; // 4 dialog units per character
| 2727 | FTabPix[i] := (TabDlg[i] * AveWidth) div 4;
| 2728 | end;
| 2729 | end;
| 2730 | TabDlg[0] := FTabPos[0];
| 2731 | Perform(LB_SETTABSTOPS, TabDlg[0], Integer(@TabDlg[1]));
| 2732 | Refresh;
| 2733 | end;
| 2734 |
| 2735 | procedure TORListBox.SetHideSynonyms(Value :boolean);
| 2736 | var
| 2737 | TmpIH :integer;
| 2738 |
| 2739 | begin
| 2740 | if(FHideSynonyms <> Value) then
| 2741 | begin
| 2742 | if((Value) and (not FLongList)) then
| 2743 | raise Exception.Create('Hide Synonyms only allowed on Long Lists');
| 2744 | FHideSynonyms := Value;
| 2745 | if(not FHideSynonyms) then
| 2746 | begin
| 2747 | Style := lbStandard;
| 2748 | end
| 2749 | else
| 2750 | begin
| 2751 | if(FSynonymChars = '') then
| 2752 | FSynonymChars := '<>';
| 2753 | TmpIH := ItemHeight;
| 2754 | Style := lbOwnerDrawVariable;
| 2755 | ItemHeight := TmpIH;
| 2756 | end;
| 2757 | end;
| 2758 | end;
| 2759 |
| 2760 | procedure TORListBox.SetSynonymChars(Value :string);
| 2761 | begin
| 2762 | if(FSynonymChars <> Value) then
| 2763 | begin
| 2764 | FSynonymChars := Value;
| 2765 | if((Value = '') and (FHideSynonyms)) then
| 2766 | SetHideSynonyms(FALSE);
| 2767 | if(FHideSynonyms) then
| 2768 | begin
| 2769 | SetHideSynonyms(FALSE);
| 2770 | SetHideSynonyms(TRUE);
| 2771 | end;
| 2772 | end;
| 2773 | end;
| 2774 |
| 2775 | function TORListBox.GetStyle: TListBoxStyle;
| 2776 | begin
| 2777 | Result := inherited Style;
| 2778 | end;
| 2779 |
| 2780 | procedure TORListBox.SetStyle(Value: TListBoxStyle);
| 2781 | begin
| 2782 | if(Value <> lbOwnerDrawVariable) and (FHideSynonyms) then
| 2783 | FHideSynonyms := FALSE;
| 2784 | if(FCheckBoxes) and (Value = lbStandard) then
| 2785 | FCheckBoxes := FALSE;
| 2786 | inherited Style := Value;
| 2787 | end;
| 2788 |
| 2789 | procedure TORListBox.SetDelimiter(Value: Char);
| 2790 | { change the delimiter used in conjunction with the pieces property (default = '^') }
| 2791 | begin
| 2792 | FDelimiter := Value;
| 2793 | ResetItems;
| 2794 | end;
| 2795 |
| 2796 | function TORListBox.GetPieces: string;
| 2797 | { returns the pieces of an item currently selected for display }
| 2798 | begin
| 2799 | Result := IntArrayToString(FPieces);
| 2800 | end;
| 2801 |
| 2802 | procedure TORListBox.SetPieces(const Value: string);
| 2803 | { converts a string of comma-delimited integers into an array of string pieces to display }
| 2804 | begin
| 2805 | StringToIntArray(Value, FPieces);
| 2806 | ResetItems;
| 2807 | end;
| 2808 |
| 2809 | procedure TORListBox.ResetItems;
| 2810 | { saves listbox objects then rebuilds listbox including references and user objects }
| 2811 | var
| 2812 | SaveItems: TList;
| 2813 | Strings: TStringList;
| 2814 | i, Pos: Integer;
| 2815 | ItemRec: PItemRec;
| 2816 | SaveListMode: Boolean;
| 2817 | RealVerify: Boolean;
| 2818 | begin
| 2819 | SaveListMode := False;
| 2820 | Strings := nil;
| 2821 | SaveItems := nil;
| 2822 | RealVerify := TORStrings(Items).Verification;
| 2823 | try
| 2824 | TORStrings(Items).Verification := False;
| 2825 | HandleNeeded; // ensures that Items is valid if in the middle of RecreateWnd
| 2826 | SaveListMode := FLongList;
| 2827 | Strings := TStringList.Create;
| 2828 | SaveItems := TList.Create;
| 2829 | FLongList := False; // so don't have to track WaterMark
| 2830 | FFromSelf := True;
| 2831 | for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do // put pointers to TItemRec in SaveItems
| 2832 | begin
| 2833 | ItemRec := PItemRec(SendMessage(Handle, LB_GETITEMDATA, i, 0));
| 2834 | SaveItems.Add(ItemRec);
| 2835 | end;
| 2836 | Strings.Assign(Items);
| 2837 | Items.Clear; // still FromSelf so don't dispose recs
| 2838 | FFromSelf := False;
| 2839 | for i := 0 to SaveItems.Count - 1 do // use saved ItemRecs to rebuild listbox
| 2840 | begin
| 2841 | ItemRec := SaveItems[i];
| 2842 | if(assigned(ItemRec)) then
| 2843 | begin
| 2844 | Pos := Items.AddObject(Strings[i], ItemRec^.UserObject);
| 2845 | References[Pos] := ItemRec^.Reference;
| 2846 | end;
| 2847 | end;
| 2848 | finally
| 2849 | SaveItems.Free;
| 2850 | Strings.Free;
| 2851 | TORStrings(Items).Verification := RealVerify;
| 2852 | FLongList := SaveListMode;
| 2853 | end;
| 2854 | end;
| 2855 |
| 2856 | procedure TORListBox.SetLongList(Value: Boolean);
| 2857 | { changes the list box so that it runs in LongList mode (calls OnNeedData) }
| 2858 | begin
| 2859 | if Value <> FLongList then
| 2860 | begin
| 2861 | if Value = True then
| 2862 | CreateScrollBar
| 2863 | else
| 2864 | begin
| 2865 | FreeScrollBar;
| 2866 | if(FHideSynonyms) then
| 2867 | SetHideSynonyms(FALSE);
| 2868 | end;
| 2869 | end;
| 2870 | end;
| 2871 |
| 2872 | procedure TORListBox.AdjustScrollBar;
| 2873 | { ensures that the scrollbar used for a long list is placed properly within the listbox }
| 2874 | var
| 2875 | L, T, W, H, OffsetLT, OffsetWH: Integer;
| 2876 | begin
| 2877 | if uNewStyle then begin OffsetLT := 2; OffsetWH := 4; end // Win95
| 2878 | else begin OffsetLT := 0; OffsetWH := 0; end; // Win3.1
| 2879 | W := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL);
| 2880 | L := Left + Width - W - OffsetLT;
| 2881 | T := Top + OffsetLT;
| 2882 | H := Height - OffsetWH;
| 2883 | FScrollBar.SetBounds(L, T, W, H);
| 2884 | FScrollBar.Invalidate;
| 2885 | end;
| 2886 |
| 2887 | procedure TORListBox.CreateScrollBar;
| 2888 | { a long list uses it's own scrollbar (mapped to APLHA_DISTRIBUTION, rather than the listbox's }
| 2889 | begin
| 2890 | FLongList := True;
| 2891 | if MultiSelect then MultiSelect := False; // LongLists do not support multiple selections
| 2892 | FScrollBar := TScrollBar.Create(Self);
| 2893 | FScrollBar.Kind := sbVertical;
| 2894 | FScrollBar.TabStop := False;
| 2895 | FScrollBar.ControlStyle := FScrollBar.ControlStyle - [csCaptureMouse];
| 2896 | AdjustScrollBar;
| 2897 | FScrollBar.OnScroll := ScrollTo;
| 2898 | if FParentCombo = nil
| 2899 | then FScrollBar.Parent := Parent
| 2900 | else FScrollBar.Parent := FParentCombo.FDropPanel;
| 2901 | end;
| 2902 |
| 2903 | procedure TORListBox.FreeScrollBar;
| 2904 | { frees the scrollbar for a longlist (called when LongList property becomes false) }
| 2905 | begin
| 2906 | FLongList := False;
| 2907 | FScrollBar.Free; // don't call from destroy because scrollbar may already be free
| 2908 | FScrollBar := nil;
| 2909 | end;
| 2910 |
| 2911 | procedure TORListBox.ForDataUse(Strings: TStrings);
| 2912 | { adds or inserts items into a list box after determining the proper collating sequence }
| 2913 | var
| 2914 | Ascend: Boolean;
| 2915 | FirstItem, LastItem: string;
| 2916 | i: Integer;
| 2917 | begin
| 2918 | if Strings.Count = 0 then Exit;
| 2919 | { To prevent the problem where the initial list item(s) are returned repeatedly because the
| 2920 | DisplayText is longer than the subscript in a cross-reference, compare the last item
| 2921 | returned with the first item in the long list. If they are the same, assume the long
| 2922 | list is already scrolled to the first item. }
| 2923 | if (FDirection = LL_REVERSE) and (FWaterMark < Items.Count) and
| 2924 | (CompareText(Strings[Strings.Count - 1], Items[FWaterMark]) = 0) then Exit;
| 2925 |
| 2926 | FirstItem := TextToShow(Strings[0]);
| 2927 | LastItem := TextToShow(Strings[Strings.Count-1]);
| 2928 | Ascend := True;
| 2929 | case FDirection of
| 2930 | LL_REVERSE: if CompareText(FirstItem, LastItem) < 0 then Ascend := False;
| 2931 | LL_FORWARD: if CompareText(FirstItem, LastItem) > 0 then Ascend := False;
| 2932 | end;
| 2933 | case Ascend of // should call AddObject & InsertObject instead?
| 2934 | False: case FDirection of
| 2935 | LL_REVERSE: for i := Strings.Count - 1 downto 0 do Items.Insert(FInsertAt, Strings[i]);
| 2936 | LL_FORWARD: for i := Strings.Count - 1 downto 0 do Items.Add(Strings[i]);
| 2937 | end;
| 2938 | True: case FDirection of
| 2939 | LL_REVERSE: for i := 0 to Strings.Count - 1 do Items.Insert(FInsertAt, Strings[i]);
| 2940 | LL_FORWARD: for i := 0 to Strings.Count - 1 do Items.Add(Strings[i]);
| 2941 | end;
| 2942 | end;
| 2943 | end;
| 2944 |
| 2945 | procedure TORListBox.InitLongList(S: string);
| 2946 | { clears the listbox starting at FWaterMark and makes the initial NeedData call }
| 2947 | var
| 2948 | index: integer;
| 2949 | begin
| 2950 | if FLongList then
| 2951 | begin
| 2952 | if LookUpPiece <> 0 then
| 2953 | begin
| 2954 | index := GetStringIndex(S);
| 2955 | if index > -1 then
| 2956 | S := Piece(Items[index],Delimiter,LookUpPiece);
| 2957 | end;
| 2958 | if CaseChanged then
| 2959 | S := UpperCase(S);
| 2960 | // decrement last char & concat '~' for $ORDER
| 2961 | if Length(S) > 0 then S := Copy(S, 1, Length(S) - 1) + Pred(S[Length(S)]) + '~';
| 2962 | NeedData(LL_POSITION, S);
| 2963 | if S = '' then TopIndex := 0 else TopIndex := FWaterMark;
| 2964 | FScrollBar.Position := PositionThumb;
| 2965 | end;
| 2966 | end;
| 2967 |
| 2968 | procedure TORListBox.InsertSeparator;
| 2969 | begin
| 2970 | if FWaterMark > 0 then
| 2971 | begin
| 2972 | Items.Insert(FWaterMark,LLS_LINE);
| 2973 | Items.Insert(FWaterMark,LLS_SPACE);
| 2974 | end;
| 2975 | end;
| 2976 |
| 2977 | procedure TORListBox.ClearTop;
| 2978 | { clears a long listbox up to FWaterMark (doesn't clear long list) }
| 2979 | var
| 2980 | i: Integer;
| 2981 | begin
| 2982 | SendMessage(Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, NOREDRAW, 0);
| 2983 | for i := FWaterMark - 1 downto 0 do Items.Delete(i);
| 2984 | SendMessage(Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, DOREDRAW, 0);
| 2985 | Invalidate;
| 2986 | end;
| 2987 |
| 2988 | procedure TORListBox.NeedData(Direction: Integer; StartFrom: string);
| 2989 | { called whenever the longlist needs more data inserted at a certain point into the listbox }
| 2990 | var
| 2991 | CtrlPos, CharPos, index: Integer;
| 2992 |
| 2993 | procedure ClearLong;
| 2994 | { clears a portion or all of the longlist to conserve the memory it occupies }
| 2995 | var
| 2996 | i: Integer;
| 2997 | begin
| 2998 | case FDirection of
| 2999 | LL_REVERSE: for i := Items.Count - 1 downto
| 3000 | HigherOf(FCurrentTop + FLargeChange, FWaterMark) do Items.Delete(i);
| 3001 | LL_POSITION: for i := Items.Count - 1 downto FWaterMark do Items.Delete(i);
| 3002 | LL_FORWARD: for i := FCurrentTop - 1 downto FWaterMark do Items.Delete(i);
| 3003 | end;
| 3004 | end;
| 3005 |
| 3006 | begin {NeedData}
| 3007 | FFromNeedData := True;
| 3008 | FFirstLoad := False;
| 3009 | FDataAdded := False;
| 3010 | FDirection := Direction;
| 3011 | SendMessage(Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, NOREDRAW, 0);
| 3012 | if Items.Count > 1000 then ClearLong;
| 3013 | case FDirection of
| 3014 | LL_REVERSE: if FWaterMark < Items.Count then StartFrom := DisplayText[FWaterMark];
| 3015 | LL_POSITION: begin
| 3016 | ClearLong;
| 3017 | if StartFrom = #127#127#127 then
| 3018 | begin
| 3019 | FDirection := LL_REVERSE;
| 3020 | StartFrom := '';
| 3021 | end
| 3022 | else FDirection := LL_FORWARD;
| 3023 | end;
| 3024 | LL_FORWARD: if (FWaterMark < Items.Count) and (Items.Count > 0)
| 3025 | then StartFrom := DisplayText[Items.Count - 1];
| 3026 | end;
| 3027 | if LookupPiece <> 0 then
| 3028 | begin
| 3029 | index := GetStringIndex(StartFrom);
| 3030 | if index > -1 then
| 3031 | StartFrom := Piece(Items[index],Delimiter,LookUpPiece);
| 3032 | end;
| 3033 | if CaseChanged then
| 3034 | StartFrom := Uppercase(StartFrom);
| 3035 | StartFrom := Copy(StartFrom, 1, 128); // limit length to 128 characters
| 3036 | CtrlPos := 0; // make sure no ctrl characters
| 3037 | for CharPos := 1 to Length(StartFrom) do if StartFrom[CharPos] in [#0..#31] then
| 3038 | begin
| 3039 | CtrlPos := CharPos;
| 3040 | break;
| 3041 | end;
| 3042 | if CtrlPos > 0 then StartFrom := Copy(StartFrom, 1, CtrlPos - 1);
| 3043 | if FDirection = LL_FORWARD then FInsertAt := Items.Count else FInsertAt := FWaterMark;
| 3044 | if Assigned(FOnNeedData) then FOnNeedData(Self, copy(StartFrom, 1, MaxNeedDataLen), FDirection, FInsertAt);
| 3045 | SendMessage(Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, DOREDRAW, 0);
| 3046 | FFromNeedData := False;
| 3047 | Invalidate;
| 3048 | end;
| 3049 |
| 3050 | function TORListBox.PositionThumb: Integer;
| 3051 | { returns the proper thumb position for the TopIndex item relative to ALPHA_DISTRIBUTION }
| 3052 | var
| 3053 | x: string;
| 3054 | begin
| 3055 | Result := 1;
| 3056 | x := DisplayText[TopIndex];
| 3057 | if (FWaterMark > 0) and (TopIndex < FWaterMark)
| 3058 | then Result := 0 // short list visible
| 3059 | else while (CompareText(ALPHA_DISTRIBUTION[Result], x) < 0) and (Result < 100) do
| 3060 | Inc(Result); // only long list visible
| 3061 | end;
| 3062 |
| 3063 | procedure TORListBox.ScrollTo(Sender: TObject; ScrollCode: TScrollCode; var ScrollPos: Integer);
| 3064 | { event code for the longlist scrollbar, adjusts TopIndex & calls OnNeedData as necessary }
| 3065 | var
| 3066 | Count, Goal, Dir :integer;
| 3067 | Done :boolean;
| 3068 |
| 3069 | begin
| 3070 | uItemTip.Hide;
| 3071 | FCurrentTop := TopIndex;
| 3072 | if(ScrollCode = scPosition) then
| 3073 | begin
| 3074 | NeedData(LL_POSITION, ALPHA_DISTRIBUTION[ScrollPos]);
| 3075 | case ScrollPos of
| 3076 | 0: TopIndex := 0;
| 3077 | 1..99: TopIndex := FWaterMark;
| 3078 | 100: TopIndex := HigherOf(Items.Count - FLargeChange, 0);
| 3079 | end;
| 3080 | FFocusIndex := TopIndex;
| 3081 | end
| 3082 | else
| 3083 | if(HideSynonyms) then
| 3084 | begin
| 3085 | Count := 0;
| 3086 | case ScrollCode of
| 3087 | scLineUp: begin Dir := -1; Goal := 1; end;
| 3088 | scLineDown: begin Dir := 1; Goal := 1; end;
| 3089 | scPageUp: begin Dir := -1; Goal := FLargeChange; end;
| 3090 | scPageDown: begin Dir := 1; Goal := FLargeChange; end;
| 3091 | else
| 3092 | exit;
| 3093 | end;
| 3094 | repeat
| 3095 | Done := FALSE;
| 3096 | if(Dir > 0) then
| 3097 | begin
| 3098 | if (FCurrentTop + (FLargeChange * 2)) > (Items.Count - 1) then
| 3099 | NeedData(LL_FORWARD, '');
| 3100 | if(FCurrentTop >= Items.Count - 1) then
| 3101 | begin
| 3102 | FCurrentTop := Items.Count - 1;
| 3103 | Done := TRUE;
| 3104 | end;
| 3105 | end
| 3106 | else
| 3107 | begin
| 3108 | if (FCurrentTop - FLargeChange) < FWaterMark then NeedData(LL_REVERSE, '');
| 3109 | if(FCurrentTop <= 0) then
| 3110 | begin
| 3111 | FCurrentTop := 0;
| 3112 | Done := TRUE;
| 3113 | end;
| 3114 | end;
| 3115 | if(not Done) then
| 3116 | begin
| 3117 | FCurrentTop := FCurrentTop + Dir;
| 3118 | if(Perform(LB_GETITEMHEIGHT, FCurrentTop, 0) > 0) then
| 3119 | begin
| 3120 | inc(Count);
| 3121 | Done := (Count >= Goal);
| 3122 | end;
| 3123 | end;
| 3124 | until Done;
| 3125 | TopIndex := FCurrentTop;
| 3126 | end
| 3127 | else
| 3128 | begin
| 3129 | case ScrollCode of
| 3130 | scLineUp: begin
| 3131 | if (FCurrentTop - FLargeChange) < FWaterMark then NeedData(LL_REVERSE, '');
| 3132 | TopIndex := HigherOf(FCurrentTop - 1, 0);
| 3133 | end;
| 3134 | scLineDown: begin
| 3135 | if (FCurrentTop + (FLargeChange * 2)) > (Items.Count - 1)
| 3136 | then NeedData(LL_FORWARD, '');
| 3137 | TopIndex := LowerOf(FCurrentTop + 1, Items.Count - 1);
| 3138 | end;
| 3139 | scPageUp: begin
| 3140 | if (FCurrentTop - FLargeChange) < FWaterMark then NeedData(LL_REVERSE, '');
| 3141 | TopIndex := HigherOf(FCurrentTop - FLargeChange, 0);
| 3142 | end;
| 3143 | scPageDown: begin
| 3144 | if (FCurrentTop + (FLargeChange * 2)) > (Items.Count - 1)
| 3145 | then NeedData(LL_FORWARD, '');
| 3146 | TopIndex := LowerOf(FCurrentTop + FLargeChange, Items.Count - 1);
| 3147 | end;
| 3148 | end;
| 3149 | end;
| 3150 | if (ScrollPos > 0) and (ScrollPos < 100) then ScrollPos := PositionThumb;
| 3151 | end;
| 3152 |
| 3153 | function TORListBox.GetStringIndex(const AString: string): Integer;
| 3154 | {returns the index of the first string that partially matches AString}
| 3155 | var
| 3156 | i: Integer;
| 3157 | begin
| 3158 | Result := -1;
| 3159 | if Length(AString) > 0 then {*KCM*}
| 3160 | begin
| 3161 | if not FLongList then // Normal List
| 3162 | begin
| 3163 | Result := SendMessage(Handle, LB_FINDSTRING, -1, Longint(PChar(AString)));
| 3164 | if Result = LB_ERR then Result := -1;
| 3165 | end else // Long List
| 3166 | begin
| 3167 | if FScrollBar.Position = 0 then for i := 0 to FWatermark - 1 do
| 3168 | begin
| 3169 | if CompareText(AString, Copy(DisplayText[i], 1, Length(AString))) = 0 then
| 3170 | begin
| 3171 | Result := i;
| 3172 | break;
| 3173 | end;
| 3174 | end;
| 3175 | if Result < 0 then
| 3176 | begin
| 3177 | Result := SendMessage(Handle, LB_FINDSTRING, FWaterMark - 1, Longint(PChar(AString)));
| 3178 | if Result < FWaterMark then Result := -1;
| 3179 | end; {if Result}
| 3180 | end; {if not FLongList}
| 3181 | end; {if Length(AString)}
| 3182 | end;
| 3183 |
| 3184 | function TORListBox.SelectString(const AString: string): Integer;
| 3185 | { causes the first string that partially matches AString to be selected & returns the index }
| 3186 | var
| 3187 | x: string;
| 3188 | i: Integer;
| 3189 | index: integer;
| 3190 | begin
| 3191 | Result := -1;
| 3192 | if Length(AString) > 0 then {*KCM*}
| 3193 | begin
| 3194 | if not FLongList then // Normal List
| 3195 | begin
| 3196 | Result := SendMessage(Handle, LB_FINDSTRING, -1, Longint(PChar(AString)));
| 3197 | if Result = LB_ERR then Result := -1;
| 3198 | // use FFocusIndex instead of FocusIndex to reduce flashing
| 3199 | FFocusIndex := Result;
| 3200 | end else // Long List
| 3201 | begin
| 3202 | if FScrollBar.Position = 0 then for i := 0 to FWatermark - 1 do
| 3203 | begin
| 3204 | if CompareText(AString, Copy(DisplayText[i], 1, Length(AString))) = 0 then
| 3205 | begin
| 3206 | Result := i;
| 3207 | break;
| 3208 | end;
| 3209 | end;
| 3210 | if not StringBetween(AString, DisplayText[FWaterMark], DisplayText[Items.Count - 1]) then
| 3211 | begin
| 3212 | x := AString;
| 3213 | if LookupPiece <> 0 then
| 3214 | begin
| 3215 | index := GetStringIndex(x);
| 3216 | if index > -1 then
| 3217 | x := Piece(Items[index],Delimiter,LookUpPiece);
| 3218 | end;
| 3219 | if CaseChanged then
| 3220 | x := UpperCase(x);
| 3221 | // decrement last char & concat '~' for $ORDER
| 3222 | if Length(x) > 0 then x := Copy(x, 1, Length(x) - 1) + Pred(x[Length(x)]) + '~';
| 3223 | NeedData(LL_POSITION, x);
| 3224 | end;
| 3225 | if Result < 0 then
| 3226 | begin
| 3227 | Result := SendMessage(Handle, LB_FINDSTRING, FWaterMark - 1, Longint(PChar(AString)));
| 3228 | if Result < FWaterMark then Result := -1;
| 3229 | if Result >= FWatermark then FocusIndex := Result;
| 3230 | uItemTip.Hide;
| 3231 | end; {if Result}
| 3232 | end; {if not FLongList}
| 3233 | end; {if Length(AString)}
| 3234 | ItemIndex := Result;
| 3235 | FFocusIndex := Result;
| 3236 | if Result > -1 then TopIndex := Result; // will scroll item into view
| 3237 | if FLongList then FScrollBar.Position := PositionThumb; // done after topindex set
| 3238 | end;
| 3239 |
| 3240 | procedure TORListBox.SetCheckBoxes(const Value: boolean);
| 3241 | begin
| 3242 | if(FCheckBoxes <> Value) then
| 3243 | begin
| 3244 | FCheckBoxes := Value;
| 3245 | if(Value) then
| 3246 | begin
| 3247 | if(GetStyle = lbStandard) then
| 3248 | SetStyle(lbOwnerDrawFixed);
| 3249 | if(inherited MultiSelect) then
| 3250 | SetMultiSelect(FALSE);
| 3251 | end;
| 3252 | invalidate;
| 3253 | end;
| 3254 | end;
| 3255 |
| 3256 | procedure TORListBox.SetFlatCheckBoxes(const Value: boolean);
| 3257 | begin
| 3258 | if(FFlatCheckBoxes <> Value) then
| 3259 | begin
| 3260 | FFlatCheckBoxes := Value;
| 3261 | invalidate;
| 3262 | end;
| 3263 | end;
| 3264 |
| 3265 | function TORListBox.GetChecked(Index: Integer): Boolean;
| 3266 | var
| 3267 | ItemRec: PItemRec;
| 3268 |
| 3269 | begin
| 3270 | Result := False;
| 3271 | if Index < 0 then exit;
| 3272 | FFromSelf := True;
| 3273 | ItemRec := PItemRec(SendMessage(Handle,LB_GETITEMDATA, Index, 0));
| 3274 | FFromSelf := FALSE;
| 3275 | if(assigned(ItemRec)) then
| 3276 | Result := (ItemRec^.CheckedState = cbChecked)
| 3277 | else
| 3278 | Result := False;
| 3279 | end;
| 3280 |
| 3281 | procedure TORListBox.SetChecked(Index: Integer; const Value: Boolean);
| 3282 | var
| 3283 | ItemRec: PItemRec;
| 3284 | Rect: TRect;
| 3285 |
| 3286 | begin
| 3287 | FFromSelf := True;
| 3288 | ItemRec := PItemRec(SendMessage(Handle,LB_GETITEMDATA, Index, 0));
| 3289 | FFromSelf := False;
| 3290 | if (assigned(ItemRec)) and (Value <> (ItemRec^.CheckedState = cbChecked)) then
| 3291 | begin
| 3292 | if(Value) then
| 3293 | ItemRec^.CheckedState := cbChecked
| 3294 | else
| 3295 | ItemRec^.CheckedState := cbUnChecked;
| 3296 | Rect := ItemRect(Index);
| 3297 | InvalidateRect(Handle, @Rect, FALSE);
| 3298 | if(assigned(FOnClickCheck)) then
| 3299 | FOnClickCheck(Self, Index);
| 3300 | end;
| 3301 | end;
| 3302 |
| 3303 | function TORListBox.GetCheckedState(Index: Integer): TCheckBoxState;
| 3304 | var
| 3305 | ItemRec: PItemRec;
| 3306 |
| 3307 | begin
| 3308 | FFromSelf := True;
| 3309 | ItemRec := PItemRec(SendMessage(Handle,LB_GETITEMDATA, Index, 0));
| 3310 | FFromSelf := FALSE;
| 3311 | if(assigned(ItemRec)) then
| 3312 | Result := ItemRec^.CheckedState
| 3313 | else
| 3314 | Result := cbGrayed;
| 3315 | end;
| 3316 |
| 3317 | procedure TORListBox.SetCheckedState(Index: Integer;
| 3318 | const Value: TCheckBoxState);
| 3319 | var
| 3320 | ItemRec: PItemRec;
| 3321 | Rect: TRect;
| 3322 |
| 3323 | begin
| 3324 | FFromSelf := True;
| 3325 | ItemRec := PItemRec(SendMessage(Handle,LB_GETITEMDATA, Index, 0));
| 3326 | FFromSelf := False;
| 3327 | if (assigned(ItemRec)) and (Value <> ItemRec^.CheckedState) then
| 3328 | begin
| 3329 | ItemRec^.CheckedState := Value;
| 3330 | Rect := ItemRect(Index);
| 3331 | InvalidateRect(Handle, @Rect, FALSE);
| 3332 | if(assigned(FOnClickCheck)) then
| 3333 | FOnClickCheck(Self, Index);
| 3334 | end;
| 3335 | end;
| 3336 |
| 3337 | function TORListBox.GetMultiSelect: boolean;
| 3338 | begin
| 3339 | result := inherited MultiSelect;
| 3340 | end;
| 3341 |
| 3342 | procedure TORListBox.SetMultiSelect(Value: boolean);
| 3343 | begin
| 3344 | inherited SetMultiSelect(Value);
| 3345 | if(Value) then SetCheckBoxes(FALSE);
| 3346 | end;
| 3347 |
| 3348 | function TORListBox.GetCheckedString: string;
| 3349 | var
| 3350 | i: integer;
| 3351 |
| 3352 | begin
| 3353 | Result := '';
| 3354 | if(FCheckBoxes) then
| 3355 | begin
| 3356 | for i := 0 to Items.Count-1 do
| 3357 | Result := Result + Char(ord('0') + Ord(GetCheckedState(i)));
| 3358 | end;
| 3359 | end;
| 3360 |
| 3361 | procedure TORListBox.SetCheckedString(const Value: string);
| 3362 | var
| 3363 | i: integer;
| 3364 |
| 3365 | begin
| 3366 | for i := 0 to Items.Count-1 do
| 3367 | SetCheckedState(i, TCheckBoxState(StrToIntDef(copy(Value,i+1,1),0)));
| 3368 | end;
| 3369 |
| 3370 | function TORListBox.GetMItems: TStrings;
| 3371 | begin
| 3372 | if not Assigned(FMItems) then
| 3373 | FMItems := TORStrings.Create(Tlistbox(Self).Items,TextToShow);
| 3374 | result := FMItems;
| 3375 | end;
| 3376 |
| 3377 | procedure TORListBox.SetMItems( Value: TStrings);
| 3378 | begin
| 3379 | if not Assigned(FMItems) then
| 3380 | FMItems := TORStrings.Create(Tlistbox(Self).Items,TextToShow);
| 3381 | FMItems.Assign( Value );
| 3382 | end;
| 3383 |
| 3384 | procedure TORListBox.Clear;
| 3385 | begin
| 3386 | Items.Clear;
| 3387 | inherited;
| 3388 | end;
| 3389 |
| 3390 | procedure TORListBox.SetCaption(const Value: string);
| 3391 | begin
| 3392 | if not Assigned(FCaption) then begin
| 3393 | FCaption := TStaticText.Create(self);
| 3394 | FCaption.AutoSize := False;
| 3395 | FCaption.Height := 0;
| 3396 | FCaption.Width := 0;
| 3397 | FCaption.Visible := True;
| 3398 | if Assigned (FParentCombo) then
| 3399 | FCaption.Parent := FParentCombo
| 3400 | else
| 3401 | FCaption.Parent := Parent;
| 3402 | FCaption.BringToFront;
| 3403 | end;
| 3404 | FCaption.Caption := Value;
| 3405 | end;
| 3406 |
| 3407 | function TORListBox.GetCaption: string;
| 3408 | begin
| 3409 | result := FCaption.Caption;
| 3410 | end;
| 3411 |
| 3412 | procedure TORListBox.MakeAccessible(Accessible: IAccessible);
| 3413 | begin
| 3414 | if Assigned(FAccessible) and Assigned(Accessible) then
| 3415 | raise Exception.Create(Caption + ' List Box is already Accessible!')
| 3416 | else
| 3417 | FAccessible := Accessible;
| 3418 | end;
| 3419 |
| 3420 | procedure TORListBox.WMGetObject(var Message: TMessage);
| 3421 | begin
| 3422 | if (Message.LParam = integer(OBJID_CLIENT)) and Assigned(FAccessible) then
| 3423 | Message.Result := GetLResult(Message.wParam, FAccessible)
| 3424 | else
| 3425 | inherited;
| 3426 | end;
| 3427 |
| 3428 | { TORDropPanel ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
| 3429 | const
| 3430 | OKBtnTag = 1;
| 3431 | CancelBtnTag = 2;
| 3432 |
| 3433 | procedure TORDropPanel.BtnClicked(Sender: TObject);
| 3434 | begin
| 3435 | (Owner as TORComboBox).DropPanelBtnPressed((Sender as TSpeedButton).Tag = OKBtnTag, TRUE);
| 3436 | end;
| 3437 |
| 3438 | constructor TORDropPanel.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
| 3439 | { Creates a panel the contains the listbox portion of a combobox when the combobox style is
| 3440 | orcsDropDown. This is necessary for the combobox to scroll the list properly. The panel
| 3441 | acts as the parent for the list, which recieves the scroll events. If the panel is not
| 3442 | used, the scroll events to the the Desktop and are not received by the application }
| 3443 | begin
| 3444 | inherited Create(AOwner);
| 3445 | BevelInner := bvNone;
| 3446 | BevelOuter := bvNone;
| 3447 | BorderStyle := bsNone;
| 3448 | Caption :='';
| 3449 | Ctl3D := False;
| 3450 | Visible := False;
| 3451 | UpdateButtons;
| 3452 | end;
| 3453 |
| 3454 | procedure TORDropPanel.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
| 3455 | { changes parent of panel to desktop so when list is dropped it can overlap other windows }
| 3456 | begin
| 3457 | inherited CreateParams(Params);
| 3458 | if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then with Params do
| 3459 | begin
| 3460 | if uNewStyle then Params.ExStyle := Params.ExStyle or WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW;
| 3461 | Params.ExStyle := Params.ExStyle or WS_EX_TOPMOST; // - incompatible with ItemTip
| 3462 | WindowClass.Style := WindowClass.Style or CS_SAVEBITS;
| 3463 | WndParent := GetDesktopWindow;
| 3464 | end;
| 3465 | end;
| 3466 |
| 3467 | function TORDropPanel.GetButton(OKBtn: boolean): TSpeedButton;
| 3468 | var
| 3469 | i: integer;
| 3470 |
| 3471 | begin
| 3472 | Result := nil;
| 3473 | if(FButtons) then
| 3474 | begin
| 3475 | for i := 0 to ControlCount-1 do
| 3476 | if(Controls[i] is TSpeedButton) then
| 3477 | begin
| 3478 | if((OKBtn and ((Controls[i] as TSpeedButton).Tag = OKBtnTag)) or
| 3479 | ((not OKBtn) and ((Controls[i] as TSpeedButton).Tag = CancelBtnTag))) then
| 3480 | begin
| 3481 | Result := TSpeedButton(Controls[i]);
| 3482 | break;
| 3483 | end;
| 3484 | end;
| 3485 | end;
| 3486 | end;
| 3487 |
| 3488 | procedure TORDropPanel.ResetButtons;
| 3489 | var
| 3490 | sb: TSpeedButton;
| 3491 |
| 3492 | begin
| 3493 | sb := GetButton(TRUE);
| 3494 | if(assigned(sb)) then sb.Down := FALSE;
| 3495 | sb := GetButton(FALSE);
| 3496 | if(assigned(sb)) then sb.Down := FALSE;
| 3497 | end;
| 3498 |
| 3499 | procedure TORDropPanel.Resize;
| 3500 | var
| 3501 | half: integer;
| 3502 | btn: TSpeedButton;
| 3503 |
| 3504 | begin
| 3505 | inherited;
| 3506 | if(FButtons) then
| 3507 | begin
| 3508 | btn := GetButton(TRUE);
| 3509 | if(assigned(btn)) then
| 3510 | begin
| 3511 | half := width div 2;
| 3512 | btn.Left := 0;
| 3513 | btn.Width := Half;
| 3514 | btn.Top := Height-btn.Height;
| 3515 | btn := GetButton(FALSE);
| 3516 | btn.Left := Half;
| 3517 | btn.Width := Width - Half;
| 3518 | btn.Top := Height-btn.Height;
| 3519 | end;
| 3520 | end;
| 3521 | end;
| 3522 |
| 3523 | procedure TORDropPanel.UpdateButtons;
| 3524 | var
| 3525 | btn: TSpeedButton;
| 3526 | cbo: TORComboBox;
| 3527 | i:integer;
| 3528 |
| 3529 | begin
| 3530 | cbo := (Owner as TORComboBox);
| 3531 | if(cbo.FListBox.FCheckBoxes) then
| 3532 | begin
| 3533 | if(not FButtons) then
| 3534 | begin
| 3535 | btn := TSpeedButton.Create(Self);
| 3536 | btn.Parent := Self;
| 3537 | btn.Caption := 'OK';
| 3538 | btn.Height := CheckComboBtnHeight;
| 3539 | btn.Tag := OKBtnTag;
| 3540 | btn.AllowAllUp := TRUE;
| 3541 | btn.GroupIndex := 1;
| 3542 | btn.OnClick := BtnClicked;
| 3543 | btn := TSpeedButton.Create(Self);
| 3544 | btn.Parent := Self;
| 3545 | btn.Caption := 'Cancel';
| 3546 | btn.Height := CheckComboBtnHeight;
| 3547 | btn.Tag := CancelBtnTag;
| 3548 | btn.AllowAllUp := TRUE;
| 3549 | btn.GroupIndex := 1;
| 3550 | btn.OnClick := BtnClicked;
| 3551 | FButtons := TRUE;
| 3552 | Resize;
| 3553 | end;
| 3554 | end
| 3555 | else
| 3556 | if(FButtons) then
| 3557 | begin
| 3558 | for i := ControlCount-1 downto 0 do
| 3559 | if(Controls[i] is TButton) then
| 3560 | Controls[i].Free;
| 3561 | FButtons := FALSE;
| 3562 | Resize;
| 3563 | end;
| 3564 | end;
| 3565 |
| 3566 | procedure TORDropPanel.WMActivateApp(var Message: TMessage);
| 3567 | { causes drop down list to be hidden when another application is activated (i.e., Alt-Tab) }
| 3568 | begin
| 3569 | if BOOL(Message.wParam) = False then with Owner as TORComboBox do DroppedDown := False;
| 3570 | end;
| 3571 |
| 3572 | { TORComboEdit ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
| 3573 | const
| 3574 | ComboBoxImages: array[boolean] of string = ('BMP_CBODOWN_DISABLED', 'BMP_CBODOWN');
| 3575 |
| 3576 | procedure TORComboEdit.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
| 3577 | { sets a one line edit box to multiline style so the editing rectangle can be changed }
| 3578 | begin
| 3579 | inherited CreateParams(Params);
| 3580 | Params.Style := Params.Style or ES_MULTILINE or WS_CLIPCHILDREN;
| 3581 | end;
| 3582 |
| 3583 | procedure TORComboEdit.WMKillFocus(var Message: TWMKillFocus);
| 3584 | begin
| 3585 | inherited;
| 3586 | with (Owner as TORComboBox) do
| 3587 | begin
| 3588 | if (FListBox.FCheckBoxes) and assigned(FEditPanel) and
| 3589 | (Message.FocusedWnd <> FListBox.Handle) and
| 3590 | ((not assigned(FDropBtn)) or (Message.FocusedWnd <> FDropBtn.Handle)) then
| 3591 | begin
| 3592 | FEditPanel.FFocused := FALSE;
| 3593 | FEditPanel.Invalidate;
| 3594 | end;
| 3595 | end;
| 3596 | end;
| 3597 |
| 3598 | procedure TORComboEdit.WMSetFocus(var Message: TWMSetFocus);
| 3599 | begin
| 3600 | inherited;
| 3601 | with (Owner as TORComboBox) do
| 3602 | begin
| 3603 | if FListBox.FCheckBoxes and assigned(FEditPanel) then
| 3604 | begin
| 3605 | HideCaret(Self.Handle);
| 3606 | FEditPanel.FFocused := TRUE;
| 3607 | FEditPanel.Invalidate;
| 3608 | end;
| 3609 | end;
| 3610 | end;
| 3611 |
| 3612 | { TORComboBox ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ }
| 3613 |
| 3614 | constructor TORComboBox.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
| 3615 | { create the editbox and listbox used for the combobox - the default style is Simple }
| 3616 | begin
| 3617 | inherited Create(AOwner);
| 3618 | Width := 121;
| 3619 | Height := 97;
| 3620 | FLastInput := '';
| 3621 | FDropDownCount := 8;
| 3622 | FStyle := orcsSimple;
| 3623 | FCheckBoxEditColor := clBtnFace;
| 3624 | FListBox := TORListBox.Create(Self);
| 3625 | FListBox.Parent := Self;
| 3626 | FListBox.TabStop := False;
| 3627 | FListBox.OnClick := FwdClick;
| 3628 | FListBox.OnDblClick := FwdDblClick;
| 3629 | FListBox.OnMouseUp := FwdMouseUp;
| 3630 | FListBox.OnNeedData := FwdNeedData;
| 3631 | FListBox.OnClickCheck := CheckBoxSelected;
| 3632 | FListBox.Visible := True;
| 3633 | FItems := FListBox.Items;
| 3634 | FMItems := FListBox.MItems;
| 3635 | FEditBox := TORComboEdit.Create(Self);
| 3636 | FEditBox.Parent := Self;
| 3637 | FEditBox.OnChange := FwdChange;
| 3638 | FEditBox.OnKeyDown := FwdKeyDown;
| 3639 | FEditBox.OnKeyPress := FwdKeyPress;
| 3640 | FEditBox.OnKeyUp := FwdKeyUp;
| 3641 | FEditBox.Visible := True;
| 3642 | end;
| 3643 |
| 3644 | procedure TORComboBox.WMDestroy(var Message: TWMDestroy);
| 3645 | begin
| 3646 | if(assigned(Owner)) and (csDestroying in Owner.ComponentState) then
| 3647 | FListBox.DestroyItems;
| 3648 | inherited;
| 3649 | end;
| 3650 |
| 3651 | procedure TORComboBox.CMFontChanged(var Message: TMessage);
| 3652 | { resize the edit portion of the combobox to match the font }
| 3653 | begin
| 3654 | inherited;
| 3655 | AdjustSizeOfSelf;
| 3656 | end;
| 3657 |
| 3658 | procedure TORComboBox.WMMove(var Message: TWMMove);
| 3659 | { for DropDown style, need to hide listbox whenever control moves (since listbox isn't child) }
| 3660 | begin
| 3661 | inherited;
| 3662 | DroppedDown := False;
| 3663 | end;
| 3664 |
| 3665 | procedure TORComboBox.WMSize(var Message: TWMSize);
| 3666 | { whenever control is resized, adjust the components (edit, list, button) within it }
| 3667 | begin
| 3668 | inherited;
| 3669 | AdjustSizeOfSelf;
| 3670 | end;
| 3671 |
| 3672 | procedure TORComboBox.WMTimer(var Message: TWMTimer);
| 3673 | begin
| 3674 | inherited;
| 3675 | if (Message.TimerID = KEY_TIMER_ID) then
| 3676 | begin
| 3677 | StopKeyTimer;
| 3678 | if FListBox.LongList and FChangePending then FwdChangeDelayed;
| 3679 | if Assigned(FOnKeyPause) then FOnKeyPause(Self);
| 3680 | end;
| 3681 | end;
| 3682 |
| 3683 | function TORComboBox.EditControl: TWinControl;
| 3684 | begin
| 3685 | if(assigned(FEditPanel)) then
| 3686 | Result := FEditPanel
| 3687 | else
| 3688 | Result := FEditBox;
| 3689 | end;
| 3690 |
| 3691 | procedure TORComboBox.AdjustSizeOfSelf;
| 3692 | { adjusts the components of the combobox to fit within the control boundaries }
| 3693 | var
| 3694 | FontHeight: Integer;
| 3695 | cboBtnX,cboBtnY: integer;
| 3696 | cboYMargin: integer;
| 3697 |
| 3698 | begin
| 3699 | DroppedDown := False;
| 3700 | FontHeight := FontHeightPixel(Self.Font.Handle);
| 3701 | if FTemplateField then
| 3702 | begin
| 3703 | cboYMargin := 0;
| 3704 | cboBtnX := 1;
| 3705 | cboBtnY := 1;
| 3706 | end
| 3707 | else
| 3708 | begin
| 3709 | cboYMargin := CBO_CYMARGIN;
| 3710 | cboBtnX := CBO_CXFRAME;
| 3711 | cboBtnY := CBO_CXFRAME;
| 3712 | end;
| 3713 | Height := HigherOf(FontHeight + cboYMargin, Height); // must be at least as high as text
| 3714 | EditControl.SetBounds(0, 0, Width, FontHeight + cboYMargin);
| 3715 | if(assigned(FEditPanel)) then
| 3716 | FEditBox.SetBounds(2, 3, FEditPanel.Width - 4, FEditPanel.Height - 5);
| 3717 | if FStyle = orcsDropDown then
| 3718 | begin
| 3719 | Height := FontHeight + cboYMargin; // DropDown can only be text height
| 3720 | FDropBtn.SetBounds(EditControl.Width - CBO_CXBTN - cboBtnX, 0,
| 3721 | CBO_CXBTN, EditControl.Height - cboBtnY);
| 3722 | end else
| 3723 | begin
| 3724 | FListBox.SetBounds(0, FontHeight + CBO_CYMARGIN,
| 3725 | Width, Height - FontHeight - CBO_CYMARGIN);
| 3726 | end;
| 3727 | SetEditRect;
| 3728 | end;
| 3729 |
| 3730 | procedure TORComboBox.DropButtonDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
| 3731 | X, Y: Integer);
| 3732 | { display the listbox for a DropDown style combobox whenever the drop down button is pressed }
| 3733 | begin
| 3734 | if (Button = mbLeft) then
| 3735 | begin
| 3736 | FFromDropBtn := True;
| 3737 | DroppedDown := not FDroppedDown;
| 3738 | FFromDropBtn := False;
| 3739 | end;
| 3740 | end;
| 3741 |
| 3742 | procedure TORComboBox.DropButtonUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
| 3743 | X, Y: Integer);
| 3744 | { shift the focus back to the editbox so the focus rectangle doesn't clutter the button }
| 3745 | begin
| 3746 | if FDroppedDown then FListBox.MouseCapture := True; // do here so 1st buttonup not captured
| 3747 | FEditBox.SetFocus;
| 3748 | end;
| 3749 |
| 3750 | procedure TORComboBox.DoEnter;
| 3751 | { select all the text in the editbox when recieve focus - done first so OnEnter can deselect }
| 3752 | begin
| 3753 | //FEditBox.SelectAll;
| 3754 | inherited DoEnter;
| 3755 | PostMessage(Handle, UM_GOTFOCUS, 0, 0)
| 3756 | end;
| 3757 |
| 3758 | procedure TORComboBox.UMGotFocus(var Message: TMessage);
| 3759 | begin
| 3760 | FEditBox.SetFocus;
| 3761 | if AutoSelect then FEditBox.SelectAll;
| 3762 | end;
| 3763 |
| 3764 | procedure TORComboBox.DoExit;
| 3765 | { make sure DropDown list is raised when losing focus }
| 3766 | begin
| 3767 | DroppedDown := False;
| 3768 | if FKeyTimerActive then
| 3769 | begin
| 3770 | StopKeyTimer;
| 3771 | if FListBox.LongList and FChangePending then FwdChangeDelayed;
| 3772 | end;
| 3773 | inherited DoExit;
| 3774 | end;
| 3775 |
| 3776 | procedure TORComboBox.Loaded;
| 3777 | { we need to call the loaded method for the listbox child (it's not called automatically) }
| 3778 | begin
| 3779 | inherited Loaded;
| 3780 | FListBox.Loaded;
| 3781 | end;
| 3782 |
| 3783 | procedure TORComboBox.FwdChange(Sender: TObject);
| 3784 | { allow timer to call FwdChangeDelayed if long list, otherwise call directly }
| 3785 | begin
| 3786 | if FFromSelf then Exit;
| 3787 | FChangePending := True;
| 3788 | if FListBox.LongList and FKeyIsDown then Exit;
| 3789 | FwdChangeDelayed;
| 3790 | end;
| 3791 |
| 3792 | procedure TORComboBox.FwdChangeDelayed;
| 3793 | { when user types in the editbox, find a partial match in the listbox & set into editbox }
| 3794 | var
| 3795 | SelectIndex: Integer;
| 3796 | x: string;
| 3797 | begin
| 3798 | FChangePending := False;
| 3799 | if (not FListItemsOnly) and (Length(FEditBox.Text) > 0) and (FEditBox.SelStart = 0) then Exit; // **KCM** test this!
| 3800 | with FEditBox do x := Copy(Text, 1, SelStart);
| 3801 | FLastInput := x;
| 3802 | SelectIndex := FListBox.SelectString(x);
| 3803 | if FListItemsOnly and (SelectIndex < 0) and (x <> '') then
| 3804 | begin
| 3805 | FFromSelf := True;
| 3806 | x := FLastFound;
| 3807 | SelectIndex := FListBox.SelectString(x);
| 3808 | FEditBox.Text := GetEditBoxText(SelectIndex);
| 3809 | if(not FListBox.FCheckBoxes) then
| 3810 | SendMessage(FEditBox.Handle, EM_SETSEL, Length(FEditBox.Text), Length(x));
| 3811 | FFromSelf := False;
| 3812 | Exit; // OnChange not called in this case
| 3813 | end;
| 3814 | FFromSelf := True;
| 3815 | if SelectIndex > -1 then
| 3816 | begin
| 3817 | FEditBox.Text := GetEditBoxText(SelectIndex);
| 3818 | FLastFound := x;
| 3819 | if(not FListBox.FCheckBoxes) then
| 3820 | SendMessage(FEditBox.Handle, EM_SETSEL, Length(FEditBox.Text), Length(x));
| 3821 | end else
| 3822 | begin
| 3823 | if(FListBox.CheckBoxes) then
| 3824 | FEditBox.Text := GetEditBoxText(SelectIndex)
| 3825 | else
| 3826 | FEditBox.Text := x; // no match, so don't set FLastFound
| 3827 | FEditBox.SelStart := Length(x);
| 3828 | end;
| 3829 | FFromSelf := False;
| 3830 | if(not FListBox.FCheckBoxes) then
| 3831 | if Assigned(FOnChange) then FOnChange(Self);
| 3832 | end;
| 3833 |
| 3834 | (*
| 3835 | procedure TORComboBox.FwdChangeDelayed;
| 3836 | { when user types in the editbox, find a partial match in the listbox & set into editbox }
| 3837 | var
| 3838 | SelectIndex: Integer;
| 3839 | x: string;
| 3840 | begin
| 3841 | FChangePending := False;
| 3842 | with FEditBox do x := Copy(Text, 1, SelStart);
| 3843 | if x = FLastInput then Exit; // this change event is just removing the selected text
| 3844 | FLastInput := x;
| 3845 | SelectIndex := FListBox.SelectString(x);
| 3846 | FFromSelf := True;
| 3847 | if SelectIndex > -1 then
| 3848 | begin
| 3849 | FEditBox.Text := GetEditBoxText(SelectIndex);
| 3850 | if(not FListBox.FCheckBoxes) then
| 3851 | SendMessage(FEditBox.Handle, EM_SETSEL, Length(FEditBox.Text), Length(x));
| 3852 | end else
| 3853 | begin
| 3854 | FEditBox.Text := x;
| 3855 | FEditBox.SelStart := Length(x);
| 3856 | end;
| 3857 | FFromSelf := False;
| 3858 | if(not FListBox.FCheckBoxes) then
| 3859 | if Assigned(FOnChange) then FOnChange(Self);
| 3860 | end;
| 3861 | *)
| 3862 |
| 3863 | procedure TORComboBox.FwdClick(Sender: TObject);
| 3864 | { places the text of the item that was selected from the listbox into the editbox }
| 3865 | begin
| 3866 | if FListBox.ItemIndex > -1 then
| 3867 | begin
| 3868 | FFromSelf := True;
| 3869 | FListBox.FFocusIndex := FListBox.ItemIndex; // FFocusIndex used so ItemTip doesn't flash
| 3870 | FEditBox.Text := GetEditBoxText(FListBox.ItemIndex);
| 3871 | FLastFound := FEditBox.Text;
| 3872 | FFromSelf := False;
| 3873 | // not sure why this must be posted (put at the back of the message queue), but for some
| 3874 | // reason FEditBox.SelectAll selects successfully then deselects on exiting this procedure
| 3875 | if(not FListBox.FCheckBoxes) then
| 3876 | PostMessage(FEditBox.Handle, EM_SETSEL, 0, Length(FEditBox.Text));
| 3877 | FEditBox.SetFocus;
| 3878 | end;
| 3879 | if Assigned(FOnClick) then FOnClick(Self);
| 3880 | if(not FListBox.FCheckBoxes) then
| 3881 | if Assigned(FOnChange) then FOnChange(Self); // click causes both click & change events
| 3882 | end;
| 3883 |
| 3884 | procedure TORComboBox.FwdDblClick(Sender: TObject);
| 3885 | { surfaces the double click event from the listbox so it is available as a combobox property }
| 3886 | begin
| 3887 | if Assigned(FOnDblClick) then FOnDblClick(Self);
| 3888 | end;
| 3889 |
| 3890 | procedure TORComboBox.FwdKeyDown(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
| 3891 | { passed selected navigation keys to listbox, applies special handling to backspace and F4 }
| 3892 | var
| 3893 | i: Integer;
| 3894 | x: string;
| 3895 | begin
| 3896 | // special case: when default action taken (RETURN) make sure FwdChangeDelayed is called first
| 3897 | if (Key = VK_RETURN) and FListBox.LongList and FChangePending then FwdChangeDelayed;
| 3898 | StopKeyTimer; // stop timer after control keys so in case an exit event is triggered
| 3899 | if Assigned(FOnKeyDown) then FOnKeyDown(Self, Key, Shift);
| 3900 | if Key in [VK_PRIOR, VK_NEXT, VK_UP, VK_DOWN] then // navigation
| 3901 | begin
| 3902 | if (FStyle = orcsDropDown) and not DroppedDown then DroppedDown := True;
| 3903 | // handle special case of FocusIndex, WM_KEYDOWN will increment from -1 to 0
| 3904 | if FListBox.ItemIndex = -1 then FListBox.FFocusIndex := -1;
| 3905 | FListBox.Perform(WM_KEYDOWN, Key, 1);
| 3906 | end;
| 3907 | if Key in [VK_LBUTTON, VK_RETURN, VK_PRIOR, VK_NEXT, VK_UP, VK_DOWN] then // select item
| 3908 | begin
| 3909 | FListBox.Perform(WM_KEYDOWN, VK_LBUTTON, 1);
| 3910 | FFromSelf := True;
| 3911 | if FListBox.ItemIndex > -1 then
| 3912 | begin
| 3913 | FEditBox.Text := GetEditBoxText(FListBox.ItemIndex);
| 3914 | FLastFound := FEditBox.Text; //kcm
| 3915 | end;
| 3916 | FFromSelf := False;
| 3917 | end;
| 3918 | // tell parent about RETURN, ESCAPE so that the default action is taken
| 3919 | if Key in [VK_RETURN, VK_ESCAPE, VK_TAB] then SendMessage(Parent.Handle, CN_KEYDOWN, Key, 0);
| 3920 | if Key = VK_BACK then // backspace
| 3921 | begin
| 3922 | FFromSelf := True;
| 3923 | x := FEditBox.Text;
| 3924 | i := FEditBox.SelStart;
| 3925 | Delete(x, i + 1, Length(x));
| 3926 | if(FListBox.FCheckBoxes) then
| 3927 | FEditBox.Text := GetEditBoxText(ItemIndex)
| 3928 | else
| 3929 | FEditBox.Text := x;
| 3930 | FLastFound := x;
| 3931 | FEditBox.SelStart := i;
| 3932 | FFromSelf := False;
| 3933 | end;
| 3934 | if (FStyle = orcsDropDown) and (Key = VK_F4) then DroppedDown := not DroppedDown; // drop
| 3935 |
| 3936 | if (Key = VK_SPACE) and (FListBox.FCheckBoxes) and (FListBox.ItemIndex > -1) then
| 3937 | FListBox.ToggleCheckBox(FListBox.ItemIndex);
| 3938 |
| 3939 | if (FStyle = orcsDropDown) and (FListBox.FCheckBoxes) then
| 3940 | begin
| 3941 | if Key = VK_RETURN then DropPanelBtnPressed(TRUE, TRUE);
| 3942 | if Key = VK_ESCAPE then DropPanelBtnPressed(FALSE, TRUE);
| 3943 | end;
| 3944 |
| 3945 | FKeyIsDown := True;
| 3946 | end;
| 3947 |
| 3948 | procedure TORComboBox.FwdKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char);
| 3949 | { prevents return from being used by editbox (otherwise sends a newline & text vanishes) }
| 3950 | begin
| 3951 | // may want to make the tab beep if tab key (#9) - can't tab until list raised
| 3952 | if (Key in [#9, #13]) or (FListBox.FCheckBoxes and (Key = #32)) then
| 3953 | begin
| 3954 | Key := #0;
| 3955 | Exit;
| 3956 | end;
| 3957 | if Assigned(FOnKeyPress) then FOnKeyPress(Self, Key);
| 3958 | end;
| 3959 |
| 3960 | procedure TORComboBox.FwdKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
| 3961 | { surfaces the key up event from the editbox so it is available as a combobox property }
| 3962 | begin
| 3963 | FKeyIsDown := False;
| 3964 | // tell parent about RETURN, ESCAPE so that the default action is taken
| 3965 | if Key in [VK_RETURN, VK_ESCAPE, VK_TAB] then SendMessage(Parent.Handle, CN_KEYUP, Key, 0);
| 3966 | if Assigned(FOnKeyUp) then FOnKeyUp(Self, Key, Shift);
| 3967 | StartKeyTimer;
| 3968 | end;
| 3969 |
| 3970 | procedure TORComboBox.FwdMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
| 3971 | X, Y: Integer);
| 3972 | begin
| 3973 | if Assigned(FOnMouseClick) then FOnMouseClick(Self);
| 3974 | end;
| 3975 |
| 3976 | procedure TORComboBox.FwdNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: string;
| 3977 | Direction, InsertAt: Integer);
| 3978 | { surfaces the need data event from the (long) listbox so it is available as a property }
| 3979 | begin
| 3980 | if Assigned(FOnNeedData) then FOnNeedData(Self, copy(StartFrom, 1, MaxNeedDataLen), Direction, InsertAt);
| 3981 | end;
| 3982 |
| 3983 | procedure TORComboBox.SetDropDownCount(Value: Integer);
| 3984 | { when the listbox is dropped, it's sized according to Value (ItemHeight * DropDownCount) }
| 3985 | begin
| 3986 | if Value > 0 then FDropDownCount := Value;
| 3987 | end;
| 3988 |
| 3989 | procedure TORComboBox.SetDroppedDown(Value: Boolean);
| 3990 | { for DropDown combo, display the listbox at the appropriate full screen coordinates }
| 3991 | const
| 3992 | MIN_ITEMS = 3; // minimum visible items for long list
| 3993 | var
| 3994 | ScreenPoint: TPoint;
| 3995 | DropDownCnt: Integer;
| 3996 | PnlHeight: integer;
| 3997 | begin
| 3998 | if (Value = FDroppedDown) or (FStyle <> orcsDropDown) then Exit;
| 3999 | FDroppedDown := Value;
| 4000 | if FDroppedDown = True then
| 4001 | begin
| 4002 | if Assigned(FOnDropDown) then FOnDropDown(Self);
| 4003 | if FListBox.LongList
| 4004 | then DropDownCnt := HigherOf(FDropDownCount, MIN_ITEMS)
| 4005 | else DropDownCnt := LowerOf(FDropDownCount, FListBox.Items.Count);
| 4006 | FListBox.SetBounds(0, 0, Width, (FListBox.ItemHeight * DropDownCnt) + CBO_CXFRAME);
| 4007 | // need to make this smart enough to drop the list UP when necessary ***
| 4008 | ScreenPoint := Self.ClientToScreen(Point(0, EditControl.Height));
| 4009 |
| 4010 | PnlHeight := FListBox.Height;
| 4011 | if(FListBox.FCheckBoxes) then
| 4012 | inc(PnlHeight, CheckComboBtnHeight);
| 4013 | FDropPanel.SetBounds(ScreenPoint.X, ScreenPoint.Y, FListBox.Width, PnlHeight);
| 4014 | if(FListBox.FCheckBoxes) then
| 4015 | begin
| 4016 | FDropPanel.ResetButtons;
| 4017 | FCheckedState := FListBox.GetCheckedString;
| 4018 | end;
| 4019 | FDropPanel.Visible := True;
| 4020 | FDropPanel.BringToFront;
| 4021 | if FListBox.FScrollBar <> nil then FListBox.FScrollBar.BringToFront;
| 4022 | if not FFromDropBtn then FListBox.MouseCapture := True; // otherwise ButtonUp captures
| 4023 | end else
| 4024 | begin
| 4025 | if Assigned(FOnDropDownClose) then FOnDropDownClose(Self);
| 4026 | FListBox.MouseCapture := False;
| 4027 | uItemTip.Hide;
| 4028 | FDropPanel.Hide;
| 4029 | if(FListBox.FCheckBoxes) and (assigned(FOnChange)) and
| 4030 | (FCheckedState <> FListBox.GetCheckedString) then
| 4031 | FOnChange(Self);
| 4032 | end;
| 4033 | end;
| 4034 |
| 4035 | procedure TORComboBox.SetEditRect;
| 4036 | { change the edit rectangle to not hide the dropdown button - taken from SPIN.PAS sample }
| 4037 | var
| 4038 | Loc: TRect;
| 4039 | begin
| 4040 | SendMessage(FEditBox.Handle, EM_GETRECT, 0, LongInt(@Loc));
| 4041 | Loc.Bottom := ClientHeight + 1; // +1 is workaround for windows paint bug
| 4042 | if FStyle = orcsDropDown then
| 4043 | begin
| 4044 | Loc.Right := ClientWidth - FDropBtn.Width - CBO_CXFRAME; // edit up to button
| 4045 | if(FTemplateField) then
| 4046 | inc(Loc.Right,3);
| 4047 | end
| 4048 | else
| 4049 | Loc.Right := ClientWidth - CBO_CXFRAME; // edit in full edit box
| 4050 | Loc.Top := 0;
| 4051 | if(FTemplateField) then
| 4052 | Loc.Left := 2
| 4053 | else
| 4054 | Loc.Left := 0;
| 4055 | SendMessage(FEditBox.Handle, EM_SETRECTNP, 0, LongInt(@Loc));
| 4056 | end;
| 4057 |
| 4058 | procedure TORComboBox.SetEditText(const Value: string);
| 4059 | { allows the text to change when ItemIndex is changed without triggering a change event }
| 4060 | begin
| 4061 | FFromSelf := True;
| 4062 | FEditBox.Text := Value;
| 4063 | FLastFound := FEditBox.Text;
| 4064 | FFromSelf := False;
| 4065 | PostMessage(FEditBox.Handle, EM_SETSEL, 0, Length(FEditBox.Text));
| 4066 | end;
| 4067 |
| 4068 | procedure TORComboBox.SetItemIndex(Value: Integer);
| 4069 | { set the ItemIndex in the listbox and update the editbox to show the DisplayText }
| 4070 | begin
| 4071 | with FListBox do
| 4072 | begin
| 4073 | ItemIndex := Value;
| 4074 | { should Value = -1 be handled in the SetFocusIndex procedure itself? or should it be
| 4075 | handled by the setting of the ItemIndex property? }
| 4076 | if Value = -1 then FFocusIndex := -1 else FocusIndex := Value;
| 4077 | uItemTip.Hide;
| 4078 | if(FListBox.CheckBoxes) then
| 4079 | SetEditText(GetEditBoxText(ItemIndex))
| 4080 | else
| 4081 | begin
| 4082 | if ItemIndex > -1 then SetEditText(GetEditBoxText(ItemIndex)) else SetEditText('');
| 4083 | end;
| 4084 | end;
| 4085 | end;
| 4086 |
| 4087 | function TORComboBox.SelectByIEN(AnIEN: Int64): Integer;
| 4088 | begin
| 4089 | Result := FListBox.SelectByIEN(AnIEN);
| 4090 | SetItemIndex(Result);
| 4091 | end;
| 4092 |
| 4093 | function TORComboBox.SelectByID(const AnID: string): Integer;
| 4094 | begin
| 4095 | Result := FListBox.SelectByID(AnID);
| 4096 | SetItemIndex(Result);
| 4097 | end;
| 4098 |
| 4099 | function TORComboBox.SetExactByIEN(AnIEN: Int64; const AnItem: string): Integer;
| 4100 | begin
| 4101 | Result := FListBox.SetExactByIEN(AnIEN, AnItem);
| 4102 | SetItemIndex(Result);
| 4103 | end;
| 4104 |
| 4105 | procedure TORComboBox.SetStyle(Value: TORComboStyle);
| 4106 | { Simple: get rid of dropdown button & panel, make combobox parent of listbox
| 4107 | DropDown: create dropdown button & panel, transfer listbox parent to dropdown panel
| 4108 | this allows the dropped list to overlap other windows }
| 4109 | begin
| 4110 | if Value <> FStyle then
| 4111 | begin
| 4112 | FStyle := Value;
| 4113 | if FStyle = orcsSimple then
| 4114 | begin
| 4115 | if FDropBtn <> nil then FDropBtn.Free;
| 4116 | if FDropPanel <> nil then FDropPanel.Free;
| 4117 | FDropBtn := nil;
| 4118 | FDropPanel := nil;
| 4119 | FListBox.FParentCombo := nil;
| 4120 | FListBox.Parent := Self;
| 4121 | if FListBox.FScrollBar <> nil then FListBox.FScrollBar.Parent := Self; // if long
| 4122 | FListBox.Visible := True;
| 4123 | end else
| 4124 | begin
| 4125 | FDropBtn := TBitBtn.Create(Self);
| 4126 | if(assigned(FEditPanel) and (csDesigning in ComponentState)) then
| 4127 | FEditPanel.ControlStyle := FEditPanel.ControlStyle + [csAcceptsControls];
| 4128 | FDropBtn.Parent := FEditBox;
| 4129 | if(assigned(FEditPanel) and (csDesigning in ComponentState)) then
| 4130 | FEditPanel.ControlStyle := FEditPanel.ControlStyle - [csAcceptsControls];
| 4131 | FDropBtn.Glyph.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, ComboBoxImages[inherited Enabled]);
| 4132 | FDropBtn.OnMouseDown := DropButtonDown;
| 4133 | FDropBtn.OnMouseUp := DropButtonUp;
| 4134 | FDropBtn.TabStop := False;
| 4135 | FDropBtn.Visible := True;
| 4136 | FDropBtn.BringToFront;
| 4137 | if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
| 4138 | begin
| 4139 | FDropPanel := TORDropPanel.Create(Self);
| 4140 | FDropPanel.Parent := Self; // parent is really the desktop - see CreateParams
| 4141 | FListBox.FParentCombo := Self;
| 4142 | FListBox.Parent := FDropPanel;
| 4143 | if FListBox.FScrollBar <> nil then FListBox.FScrollBar.Parent := FDropPanel; // if long
| 4144 | end else
| 4145 | begin
| 4146 | FListBox.Visible := False;
| 4147 | end;
| 4148 | Height := EditControl.Height;
| 4149 | end;
| 4150 | AdjustSizeOfSelf;
| 4151 | end;
| 4152 | end;
| 4153 |
| 4154 | procedure TORComboBox.StartKeyTimer;
| 4155 | { start (or restart) a timer (done on keyup to delay before calling OnKeyPause) }
| 4156 | var
| 4157 | ATimerID: Integer;
| 4158 | begin
| 4159 | if FListBox.LongList or Assigned(FOnKeyPause) then
| 4160 | begin
| 4161 | StopKeyTimer;
| 4162 | ATimerID := SetTimer(Handle, KEY_TIMER_ID, KEY_TIMER_DELAY, nil);
| 4163 | FKeyTimerActive := ATimerID > 0;
| 4164 | // if can't get a timer, just call the OnKeyPause event immediately
| 4165 | if not FKeyTimerActive then Perform(WM_TIMER, KEY_TIMER_ID, 0);
| 4166 | end;
| 4167 | end;
| 4168 |
| 4169 | procedure TORComboBox.StopKeyTimer;
| 4170 | { stop the timer (done whenever a key is pressed or the combobox no longer has focus) }
| 4171 | begin
| 4172 | if FKeyTimerActive then
| 4173 | begin
| 4174 | KillTimer(Handle, KEY_TIMER_ID);
| 4175 | FKeyTimerActive := False;
| 4176 | end;
| 4177 | end;
| 4178 |
| 4179 | // Since TORComboBox is composed of several controls (FEditBox, FListBox, FDropBtn), the
| 4180 | // following functions and procedures map public and published properties to their related
| 4181 | // subcomponents.
| 4182 |
| 4183 | function TORComboBox.AddReference(const S: string; AReference: Variant): Integer;
| 4184 | begin
| 4185 | Result := FListBox.AddReference(S, AReference);
| 4186 | end;
| 4187 |
| 4188 | procedure TORComboBox.Clear;
| 4189 | begin
| 4190 | FListBox.Clear;
| 4191 | FEditBox.Clear;
| 4192 | end;
| 4193 |
| 4194 | procedure TORComboBox.ClearTop;
| 4195 | begin
| 4196 | FListBox.ClearTop;
| 4197 | end;
| 4198 |
| 4199 | procedure TORComboBox.ForDataUse(Strings: TStrings);
| 4200 | begin
| 4201 | FListBox.ForDataUse(Strings);
| 4202 | end;
| 4203 |
| 4204 | procedure TORComboBox.InitLongList(S: string);
| 4205 | begin
| 4206 | FListBox.InitLongList(S);
| 4207 | end;
| 4208 |
| 4209 | function TORComboBox.IndexOfReference(AReference: Variant): Integer;
| 4210 | begin
| 4211 | Result := FListBox.IndexOfReference(AReference);
| 4212 | end;
| 4213 |
| 4214 | procedure TORComboBox.InsertReference(Index: Integer; const S: string; AReference: Variant);
| 4215 | begin
| 4216 | FListBox.InsertReference(Index, S, AReference);
| 4217 | end;
| 4218 |
| 4219 | procedure TORComboBox.InsertSeparator;
| 4220 | begin
| 4221 | FListBox.InsertSeparator;
| 4222 | end;
| 4223 |
| 4224 | function TORComboBox.GetAutoSelect: Boolean;
| 4225 | begin
| 4226 | Result := FEditBox.AutoSelect;
| 4227 | end;
| 4228 |
| 4229 | function TORComboBox.GetColor: TColor;
| 4230 | begin
| 4231 | Result := FListBox.Color;
| 4232 | end;
| 4233 |
| 4234 | function TORComboBox.GetDelimiter: Char;
| 4235 | begin
| 4236 | Result := FListBox.Delimiter;
| 4237 | end;
| 4238 |
| 4239 | function TORComboBox.GetDisplayText(Index: Integer): string;
| 4240 | begin
| 4241 | Result := FListBox.DisplayText[Index];
| 4242 | end;
| 4243 |
| 4244 | function TORComboBox.GetItemHeight: Integer;
| 4245 | begin
| 4246 | Result := FListBox.ItemHeight;
| 4247 | end;
| 4248 |
| 4249 | function TORComboBox.GetIEN(AnIndex: Integer): Int64;
| 4250 | begin
| 4251 | Result := FListBox.GetIEN(AnIndex);
| 4252 | end;
| 4253 |
| 4254 | function TORComboBox.GetItemID: Variant;
| 4255 | begin
| 4256 | Result := FListBox.ItemID;
| 4257 | end;
| 4258 |
| 4259 | function TORComboBox.GetItemIEN: Int64;
| 4260 | begin
| 4261 | Result := FListBox.ItemIEN;
| 4262 | end;
| 4263 |
| 4264 | function TORComboBox.GetItemIndex: Integer;
| 4265 | begin
| 4266 | Result := FListBox.ItemIndex;
| 4267 | end;
| 4268 |
| 4269 | function TORComboBox.GetItemTipEnable: Boolean;
| 4270 | begin
| 4271 | Result := FListBox.ItemTipEnable;
| 4272 | end;
| 4273 |
| 4274 | function TORComboBox.GetItemTipColor: TColor;
| 4275 | begin
| 4276 | Result := FListBox.ItemTipColor;
| 4277 | end;
| 4278 |
| 4279 | function TORComboBox.GetLongList: Boolean;
| 4280 | begin
| 4281 | Result := FListBox.LongList;
| 4282 | end;
| 4283 |
| 4284 | function TORComboBox.GetMaxLength: Integer;
| 4285 | begin
| 4286 | Result := FEditBox.MaxLength;
| 4287 | end;
| 4288 |
| 4289 | function TORComboBox.GetPieces: string;
| 4290 | begin
| 4291 | Result := FListBox.Pieces;
| 4292 | end;
| 4293 |
| 4294 | function TORComboBox.GetReference(Index: Integer): Variant;
| 4295 | begin
| 4296 | Result := FListBox.References[Index];
| 4297 | end;
| 4298 |
| 4299 | function TORComboBox.GetSelLength: Integer;
| 4300 | begin
| 4301 | Result := FEditBox.SelLength;
| 4302 | end;
| 4303 |
| 4304 | function TORComboBox.GetSelStart: Integer;
| 4305 | begin
| 4306 | Result := FEditBox.SelStart;
| 4307 | end;
| 4308 |
| 4309 | function TORComboBox.GetSelText: string;
| 4310 | begin
| 4311 | Result := FEditBox.SelText;
| 4312 | end;
| 4313 |
| 4314 | function TORComboBox.GetShortCount: Integer;
| 4315 | begin
| 4316 | Result := FListBox.ShortCount;
| 4317 | end;
| 4318 |
| 4319 | function TORComboBox.GetSorted: Boolean;
| 4320 | begin
| 4321 | Result := FListBox.Sorted;
| 4322 | end;
| 4323 |
| 4324 | function TORComboBox.GetHideSynonyms: boolean;
| 4325 | begin
| 4326 | Result := FListBox.HideSynonyms;
| 4327 | end;
| 4328 |
| 4329 | function TORComboBox.GetSynonymChars: string;
| 4330 | begin
| 4331 | result := FListBox.SynonymChars;
| 4332 | end;
| 4333 |
| 4334 | procedure TORComboBox.SetHideSynonyms(Value: boolean);
| 4335 | begin
| 4336 | FListBox.HideSynonyms := Value;
| 4337 | end;
| 4338 |
| 4339 | procedure TORComboBox.SetSynonymChars(Value: string);
| 4340 | begin
| 4341 | FListBox.SynonymChars := Value;
| 4342 | end;
| 4343 |
| 4344 | function TORComboBox.GetTabPositions: string;
| 4345 | begin
| 4346 | Result := FListBox.TabPositions;
| 4347 | end;
| 4348 |
| 4349 | function TORComboBox.GetTabPosInPixels: boolean;
| 4350 | begin
| 4351 | Result := FListBox.TabPosInPixels;
| 4352 | end;
| 4353 |
| 4354 | function TORComboBox.GetText: string;
| 4355 | begin
| 4356 | Result := FEditBox.Text;
| 4357 | end;
| 4358 |
| 4359 | procedure TORComboBox.SelectAll;
| 4360 | begin
| 4361 | FEditBox.SelectAll;
| 4362 | end;
| 4363 |
| 4364 | procedure TORComboBox.SetAutoSelect(Value: Boolean);
| 4365 | begin
| 4366 | FEditBox.AutoSelect := Value;
| 4367 | end;
| 4368 |
| 4369 | procedure TORComboBox.SetColor(Value: TColor);
| 4370 | begin
| 4371 | if(not FListBox.CheckBoxes) then
| 4372 | FEditBox.Color := Value;
| 4373 | FListBox.Color := Value;
| 4374 | end;
| 4375 |
| 4376 | procedure TORComboBox.SetDelimiter(Value: Char);
| 4377 | begin
| 4378 | FListBox.Delimiter := Value;
| 4379 | end;
| 4380 |
| 4381 | procedure TORComboBox.SetItemHeight(Value: Integer);
| 4382 | begin
| 4383 | FListBox.ItemHeight := Value;
| 4384 | end;
| 4385 |
| 4386 | procedure TORComboBox.SetItemTipEnable(Value: Boolean);
| 4387 | begin
| 4388 | FListBox.ItemTipEnable := Value;
| 4389 | end;
| 4390 |
| 4391 | procedure TORComboBox.SetItemTipColor(Value: TColor);
| 4392 | begin
| 4393 | FListBox.ItemTipColor := Value;
| 4394 | end;
| 4395 |
| 4396 | procedure TORComboBox.SetLongList(Value: Boolean);
| 4397 | begin
| 4398 | FListBox.LongList := Value;
| 4399 | end;
| 4400 |
| 4401 | procedure TORComboBox.SetMaxLength(Value: Integer);
| 4402 | begin
| 4403 | FEditBox.MaxLength := Value;
| 4404 | end;
| 4405 |
| 4406 | procedure TORComboBox.SetPieces(const Value: string);
| 4407 | begin
| 4408 | FListBox.Pieces := Value;
| 4409 | end;
| 4410 |
| 4411 | procedure TORComboBox.SetReference(Index: Integer; AReference: Variant);
| 4412 | begin
| 4413 | FListBox.References[Index] := AReference;
| 4414 | end;
| 4415 |
| 4416 | procedure TORComboBox.SetSelLength(Value: Integer);
| 4417 | begin
| 4418 | FEditBox.SelLength := Value;
| 4419 | end;
| 4420 |
| 4421 | procedure TORComboBox.SetSelStart(Value: Integer);
| 4422 | begin
| 4423 | FEditBox.SelStart := Value;
| 4424 | end;
| 4425 |
| 4426 | procedure TORComboBox.SetSelText(const Value: string);
| 4427 | begin
| 4428 | FEditBox.SelText := Value;
| 4429 | end;
| 4430 |
| 4431 | procedure TORComboBox.SetSorted(Value: Boolean);
| 4432 | begin
| 4433 | FListBox.Sorted := Value;
| 4434 | end;
| 4435 |
| 4436 | procedure TORComboBox.SetTabPositions(const Value: string);
| 4437 | begin
| 4438 | FListBox.TabPositions := Value;
| 4439 | end;
| 4440 |
| 4441 | procedure TORComboBox.SetTabPosInPixels(const Value: boolean);
| 4442 | begin
| 4443 | FListBox.TabPosInPixels := Value;
| 4444 | end;
| 4445 |
| 4446 | procedure TORComboBox.SetText(const Value: string);
| 4447 | begin
| 4448 | FEditBox.Text := Value; // kcm ???
| 4449 | end;
| 4450 |
| 4451 | procedure TORComboBox.SetItems(const Value: TStrings);
| 4452 | begin
| 4453 | FItems.Assign(Value);
| 4454 | end;
| 4455 |
| 4456 | function TORComboBox.GetCheckBoxes: boolean;
| 4457 | begin
| 4458 | Result := FListBox.FCheckBoxes;
| 4459 | end;
| 4460 |
| 4461 | function TORComboBox.GetChecked(Index: Integer): Boolean;
| 4462 | begin
| 4463 | Result := FListBox.GetChecked(Index);
| 4464 | end;
| 4465 |
| 4466 | function TORComboBox.GetCheckEntireLine: boolean;
| 4467 | begin
| 4468 | Result := FListBox.FCheckEntireLine;
| 4469 | end;
| 4470 |
| 4471 | function TORComboBox.GetFlatCheckBoxes: boolean;
| 4472 | begin
| 4473 | Result := FListBox.FFlatCheckBoxes;
| 4474 | end;
| 4475 |
| 4476 | procedure TORComboBox.SetCheckBoxes(const Value: boolean);
| 4477 | begin
| 4478 | if(FListBox.FCheckBoxes <> Value) then
| 4479 | begin
| 4480 | FListBox.SetCheckBoxes(Value);
| 4481 | if(assigned(FDropPanel)) then
| 4482 | FDropPanel.UpdateButtons;
| 4483 | FEditBox.Visible := FALSE;
| 4484 | try
| 4485 | if(Value) then
| 4486 | begin
| 4487 | SetListItemsOnly(TRUE);
| 4488 | SetAutoSelect(FALSE);
| 4489 | FEditBox.Color := FCheckBoxEditColor;
| 4490 | FEditBox.Text := GetEditBoxText(-1);
| 4491 | FEditBox.BorderStyle := bsNone;
| 4492 | FEditPanel := TORComboPanelEdit.Create(Self);
| 4493 | FEditPanel.Parent := Self;
| 4494 | FEditPanel.BevelOuter := bvRaised;
| 4495 | FEditPanel.BorderWidth := 1;
| 4496 | FEditBox.Parent := FEditPanel;
| 4497 | if(csDesigning in ComponentState) then
| 4498 | FEditPanel.ControlStyle := FEditPanel.ControlStyle - [csAcceptsControls];
| 4499 | end
| 4500 | else
| 4501 | begin
| 4502 | FEditBox.Parent := Self;
| 4503 | FEditBox.Color := FListBox.Color;
| 4504 | FEditBox.BorderStyle := bsSingle;
| 4505 | FEditPanel.Free;
| 4506 | FEditPanel := nil;
| 4507 | end;
| 4508 | finally
| 4509 | FEditBox.Visible := TRUE;
| 4510 | end;
| 4511 | AdjustSizeOfSelf;
| 4512 | end;
| 4513 | end;
| 4514 |
| 4515 | procedure TORComboBox.SetChecked(Index: Integer; const Value: Boolean);
| 4516 | begin
| 4517 | FListBox.SetChecked(Index, Value);
| 4518 | if(assigned(FDropPanel)) then
| 4519 | FDropPanel.UpdateButtons;
| 4520 | if(Value) then
| 4521 | SetListItemsOnly(TRUE);
| 4522 | end;
| 4523 |
| 4524 | procedure TORComboBox.SetCheckEntireLine(const Value: boolean);
| 4525 | begin
| 4526 | FListBox.FCheckEntireLine := Value;
| 4527 | end;
| 4528 |
| 4529 | procedure TORComboBox.SetFlatCheckBoxes(const Value: boolean);
| 4530 | begin
| 4531 | FListBox.SetFlatCheckBoxes(Value);
| 4532 | end;
| 4533 |
| 4534 | procedure TORComboBox.DropPanelBtnPressed(OKBtn, AutoClose: boolean);
| 4535 | var
| 4536 | btn: TSpeedButton;
| 4537 |
| 4538 | begin
| 4539 | if(assigned(FDropPanel)) then
| 4540 | begin
| 4541 | btn := FDropPanel.GetButton(OKBtn);
| 4542 | if(assigned(Btn)) then
| 4543 | Btn.Down := TRUE;
| 4544 | end;
| 4545 | if(not OKBtn) then FListBox.SetCheckedString(FCheckedState);
| 4546 | if(AutoClose) then
| 4547 | begin
| 4548 | FListBox.FDontClose := FALSE;
| 4549 | DroppedDown := False;
| 4550 | end;
| 4551 | UpdateCheckEditBoxText;
| 4552 | end;
| 4553 |
| 4554 | function TORComboBox.GetCheckedString: string;
| 4555 | begin
| 4556 | Result := FListBox.GetCheckedString;
| 4557 | end;
| 4558 |
| 4559 | procedure TORComboBox.SetCheckedString(const Value: string);
| 4560 | begin
| 4561 | FListBox.SetCheckedString(Value);
| 4562 | end;
| 4563 |
| 4564 | procedure TORComboBox.SetCheckBoxEditColor(const Value: TColor);
| 4565 | begin
| 4566 | if(FCheckBoxEditColor <> Value) then
| 4567 | begin
| 4568 | FCheckBoxEditColor := Value;
| 4569 | if(FListBox.FCheckBoxes) then
| 4570 | FEditBox.Color := FCheckBoxEditColor;
| 4571 | end;
| 4572 | end;
| 4573 |
| 4574 | procedure TORComboBox.SetListItemsOnly(const Value: Boolean);
| 4575 | begin
| 4576 | if(FListItemsOnly <> Value) then
| 4577 | begin
| 4578 | FListItemsOnly := Value;
| 4579 | if(not Value) then
| 4580 | SetCheckBoxes(FALSE);
| 4581 | end;
| 4582 | end;
| 4583 |
| 4584 | procedure TORComboBox.SetOnCheckedText(const Value: TORCheckComboTextEvent);
| 4585 | begin
| 4586 | FOnCheckedText := Value;
| 4587 | FEditBox.Text := GetEditBoxText(-1);
| 4588 | end;
| 4589 |
| 4590 | procedure TORComboBox.SetTemplateField(const Value: boolean);
| 4591 | begin
| 4592 | if(FTemplateField <> Value) then
| 4593 | begin
| 4594 | FTemplateField := Value;
| 4595 | if(Value) then
| 4596 | begin
| 4597 | SetStyle(orcsDropDown);
| 4598 | FEditBox.BorderStyle := bsNone
| 4599 | end
| 4600 | else
| 4601 | FEditBox.BorderStyle := bsSingle;
| 4602 | AdjustSizeOfSelf;
| 4603 | end;
| 4604 | end;
| 4605 |
| 4606 | function TORComboBox.GetOnSynonymCheck: TORSynonymCheckEvent;
| 4607 | begin
| 4608 | Result := FListBox.FOnSynonymCheck;
| 4609 | end;
| 4610 |
| 4611 | procedure TORComboBox.SetOnSynonymCheck(const Value: TORSynonymCheckEvent);
| 4612 | begin
| 4613 | FListBox.FOnSynonymCheck := Value;
| 4614 | end;
| 4615 |
| 4616 | function TORComboBox.GetEnabled: boolean;
| 4617 | begin
| 4618 | Result := inherited GetEnabled;
| 4619 | end;
| 4620 |
| 4621 | procedure TORComboBox.SetEnabled(Value: boolean);
| 4622 | begin
| 4623 | if (inherited GetEnabled <> Value) then
| 4624 | begin
| 4625 | inherited SetEnabled(Value);
| 4626 | if assigned(FDropBtn) then
| 4627 | FDropBtn.Glyph.LoadFromResourceName(hInstance, ComboBoxImages[Value]);
| 4628 | end;
| 4629 | end;
| 4630 |
| 4631 | function TORComboBox.GetEditBoxText(Index: Integer): string;
| 4632 | var
| 4633 | i, cnt: integer;
| 4634 |
| 4635 | begin
| 4636 | if(FListBox.FCheckBoxes) then
| 4637 | begin
| 4638 | Result := '';
| 4639 | cnt := 0;
| 4640 | for i := 0 to FListBox.Items.Count-1 do
| 4641 | begin
| 4642 | if(FListBox.Checked[i]) then
| 4643 | begin
| 4644 | inc(cnt);
| 4645 | if(Result <> '') then
| 4646 | Result := Result + ', ';
| 4647 | Result := Result + FListBox.GetDisplayText(i);
| 4648 | end;
| 4649 | end;
| 4650 | if(assigned(FOnCheckedText)) then
| 4651 | FOnCheckedText(FListBox, cnt, Result);
| 4652 | end
| 4653 | else
| 4654 | Result := FListBox.GetDisplayText(Index);
| 4655 | end;
| 4656 |
| 4657 | procedure TORComboBox.UpdateCheckEditBoxText;
| 4658 | begin
| 4659 | if(FListBox.FCheckBoxes) then
| 4660 | begin
| 4661 | FFromSelf := TRUE;
| 4662 | FEditBox.Text := GetEditBoxText(-1);
| 4663 | FEditBox.SelLength := 0;
| 4664 | FFromSelf := FALSE;
| 4665 | end;
| 4666 | end;
| 4667 |
| 4668 | procedure TORComboBox.CheckBoxSelected(Sender: TObject; Index: integer);
| 4669 | begin
| 4670 | UpdateCheckEditBoxText;
| 4671 | if(FStyle <> orcsDropDown) and (assigned(FOnChange)) then
| 4672 | FOnChange(Self);
| 4673 | end;
| 4674 |
| 4675 | function TORComboBox.GetMItems: TStrings;
| 4676 | begin
| 4677 | result := FMItems;
| 4678 | end;
| 4679 |
| 4680 | procedure TORComboBox.SetCaption(const Value: string);
| 4681 | begin
| 4682 | FListBox.Caption := Value;
| 4683 | end;
| 4684 |
| 4685 | function TORComboBox.GetCaption: string;
| 4686 | begin
| 4687 | result := FListBox.Caption;
| 4688 | end;
| 4689 |
| 4690 | function TORComboBox.MakeAccessible(Accessible: IAccessible): TORListBox;
| 4691 | begin
| 4692 | FListBox.MakeAccessible(Accessible);
| 4693 | result := FListBox;
| 4694 | end;
| 4695 |
| 4696 | function TORComboBox.GetCaseChanged: boolean;
| 4697 | begin
| 4698 | result := FListBox.CaseChanged;
| 4699 | end;
| 4700 |
| 4701 | procedure TORComboBox.SetCaseChanged(const Value: boolean);
| 4702 | begin
| 4703 | FListBox.CaseChanged := Value;
| 4704 | end;
| 4705 |
| 4706 | function TORComboBox.GetLookupPiece: integer;
| 4707 | begin
| 4708 | result := FListBox.LookupPiece;
| 4709 | end;
| 4710 |
| 4711 | procedure TORComboBox.SetLookupPiece(const Value: integer);
| 4712 | begin
| 4713 | FListBox.LookupPiece := Value;
| 4714 | end;
| 4715 |
| 4716 | { TSizeRatio methods }
| 4717 |
| 4718 | constructor TSizeRatio.Create(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Extended);
| 4719 | { creates an object that records the initial relative size & position of a control }
| 4720 | begin
| 4721 | CLeft := ALeft; CTop := ATop; CWidth := AWidth; CHeight := AHeight;
| 4722 | end;
| 4723 |
| 4724 | { TORAutoPanel ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
| 4725 |
| 4726 | destructor TORAutoPanel.Destroy;
| 4727 | { destroy objects used to record size and position information for controls }
| 4728 | var
| 4729 | SizeRatio: TSizeRatio;
| 4730 | i: Integer;
| 4731 | begin
| 4732 | if FSizes <> nil then with FSizes do for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
| 4733 | begin
| 4734 | SizeRatio := Items[i];
| 4735 | SizeRatio.Free;
| 4736 | end;
| 4737 | FSizes.Free;
| 4738 | inherited Destroy;
| 4739 | end;
| 4740 |
| 4741 | procedure TORAutoPanel.BuildSizes( Control: TWinControl);
| 4742 | var
| 4743 | i,H,W: Integer;
| 4744 | SizeRatio: TSizeRatio;
| 4745 | Child: TControl;
| 4746 | begin
| 4747 | H := ClientHeight;
| 4748 | W := ClientWidth;
| 4749 | for i := 0 to Control.ControlCount - 1 do
| 4750 | begin
| 4751 | Child := Control.Controls[i];
| 4752 | with Child do
| 4753 | SizeRatio := TSizeRatio.Create(Left/W, Top/H, Width/W, Height/H);
| 4754 | FSizes.Add(SizeRatio); //FSizes is in tree traversal order.
| 4755 | //TGroupBox is currently the only type of container that is having these
| 4756 | //resize problems
| 4757 | if Child is TGroupBox then
| 4758 | BuildSizes(TWinControl(Child));
| 4759 | end;
| 4760 | end;
| 4761 |
| 4762 | procedure TORAutoPanel.Loaded;
| 4763 | { record initial size & position info for resizing logic }
| 4764 | begin
| 4765 | inherited Loaded;
| 4766 | if csDesigning in ComponentState then Exit; // only want auto-resizing at run time
| 4767 | FSizes := TList.Create;
| 4768 | BuildSizes(Self);
| 4769 | end;
| 4770 |
| 4771 | procedure TORAutoPanel.DoResize( Control: TWinControl; var CurrentIndex: Integer);
| 4772 | var
| 4773 | i,H,W: Integer;
| 4774 | SizeRatio: TSizeRatio;
| 4775 | Child: TControl;
| 4776 | begin
| 4777 | H := ClientHeight;
| 4778 | W := ClientWidth;
| 4779 | for i := 0 to Control.ControlCount - 1 do
| 4780 | begin
| 4781 | Child := Control.Controls[i];
| 4782 | if CurrentIndex = FSizes.Count then break;
| 4783 | // raise Exception.Create('Error while Sizing Auto-Size Panel');
| 4784 | SizeRatio := FSizes[CurrentIndex];
| 4785 | inc(CurrentIndex);
| 4786 | with SizeRatio do begin
| 4787 | if (Child is TLabel) or (Child is TStaticText) then
| 4788 | Child.SetBounds(Round(CLeft*W), Round(CTop*H), Child.Width, Child.Height)
| 4789 | else
| 4790 | Child.SetBounds(Round(CLeft*W), Round(CTop*H), Round(CWidth*W), Round(CHeight*H));
| 4791 | end;
| 4792 | if Child is TGroupBox then
| 4793 | DoResize(TwinControl(Child), CurrentIndex);
| 4794 | end;
| 4795 | end;
| 4796 |
| 4797 | procedure TORAutoPanel.Resize;
| 4798 | { resize child controls using their design time proportions }
| 4799 | var
| 4800 | i: Integer;
| 4801 | begin
| 4802 | inherited Resize;
| 4803 | if csDesigning in ComponentState then Exit; // only want auto-resizing at run time
| 4804 | i := 0;
| 4805 | DoResize( Self, i);
| 4806 | end;
| 4807 |
| 4808 | { TOROffsetLabel --------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
| 4809 |
| 4810 | constructor TOROffsetLabel.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
| 4811 | { create the label with the default of Transparent = False and Offset = 2}
| 4812 | begin
| 4813 | inherited Create(AOwner);
| 4814 | ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csOpaque];
| 4815 | FHorzOffset := 2;
| 4816 | FVertOffset := 2;
| 4817 | end;
| 4818 |
| 4819 | procedure TOROffsetLabel.CMTextChanged(var Message: TMessage);
| 4820 | { resize whenever the label caption changes }
| 4821 | begin
| 4822 | inherited;
| 4823 | AdjustSizeOfSelf;
| 4824 | end;
| 4825 |
| 4826 | procedure TOROffsetLabel.CMFontChanged(var Message: TMessage);
| 4827 | { resize whenever the label font changes }
| 4828 | begin
| 4829 | inherited;
| 4830 | AdjustSizeOfSelf;
| 4831 | end;
| 4832 |
| 4833 | procedure TOROffsetLabel.AdjustSizeOfSelf;
| 4834 | { using the current font, call DrawText to calculate the rectangle size for the label }
| 4835 | var
| 4836 | DC: HDC;
| 4837 | Flags: Word;
| 4838 | ARect: TRect;
| 4839 | begin
| 4840 | if not (csReading in ComponentState) then
| 4841 | begin
| 4842 | DC := GetDC(0);
| 4843 | Canvas.Handle := DC;
| 4844 | ARect := ClientRect;
| 4845 | Flags := DT_EXPANDTABS or DT_CALCRECT;
| 4846 | if FWordWrap then Flags := Flags or DT_WORDBREAK;
| 4847 | DoDrawText(ARect, Flags); // returns size of text rect
| 4848 | Canvas.Handle := 0;
| 4849 | ReleaseDC(0, DC);
| 4850 | // add alignment property later?
| 4851 | SetBounds(Left, Top, ARect.Right + FHorzOffset, ARect.Bottom + FVertOffset); // add offsets
| 4852 | end;
| 4853 | end;
| 4854 |
| 4855 | procedure TOROffsetLabel.DoDrawText(var Rect: TRect; Flags: Word);
| 4856 | { call drawtext to paint or calculate the size of the text in the caption property }
| 4857 | var
| 4858 | Text: string;
| 4859 | begin
| 4860 | Text := Caption;
| 4861 | Canvas.Font := Font;
| 4862 | if not Enabled then Canvas.Font.Color := clGrayText;
| 4863 | DrawText(Canvas.Handle, PChar(Text), Length(Text), Rect, Flags);
| 4864 | end;
| 4865 |
| 4866 | procedure TOROffsetLabel.Paint;
| 4867 | { set the background characterictics, add the offsets, and paint the text }
| 4868 | var
| 4869 | ARect: TRect;
| 4870 | Flags: Word;
| 4871 | begin
| 4872 | with Canvas do
| 4873 | begin
| 4874 | if not Transparent then
| 4875 | begin
| 4876 | Brush.Color := Self.Color;
| 4877 | Brush.Style := bsSolid;
| 4878 | FillRect(ClientRect);
| 4879 | end;
| 4880 | Brush.Style := bsClear;
| 4881 | ARect := ClientRect;
| 4882 | Inc(ARect.Left, FHorzOffset);
| 4883 | Inc(ARect.Top, FVertOffset);
| 4884 | Flags := DT_EXPANDTABS or DT_NOPREFIX or DT_LEFT;
| 4885 | if FWordWrap then Flags := Flags or DT_WORDBREAK;
| 4886 | DoDrawText(ARect, Flags);
| 4887 | end;
| 4888 | end;
| 4889 |
| 4890 | function TOROffsetLabel.GetTransparent: Boolean;
| 4891 | { returns true if the control style is not opaque }
| 4892 | begin
| 4893 | if csOpaque in ControlStyle then Result := False else Result := True;
| 4894 | end;
| 4895 |
| 4896 | procedure TOROffsetLabel.SetTransparent(Value: Boolean);
| 4897 | { if true, removes Opaque from the control style }
| 4898 | begin
| 4899 | if Value <> Transparent then
| 4900 | begin
| 4901 | if Value
| 4902 | then ControlStyle := ControlStyle - [csOpaque] // transparent = true
| 4903 | else ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csOpaque]; // transparent = false
| 4904 | Invalidate;
| 4905 | end;
| 4906 | end;
| 4907 |
| 4908 | procedure TOROffsetLabel.SetVertOffset(Value: Integer);
| 4909 | { adjusts the size of the label whenever the vertical offset of the label changes }
| 4910 | begin
| 4911 | FVertOffset := Value;
| 4912 | AdjustSizeOfSelf;
| 4913 | end;
| 4914 |
| 4915 | procedure TOROffsetLabel.SetHorzOffset(Value: Integer);
| 4916 | { adjusts the size of the label whenever the horizontal offset of the label changes }
| 4917 | begin
| 4918 | FHorzOffset := Value;
| 4919 | AdjustSizeOfSelf;
| 4920 | end;
| 4921 |
| 4922 | procedure TOROffsetLabel.SetWordWrap(Value: Boolean);
| 4923 | { adjusts the size of the label whenever the word wrap property changes }
| 4924 | begin
| 4925 | if FWordWrap <> Value then
| 4926 | begin
| 4927 | FWordWrap := Value;
| 4928 | AdjustSizeOfSelf;
| 4929 | end;
| 4930 | end;
| 4931 |
| 4932 | (*
| 4933 | { TORCalendar }
| 4934 |
| 4935 | procedure TORCalendar.DrawCell(ACol, ARow: Longint; ARect: TRect; AState: TGridDrawState);
| 4936 | { uses the Calendar that is part of Samples and highlights the current date }
| 4937 | var
| 4938 | TheText: string;
| 4939 | CurMonth, CurYear, CurDay: Word;
| 4940 | begin
| 4941 | TheText := CellText[ACol, ARow];
| 4942 | with ARect, Canvas do
| 4943 | begin
| 4944 | DecodeDate(Date, CurYear, CurMonth, CurDay);
| 4945 | if (CurYear = Year) and (CurMonth = Month) and (IntToStr(CurDay) = TheText) then
| 4946 | begin
| 4947 | TheText := '[' + TheText + ']';
| 4948 | Font.Style := [fsBold];
| 4949 | end;
| 4950 | TextRect(ARect, Left + (Right - Left - TextWidth(TheText)) div 2,
| 4951 | Top + (Bottom - Top - TextHeight(TheText)) div 2, TheText);
| 4952 | end;
| 4953 | end;
| 4954 | *)
| 4955 |
| 4956 | { TORAlignButton }
| 4957 |
| 4958 | constructor TORAlignButton.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
| 4959 | begin
| 4960 | inherited;
| 4961 | FAlignment := taCenter;
| 4962 | FLayout := tlCenter;
| 4963 | FWordWrap := FALSE;
| 4964 | end;
| 4965 |
| 4966 | procedure TORAlignButton.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
| 4967 | const
| 4968 | ButtonAlignment: array[TAlignment] of DWORD = (BS_LEFT, BS_RIGHT, BS_CENTER);
| 4969 | ButtonWordWrap: array[boolean] of DWORD = (0, BS_MULTILINE);
| 4970 | ButtonLayout: array[TTextLayout] of DWORD = (BS_TOP, BS_VCENTER, BS_BOTTOM);
| 4971 | begin
| 4972 | inherited CreateParams(Params);
| 4973 | Params.Style := Params.Style or ButtonAlignment[FAlignment] or
| 4974 | ButtonLayout[FLayout] or
| 4975 | ButtonWordWrap[FWordWrap];
| 4976 | end;
| 4977 |
| 4978 | procedure TORAlignButton.SetAlignment(const Value: TAlignment);
| 4979 | begin
| 4980 | if(FAlignment <> Value) then
| 4981 | begin
| 4982 | FAlignment := Value;
| 4983 | RecreateWnd;
| 4984 | end;
| 4985 | end;
| 4986 |
| 4987 | procedure TORAlignButton.SetLayout(const Value: TTextLayout);
| 4988 | begin
| 4989 | if(FLayout <> Value) then
| 4990 | begin
| 4991 | FLayout := Value;
| 4992 | RecreateWnd;
| 4993 | end;
| 4994 | end;
| 4995 |
| 4996 | procedure TORAlignButton.SetWordWrap(const Value: boolean);
| 4997 | begin
| 4998 | if(FWordWrap <> Value) then
| 4999 | begin
| 5000 | FWordWrap := Value;
| 5001 | RecreateWnd;
| 5002 | end;
| 5003 | end;
| 5004 |
| 5005 | { TORTreeNode }
| 5006 |
| 5007 | procedure TORTreeNode.EnsureVisible;
| 5008 | var
| 5009 | R: TRect;
| 5010 | DY, LH: integer;
| 5011 |
| 5012 | begin
| 5013 | MakeVisible;
| 5014 | R := DisplayRect(FALSE);
| 5015 | if(R.Top < 0) then
| 5016 | TreeView.TopItem := Self
| 5017 | else
| 5018 | if(R.Bottom > TreeView.ClientHeight) then
| 5019 | begin
| 5020 | DY := R.Bottom - TreeView.ClientHeight;
| 5021 | LH := R.Bottom - R.Top + 1;
| 5022 | DY := (DY div LH) + 1;
| 5023 | GetORTreeView.SetVertScrollPos(GetORTreeView.GetVertScrollPos + DY);
| 5024 | end;
| 5025 | end;
| 5026 |
| 5027 | function TORTreeNode.GetBold: boolean;
| 5028 | var
| 5029 | Item: TTVItem;
| 5030 | begin
| 5031 | Result := False;
| 5032 | with Item do
| 5033 | begin
| 5034 | mask := TVIF_STATE;
| 5035 | hItem := ItemId;
| 5036 | if TreeView_GetItem(Handle, Item) then
| 5037 | Result := (state and TVIS_BOLD) <> 0;
| 5038 | end;
| 5039 | end;
| 5040 |
| 5041 | function TORTreeNode.GetORTreeView: TORTreeView;
| 5042 | begin
| 5043 | Result := ((inherited TreeView) as TORTreeView);
| 5044 | end;
| 5045 |
| 5046 | function TORTreeNode.GetParent: TORTreeNode;
| 5047 | begin
| 5048 | Result := ((inherited Parent) as TORTreeNode);
| 5049 | end;
| 5050 |
| 5051 | function TORTreeNode.GetText: string;
| 5052 | begin
| 5053 | Result := Inherited Text;
| 5054 | end;
| 5055 |
| 5056 | procedure TORTreeNode.SetBold(const Value: boolean);
| 5057 | var
| 5058 | Item: TTVItem;
| 5059 | Template: DWORD;
| 5060 |
| 5061 | begin
| 5062 | if Value then Template := DWORD(-1)
| 5063 | else Template := 0;
| 5064 | with Item do
| 5065 | begin
| 5066 | mask := TVIF_STATE;
| 5067 | hItem := ItemId;
| 5068 | stateMask := TVIS_BOLD;
| 5069 | state := stateMask and Template;
| 5070 | end;
| 5071 | TreeView_SetItem(Handle, Item);
| 5072 | end;
| 5073 |
| 5074 | procedure TORTreeNode.SetPiece(PieceNum: Integer; const NewPiece: string);
| 5075 | begin
| 5076 | with GetORTreeView do
| 5077 | begin
| 5078 | ORCtrls.SetPiece(FStringData, FDelim, PieceNum, NewPiece);
| 5079 | if(PieceNum = FPiece) then
| 5080 | Text := NewPiece;
| 5081 | end;
| 5082 | end;
| 5083 |
| 5084 | procedure TORTreeNode.SetStringData(const Value: string);
| 5085 | begin
| 5086 | if(FStringData <> Value) then
| 5087 | begin
| 5088 | FStringData := Value;
| 5089 | with GetORTreeView do
| 5090 | if (FDelim <> #0) and (FPiece > 0) then
| 5091 | inherited Text := Piece(FStringData, FDelim, FPiece);
| 5092 | end;
| 5093 | Caption := Text;
| 5094 | end;
| 5095 |
| 5096 | procedure TORTreeNode.SetText(const Value: string);
| 5097 | begin
| 5098 | UpdateText(Value, TRUE);
| 5099 | end;
| 5100 |
| 5101 | procedure TORTreeNode.UpdateText(const Value: string; UpdateData: boolean);
| 5102 | begin
| 5103 | Inherited Text := Value;
| 5104 | Caption := Text;
| 5105 | if(UpdateData) then
| 5106 | with GetORTreeView do
| 5107 | begin
| 5108 | if (FDelim <> #0) and (FPiece > 0) then
| 5109 | ORCtrls.SetPiece(FStringData, FDelim, FPiece, Value);
| 5110 | end;
| 5111 | end;
| 5112 |
| 5113 | procedure TORTreeNode.MakeAccessible(Accessible: IAccessible);
| 5114 | begin
| 5115 | if Assigned(FAccessible) and Assigned(Accessible) then
| 5116 | raise Exception.Create(Text + ' Tree Node is already Accessible!')
| 5117 | else
| 5118 | begin
| 5119 | FAccessible := Accessible;
| 5120 | end;
| 5121 | end;
| 5122 |
| 5123 | procedure TORTreeNode.WMGetObject(var Message: TMessage);
| 5124 | begin
| 5125 | if (Message.LParam = integer(OBJID_CLIENT)) and Assigned(FAccessible) then
| 5126 | Message.Result := GetLResult(Message.wParam, FAccessible)
| 5127 | else
| 5128 | inherited;
| 5129 | end;
| 5130 |
| 5131 | function CalcShortName( LongName: string; PrevLongName: string): string;
| 5132 | var
| 5133 | WordBorder: integer;
| 5134 | j: integer;
| 5135 | begin
| 5136 | WordBorder := 1;
| 5137 | for j := 1 to Length(LongName) do
| 5138 | begin
| 5139 | if (LongName[j] = ' ') or ((j > 1) and (LongName[j-1] = ' ')) or
| 5140 | ((j = Length(LongName)) and (j = Length(PrevLongName)) and (LongName[j] = PrevLongName[j])) then
| 5141 | WordBorder := j;
| 5142 | if (j > Length(PrevLongName)) or (LongName[j] <> PrevLongName[j]) then
| 5143 | break;
| 5144 | end;
| 5145 | if WordBorder = 1 then
| 5146 | result := LongName
| 5147 | else if WordBorder = Length(LongName) then
| 5148 | result := 'Same as above ('+LongName+')'
| 5149 | else
| 5150 | result := Copy(LongName,WordBorder,Length(LongName)) + ' ('+Trim(Copy(LongName,1,WordBorder -1)) + ')';
| 5151 | end;
| 5152 |
| 5153 | procedure TORTreeNode.SetCaption(const Value: string);
| 5154 | var
| 5155 | TheCaption: string;
| 5156 | begin
| 5157 | TheCaption := Value;
| 5158 | with GetORTreeView do
| 5159 | begin
| 5160 | if assigned(OnNodeCaptioning) then
| 5161 | OnNodeCaptioning(self, TheCaption);
| 5162 | if ShortNodeCaptions and (Self.GetPrevSibling <> nil) then
| 5163 | TheCaption := CalcShortName( TheCaption, Self.GetPrevSibling.Text);
| 5164 | end;
| 5165 | FCaption := TheCaption;
| 5166 | end;
| 5167 |
| 5168 | { TORTreeView }
| 5169 |
| 5170 | procedure TORTreeView.CNNotify(var Message: TWMNotify);
| 5171 | var
| 5172 | DNode: TTreeNode;
| 5173 | DoInh: boolean;
| 5174 |
| 5175 | begin
| 5176 | DoInh := TRUE;
| 5177 | if(assigned(FOnDragging)) then
| 5178 | begin
| 5179 | with Message do
| 5180 | begin
| 5181 | case NMHdr^.code of
| 5183 | begin
| 5184 | with PNMTreeView(Message.NMHdr)^.ItemNew do
| 5185 | begin
| 5186 | if (state and TVIF_PARAM) <> 0 then DNode := Pointer(lParam)
| 5187 | else DNode := Items.GetNode(hItem);
| 5188 | end;
| 5189 | FOnDragging(Self, DNode, DoInh);
| 5190 | if(not DoInh) then
| 5191 | begin
| 5192 | Message.Result := 1;
| 5193 | Selected := DNode;
| 5194 | end;
| 5195 | end;
| 5196 | end;
| 5197 | end;
| 5198 | end;
| 5199 | if(DoInh) then inherited;
| 5200 | end;
| 5201 |
| 5202 | constructor TORTreeView.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
| 5203 | begin
| 5204 | inherited;
| 5205 | FDelim := '^';
| 5206 | end;
| 5207 |
| 5208 | function TORTreeView.CreateNode: TTreeNode;
| 5209 | begin
| 5210 | Result := TORTreeNode.Create(Items);
| 5211 | if Assigned( OnAddition ) then
| 5212 | OnAddition(self, Result);
| 5213 | end;
| 5214 |
| 5215 | function TORTreeView.FindPieceNode(Value: string;
| 5216 | ParentDelim: Char = #0; StartNode: TTreeNode = nil): TORTreeNode;
| 5217 | begin
| 5218 | Result := FindPieceNode(Value, FPiece, ParentDelim, StartNode);
| 5219 | end;
| 5220 |
| 5221 | function TORTreeView.FindPieceNode(Value: string; APiece: integer;
| 5222 | ParentDelim: Char = #0; StartNode: TTreeNode = nil): TORTreeNode;
| 5223 | var
| 5224 | StartIdx, i: integer;
| 5225 | Node: TORTreeNode;
| 5226 |
| 5227 | begin
| 5228 | if assigned(StartNode) then
| 5229 | StartIdx := StartNode.AbsoluteIndex+1
| 5230 | else
| 5231 | StartIdx := 0;
| 5232 | Result := nil;
| 5233 | for i := StartIdx to Items.Count-1 do
| 5234 | begin
| 5235 | Node := (Items[i] as TORTreeNode);
| 5236 | if(GetNodeID(Node, APiece, ParentDelim) = Value) then
| 5237 | begin
| 5238 | Result := Node;
| 5239 | break;
| 5240 | end;
| 5241 | end;
| 5242 | end;
| 5243 |
| 5244 | function TORTreeView.GetExpandedIDStr(APiece: integer; ParentDelim: char = #0): string;
| 5245 | var
| 5246 | i: integer;
| 5247 |
| 5248 | begin
| 5249 | Result := '';
| 5250 | for i := 0 to Items.Count-1 do
| 5251 | begin
| 5252 | with (Items[i] as TORTreeNode) do
| 5253 | begin
| 5254 | if(Expanded) then
| 5255 | begin
| 5256 | if(Result <> '') then
| 5257 | Result := Result + FDelim;
| 5258 | Result := Result + GetNodeID(TORTreeNode(Items[i]), APiece, ParentDelim);
| 5259 | end;
| 5260 | end;
| 5261 | end;
| 5262 | end;
| 5263 |
| 5264 | procedure TORTreeView.SetExpandedIDStr(APiece: integer; const Value: string);
| 5265 | begin
| 5266 | SetExpandedIDStr(APiece, #0, Value);
| 5267 | end;
| 5268 |
| 5269 | procedure TORTreeView.SetExpandedIDStr(APiece: integer; ParentDelim: char;
| 5270 | const Value: string);
| 5271 | var
| 5272 | i: integer;
| 5273 | Top, Sel: TTreeNode;
| 5274 | Node: TORTreeNode;
| 5275 | NList: string;
| 5276 | Srch: string;
| 5277 |
| 5278 | begin
| 5279 | Items.BeginUpdate;
| 5280 | try
| 5281 | Top := TopItem;
| 5282 | Sel := Selected;
| 5283 | FullCollapse;
| 5284 | Selected := Sel;
| 5285 | NList := Value;
| 5286 | repeat
| 5287 | i := pos(FDelim, NList);
| 5288 | if(i = 0) then i := length(NList)+1;
| 5289 | Srch := copy(NList,1,i-1);
| 5290 | Node := FindPieceNode(Srch, APiece, ParentDelim);
| 5291 | if(assigned(Node)) then
| 5292 | Node.Expand(FALSE);
| 5293 | Nlist := copy(NList,i+1,MaxInt);
| 5294 | until(NList = '');
| 5295 | TopItem := Top;
| 5296 | Selected := Sel;
| 5297 | finally
| 5298 | Items.EndUpdate;
| 5299 | end;
| 5300 | end;
| 5301 |
| 5302 | function TORTreeView.GetHorzScrollPos: integer;
| 5303 | begin
| 5304 | Result := GetScrollPos(Handle, SB_HORZ);
| 5305 | end;
| 5306 |
| 5307 | function TORTreeView.GetVertScrollPos: integer;
| 5308 | begin
| 5309 | Result := GetScrollPos(Handle, SB_VERT);
| 5310 | end;
| 5311 |
| 5312 | procedure TORTreeView.RenameNodes;
| 5313 | var
| 5314 | i:integer;
| 5315 |
| 5316 | begin
| 5317 | if(FDelim <> #0) and (FPiece > 0) then
| 5318 | begin
| 5319 | for i := 0 to Items.Count-1 do
| 5320 | with (Items[i] as TORTreeNode) do
| 5321 | UpdateText(Piece(FStringData, FDelim, FPiece), FALSE);
| 5322 | end;
| 5323 | end;
| 5324 |
| 5325 | procedure TORTreeView.SetNodeDelim(const Value: Char);
| 5326 | begin
| 5327 | if(FDelim <> Value) then
| 5328 | begin
| 5329 | FDelim := Value;
| 5330 | RenameNodes;
| 5331 | end;
| 5332 | end;
| 5333 |
| 5334 | procedure TORTreeView.SetHorzScrollPos(Value: integer);
| 5335 | begin
| 5336 | if(Value < 0) then Value := 0;
| 5337 | Perform(WM_HSCROLL,MakeWParam(SB_THUMBPOSITION, Value),0);
| 5338 | end;
| 5339 |
| 5340 | procedure TORTreeView.SetNodePiece(const Value: integer);
| 5341 | begin
| 5342 | if(FPiece <> Value) then
| 5343 | begin
| 5344 | FPiece := Value;
| 5345 | RenameNodes;
| 5346 | end;
| 5347 | end;
| 5348 |
| 5349 | procedure TORTreeView.SetVertScrollPos(Value: integer);
| 5350 | begin
| 5351 | if(Value < 0) then Value := 0;
| 5352 | Perform(WM_VSCROLL,MakeWParam(SB_THUMBPOSITION, Value),0);
| 5353 | end;
| 5354 |
| 5355 | function TORTreeView.GetNodeID(Node: TORTreeNode;
| 5356 | ParentDelim: Char): string;
| 5357 | begin
| 5358 | Result := GetNodeID(Node, FPiece, ParentDelim);
| 5359 | end;
| 5360 |
| 5361 | function TORTreeView.GetNodeID(Node: TORTreeNode; APiece: integer;
| 5362 | ParentDelim: Char): string;
| 5363 | begin
| 5364 | if(assigned(Node)) then
| 5365 | begin
| 5366 | Result := Piece(Node.FStringData, FDelim, APiece);
| 5367 | if((ParentDelim <> #0) and (ParentDelim <> FDelim) and (assigned(Node.Parent))) then
| 5368 | Result := Result + ParentDelim + GetNodeID(Node.Parent, APiece, ParentDelim);
| 5369 | end
| 5370 | else
| 5371 | Result := '';
| 5372 | end;
| 5373 |
| 5374 | procedure TORTreeView.MakeAccessible(Accessible: IAccessible);
| 5375 | begin
| 5376 | if Assigned(FAccessible) and Assigned(Accessible) then
| 5377 | raise Exception.Create(Text + ' Tree View is already Accessible!')
| 5378 | else
| 5379 | begin
| 5380 | FAccessible := Accessible;
| 5381 | end;
| 5382 | end;
| 5383 |
| 5384 | procedure TORTreeView.WMGetObject(var Message: TMessage);
| 5385 | begin
| 5386 | if (Message.LParam = integer(OBJID_CLIENT)) and Assigned(FAccessible) then
| 5387 | Message.Result := GetLResult(Message.wParam, FAccessible)
| 5388 | else
| 5389 | inherited;
| 5390 | end;
| 5391 |
| 5392 | procedure TORTreeView.SetShortNodeCaptions(const Value: boolean);
| 5393 | begin
| 5394 | FShortNodeCaptions := Value;
| 5395 | RenameNodes;
| 5396 | end;
| 5397 |
| 5398 | { TORCBImageIndexes }
| 5399 |
| 5400 | constructor TORCBImageIndexes.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
| 5401 | begin
| 5402 | inherited;
| 5403 | FCheckedEnabledIndex := -1;
| 5404 | FCheckedDisabledIndex := -1;
| 5405 | FGrayedEnabledIndex := -1;
| 5406 | FGrayedDisabledIndex := -1;
| 5407 | FUncheckedEnabledIndex := -1;
| 5408 | FUncheckedDisabledIndex := -1;
| 5409 | FImageChangeLink := TChangeLink.Create;
| 5410 | FImageChangeLink.OnChange := ImageListChanged;
| 5411 | end;
| 5412 |
| 5413 | destructor TORCBImageIndexes.Destroy;
| 5414 | begin
| 5415 | FImageChangeLink.Free;
| 5416 | inherited;
| 5417 | end;
| 5418 |
| 5419 | procedure TORCBImageIndexes.SetImages(const Value: TCustomImageList);
| 5420 | begin
| 5421 | if FImages <> nil then FImages.UnRegisterChanges(FImageChangeLink);
| 5422 | FImages := Value;
| 5423 | if FImages <> nil then
| 5424 | begin
| 5425 | FImages.RegisterChanges(FImageChangeLink);
| 5426 | FImages.FreeNotification(Self);
| 5427 | end;
| 5428 | ImageListChanged(Self);
| 5429 | end;
| 5430 |
| 5431 | function TORCBImageIndexes.IdxString: string;
| 5432 | function RStr(Value: integer): string;
| 5433 | begin
| 5434 | if(Value <> -1) then
| 5435 | Result := IntToStr(Value)
| 5436 | else
| 5437 | Result := '';
| 5438 | Result := Result + ',';
| 5439 | end;
| 5440 |
| 5441 | begin
| 5442 | Result := RStr(FCheckedEnabledIndex) +
| 5443 | RStr(FGrayedEnabledIndex) +
| 5444 | RStr(FUncheckedEnabledIndex) +
| 5445 | RStr(FCheckedDisabledIndex) +
| 5446 | RStr(FGrayedDisabledIndex) +
| 5447 | RStr(FUncheckedDisabledIndex);
| 5448 | delete(Result,length(Result),1);
| 5449 | if(Result = ',,,,,') then Result := '';
| 5450 | end;
| 5451 |
| 5452 | procedure TORCBImageIndexes.SetIdxString(Value: string);
| 5453 | var
| 5454 | i,j,v: integer;
| 5455 | Sub: String;
| 5456 |
| 5457 | begin
| 5458 | if(Value = '') then
| 5459 | begin
| 5460 | FCheckedEnabledIndex := -1;
| 5461 | FGrayedEnabledIndex := -1;
| 5462 | FUncheckedEnabledIndex := -1;
| 5463 | FCheckedDisabledIndex := -1;
| 5464 | FGrayedDisabledIndex := -1;
| 5465 | FUncheckedDisabledIndex := -1;
| 5466 | end
| 5467 | else
| 5468 | begin
| 5469 | i := 0;
| 5470 | Sub := Value;
| 5471 | repeat
| 5472 | j := pos(',',Sub);
| 5473 | if(j = 0) then j := length(Sub)+1;
| 5474 | v := StrToIntDef(copy(Sub,1,j-1),-1);
| 5475 | case i of
| 5476 | 0: FCheckedEnabledIndex := v;
| 5477 | 1: FGrayedEnabledIndex := v;
| 5478 | 2: FUncheckedEnabledIndex := v;
| 5479 | 3: FCheckedDisabledIndex := v;
| 5480 | 4: FGrayedDisabledIndex := v;
| 5481 | 5: FUncheckedDisabledIndex := v;
| 5482 | end;
| 5483 | inc(i);
| 5484 | Sub := copy(Sub,j+1,MaxInt);
| 5485 | until(Sub = '');
| 5486 | end;
| 5487 | end;
| 5488 |
| 5489 | procedure TORCBImageIndexes.ImageListChanged(Sender: TObject);
| 5490 | begin
| 5491 | if(Owner is TWinControl) then
| 5492 | (Owner as TWinControl).Invalidate;
| 5493 | end;
| 5494 |
| 5495 | procedure TORCBImageIndexes.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation);
| 5496 | begin
| 5497 | inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation);
| 5498 | if (AComponent = FImages) and (Operation = opRemove) then SetImages(nil);
| 5499 | end;
| 5500 |
| 5501 | procedure TORCBImageIndexes.SetCheckedDisabledIndex(const Value: integer);
| 5502 | begin
| 5503 | if(FCheckedDisabledIndex <> Value) then
| 5504 | begin
| 5505 | FCheckedDisabledIndex := Value;
| 5506 | ImageListChanged(Self);
| 5507 | end;
| 5508 | end;
| 5509 |
| 5510 | procedure TORCBImageIndexes.SetCheckedEnabledIndex(const Value: integer);
| 5511 | begin
| 5512 | if(FCheckedEnabledIndex <> Value) then
| 5513 | begin
| 5514 | FCheckedEnabledIndex := Value;
| 5515 | ImageListChanged(Self);
| 5516 | end;
| 5517 | end;
| 5518 |
| 5519 | procedure TORCBImageIndexes.SetGrayedDisabledIndex(const Value: integer);
| 5520 | begin
| 5521 | if(FGrayedDisabledIndex <> Value) then
| 5522 | begin
| 5523 | FGrayedDisabledIndex := Value;
| 5524 | ImageListChanged(Self);
| 5525 | end;
| 5526 | end;
| 5527 |
| 5528 | procedure TORCBImageIndexes.SetGrayedEnabledIndex(const Value: integer);
| 5529 | begin
| 5530 | if(FGrayedEnabledIndex <> Value) then
| 5531 | begin
| 5532 | FGrayedEnabledIndex := Value;
| 5533 | ImageListChanged(Self);
| 5534 | end;
| 5535 | end;
| 5536 |
| 5537 | procedure TORCBImageIndexes.SetUncheckedDisabledIndex(const Value: integer);
| 5538 | begin
| 5539 | if(FUncheckedDisabledIndex <> Value) then
| 5540 | begin
| 5541 | FUncheckedDisabledIndex := Value;
| 5542 | ImageListChanged(Self);
| 5543 | end;
| 5544 | end;
| 5545 |
| 5546 | procedure TORCBImageIndexes.SetUncheckedEnabledIndex(const Value: integer);
| 5547 | begin
| 5548 | if(FUncheckedEnabledIndex <> Value) then
| 5549 | begin
| 5550 | FUncheckedEnabledIndex := Value;
| 5551 | ImageListChanged(Self);
| 5552 | end;
| 5553 | end;
| 5554 |
| 5555 | { TORCheckBox }
| 5556 |
| 5557 | constructor TORCheckBox.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
| 5558 | begin
| 5559 | CreateCommon(AOwner);
| 5560 | FCustomImages := TORCBImageIndexes.Create(Self);
| 5561 | FCustomImagesOwned := TRUE;
| 5562 | FAllowAllUnchecked := TRUE;
| 5563 | end;
| 5564 |
| 5565 | constructor TORCheckBox.ListViewCreate(AOwner: TComponent; ACustomImages: TORCBImageIndexes);
| 5566 | begin
| 5567 | CreateCommon(AOwner);
| 5568 | FCustomImages := ACustomImages;
| 5569 | FCustomImagesOwned := FALSE;
| 5570 | end;
| 5571 |
| 5572 | procedure TORCheckBox.CreateCommon(AOwner: TComponent);
| 5573 | begin
| 5574 | inherited Create(AOwner);
| 5575 | FGrayedToChecked := TRUE;
| 5576 | FCanvas := TCanvas.Create;
| 5577 | end;
| 5578 |
| 5579 | destructor TORCheckBox.Destroy;
| 5580 | begin
| 5581 | if(FCustomImagesOwned) then FCustomImages.Free;
| 5582 | FCanvas.Free;
| 5583 | inherited;
| 5584 | end;
| 5585 |
| 5586 |
| 5587 | function TORCheckBox.GetImageIndexes: string;
| 5588 | begin
| 5589 | Result := FCustomImages.IdxString;
| 5590 | end;
| 5591 |
| 5592 | function TORCheckBox.GetImageList: TCustomImageList;
| 5593 | begin
| 5594 | Result := FCustomImages.FImages;
| 5595 | end;
| 5596 |
| 5597 | procedure TORCheckBox.SetImageIndexes(const Value: string);
| 5598 | begin
| 5599 | FCustomImages.SetIdxString(Value);
| 5600 | end;
| 5601 |
| 5602 | procedure TORCheckBox.SetImageList(const Value: TCustomImageList);
| 5603 | begin
| 5604 | FCustomImages.SetImages(Value);
| 5605 | end;
| 5606 |
| 5607 | procedure TORCheckBox.Toggle;
| 5608 | begin
| 5609 | if(FGrayedToChecked) then
| 5610 | begin
| 5611 | case State of
| 5612 | cbUnchecked:
| 5613 | if AllowGrayed then State := cbGrayed else State := cbChecked;
| 5614 | cbChecked: State := cbUnchecked;
| 5615 | cbGrayed: State := cbChecked;
| 5616 | end;
| 5617 | end
| 5618 | else
| 5619 | begin
| 5620 | case State of
| 5621 | cbUnchecked: State := cbChecked;
| 5622 | cbChecked: if AllowGrayed then State := cbGrayed else State := cbUnchecked;
| 5623 | cbGrayed: State := cbUnchecked;
| 5624 | end;
| 5625 | end;
| 5626 | end;
| 5627 |
| 5628 | procedure TORCheckBox.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams);
| 5629 | begin
| 5630 | inherited CreateParams(Params);
| 5631 | Params.Style := (Params.Style and (not BS_3STATE)) or BS_OWNERDRAW;
| 5632 | end;
| 5633 |
| 5634 | procedure TORCheckBox.CMEnabledChanged(var Message: TMessage);
| 5635 | begin
| 5636 | inherited;
| 5637 | Invalidate;
| 5638 | end;
| 5639 |
| 5640 | procedure TORCheckBox.CMFontChanged(var Message: TMessage);
| 5641 | begin
| 5642 | inherited;
| 5643 | Invalidate;
| 5644 | end;
| 5645 |
| 5646 | procedure TORCheckBox.CNDrawItem(var Message: TWMDrawItem);
| 5647 | begin
| 5648 | DrawItem(Message.DrawItemStruct^);
| 5649 | end;
| 5650 |
| 5651 | procedure TORCheckBox.CNMeasureItem(var Message: TWMMeasureItem);
| 5652 | begin
| 5653 | with Message.MeasureItemStruct^ do
| 5654 | begin
| 5655 | itemWidth := Width;
| 5656 | itemHeight := Height;
| 5657 | end;
| 5658 | end;
| 5659 |
| 5660 | procedure TORCheckBox.GetDrawData(CanvasHandle: HDC; var Bitmap: TBitmap;
| 5661 | var FocRect, Rect: TRect;
| 5662 | var DrawOptions: UINT;
| 5663 | var TempBitMap: boolean);
| 5664 | var
| 5665 | i, l, TxtHeight, TxtWidth, AWidth: Integer;
| 5666 | ImgIdx: TORCBImgIdx;
| 5667 | CustomImgIdx: integer;
| 5668 |
| 5669 | begin
| 5670 | BitMap := nil;
| 5671 | TempBitMap := FALSE;
| 5672 | DrawOptions := DT_LEFT;
| 5673 | FSingleLine := TRUE;
| 5674 |
| 5675 | if(not (csDestroying in ComponentState)) then
| 5676 | begin
| 5677 | with FCustomImages do
| 5678 | begin
| 5679 | FCanvas.Handle := CanvasHandle;
| 5680 | try
| 5681 | Rect := ClientRect;
| 5682 | with FCanvas do
| 5683 | begin
| 5684 | CustomImgIdx := -1;
| 5685 | if(assigned(FImages)) then
| 5686 | begin
| 5687 | if(Enabled or (csDesigning in ComponentState)) then
| 5688 | begin
| 5689 | case State of
| 5690 | cbChecked: CustomImgIdx := FCheckedEnabledIndex;
| 5691 | cbUnChecked: CustomImgIdx := FUncheckedEnabledIndex;
| 5692 | cbGrayed: CustomImgIdx := FGrayedEnabledIndex;
| 5693 | end;
| 5694 | end
| 5695 | else
| 5696 | begin
| 5697 | case State of
| 5698 | cbChecked: CustomImgIdx := FCheckedDisabledIndex;
| 5699 | cbUnChecked: CustomImgIdx := FUncheckedDisabledIndex;
| 5700 | cbGrayed: CustomImgIdx := FGrayedDisabledIndex;
| 5701 | end;
| 5702 | end;
| 5703 | if((CustomImgIdx < 0) or (CustomImgIdx >= FImages.Count)) then
| 5704 | CustomImgIdx := -1;
| 5705 | end;
| 5706 | if(CustomImgIdx < 0) then
| 5707 | begin
| 5708 | ImgIdx := iiChecked;
| 5709 | if(Enabled or (csDesigning in ComponentState)) then
| 5710 | begin
| 5711 | if(FRadioStyle) then
| 5712 | begin
| 5713 | if State = cbChecked then
| 5714 | ImgIdx := iiRadioChecked
| 5715 | else
| 5716 | ImgIdx := iiRadioUnchecked;
| 5717 | end
| 5718 | else
| 5719 | begin
| 5720 | case State of
| 5721 | cbChecked: ImgIdx := iiChecked;
| 5722 | cbUnChecked: ImgIdx := iiUnchecked;
| 5723 | cbGrayed:
| 5724 | begin
| 5725 | case FGrayedStyle of
| 5726 | gsNormal: ImgIdx := iiGrayed;
| 5727 | gsQuestionMark: ImgIdx := iiQMark;
| 5728 | gsBlueQuestionMark: ImgIdx := iiBlueQMark;
| 5729 | end;
| 5730 | end;
| 5731 | end;
| 5732 | end;
| 5733 | end
| 5734 | else
| 5735 | begin
| 5736 | if(FRadioStyle) then
| 5737 | begin
| 5738 | if State = cbChecked then
| 5739 | ImgIdx := iiRadioDisChecked
| 5740 | else
| 5741 | ImgIdx := iiRadioDisUnchecked;
| 5742 | end
| 5743 | else
| 5744 | begin
| 5745 | case State of
| 5746 | cbChecked: ImgIdx := iiDisChecked;
| 5747 | cbUnChecked: ImgIdx := iiDisUnchecked;
| 5748 | cbGrayed:
| 5749 | begin
| 5750 | if(FGrayedStyle = gsNormal) then
| 5751 | ImgIdx := iiDisGrayed
| 5752 | else
| 5753 | ImgIdx := iiDisQMark;
| 5754 | end;
| 5755 | end;
| 5756 | end;
| 5757 | end;
| 5758 | Bitmap := GetORCBBitmap(ImgIdx);
| 5759 | end
| 5760 | else
| 5761 | begin
| 5762 | Bitmap := TBitmap.Create;
| 5763 | FImages.GetBitmap(CustomImgIdx, Bitmap);
| 5764 | TempBitMap := TRUE;
| 5765 | end;
| 5766 | Brush.Style := bsClear;
| 5767 | Font := Self.Font;
| 5768 |
| 5769 | if Alignment = taLeftJustify then
| 5770 | Rect.Left := 2
| 5771 | else
| 5772 | Rect.Left := Bitmap.Width + 5;
| 5773 |
| 5774 | if(FWordWrap) then
| 5775 | DrawOptions := DrawOptions or DT_WORDBREAK
| 5776 | else
| 5777 | DrawOptions := DrawOptions or DT_VCENTER or DT_SINGLELINE;
| 5778 |
| 5779 | if(FWordWrap) then
| 5780 | begin
| 5781 | if Alignment = taLeftJustify then
| 5782 | Rect.Right := Width - Bitmap.Width - 3
| 5783 | else
| 5784 | Rect.Right := Width;
| 5785 | Rect.Top := 1;
| 5786 | Rect.Bottom := Height+1;
| 5787 | dec(Rect.Right);
| 5788 | FocRect := Rect;
| 5789 | TxtHeight := DrawText(Handle, PChar(Caption), Length(Caption), FocRect,
| 5790 | DrawOptions or DT_CALCRECT);
| 5791 | FSingleLine := (TxtHeight = TextHeight(Caption));
| 5792 | Rect.Bottom := Rect.Top + TxtHeight + 1;
| 5793 | FocRect := Rect;
| 5794 | end
| 5795 | else
| 5796 | begin
| 5797 | TxtWidth := TextWidth(Caption);
| 5798 | //Get rid of ampersands that turn into underlines
| 5799 | i := 0;
| 5800 | l := length(Caption);
| 5801 | AWidth := TextWidth('&');
| 5802 | while(i < l) do
| 5803 | begin
| 5804 | inc(i);
| 5805 | // '&&' is an escape char that should display one '&' wide.
| 5806 | // This next part preserves the first '&' but drops all the others
| 5807 | if (Copy(Caption,i,2)<>'&&') and (Copy(Caption,i,1)='&') then
| 5808 | dec(TxtWidth,AWidth);
| 5809 | end;
| 5810 | Rect.Right := Rect.Left + TxtWidth;
| 5811 | TxtHeight := TextHeight(Caption);
| 5812 | if(TxtHeight < Bitmap.Height) then
| 5813 | TxtHeight := Bitmap.Height;
| 5814 | Rect.Top := ((((ClientHeight - TxtHeight) * 5) - 5) div 10);
| 5815 | Rect.Bottom := Rect.Top + TxtHeight + 1;
| 5816 | IntersectRect(FocRect, Rect, ClientRect);
| 5817 | end;
| 5818 | end;
| 5819 | finally
| 5820 | FCanvas.Handle := 0;
| 5821 | end;
| 5822 | end;
| 5823 | end;
| 5824 | end;
| 5825 |
| 5826 | procedure TORCheckBox.DrawItem(const DrawItemStruct: TDrawItemStruct);
| 5827 | var
| 5828 | R, FocusRect, TempRect: TRect;
| 5829 | Bitmap: TBitmap;
| 5830 | OldColor: TColor;
| 5831 | DrawOptions: UINT;
| 5832 | TempBitMap: boolean;
| 5833 |
| 5834 | begin
| 5835 | if(not (csDestroying in ComponentState)) then
| 5836 | begin
| 5837 | GetDrawData(DrawItemStruct.hDC, Bitmap, FocusRect, R, DrawOptions, TempBitMap);
| 5838 | try
| 5839 | FCanvas.Handle := DrawItemStruct.hDC;
| 5840 | try
| 5841 | with FCanvas do
| 5842 | begin
| 5843 | Brush.Color := Self.Color;
| 5844 | Brush.Style := bsSolid;
| 5845 | InflateRect(R, 1, 1);
| 5846 | FillRect(R);
| 5847 | InflateRect(R, -1, -1);
| 5848 |
| 5849 | Brush.Style := bsClear;
| 5850 | Font := Self.Font;
| 5851 |
| 5852 | if(Enabled or (csDesigning in ComponentState)) then
| 5853 | begin
| 5854 | DrawText(Handle, PChar(Caption), Length(Caption), FocusRect, DrawOptions);
| 5855 | end
| 5856 | else
| 5857 | begin
| 5858 | OldColor:=Font.Color;
| 5859 | try
| 5860 | if Ctl3D then
| 5861 | begin
| 5862 | OffsetRect(FocusRect, 1, 1);
| 5863 | Font.Color := clBtnHighlight;
| 5864 | DrawText(Handle, PChar(Caption), Length(Caption), FocusRect, DrawOptions);
| 5865 | OffsetRect(FocusRect, -1, -1);
| 5866 | end;
| 5867 | Font.Color:=clGrayText;
| 5868 | DrawText(Handle, PChar(Caption), Length(Caption), FocusRect, DrawOptions);
| 5869 | finally
| 5870 | Font.Color:=OldColor;
| 5871 | end;
| 5872 |
| 5873 | Brush.Color := Self.Color;
| 5874 | Brush.Style := bsSolid;
| 5875 | end;
| 5876 |
| 5877 | if((DrawItemStruct.itemState and ODS_FOCUS) <> 0) then
| 5878 | begin
| 5879 | InflateRect(FocusRect, 1, 1);
| 5880 | if(FFocusOnBox) then
| 5881 | //TempRect := Rect(0, 0, CheckWidth - 1, CheckWidth - 1)
| 5882 | TempRect := Rect(0, 0, CheckWidth + 2, CheckWidth + 5)
| 5883 | else
| 5884 | TempRect := FocusRect;
| 5885 | //UnionRect(Temp2Rect,ClipRect,TempRect);
| 5886 | //ClipRect := Temp2Rect;
| 5887 | Pen.Color := clWindowFrame;
| 5888 | Brush.Color := clBtnFace;
| 5889 | DrawFocusRect(TempRect);
| 5890 | InflateRect(FocusRect, -1, -1);
| 5891 | end;
| 5892 |
| 5893 | if Alignment = taLeftJustify then
| 5894 | R.Left := ClientWidth - Bitmap.Width
| 5895 | else
| 5896 | R.Left := 0;
| 5897 | if(FWordWrap) then
| 5898 | R.Top:= FocusRect.Top
| 5899 | else
| 5900 | R.Top:= ((ClientHeight - Bitmap.Height + 1) div 2) - 1;
| 5901 |
| 5902 | Draw(R.Left, R.Top, Bitmap);
| 5903 | end;
| 5904 | finally
| 5905 | FCanvas.Handle := 0;
| 5906 | end;
| 5907 | finally
| 5908 | if(TempBitMap) then
| 5909 | Bitmap.Free;
| 5910 | end;
| 5911 | end;
| 5912 | end;
| 5913 |
| 5914 | procedure TORCheckBox.SetGrayedStyle(Value: TGrayedStyle);
| 5915 | begin
| 5916 | if(FGrayedStyle <> Value) then
| 5917 | begin
| 5918 | FGrayedStyle := Value;
| 5919 | if(State = cbGrayed) then Invalidate;
| 5920 | end;
| 5921 | end;
| 5922 |
| 5923 | procedure TORCheckBox.WMLButtonDblClk(var Message: TWMLButtonDblClk);
| 5924 | begin
| 5925 | Perform(WM_LBUTTONDOWN, Message.Keys, Longint(Message.Pos));
| 5926 | end;
| 5927 |
| 5928 | procedure TORCheckBox.WMSize(var Message: TWMSize);
| 5929 | begin
| 5930 | inherited;
| 5931 | if(FSizable) and (csDesigning in ComponentState) then
| 5932 | AutoAdjustSize;
| 5933 | end;
| 5934 |
| 5935 | procedure TORCheckBox.BMSETCHECK(var Message: TMessage);
| 5936 | var
| 5937 | cnt, i: integer;
| 5938 | cb: TORCheckBox;
| 5939 | Chk: boolean;
| 5940 |
| 5941 | begin
| 5942 | Message.Result := 0;
| 5943 |
| 5944 | if(assigned(Parent) and (FGroupIndex <> 0)) then
| 5945 | begin
| 5946 | Chk := Checked;
| 5947 | if(Chk or (not FAllowAllUnchecked)) then
| 5948 | begin
| 5949 | cnt := 0;
| 5950 | for i := 0 to Parent.ControlCount-1 do
| 5951 | begin
| 5952 | if(Parent.Controls[i] is TORCheckBox) then
| 5953 | begin
| 5954 | cb := TORCheckBox(Parent.Controls[i]);
| 5955 | if(cb <> Self) then
| 5956 | begin
| 5957 | if(cb.Checked and (cb.FGroupIndex = FGroupIndex)) then
| 5958 | begin
| 5959 | if Chk then
| 5960 | cb.Checked := FALSE
| 5961 | else
| 5962 | inc(cnt);
| 5963 | end;
| 5964 | end;
| 5965 | end;
| 5966 | end;
| 5967 | if(not Chk) and (Cnt = 0) then
| 5968 | Checked := TRUE;
| 5969 | end;
| 5970 | end;
| 5971 | UpdateAssociate;
| 5972 | Invalidate;
| 5973 | end;
| 5974 |
| 5975 | procedure TORCheckBox.SetWordWrap(const Value: boolean);
| 5976 | begin
| 5977 | if(FWordWrap <> Value) then
| 5978 | begin
| 5979 | FWordWrap := Value;
| 5980 | AutoAdjustSize;
| 5981 | invalidate;
| 5982 | end;
| 5983 | end;
| 5984 |
| 5985 | procedure TORCheckBox.SetAutoSize(Value: boolean);
| 5986 | begin
| 5987 | if(FAutoSize <> Value) then
| 5988 | begin
| 5989 | FAutoSize := Value;
| 5990 | AutoAdjustSize;
| 5991 | invalidate;
| 5992 | end;
| 5993 | end;
| 5994 |
| 5995 | procedure TORCheckBox.AutoAdjustSize;
| 5996 | var
| 5997 | R, FocusRect: TRect;
| 5998 | Bitmap: TBitmap;
| 5999 | DrawOptions: UINT;
| 6000 | TempBitMap: boolean;
| 6001 | DC: HDC;
| 6002 | SaveFont: HFont;
| 6003 |
| 6004 | begin
| 6005 | if(FAutoSize and (([csDestroying, csLoading] * ComponentState) = [])) then
| 6006 | begin
| 6007 | FSizable := TRUE;
| 6008 | DC := GetDC(0);
| 6009 | try
| 6010 | SaveFont := SelectObject(DC, Font.Handle);
| 6011 | try
| 6012 | GetDrawData(DC, Bitmap, FocusRect, R, DrawOptions, TempBitMap);
| 6013 | finally
| 6014 | SelectObject(DC, SaveFont);
| 6015 | end;
| 6016 | finally
| 6017 | ReleaseDC(0, DC);
| 6018 | end;
| 6019 | if(FocusRect.Left <> R.Left ) or
| 6020 | (FocusRect.Right <> R.Right ) or
| 6021 | (FocusRect.Top <> R.Top ) or
| 6022 | (FocusRect.Bottom <> R.Bottom) or
| 6023 | (R.Right <> ClientRect.Right) or
| 6024 | (R.Bottom <> ClientRect.Bottom) then
| 6025 | begin
| 6026 | FocusRect := R;
| 6027 | if Alignment = taLeftJustify then
| 6028 | begin
| 6029 | dec(R.Left,2);
| 6030 | inc(R.Right,Bitmap.Width + 3);
| 6031 | end
| 6032 | else
| 6033 | dec(R.Left,Bitmap.Width + 5);
| 6034 | Width := R.Right-R.Left+1;
| 6035 | Height := R.Bottom-R.Top+2;
| 6036 | end;
| 6037 | end;
| 6038 | end;
| 6039 |
| 6040 | function TORCheckBox.GetCaption: TCaption;
| 6041 | begin
| 6042 | Result := inherited Caption;
| 6043 | end;
| 6044 |
| 6045 | procedure TORCheckBox.SetCaption(const Value: TCaption);
| 6046 | begin
| 6047 | if(inherited Caption <> Value) then
| 6048 | begin
| 6049 | inherited Caption := Value;
| 6050 | AutoAdjustSize;
| 6051 | invalidate;
| 6052 | end;
| 6053 | end;
| 6054 |
| 6055 | procedure TORCheckBox.SetAllowAllUnchecked(const Value: boolean);
| 6056 | begin
| 6057 | FAllowAllUnchecked := Value;
| 6058 | SyncAllowAllUnchecked;
| 6059 | end;
| 6060 |
| 6061 | procedure TORCheckBox.SetGroupIndex(const Value: integer);
| 6062 | begin
| 6063 | FGroupIndex := Value;
| 6064 | if(Value <> 0) and (csDesigning in ComponentState) and (not (csLoading in ComponentState)) then
| 6065 | SetRadioStyle(TRUE);
| 6066 | SyncAllowAllUnchecked;
| 6067 | end;
| 6068 |
| 6069 | procedure TORCheckBox.SyncAllowAllUnchecked;
| 6070 | var
| 6071 | i: integer;
| 6072 | cb: TORCheckBox;
| 6073 |
| 6074 | begin
| 6075 | if(assigned(Parent) and (FGroupIndex <> 0)) then
| 6076 | begin
| 6077 | for i := 0 to Parent.ControlCount-1 do
| 6078 | begin
| 6079 | if(Parent.Controls[i] is TORCheckBox) then
| 6080 | begin
| 6081 | cb := TORCheckBox(Parent.Controls[i]);
| 6082 | if((cb <> Self) and (cb.FGroupIndex = FGroupIndex)) then
| 6083 | cb.FAllowAllUnchecked := FAllowAllUnchecked;
| 6084 | end;
| 6085 | end;
| 6086 | end;
| 6087 | end;
| 6088 |
| 6089 | procedure TORCheckBox.SetParent(AParent: TWinControl);
| 6090 | begin
| 6091 | inherited;
| 6092 | SyncAllowAllUnchecked;
| 6093 | end;
| 6094 |
| 6095 | procedure TORCheckBox.SetRadioStyle(const Value: boolean);
| 6096 | begin
| 6097 | FRadioStyle := Value;
| 6098 | Invalidate;
| 6099 | end;
| 6100 |
| 6101 | procedure TORCheckBox.SetAssociate(const Value: TControl);
| 6102 | begin
| 6103 | if(FAssociate <> Value) then
| 6104 | begin
| 6105 | if(assigned(FAssociate)) then
| 6106 | FAssociate.RemoveFreeNotification(Self);
| 6107 | FAssociate := Value;
| 6108 | if(assigned(FAssociate)) then
| 6109 | begin
| 6110 | FAssociate.FreeNotification(Self);
| 6111 | UpdateAssociate;
| 6112 | end;
| 6113 | end;
| 6114 | end;
| 6115 |
| 6116 | procedure TORCheckBox.UpdateAssociate;
| 6117 |
| 6118 | procedure EnableCtrl(Ctrl: TControl; DoCtrl: boolean);
| 6119 | var
| 6120 | i: integer;
| 6121 | DoIt: boolean;
| 6122 |
| 6123 | begin
| 6124 | if DoCtrl then
| 6125 | Ctrl.Enabled := Checked;
| 6126 | if(Ctrl is TWinControl) then
| 6127 | begin
| 6128 | for i := 0 to TWinControl(Ctrl).ControlCount-1 do
| 6129 | begin
| 6130 | if DoCtrl then
| 6131 | DoIt := TRUE
| 6132 | else
| 6133 | DoIt := (TWinControl(Ctrl).Controls[i] is TWinControl);
| 6134 | if DoIt then
| 6135 | EnableCtrl(TWinControl(Ctrl).Controls[i], TRUE);
| 6136 | end;
| 6137 | end;
| 6138 | end;
| 6139 |
| 6140 | begin
| 6141 | if(assigned(FAssociate)) then
| 6142 | EnableCtrl(FAssociate, FALSE);
| 6143 | end;
| 6144 |
| 6145 | procedure TORCheckBox.Notification(AComponent: TComponent;
| 6146 | Operation: TOperation);
| 6147 | begin
| 6148 | inherited;
| 6149 | if(AComponent = FAssociate) and (Operation = opRemove) then
| 6150 | FAssociate := nil;
| 6151 | end;
| 6152 |
| 6153 | procedure TORCheckBox.SetFocusOnBox(value: boolean);
| 6154 | begin
| 6155 | FFocusOnBox := value;
| 6156 | invalidate;
| 6157 | end;
| 6158 |
| 6159 | { TORListView }
| 6160 |
| 6161 | procedure TORListView.WMNotify(var Message: TWMNotify);
| 6162 | begin
| 6163 | inherited;
| 6164 | with Message.NMHdr^ do
| 6165 | case code of
| 6167 | with PHDNotify(Pointer(Message.NMHdr))^, PItem^ do
| 6168 | if (Mask and HDI_WIDTH) <> 0 then
| 6169 | begin
| 6170 | if(Column[Item].MinWidth > 0) and (cxy < Column[Item].MinWidth) then
| 6171 | cxy := Column[Item].MinWidth;
| 6172 | if(Column[Item].MaxWidth > 0) and (cxy > Column[Item].MaxWidth) then
| 6173 | cxy := Column[Item].MaxWidth;
| 6174 | Column[Item].Width := cxy;
| 6175 | end;
| 6176 | end;
| 6177 | end;
| 6178 |
| 6179 | procedure TORListView.LVMSetColumn(var Message: TMessage);
| 6180 | var
| 6181 | Changed: boolean;
| 6182 | NewW, idx: integer;
| 6183 |
| 6184 | begin
| 6185 | Changed := FALSE;
| 6186 | NewW := 0;
| 6187 | idx := 0;
| 6188 | with Message, TLVColumn(pointer(LParam)^) do
| 6189 | begin
| 6190 | if(cx < Column[WParam].MinWidth) then
| 6191 | begin
| 6192 | NewW := Column[WParam].MinWidth;
| 6193 | Changed := TRUE;
| 6194 | idx := WParam;
| 6195 | end;
| 6196 | if(cx > Column[WParam].MaxWidth) then
| 6197 | begin
| 6198 | NewW := Column[WParam].MaxWidth;
| 6199 | Changed := TRUE;
| 6200 | idx := WParam;
| 6201 | end;
| 6202 | end;
| 6203 | inherited;
| 6204 | if(Changed) then
| 6205 | Column[idx].Width := NewW;
| 6206 | end;
| 6207 |
| 6208 | procedure TORListView.LVMSetColumnWidth(var Message: TMessage);
| 6209 | var
| 6210 | Changed: boolean;
| 6211 | NewW, idx: integer;
| 6212 |
| 6213 | begin
| 6214 | Changed := FALSE;
| 6215 | NewW := 0;
| 6216 | idx := 0;
| 6217 | with Message do
| 6218 | begin
| 6219 | if(LParam < Column[WParam].MinWidth) then
| 6220 | begin
| 6221 | LParam := Column[WParam].MinWidth;
| 6222 | Changed := TRUE;
| 6223 | NewW := LParam;
| 6224 | idx := WParam;
| 6225 | end;
| 6226 | if(LParam > Column[WParam].MaxWidth) then
| 6227 | begin
| 6228 | LParam := Column[WParam].MaxWidth;
| 6229 | Changed := TRUE;
| 6230 | NewW := LParam;
| 6231 | idx := WParam;
| 6232 | end;
| 6233 | end;
| 6234 | inherited;
| 6235 | if(Changed) then
| 6236 | Column[idx].Width := NewW;
| 6237 | end;
| 6238 |
| 6239 | { TORComboPanelEdit }
| 6240 |
| 6241 | destructor TORComboPanelEdit.Destroy;
| 6242 | begin
| 6243 | if(assigned(FCanvas)) then
| 6244 | FCanvas.Free;
| 6245 | inherited;
| 6246 | end;
| 6247 |
| 6248 | procedure TORComboPanelEdit.Paint;
| 6249 | var
| 6250 | DC: HDC;
| 6251 | R: TRect;
| 6252 |
| 6253 | begin
| 6254 | inherited;
| 6255 | if(FFocused) then
| 6256 | begin
| 6257 | if(not assigned(FCanvas)) then
| 6258 | FCanvas := TControlCanvas.Create;
| 6259 | DC := GetWindowDC(Handle);
| 6260 | try
| 6261 | FCanvas.Handle := DC;
| 6262 | R := ClientRect;
| 6263 | InflateRect(R, -1, -1);
| 6264 | FCanvas.DrawFocusRect(R);
| 6265 | finally
| 6266 | ReleaseDC(Handle, DC);
| 6267 | end;
| 6268 | end;
| 6269 | end;
| 6270 |
| 6271 | { TKeyClickPanel ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- }
| 6272 | procedure TKeyClickPanel.KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
| 6273 | begin
| 6274 | case Key of
| 6276 | Click;
| 6277 | end;
| 6278 | end;
| 6279 |
| 6280 | { TKeyClickRadioGroup }
| 6281 |
| 6282 | procedure TKeyClickRadioGroup.Click;
| 6283 | begin
| 6284 | inherited;
| 6285 | TabStop := Enabled and Visible and (ItemIndex = -1);
| 6286 | end;
| 6287 |
| 6288 | constructor TKeyClickRadioGroup.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
| 6289 | begin
| 6290 | inherited;
| 6291 | TabStop := Enabled and Visible and (ItemIndex = -1);
| 6292 | end;
| 6293 |
| 6294 | procedure TKeyClickRadioGroup.KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
| 6295 | begin
| 6296 | inherited;
| 6297 | case Key of
| 6299 | if ItemIndex = -1 then begin
| 6300 | ItemIndex := 0;
| 6301 | Click;
| 6302 | if ControlCount > 0 then begin
| 6303 | TWinControl(Controls[0]).SetFocus;
| 6304 | end;
| 6305 | Key := 0;
| 6306 | end;
| 6307 | end;
| 6308 | end;
| 6309 |
| 6310 | { TCaptionListBox }
| 6311 |
| 6312 | function TCaptionListBox.GetCaption: string;
| 6313 | begin
| 6314 | if not Assigned(FCaptionComponent) then
| 6315 | result := ''
| 6316 | else
| 6317 | result := FCaptionComponent.Caption;
| 6318 | end;
| 6319 |
| 6320 | procedure TCaptionListBox.MakeAccessible(Accessible: IAccessible);
| 6321 | begin
| 6322 | if Assigned(FAccessible) and Assigned(Accessible) then
| 6323 | raise Exception.Create(Caption + ' List Box is already Accessible!')
| 6324 | else
| 6325 | FAccessible := Accessible;
| 6326 | end;
| 6327 |
| 6328 | procedure TCaptionListBox.SetCaption(const Value: string);
| 6329 | begin
| 6330 | if not Assigned(FCaptionComponent) then begin
| 6331 | FCaptionComponent := TStaticText.Create(self);
| 6332 | FCaptionComponent.AutoSize := False;
| 6333 | FCaptionComponent.Height := 0;
| 6334 | FCaptionComponent.Width := 0;
| 6335 | FCaptionComponent.Visible := True;
| 6336 | FCaptionComponent.Parent := Parent;
| 6337 | FCaptionComponent.BringToFront;
| 6338 | end;
| 6339 | FCaptionComponent.Caption := Value;
| 6340 | end;
| 6341 |
| 6342 | procedure TCaptionListBox.WMGetObject(var Message: TMessage);
| 6343 | begin
| 6344 | if (Message.LParam = integer(OBJID_CLIENT)) and Assigned(FAccessible) then
| 6345 | Message.Result := GetLResult(Message.wParam, FAccessible)
| 6346 | else
| 6347 | inherited;
| 6348 | end;
| 6349 |
| 6350 | procedure TCaptionListBox.WMRButtonUp(var Message: TWMRButtonUp);
| 6351 | { When the RightClickSelect property is true, this routine is used to select an item }
| 6352 | var
| 6353 | APoint: TPoint;
| 6354 | i: integer;
| 6355 | begin
| 6356 | if FRightClickSelect then with Message do
| 6357 | begin
| 6358 | APoint := Point(XPos, YPos);
| 6359 | // if the mouse was clicked in the client area set ItemIndex...
| 6360 | if PtInRect(ClientRect, APoint) then
| 6361 | begin
| 6362 | ItemIndex := ItemAtPos(APoint,True);
| 6363 | // ...but not if its just going to deselect the current item
| 6364 | if ItemIndex > -1 then
| 6365 | begin
| 6366 | Items.BeginUpdate;
| 6367 | try
| 6368 | if not Selected[ItemIndex] then
| 6369 | for i := 0 to Items.Count-1 do
| 6370 | Selected[i] := False;
| 6371 | Selected[ItemIndex] := True;
| 6372 | finally
| 6373 | Items.EndUpdate;
| 6374 | end;
| 6375 | end;
| 6376 | end;
| 6377 | end;
| 6378 | inherited;
| 6379 | end;
| 6380 |
| 6381 | { TCaptionCheckListBox }
| 6382 |
| 6383 | function TCaptionCheckListBox.GetCaption: string;
| 6384 | begin
| 6385 | if not Assigned(FCaptionComponent) then
| 6386 | result := ''
| 6387 | else
| 6388 | result := FCaptionComponent.Caption;
| 6389 | end;
| 6390 |
| 6391 | procedure TCaptionCheckListBox.SetCaption(const Value: string);
| 6392 | begin
| 6393 | if not Assigned(FCaptionComponent) then begin
| 6394 | FCaptionComponent := TStaticText.Create(self);
| 6395 | FCaptionComponent.AutoSize := False;
| 6396 | FCaptionComponent.Height := 0;
| 6397 | FCaptionComponent.Width := 0;
| 6398 | FCaptionComponent.Visible := True;
| 6399 | FCaptionComponent.Parent := Parent;
| 6400 | FCaptionComponent.BringToFront;
| 6401 | end;
| 6402 | FCaptionComponent.Caption := Value;
| 6403 | end;
| 6404 |
| 6405 | { TCaptionMemo }
| 6406 |
| 6407 | function TCaptionMemo.GetCaption: string;
| 6408 | begin
| 6409 | if not Assigned(FCaptionComponent) then
| 6410 | result := ''
| 6411 | else
| 6412 | result := FCaptionComponent.Caption;
| 6413 | end;
| 6414 |
| 6415 | procedure TCaptionMemo.SetCaption(const Value: string);
| 6416 | begin
| 6417 | if not Assigned(FCaptionComponent) then begin
| 6418 | FCaptionComponent := TStaticText.Create(self);
| 6419 | FCaptionComponent.AutoSize := False;
| 6420 | FCaptionComponent.Height := 0;
| 6421 | FCaptionComponent.Width := 0;
| 6422 | FCaptionComponent.Visible := True;
| 6423 | FCaptionComponent.Parent := Parent;
| 6424 | FCaptionComponent.BringToFront;
| 6425 | end;
| 6426 | FCaptionComponent.Caption := Value;
| 6427 | end;
| 6428 |
| 6429 | { TCaptionEdit }
| 6430 |
| 6431 | function TCaptionEdit.GetCaption: string;
| 6432 | begin
| 6433 | if not Assigned(FCaptionComponent) then
| 6434 | result := ''
| 6435 | else
| 6436 | result := FCaptionComponent.Caption;
| 6437 | end;
| 6438 |
| 6439 | procedure TCaptionEdit.SetCaption(const Value: string);
| 6440 | begin
| 6441 | if not Assigned(FCaptionComponent) then begin
| 6442 | FCaptionComponent := TStaticText.Create(self);
| 6443 | FCaptionComponent.AutoSize := False;
| 6444 | FCaptionComponent.Height := 0;
| 6445 | FCaptionComponent.Width := 0;
| 6446 | FCaptionComponent.Visible := True;
| 6447 | FCaptionComponent.Parent := Parent;
| 6448 | FCaptionComponent.BringToFront;
| 6449 | end;
| 6450 | FCaptionComponent.Caption := Value;
| 6451 | end;
| 6452 |
| 6453 |
| 6454 | { TCaptionTreeView}
| 6455 |
| 6456 | function TCaptionTreeView.GetCaption: string;
| 6457 | begin
| 6458 | result := inherited Caption;
| 6459 | end;
| 6460 |
| 6461 | procedure TCaptionTreeView.SetCaption(const Value: string);
| 6462 | begin
| 6463 | if not Assigned(FCaptionComponent) then begin
| 6464 | FCaptionComponent := TStaticText.Create(self);
| 6465 | FCaptionComponent.AutoSize := False;
| 6466 | FCaptionComponent.Height := 0;
| 6467 | FCaptionComponent.Width := 0;
| 6468 | FCaptionComponent.Visible := True;
| 6469 | FCaptionComponent.Parent := Parent;
| 6470 | FCaptionComponent.BringToFront;
| 6471 | end;
| 6472 | FCaptionComponent.Caption := Value;
| 6473 | inherited Caption := Value;
| 6474 | end;
| 6475 |
| 6476 | { TCaptionComboBox }
| 6477 |
| 6478 | function TCaptionComboBox.GetCaption: string;
| 6479 | begin
| 6480 | if not Assigned(FCaptionComponent) then
| 6481 | result := ''
| 6482 | else
| 6483 | result := FCaptionComponent.Caption;
| 6484 | end;
| 6485 |
| 6486 | procedure TCaptionComboBox.SetCaption(const Value: string);
| 6487 | begin
| 6488 | if not Assigned(FCaptionComponent) then begin
| 6489 | FCaptionComponent := TStaticText.Create(self);
| 6490 | FCaptionComponent.AutoSize := False;
| 6491 | FCaptionComponent.Height := 0;
| 6492 | FCaptionComponent.Width := 0;
| 6493 | FCaptionComponent.Visible := True;
| 6494 | FCaptionComponent.Parent := Parent;
| 6495 | FCaptionComponent.BringToFront;
| 6496 | end;
| 6497 | FCaptionComponent.Caption := Value;
| 6498 | end;
| 6499 |
| 6500 | { TORAlignSpeedButton }
| 6501 |
| 6502 | procedure TORAlignSpeedButton.Paint;
| 6503 | var
| 6504 | Rect: TRect;
| 6505 | begin
| 6506 | inherited;
| 6507 | if (Parent <> nil) and (Parent is TKeyClickPanel) and TKeyClickPanel(Parent).Focused then
| 6508 | begin
| 6509 | Rect := ClientRect;
| 6510 | InflateRect(Rect, -3, -3);
| 6511 | Canvas.Brush.Color := Color;
| 6512 | Canvas.DrawFocusRect(Rect);
| 6513 | end;
| 6514 | end;
| 6515 |
| 6516 | { TCaptionStringGrid }
| 6517 |
| 6518 | {I may have messed up my Windows.pas file, but mine defines NotifyWinEvent without a stdcall.}
| 6519 | procedure GoodNotifyWinEvent; external user32 name 'NotifyWinEvent';
| 6520 |
| 6521 | function TCaptionStringGrid.ColRowToIndex(Col, Row: Integer): integer;
| 6522 | begin
| 6523 | result := (ColCount - FixedCols) * (Row - FixedRows) +
| 6524 | (Col - FixedCols) + 1;
| 6525 | end;
| 6526 |
| 6527 | procedure TCaptionStringGrid.IndexToColRow(index: integer; var Col,
| 6528 | Row: integer);
| 6529 | begin
| 6530 | Row := (index-1) div (ColCount - FixedCols) + FixedRows;
| 6531 | Col := (index-1) mod (ColCount - FixedCols) + FixedCols;
| 6532 | end;
| 6533 |
| 6534 | procedure TCaptionStringGrid.KeyUp(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState);
| 6535 | begin
| 6536 | inherited;
| 6537 | {Look for all of the grid navigation keys}
| 6538 | if (Key in [VK_LEFT, VK_RIGHT, VK_UP, VK_DOWN]) and (Shift = []) or
| 6539 | (Key = VK_TAB) and (Shift <= [ssShift]) then
| 6540 | GoodNotifyWinEvent(EVENT_OBJECT_FOCUS, Handle, integer(OBJID_CLIENT),
| 6541 | ColRowToIndex(Col,Row));
| 6542 | end;
| 6543 |
| 6544 | procedure TCaptionStringGrid.MakeAccessible(Accessible: IAccessible);
| 6545 | begin
| 6546 | if Assigned(FAccessible) and Assigned(Accessible) then
| 6547 | raise Exception.Create(Caption + 'String Grid is already Accessible!')
| 6548 | else
| 6549 | FAccessible := Accessible;
| 6550 | end;
| 6551 |
| 6552 | procedure TCaptionStringGrid.WMGetObject(var Message: TMessage);
| 6553 | begin
| 6554 | if (Message.LParam = integer(OBJID_CLIENT)) and Assigned(FAccessible) then
| 6555 | Message.Result := GetLResult(Message.wParam, FAccessible)
| 6556 | else
| 6557 | inherited;
| 6558 | end;
| 6559 |
| 6560 | initialization
| 6561 | //uItemTip := TItemTip.Create(Application); // all listboxes share a single ItemTip window
| 6562 | uItemTipCount := 0;
| 6563 | uNewStyle := Lo(GetVersion) >= 4; // True = Win95 interface, otherwise old interface
| 6564 | FillChar(ORCBImages, SizeOf(ORCBImages), 0);
| 6565 |
| 6566 | finalization
| 6567 | //uItemTip.Free; // don't seem to need this - called by Application
| 6568 | DestroyORCBBitmaps;
| 6569 |
| 6570 | end.