unit ORNet; interface uses SysUtils, Windows, Classes, Forms, Controls, ORFn, TRPCB, RPCConf1, Dialogs; //, SharedRPCBroker; procedure SetBrokerServer(const AName: string; APort: Integer; WantDebug: Boolean); function AuthorizedOption(const OptionName: string): Boolean; function ConnectToServer(const OptionName: string): Boolean; function MRef(glvn: string): string; procedure CallV(const RPCName: string; const AParam: array of const); function sCallV(const RPCName: string; const AParam: array of const): string; procedure tCallV(ReturnData: TStrings; const RPCName: string; const AParam: array of const); function UpdateContext(NewContext: string): boolean; function IsBaseContext: boolean; procedure CallBrokerInContext; procedure CallBroker; function RetainedRPCCount: Integer; procedure SetRetainedRPCMax(Value: Integer); function GetRPCMax: integer; procedure LoadRPCData(Dest: TStrings; ID: Integer); function DottedIPStr: string; procedure CallRPCWhenIdle(CallProc: TORIdleCallProc; Msg: String); procedure EnsureBroker; (* function pCallV(const RPCName: string; const AParam: array of const): PChar; procedure wCallV(AControl: TControl; const RPCName: string; const AParam: array of const); procedure WrapWP(Buf: pChar); *) var //RPCBrokerV: TSharedRPCBroker; // an RPC Broker object - used by all calls RPCBrokerV: TRPCBroker; RPCLastCall: string; implementation uses Winsock; const // *** these are constants from RPCBErr.pas, will broker document them???? XWB_M_REJECT = 20000 + 2; // M error XWB_BadSignOn = 20000 + 4; // SignOn 'Error' (happens when cancel pressed) var uCallList: TList; uMaxCalls: Integer; uShowRPCs: Boolean; uBaseContext: string = ''; uCurrentContext: string = ''; { private procedures and functions ---------------------------------------------------------- } procedure EnsureBroker; { ensures that a broker object has been created - creates & initializes it if necessary } begin if RPCBrokerV = nil then begin //RPCBrokerV := TSharedRPCBroker.Create(Application); RPCBrokerV := TRPCBroker.Create(Application); with RPCBrokerV do begin KernelLogIn := True; Login.Mode := lmAppHandle; ClearParameters := True; ClearResults := True; DebugMode := False; end; end; end; procedure SetList(AStringList: TStrings; ParamIndex: Integer); { places TStrings into RPCBrokerV.Mult[n], where n is a 1-based (not 0-based) index } var i: Integer; begin with RPCBrokerV.Param[ParamIndex] do begin PType := list; with AStringList do for i := 0 to Count - 1 do Mult[IntToStr(i+1)] := Strings[i]; end; end; procedure SetParams(const RPCName: string; const AParam: array of const); { takes the params (array of const) passed to xCallV and sets them into RPCBrokerV.Param[i] } const BoolChar: array[boolean] of char = ('0', '1'); var i: integer; TmpExt: Extended; begin RPCLastCall := RPCName + ' (SetParam begin)'; if Length(RPCName) = 0 then raise Exception.Create('No RPC Name'); EnsureBroker; with RPCBrokerV do begin ClearParameters := True; RemoteProcedure := RPCName; for i := 0 to High(AParam) do with AParam[i] do begin Param[i].PType := literal; case VType of vtInteger: Param[i].Value := IntToStr(VInteger); vtBoolean: Param[i].Value := BoolChar[VBoolean]; vtChar: Param[i].Value := VChar; //vtExtended: Param[i].Value := FloatToStr(VExtended^); vtExtended: begin TmpExt := VExtended^; if(abs(TmpExt) < 0.0000000000001) then TmpExt := 0; Param[i].Value := FloatToStr(TmpExt); end; vtString: with Param[i] do begin Value := VString^; if (Length(Value) > 0) and (Value[1] = #1) then begin Value := Copy(Value, 2, Length(Value)); PType := reference; end; end; vtPChar: Param[i].Value := StrPas(VPChar); vtPointer: if VPointer = nil then ClearParameters := True {Param[i].PType := null} else raise Exception.Create('Pointer type must be nil.'); vtObject: if VObject is TStrings then SetList(TStrings(VObject), i); vtAnsiString: with Param[i] do begin Value := string(VAnsiString); if (Length(Value) > 0) and (Value[1] = #1) then begin Value := Copy(Value, 2, Length(Value)); PType := reference; end; end; vtInt64: Param[i].Value := IntToStr(VInt64^); else raise Exception.Create('Unable to pass parameter type to Broker.'); end; {case} end; {for} end; {with} RPCLastCall := RPCName + ' (SetParam end)'; end; { public procedures and functions ----------------------------------------------------------- } function UpdateContext(NewContext: string): boolean; begin if NewContext = uCurrentContext then Result := TRUE else begin Result := RPCBrokerV.CreateContext(NewContext); if Result then uCurrentContext := NewContext else if (NewContext <> uBaseContext) and RPCBrokerV.CreateContext(uBaseContext) then uCurrentContext := uBaseContext else uCurrentContext := ''; end; end; function IsBaseContext: boolean; begin Result := ((uCurrentContext = uBaseContext) or (uCurrentContext = '')); end; procedure CallBrokerInContext; var AStringList: TStringList; i, j: Integer; x, y: string; begin RPCLastCall := RPCBrokerV.RemoteProcedure + ' (CallBroker begin)'; if uShowRPCs then StatusText(RPCBrokerV.RemoteProcedure); with RPCBrokerV do if not Connected then // Happens if broker connection is lost. begin ClearResults := True; Exit; end; if uCallList.Count = uMaxCalls then begin AStringList := uCallList.Items[0]; AStringList.Free; uCallList.Delete(0); end; AStringList := TStringList.Create; AStringList.Add(RPCBrokerV.RemoteProcedure); if uCurrentContext <> uBaseContext then AStringList.Add('Context: ' + uCurrentContext); AStringList.Add(' '); AStringList.Add('Params ------------------------------------------------------------------'); with RPCBrokerV do for i := 0 to Param.Count - 1 do begin case Param[i].PType of //global: x := 'global'; list: x := 'list'; literal: x := 'literal'; //null: x := 'null'; reference: x := 'reference'; undefined: x := 'undefined'; //wordproc: x := 'wordproc'; end; AStringList.Add(x + #9 + Param[i].Value); if Param[i].PType = list then begin for j := 0 to Param[i].Mult.Count - 1 do begin x := Param[i].Mult.Subscript(j); y := Param[i].Mult[x]; AStringList.Add(#9 + '(' + x + ')=' + y); end; end; end; {with...for} //RPCBrokerV.Call; try RPCBrokerV.Call; except // The broker erroneously sets connected to false if there is any error (including an // error on the M side). It should only set connection to false if there is no connection. on E:EBrokerError do begin if E.Code = XWB_M_REJECT then begin x := 'An error occurred on the server.' + CRLF + CRLF + E.Action; Application.MessageBox(PChar(x), 'Server Error', MB_OK); end else raise; (* case E.Code of XWB_M_REJECT: begin x := 'An error occurred on the server.' + CRLF + CRLF + E.Action; Application.MessageBox(PChar(x), 'Server Error', MB_OK); end; else begin x := 'An error occurred with the network connection.' + CRLF + 'Action was: ' + E.Action + CRLF + 'Code was: ' + E.Mnemonic + CRLF + CRLF + 'Application cannot continue.'; Application.MessageBox(PChar(x), 'Network Error', MB_OK); end; end; *) // make optional later... if not RPCBrokerV.Connected then Application.Terminate; end; end; AStringList.Add(' '); AStringList.Add('Results -----------------------------------------------------------------'); AStringList.AddStrings(RPCBrokerV.Results); uCallList.Add(AStringList); if uShowRPCs then StatusText(''); RPCLastCall := RPCBrokerV.RemoteProcedure + ' (completed)'; end; procedure CallBroker; begin UpdateContext(uBaseContext); CallBrokerInContext; end; procedure SetBrokerServer(const AName: string; APort: Integer; WantDebug: Boolean); { makes the initial connection to a server } begin EnsureBroker; with RPCBrokerV do begin Server := AName; if APort > 0 then ListenerPort := APort; DebugMode := WantDebug; Connected := True; end; end; function AuthorizedOption(const OptionName: string): Boolean; { checks to see if the user is authorized to use this application } begin EnsureBroker; Result := RPCBrokerV.CreateContext(OptionName); if Result then begin if (uBaseContext = '') then uBaseContext := OptionName; uCurrentContext := OptionName; end; end; function ConnectToServer(const OptionName: string): Boolean; { establish initial connection to server using optional command line parameters and check that this application (option) is allowed for this user } var WantDebug: Boolean; AServer, APort, x: string; i, ModalResult: Integer; begin Result := False; WantDebug := False; AServer := ''; APort := ''; for i := 1 to ParamCount do // params may be: S[ERVER]=hostname P[ORT]=port DEBUG begin if UpperCase(ParamStr(i)) = 'DEBUG' then WantDebug := True; if UpperCase(ParamStr(i)) = 'SHOWRPCS' then uShowRPCs := True; x := UpperCase(Piece(ParamStr(i), '=', 1)); if (x = 'S') or (x = 'SERVER') then AServer := Piece(ParamStr(i), '=', 2); if (x = 'P') or (x = 'PORT') then APort := Piece(ParamStr(i), '=', 2); end; if (AServer = '') or (APort = '') then begin ModalResult := GetServerInfo(AServer, APort); if ModalResult = mrCancel then Exit; end; // use try..except to work around errors in the Broker SignOn screen try SetBrokerServer(AServer, StrToIntDef(APort, 9200), WantDebug); Result := AuthorizedOption(OptionName); if Result then Result := RPCBrokerV.Connected; RPCBrokerV.RPCTimeLimit := 300; except on E:EBrokerError do begin if E.Code <> XWB_BadSignOn then InfoBox(E.Message, 'Error', MB_OK or MB_ICONERROR); Result := False; end; end; end; function MRef(glvn: string): string; { prepends ASCII 1 to string, allows SetParams to interpret as an M reference } begin Result := #1 + glvn; end; procedure CallV(const RPCName: string; const AParam: array of const); { calls the broker leaving results in results property which must be read by caller } var SavedCursor: TCursor; begin SavedCursor := Screen.Cursor; Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; SetParams(RPCName, AParam); CallBroker; //RPCBrokerV.Call; //kt note: this creates an error if connection was aborted. Fix later Screen.Cursor := SavedCursor; end; function sCallV(const RPCName: string; const AParam: array of const): string; { calls the broker and returns a scalar value. } var SavedCursor: TCursor; begin SavedCursor := Screen.Cursor; Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; SetParams(RPCName, AParam); CallBroker; //RPCBrokerV.Call; if RPCBrokerV.Results.Count > 0 then Result := RPCBrokerV.Results[0] else Result := ''; Screen.Cursor := SavedCursor; end; procedure tCallV(ReturnData: TStrings; const RPCName: string; const AParam: array of const); { calls the broker and returns TStrings data } var SavedCursor: TCursor; begin if ReturnData = nil then raise Exception.Create('TString not created'); SavedCursor := Screen.Cursor; Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; SetParams(RPCName, AParam); CallBroker; //RPCBrokerV.Call; ReturnData.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results); Screen.Cursor := SavedCursor; end; (* uncomment if these are needed - function pCallV(const RPCName: string; const AParam: array of const): PChar; { Calls the Broker. Result is a PChar containing raw Broker data. } { -- Caller must dispose the string that is returned -- } var SavedCursor: TCursor; begin SavedCursor := Screen.Cursor; Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; SetParams(RPCName, AParam); RPCBrokerV.Call; pCallV := StrNew(RPCBrokerV.Results.GetText); Screen.Cursor := SavedCursor; end; procedure wCallV(AControl: TControl; const RPCName: string; const AParam: array of const); { Calls the Broker. Places data into control (wrapped). } var BufPtr: PChar; begin BufPtr := pCallV(RPCName, AParam); WrapWP(BufPtr); AControl.SetTextBuf(BufPtr); StrDispose(BufPtr); end; procedure WrapWP(Buf: pChar); { Iterates through Buf and wraps text in the same way that FM wraps text. } var PSub: PChar; begin PSub := StrScan(Buf, #13); while PSub <> nil do begin if Ord(PSub[2]) > 32 then begin StrMove(PSub, PSub + SizeOf(Char), StrLen(PSub)); PSub[0] := #32; end else repeat Inc(PSub, SizeOf(Char)) until (Ord(PSub[0]) > 32) or (PSub = StrEnd(PSub)); PSub := StrScan(PSub, #13); end; end; *) function RetainedRPCCount: Integer; begin Result := uCallList.Count; end; procedure SetRetainedRPCMax(Value: Integer); begin if Value > 0 then uMaxCalls := Value; end; function GetRPCMax: integer; begin Result := uMaxCalls; end; procedure LoadRPCData(Dest: TStrings; ID: Integer); begin if (ID > -1) and (ID < uCallList.Count) then Dest.Assign(TStringList(uCallList.Items[ID])); end; function DottedIPStr: string; { return the IP address of the local machine as a string in dotted form: nnn.nnn.nnn.nnn } const WINSOCK1_1 = $0101; // minimum required version of WinSock SUCCESS = 0; // value returned by WinSock functions if no error var //WSAData: TWSAData; // structure to hold startup information HostEnt: PHostEnt; // pointer to Host Info structure (see WinSock 1.1, page 60) IPAddr: PInAddr; // pointer to IP address in network order (4 bytes) LocalName: array[0..255] of Char; // buffer for the name of the client machine begin Result := 'No IP Address'; // ensure the Winsock DLL has been loaded (should be if there is a broker connection) //if WSAStartup(WINSOCK1_1, WSAData) <> SUCCESS then Exit; //try // get the name of the client machine if gethostname(LocalName, SizeOf(LocalName) - 1) <> SUCCESS then Exit; // get information about the client machine (contained in a record of type THostEnt) HostEnt := gethostbyname(LocalName); if HostEnt = nil then Exit; // get a pointer to the four bytes that contain the IP address // Dereference HostEnt to get the THostEnt record. In turn, dereference the h_addr_list // field to get a pointer to the IP address. The pointer to the IP address is type PChar, // so it needs to be typecast as PInAddr in order to make the call to inet_ntoa. IPAddr := PInAddr(HostEnt^.h_addr_list^); // Dereference IPAddr (which is a PChar typecast as PInAddr) to get the 4 bytes that need // to be passed to inet_ntoa. A string with the IP address in dotted format is returned. Result := inet_ntoa(IPAddr^); //finally // causes the reference counter in Winsock (set by WSAStartup, above) to be decremented //WSACleanup; //end; end; procedure RPCIdleCallDone(Msg: string); begin RPCBrokerV.ClearResults := True; end; procedure CallRPCWhenIdle(CallProc: TORIdleCallProc; Msg: String); begin CallWhenIdleNotifyWhenDone(CallProc, RPCIdleCallDone, Msg); end; initialization RPCBrokerV := nil; RPCLastCall := 'No RPCs called'; uCallList := TList.Create; uMaxCalls := 10; uShowRPCs := False; finalization while uCallList.Count > 0 do begin TStringList(uCallList.Items[0]).Free; uCallList.Delete(0); end; uCallList.Free; end.