[476] | 1 | unit MainU;
| 2 |
| 3 | (*
| 4 | WorldVistA Configuration Utility
| 5 | (c) 8/2008 Kevin Toppenberg
| 6 | Programmed by Kevin Toppenberg, Eddie Hagood
| 7 |
| 8 | Family Physicians of Greeneville, PC
| 9 | 1410 Tusculum Blvd, Suite 2600
| 10 | Greeneville, TN 37745
| 11 | kdtop@yahoo.com
| 12 |
| 13 | This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
| 14 | modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
| 15 | License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
| 16 | version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
| 17 |
| 18 | This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
| 19 | but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
| 21 | Lesser General Public License for more details.
| 22 |
| 23 | You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
| 24 | License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
| 25 | Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
| 26 | *)
| 27 |
| 28 | interface
| 29 |
| 30 | uses
| 31 | Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
| 32 | Dialogs, StdCtrls, StrUtils,
| 33 | ORNet, ORFn, ComCtrls, ToolWin, Grids, ORCtrls, ExtCtrls, Buttons,
| 34 | AppEvnts, Menus, ImgList,
| 36 | ipSkinManager,
| 37 | {$ENDIF}
| 38 | ValEdit;
| 39 |
| 40 | type
| 41 | tFileEntry = record
| 42 | Field : string;
| 43 | FileNum : string;
| 44 | FieldName : String;
| 45 | IENS : string;
| 46 | oldValue,newValue : string;
| 47 | end;
| 48 |
| 49 | TGridInfo = class; //forward declaration
| 50 | TGridDataLoader = procedure (GridInfo: TGridInfo) of object;
| 51 | TGridInfo = class (TObject)
| 52 | public
| 53 | Grid : TStringGrid; //doesn't own object
| 54 | FileNum : string;
| 55 | IENS : string;
| 56 | BasicMode : Boolean;
| 57 | Data : TStringList; //doesn't own object
| 58 | Message : string; //optional text.
| 59 | DataLoadProc : TGridDataLoader;
| 60 | ApplyBtn : TButton;
| 61 | RevertBtn : TButton;
| 62 | end;
| 63 |
| 64 |
| 65 | TMainForm = class(TForm)
| 66 | PageControl: TPageControl;
| 67 | tsUsers: TTabSheet;
| 68 | UsersTreeView: TTreeView;
| 69 | UserPageControl: TPageControl;
| 70 | tsBasicPage: TTabSheet;
| 71 | tsAdvancedPage: TTabSheet;
| 72 | RightPanel: TPanel;
| 73 | ButtonPanel: TPanel;
| 74 | btnUsersApply: TBitBtn;
| 75 | btnUsersRevert: TBitBtn;
| 76 | LeftPanel: TPanel;
| 77 | Splitter1: TSplitter;
| 78 | Panel5: TPanel;
| 79 | ApplicationEvents: TApplicationEvents;
| 80 | AdvancedUsersGrid: TStringGrid;
| 81 | BasicUsersGrid: TStringGrid;
| 82 | MainMenu: TMainMenu;
[488] | 83 | FileMenu: TMenuItem;
| 84 | ExitMenuItem: TMenuItem;
[476] | 85 | AboutMenu: TMenuItem;
| 86 | CloneBtn: TBitBtn;
| 87 | ImageList1: TImageList;
| 88 | tsSettings: TTabSheet;
| 89 | Panel1: TPanel;
| 90 | Panel2: TPanel;
| 91 | SettingsPageControl: TPageControl;
| 92 | tsBasicSettings: TTabSheet;
| 93 | BasicSettingsGrid: TStringGrid;
| 94 | tsAdvancedSettings: TTabSheet;
| 95 | AdvancedSettingsGrid: TStringGrid;
| 96 | Panel3: TPanel;
| 97 | btnSettingsApply: TBitBtn;
| 98 | btnSettingsRevert: TBitBtn;
| 99 | Panel4: TPanel;
| 100 | SettingsTreeView: TTreeView;
| 101 | Panel6: TPanel;
| 102 | Splitter2: TSplitter;
| 103 | tsPatients: TTabSheet;
| 104 | Panel7: TPanel;
| 105 | Splitter3: TSplitter;
| 106 | Panel8: TPanel;
| 107 | PatientsPageControl: TPageControl;
| 108 | tsBasicPatients: TTabSheet;
| 109 | BasicPatientGrid: TStringGrid;
| 110 | tsAdvancedPatients: TTabSheet;
| 111 | AdvancedPatientGrid: TStringGrid;
| 112 | Panel9: TPanel;
| 113 | btnPatientApply: TBitBtn;
| 114 | btnPatientRevert: TBitBtn;
| 115 | Panel10: TPanel;
| 116 | Panel11: TPanel;
| 117 | AddBtn: TBitBtn;
| 118 | PatientORComboBox: TORComboBox;
| 119 | tsAdvanced: TTabSheet;
| 120 | Panel12: TPanel;
| 121 | Splitter4: TSplitter;
| 122 | RtAdvPanel: TPanel;
| 123 | AnyFilePageControl: TPageControl;
| 124 | TabSheet2: TTabSheet;
| 125 | AnyFileGrid: TStringGrid;
| 126 | Panel14: TPanel;
| 127 | btnAdvancedApply: TBitBtn;
| 128 | btnAdvancedRevert: TBitBtn;
| 129 | LeftAdvPanel: TPanel;
| 130 | BotLeftAdvBtnPanel: TPanel;
| 131 | btnAddAnyRecord: TBitBtn;
| 132 | FileORComboBox: TORComboBox;
| 133 | Label1: TLabel;
| 134 | RecordORComboBox: TORComboBox;
| 135 | Label2: TLabel;
| 136 | TopLeftAdvPanel: TPanel;
| 137 | BotLeftAdvPanel: TPanel;
| 138 | Splitter5: TSplitter;
| 139 | Panel13: TPanel;
| 140 | btnBatchAdd: TBitBtn;
| 141 | procedure GridSetEditText(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; const Value: String);
| 142 | procedure GridSelectCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; var CanSelect: Boolean);
| 143 | procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
| 144 | procedure UsersTreeViewChanging(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode; var AllowChange: Boolean);
| 145 | procedure UsersTreeViewChange(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode);
| 146 | procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
| 147 | procedure btnUsersRevertClick(Sender: TObject);
| 148 | procedure btnUsersApplyClick(Sender: TObject);
| 149 | procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
[488] | 150 | procedure ExitMenuItemClick(Sender: TObject);
[476] | 151 | procedure UserPageControlDrawTab(Control: TCustomTabControl; TabIndex: Integer; const Rect: TRect; Active: Boolean);
| 152 | procedure AboutMenuClick(Sender: TObject);
| 153 | procedure CloneBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
| 154 | procedure ApplicationEventsIdle(Sender: TObject; var Done: Boolean);
| 155 | procedure ApplicationEventsShowHint(var HintStr: String; var CanShow: Boolean; var HintInfo: THintInfo);
| 156 | procedure SettingsTreeViewChange(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode);
| 157 | procedure SettingsTreeViewChanging(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode; var AllowChange: Boolean);
| 158 | procedure BasicSettingsGridSetEditText(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; const Value: String);
| 159 | procedure PageControlChanging(Sender: TObject; var AllowChange: Boolean);
| 160 | procedure UserPageControlChanging(Sender: TObject; var AllowChange: Boolean);
| 161 | procedure PatientORComboBoxNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: String; Direction, InsertAt: Integer);
| 162 | procedure PageControlChange(Sender: TObject);
| 163 | procedure PatientORComboBoxClick(Sender: TObject);
| 164 | procedure PatientsPageControlChanging(Sender: TObject; var AllowChange: Boolean);
| 165 | procedure SettingsPageControlChanging(Sender: TObject; var AllowChange: Boolean);
| 166 | procedure PatientsPageControlChange(Sender: TObject);
| 167 | procedure SettingsPageControlChange(Sender: TObject);
| 168 | procedure UserPageControlChange(Sender: TObject);
| 169 | procedure FileORComboBoxNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: String; Direction, InsertAt: Integer);
| 170 | procedure FileORComboBoxClick(Sender: TObject);
| 171 | procedure RecordORComboBoxNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: String; Direction, InsertAt: Integer);
| 172 | procedure RecordORComboBoxClick(Sender: TObject);
| 173 | procedure btnAddAnyRecordClick(Sender: TObject);
| 174 | procedure AddBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
| 175 | procedure btnAdvancedApplyClick(Sender: TObject);
| 176 | procedure btnAdvancedRevertClick(Sender: TObject);
| 177 | procedure AnyFileGridClick(Sender: TObject);
| 178 | procedure btnBatchAddClick(Sender: TObject);
| 179 | procedure ChangeSkinClick(Sender: TObject);
| 180 | procedure btnPatientApplyClick(Sender: TObject);
| 181 | procedure btnPatientRevertClick(Sender: TObject);
| 182 | procedure BasicPatientGridClick(Sender: TObject);
| 183 | procedure ApplicationEventsException(Sender: TObject; E: Exception);
| 184 | procedure btnSettingsRevertClick(Sender: TObject);
| 185 | procedure btnSettingsApplyClick(Sender: TObject);
| 186 | private
| 187 | { Private declarations }
| 188 | CurrentUserData : TStringList;
| 189 | CurrentSettingsData : TStringList;
| 190 | CurrentPatientData : TStringList;
| 191 | CurrentAnyFileData : TStringList;
| 192 | BasicTemplate : TStringList;
| 193 | AllUsers : TTreeNode;
| 194 | AllSettings : TTreeNode;
| 195 | ActiveUsers : TTreeNode;
| 196 | InactiveUsers : TTreeNode;
| 197 | SettingsFiles : TStringList;
| 198 | KernelSysParams : TTreeNode;
| 199 | HospLoc : TTreeNode;
| 200 | RPCBrokerParams : TTreeNode;
| 201 | Devices : TTreeNode;
| 202 | FLastSelectedRow,FLastSelectedCol : integer;
| 203 | FLoadingGrid: boolean;
| 204 | DataForGrid : TStringList; // doesn't own TGridInfo objects
| 205 | CachedHelp : TStringList;
| 206 | CachedHelpIdx : TStringList;
| 207 | CachedWPField : TStringList;
| 208 | FVisibleGridIdx : integer;
[488] | 209 | procedure ShowDebugClick(Sender: TObject);
| 210 | function FindParam(Param : string) : string;
[476] | 211 | function GetCurrentUserName : string;
| 212 | procedure SetCursorImage(Cursor : TCursor);
| 213 | function FileNumForSettingsNode (Node : TTreeNode) : string;
| 214 | function GetVisibleGrid: TStringGrid;
| 215 | function GetVisibleGridInfo : TGridInfo;
| 216 | function GetInfoForGrid(Grid : TStringGrid) : TGridInfo;
| 217 | function GetInfoIndexForGrid(Grid : TStringGrid) : integer;
| 218 | procedure SetVisibleGridIdx(Grid : TStringGrid);
| 219 | procedure GetUsersList(UsersList : TStringList; HideInactive: boolean);
| 220 | procedure GetRecordsList(RecordsList : TStringList; FileNum : string);
| 221 | procedure InitializeUsersTreeView;
| 222 | procedure InitializeSettingsFilesTreeView;
| 223 | procedure InitUsersStuff;
| 224 | procedure InitSettingsFilesStuff;
| 225 | Procedure LoadUsersTreeView(UsersList : TStringList);
| 226 | Procedure LoadSettingsTreeView(RecordsList : TStringList;DestNode : TTreeNode);
| 227 | //procedure LoadUserData(IENS : String; Data : TStringList);
| 228 | procedure LoadUserData(GridInfo : TGridInfo);
| 229 | //procedure GetSettingsInfo(FileNum : String; IENS : String; Data : TStringList);
| 230 | procedure GetSettingsInfo(GridInfo : TGridInfo);
| 231 | procedure GetPatientInfo(GridInfo : TGridInfo);
| 232 | //procedure GetPatientInfo(IENS : String; Data : TStringList);
| 233 | procedure GetAnyfileInfo(GridInfo : TGridInfo);
| 234 | //procedure GetAnyfileInfo(FileNum : String; IENS : String; Data : TStringList);
| 235 | function FindInStrings(fieldNum : string; Strings : TStringList; var fileNum : string) : integer;
| 236 | procedure CompileChanges(Grid : TStringGrid; CurrentUserData,Changes : TStringList);
| 237 | function PostChanges(Grid : TStringGrid) : TModalResult;
| 238 | function PostVisibleGrid: TModalResult;
| 239 | procedure LoadAnyGrid(Grid : TStringGrid; BasicMode: boolean; FileNum,IENS : string; CurrentData : TStringList);
| 240 | function DisuserChanged(Changes: TStringList) : boolean;
| 241 | procedure DrawTab(Control: TCustomTabControl; TabIndex: Integer; const Rect: TRect; Active: Boolean);
| 242 | function DoCloneRecord(FileNum, SourceIENS, New01Field : String) : string;
| 243 | function DoCloneUser(SourceIENS, New01Field : String) : string;
| 244 | function GetGridHint(Grid : TStringGrid; FileNum : string; ACol, ARow : integer) : string;
| 245 | function FieldHelp(FileNum, FieldNum, HelpStyle : string) : string;
| 246 | procedure DoRevert(BasicGrid,AdvancedGrid : TStringGrid);
| 247 | public
| 248 | { Public declarations }
| 249 | CurrentUserName: string;
| 250 | LastSelTreeNode : TTreeNode;
[488] | 251 | DebugMode : boolean;
[476] | 252 | function GetUserLine(CurrentUserData : TStringList; Grid : TStringGrid; ARow:integer) :integer;
| 253 | function GetLineInfo(Grid : TStringGrid; CurrentUserData : TStringList; ARow: integer) : tFileEntry;
| 254 | function IsSubFile(FieldDef: string ; var SubFileNum : string) : boolean;
| 255 | function IsWPField(FileNum,FieldNum : string) : boolean;
| 256 | function ExtractNum (S : String; StartPos : integer) : string;
| 257 | procedure Initialize;
| 258 | procedure InitORComboBox(ORComboBox: TORComboBox; initValue : string);
| 259 | Procedure GetBlankFileInfo(FileNum : string; BlankList : TStringList);
| 260 | procedure GetOneRecord(FileNum, IENS : string; Data, BlankFileInfo : TStringList);
| 261 | procedure AddGridInfo(Grid: TStringGrid; Data : TStringList; BasicMode : boolean;
| 262 | DataLoader : TGridDataLoader; FileNum : string;
| 263 | ApplyBtn,RevertBtn : TButton);
| 264 | procedure LoadAnyGridFromInfo(GridInfo : TGridInfo);
| 265 | procedure ClearGrid(Grid : TStringGrid);
| 266 | procedure RegisterGridInfo(GridInfo : TGridInfo);
| 267 | procedure UnRegisterGridInfo(GridInfo : TGridInfo);
| 268 | end;
| 269 |
| 270 | var
| 271 | MainForm: TMainForm;
| 272 |
| 273 | Const
| 274 | DEF_GRID_ROW_HEIGHT = 17;
| 275 | CLICK_FOR_SUBS = '<CLICK for Sub-Entries>';
| 276 | COMPUTED_FIELD = '<Computed Field --> CAN''T EDIT>';
| 277 | CLICK_TO_EDIT = '<CLICK to Edit Text>';
| 278 | HIDDEN_FIELD = '<Hidden>';
| 279 |
| 280 | implementation
| 281 |
| 282 | uses
| 283 | frmSplash, Trpcb , LookupU, SubfilesU, SetSelU, SelDateTimeU, PostU,
| 284 | FMErrorU, AboutU, PleaseWaitU, EditTextU, CreateTemplateU, SkinFormU,
[488] | 285 | BatchAddU, DebugU;
[476] | 286 |
| 287 | {$R *.dfm}
| 288 | const
| 290 |
| 291 | procedure TMainForm.Initialize;
| 292 | var tempMenu,tempSubMenu : TMenuItem;
| 293 | begin
[488] | 294 | DebugMode := (FindParam('debug')='enable');
| 295 | if DebugMode then begin
| 296 | DebugForm.show;
| 297 | tempMenu := TMenuItem.Create(FileMenu);
| 298 | tempMenu.Caption := '&Show Debug Log';
| 299 | tempMenu.OnClick := ShowDebugClick;
| 300 | FileMenu.Add(tempMenu);
| 301 | end;
[476] | 302 | {$IFDEF USE_SKINS}
[488] | 303 | DebugForm.Memo.Lines.Add('Adding Menus');
[476] | 304 | tempMenu := TMenuItem.Create(MainMenu);
| 305 | tempMenu.Caption := '&Appearance';
| 306 | tempSubMenu := TMenuItem.Create(tempMenu);
| 307 | tempSubMenu.Caption := '&Change Skin';
| 308 | tempSubMenu.OnClick := ChangeSkinClick;
| 309 | tempMenu.Add(tempSubMenu);
| 310 | MainMenu.Items.Add(tempMenu);
| 311 | {$ENDIF}
| 312 |
[488] | 313 | DebugForm.Memo.Lines.Add('Showing Splash');
[476] | 314 | SplashForm.show;
| 315 |
| 316 | FLoadingGrid := false;
| 317 | SettingsFiles := TStringList.Create;
| 318 | CurrentUserData := TStringList.create;
| 319 | CurrentSettingsData := TStringList.Create;
| 320 | CurrentPatientData := TStringList.Create;
| 321 | CurrentAnyFileData := TStringList.Create;
| 322 |
| 323 | DataForGrid := TStringList.Create; //will own GridInfo objects.
| 324 | CachedHelp := TStringList.Create;
| 325 | CachedHelpIdx := TStringList.Create;
| 326 | CachedWPField := TStringList.Create;
| 327 |
[488] | 328 | DebugForm.Memo.Lines.Add('Adding Grid Info');
[476] | 329 | AddGridInfo(BasicUsersGrid,CurrentUserData,true,LoadUserData,'200',btnUsersApply,btnUsersRevert);
| 330 | AddGridInfo(AdvancedUsersGrid,CurrentUserData,false,LoadUserData,'200',btnUsersApply,btnUsersRevert);
| 331 | AddGridInfo(BasicSettingsGrid,CurrentSettingsData,true,GetSettingsInfo,'',btnSettingsApply,btnSettingsRevert);
| 332 | AddGridInfo(AdvancedSettingsGrid,CurrentSettingsData,false,GetSettingsInfo,'',btnSettingsApply,btnSettingsRevert);
| 333 | AddGridInfo(BasicPatientGrid,CurrentPatientData,true,GetPatientInfo,'2',btnPatientApply,btnPatientRevert);
| 334 | AddGridInfo(AdvancedPatientGrid,CurrentPatientData,false,GetPatientInfo,'2',btnPatientApply,btnPatientRevert);
| 335 | AddGridInfo(AnyFileGrid,CurrentAnyFileData,false,GetAnyFileInfo,'',btnAdvancedApply,btnAdvancedRevert);
| 336 |
| 337 | MainForm.Visible := false;
[488] | 338 | DebugForm.Memo.Lines.Add('Trying to connect to server');
[476] | 339 | if not ORNet.ConnectToServer(RPC_CONTEXT) then begin
[488] | 340 | DebugForm.Memo.Lines.Add('Failed connection. Closing.');
[476] | 341 | Close;
| 342 | Exit;
| 343 | end;
[488] | 344 | DebugForm.Memo.Lines.Add('Connected to server!');
[476] | 345 | Application.ProcessMessages;
| 346 | LastSelTreeNode := nil;
| 347 | RPCBrokerV.ClearParameters := true;
| 348 | BasicTemplate := TStringList.create;
| 349 | BasicTemplate.Sorted := false;
| 350 |
[488] | 351 | DebugForm.Memo.Lines.Add('Initializing Combo Boxes');
[476] | 352 | InitORCombobox(PatientORComboBox,'A');
| 353 | InitORCombobox(FileORComboBox,'A');
| 354 |
| 355 | InitUsersStuff;
| 356 | InitSettingsFilesStuff;
| 357 | CurrentUserName := GetCurrentUserName;
| 358 |
| 359 | PageControl.ActivePage := tsUsers;
| 360 | UserPageControl.ActivePage := tsBasicPage;
| 361 | SettingsPageControl.ActivePage := tsBasicSettings;
| 362 |
| 363 | PageControlChange(nil); //ensure VisibleGridIdx is initialized.
| 364 |
| 365 | {$IFDEF USE_SKINS}
| 366 | if SkinForm.cbSkinAtStartup.Checked then begin
[488] | 367 | DebugForm.Memo.Lines.Add('Activating Skins');
[476] | 368 | SkinForm.ActivateCurrentSkin;
| 369 | end;
| 370 | {$ENDIF}
| 371 |
[488] | 372 | self.Visible := true;
[476] | 373 | SplashForm.Hide;
[488] | 374 | DebugForm.Memo.Lines.Add('Done Initializing.');
[476] | 375 | end;
| 376 |
[488] | 377 | function TMainForm.FindParam(Param : string) : string;
| 378 | //Searches command line parameters for Param. If found, then value returned.
| 379 | //Case insensitive
| 380 | //Must be in 'param=value' format, i.e. must have '='
| 381 | var i : integer;
| 382 | tempS : string;
| 383 | begin
| 384 | Result := '';
| 385 | Param := LowerCase(Param);
| 386 | for i := 1 to ParamCount do begin
| 387 | tempS := LowerCase (ParamStr(i));
| 388 | if Pos(Param,tempS)>0 then Result := Piece(tempS,'=',2);
| 389 | end;
| 390 | end;
| 391 |
| 392 |
[476] | 393 | procedure TMainForm.AddGridInfo(Grid: TStringGrid;
| 394 | Data : TStringList;
| 395 | BasicMode : boolean;
| 396 | DataLoader : TGridDataLoader;
| 397 | FileNum : string;
| 398 | ApplyBtn,RevertBtn : TButton );
| 399 | var tempGridInfo : TGridInfo;
| 400 | begin
| 401 | tempGridInfo := TGridInfo.Create;
| 402 | tempGridInfo.Grid := Grid;
| 403 | tempGridInfo.Data := Data;
| 404 | tempGridInfo.BasicMode := BasicMode;
| 405 | tempGridInfo.FileNum := FileNum;
| 406 | tempGridInfo.DataLoadProc := DataLoader;
| 407 | tempGridInfo.ApplyBtn := ApplyBtn;
| 408 | tempGridInfo.RevertBtn := RevertBtn;
| 409 | RegisterGridInfo(tempGridInfo);
| 410 | end;
| 411 |
| 412 | procedure TMainForm.RegisterGridInfo(GridInfo : TGridInfo);
| 413 | var s : string;
| 414 | begin
| 415 | if GridInfo = nil then exit;
| 416 | s := IntToStr(integer(GridInfo.Grid));
| 417 | DataForGrid.AddObject(s,GridInfo);
| 418 | end;
| 419 |
| 420 | procedure TMainForm.UnRegisterGridInfo(GridInfo : TGridInfo);
| 421 | var s : string;
| 422 | i : integer;
| 423 | begin
| 424 | if GridInfo = nil then exit;
| 425 | s := IntToStr(integer(GridInfo.Grid));
| 426 | i := DataForGrid.IndexOf(s);
| 427 | if i > -1 then DataForGrid.Delete(i);
| 428 | end;
| 429 |
| 430 | function TMainForm.GetCurrentUserName : string;
| 431 | var RPCResult : string;
| 432 | begin
| 433 | RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'TMG CHANNEL';
| 434 | RPCBrokerV.param[0].ptype := list;
| 435 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"REQUEST"'] := 'GET CURRENT USER NAME';
| 436 | RPCBrokerV.Call;
| 437 | RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.Results[0]; //returns: error: -1; success=1
| 438 | if piece(RPCResult,'^',1)='-1' then begin
| 439 | CurrentUserName := '';
| 440 | FMErrorForm.Memo.Lines.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
| 441 | FMErrorForm.PrepMessage;
| 442 | FMErrorForm.ShowModal;
| 443 | end else begin
| 444 | result := piece(RPCResult,'^',3);
| 445 | end;
| 446 | end;
| 447 |
| 448 | procedure TMainForm.GetUsersList(UsersList : TStringList; HideInactive: boolean);
| 449 | var RPCResult : string;
| 450 | begin
| 451 | UsersList.Clear;
| 452 | RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'TMG CHANNEL';
| 453 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Value := '.X'; // not used
| 454 | RPCBrokerV.param[0].ptype := list;
| 455 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"REQUEST"'] := 'GET USER LIST';
| 456 | RPCBrokerV.Call;
| 457 | RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.Results[0]; //returns: error: -1; success=1
| 458 | if piece(RPCResult,'^',1)='-1' then begin
| 459 | FMErrorForm.Memo.Lines.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
| 460 | FMErrorForm.PrepMessage;
| 461 | FMErrorForm.ShowModal;
| 462 | end else begin
| 463 | UsersList.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
| 464 | end;
| 465 | end;
| 466 |
| 467 | procedure TMainForm.GetRecordsList(RecordsList : TStringList; FileNum : string);
| 468 | //Format of Records list:
| 469 | // .01Value^IEN^FileNum
| 470 | // .01Value^IEN^FileNum
| 471 | var RPCResult : string;
| 472 | begin
| 473 | RecordsList.Clear;
| 474 | RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'TMG CHANNEL';
| 475 | RPCBrokerV.param[0].ptype := list;
| 476 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"REQUEST"'] := 'GET RECORDS LIST^' + FileNum;
| 477 | RPCBrokerV.Call;
| 478 | RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.Results[0]; //returns: error: -1; success=1
| 479 | if piece(RPCResult,'^',1)='-1' then begin
| 480 | FMErrorForm.Memo.Lines.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
| 481 | FMErrorForm.PrepMessage;
| 482 | FMErrorForm.ShowModal;
| 483 | end else begin
| 484 | RecordsList.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
| 485 | end;
| 486 | end;
| 487 |
| 488 | Procedure TMainForm.LoadUsersTreeView(UsersList : TStringList);
| 489 | //UsersList Format:
| 490 | // Name^IEN^FileNum^Disuser(1 or 0)
| 491 | // Name^IEN^FileNum^Disuser(1 or 0)
| 492 |
| 493 | procedure AddChild(Parent : TTreeNode; Name : string;IEN : longInt);
| 494 | var Node : TTreeNode;
| 495 | begin
| 496 | Node := UsersTreeView.Items.AddChildObject(Parent,Name,pointer(IEN));
| 497 | if Parent=InactiveUsers then begin
| 498 | Node.ImageIndex := 1;
| 499 | Node.SelectedIndex := 4;
| 500 | end else begin
| 501 | Node.ImageIndex := 0;
| 502 | Node.SelectedIndex := 5;
| 503 | end;
| 504 | end;
| 505 |
| 506 | var i : integer;
| 507 | oneEntry,Name,IENStr,inactive : string;
| 508 | IEN : longInt;
| 509 | begin
| 510 | for i := 1 to UsersList.Count-1 do begin
| 511 | oneEntry := UsersList.Strings[i];
| 512 | Name := Piece(oneEntry,'^',1);
| 513 | IENStr := Piece(oneEntry,'^',2);
| 514 | inactive := Piece(oneEntry,'^',4);
| 515 | if (Pos('.',IENStr)=0) then begin
| 516 | IEN := StrToInt(IENStr);
| 517 | if (inactive='1') then begin
| 518 | AddChild(InactiveUsers,Name,IEN)
| 519 | end else begin
| 520 | AddChild(ActiveUsers,Name,IEN)
| 521 | end;
| 522 | end;
| 523 | end;
| 524 | End;
| 525 |
| 526 |
| 527 | Procedure TMainForm.LoadSettingsTreeView(RecordsList : TStringList;DestNode : TTreeNode);
| 528 | //RecordsList Format:
| 529 | // .01Value^IEN^FileNum
| 530 | // .01Value^IEN^FileNum
| 531 | //Note: Will ADD into tree view, leaving prior entries intact
| 532 |
| 533 | var i : integer;
| 534 | oneEntry,Name,IENStr : string;
| 535 | IEN : longInt;
| 536 | Node: TTreeNode;
| 537 | begin
| 538 | for i := 1 to RecordsList.Count-1 do begin
| 539 | oneEntry := RecordsList.Strings[i];
| 540 | Name := Piece(oneEntry,'^',1);
| 541 | IENStr := Piece(oneEntry,'^',2);
| 542 | IEN := StrToInt(IENStr);
| 543 | Node := UsersTreeView.Items.AddChildObject(DestNode,Name,pointer(IEN));
| 544 | Node.ImageIndex := 9; //change later for icon
| 545 | Node.SelectedIndex := 10; //change later for icon
| 546 | end;
| 547 | End;
| 548 |
| 549 |
| 550 | procedure TMainForm.InitUsersStuff;
| 551 | begin
| 552 | BasicTemplate.Add('200^.01'); //Name
| 553 | BasicTemplate.Add('200^1'); //initials
| 554 | BasicTemplate.Add('200^13'); //Nickname
| 555 | BasicTemplate.Add('200^10.6'); //Degree
| 556 | BasicTemplate.Add('200^53.2'); //DEA#
| 557 | BasicTemplate.Add('200^2'); //Access Code
| 558 | BasicTemplate.Add('200^11'); //Verify Code
| 559 | BasicTemplate.Add('200^7'); //DISUSER
| 560 | BasicTemplate.Add('200^20.2'); //Signature block printed name
| 561 | BasicTemplate.Add('200^20.3'); //Signature block title
| 562 | BasicTemplate.Add('200^20.4'); //Electronic signature code
| 563 | BasicTemplate.Add('200^51'); //Keys
| 564 | BasicTemplate.Add('200^8932.1');//Person class
| 565 | BasicTemplate.Add('200^53.5'); //Provider class
| 566 | BasicTemplate.Add('200^53.7'); //Requires cosigner
| 567 | BasicTemplate.Add('200^53.8'); //Usually cosigner
| 568 | BasicTemplate.Add('200^101.13'); //CPRS TAb
| 569 | BasicTemplate.Add('200^200.1');//Timed read #sec
| 570 | BasicTemplate.Add('200^201'); //Primary menu option
| 571 | InitializeUsersTreeView;
| 572 | end;
| 573 |
| 574 | procedure TMainForm.InitSettingsFilesStuff;
| 575 | begin
| 577 | BasicTemplate.Add('8989.3^.01'); // DOMAIN NAME
| 578 | BasicTemplate.Add('8989.3^202'); // DEFAULT # OF ATTEMPTS
| 579 | BasicTemplate.Add('8989.3^203'); // DEFAULT LOCK-OUT TIME
| 580 | BasicTemplate.Add('8989.3^204'); // DEFAULT MULTIPLE SIGN-ON
| 581 | BasicTemplate.Add('8989.3^205'); // ASK DEVICE TYPE AT SIGN-ON
| 582 | BasicTemplate.Add('8989.3^206'); // DEFAULT AUTO-MENU
| 583 | BasicTemplate.Add('8989.3^207'); // DEFAULT LANGUAGE
| 584 | BasicTemplate.Add('8989.3^209'); // DEFAULT TYPE-AHEAD
| 585 | BasicTemplate.Add('8989.3^210'); // DEFAULT TIMED-READ (SECONDS)
| 586 | BasicTemplate.Add('8989.3^214'); // LIFETIME OF VERIFY CODE
| 587 | BasicTemplate.Add('8989.3^217'); // DEFAULT INSTITUTION
| 588 | BasicTemplate.Add('8989.3^218'); // DEFAULT AUTO SIGN-ON
| 589 | BasicTemplate.Add('8989.3^219'); // DEFAULT MULTIPLE SIGN-ON LIMIT
| 590 | BasicTemplate.Add('8989.3^230'); // BROKER ACTIVITY TIMEOUT
| 591 | BasicTemplate.Add('8989.3^240'); // INTRO MESSAGE
| 592 | BasicTemplate.Add('8989.3^245'); // POST SIGN-IN MESSAGE
| 593 | BasicTemplate.Add('8989.3^320'); // DEFAULT DIRECTORY FOR HFS
| 594 | BasicTemplate.Add('8989.3^501'); // PRODUCTION account
| 595 |
| 597 | BasicTemplate.Add('44^.01'); // NAME
| 598 | BasicTemplate.Add('44^1'); // ABBREVIATION
| 599 | BasicTemplate.Add('44^2'); // TYPE
| 600 | BasicTemplate.Add('44^2.1'); // TYPE EXTENSION
| 601 | BasicTemplate.Add('44^3'); // INSTITUTION
| 602 | BasicTemplate.Add('44^3.5'); // DIVISION
| 603 | BasicTemplate.Add('44^5'); // DEFAULT DEVICE
| 604 | BasicTemplate.Add('44^9'); // SERVICE
| 605 | BasicTemplate.Add('44^9.5'); // TREATING SPECIALTY
| 606 | BasicTemplate.Add('44^10'); // PHYSICAL LOCATION
| 607 | BasicTemplate.Add('44^15'); // CATEGORY OF VISIT
| 608 | BasicTemplate.Add('44^16'); // DEFAULT PROVIDER
| 609 | BasicTemplate.Add('44^23'); // AGENCY
| 610 | BasicTemplate.Add('44^29'); // CLINIC SERVICES RESOURCE
| 611 | BasicTemplate.Add('44^99'); // TELEPHONE
| 612 | BasicTemplate.Add('44^101'); // ASSOCIATED LOCATION TYPES
| 613 | BasicTemplate.Add('44^1916'); // PRINCIPAL CLINIC
| 614 | BasicTemplate.Add('44^2505'); // INACTIVATE DATE
| 615 | BasicTemplate.Add('44^2506'); // REACTIVATE DATE
| 616 | BasicTemplate.Add('44^2507'); // DEFAULT APPOINTMENT TYPE
| 617 | BasicTemplate.Add('44^2508'); // NO SHOW LETTER
| 618 | BasicTemplate.Add('44^2509'); // PRE-APPOINTMENT LETTER
| 619 | BasicTemplate.Add('44^2510'); // CLINIC CANCELLATION LETTER
| 620 | BasicTemplate.Add('44^2511'); // APPT. CANCELLATION LETTER
| 621 | BasicTemplate.Add('44^2600'); // PROVIDER
| 622 | BasicTemplate.Add('44^2700'); // DIAGNOSIS
| 623 | BasicTemplate.Add('44^2801'); // DEFAULT TO PC PRACTITIONER?
| 624 |
| 626 | BasicTemplate.Add('8994.1^.01'); // DOMAIN NAME
| 627 | BasicTemplate.Add('8994.1^2'); // MAIL GROUP FOR ALERTS
| 628 | BasicTemplate.Add('8994.1^7'); // LISTENER
| 629 |
| 630 | // -- DEVICE file
| 631 | BasicTemplate.Add('3.5^.01'); // NAME
| 632 | BasicTemplate.Add('3.5^.02'); // LOCATION OF TERMINAL
| 633 | BasicTemplate.Add('3.5^.03'); // MNEMONIC
| 634 | BasicTemplate.Add('3.5^.04'); // LOCAL SYNONYM
| 635 | BasicTemplate.Add('3.5^1'); // $I
| 636 | BasicTemplate.Add('3.5^1.95'); // SIGN-ON/SYSTEM DEVICE
| 637 | BasicTemplate.Add('3.5^2'); // TYPE
| 638 | BasicTemplate.Add('3.5^3'); // SUBTYPE
| 639 | BasicTemplate.Add('3.5^5.5'); // QUEUING
| 640 | BasicTemplate.Add('3.5^6'); // OUT-OF-SERVICE DATE
| 641 | BasicTemplate.Add('3.5^7'); // NEAREST PHONE
| 642 | BasicTemplate.Add('3.5^8'); // KEY OPERATOR
| 643 | BasicTemplate.Add('3.5^9'); // MARGIN WIDTH
| 644 | BasicTemplate.Add('3.5^11'); // PAGE LENGTH
| 645 | BasicTemplate.Add('3.5^16'); // CLOSEST PRINTER
| 646 | BasicTemplate.Add('3.5^19'); // OPEN PARAMETERS
| 647 | BasicTemplate.Add('3.5^19.3'); // CLOSE PARAMETERS
| 648 | BasicTemplate.Add('3.5^19.5'); // USE PARAMETERS
| 649 | BasicTemplate.Add('3.5^19.7'); // PRE-OPEN EXECUTE
| 650 | BasicTemplate.Add('3.5^19.8'); // POST-CLOSE EXECUTE
| 651 | BasicTemplate.Add('3.5^27'); // PASSWORD
| 652 | BasicTemplate.Add('3.5^51.5'); // ASK DEVICE TYPE AT SIGN-ON
| 653 | BasicTemplate.Add('3.5^51.6'); // AUTO MENU
| 654 | BasicTemplate.Add('3.5^51.9'); // TYPE-AHEAD
| 655 |
| 656 | // -- PATIENT file
| 657 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^.01'); // NAME
| 658 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^.02'); // SEX
| 659 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^.03'); // DATE OF BIRTH
| 660 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^.05'); // MARITAL STATUS
| 661 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^.06'); // RACE
| 662 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^.07'); // OCCUPATION
| 663 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^.08'); // RELIGIOUS PREFERENCE
| 664 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^.09'); // SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER
| 665 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^.091'); // REMARKS
| 666 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^.092'); // PLACE OF BIRTH [CITY]
| 667 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^.093'); // PLACE OF BIRTH [STATE]
| 668 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^.096'); // WHO ENTERED PATIENT
| 669 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^.097'); // DATE ENTERED INTO FILE
| 670 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^.098'); // HOW WAS PATIENT ENTERED?
| 671 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^.103'); // TREATING SPECIALTY
| 672 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^.104'); // PROVIDER
| 673 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^.1041'); // ATTENDING PHYSICIAN
| 674 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^.111'); // STREET ADDRESS [LINE 1]
| 675 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^.1112'); // ZIP+4
| 676 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^.112'); // STREET ADDRESS [LINE 2]
| 677 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^.113'); // STREET ADDRESS [LINE 3]
| 678 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^.114'); // CITY
| 679 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^.115'); // STATE
| 680 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^.116'); // ZIP CODE
| 681 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^.117'); // COUNTY
| 682 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^.131'); // PHONE NUMBER [RESIDENCE]
| 683 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^.132'); // PHONE NUMBER [WORK]
| 684 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^.133'); // PHONE [CELL}
| 685 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^.2401'); // FATHER'S NAME
| 686 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^.2402'); // MOTHER'S NAME
| 687 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^.2403'); // MOTHER'S MAIDEN NAME
| 688 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^994'); // MULTIPLE BIRTH INDICATOR
| 689 | BasicTemplate.Add('2^1901'); // VETERAN (Y/N)?
| 690 |
| 691 | InitializeSettingsFilesTreeView;
| 692 | end;
| 693 |
| 694 | procedure TMainForm.InitializeUsersTreeView;
| 695 | var
| 696 | UsersList : TStringList;
| 697 |
| 698 | begin
| 699 | CurrentUserData.Clear;
| 700 | ClearGrid(AdvancedUsersGrid);
| 701 | ClearGrid(BasicUsersGrid);
| 702 | UsersTreeView.Items.Clear;
| 703 | AllUsers := UsersTreeView.Items.Add(nil, 'All Users'); { Add root node }
| 704 | AllUsers.ImageIndex := 2;
| 705 | AllUsers.SelectedIndex := 2;
| 706 | ActiveUsers := UsersTreeView.Items.AddChild(AllUsers,'Active Users');
| 707 | ActiveUsers.ImageIndex := 0;
| 708 | ActiveUsers.SelectedIndex := 0;
| 709 | InactiveUsers := UsersTreeView.Items.AddChild(AllUsers,'Inactive Users');
| 710 | InactiveUsers.ImageIndex := 1;
| 711 | InactiveUsers.SelectedIndex := 1;
| 712 | AllUsers.Expand(true);
| 713 | UsersList := TStringList.create;
| 714 | UsersList.Sorted := false;
| 715 | GetUsersList(UsersList,false);
| 716 | LoadUsersTreeView(UsersList);
| 717 | UsersList.free;
| 718 | end;
| 719 |
| 720 |
| 721 | procedure TMainForm.InitializeSettingsFilesTreeView;
| 722 | var
| 723 | RecordsList : TStringList;
| 724 | index : integer;
| 725 | begin
| 726 | RecordsList := TStringList.Create;
| 727 | SettingsFiles.Clear;
| 728 | SettingsFiles.Add('<blank line>'); // to index 0 is not used for file info.
| 729 | ClearGrid(AdvancedSettingsGrid);
| 730 | ClearGrid(BasicSettingsGrid);
| 731 | SettingsTreeView.Items.Clear;
| 732 | AllSettings := SettingsTreeView.Items.Add(nil, 'All Settings Files'); { Add root node }
| 733 | AllSettings.ImageIndex := 8;
| 734 | AllSettings.SelectedIndex := 8;
| 735 | AllSettings.StateIndex := 7;
| 736 |
| 737 | index := SettingsFiles.Add('8989.3');
| 738 | KernelSysParams := SettingsTreeView.Items.AddChildObject(AllSettings,'Kernel System Parameters',Pointer(index));
| 739 | KernelSysParams.ImageIndex := 8;
| 740 | KernelSysParams.SelectedIndex := 8;
| 741 | KernelSysParams.StateIndex := 7;
| 742 | GetRecordsList(RecordsList,'8989.3'); // KERNEL SYSTEM PARAMETERS file
| 743 | LoadSettingsTreeView(RecordsList,KernelSysParams);
| 744 | RecordsList.Clear;
| 745 |
| 746 | index := SettingsFiles.Add('44');
| 747 | HospLoc := SettingsTreeView.Items.AddChildObject(AllSettings,'Practice Locations',Pointer(index));
| 748 | HospLoc.ImageIndex := 8;
| 749 | HospLoc.SelectedIndex := 8;
| 750 | HospLoc.StateIndex := 7;
| 751 | GetRecordsList(RecordsList,'44'); //HOSPITAL LOCATION file
| 752 | LoadSettingsTreeView(RecordsList,HospLoc);
| 753 | RecordsList.Clear;
| 754 |
| 755 | index := SettingsFiles.Add('8994.1');
| 756 | RPCBrokerParams := SettingsTreeView.Items.AddChildObject(AllSettings,'RPC Broker Settings',Pointer(index));
| 757 | RPCBrokerParams.ImageIndex := 8;
| 758 | RPCBrokerParams.SelectedIndex := 8;
| 759 | RPCBrokerParams.StateIndex := 7;
| 760 | GetRecordsList(RecordsList,'8994.1'); // RPC BROKER SITE PARAMETERS
| 761 | LoadSettingsTreeView(RecordsList,RPCBrokerParams);
| 762 | RecordsList.Clear;
| 763 |
| 764 | index := SettingsFiles.Add('3.5');
| 765 | Devices := SettingsTreeView.Items.AddChildObject(AllSettings,'Devices',Pointer(index));
| 766 | Devices.ImageIndex := 8;
| 767 | Devices.SelectedIndex := 8;
| 768 | Devices.StateIndex := 7;
| 769 | GetRecordsList(RecordsList,'3.5'); // DEVICE
| 770 | LoadSettingsTreeView(RecordsList,Devices);
| 771 | RecordsList.Clear;
| 772 |
| 773 | RecordsList.Free;
| 774 | end;
| 775 |
| 776 |
| 777 | procedure TMainForm.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject);
| 778 | var i : integer;
| 779 | tempInfo : TGridInfo;
| 780 | begin
| 781 | CurrentUserData.Free;
| 782 | BasicTemplate.Free;
| 783 | SettingsFiles.Free;
| 784 | CurrentSettingsData.Free;
| 785 | CurrentPatientData.Free;
| 786 | CurrentAnyFileData.Free;
| 787 | for i := 0 to DataForGrid.Count-1 do begin
| 788 | tempInfo := TGridInfo(DataForGrid.Objects[i]);
| 789 | //tempInfo.Data.Free; //not owned here....
| 790 | tempInfo.Free;
| 791 | end;
| 792 | DataForGrid.Free;
| 793 |
| 794 | CachedHelp.Free;
| 795 | CachedHelpIdx.Free;
| 796 | CachedWPField.Free;
| 797 |
| 798 | end;
| 799 |
| 800 |
| 801 | procedure TMainForm.UsersTreeViewChanging(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode; var AllowChange: Boolean);
| 802 | begin
| 803 | AllowChange := (PostVisibleGrid <> mrNO);
| 804 | if AllowChange then LastSelTreeNode := Node;
| 805 | end;
| 806 |
| 807 |
| 808 | function TMainForm.PostVisibleGrid: TModalResult;
| 809 | begin
| 810 | result := PostChanges(GetVisibleGrid);
| 811 | end;
| 812 |
| 813 |
| 814 | procedure TMainForm.SettingsTreeViewChanging(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode; var AllowChange: Boolean);
| 815 | begin
| 816 | AllowChange := (PostVisibleGrid <> mrNO);
| 817 | if AllowChange then LastSelTreeNode := Node;
| 818 | end;
| 819 |
| 820 |
| 821 | procedure TMainForm.UsersTreeViewChange(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode);
| 822 | var IEN : longInt;
| 823 | GridInfo : TGridInfo;
| 824 | begin
| 825 | //get info from selected node.
| 826 | LastSelTreeNode := Node;
| 827 | IEN := longInt(Node.Data);
| 828 | if IEN = 0 then exit;
| 829 | GridInfo := GetInfoForGrid(BasicUsersGrid);
| 830 | if GridInfo = nil then exit;
| 831 | GridInfo.IENS := IntToStr(IEN) + ',';
| 832 | LoadUserData(GridInfo);
| 833 | end;
| 834 |
| 835 | procedure TMainForm.SettingsTreeViewChange(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode);
| 836 | var IEN : longInt;
| 837 | FileNum : string;
| 838 | GridInfo : TGridInfo;
| 839 | begin
| 840 | //get info from selected node.
| 841 | LastSelTreeNode := Node;
| 842 | GridInfo := GetInfoForGrid(BasicSettingsGrid);
| 843 | if GridInfo = nil then exit;
| 844 | IEN := longInt(Node.Data);
| 845 | if IEN = 0 then exit;
| 846 | FileNum := FileNumForSettingsNode (Node);
| 847 | if FileNum = '' then exit;
| 848 | GridInfo.IENS := IntToStr(IEN) + ',';
| 849 | GridInfo.FileNum := FileNum;
| 850 | GetSettingsInfo(GridInfo);
| 851 | end;
| 852 |
| 853 | function TMainForm.FileNumForSettingsNode (Node : TTreeNode) : string;
| 854 | var index : integer;
| 855 | Parent : TTreeNode;
| 856 | begin
| 857 | Result := '';
| 858 | Parent := Node.Parent;
| 859 | if Parent <> nil then begin
| 860 | index := integer(Parent.Data);
| 861 | if (index >0) and (index < SettingsFiles.count) then Result := SettingsFiles.Strings[index];
| 862 | end;
| 863 | end;
| 864 |
| 865 |
| 866 | procedure TMainForm.LoadUserData(GridInfo : TGridInfo);
| 867 | //Purpose: Get all fields from server for one record.
| 868 | //Data is an OUT parameter.
| 869 | var cmd,RPCResult : string;
| 870 | IENS : String;
| 871 | Data : TStringList;
| 872 | begin
| 873 | Data := GridInfo.Data;
| 874 | IENS := GridInfo.IENS;
| 875 | Data.Clear;
| 876 | ClearGrid(AdvancedUsersGrid);
| 877 | ClearGrid(BasicUsersGrid);
| 878 | SetCursorImage(crHourGlass);
| 879 | if IENS <> '0,' then begin
| 880 | RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'TMG CHANNEL';
| 881 | RPCBrokerV.param[0].ptype := list;
| 882 | cmd := 'GET ONE USER^' + IENS;
| 883 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"REQUEST"'] := cmd;
| 884 | RPCBrokerV.Call;
| 885 | RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.Results[0]; //returns: error: -1; success=1
| 886 | //Results[1]='FileNum^IENS^FieldNum^ExtValue^FieldName^DDInfo...
| 887 | //Results[2]='FileNum^IENS^FieldNum^ExtValue^FieldName^DDInfo...
| 888 | if piece(RPCResult,'^',1)='-1' then begin
| 889 | FMErrorForm.Memo.Lines.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
| 890 | FMErrorForm.PrepMessage;
| 891 | FMErrorForm.ShowModal;
| 892 | end else begin
| 893 | Data.Assign(RPCBrokerV.results);
| 894 | LoadAnyGrid(AdvancedUsersGrid,false,'200',IENS,Data);
| 895 | LoadAnyGrid(BasicUsersGrid,true,'200',IENS,Data);
| 896 | btnUsersRevert.Enabled := false;
| 897 | btnUsersApply.Enabled := false;
| 898 | end;
| 899 | end;
| 900 | SetCursorImage(crDefault);
| 901 |
| 902 | end;
| 903 |
| 904 | procedure TMainForm.SetCursorImage(Cursor : TCursor);
| 905 | begin
| 906 | BasicUsersGrid.Cursor := Cursor;
| 907 | AdvancedUsersGrid.Cursor := Cursor;
| 908 | UsersTreeView.Cursor := Cursor;
| 909 |
| 910 | BasicSettingsGrid.Cursor := Cursor;
| 911 | AdvancedSettingsGrid.Cursor := Cursor;
| 912 | SettingsTreeView.Cursor := Cursor;
| 913 |
| 914 | PatientORComboBox.Cursor := Cursor;
| 915 | BasicPatientGrid.Cursor := Cursor;
| 916 | AdvancedPatientGrid.Cursor := Cursor;
| 917 |
| 918 | end;
| 919 |
| 920 |
| 921 | procedure TMainForm.GetSettingsInfo(GridInfo : TGridInfo);
| 922 | //Purpose: Get all fields from server for one record.
| 923 | //Data is an OUT parameter.
| 924 | var cmd,RPCResult : string;
| 925 | FileNum : String;
| 926 | IENS : String;
| 927 | Data : TStringList ;
| 928 | begin
| 929 | FileNum := GridInfo.FileNum;
| 930 | IENS := GridInfo.IENS;
| 931 | Data := GridInfo.Data;
| 932 | Data.Clear;
| 933 | ClearGrid(AdvancedSettingsGrid);
| 934 | ClearGrid(BasicSettingsGrid);
| 935 | if IENS <> '0,' then begin
| 936 | RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'TMG CHANNEL';
| 937 | RPCBrokerV.param[0].ptype := list;
| 938 | cmd := 'GET ONE RECORD^' + FileNum + '^' + IENS;
| 939 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"REQUEST"'] := cmd;
| 940 | RPCBrokerV.Call;
| 941 | RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.Results[0]; //returns: error: -1; success=1
| 942 | //Results[1]='FileNum^IENS^FieldNum^ExtValue^FieldName^DDInfo...
| 943 | //Results[2]='FileNum^IENS^FieldNum^ExtValue^FieldName^DDInfo...
| 944 | if piece(RPCResult,'^',1)='-1' then begin
| 945 | FMErrorForm.Memo.Lines.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
| 946 | FMErrorForm.PrepMessage;
| 947 | FMErrorForm.ShowModal;
| 948 | end else begin
| 949 | Data.Assign(RPCBrokerV.results);
| 950 | LoadAnyGrid(AdvancedSettingsGrid,false,FileNum,IENS,Data);
| 951 | LoadAnyGrid(BasicSettingsGrid,true,FileNum,IENS,Data);
| 952 | btnSettingsRevert.Enabled := false;
| 953 | btnSettingsApply.Enabled := false;
| 954 | end;
| 955 | end;
| 956 | end;
| 957 |
| 958 | procedure TMainForm.GetPatientInfo(GridInfo : TGridInfo);
| 959 | var cmd,RPCResult : string;
| 960 | IENS : String;
| 961 | Data : TStringList;
| 962 | begin
| 963 | IENS := GridInfo.IENS;
| 964 | Data := GridInfo.Data;
| 965 | Data.Clear;
| 966 | ClearGrid(AdvancedPatientGrid);
| 967 | ClearGrid(BasicPatientGrid);
| 968 | SetCursorImage(crHourGlass);
| 969 | if IENS <> '0,' then begin
| 970 | RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'TMG CHANNEL';
| 971 | RPCBrokerV.param[0].ptype := list;
| 972 | cmd := 'GET ONE RECORD^2^' + IENS;
| 973 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"REQUEST"'] := cmd;
| 974 | RPCBrokerV.Call;
| 975 | RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.Results[0]; //returns: error: -1; success=1
| 976 | //Results[1]='FileNum^IENS^FieldNum^ExtValue^FieldName^DDInfo...
| 977 | //Results[2]='FileNum^IENS^FieldNum^ExtValue^FieldName^DDInfo...
| 978 | if piece(RPCResult,'^',1)='-1' then begin
| 979 | FMErrorForm.Memo.Lines.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
| 980 | FMErrorForm.PrepMessage;
| 981 | FMErrorForm.ShowModal;
| 982 | end else begin
| 983 | Data.Assign(RPCBrokerV.results);
| 984 | LoadAnyGrid(AdvancedPatientGrid,false,'2',IENS,Data);
| 985 | LoadAnyGrid(BasicPatientGrid,true,'2',IENS,Data);
| 986 | btnPatientRevert.Enabled := false;
| 987 | btnPatientApply.Enabled := false;
| 988 | end;
| 989 | end;
| 990 | SetCursorImage(crDefault);
| 991 | end;
| 992 |
| 993 |
| 994 | procedure TMainForm.GetAnyfileInfo(GridInfo : TGridInfo);
| 995 | //Purpose: Get all fields from server for one record.
| 996 | //Data is an OUT parameter.
| 997 | var cmd,RPCResult : string;
| 998 | FileNum : String;
| 999 | IENS : String;
| 1000 | Data : TStringList;
| 1001 | begin
| 1002 | FileNum := GridInfo.FileNum;
| 1003 | IENS := GridInfo.IENS;
| 1004 | Data := GridInfo.Data;
| 1005 | Data.Clear;
| 1006 | ClearGrid(AnyFileGrid);
| 1007 | if IENS <> '0,' then begin
| 1008 | RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'TMG CHANNEL';
| 1009 | RPCBrokerV.param[0].ptype := list;
| 1010 | cmd := 'GET ONE RECORD^' + FileNum + '^' + IENS;
| 1011 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"REQUEST"'] := cmd;
| 1012 | RPCBrokerV.Call;
| 1013 | RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.Results[0]; //returns: error: -1; success=1
| 1014 | //Results[1]='FileNum^IENS^FieldNum^ExtValue^FieldName^DDInfo...
| 1015 | //Results[2]='FileNum^IENS^FieldNum^ExtValue^FieldName^DDInfo...
| 1016 | if piece(RPCResult,'^',1)='-1' then begin
| 1017 | FMErrorForm.Memo.Lines.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
| 1018 | FMErrorForm.PrepMessage;
| 1019 | FMErrorForm.ShowModal;
| 1020 | end else begin
| 1021 | Data.Assign(RPCBrokerV.results);
| 1022 | LoadAnyGrid(AnyFileGrid,false,FileNum,IENS,Data);
| 1023 | btnAdvancedRevert.Enabled := false;
| 1024 | btnAdvancedApply.Enabled := false;
| 1025 | end;
| 1026 | end;
| 1027 | end;
| 1028 |
| 1029 |
| 1030 |
| 1031 | procedure TMainForm.ClearGrid(Grid : TStringGrid);
| 1032 | begin
| 1033 | Grid.Cells[0,1] := '';
| 1034 | Grid.Cells[1,1] := '';
| 1035 | Grid.Cells[2,1] := '';
| 1036 | Grid.RowCount :=2;
| 1037 | end;
| 1038 |
| 1039 |
| 1040 | procedure TMainForm.LoadAnyGrid(Grid : TStringGrid; //the TStringGrid to load
| 1041 | BasicMode: boolean;
| 1042 | FileNum : string;
| 1043 | IENS : string;
| 1044 | CurrentData : TStringList);
| 1045 | var
| 1046 | GridInfo : TGridInfo;
| 1047 | begin
| 1048 | //This stores load information into GridInfo.
| 1049 | GridInfo := GetInfoForGrid(Grid);
| 1050 | if GridInfo = nil then exit;
| 1051 | GridInfo.Grid := Grid;
| 1052 | GridInfo.BasicMode := BasicMode;
| 1053 | GridInfo.FileNum := FileNum;
| 1054 | GridInfo.IENS := IENS;
| 1055 | GridInfo.Data := CurrentData;
| 1056 | LoadAnyGridFromInfo(GridInfo);
| 1057 | end;
| 1058 |
| 1059 |
| 1060 | procedure TMainForm.LoadAnyGridFromInfo(GridInfo : TGridInfo);
| 1061 | //Format of CurrentData:
| 1062 | //Data[0]=1^Success
| 1063 | //Data[1]='FileNum^IENS^FieldNum^ExtValue^FieldName^DDInfo...
| 1064 | //Data[2]='FileNum^IENS^FieldNum^ExtValue^FieldName^DDInfo...
| 1065 | //...
| 1066 |
| 1067 | //This assumes that GridInfo already has loaded info.
| 1068 | var
| 1069 | Grid : TStringGrid; //the TStringGrid to load
| 1070 | BasicMode: boolean;
| 1071 | FileNum : string;
| 1072 | IENS : string;
| 1073 | CurrentData : TStringList;
| 1074 |
| 1075 | procedure LoadOneLine (Grid : TStringGrid; oneEntry : string; GridRow : integer);
| 1076 | var
| 1077 | tempFile,IENS : string;
| 1078 | fieldNum,fieldName,fieldDef : string;
| 1079 | subFileNum : string;
| 1080 | value : string;
| 1081 | begin
| 1082 | tempFile := Piece(oneEntry,'^',1);
| 1083 | if tempFile = FileNum then begin //handle subfiles later...
| 1084 | IENS := Piece(oneEntry,'^',2);
| 1085 | fieldNum := Piece(oneEntry,'^',3);
| 1086 | value := Piece(oneEntry,'^',4);
| 1087 | fieldName := Piece(oneEntry,'^',5);
| 1088 | fieldDef := Piece(oneEntry,'^',6);
| 1089 | Grid.RowCount := GridRow + 1;
| 1090 | Grid.Cells[0,GridRow] := fieldNum;
| 1091 | Grid.Cells[1,GridRow] := fieldName;
| 1092 | if Pos('W',fieldDef)>0 then begin
| 1093 | Grid.Cells[2,GridRow] := CLICK_TO_EDIT;
| 1094 | end else if IsSubFile(fieldDef, subFileNum) then begin
| 1095 | if IsWPField(FileNum,fieldNum) then begin
| 1096 | Grid.Cells[2,GridRow] := CLICK_TO_EDIT;
| 1097 | end else begin
| 1098 | Grid.Cells[2,GridRow] := CLICK_FOR_SUBS;
| 1099 | end;
| 1100 | end else if Pos('C',fieldDef)>0 then begin
| 1101 | Grid.Cells[2,GridRow] := COMPUTED_FIELD;
| 1102 | end else begin
| 1103 | Grid.Cells[2,GridRow] := value;
| 1104 | end;
| 1105 | Grid.RowHeights[GridRow] := DEF_GRID_ROW_HEIGHT;
| 1106 | end;
| 1107 | end;
| 1108 |
| 1109 | function getOneLine(CurrentData : TStringList; oneFileNum,oneFieldNum : string) : string;
| 1110 | var i : integer;
| 1111 | FileNum,FieldNum : string;
| 1112 | begin
| 1113 | result := '';
| 1114 | // FileNum^IENS^FieldNum^FieldName^newValue^oldValue
| 1115 | for i := 1 to CurrentData.Count - 1 do begin
| 1116 | FileNum := piece(CurrentData.Strings[i],'^',1);
| 1117 | if FileNum <> oneFileNum then continue;
| 1118 | FieldNum := piece(CurrentData.Strings[i],'^',3);
| 1119 | if FieldNum <> oneFieldNum then continue;
| 1120 | result := CurrentData.Strings[i];
| 1121 | break;
| 1122 | end;
| 1123 | end;
| 1124 |
| 1125 | var i : integer;
| 1126 | oneEntry : string;
| 1127 | oneFileNum,oneFieldNum : string;
| 1128 | gridRow : integer;
| 1129 | //GridInfo : TGridInfo;
| 1130 |
| 1131 | begin
| 1132 | FLoadingGrid := true;
| 1133 |
| 1134 | if GridInfo=nil then exit;
| 1135 |
| 1136 | Grid := GridInfo.Grid;
| 1137 | BasicMode := GridInfo.BasicMode;
| 1138 | FileNum := GridInfo.FileNum;
| 1139 | IENS := GridInfo.IENS;
| 1140 | CurrentData := GridInfo.Data;
| 1141 |
| 1142 | ClearGrid(Grid);
| 1143 | Grid.ColWidths[0] := 50;
| 1144 | Grid.ColWidths[1] := 200;
| 1145 | Grid.ColWidths[2] := 300;
| 1146 | Grid.Cells[0,0] := '#';
| 1147 | Grid.Cells[1,0] := 'Name';
| 1148 | Grid.Cells[2,0] := 'Value';
| 1149 |
| 1150 | if BasicMode=false then begin
| 1151 | for i := 1 to CurrentData.Count-1 do begin //start at 1 because [0] = 1^Success
| 1152 | oneEntry := CurrentData.Strings[i];
| 1153 | LoadOneLine (Grid,oneEntry,i);
| 1154 | end;
| 1155 | end else if BasicMode=true then begin
| 1156 | gridRow := 1;
| 1157 | for i := 0 to BasicTemplate.Count-1 do begin
| 1158 | oneFileNum := Piece(BasicTemplate.Strings[i],'^',1);
| 1159 | if oneFileNum <> fileNum then continue;
| 1160 | oneFieldNum := Piece(BasicTemplate.Strings[i],'^',2);
| 1161 | oneEntry := getOneLine(CurrentData,oneFileNum,oneFieldNum);
| 1162 | LoadOneLine (Grid,oneEntry,gridRow);
| 1163 | Inc(GridRow);
| 1164 | end;
| 1165 | end;
| 1166 | FLoadingGrid := false;
| 1167 | end;
| 1168 |
| 1169 |
| 1170 | procedure TMainForm.GridSelectCell(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer;
| 1171 | var CanSelect: Boolean);
| 1172 | (*
| 1173 | For Field def, here is the legend
| 1174 | character meaning
| 1175 |
| 1176 | BC The data is Boolean Computed (true or false).
| 1177 | C The data is Computed.
| 1178 | Cm The data is multiline Computed.
| 1179 | DC The data is Date-valued, Computed.
| 1180 | D The data is Date-valued.
| 1181 | F The data is Free text.
| 1182 | I The data is uneditable.
| 1183 | Pn The data is a Pointer reference to file "n".
| 1184 | S The data is from a discrete Set of codes.
| 1185 |
| 1186 | N The data is Numeric-valued.
| 1187 |
| 1188 | Jn To specify a print length of n characters.
| 1189 | Jn,d To specify printing n characters with decimals.
| 1190 |
| 1191 | V The data is a Variable pointer.
| 1192 | W The data is Word processing.
| 1193 | WL The Word processing data is normally printed in Line mode (i.e., without word wrap).
| 1194 | *)
| 1195 | var oneEntry,FieldDef : string;
| 1196 | date,time: string;
| 1197 | FileNum,FieldNum,SubFileNum : string;
| 1198 | GridFileNum : string;
| 1199 | UserLine : integer;
| 1200 | Grid : TStringGrid;
| 1201 | IEN : int64;
| 1202 | IENS : string;
| 1203 | CurrentData : TStringList;
| 1204 | GridInfo : TGridInfo;
| 1205 | SubFileForm : TSubFileForm;
| 1206 | begin
| 1207 | if FLoadingGrid then exit; //prevent pseudo-clicks during loading...
| 1208 | Grid := (Sender as TStringGrid);
| 1209 | GridInfo := GetInfoForGrid(Grid);
| 1210 | if GridInfo=nil then exit;
| 1211 | GridFileNum := GridInfo.FileNum;
| 1212 | CanSelect := false; //default to NOT selectable.
| 1213 | CurrentData := GridInfo.Data;
| 1214 | if CurrentData=nil then exit;
| 1215 | if CurrentData.Count = 0 then exit;
| 1216 | UserLine := GetUserLine(CurrentData,Grid,ARow);
| 1217 | if UserLine = -1 then exit;
| 1218 | oneEntry := CurrentData.Strings[UserLine];
| 1219 | FieldDef := Piece(oneEntry,'^',6);
| 1220 | if Pos('F',FieldDef)>0 then begin //Free text
| 1221 | CanSelect := true;
| 1222 | end else if IsSubFile(FieldDef,SubFileNum) then begin //Subfiles.
| 1223 | FileNum := Piece(oneEntry,'^',1);
| 1224 | FieldNum := Piece(oneEntry,'^',3);
| 1225 | if IsWPField(FileNum,FieldNum) then begin
| 1226 | IENS := Piece(oneEntry,'^',2);
| 1227 | EditTextForm.PrepForm(FileNum,FieldNum,IENS);
| 1228 | EditTextForm.ShowModal;
| 1229 | end else begin
| 1230 | //handle subfiles here
| 1231 | IENS := '';
| 1232 | if GridInfo.Message = MSG_SUB_FILE then begin //used message from subfile Grid
| 1233 | IENS := GridInfo.IENS;
| 1234 | end else if LastSelTreeNode <> nil then begin //this is one of the selction trees.
| 1235 | IEN := longInt(LastSelTreeNode.Data);
| 1236 | if IEN > 0 then IENS := InttoStr(IEN) + ',';
| 1237 | end else if GridInfo.Data = CurrentAnyFileData then begin
| 1238 | IEN := RecordORComboBox.ItemID; //get info from selected record
| 1239 | if IEN > 0 then IENS := InttoStr(IEN) + ',';
| 1240 | end;
| 1241 | if IENS <> '' then begin
| 1242 | SubFileForm := TSubFileForm.Create(self);
| 1243 | SubFileForm.PrepForm(SubFileNum,IENS);
| 1244 | SubfileForm.ShowModal; // note: may call this function again recursively for sub-sub-files etc.
| 1245 | SubFileForm.Free;
| 1246 | end else begin
| 1247 | MessageDlg('IENS for File="". Can''t process.',mtInformation,[MBOK],0);
| 1248 | end;
| 1249 | end;
| 1250 | end else if Pos('C',FieldDef)>0 then begin //computed fields.
| 1251 | CanSelect := false;
| 1252 | end else if Pos('D',FieldDef)>0 then begin //date field
| 1253 | date := piece(Grid.Cells[ACol,ARow],'@',1);
| 1254 | time := piece(Grid.Cells[ACol,ARow],'@',2);
| 1255 | if date <> '' then begin
| 1256 | SelDateTimeForm.DateTimePicker.Date := StrToDate(date);
| 1257 | end else begin
| 1258 | SelDateTimeForm.DateTimePicker.Date := SysUtils.Date;
| 1259 | end;
| 1260 | if SelDateTimeForm.ShowModal = mrOK then begin
| 1261 | date := DateToStr(SelDateTimeForm.DateTimePicker.Date);
| 1262 | time := TimeToStr(SelDateTimeForm.DateTimePicker.Time);
| 1263 | if time <> '' then date := date; // + '@' + time; elh 8/15/08
| 1264 | Grid.Cells[ACol,ARow] := date;
| 1265 | end;
| 1266 | CanSelect := true;
| 1267 | end else if Pos('S',FieldDef)>0 then begin //Set of Codes
| 1268 | SetSelForm.PrepForm(Piece(oneEntry,'^',7));
| 1269 | if SetSelForm.ShowModal = mrOK then begin
| 1270 | Grid.Cells[ACol,ARow] := SetSelForm.ComboBox.Text;
| 1271 | CanSelect := true;
| 1272 | end;
| 1273 | end else if Pos('I',FieldDef)>0 then begin //uneditable
| 1274 | MessageDlg('Sorry. Flagged as UNEDITABLE.',mtInformation ,[mbOK],0);
| 1275 | end else if Pos('P',FieldDef)>0 then begin //Pointer to file.
| 1276 | FileNum := ExtractNum (FieldDef,Pos('P',FieldDef)+1);
| 1277 | //check for validity here...
| 1278 | FieldLookupForm.PrepForm(FileNum,Grid.Cells[ACol,ARow]);
| 1279 | if FieldLookupForm.ShowModal = mrOK then begin
| 1280 | Grid.Cells[ACol,ARow] := FieldLookupForm.ORComboBox.Text;
| 1281 | CanSelect := true;
| 1282 | end;
| 1283 | end;
| 1284 | if CanSelect then begin
| 1285 | FLastSelectedRow := ARow;
| 1286 | FLastSelectedCol := ACol;
| 1287 | end;
| 1288 | GridInfo.ApplyBtn.Enabled := true;
| 1289 | GridInfo.RevertBtn.Enabled := true;
| 1290 | end;
| 1291 |
| 1292 |
| 1293 | function TMainForm.GetLineInfo(Grid : TStringGrid; CurrentUserData : TStringList; ARow: integer) : tFileEntry;
| 1294 | var fieldNum : string;
| 1295 | oneEntry : string;
| 1296 | fileNum : string;
| 1297 | gridRow : integer;
| 1298 | begin
| 1299 | fieldNum := Grid.Cells[0,ARow];
| 1300 | gridRow := FindInStrings(fieldNum, CurrentUserData, fileNum);
| 1301 | if gridRow > -1 then begin
| 1302 | oneEntry := CurrentUserData.Strings[gridRow];
| 1303 | Result.Field := fieldNum;
| 1304 | Result.FieldName := Grid.Cells[1,ARow];
| 1305 | Result.FileNum := fileNum;
| 1306 | Result.IENS := Piece(oneEntry,'^',2);
| 1307 | Result.oldValue := Piece(oneEntry,'^',4);
| 1308 | Result.newValue := Grid.Cells[2,ARow];
| 1309 | end else begin
| 1310 | Result.Field := '';
| 1311 | Result.FieldName := '';
| 1312 | Result.FileNum := '';
| 1313 | Result.IENS := '';
| 1314 | Result.oldValue := '';
| 1315 | Result.newValue := '';
| 1316 | end;
| 1317 | end;
| 1318 |
| 1319 | function TMainForm.GetUserLine(CurrentUserData : TStringList; Grid : TStringGrid; ARow: integer) : integer;
| 1320 | var fieldNum: string;
| 1321 | tempFileNum : string;
| 1322 | begin
| 1323 | fieldNum := Grid.Cells[0,ARow];
| 1324 | Result := FindInStrings(fieldNum,CurrentUserData,tempFileNum);
| 1325 | end;
| 1326 |
| 1327 | function TMainForm.FindInStrings(fieldNum : string; Strings : TStringList; var fileNum : string) : integer;
| 1328 | //Note: if fileNum is passed blank, then first matching file will be placed in it (i.e. OUT parameter)
| 1329 | var tempFieldNum : string;
| 1330 | oneEntry,tempFile : string;
| 1331 | i : integer;
| 1332 | begin
| 1333 | result := -1;
| 1334 | fileNum := '';
| 1335 | for i := 1 to Strings.Count-1 do begin //0 --> 1^success
| 1336 | oneEntry := Strings.Strings[i];
| 1337 | tempFile := Piece(oneEntry,'^',1);
| 1338 | if fileNum='' then fileNum := tempFile;
| 1339 | if tempFile <> fileNum then continue; //ignore subfiles
| 1340 | tempFieldNum := Piece(oneEntry,'^',3);
| 1341 | if tempFieldNum <> fieldNum then continue;
| 1342 | Result := i;
| 1343 | break;
| 1344 | end;
| 1345 | end;
| 1346 |
| 1347 |
| 1348 | function TMainForm.IsSubFile(FieldDef: string ; var SubFileNum : string) : boolean;
| 1349 | //SubFileNum is OUT parameter
| 1350 | begin
| 1351 | SubFileNum := ExtractNum(FieldDef,1);
| 1352 | result := (SubFileNum <> '');
| 1353 | end;
| 1354 |
| 1355 | function TMainForm.IsWPField(FileNum,FieldNum : string) : boolean;
| 1356 | var RPCResult : string;
| 1357 | SrchStr : string;
| 1358 | Idx: integer;
| 1359 | begin
| 1360 | SrchStr := FileNum + '^' + FieldNum + '^';
| 1361 | Idx := CachedWPField.IndexOf(SrchStr + 'YES');
| 1362 | if Idx > -1 then begin Result := true; exit; end;
| 1363 | Idx := CachedWPField.IndexOf(SrchStr + 'NO');
| 1364 | if Idx > -1 then begin Result := false; exit; end;
| 1365 |
| 1366 | result := false;
| 1367 | RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'TMG CHANNEL';
| 1368 | RPCBrokerV.param[0].ptype := list;
| 1369 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"REQUEST"'] := 'IS WP FIELD^' + FileNum + '^' + FieldNum;
| 1370 | RPCBrokerV.Call;
| 1371 | RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.Results[0]; //returns: error: -1; success=1
| 1372 | if piece(RPCResult,'^',1)='-1' then begin
| 1373 | FMErrorForm.Memo.Lines.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
| 1374 | FMErrorForm.PrepMessage;
| 1375 | FMErrorForm.ShowModal;
| 1376 | end else begin
| 1377 | RPCResult := piece(RPCResult,'^',3);
| 1378 | result := (RPCResult = 'YES');
| 1379 | CachedWPField.Add(SrchStr + RPCResult);
| 1380 | end;
| 1381 | end;
| 1382 |
| 1383 |
| 1384 | function TMainForm.ExtractNum (S : String; StartPos : integer) : string;
| 1385 | var i : integer;
| 1386 | ch : char;
| 1387 | begin
| 1388 | result := '';
| 1389 | if (S = '') or (StartPos < 0) then exit;
| 1390 | i := StartPos;
| 1391 | repeat
| 1392 | ch := S[i];
| 1393 | i := i + 1;
| 1394 | if ch in ['0'..'9','.'] then begin
| 1395 | Result := Result + ch;
| 1396 | end;
| 1397 | until (i > length(S)) or not (ch in ['0'..'9','.'])
| 1398 | end;
| 1399 |
| 1400 | procedure TMainForm.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
| 1401 | begin
| 1402 | FieldLookupForm.Show;
| 1403 | end;
| 1404 |
| 1405 | procedure TMainForm.btnUsersRevertClick(Sender: TObject);
| 1406 | begin
| 1407 | DoRevert(BasicUsersGrid,AdvancedUsersGrid);
| 1408 | {
| 1409 | LoadAnyGridFromInfo(GetInfoForGrid(AdvancedUsersGrid));
| 1410 | LoadAnyGridFromInfo(GetInfoForGrid(BasicUsersGrid));
| 1411 | btnUsersRevert.Enabled := false;
| 1412 | btnUsersApply.Enabled := false;
| 1413 | }
| 1414 | end;
| 1415 |
| 1416 | function TMainForm.GetVisibleGridInfo : TGridInfo;
| 1417 | begin
| 1418 | result := GetInfoForGrid(GetVisibleGrid);
| 1419 | end;
| 1420 |
| 1421 | function TMainForm.GetVisibleGrid: TStringGrid;
| 1422 | begin
| 1423 | if FVisibleGridIdx > -1 then begin
| 1424 | result := TGridInfo(DataForGrid.Objects[FVisibleGridIdx]).Grid;
| 1425 | end else begin
| 1426 | result := nil;
| 1427 | end;
| 1428 | end;
| 1429 |
| 1430 | function TMainForm.GetInfoForGrid(Grid : TStringGrid) : TGridInfo;
| 1431 | var i : integer;
| 1432 | begin
| 1433 | i := GetInfoIndexForGrid(Grid);
| 1434 | if i > -1 then begin
| 1435 | result := TGridInfo(DataForGrid.Objects[i]);
| 1436 | end else begin
| 1437 | result := nil;
| 1438 | end;
| 1439 | end;
| 1440 |
| 1441 |
| 1442 | function TMainForm.GetInfoIndexForGrid(Grid : TStringGrid) : integer;
| 1443 | var s : string;
| 1444 | begin
| 1445 | s := IntToStr(integer(Grid));
| 1446 | result := DataForGrid.IndexOf(s);
| 1447 | end;
| 1448 |
| 1449 | procedure TMainForm.SetVisibleGridIdx(Grid : TStringGrid);
| 1450 | begin
| 1451 | FVisibleGridIdx := GetInfoIndexForGrid(Grid);
| 1452 | end;
| 1453 |
| 1454 |
| 1455 | procedure TMainForm.CompileChanges(Grid : TStringGrid; CurrentUserData,Changes : TStringList);
| 1456 | //Output format:
| 1457 | // FileNum^IENS^FieldNum^FieldName^newValue^oldValue
| 1458 |
| 1459 | var row : integer;
| 1460 | Entry : tFileEntry;
| 1461 | oneEntry : string;
| 1462 | begin
| 1463 | for row := 1 to Grid.RowCount-1 do begin
| 1464 | Entry := GetLineInfo(Grid,CurrentUserData, row);
| 1465 | if Entry.oldValue <> Entry.newValue then begin
| 1466 | if (Entry.newValue <> CLICK_FOR_SUBS) and
| 1467 | (Entry.newValue <> COMPUTED_FIELD) and
| 1468 | (Entry.newValue <> CLICK_TO_EDIT) then begin
| 1469 | oneEntry := Entry.FileNum + '^' + Entry.IENS + '^' + Entry.Field + '^' + Entry.FieldName;
| 1470 | oneEntry := oneEntry + '^' + Entry.newValue + '^' + Entry.oldValue;
| 1471 | Changes.Add(oneEntry);
| 1472 | end;
| 1473 | end;
| 1474 | end;
| 1475 | end;
| 1476 |
| 1477 |
| 1478 | function TMainForm.PostChanges(Grid : TStringGrid) : TModalResult;
| 1479 | //Results: mrNone -- no post done (not needed)
| 1480 | // mrCancel -- user pressed cancel on confirmation screen.
| 1481 | // mrNo -- signals posting error.
| 1482 | var Changes : TStringList;
| 1483 | PostResult : TModalResult;
| 1484 | CurrentData : TStringList;
| 1485 | GridInfo : TGridInfo;
| 1486 | IENS : string;
| 1487 | begin
| 1488 | Result := mrNone; //default to No changes
| 1489 | GridInfo := GetInfoForGrid(Grid);
| 1490 | if GridInfo=nil then exit;
| 1491 | CurrentData := GridInfo.Data;
| 1492 | if CurrentData=nil then exit;
| 1493 | if CurrentData.Count = 0 then exit;
| 1494 | IENS := GridInfo.IENS;
| 1495 | if IENS='' then exit;
| 1496 | Changes := TStringList.Create;
| 1497 | CompileChanges(Grid,CurrentData,Changes);
| 1498 | if Changes.Count>0 then begin
| 1499 | PostForm.PrepForm(Changes);
| 1500 | PostResult := PostForm.ShowModal;
| 1501 | if PostResult = mrOK then begin
| 1502 | if DisuserChanged(Changes) then begin //looks for change in file 200, field 4
| 1503 | InitializeUsersTreeView;
| 1504 | end else begin
| 1505 | if Pos('+',IENS)>0 then begin
| 1506 | GridInfo.IENS := PostForm.GetNewIENS(IENS);
| 1507 | end;
| 1508 | if assigned(GridInfo.DataLoadProc) then begin
| 1509 | GridInfo.DataLoadProc(GridInfo);
| 1510 | end;
| 1511 | {
| 1512 | if CurrentData = CurrentUserData then begin
| 1513 | LoadUserData(IENS,CurrentData); //reload record from server.
| 1514 | end else if CurrentData = CurrentSettingsData then begin
| 1515 | GetSettingsInfo(GridInfo.FileNum, GridInfo.IENS, CurrentData);
| 1516 | end else if CurrentData = CurrentPatientData then begin
| 1517 | GetPatientInfo(GridInfo.IENS, CurrentData);
| 1518 | end else if CurrentData = CurrentAnyFileData then begin
| 1519 | GetAnyFileInfo(GridInfo.FileNum, GridInfo.IENS, CurrentData);
| 1520 | end;
| 1521 | }
| 1522 | end;
| 1523 | end else if PostResult = mrNo then begin //mrNo is signal of post Error
| 1524 | // show error...
| 1525 | end;
| 1526 | Result := PostResult;
| 1527 | end else begin
| 1528 | Result := mrNone;
| 1529 | end;
| 1530 | Changes.Free;
| 1531 | end;
| 1532 |
| 1533 | function TMainForm.DisuserChanged(Changes: TStringList) : boolean;
| 1534 | var i : integer;
| 1535 | //Changes format:
| 1536 | // FileNum^IENS^FieldNum^FieldName^newValue^oldValue
| 1537 | begin
| 1538 | result := false;
| 1539 | for i := 0 to Changes.Count-1 do begin
| 1540 | if piece(Changes.Strings[i],'^',1)<> '200' then continue;
| 1541 | if piece(Changes.Strings[i],'^',4)<> 'DISUSER' then continue;
| 1542 | result := true;
| 1543 | break;
| 1544 | end;
| 1545 | end;
| 1546 |
| 1547 |
| 1548 | procedure TMainForm.btnUsersApplyClick(Sender: TObject);
| 1549 | var result : TModalResult;
| 1550 | begin
| 1551 | result:= PostVisibleGrid;
| 1552 | if result <> mrNone then InitializeUsersTreeView;
| 1553 | end;
| 1554 |
| 1555 | procedure TMainForm.GridSetEditText(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; const Value: String);
| 1556 | begin
| 1557 | btnUsersRevert.Enabled := true;
| 1558 | btnUsersApply.Enabled := true;
| 1559 | end;
| 1560 |
| 1561 | procedure TMainForm.BasicSettingsGridSetEditText(Sender: TObject; ACol, ARow: Integer; const Value: String);
| 1562 | begin
| 1563 | btnSettingsRevert.Enabled := true;
| 1564 | btnSettingsApply.Enabled := true;
| 1565 | end;
| 1566 |
| 1567 |
| 1568 | procedure TMainForm.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction);
| 1569 | begin
| 1570 | PostVisibleGrid;
| 1571 | RPCBrokerV.Connected := false; //disconnect
| 1572 | end;
| 1573 |
[488] | 1574 | procedure TMainForm.ExitMenuItemClick(Sender: TObject);
[476] | 1575 | begin
| 1576 | Close;
| 1577 | end;
| 1578 |
| 1579 | procedure TMainForm.UserPageControlDrawTab(Control: TCustomTabControl;
| 1580 | TabIndex: Integer;
| 1581 | const Rect: TRect;
| 1582 | Active: Boolean);
| 1583 | begin
| 1584 | DrawTab(Control,TabIndex,Rect,Active);
| 1585 | end;
| 1586 |
| 1587 | procedure TMainForm.DrawTab(Control: TCustomTabControl;
| 1588 | TabIndex: Integer;
| 1589 | const Rect: TRect;
| 1590 | Active: Boolean);
| 1591 | var
| 1592 | oRect : TRect;
| 1593 | sCaption,temp : String;
| 1594 | iTop : Integer;
| 1595 | iLeft : Integer;
| 1596 | i : integer;
| 1597 |
| 1598 | begin
| 1599 | oRect := Rect;
| 1600 | temp := TPageControl(Control).Pages[TabIndex].Caption;
| 1601 | for i := 1 to length(temp) do begin
| 1602 | if temp[i] <> '&' then sCaption := sCaption + temp[i];
| 1603 | end;
| 1604 |
| 1605 | iTop := Rect.Top + ((Rect.Bottom - Rect.Top - Control.Canvas.TextHeight(sCaption)) div 2) + 1;
| 1606 | iLeft := Rect.Left + ((Rect.Right - Rect.Left - Control.Canvas.TextWidth (sCaption)) div 2) + 1;
| 1607 |
| 1608 | if Active then begin
| 1609 | Control.Canvas.Brush.Color := TColor($0000FFFF); //Bright yellow
| 1610 | Control.Canvas.FillRect(Rect);
| 1611 | // Frame3d(Control.Canvas,oRect,clBtnHighLight,clBtnShadow,3);
| 1612 |
| 1613 | end else begin
| 1614 | Control.Canvas.Brush.Color := TColor($000079EFE8); //dull yellow
| 1615 | Control.Canvas.FillRect(Rect);
| 1616 | end;
| 1617 | Control.Canvas.TextOut(iLeft,iTop,sCaption);
| 1618 | end;
| 1619 |
| 1620 |
| 1621 | procedure TMainForm.AboutMenuClick(Sender: TObject);
| 1622 | begin
| 1623 | AboutForm.show;
| 1624 | end;
| 1625 |
| 1626 | procedure TMainForm.CloneBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
| 1627 | var IEN : longInt;
| 1628 | newName : string;
| 1629 | IENS,newIENS : string;
| 1630 |
| 1631 | begin
| 1632 | if btnUsersApply.Enabled then btnUsersApplyClick(self); //post any changes first.
| 1633 | if MessageDlg('Clone user: '+LastSelTreeNode.Text+' --> New user?' + #10 + #13 +
| 1634 | 'Note: This can not be undone.',
| 1635 | mtConfirmation, mbOKCancel,0) = mrCancel then exit;
| 1636 | IEN := longInt(LastSelTreeNode.Data);
| 1637 | IENS := IntToStr(IEN) + ',';
| 1638 | WaitForm.Show;
| 1639 | newName := 'TEMP,MUST-EDIT';
| 1640 | newIENS := DoCloneUser(IENS,newName);
| 1641 | InitializeUsersTreeView; //refresh UsersTreeView.
| 1642 | WaitForm.Hide;
| 1643 | MessageDlg('A new cloned user has been created,' + #10 + #13 +
| 1644 | 'named: ' + newName + #10 + #13 +
| 1645 | #10 + #13 +
| 1646 | 'This user can be found in the ''Inactive users'' list,' + #10 + #13 +
| 1647 | 'but must must be edited before it may be used.' + #10 + #13 +
| 1648 | 'Edit it''s DISUSER field to a value of ''NO''' + #10 + #13 +
| 1649 | 'to activate.',mtInformation,[mbOK],0);
| 1650 | end;
| 1651 |
| 1652 |
| 1653 | function TMainForm.DoCloneRecord(FileNum, SourceIENS, New01Field : String) : string;
| 1654 | //Returns IENS of new record in FileNum, or '' if error
| 1655 | var cmd,RPCResult : string;
| 1656 | begin
| 1657 | Result := '';
| 1658 | RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'TMG CHANNEL';
| 1659 | RPCBrokerV.param[0].ptype := list;
| 1660 | cmd := 'CLONE RECORD' + '^' + FileNum + '^' + SourceIENS + '^' + New01Field;
| 1661 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"REQUEST"'] := cmd;
| 1662 | RPCBrokerV.Call;
| 1663 | RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.Results[0]; //returns: error: -1^ShortMsg; success=1^Success^NewIENS
| 1664 | if piece(RPCResult,'^',1)='-1' then begin
| 1665 | FMErrorForm.Memo.Lines.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
| 1666 | FMErrorForm.PrepMessage;
| 1667 | FMErrorForm.ShowModal;
| 1668 | end else begin
| 1669 | result := piece(RPCResult,'^',3);
| 1670 | end;
| 1671 | end;
| 1672 |
| 1673 | function TMainForm.DoCloneUser(SourceIENS, New01Field : String) : string;
| 1674 | //Returns IENS of new record in FileNum, or '' if error
| 1675 | var cmd,RPCResult : string;
| 1676 | begin
| 1677 | Result := '';
| 1678 | RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'TMG CHANNEL';
| 1679 | RPCBrokerV.param[0].ptype := list;
| 1680 | cmd := 'CLONE USER' + '^' + SourceIENS + '^' + New01Field;
| 1681 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"REQUEST"'] := cmd;
| 1682 | RPCBrokerV.Call;
| 1683 | RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.Results[0]; //returns: error: -1^ShortMsg; success=1^Success^NewIENS
| 1684 | if piece(RPCResult,'^',1)='-1' then begin
| 1685 | FMErrorForm.Memo.Lines.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
| 1686 | FMErrorForm.PrepMessage;
| 1687 | FMErrorForm.ShowModal;
| 1688 | end else begin
| 1689 | result := piece(RPCResult,'^',3);
| 1690 | end;
| 1691 | end;
| 1692 |
| 1693 | function TMainForm.FieldHelp(FileNum, FieldNum, HelpStyle : string) : string;
| 1694 | var
| 1695 | RPCResult: string;
| 1696 | cmd : string;
| 1697 | SrchStr : string;
| 1698 | Idx : integer;
| 1699 | begin
| 1700 | Result := '';
| 1701 | SrchStr := FileNum + '^' + FieldNum + '^' + HelpStyle;
| 1702 | Idx := CachedHelpIdx.IndexOf(SrchStr);
| 1703 | if Idx = -1 then begin
| 1704 | RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'TMG CHANNEL';
| 1705 | RPCBrokerV.param[0].ptype := list;
| 1706 | cmd := 'GET HELP MSG^' + SrchStr;
| 1707 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"REQUEST"'] := cmd;
| 1708 | RPCBrokerV.Call;
| 1709 | RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.Results[0]; //returns: error: -1; success=1
| 1710 | if piece(RPCResult,'^',1)='-1' then begin
| 1711 | FMErrorForm.Memo.Lines.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
| 1712 | FMErrorForm.PrepMessage;
| 1713 | FMErrorForm.ShowModal;
| 1714 | end else begin
| 1715 | RPCBrokerV.Results.Delete(0);
| 1716 | if RPCBrokerV.Results.Strings[RPCBrokerV.Results.Count-1]='' then begin
| 1717 | RPCBrokerV.Results.Delete(RPCBrokerV.Results.Count-1);
| 1718 | end;
| 1719 | result := RPCBrokerV.Results.Text;
| 1720 | //Maybe later replace text with "Enter F1 for more help."
| 1721 | Result := AnsiReplaceText(Result,'Enter ''??'' for more help.','');
| 1722 | while Result[Length(Result)] in [#10,#13] do begin
| 1723 | Result := AnsiLeftStr(Result,Length(Result)-1);
| 1724 | end;
| 1725 | Idx := CachedHelp.Add(result);
| 1726 | CachedHelpIdx.AddObject(SrchStr,Pointer(Idx)); //Store index here to help stored in CachedHelp
| 1727 | end;
| 1728 | end else begin
| 1729 | Idx := Integer(CachedHelpIdx.Objects[Idx]);
| 1730 | if (Idx >= 0) and (Idx < CachedHelp.Count) then begin
| 1731 | result := CachedHelp.Strings[Idx];
| 1732 | end;
| 1733 | end;
| 1734 | end;
| 1735 |
| 1736 | function TMainForm.GetGridHint(Grid : TStringGrid; FileNum : string; ACol, ARow : integer) : string;
| 1737 | var fieldNum : string;
| 1738 | begin
| 1739 | Result := '';
| 1740 | //Result := 'Row=' + IntToStr(ARow) + ', Col='+ IntToStr(ACol);
| 1741 | if ARow > Grid.RowCount-1 then exit;
| 1742 | if (ARow < 0) or (ACol < 0) then exit;
| 1743 | if ACol=0 then begin
| 1744 | Result := 'This is the database field NUMBER';
| 1745 | end else if ACol=1 then begin
| 1746 | Result := 'This is the database field NAME';
| 1747 | end else begin
| 1748 | fieldNum := Grid.Cells[0,ARow];
| 1749 | if Grid.Cells[ACol,ARow]=CLICK_FOR_SUBS then begin
| 1750 | result := 'Clicking will open new window...';
| 1751 | end else if Grid.Cells[ACol,ARow]=COMPUTED_FIELD then begin
| 1752 | result := 'This field can''t be edited';
| 1753 | end else if Grid.Cells[ACol,ARow]=HIDDEN_FIELD then begin
| 1754 | result := 'Original value hidden. Click to edit new value.';
| 1755 | end else if Grid.Cells[ACol,ARow]=CLICK_TO_EDIT then begin
| 1756 | result := 'Clicking will open new window...';
| 1757 | end else begin
| 1758 | Result := FieldHelp(FileNum, fieldNum, '?');
| 1759 | end;
| 1760 | end;
| 1761 | end;
| 1762 |
| 1763 |
| 1764 | procedure TMainForm.ApplicationEventsIdle(Sender: TObject; var Done: Boolean);
| 1765 | begin
| 1766 | end; (*ApplicationIdle*)
| 1767 |
| 1768 |
| 1769 | procedure TMainForm.ApplicationEventsShowHint(var HintStr: String;
| 1770 | var CanShow: Boolean;
| 1771 | var HintInfo: THintInfo);
| 1772 | var
| 1773 | Pos : TPoint;
| 1774 | Handle : Hwnd;
| 1775 | ItemBuffer : array[0..256] of Char;
| 1776 | ClassName : AnsiString;
| 1777 | ACol,ARow : integer;
| 1778 | VisibleGridInfo : TGridInfo;
| 1779 | begin
| 1780 | CanShow := true;
| 1781 | //Label2.Caption := HintStr;
| 1782 | Pos := Mouse.CursorPos;
| 1783 | Handle := WindowFromPoint(Pos);
| 1784 | if Handle = 0 then Exit;
| 1785 | GetClassName(Handle, ItemBuffer, SizeOf(ItemBuffer));
| 1786 | ClassName := ItemBuffer;
| 1787 | Windows.ScreenToClient(Handle, Pos);
| 1788 | VisibleGridInfo := GetVisibleGridInfo;
| 1789 | if VisibleGridInfo = nil then exit;
| 1790 | if VisibleGridInfo.Grid = nil then exit;
| 1791 | if (ClassName='TStringGrid') then begin
| 1792 | VisibleGridInfo.Grid.MouseToCell(Pos.X,Pos.Y,ACol,ARow);
| 1793 | HintInfo.HintStr := GetGridHint(VisibleGridInfo.Grid,VisibleGridInfo.FileNum,ACol, ARow);
| 1794 | if HintInfo.HintStr = '' then CanShow := False;
| 1795 | HintInfo.HideTimeout := 1000;
| 1796 | HintInfo.ReshowTimeout := 2000;
| 1797 | HintInfo.HintMaxWidth:= 300; //hint box width.
| 1798 | end;
| 1799 |
| 1800 | end;
| 1801 |
| 1802 | procedure TMainForm.PageControlChanging(Sender: TObject; var AllowChange: Boolean);
| 1803 | begin
| 1804 | AllowChange := (PostVisibleGrid <> mrNO);
| 1805 | if AllowChange then begin
| 1806 | LastSelTreeNode := nil;
| 1807 | end;
| 1808 | end;
| 1809 |
| 1810 | procedure TMainForm.PatientORComboBoxNeedData(Sender: TObject;
| 1811 | const StartFrom: String; Direction, InsertAt: Integer);
| 1812 | var
| 1813 | Result : TStrings;
| 1814 | begin
| 1815 | Result := FieldLookUpForm.SubSetOfFile('2', StartFrom, Direction);
| 1816 | TORComboBox(Sender).ForDataUse(Result);
| 1817 | end;
| 1818 |
| 1819 |
| 1820 | procedure TMainForm.PageControlChange(Sender: TObject);
| 1821 | begin
| 1822 | if (PageControl.ActivePage = tsUsers) then begin
| 1823 | UserPageControlChange(nil);
| 1824 | end else if (PageControl.ActivePage = tsSettings) then begin
| 1825 | SettingsPageControlChange(nil);
| 1826 | end else if (PageControl.ActivePage = tsPatients) then begin
| 1827 | PatientsPageControlChange(nil);
| 1828 | end else if (PageControl.ActivePage = tsAdvanced) then begin
| 1829 | SetVisibleGridIdx(AnyFileGrid);
| 1830 | end;
| 1831 |
| 1832 | end;
| 1833 |
| 1834 | procedure TMainForm.PatientORComboBoxClick(Sender: TObject);
| 1835 | var IEN : longInt;
| 1836 | ModalResult : TModalResult;
| 1837 | GridInfo : TGridInfo;
| 1838 | begin
| 1839 | ModalResult := PostVisibleGrid;
| 1840 | if ModalResult = mrNo then exit;
| 1841 | IEN := PatientORComboBox.ItemIEN; //get info from selected patient
| 1842 | if IEN = 0 then exit;
| 1843 | GridInfo := GetInfoForGrid(BasicPatientGrid);
| 1844 | if GridInfo = nil then exit;
| 1845 | GridInfo.IENS := IntToStr(IEN)+',';
| 1846 | GetPatientInfo(GridInfo);
| 1847 | end;
| 1848 |
| 1849 | procedure TMainForm.PatientsPageControlChanging(Sender: TObject; var AllowChange: Boolean);
| 1850 | begin
| 1851 | AllowChange := (PostVisibleGrid <> mrNO);
| 1852 | end;
| 1853 |
| 1854 | procedure TMainForm.PatientsPageControlChange(Sender: TObject);
| 1855 | begin
| 1856 | if PatientsPageControl.ActivePage = tsBasicPatients then begin
| 1857 | SetVisibleGridIdx(BasicPatientGrid);
| 1858 | end else begin
| 1859 | SetVisibleGridIdx(AdvancedPatientGrid);
| 1860 | end;
| 1861 | end;
| 1862 |
| 1863 |
| 1864 | procedure TMainForm.UserPageControlChanging(Sender: TObject; var AllowChange: Boolean);
| 1865 | var result : TModalResult;
| 1866 | begin
| 1867 | result := PostVisibleGrid;
| 1868 | AllowChange := (result <> mrNO);
| 1869 | if (result <> mrNone) then begin
| 1870 | InitializeUsersTreeView;
| 1871 | end;
| 1872 | end;
| 1873 |
| 1874 | procedure TMainForm.UserPageControlChange(Sender: TObject);
| 1875 | begin
| 1876 | if SettingsPageControl.ActivePage = tsBasicSettings then begin
| 1877 | SetVisibleGridIdx(BasicUsersGrid);
| 1878 | end else begin
| 1879 | SetVisibleGridIdx(AdvancedUsersGrid);
| 1880 | end;
| 1881 | end;
| 1882 |
| 1883 |
| 1884 | procedure TMainForm.SettingsPageControlChanging(Sender: TObject; var AllowChange: Boolean);
| 1885 | begin
| 1886 | AllowChange := (PostVisibleGrid <> mrNO);
| 1887 | end;
| 1888 |
| 1889 | procedure TMainForm.SettingsPageControlChange(Sender: TObject);
| 1890 | begin
| 1891 | if SettingsPageControl.ActivePage = tsBasicSettings then begin
| 1892 | SetVisibleGridIdx(BasicSettingsGrid);
| 1893 | end else begin
| 1894 | SetVisibleGridIdx(AdvancedSettingsGrid);
| 1895 | end;
| 1896 | end;
| 1897 |
| 1898 | procedure TMainForm.FileORComboBoxClick(Sender: TObject);
| 1899 | begin
| 1900 | PostVisibleGrid;
| 1901 | InitORCombobox(RecordORComboBox,'');
| 1902 | ClearGrid(GetVisibleGrid);
| 1903 | end;
| 1904 |
| 1905 | procedure TMainForm.FileORComboBoxNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: String; Direction, InsertAt: Integer);
| 1906 | var Result : TStrings;
| 1907 | begin
| 1908 | Result := FieldLookUpForm.SubSetOfFile('1', StartFrom, Direction);
| 1909 | TORComboBox(Sender).ForDataUse(Result);
| 1910 | end;
| 1911 |
| 1912 |
| 1913 | procedure TMainForm.RecordORComboBoxNeedData(Sender: TObject; const StartFrom: String; Direction, InsertAt: Integer);
| 1914 | var Result : TStrings;
| 1915 | FileNum : string;
| 1916 | begin
| 1917 | FileNum := FileORComboBox.ItemID;
| 1918 | Result := FieldLookUpForm.SubSetOfFile(FileNum, StartFrom, Direction);
| 1919 | TORComboBox(Sender).ForDataUse(Result);
| 1920 | end;
| 1921 |
| 1922 | procedure TMainForm.RecordORComboBoxClick(Sender: TObject);
| 1923 | var ModalResult : TModalResult;
| 1924 | IEN : LongInt;
| 1925 | FileNum : String;
| 1926 | GridInfo : TGridInfo;
| 1927 | begin
| 1928 | ModalResult := PostVisibleGrid;
| 1929 | if ModalResult = mrNo then exit;
| 1930 | FileNum := FileORComboBox.ItemID;
| 1931 | IEN := RecordORComboBox.ItemID; //get info from selected record
| 1932 | if IEN=0 then exit;
| 1933 | GridInfo := GetInfoForGrid(AnyFileGrid);
| 1934 | if GridInfo = nil then exit;
| 1935 | GridInfo.IENS := IntToStr(IEN) + ',';
| 1936 | GridInfo.FileNum := FileNum;
| 1937 | GetAnyfileInfo(GridInfo);
| 1938 | //GetAnyfileInfo(FileNum,IntToStr(IEN)+',',CurrentAnyFileData);
| 1939 | end;
| 1940 |
| 1941 | procedure TMainForm.btnAddAnyRecordClick(Sender: TObject);
| 1942 | var IENS, FileNum : string;
| 1943 | BlankFileInfo : TStringList;
| 1944 | begin
| 1945 | BlankFileInfo := Tstringlist.Create;
| 1946 | btnAdvancedRevert.Enabled := True;
| 1947 | btnAdvancedApply.Enabled := True;
| 1948 | FileNum := FileORComboBox.ItemID;
| 1949 | IENS := '+1,';
| 1950 | GetOneRecord(FileNum,IENS,CurrentAnyFileData, BlankFileInfo);
| 1951 |
| 1952 | LoadAnyGridFromInfo(GetInfoForGrid(AnyFileGrid));
| 1953 | BlankFileInfo.Free;
| 1954 | end;
| 1955 |
| 1956 | procedure TMainForm.AddBtnClick(Sender: TObject);
| 1957 | var IENS : string;
| 1958 | BlankFileInfo : TStringList;
| 1959 | GridInfo : TGridInfo;
| 1960 | begin
| 1961 | BlankFileInfo := Tstringlist.Create;
| 1962 | btnPatientRevert.Enabled := True;
| 1963 | btnPatientApply.Enabled := True;
| 1964 | GridInfo := GetVisibleGridInfo;
| 1965 | IENS := '+1,';
| 1966 | GetOneRecord(GridInfo.FileNum, IENS, GridInfo.Data, BlankFileInfo);
| 1967 | GridInfo.IENS := IENS;
| 1968 | LoadAnyGridFromInfo(GridInfo); //load Basic or Advanced Grid
| 1969 | if GridInfo.Grid = BasicPatientGrid then begin
| 1970 | GridInfo := GetInfoForGrid(AdvancedPatientGrid)
| 1971 | end else begin //Advanced grid is visible.
| 1972 | GridInfo := GetInfoForGrid(BasicPatientGrid)
| 1973 | end;
| 1974 | GridInfo.IENS := IENS;
| 1975 | LoadAnyGridFromInfo(GridInfo); // Load OTHER grid, Advanced or Basic grid.
| 1976 | BlankFileInfo.Free;
| 1977 | end;
| 1978 |
| 1979 | procedure TMainForm.btnAdvancedApplyClick(Sender: TObject);
| 1980 | begin
| 1981 | PostVisibleGrid;
| 1982 | end;
| 1983 |
| 1984 | procedure TMainForm.btnAdvancedRevertClick(Sender: TObject);
| 1985 | //var tempInfo: TGridInfo;
| 1986 | begin
| 1987 | DoRevert(nil,AnyFileGrid);
| 1988 | {
| 1989 | tempInfo := GetInfoForGrid(AnyFileGrid);
| 1990 | LoadAnyGridFromInfo(tempInfo);
| 1991 | tempInfo.ApplyBtn.Enabled := false;
| 1992 | tempInfo.RevertBtn.Enabled := false;
| 1993 | }
| 1994 | end;
| 1995 |
| 1996 | procedure TMainForm.AnyFileGridClick(Sender: TObject);
| 1997 | begin
| 1998 | btnAdvancedApply.Enabled := True;
| 1999 | btnAdvancedRevert.Enabled := True;
| 2000 | end;
| 2001 |
| 2002 | procedure TMainForm.btnBatchAddClick(Sender: TObject);
| 2003 | begin
| 2004 | BatchAddForm.ShowModal;
| 2005 | InitORCombobox(PatientORComboBox,'A');
| 2006 | end;
| 2007 |
[488] | 2008 | procedure TMainForm.ShowDebugClick(Sender: TObject);
| 2009 | begin
| 2010 | DebugForm.Show;
| 2011 | end;
| 2012 |
[476] | 2013 | procedure TMainForm.ChangeSkinClick(Sender: TObject);
| 2014 | var result : TModalResult;
| 2015 | begin
| 2016 | try
| 2017 | result := SkinForm.ShowModal;
| 2018 | case result of
| 2019 | mrOK : SkinForm.ActivateCurrentSkin;
| 2020 | mrNo : SkinForm.InactivateSkin;
| 2021 | end; {case}
| 2022 | except
| 2023 | on EInvalidOperation do MessageDlg('Error1',mtInformation,[mbOK],0);
| 2024 | else MessageDlg('Error Applying Skin. Please try another Skin.',mtInformation,[mbOK],0);
| 2025 | end;
| 2026 | end;
| 2027 |
| 2028 | procedure TMainForm.InitORComboBox(ORComboBox: TORComboBox; initValue : string);
| 2029 | begin
| 2030 | ORComboBox.Items.Clear;
| 2031 | ORComboBox.Text := initValue;
| 2032 | ORComboBox.InitLongList(initValue);
| 2033 | if ORComboBox.Items.Count > 0 then begin
| 2034 | ORComboBox.Text := Piece(ORComboBox.Items[0],'^',2);
| 2035 | end else begin
| 2036 | ORComboBox.Text := '<Start Typing to Search>';
| 2037 | end;
| 2038 | end;
| 2039 |
| 2040 |
| 2041 | procedure TMainForm.btnPatientApplyClick(Sender: TObject); //Added elh 8/15/08
| 2042 | begin
| 2043 | PostVisibleGrid;
| 2044 | InitORCombobox(PatientORComboBox,'A');
| 2045 | end;
| 2046 |
| 2047 | procedure TMainForm.btnPatientRevertClick(Sender: TObject); //Added elh 8/15/08
| 2048 | //var tempInfo : TGridInfo;
| 2049 | begin
| 2050 | DoRevert(BasicUsersGrid,AdvancedUsersGrid);
| 2051 | {
| 2052 | tempInfo := GetInfoForGrid(AdvancedUsersGrid);
| 2053 | LoadAnyGridFromInfo(tempInfo);
| 2054 |
| 2055 | tempInfo := GetInfoForGrid(BasicUsersGrid);
| 2056 | LoadAnyGridFromInfo(tempInfo);
| 2057 |
| 2058 | tempInfo.ApplyBtn.Enabled := false;
| 2059 | tempInfo.RevertBtn.Enabled := false;
| 2060 | }
| 2061 | end;
| 2062 |
| 2063 | procedure TMainForm.BasicPatientGridClick(Sender: TObject); //Added elh 8/15/08
| 2064 | begin
| 2065 | btnPatientRevert.Enabled := true;
| 2066 | btnPatientApply.Enabled := true;
| 2067 | end;
| 2068 |
| 2069 | Procedure TMainForm.GetBlankFileInfo(FileNum : string; BlankList : TStringList);
| 2070 | var RPCResult: string;
| 2071 | //Returned format for BlankList is:
| 2072 | //FileNum^^FieldNum^^FieldName^More DDInfo
| 2073 | //FileNum^^FieldNum^^FieldName^More DDInfo
| 2074 | begin
| 2075 | RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'TMG CHANNEL';
| 2076 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Value := '.X'; // not used
| 2077 | RPCBrokerV.param[0].ptype := list;
| 2078 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"REQUEST"'] := 'GET EMPTY ENTRY^' + FileNum;
| 2079 | RPCBrokerV.Call;
| 2080 | RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.Results[0]; //returns: error: -1; success=1
| 2081 | //Return Format is: FileNum^^FieldNum^^DDInfo...
| 2082 | if piece(RPCResult,'^',1)='-1' then begin
| 2083 | FMErrorForm.Memo.Lines.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
| 2084 | FMErrorForm.PrepMessage;
| 2085 | FMErrorForm.ShowModal;
| 2086 | end else begin
| 2087 | BlankList.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
| 2088 | end;
| 2089 | end;
| 2090 |
| 2091 |
| 2092 | procedure TMainForm.GetOneRecord(FileNum, IENS : string; Data, BlankFileInfo: TStringList);
| 2093 | var cmd,RPCResult : string;
| 2094 | i : integer;
| 2095 | oneEntry : string;
| 2096 | begin
| 2097 | Data.Clear;
| 2098 | if (IENS='') then exit;
| 2099 | if Pos('+',IENS)=0 then begin //don't ask server to load +1 records.
| 2100 | RPCBrokerV.remoteprocedure := 'TMG CHANNEL';
| 2101 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Value := '.X'; // not used
| 2102 | RPCBrokerV.param[0].ptype := list;
| 2103 | cmd := 'GET ONE RECORD^' + FileNum + '^' + IENS;
| 2104 | RPCBrokerV.Param[0].Mult['"REQUEST"'] := cmd;
| 2105 | RPCBrokerV.Call;
| 2106 | RPCResult := RPCBrokerV.Results[0]; //returns: error: -1; success=1
| 2107 | if piece(RPCResult,'^',1)='-1' then begin
| 2108 | FMErrorForm.Memo.Lines.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
| 2109 | FMErrorForm.PrepMessage;
| 2110 | FMErrorForm.ShowModal;
| 2111 | end else begin
| 2112 | Data.Assign(RPCBrokerV.Results);
| 2113 | end;
| 2114 | end else begin
| 2115 | Data.Add('1^Success'); //to keep same as call to server
| 2116 | if BlankFileInfo.Count = 0 then begin
| 2117 | //Format is: FileNum^^FieldNum^^DDInfo...
| 2118 | GetBlankFileInfo(FileNum,BlankFileInfo);
| 2119 | end;
| 2120 | for i := 1 to BlankFileInfo.Count-1 do begin //0 is 1^success
| 2121 | oneEntry := BlankFileInfo.Strings[i];
| 2122 | SetPiece(oneEntry,'^',2,IENS);
| 2123 | Data.Add(oneEntry);
| 2124 | end;
| 2125 | end;
| 2126 | end;
| 2127 |
| 2128 |
| 2129 | procedure TMainForm.ApplicationEventsException(Sender: TObject; E: Exception);
| 2130 | begin
| 2131 | if E.Message <> 'Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window' then begin
| 2132 | ShowException(E,nil);
| 2133 | end;
| 2134 | end;
| 2135 |
| 2136 |
| 2137 | procedure TMainForm.btnSettingsRevertClick(Sender: TObject);
| 2138 | //var tempInfo : TGridInfo;
| 2139 | begin
| 2140 | DoRevert(BasicSettingsGrid,AdvancedSettingsGrid);
| 2141 | {
| 2142 | tempInfo := GetInfoForGrid(BasicSettingsGrid);
| 2143 | LoadAnyGridFromInfo(tempInfo);
| 2144 |
| 2145 | tempInfo := GetInfoForGrid(AdvancedSettingsGrid);
| 2146 | LoadAnyGridFromInfo(tempInfo);
| 2147 |
| 2148 | tempInfo.ApplyBtn.Enabled := false;
| 2149 | tempInfo.RevertBtn.Enabled := false;
| 2150 | }
| 2151 | end;
| 2152 |
| 2153 |
| 2154 | procedure TMainForm.DoRevert(BasicGrid,AdvancedGrid : TStringGrid);
| 2155 | //BasicGrid doesn't have to be supplied. Can be nil value.
| 2156 | //AdvancedGrid is required.
| 2157 | var tempInfo : TGridInfo;
| 2158 | begin
| 2159 | tempInfo := GetInfoForGrid(AdvancedGrid);
| 2160 | LoadAnyGridFromInfo(tempInfo);
| 2161 | tempInfo.ApplyBtn.Enabled := false;
| 2162 | tempInfo.RevertBtn.Enabled := false;
| 2163 |
| 2164 | if BasicGrid <> nil then begin
| 2165 | tempInfo := GetInfoForGrid(BasicGrid);
| 2166 | LoadAnyGridFromInfo(tempInfo);
| 2167 | end;
| 2168 | end;
| 2169 |
| 2170 |
| 2171 | procedure TMainForm.btnSettingsApplyClick(Sender: TObject);
| 2172 | begin
| 2173 | PostVisibleGrid;
| 2174 | end;
| 2175 |
| 2176 | end.
| 2177 |