1 | unit ORFn;
2 |
4 |
5 | interface // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 |
7 | uses SysUtils, Windows, Messages, Classes, Controls, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, Forms,
8 | Graphics, Menus, RichEdit;
9 |
10 | const
11 | U = '^';
12 | CRLF = #13#10;
13 | BOOLCHAR: array[Boolean] of Char = ('0', '1');
14 | UM_STATUSTEXT = (WM_USER + 302); // used to send update status msg to main form
16 |
17 | type
18 | TFMDateTime = Double;
19 | TORIdleCallProc = procedure(Msg: string);
20 |
21 | { Date/Time functions }
22 | function DateTimeToFMDateTime(ADateTime: TDateTime): TFMDateTime;
23 | function FMDateTimeToDateTime(ADateTime: TFMDateTime): TDateTime;
24 | function FMDateTimeOffsetBy(ADateTime: TFMDateTime; DaysDiff: Integer): TFMDateTime;
25 | function FormatFMDateTime(AFormat: string; ADateTime: TFMDateTime): string;
26 | function FormatFMDateTimeStr(const AFormat, ADateTime: string): string;
27 | function IsFMDateTime(x: string): Boolean;
28 | function MakeFMDateTime(const AString: string): TFMDateTime;
29 | procedure SetListFMDateTime(AFormat: string; AList: TStringList; ADelim: Char;
30 | PieceNum: Integer; KeepBad: boolean = FALSE);
31 |
32 | { Numeric functions }
33 | function HigherOf(i, j: Integer): Integer;
34 | function LowerOf(i, j: Integer): Integer;
35 | function StrToFloatDef(const S: string; ADefault: Extended): Extended;
36 |
37 | { String functions }
38 | function CharAt(const x: string; APos: Integer): Char;
39 | function ContainsAlpha(const x: string): Boolean;
40 | function ContainsVisibleChar(const x: string): Boolean;
41 | function ConvertSpecialStrings(const x: string): String;
42 | function CRCForFile(AFileName: string): DWORD;
43 | function CRCForStrings(AStringList: TStrings): DWORD;
44 | procedure ExpandTabsFilter(AList: TStrings; ATabWidth: Integer);
45 | function ExtractInteger(x: string): Integer;
46 | function ExtractFloat(x: string): Extended;
47 | function ExtractDefault(Src: TStrings; const Section: string): string;
48 | procedure ExtractItems(Dest, Src: TStrings; const Section: string);
49 | procedure ExtractText(Dest, Src: TStrings; const Section: string);
50 | function FilteredString(const x: string; ATabWidth: Integer = 8): string;
51 | procedure InvertStringList(AList: TStringList);
52 | procedure LimitStringLength(var AList: TStringList; MaxLength: Integer);
53 | function MixedCase(const x: string): string;
54 | procedure MixedCaseList(AList: TStrings);
55 | procedure MixedCaseByPiece(AList: TStrings; ADelim: Char; PieceNum: Integer);
56 | function Piece(const S: string; Delim: char; PieceNum: Integer): string;
57 | function Pieces(const S: string; Delim: char; FirstNum, LastNum: Integer): string;
58 | function ComparePieces(P1, P2: string; Pieces: array of integer; Delim:
59 | char = '^'; CaseInsensitive: boolean = FALSE): integer;
60 | procedure PiecesToList(x: string; ADelim: Char; AList: TStrings);
61 | function ReverseStr(const x: string): string;
62 | procedure SetPiece(var x: string; Delim: Char; PieceNum: Integer; const NewPiece: string);
63 | procedure SetPieces(var x: string; Delim: Char; Pieces: Array of Integer;
64 | FromString: string);
65 | procedure SortByPiece(AList: TStringList; ADelim: Char; PieceNum: Integer);
66 | function DelimCount(const Str, Delim: string): integer;
67 | procedure QuickCopy(AFrom, ATo: TObject);
68 | function ValidFileName(const InitialFileName: string): string;
69 |
70 | { Display functions }
71 | procedure ForceInsideWorkArea( var Rect: TRect);
72 | //procedure ClearControl(AControl: TControl);
73 | function InfoBox(const Text, Caption: string; Flags: Word): Integer;
74 | procedure LimitEditWidth(AControl: TWinControl; NumChars: Integer);
75 | function MainFont: TFont;
76 | function MainFontSize: Integer;
77 | function MainFontWidth: Integer;
78 | function MainFontHeight: Integer;
79 | function BaseFont: TFont;
80 | procedure RedrawSuspend(AHandle: HWnd);
81 | procedure RedrawActivate(AHandle: HWnd);
82 | //procedure ResetControl(AControl: TControl);
83 | procedure ResetSelectedForList(AListBox: TListBox);
84 | procedure ResizeFormToFont(AForm: TForm);
85 | procedure ResizeAnchoredFormToFont( AForm: TForm);
86 | function ResizeWidth( OldFont: TFont; NewFont: TFont; OldWidth: integer): integer;
87 | function ResizeHeight( OldFont: TFont; NewFont: TFont; OldHeight: integer): integer;
88 | procedure ResizeToFont(FontSize: Integer; var W, H: Integer);
89 | procedure SetEqualTabStops(AControl: TControl; TabWidth: Integer = 8);
90 | procedure StatusText(const S: string);
91 | function ShowMsgOn(AnExpression: Boolean; const AMsg, ACaption: string): Boolean;
92 | function TextWidthByFont(AFontHandle: THandle; const x: string): Integer;
93 | function TextHeightByFont(AFontHandle: THandle; const x: string): Integer;
94 | function WrappedTextHeightByFont(Canvas: TCanvas; NewFont: TFont; ItemText: string; var ARect: TRect): integer;
95 | function NumCharsFitInWidth(AFontHandle: THandle; const x: string; const MaxLen: integer): Integer;
96 | function PopupComponent(Sender: TObject; PopupMenu: TPopupMenu): TComponent;
97 | procedure ReformatMemoParagraph(AMemo: TCustomMemo);
98 | function ReadOnlyColor: TColor;
99 |
100 | { ListBox Grid functions }
101 | procedure ListGridDrawCell(AListBox: TListBox; AHeader: THeaderControl; ARow, AColumn: Integer;
102 | const x: string; WordWrap: Boolean);
103 | procedure ListGridDrawLines(AListBox: TListBox; AHeader: THeaderControl; Index: Integer;
104 | State: TOwnerDrawState);
105 | function ListGridRowHeight(AListBox: TListBox; AHeader: THeaderControl; ARow, AColumn: Integer;
106 | const x: string): Integer;
107 |
108 | { Misc functions }
109 | { You MUST pass an address to an object variable to get KillObj to work }
110 | procedure KillObj(ptr: Pointer; KillObjects: boolean = FALSE);
111 | function HasKey(APerson: Int64; const AKey: string): Boolean;
112 |
113 | { do NOT use CallWhenIdle to call RPCs. Use CallRPCWhenIdle in ORNet }
114 | procedure CallWhenIdle(CallProc: TORIdleCallProc; Msg: String);
115 | procedure CallWhenIdleNotifyWhenDone(CallProc, DoneProc: TORIdleCallProc; Msg: String);
116 | procedure menuHideAllBut(aMenuItem: tMenuItem; butItems: array of tMenuItem);
117 |
118 | implementation // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
119 |
120 | uses
121 | ORCtrls, Grids, Chart, CheckLst;
122 |
123 | const
124 | { names of months used by FormatFMDateTime }
125 | MONTH_NAMES_SHORT: array[1..12] of string[3] =
126 | ('Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec');
127 | MONTH_NAMES_LONG: array[1..12] of string[9] =
128 | ('January','February','March','April','May','June','July','August','September','October',
129 | 'November', 'December');
130 |
131 | // ConvertSpecialStrings arrays
132 | SearchChars: array[0..6] of String = (' Ii ',' Iii ',' Iv ',' Vi ',' Vii ',' Viii ',' Ix ');
133 | ReplaceChars: array[0..6] of String = (' II ',' III ',' IV ',' VI ',' VII ',' VIII ',' IX ');
134 |
135 | { table for calculating CRC values (DWORD is Integer in Delphi 3, Cardinal in Delphi 4}
136 | CRC32_TABLE: array[0..255] of DWORD =
137 | ($0, $77073096, $EE0E612C, $990951BA, $76DC419, $706AF48F, $E963A535, $9E6495A3,
138 | $EDB8832, $79DCB8A4, $E0D5E91E, $97D2D988, $9B64C2B, $7EB17CBD, $E7B82D07, $90BF1D91,
139 | $1DB71064, $6AB020F2, $F3B97148, $84BE41DE, $1ADAD47D, $6DDDE4EB, $F4D4B551, $83D385C7,
140 | $136C9856, $646BA8C0, $FD62F97A, $8A65C9EC, $14015C4F, $63066CD9, $FA0F3D63, $8D080DF5,
141 | $3B6E20C8, $4C69105E, $D56041E4, $A2677172, $3C03E4D1, $4B04D447, $D20D85FD, $A50AB56B,
142 | $35B5A8FA, $42B2986C, $DBBBC9D6, $ACBCF940, $32D86CE3, $45DF5C75, $DCD60DCF, $ABD13D59,
143 | $26D930AC, $51DE003A, $C8D75180, $BFD06116, $21B4F4B5, $56B3C423, $CFBA9599, $B8BDA50F,
144 | $2802B89E, $5F058808, $C60CD9B2, $B10BE924, $2F6F7C87, $58684C11, $C1611DAB, $B6662D3D,
145 | $76DC4190, $1DB7106, $98D220BC, $EFD5102A, $71B18589, $6B6B51F, $9FBFE4A5, $E8B8D433,
146 | $7807C9A2, $F00F934, $9609A88E, $E10E9818, $7F6A0DBB, $86D3D2D, $91646C97, $E6635C01,
147 | $6B6B51F4, $1C6C6162, $856530D8, $F262004E, $6C0695ED, $1B01A57B, $8208F4C1, $F50FC457,
148 | $65B0D9C6, $12B7E950, $8BBEB8EA, $FCB9887C, $62DD1DDF, $15DA2D49, $8CD37CF3, $FBD44C65,
149 | $4DB26158, $3AB551CE, $A3BC0074, $D4BB30E2, $4ADFA541, $3DD895D7, $A4D1C46D, $D3D6F4FB,
150 | $4369E96A, $346ED9FC, $AD678846, $DA60B8D0, $44042D73, $33031DE5, $AA0A4C5F, $DD0D7CC9,
151 | $5005713C, $270241AA, $BE0B1010, $C90C2086, $5768B525, $206F85B3, $B966D409, $CE61E49F,
152 | $5EDEF90E, $29D9C998, $B0D09822, $C7D7A8B4, $59B33D17, $2EB40D81, $B7BD5C3B, $C0BA6CAD,
153 | $EDB88320, $9ABFB3B6, $3B6E20C, $74B1D29A, $EAD54739, $9DD277AF, $4DB2615, $73DC1683,
154 | $E3630B12, $94643B84, $D6D6A3E, $7A6A5AA8, $E40ECF0B, $9309FF9D, $A00AE27, $7D079EB1,
155 | $F00F9344, $8708A3D2, $1E01F268, $6906C2FE, $F762575D, $806567CB, $196C3671, $6E6B06E7,
156 | $FED41B76, $89D32BE0, $10DA7A5A, $67DD4ACC, $F9B9DF6F, $8EBEEFF9, $17B7BE43, $60B08ED5,
157 | $D6D6A3E8, $A1D1937E, $38D8C2C4, $4FDFF252, $D1BB67F1, $A6BC5767, $3FB506DD, $48B2364B,
158 | $D80D2BDA, $AF0A1B4C, $36034AF6, $41047A60, $DF60EFC3, $A867DF55, $316E8EEF, $4669BE79,
159 | $CB61B38C, $BC66831A, $256FD2A0, $5268E236, $CC0C7795, $BB0B4703, $220216B9, $5505262F,
160 | $C5BA3BBE, $B2BD0B28, $2BB45A92, $5CB36A04, $C2D7FFA7, $B5D0CF31, $2CD99E8B, $5BDEAE1D,
161 | $9B64C2B0, $EC63F226, $756AA39C, $26D930A, $9C0906A9, $EB0E363F, $72076785, $5005713,
162 | $95BF4A82, $E2B87A14, $7BB12BAE, $CB61B38, $92D28E9B, $E5D5BE0D, $7CDCEFB7, $BDBDF21,
163 | $86D3D2D4, $F1D4E242, $68DDB3F8, $1FDA836E, $81BE16CD, $F6B9265B, $6FB077E1, $18B74777,
164 | $88085AE6, $FF0F6A70, $66063BCA, $11010B5C, $8F659EFF, $F862AE69, $616BFFD3, $166CCF45,
165 | $A00AE278, $D70DD2EE, $4E048354, $3903B3C2, $A7672661, $D06016F7, $4969474D, $3E6E77DB,
166 | $AED16A4A, $D9D65ADC, $40DF0B66, $37D83BF0, $A9BCAE53, $DEBB9EC5, $47B2CF7F, $30B5FFE9,
167 | $BDBDF21C, $CABAC28A, $53B39330, $24B4A3A6, $BAD03605, $CDD70693, $54DE5729, $23D967BF,
168 | $B3667A2E, $C4614AB8, $5D681B02, $2A6F2B94, $B40BBE37, $C30C8EA1, $5A05DF1B, $2D02EF8D);
169 |
170 | {Properties assigned to BaseFont}
171 | BaseFontSize = 8;
172 | BaseFontName = 'MS Sans Serif';
173 | var
174 | FBaseFont: TFont;
175 | type
176 | EFMDateTimeError = class(Exception);
177 |
178 | {TFontControl is an artifact used for font resizing. Do not add virtual
179 | methods or class variables to it!}
180 | TFontControl = class(TControl)
181 | public
182 | property Font;
183 | property ParentFont;
184 | end;
185 |
186 | { Date/Time functions }
187 |
188 | function DateTimeToFMDateTime(ADateTime: TDateTime): TFMDateTime;
189 | { converts a Delphi date/time type to a Fileman date/time (type double) }
190 | var
191 | y, m, d, h, n, s, l: Word;
192 | DatePart,TimePart: Integer;
193 | begin
194 | DecodeDate(ADateTime, y, m, d);
195 | DecodeTime(ADateTime, h, n, s, l);
196 | DatePart := ((y-1700)*10000) + (m*100) + d;
197 | TimePart := (h*10000) + (n*100) + s;
198 | Result := DatePart + (TimePart / 1000000);
199 | end;
200 |
201 | function FMDateTimeToDateTime(ADateTime: TFMDateTime): TDateTime;
202 | { converts a Fileman date/time (type double) to a Delphi date/time }
203 | var
204 | ADate, ATime: TDateTime;
205 | DatePart, TimePart: string;
206 | begin
207 | DatePart := Piece(FloatToStrF(ADateTime, ffFixed, 14, 6), '.', 1);
208 | TimePart := Piece(FloatToStrF(ADateTime, ffFixed, 14, 6), '.', 2) + '000000';
209 | if Length(DatePart) <> 7 then raise EFMDateTimeError.Create('Invalid Fileman Date');
210 | if Copy(TimePart, 1, 2) = '24' then TimePart := '23595959';
211 | ADate := EncodeDate(StrToInt(Copy(DatePart, 1, 3)) + 1700,
212 | StrToInt(Copy(DatePart, 4, 2)),
213 | StrToInt(Copy(DatePart, 6, 2)));
214 | ATime := EncodeTime(StrToInt(Copy(TimePart, 1, 2)),
215 | StrToInt(Copy(TimePart, 3, 2)),
216 | StrToInt(Copy(TimePart, 5, 2)), 0);
217 | Result := ADate + ATime;
218 | end;
219 |
220 | function FMDateTimeOffsetBy(ADateTime: TFMDateTime; DaysDiff: Integer): TFMDateTime;
221 | { adds / subtracts days from a Fileman date/time and returns the offset Fileman date/time }
222 | var
223 | Julian: TDateTime;
224 | begin
225 | Julian := FMDateTimeToDateTime(ADateTime);
226 | Result := DateTimeToFMDateTime(Julian + DaysDiff);
227 | end;
228 |
229 | function FormatFMDateTime(AFormat: string; ADateTime: TFMDateTime): string;
230 | { formats a Fileman Date/Time using (mostly) the same format string as Delphi FormatDateTime }
231 | var
232 | x: string;
233 | y, m, d, h, n, s: Integer;
234 |
235 | function TrimFormatCount: Integer;
236 | { delete repeating characters and count how many were deleted }
237 | var
238 | c: Char;
239 | begin
240 | Result := 0;
241 | c := AFormat[1];
242 | repeat
243 | Delete(AFormat, 1, 1);
244 | Inc(Result);
245 | until CharAt(AFormat, 1) <> c;
246 | end;
247 |
248 | begin {FormatFMDateTime}
249 | Result := '';
250 | if not (ADateTime > 0) then Exit;
251 | x := FloatToStrF(ADateTime, ffFixed, 15, 6) + '0000000';
252 | y := StrToIntDef(Copy(x, 1, 3), 0) + 1700;
253 | m := StrToIntDef(Copy(x, 4, 2), 0);
254 | d := StrToIntDef(Copy(x, 6, 2), 0);
255 | h := StrToIntDef(Copy(x, 9, 2), 0);
256 | n := StrToIntDef(Copy(x, 11, 2), 0);
257 | s := StrToIntDef(Copy(x, 13, 2), 0);
258 | while Length(AFormat) > 0 do
259 | case UpCase(AFormat[1]) of
260 | '"': begin // literal
261 | Delete(AFormat, 1, 1);
262 | while not (CharAt(AFormat, 1) in [#0, '"']) do
263 | begin
264 | Result := Result + AFormat[1];
265 | Delete(AFormat, 1, 1);
266 | end;
267 | if CharAt(AFormat, 1) = '"' then Delete(AFormat, 1, 1);
268 | end;
269 | 'D': case TrimFormatCount of // day/date
270 | 1: if d > 0 then Result := Result + IntToStr(d);
271 | 2: if d > 0 then Result := Result + FormatFloat('00', d);
272 | end;
273 | 'H': case TrimFormatCount of // hour
274 | 1: Result := Result + IntToStr(h);
275 | 2: Result := Result + FormatFloat('00', h);
276 | end;
277 | 'M': case TrimFormatCount of // month
278 | 1: if m > 0 then Result := Result + IntToStr(m);
279 | 2: if m > 0 then Result := Result + FormatFloat('00', m);
280 | 3: if m in [1..12] then Result := Result + MONTH_NAMES_SHORT[m];
281 | 4: if m in [1..12] then Result := Result + MONTH_NAMES_LONG[m];
282 | end;
283 | 'N': case TrimFormatCount of // minute
284 | 1: Result := Result + IntToStr(n);
285 | 2: Result := Result + FormatFloat('00', n);
286 | end;
287 | 'S': case TrimFormatCount of // second
288 | 1: Result := Result + IntToStr(s);
289 | 2: Result := Result + FormatFloat('00', s);
290 | end;
291 | 'Y': case TrimFormatCount of // year
292 | 2: if y > 0 then Result := Result + Copy(IntToStr(y), 3, 2);
293 | 4: if y > 0 then Result := Result + IntToStr(y);
294 | end;
295 | else begin // other
296 | Result := Result + AFormat[1];
297 | Delete(AFormat, 1, 1);
298 | end;
299 | end; {case}
300 | end; {FormatFMDateTime}
301 |
302 | function FormatFMDateTimeStr(const AFormat, ADateTime: string): string;
303 | var
304 | FMDateTime: TFMDateTime;
305 | begin
306 | Result := ADateTime;
307 | if IsFMDateTime(ADateTime) then
308 | begin
309 | FMDateTime := MakeFMDateTime(ADateTime);
310 | Result := FormatFMDateTime(AFormat, FMDateTime);
311 | end;
312 | end;
313 |
314 | function IsFMDateTime(x: string): Boolean;
315 | var
316 | i: Integer;
317 | begin
318 | Result := False;
319 | if Length(x) < 7 then Exit;
320 | for i := 1 to 7 do if not (x[i] in ['0'..'9']) then Exit;
321 | if (Length(x) > 7) and (x[8] <> '.') then Exit;
322 | if (Length(x) > 8) and not (x[9] in ['0'..'9']) then Exit;
323 | Result := True;
324 | end;
325 |
326 | function MakeFMDateTime(const AString: string): TFMDateTime;
327 | begin
328 | Result := -1;
329 | if (Length(AString) > 0) and IsFMDateTime(AString) then Result := StrToFloat(AString);
330 | end;
331 |
332 | procedure SetListFMDateTime(AFormat: string; AList: TStringList; ADelim: Char;
333 | PieceNum: Integer; KeepBad: boolean = FALSE);
334 | var
335 | i: Integer;
336 | s, x, x1: string;
337 |
338 | begin
339 | for i := 0 to AList.Count - 1 do
340 | begin
341 | s := AList[i];
342 | x := Piece(s, ADelim, PieceNum);
343 | if Length(x) > 0 then
344 | begin
345 | x1 := FormatFMDateTime(AFormat, MakeFMDateTime(x));
346 | if(x1 <> '') or (not KeepBad) then
347 | x := x1;
348 | end;
349 | SetPiece(s, ADelim, PieceNum, x);
350 | AList[i] := s;
351 | end;
352 | end;
353 |
354 | { Numeric functions }
355 |
356 | function HigherOf(i, j: Integer): Integer;
357 | { returns the greater of two integers }
358 | begin
359 | Result := i;
360 | if j > i then Result := j;
361 | end;
362 |
363 | function LowerOf(i, j: Integer): Integer;
364 | { returns the lesser of two integers }
365 | begin
366 | Result := i;
367 | if j < i then Result := j;
368 | end;
369 |
370 | function StrToFloatDef(const S: string; ADefault: Extended): Extended;
371 | begin
372 | if not TextToFloat(PChar(S), Result, fvExtended) then
373 | Result := ADefault;
374 | end;
375 |
376 | { String functions }
377 |
378 | function CharAt(const x: string; APos: Integer): Char;
379 | { returns a character at a given position in a string or the null character if past the end }
380 | begin
381 | if Length(x) < APos then Result := #0 else Result := x[APos];
382 | end;
383 |
384 | function ContainsAlpha(const x: string): Boolean;
385 | { returns true if the string contains any alpha characters }
386 | var
387 | i: Integer;
388 | begin
389 | Result := False;
390 | for i := 1 to Length(x) do if x[i] in ['A'..'Z','a'..'z'] then
391 | begin
392 | Result := True;
393 | break;
394 | end;
395 | end;
396 |
397 | function ContainsVisibleChar(const x: string): Boolean;
398 | { returns true if the string contains any printable characters }
399 | var
400 | i: Integer;
401 | begin
402 | Result := False;
403 | for i := 1 to Length(x) do if x[i] in ['!'..'~'] then // ordinal values 33..126
404 | begin
405 | Result := True;
406 | break;
407 | end;
408 | end;
409 |
410 | function ConvertSpecialStrings(const x: string): string;
411 | var i : Integer;
412 | begin
413 | for i := 0 to Length(SearchChars)-1 do
414 | begin
415 | Result := StringReplace(Result,SearchChars[i], ReplaceChars[i],[rfReplaceAll]);
416 | end;
417 | end;
418 |
419 | function UpdateCrc32(Value: DWORD; var Buffer: array of Byte; Count: Integer): DWORD;
420 | var
421 | i: integer;
422 | begin
423 | Result:=Value;
424 | for i := 0 to Pred(Count) do
425 | Result := ((Result shr 8) and $00FFFFFF) xor
426 | CRC32_TABLE[(Result xor Buffer[i]) and $000000FF];
427 | end;
428 |
429 | function CRCForFile(AFileName: string): DWORD;
430 | const
431 | BUF_SIZE = 16383;
432 | type
433 | TBuffer = array[0..BUF_SIZE] of Byte;
434 | var
435 | Buffer: Pointer;
436 | AHandle, BytesRead: Integer;
437 | begin
438 | Result:=$FFFFFFFF;
439 | GetMem(Buffer, BUF_SIZE);
440 | AHandle := FileOpen(AFileName, fmShareDenyWrite);
441 | repeat
442 | BytesRead := FileRead(AHandle, Buffer^, BUF_SIZE);
443 | Result := UpdateCrc32(Result, TBuffer(Buffer^), BytesRead);
444 | until BytesRead <> BUF_SIZE;
445 | FileClose(AHandle);
446 | FreeMem(Buffer);
447 | Result := not Result;
448 | end;
449 |
450 | function CRCForStrings(AStringList: TStrings): DWORD;
451 | { returns a cyclic redundancy check for a list of strings }
452 | var
453 | i, j: Integer;
454 | begin
455 | Result:=$FFFFFFFF;
456 | for i := 0 to AStringList.Count - 1 do
457 | for j := 1 to Length(AStringList[i]) do
458 | Result:=((Result shr 8) and $00FFFFFF) xor
459 | CRC32_TABLE[(Result xor Ord(AStringList[i][j])) and $000000FF];
460 | end;
461 |
462 | function FilteredString(const x: string; ATabWidth: Integer = 8): string;
463 | var
464 | i, j: Integer;
465 | begin
466 | Result := '';
467 | for i := 1 to Length(x) do
468 | case x[i] of
469 | #9: for j := 1 to (ATabWidth - (Length(Result) mod ATabWidth)) do
470 | Result := Result + ' ';
471 | #32..#127: Result := Result + x[i];
472 | #128..#159: Result := Result + '?';
473 | #10,#13,#160: Result := Result + ' ';
474 | #161..#255: Result := Result + x[i];
475 | end;
476 | if Copy(Result, Length(Result), 1) = ' ' then Result := TrimRight(Result) + ' ';
477 | end;
478 |
479 | procedure ExpandTabsFilter(AList: TStrings; ATabWidth: Integer);
480 | var
481 | i, j, k: Integer;
482 | x, y: string;
483 | begin
484 | with AList do for i := 0 to Count - 1 do
485 | begin
486 | x := Strings[i];
487 | y := '';
488 | for j := 1 to Length(x) do
489 | case x[j] of
490 | #9: for k := 1 to (ATabWidth - (Length(y) mod ATabWidth)) do y := y + ' ';
491 | #32..#127: y := y + x[j];
492 | #128..#159: y := y + '?';
493 | #160: y := y + ' ';
494 | #161..#255: y := y + x[j];
495 | end;
496 | if Copy(y, Length(y), 1) = ' ' then y := TrimRight(y) + ' ';
497 | Strings[i] := y;
498 | //Strings[i] := TrimRight(y) + ' ';
499 | end;
500 | end;
501 |
502 | function ExtractInteger(x: string): Integer;
503 | { strips leading & trailing alphas to return an integer }
504 | var
505 | i: Integer;
506 | begin
507 | while (Length(x) > 0) and not (x[1] in ['0'..'9']) do Delete(x, 1, 1);
508 | for i := 1 to Length(x) do if not (x[i] in ['0'..'9']) then break;
509 | Result := StrToIntDef(Copy(x, 1, i - 1), 0);
510 | end;
511 |
512 | function ExtractFloat(x: string): Extended;
513 | { strips leading & trailing alphas to return a float }
514 | var
515 | i: Integer;
516 | begin
517 | while (Length(x) > 0) and not (x[1] in ['0'..'9', '.']) do Delete(x, 1, 1);
518 | for i := 1 to Length(x) do if not (x[i] in ['0'..'9','.']) then break;
519 | Result := StrToFloatDef(Copy(x, 1, i - 1), 0);
520 | end;
521 |
522 | function ExtractDefault(Src: TStrings; const Section: string): string;
523 | var
524 | i: Integer;
525 | begin
526 | Result := '';
527 | i := -1;
528 | repeat Inc(i) until (i = Src.Count) or (Src[i] = '~' + Section);
529 | Inc(i);
530 | if (i < Src.Count) and (Src[i][1] <> '~') then repeat
531 | if Src[i][1] = 'd' then Result := Copy(Src[i], 2, MaxInt);
532 | Inc(i);
533 | until (i = Src.Count) or (Src[i][1] = '~') or (Length(Result) > 0);
534 | end;
535 |
536 | procedure ExtractItems(Dest, Src: TStrings; const Section: string);
537 | var
538 | i: Integer;
539 | begin
540 | i := -1;
541 | repeat Inc(i) until (i = Src.Count) or (Src[i] = '~' + Section);
542 | Inc(i);
543 | if (i < Src.Count) and (Src[i][1] <> '~') then repeat
544 | if Src[i][1] = 'i' then Dest.Add(Copy(Src[i], 2, MaxInt));
545 | Inc(i);
546 | until (i = Src.Count) or (Src[i][1] = '~');
547 | end;
548 |
549 | procedure ExtractText(Dest, Src: TStrings; const Section: string);
550 | var
551 | i: Integer;
552 | begin
553 | i := -1;
554 | repeat Inc(i) until (i = Src.Count) or (Src[i] = '~' + Section);
555 | Inc(i);
556 | if (i < Src.Count) and (Src[i][1] <> '~') then repeat
557 | if Src[i][1] = 't' then Dest.Add(Copy(Src[i], 2, MaxInt));
558 | Inc(i);
559 | until (i = Src.Count) or (Src[i][1] = '~');
560 | end;
561 |
562 | procedure InvertStringList(AList: TStringList);
563 | var
564 | i: Integer;
565 | begin
566 | with AList do for i := 0 to ((Count div 2) - 1) do Exchange(i, Count - i - 1);
567 | end;
568 |
569 | function MixedCase(const x: string): string;
570 | var
571 | i: integer;
572 | begin
573 | Result := x;
574 | for i := 2 to Length(x) do
575 | if (not (x[i-1] in [' ',',','-','.','/','^'])) and (x[i] in ['A'..'Z'])
576 | // save line if (not (x[i-1] in [' ','''',',','-','.','/','^'])) and (x[i] in ['A'..'Z'])
577 | then Result[i] := Chr(Ord(x[i]) + 32)
578 | else if ((x[i-1] in [' ',',','-','.','/','^'])) and (x[i] in ['a'..'z'])
579 | then Result[i] := Chr(Ord(x[i]) - 32);
580 | //Call added to satisfy the need for special string handling(Roman Numerals II-XI) GRE-06/02
581 | Result := ConvertSpecialStrings(x);
582 | end;
583 |
584 | procedure MixedCaseList(AList: TStrings);
585 | var
586 | i: integer;
587 | begin
588 | for i := 0 to (AList.Count - 1) do AList[i] := MixedCase(AList[i]);
589 | end;
590 |
591 | procedure MixedCaseByPiece(AList: TStrings; ADelim: Char; PieceNum: Integer);
592 | var
593 | i: Integer;
594 | x, p: string;
595 | begin
596 | for i := 0 to (AList.Count - 1) do
597 | begin
598 | x := AList[i];
599 | p := MixedCase(Piece(x, ADelim, PieceNum));
600 | SetPiece(x, ADelim, PieceNum, p);
601 | AList[i] := x;
602 | end;
603 | end;
604 |
605 | function Piece(const S: string; Delim: char; PieceNum: Integer): string;
606 | { returns the Nth piece (PieceNum) of a string delimited by Delim }
607 | var
608 | i: Integer;
609 | Strt, Next: PChar;
610 | begin
611 | i := 1;
612 | Strt := PChar(S);
613 | Next := StrScan(Strt, Delim);
614 | while (i < PieceNum) and (Next <> nil) do
615 | begin
616 | Inc(i);
617 | Strt := Next + 1;
618 | Next := StrScan(Strt, Delim);
619 | end;
620 | if Next = nil then Next := StrEnd(Strt);
621 | if i < PieceNum then Result := '' else SetString(Result, Strt, Next - Strt);
622 | end;
623 |
624 | function Pieces(const S: string; Delim: char; FirstNum, LastNum: Integer): string;
625 | { returns several contiguous pieces }
626 | var
627 | PieceNum: Integer;
628 | begin
629 | Result := '';
630 | for PieceNum := FirstNum to LastNum do Result := Result + Piece(S, Delim, PieceNum) + Delim;
631 | if Length(Result) > 0 then Delete(Result, Length(Result), 1);
632 | end;
633 |
634 | function ComparePieces(P1, P2: string; Pieces: array of integer; Delim:
635 | char = '^'; CaseInsensitive: boolean = FALSE): integer;
636 | var
637 | i: integer;
638 |
639 | begin
640 | i := 0;
641 | Result := 0;
642 | while i <= high(Pieces) do
643 | begin
644 | if(CaseInsensitive) then
645 | Result := CompareText(Piece(P1, Delim, Pieces[i]),
646 | Piece(P2, Delim, Pieces[i]))
647 | else
648 | Result := CompareStr(Piece(P1, Delim, Pieces[i]),
649 | Piece(P2, Delim, Pieces[i]));
650 | if(Result = 0) then
651 | inc(i)
652 | else
653 | break;
654 | end;
655 | end;
656 |
657 | procedure PiecesToList(x: string; ADelim: Char; AList: TStrings);
658 | { adds each piece to a TStrings list, the list is cleared first }
659 | var
660 | APiece: string;
661 | begin
662 | AList.Clear;
663 | while Length(x) > 0 do
664 | begin
665 | APiece := Piece(x, ADelim, 1);
666 | AList.Add(APiece);
667 | Delete(x, 1, Length(APiece) + 1);
668 | end;
669 | end;
670 |
671 | function ReverseStr(const x: string): string;
672 | var
673 | i, j: Integer;
674 | begin
675 | SetString(Result, PChar(x), Length(x));
676 | i := 0;
677 | for j := Length(x) downto 1 do
678 | begin
679 | Inc(i);
680 | Result[i] := x[j];
681 | end;
682 | end;
683 |
684 | procedure SetPiece(var x: string; Delim: Char; PieceNum: Integer; const NewPiece: string);
685 | { sets the Nth piece (PieceNum) of a string to NewPiece, adding delimiters as necessary }
686 | var
687 | i: Integer;
688 | Strt, Next: PChar;
689 | begin
690 | i := 1;
691 | Strt := PChar(x);
692 | Next := StrScan(Strt, Delim);
693 | while (i < PieceNum) and (Next <> nil) do
694 | begin
695 | Inc(i);
696 | Strt := Next + 1;
697 | Next := StrScan(Strt, Delim);
698 | end;
699 | if Next = nil then Next := StrEnd(Strt);
700 | if i < PieceNum
701 | then x := x + StringOfChar(Delim, PieceNum - i) + NewPiece
702 | else x := Copy(x, 1, Strt - PChar(x)) + NewPiece + StrPas(Next);
703 | end;
704 |
705 | procedure SetPieces(var x: string; Delim: Char; Pieces: Array of Integer;
706 | FromString: string);
707 | var
708 | i: integer;
709 |
710 | begin
711 | for i := low(Pieces) to high(Pieces) do
712 | SetPiece(x, Delim, Pieces[i], Piece(FromString, Delim, Pieces[i]));
713 | end;
714 |
715 | procedure SortByPiece(AList: TStringList; ADelim: Char; PieceNum: Integer);
716 | var
717 | i: integer;
718 | begin
719 | for i := 0 to AList.Count - 1 do
720 | AList[i] := Piece(AList[i], ADelim, PieceNum) + ADelim + AList[i];
721 | AList.Sort;
722 | for i := 0 to AList.Count - 1 do
723 | AList[i] := Copy(AList[i], Pos(ADelim, AList[i]) + 1, MaxInt);
724 | end;
725 |
726 | function DelimCount(const Str, Delim: string): integer;
727 | var
728 | i, dlen, slen: integer;
729 |
730 | begin
731 | Result := 0;
732 | i := 1;
733 | dlen := length(Delim);
734 | slen := length(Str) - dlen + 1;
735 | while(i <= slen) do
736 | begin
737 | if(copy(Str,i,dlen) = Delim) then
738 | begin
739 | inc(Result);
740 | inc(i,dlen);
741 | end
742 | else
743 | inc(i);
744 | end;
745 | end;
746 |
747 | type
748 | TREStrings = class(TStrings)
749 | protected
750 | FPlainText: Boolean;
751 | public
752 | property PlainText: Boolean read FPlainText write FPlainText;
753 | end;
754 |
755 | type
756 | QuickCopyError = class(Exception);
757 |
758 | procedure QuickCopy(AFrom, ATo: TObject);
759 | var
760 | ms: TMemoryStream;
761 | idx: integer;
762 | str: array[0..1] of TStrings;
763 | fix: array[0..1] of boolean;
764 |
765 | procedure GetStrings(obj: TObject);
766 | begin
767 | if (CompareText(obj.ClassName, 'TRichEditStrings') = 0) then
768 | raise QuickCopyError.Create('You must pass the TRichEdit object into QuickCopy, NOT it''s Lines property.');
769 | if obj is TStrings then
770 | str[idx] := TStrings(obj)
771 | else
772 | if obj is TMemo then
773 | str[idx] := TMemo(obj).Lines
774 | else
775 | if obj is TORListBox then
776 | str[idx] := TORListBox(obj).Items
777 | else
778 | if obj is TListBox then
779 | str[idx] := TListBox(obj).Items
780 | else
781 | if obj is TRichEdit then
782 | begin
783 | with TRichEdit(obj) do
784 | begin
785 | str[idx] := Lines;
786 | if not PlainText then
787 | begin
788 | fix[idx] := TRUE;
789 | PlainText := TRUE;
790 | end;
791 | end;
792 | end
793 | else
794 | raise QuickCopyError.Create('Unsupported object type (' + obj.ClassName +
795 | ') passed into QuickCopy.');
796 | inc(idx);
797 | end;
798 |
799 |
800 | begin
801 | fix[0] := FALSE;
802 | fix[1] := FALSE;
803 | idx := 0;
804 | GetStrings(AFrom);
805 | GetStrings(ATo);
806 | ms := TMemoryStream.Create;
807 | try
808 | str[0].SaveToStream(ms);
809 | ms.Seek(0, soFromBeginning);
810 | str[1].LoadFromStream(ms);
811 | finally
812 | ms.Free;
813 | end;
814 | if fix[0] then TRichEdit(AFrom).PlainText := FALSE;
815 | if fix[1] then TRichEdit(ATo).PlainText := FALSE;
816 | end;
817 |
818 | function ValidFileName(const InitialFileName: string): string;
819 | var
820 | i: integer;
821 |
822 | begin
823 | Result := InitialFileName;
824 | i := 1;
825 | while i <= length(Result) do
826 | begin
827 | if Result[i] in ['a'..'z','A'..'Z','0'..'9',#32] then
828 | inc(i)
829 | else
830 | delete(Result,i,1);
831 | end;
832 | end;
833 |
834 | procedure LimitStringLength(var AList: TStringList; MaxLength: Integer);
835 | { change a TStringList so that all strings in the list are shorter than MaxLength }
836 | var
837 | i, SpacePos: Integer;
838 | x: string;
839 | NewList: TStringList;
840 | begin
841 | NewList := TStringList.Create;
842 | try
843 | for i := 0 to AList.Count - 1 do
844 | begin
845 | if Length(AList[i]) > MaxLength then
846 | begin
847 | x := AList[i];
848 | while Length(x) > MaxLength do
849 | begin
850 | SpacePos := MaxLength;
851 | // while SpacePos > 0 do {**REV**} removed after v11b
852 | // if (x[SpacePos] <> ' ') then Dec(SpacePos); {**REV**} removed after v11b
853 | while (x[SpacePos] <> ' ') and (SpacePos > 1) do Dec(SpacePos); {**REV**} {changed 0 to 1}
854 | if SpacePos = 1 then SpacePos := MaxLength; {**REV**} {changed 0 to 1}
855 | NewList.Add(Copy(x, 1, SpacePos - 1));
856 | Delete(x, 1, SpacePos);
857 | end; {while Length(x)}
858 | if Length(x) > 0 then NewList.Add(x);
859 | end {then}
860 | else NewList.Add(AList[i]);
861 | end; {for i}
862 | AList.Clear;
863 | AList.Assign(NewList);
864 | finally
865 | NewList.Free;
866 | end;
867 | end;
868 |
869 | { Display functions }
870 |
871 | (*
872 | procedure ClearControl(AControl: TControl);
873 | { clears a control, removes text and listbox items }
874 | begin
875 | if AControl is TLabel then with TLabel(AControl) do Caption := ''
876 | else if AControl is TButton then with TButton(AControl) do Caption := ''
877 | else if AControl is TEdit then with TEdit(AControl) do Text := ''
878 | else if AControl is TMemo then with TMemo(AControl) do Clear
879 | else if AControl is TListBox then with TListBox(AControl) do Clear
880 | else if AControl is TORComboBox then with TORComboBox(AControl) do
881 | begin
882 | MItems.Clear;
883 | Text := '';
884 | end
885 | else if AControl is TComboBox then with TComboBox(AControl) do
886 | begin
887 | Clear;
888 | Text := '';
889 | end;
890 | end;
891 |
892 | procedure ResetControl(AControl: TControl);
893 | { clears text, deselects items, does not remove listbox or combobox items }
894 | begin
895 | if AControl is TLabel then with TLabel(AControl) do Caption := ''
896 | else if AControl is TButton then with TButton(AControl) do Caption := ''
897 | else if AControl is TEdit then with TEdit(AControl) do Text := ''
898 | else if AControl is TMemo then with TMemo(AControl) do Clear
899 | else if AControl is TListBox then with TListBox(AControl) do ItemIndex := -1
900 | else if AControl is TORComboBox then with TORComboBox(AControl) do
901 | begin
902 | Text := '';
903 | ItemIndex := -1;
904 | end
905 | else if AControl is TComboBox then with TComboBox(AControl) do
906 | begin
907 | Text := '';
908 | ItemIndex := -1;
909 | end;
910 | end;
911 | *)
912 |
913 | function InfoBox(const Text, Caption: string; Flags: Word): Integer;
914 | { wrap the messagebox object in case we want to modify it later }
915 | begin
916 | Result := Application.MessageBox(PChar(Text), PChar(Caption), Flags or MB_TOPMOST);
917 | end;
918 |
919 | procedure LimitEditWidth(AControl: TWinControl; NumChars: Integer);
920 | { limits the editing area to be no more than N characters (also sets small left margin) }
921 | const
922 | LEFT_MARGIN = 4;
923 | var
924 | ARect: TRect;
925 | AHandle: DWORD;
926 | AWidth, i: Integer;
927 | x: string;
928 | begin
929 | Inc(NumChars);
930 | SetString(x, nil, NumChars);
931 | for i := 1 to NumChars do x[i] := 'X';
932 | with AControl do
933 | begin
934 | AHandle := 0;
935 | if AControl is TEdit then AHandle := TEdit(AControl).Font.Handle;
936 | if AControl is TMemo then AHandle := TMemo(AControl).Font.Handle;
937 | if AControl is TRichEdit then AHandle := TRichEdit(AControl).Font.Handle;
938 | if AHandle = 0 then Exit;
939 | AWidth := TextWidthByFont(AHandle, x);
940 | ARect := Rect(LEFT_MARGIN, 0, AWidth + LEFT_MARGIN, ClientHeight);
941 | // set the editing rectangle to with with of NumChars
942 | SendMessage(Handle, EM_SETRECT, 0, Longint(@ARect));
943 | // turn on auto-scrolling for a rich edit
944 | if AControl is TRichEdit
946 | end;
947 | end;
948 |
949 | function BaseFont: TFont;
950 | begin
951 | result := FBaseFont;
952 | end;
953 |
954 | function MainFont: TFont;
955 | begin
956 | if Application.MainForm <> nil
957 | then Result := Application.MainForm.Font
958 | else Result := BaseFont;
959 | end;
960 |
961 | function MainFontSize: Integer;
962 | { return font size of the Main Form in the application }
963 | begin
964 | Result := MainFont.Size;
965 | end;
966 |
967 | function FontWidthSubPixel( Font: TFont): real;
968 | { return in pixels the average character width of the font passed in FontHandle }
969 | var
970 | TotalWidth: integer;
971 | begin
972 | TotalWidth := TextWidthByFont( Font.Handle,
973 | 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz');
974 | result := TotalWidth / 52;
975 | end;
976 |
977 | function FontWidthPixel( Font: TFont): integer;
978 | begin
979 | //Round() is too fancy to be correct here
980 | result := Trunc(FontWidthSubPixel(Font) + 0.5);
981 | end;
982 |
983 | function MainFontWidth: Integer;
984 | begin
985 | Result := FontWidthPixel(MainFont);
986 | end;
987 |
988 | function MainFontHeight: Integer;
989 | { return font size of the Main Form in the application.
990 | Note that TFont.Height is negative of what we want (see Delphi documentation)}
991 | begin
992 | Result := Abs(MainFont.Height);
993 | end;
994 |
995 | procedure RedrawSuspend(AHandle: HWnd);
996 | begin
997 | SendMessage(AHandle, WM_SETREDRAW, 0, 0);
998 | end;
999 |
1000 | procedure RedrawActivate(AHandle: HWnd);
1001 | begin
1002 | SendMessage(AHandle, WM_SETREDRAW, 1, 0);
1003 | InvalidateRect(AHandle, nil, True);
1004 | end;
1005 |
1006 | procedure ResetSelectedForList(AListBox: TListBox);
1007 | var
1008 | i: Integer;
1009 | begin
1010 | with AListBox do for i := 0 to Items.Count - 1 do Selected[i] := False;
1011 | end;
1012 |
1013 | function ResizeWidth( OldFont: TFont; NewFont: TFont; OldWidth: integer): integer;
1014 | begin
1015 | result := Trunc( OldWidth *FontWidthSubPixel(NewFont) / FontWidthSubPixel(OldFont)
1016 | +0.5);
1017 | end;
1018 |
1019 | function ResizeHeight( OldFont: TFont; NewFont: TFont; OldHeight: integer): integer;
1020 | begin
1021 | result := Trunc( OldHeight *Abs(NewFont.Height) / Abs(OldFont.Height)
1022 | +0.5);
1023 | end;
1024 |
1025 | procedure ResizeToFont(FontSize: Integer; var W, H: Integer);
1026 | { resizes form relative to the font size, assumes form designed with
1027 | DefaultFont (>MS Sans Serif 8pt<) }
1028 | var
1029 | Font: TFont;
1030 | begin
1031 | Font := TFont.Create;
1032 | Font.Name := BaseFontName;
1033 | Font.Size := FontSize;
1034 | W := ResizeWidth( BaseFont, Font, W);
1035 | H := ResizeHeight( BaseFont, Font, H);
1036 | end;
1037 |
1038 | procedure ResizeHeaderControl( OldFont: TFont; NewFont: TFont; Control: THeaderControl);
1039 | {Tested against fOrders page.}
1040 | var
1041 | i: integer;
1042 | begin
1043 | for i := 0 to Control.Sections.Count-1 do
1044 | Control.Sections[i].Width := ResizeWidth( OldFont, NewFont, Control.Sections[i].Width);
1045 | end;
1046 |
1047 | procedure ResizeListView( OldFont: TFont; NewFont: TFont; Control: TListView);
1048 | var
1049 | i: integer;
1050 | begin
1051 | if not Assigned(Control.OnResize) then
1052 | for i := 0 to Control.Columns.Count-1 do
1053 | Control.Columns[i].Width := ResizeWidth( OldFont, NewFont, Control.Columns[i].Width);
1054 | end;
1055 |
1056 | procedure ResizeComboBox( OldFont: TFont; NewFont: TFont; Control: TComboBox);
1057 | begin
1058 | Control.ItemHeight := ResizeHeight( OldFont, NewFont, Control.ItemHeight);
1059 | end;
1060 |
1061 | procedure ResizeListBox( OldFont: TFont; NewFont: TFont; Control: TListBox);
1062 | begin
1063 | Control.ItemHeight := ResizeHeight( OldFont, NewFont, Control.ItemHeight);
1064 | end;
1065 |
1066 | procedure ResizeCheckListBox( OldFont: TFont; NewFont: TFont; Control: TCheckListBox);
1067 | begin
1068 | Control.ItemHeight := ResizeHeight( OldFont, NewFont, Control.ItemHeight);
1069 | end;
1070 |
1071 | procedure ResizeDescendants( OldFont: TFont; NewFont: TFont; AControl: TWinControl);
1072 | var
1073 | i: integer;
1074 | Child: TControl;
1075 | VisibleWidth, TotalWidth: integer;
1076 | VisibleHeight, TotalHeight: integer;
1077 | begin
1078 | if AControl.Align <> alNone then
1079 | Application.ProcessMessages;
1080 | AControl.DisableAlign;
1081 | try
1082 | //I think I finally got this next part right, so I will try to explain what
1083 | //it is doing.
1084 | //At this stage, the control is resized, but all of the childern are in
1085 | //original size.
1086 | //These children are corretly aligned to the visible part of the control,
1087 | //but may not be correctly aligned in the underlying canvas if there are
1088 | //scroll bars.
1089 | //We wish to transform the children to have the correct new size and be
1090 | //aligned to the new underlying canvas size.
1091 |
1092 | //For the widths, I have kept track of what parts of the screen we are
1093 | //resizing. The height will work the same way.
1094 | //The notation is A[B]C, where A is the space to the left of the child
1095 | //control, B is the space containing the child control, and C is the space
1096 | //to the right.
1097 | VisibleWidth := AControl.Width;
1098 | VisibleHeight := AControl.Height;
1099 | TotalWidth := VisibleWidth;
1100 | TotalHeight := VisibleHeight;
1101 | if AControl is TScrollingWinControl then
1102 | begin
1103 | TotalWidth := HigherOf(TotalWidth, TScrollingWinControl(AControl).HorzScrollBar.Range);
1104 | TotalHeight := HigherOf(TotalHeight, TScrollingWinControl(AControl).VertScrollBar.Range);
1105 | end;
1106 | for i := 0 to AControl.ControlCount -1 do begin
1107 | Child := AControl.Controls[i];
1108 | //Tab sheets auto-size with their parents
1109 | if not (Child is TTabSheet) then
1110 | with Child do begin
1111 | if [akLeft,akRight] <= Anchors then //X[.]X
1112 | Width := TotalWidth - ResizeWidth( OldFont, NewFont, VisibleWidth - Width)
1113 | else //.[X].
1114 | Width := ResizeWidth( OldFont, NewFont, Width);
1115 | if not(akLeft in Anchors) then //.[X]X
1116 | Left := TotalWidth - ResizeWidth( OldFont, NewFont, VisibleWidth - Left)
1117 | else
1118 | Left := ResizeWidth( OldFont, NewFont, Left); //X[.].
1119 | if [akTop,akBottom] <= Anchors then
1120 | Height := TotalHeight - ResizeHeight( OldFont, NewFont, VisibleHeight - Height)
1121 | else
1122 | Height := ResizeHeight( OldFont, NewFont, Height);
1123 | if not(akTop in Anchors) then
1124 | Top := TotalHeight - ResizeHeight( OldFont, NewFont, VisibleHeight - Top)
1125 | else
1126 | Top := ResizeHeight( OldFont, NewFont, Top);
1127 | end;
1128 | //Recurse. Let Auto-Size panels take care of themselves
1129 | if (Child is TWinControl) and not (Child is TORAutoPanel) then
1130 | ResizeDescendants( OldFont, NewFont, TWinControl(Child));
1131 | if Child is TComboBox then
1132 | ResizeComboBox( OldFont, NewFont, TComboBox(Child));
1133 | if Child is TCheckListBox then
1134 | ResizeCheckListBox( OldFont, NewFont, TCheckListBox(Child));
1135 | if Child is THeaderControl then
1136 | ResizeHeaderControl( OldFont, NewFont, THeaderControl(Child));
1137 | if Child is TListBox then
1138 | ResizeListBox( OldFont, NewFont, TListBox(Child));
1139 | if Child is TListView then
1140 | ResizeListView( OldFont, NewFont, TListView(Child));
1141 | if Child is TDrawGrid then with TDrawGrid(Child) do
1142 | //from Win32 "How to Calculate the Height of Edit Control..."
1143 | DefaultRowHeight := Abs(NewFont.Height) * 3 div 2;
1144 | if Child is TTabControl then with TTabControl(Child) do begin
1145 | if Tabs.Count > 0 then
1146 | TabWidth := ResizeWidth( OldFont, NewFont, TabWidth);
1147 | Width := TabWidth * Tabs.Count +3;
1148 | end;
1149 | end;
1150 | finally
1151 | AControl.EnableAlign;
1152 | end;
1153 | end;
1154 |
1155 | procedure ResizeChartFonts( OldFont: TFont; NewFont: TFont; Control: TChart);
1156 | var
1157 | i: integer;
1158 | begin
1159 | with Control do begin
1160 | if LeftAxis.Title.Font.Size = OldFont.Size then
1161 | LeftAxis.Title.Font.Size := NewFont.Size;
1162 | if LeftAxis.LabelsFont.Size = OldFont.Size then
1163 | LeftAxis.LabelsFont.Size := NewFont.Size;
1164 | if BottomAxis.Title.Font.Size = OldFont.Size then
1165 | BottomAxis.Title.Font.Size := NewFont.Size;
1166 | if BottomAxis.LabelsFont.Size = OldFont.Size then
1167 | BottomAxis.LabelsFont.Size := NewFont.Size;
1168 | if Legend.Font.Size = OldFont.Size then
1169 | Legend.Font.Size := NewFont.Size;
1170 | if Title.Font.Size = OldFont.Size then
1171 | Title.Font.Size := NewFont.Size;
1172 | for i := 0 to SeriesCount - 1 do
1173 | if Series[i].Marks.Font.Size = OldFont.Size then
1174 | Series[i].Marks.Font.Size := NewFont.Size;
1175 | end;
1176 | end;
1177 |
1178 | procedure ResizeFontsInDescendants( OldFont: TFont; NewFont: TFont; AControl: TWinControl);
1179 | var
1180 | i: integer;
1181 | Child: TControl;
1182 | RESelectionStart: integer;
1183 | RESelectionLength: integer;
1184 | begin
1185 | for i := 0 to AControl.ControlCount -1 do begin
1186 | Child := AControl.Controls[i];
1187 | if Child is TRichEdit then begin
1188 | with TRichEdit(Child) do
1189 | if Font.Size = OldFont.Size then begin
1190 | if not ParentFont then
1191 | Font.Size := NewFont.Size;
1192 | RESelectionStart := SelStart;
1193 | RESelectionLength := SelLength;
1194 | SelectAll;
1195 | SelAttributes.Size := NewFont.Size;
1196 | DefAttributes.Size := NewFont.Size;
1197 | SelStart := RESelectionStart;
1198 | SelLength := RESelectionLength;
1199 | end
1200 | end
1201 | else
1202 | if Child is TChart then
1203 | ResizeChartFonts( OldFont, NewFont, TChart(Child))
1204 | else
1205 | with TFontControl(Child) do
1206 | if (Font.Size = OldFont.Size) and not ParentFont then
1207 | Font.Size := NewFont.Size;
1208 |
1209 | if Child is TWinControl then
1210 | ResizeFontsInDescendants( OldFont, NewFont, TWinControl(Child));
1211 | end;
1212 | end;
1213 |
1214 | procedure ForceInsideWorkArea( var Rect: TRect);
1215 | var
1216 | Frame: TRect;
1217 | begin
1218 | Frame := Screen.WorkAreaRect;
1219 | {Veritcal version:}
1220 | {Align bottom (preserving height) if needed}
1221 | if Rect.Bottom > Frame.Bottom then
1222 | begin
1223 | Rect.Top := Rect.Top + Frame.Bottom - Rect.Bottom;
1224 | Rect.Bottom := Frame.Bottom;
1225 | end;
1226 | {Then align top (preserving height) if needed}
1227 | if Rect.Top < Frame.Top then
1228 | begin
1229 | Rect.Bottom := Rect.Bottom + Frame.Top - Rect.Top;
1230 | Rect.Top := Frame.Top;
1231 | end;
1232 | {Now shrink (preserving top) if needed}
1233 | if Rect.Bottom > Frame.Bottom then
1234 | Rect.Bottom := Frame.Bottom;
1235 | {Horizontal version:}
1236 | if Rect.Right > Frame.Right then
1237 | begin
1238 | Rect.Left := Rect.Left + Frame.Right - Rect.Right;
1239 | Rect.Right := Frame.Right;
1240 | end;
1241 | if Rect.Left < Frame.Left then
1242 | begin
1243 | Rect.Right := Rect.Right + Frame.Left - Rect.Left;
1244 | Rect.Left := Frame.Left;
1245 | end;
1246 | if Rect.Right > Frame.Right then
1247 | Rect.Right := Frame.Right;
1248 | end;
1249 |
1250 | procedure ResizeFormToFont(AForm: TForm);
1251 | var
1252 | Rect: TRect;
1253 | begin
1254 | with AForm do begin
1255 | ClientWidth := ResizeWidth( Font, MainFont, ClientWidth);
1256 | ClientHeight := ResizeHeight( Font, MainFont, ClientHeight);
1257 | HorzScrollBar.Range := ResizeWidth( Font, MainFont, HorzScrollBar.Range);
1258 | VertScrollBar.Range := ResizeHeight( Font, MainFont, VertScrollBar.Range);
1259 | Rect := BoundsRect;
1260 | ForceInsideWorkArea(Rect);
1261 | BoundsRect := Rect;
1262 | ResizeFontsInDescendants( Font, MainFont, AForm);
1263 | //Important: We are using the font to calculate everything, so don't
1264 | //change font until now.
1265 | Font.Size := MainFont.Size;
1266 | end;
1267 | end;
1268 |
1269 | procedure ResizeAnchoredFormToFont( AForm: TForm);
1270 | var
1271 | Rect: TRect;
1272 | begin
1273 | with AForm do begin
1274 | ClientWidth := ResizeWidth( Font, MainFont, ClientWidth);
1275 | ClientHeight := ResizeHeight( Font, MainFont, ClientHeight);
1276 | HorzScrollBar.Range := ResizeWidth( Font, MainFont, HorzScrollBar.Range);
1277 | VertScrollBar.Range := ResizeHeight( Font, MainFont, VertScrollBar.Range);
1278 | Rect := BoundsRect;
1279 | ForceInsideWorkArea(Rect);
1280 | BoundsRect := Rect;
1281 | ResizeDescendants( Font, MainFont, AForm);
1282 | ResizeFontsInDescendants( Font, MainFont, AForm);
1283 | //Important: We are using the font to calculate everything, so don't
1284 | //change font until now.
1285 | Font.Size := MainFont.Size;
1286 | end;
1287 | end;
1288 |
1289 | procedure SetEqualTabStops(AControl: TControl; TabWidth: Integer = 8);
1290 | { sets tab stops to match the width when the tab is replaced with TabWidth spaces }
1291 | const
1292 | MAX_TABS = 10;
1293 | POINTS_PER_INCH = 72;
1294 | var
1295 | DC: HDC;
1296 | i, HorzPixelsPerInch, PixelsPerTabWidth, PointsPerTabWidth: Integer;
1297 | begin
1298 | if AControl is TRichEdit then with TRichEdit(AControl) do
1299 | begin
1300 | DC := GetDC(0);
1301 | HorzPixelsPerInch := GetDeviceCaps(DC, LOGPIXELSX);
1302 | ReleaseDC(0, DC);
1303 | PixelsPerTabWidth := TextWidthByFont(Font.Handle, StringOfChar(' ', TabWidth));
1304 | PointsPerTabWidth := Round((PixelsPerTabWidth / HorzPixelsPerInch) * POINTS_PER_INCH);
1305 | for i := 0 to MAX_TABS do Paragraph.Tab[i] := PointsPerTabWidth * Succ(i);
1306 | end;
1307 | end;
1308 |
1309 | procedure StatusText(const S: string);
1310 | { sends a user defined message to the main window of an application to display the text
1311 | found in lParam. Only useful if the main window has message event for this message }
1312 | begin
1313 | if (Application.MainForm <> nil) and (Application.MainForm.HandleAllocated)
1314 | then SendMessage(Application.MainForm.Handle, UM_STATUSTEXT, 0, Integer(PChar(S)));
1315 | end;
1316 |
1317 | function ShowMsgOn(AnExpression: Boolean; const AMsg, ACaption: string): Boolean;
1318 | begin
1319 | Result := AnExpression;
1320 | if Result then InfoBox(AMsg, ACaption, MB_OK);
1321 | end;
1322 |
1323 | function TextWidthByFont(AFontHandle: THandle; const x: string): Integer;
1324 | { returns the width of a string in pixels, given a FONT handle and string }
1325 | var
1326 | DC: HDC;
1327 | SaveFont: HFont;
1328 | TextSize: TSize;
1329 | begin
1330 | DC := GetDC(0);
1331 | SaveFont := SelectObject(DC, AFontHandle);
1332 | GetTextExtentPoint32(DC, PChar(x), Length(x), TextSize);
1333 | Result := TextSize.cx;
1334 | SelectObject(DC, SaveFont);
1335 | ReleaseDC(0, DC);
1336 | end;
1337 |
1338 | function TextHeightByFont(AFontHandle: THandle; const x: string): Integer;
1339 | var
1340 | DC: HDC;
1341 | SaveFont: HFont;
1342 | TextSize: TSize;
1343 |
1344 | begin
1345 | DC := GetDC(0);
1346 | SaveFont := SelectObject(DC, AFontHandle);
1347 | GetTextExtentPoint32(DC, PChar(x), Length(x), TextSize);
1348 | Result := TextSize.cy;
1349 | SelectObject(DC, SaveFont);
1350 | ReleaseDC(0, DC);
1351 | end;
1352 |
1353 | function WrappedTextHeightByFont(Canvas: TCanvas; NewFont: TFont; ItemText: string; var ARect: TRect): integer;
1354 | var
1355 | MyTextMetric: TTextMetric;
1356 | MyFontName: Array [0..31] of char;
1357 | MyFontHandle, RealFontHandle: HFONT;
1358 | begin
1359 | { The next bit is a bunch of Windows code to accomodate the DrawText calls
1360 | inside the try..finally block. The issue here comes when resizing the font.
1361 | The Delphi font property is already set, but the DrawText call uses a
1362 | Windows handle and the handle's font hasn't been set to the new value.}
1363 | {This still has a vertical sizing bug when there is text that doesn't wrap but is too
1364 | wide to display in the window (think long medicine names and 24 pt font on a
1365 | 640*480 screen)}
1366 | MyFontHandle := 0;
1367 | RealFontHandle := 0;
1368 | if GetTextMetrics(Canvas.Handle, MyTextMetric) then
1369 | if GetTextFace( Canvas.Handle, 32, @MyFontName) <> 0 then with MyTextMetric do
1370 | MyFontHandle := CreateFont( NewFont.Height,
1371 | tmAveCharWidth * Abs(NewFont.Height) div tmHeight,
1372 | 0,
1373 | 0,
1374 | tmWeight,
1375 | tmItalic,
1376 | tmUnderlined,
1377 | tmStruckOut,
1378 | tmCharSet,
1383 | @MyFontName);
1384 | if MyFontHandle <> 0 then
1385 | RealFontHandle := SelectObject( Canvas.Handle, MyFontHandle);
1386 | try
1387 | result := DrawText(Canvas.Handle, PChar(ItemText), Length(ItemText), ARect,
1389 | finally
1390 | if MyFontHandle <> 0 then begin
1391 | SelectObject( Canvas.Handle, RealFontHandle);
1392 | DeleteObject( MyFontHandle );
1393 | end;
1394 | end;
1395 | end;
1396 |
1397 | function NumCharsFitInWidth(AFontHandle: THandle; const x: string; const MaxLen: integer): Integer;
1398 | var
1399 | DC: HDC;
1400 | SaveFont: HFont;
1401 | TextSize: TSize;
1402 | TmpX: string;
1403 | done: boolean;
1404 | l,h: integer;
1405 |
1406 | begin
1407 | DC := GetDC(0);
1408 | SaveFont := SelectObject(DC, AFontHandle);
1409 | try
1410 | h := length(x);
1411 | l := 0;
1412 | Result := h;
1413 | repeat
1414 | TmpX := copy(x, 1, Result);
1415 | GetTextExtentPoint32(DC, PChar(TmpX), Length(TmpX), TextSize);
1416 | if(TextSize.cx > MaxLen) then
1417 | begin
1418 | h := Result;
1419 | Result := (l+h) div 2;
1420 | done := (Result <= l);
1421 | end
1422 | else
1423 | begin
1424 | l := Result;
1425 | Result := (l+h+1) div 2;
1426 | done := (Result >= h);
1427 | end;
1428 | until(done);
1429 | finally
1430 | SelectObject(DC, SaveFont);
1431 | ReleaseDC(0, DC);
1432 | end;
1433 | end;
1434 |
1435 | function PopupComponent(Sender: TObject; PopupMenu: TPopupMenu): TComponent;
1436 | begin
1437 | if(assigned(PopupMenu) and assigned(Sender) and (Sender is TPopupMenu) and
1438 | assigned(PopupMenu.PopupComponent)) then
1439 | Result := PopupMenu.PopupComponent
1440 | else
1441 | Result := Screen.ActiveControl;
1442 | end;
1443 |
1444 | procedure ReformatMemoParagraph(AMemo: TCustomMemo);
1445 | { rewrap lines starting with current line until there is a line that starts with whitespace }
1446 | var
1447 | ALine: Integer;
1448 | x, OldText, NewText: string;
1449 | begin
1450 | with AMemo do
1451 | begin
1452 | ALine := SendMessage(Handle, EM_LINEFROMCHAR, SelStart, 0);
1453 | repeat
1454 | Inc(ALine);
1455 | until (ALine >= Lines.Count) or (Lines[ALine] = '') or (Ord(Lines[ALine][1]) <= 32);
1456 | SelLength := SendMessage(Handle, EM_LINEINDEX, ALine, 0) - SelStart - 1;
1457 | if SelLength < 1 then Exit;
1458 | OldText := SelText;
1459 | NewText := '';
1460 | repeat
1461 | x := Copy(OldText, 1, Pos(CRLF, OldText) - 1);
1462 | if Length(x) = 0 then x := OldText;
1463 | Delete(OldText, 1, Length(x) + 2); {delete text + CRLF}
1464 | if (NewText <> '') and (Copy(NewText, Length(NewText), 1) <> ' ') and
1465 | (Copy(x, 1, 1) <> ' ') then NewText := NewText + ' ';
1466 | NewText := NewText + x;
1467 | until OldText = '';
1468 | SelText := NewText;
1469 | end;
1470 | end;
1471 |
1472 | var
1473 | uReadOnlyColor: TColor;
1474 | uHaveReadOnlyColor: boolean = FALSE;
1475 |
1476 | function ReadOnlyColor: TColor;
1477 | begin
1478 | if not uHaveReadOnlyColor then
1479 | begin
1480 | uHaveReadOnlyColor := TRUE;
1481 | if ColorToRGB(clWindow) = ColorToRGB(clWhite) then
1482 | uReadOnlyColor := $00F0FBFF
1483 | else
1484 | uReadOnlyColor := clWindow;
1485 | end;
1486 | Result := uReadOnlyColor;
1487 | end;
1488 |
1489 | { ListBox Grid functions }
1490 |
1491 | procedure ListGridDrawCell(AListBox: TListBox; AHeader: THeaderControl; ARow, AColumn: Integer;
1492 | const x: string; WordWrap: Boolean);
1493 | var
1494 | i, Format: Integer;
1495 | ARect: TRect;
1496 | begin
1497 | ARect := AListBox.ItemRect(ARow);
1498 | ARect.Left := 0;
1499 | for i := 0 to AColumn - 1 do ARect.Left := ARect.Left + AHeader.Sections[i].Width;
1500 | Inc(ARect.Left, 2);
1501 | ARect.Right := ARect.Left + AHeader.Sections[AColumn].Width - 6;
1502 | if WordWrap
1503 | then Format := (DT_LEFT or DT_NOPREFIX or DT_WORDBREAK)
1504 | else Format := (DT_LEFT or DT_NOPREFIX);
1505 | DrawText(AListBox.Canvas.Handle, PChar(x), Length(x), ARect, Format);
1506 | end;
1507 |
1508 | procedure ListGridDrawLines(AListBox: TListBox; AHeader: THeaderControl; Index: Integer;
1509 | State: TOwnerDrawState);
1510 | var
1511 | i, RightSide: Integer;
1512 | ARect: TRect;
1513 | begin
1514 | with AListBox do
1515 | begin
1516 | ARect := ItemRect(Index);
1517 | if odSelected in State then
1518 | begin
1519 | Canvas.Brush.Color := clHighlight;
1520 | Canvas.Font.Color := clHighlightText
1521 | end;
1522 | Canvas.FillRect(ARect);
1523 | Canvas.Pen.Color := clSilver;
1524 | Canvas.MoveTo(ARect.Left, ARect.Bottom - 1);
1525 | Canvas.LineTo(ARect.Right, ARect.Bottom - 1);
1526 | RightSide := -2;
1527 | for i := 0 to AHeader.Sections.Count - 1 do
1528 | begin
1529 | RightSide := RightSide + AHeader.Sections[i].Width;
1530 | Canvas.MoveTo(RightSide, ARect.Bottom - 1);
1531 | Canvas.LineTo(RightSide, ARect.Top);
1532 | end;
1533 | end;
1534 | end;
1535 |
1536 | function ListGridRowHeight(AListBox: TListBox; AHeader: THeaderControl; ARow, AColumn: Integer;
1537 | const x: string): Integer;
1538 | var
1539 | ARect: TRect;
1540 | begin
1541 | ARect := AListBox.ItemRect(ARow);
1542 | ARect.Right := AHeader.Sections[AColumn].Width - 6;
1543 | Result := DrawText(AListBox.Canvas.Handle, PChar(x), Length(x), ARect,
1545 | end;
1546 |
1547 | (*
1548 | procedure SetEditWidth(AMemo: TMemo; AWidth: Integer);
1549 | begin
1550 | //SetString(x, nil, AWidth);
1551 | //for i := 1 to AWidth do x[i] := 'X';
1552 | end;
1553 | *)
1554 |
1555 | { You MUST pass an address to an object variable to get KillObj to work }
1556 | procedure KillObj(ptr: Pointer; KillObjects: boolean = FALSE);
1557 | var
1558 | Obj: TObject;
1559 | Lst: TList;
1560 | SLst: TStringList;
1561 | i: integer;
1562 |
1563 | begin
1564 | Obj := TObject(ptr^);
1565 | if(assigned(Obj)) then
1566 | begin
1567 | if(KillObjects) then
1568 | begin
1569 | if(Obj is TList) then
1570 | begin
1571 | Lst := TList(Obj);
1572 | for i := Lst.count-1 downto 0 do
1573 | if assigned(Lst[i]) then
1574 | TObject(Lst[i]).Free;
1575 | end
1576 | else
1577 | if(Obj is TStringList) then
1578 | begin
1579 | SLst := TStringList(Obj);
1580 | for i := SLst.count-1 downto 0 do
1581 | if assigned(SLst.Objects[i]) then
1582 | SLst.Objects[i].Free;
1583 | end;
1584 | end;
1585 | Obj.Free;
1586 | TObject(ptr^) := nil;
1587 | end;
1588 | end;
1589 |
1590 | { Idle Processing }
1591 |
1592 | type
1593 | TIdleCaller = class(TObject)
1594 | private
1595 | FTimerActive: boolean;
1596 | FCallList: TStringList;
1597 | FDoneList: TStringList;
1598 | FOldIdler: TIdleEvent;
1599 | FTimer: TTimer;
1600 | protected
1601 | procedure AppIdle(Sender: TObject; var Done: Boolean);
1602 | procedure TimerDone(Sender: TObject);
1603 | public
1604 | constructor Create;
1605 | destructor Destroy; override;
1606 | procedure Add(CallProc, DoneProc: TORIdleCallProc; Msg: string);
1607 | end;
1608 |
1609 | var
1610 | IdleCaller: TIdleCaller = nil;
1611 |
1612 | { TIdleCaller }
1613 |
1614 | constructor TIdleCaller.Create;
1615 | begin
1616 | inherited;
1617 | FCallList := TStringList.Create;
1618 | FDoneList := TStringList.Create;
1619 | FTimer := TTimer.Create(nil);
1620 | FTimer.Enabled := FALSE;
1621 | FTimer.Interval := 2000; // 2 seconds
1622 | FTimer.OnTimer := TimerDone;
1623 | FTimerActive := FALSE;
1624 | FOldIdler := Application.OnIdle;
1625 | Application.OnIdle := AppIdle;
1626 | end;
1627 |
1628 | destructor TIdleCaller.Destroy;
1629 | begin
1630 | Application.OnIdle := FOldIdler;
1631 | FTimer.Enabled := FALSE;
1632 | KillObj(@FTimer);
1633 | KillObj(@FDoneList);
1634 | KillObj(@FCallList);
1635 | inherited;
1636 | end;
1637 |
1638 | procedure TIdleCaller.AppIdle(Sender: TObject; var Done: Boolean);
1639 | begin
1640 | if(not FTimerActive) and (FCallList.Count > 0) then
1641 | begin
1642 | FTimer.Enabled := TRUE;
1643 | FTimerActive := TRUE;
1644 | end;
1645 | if assigned(FOldIdler) then
1646 | FOldIdler(Sender, Done);
1647 | end;
1648 |
1649 | procedure TIdleCaller.Add(CallProc, DoneProc: TORIdleCallProc; Msg: string);
1650 | begin
1651 | FCallList.AddObject(Msg, TObject(@CallProc));
1652 | FDoneList.AddObject(Msg, TObject(@DoneProc));
1653 | end;
1654 |
1655 | procedure TIdleCaller.TimerDone(Sender: TObject);
1656 | var
1657 | CallProc, DoneProc: TORIdleCallProc;
1658 | CallMsg, DoneMsg: string;
1659 |
1660 | begin
1661 | FTimer.Enabled := FALSE;
1662 | CallProc := TORIdleCallProc(FCallList.Objects[0]);
1663 | CallMsg := FCallList[0];
1664 | DoneProc := TORIdleCallProc(FDoneList.Objects[0]);
1665 | DoneMsg := FDoneList[0];
1666 | FCallList.Delete(0);
1667 | FDoneList.Delete(0);
1668 |
1669 | if(assigned(CallProc)) then
1670 | CallProc(CallMsg);
1671 | if(assigned(DoneProc)) then
1672 | DoneProc(DoneMsg);
1673 |
1674 | FTimerActive := FALSE;
1675 | end;
1676 |
1677 | { do NOT use CallWhenIdle to call RPCs. Use CallRPCWhenIdle in ORNet. }
1678 | procedure CallWhenIdle(CallProc: TORIdleCallProc; Msg: String);
1679 | begin
1680 | if(not assigned(IdleCaller)) then
1681 | IdleCaller := TIdleCaller.Create;
1682 | IdleCaller.Add(CallProc, nil, Msg);
1683 | end;
1684 |
1685 | procedure CallWhenIdleNotifyWhenDone(CallProc, DoneProc: TORIdleCallProc; Msg: String);
1686 | begin
1687 | if(not assigned(IdleCaller)) then
1688 | IdleCaller := TIdleCaller.Create;
1689 | IdleCaller.Add(CallProc, DoneProc, Msg);
1690 | end;
1691 |
1692 | procedure menuHideAllBut(aMenuItem: tMenuItem; butItems: array of tMenuItem);
1693 | var
1694 | aCount, bCount: integer;
1695 | butFound: boolean;
1696 | begin
1697 | for aCount := 0 to (aMenuItem.count - 1) do // Iterate through menu items.
1698 | begin
1699 | butFound := false;
1700 | for bCount := 0 to (length(butItems) - 1) do // Check for match in exceptions array.
1701 | begin
1702 | if (aMenuItem.items[aCount] = butItems[bCount]) then
1703 | begin
1704 | butFound := true;
1705 | break;
1706 | end;
1707 | end;
1708 | if (not butFound) then
1709 | aMenuItem.items[aCount].visible := false; // Hide menu item if not an exception.
1710 | end;
1711 | end;
1712 |
1713 | function HasKey(APerson: Int64; const AKey: string): Boolean;
1714 | begin
1715 | Result := sCallV('ORWU NPHASKEY', [APerson, AKey]) = '1';
1716 | end;
1717 |
1718 | initialization
1719 | FBaseFont := TFont.Create;
1720 | FBaseFont.Name := BaseFontName;
1721 | FBaseFont.Size := BaseFontSize;
1722 |
1723 | finalization
1724 | FBaseFont.Free;
1725 | KillObj(@IdleCaller);
1726 |
1727 | end.